If that's the case, I probably won't be playing my cart to the point where it tags. I guess my DQ IX experience will always feel incomplete. First stop with a time machine: Any PAX when that game was still active.
For those of you who have a 3DS, the new Fire Emblem: Awakening game coming out on Feb 4th truly makes use of the Streetpass function. If you pass others with the game, it will show their avatar on the world map, and you can actually interact with their team, buy their items, buy their CHARACTERS, or actually duel each others team, with the winner taking the other persons leader.
I think this is the first actual use of StreetPass that amazes me, and I cannot wait to hopefully walk by some people with it @ PAX
For those of you who have a 3DS, the new Fire Emblem: Awakening game coming out on Feb 4th truly makes use of the Streetpass function. If you pass others with the game, it will show their avatar on the world map, and you can actually interact with their team, buy their items, buy their CHARACTERS, or actually duel each others team, with the winner taking the other persons leader.
I think this is the first actual use of StreetPass that amazes me, and I cannot wait to hopefully walk by some people with it @ PAX
Yeh, it seems there are a slew of games coming that I can't wait for! Ditto for Fire Emblem. Even the Luigi game looks good. Surprisingly, even the Rollercoaster Tycoon port wasn't that bad either.
Last year I kept running into people who where playing either Mariokart 7 or Pokémon Black/White. Pokémon has always been a big thing at PAX East (I would assume it's the same for PAX Prime), so it's a safe bet to say that people will have upgraded to Version 2. Third runner up IMO had to be Street Fighter.
This year I am bringing all three, and frankly I doubt I would need anything else.
Also, I concur that filling up your DS with 100+ can be done ridiculously quickly. Usually, whenever I cleared out my street pass notifications (including using said Mii in quick games) I would already have another 10 line up waiting to be cleared. I went over the 300 mark myself, which covered many different states and provinces from all over the world, and I stopped checking after a while because frankly, you could spend your entire weekend just clearing out your notifications and never really go to PAX itself.
Unexpected side effects of having a 3DS. It's such a standard issue item at PAX that I "virtually" bumped into people I often tweet or chat with on the forums (including Chorazin) without ever seeing them. I could also tell who my hotel room neighbors where since we kept swaping StreetPass notifications over and over again.
I had my DS with me during the one fire alarm at like 3am and got a few passes I think. Haha. It is ridiculous.
I'd love if we got a list together of what games utilize street pass in some way and explain it for people. Would maybe make it nice for people jumping in this thread. Just something quick to throw in the OP or something.
I just don't know what games actually utilize the SP function in a way that.....entertains you(?).....you can interact with(?)...you know what I mean. What games use SP in an interesting way that makes it worth someone bringing it to PAX? Do ones that have SP functionality require the cartridge to be in the slot to get said SP or as long as you have game data on the DS/3DS it picks it up for you to use later?
One thing I'll advise is not to make the mistake I made last year, which is to spend so much time focusing on the StreetPass Plaza that you miss all chances to actually socialize. I played one multiplayer round of Kid Icarus and that was it. Everything else was digging through the Plaza collecting puzzle pieces and doing the Find Mii game, which is a solo activity. Eventually you just speed through everyone's Mii, not even reading what they say (which is unfair to those that leave a URL in there (as I do, so it was unfair AND hypocriticalish on my part)), you basically get little value.
So this year I'll have Kid Icarus, Dead or Alive and Resident Evil.
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PAX East 2014 Checklist:
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One thing I'll advise is not to make the mistake I made last year, which is to spend so much time focusing on the StreetPass Plaza that you miss all chances to actually socialize. I played one multiplayer round of Kid Icarus and that was it. Everything else was digging through the Plaza collecting puzzle pieces and doing the Find Mii game, which is a solo activity. Eventually you just speed through everyone's Mii, not even reading what they say (which is unfair to those that leave a URL in there (as I do, so it was unfair AND hypocriticalish on my part)), you basically get little value.
So this year I'll have Kid Icarus, Dead or Alive and Resident Evil.
Wise words. Please have a free internet.
Also what I meant to say in my previous post, but GrimRupert did it better.
I mainly went through my StreetPass hits when I was waiting in line or I was tired and didn't want to socialize very much. You definitely can get lost in clearing them out!
Actually now that I think about it, StreetPassing people clearly on your hotel floor...could that be a way to meet others? I feel like it would be weird or rude to have one of those special messages be your hotel room number, or to randomly knock on doors and say "Hey, are you PAX East? Do you have a 3DS? I got your tag!"
Maybe I should just download SwapNote? Hrm...
I'm a website!
PAX East 2014 Checklist:
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If that's the case, I probably won't be playing my cart to the point where it tags. I guess my DQ IX experience will always feel incomplete. First stop with a time machine: Any PAX when that game was still active.
I wouldn't mind staring up a game of dq IX for the sake of pax east... I missed the first 2 years it was out so...
Did anyone play Kid Icarus last PAX (well, if not East, what about Prime)? I bought it for $5 via Best Buy deal and gift cards and have yet to play.
I highly recommend Kid Icarus Uprising for multiplayer. I didn't even know about multiplayer on it until I went to NYCC and ended up placing in the top 10 for the tournament. It's pretty easy to get the hang of, but you've gotta have a good weapon beforehand or else you've got no chance.
So Nintendo of America just announced the 3DS line-up for the next few months, and there are a few games landing before PAX East. I'll stick 'em in a Spoiler tag so they don't take up too much space.
Fire Emblem: Awakening – February 4th
Brain Age: Concentration Training – February 10th
Pro Evolution Soccer 2013 3D – February 12th
Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed – February 12th
Monster High Skultimate Roller Maze – March 13th
Etrian Odyssey IV: Legends of the Titan – February 26th
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow – Mirror of Fate – March 5th
Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate – March 19th
The Croods: Prehistoric Party! – March 19
Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon – March 24th
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity – March 24th
There's a few games there that may interest others. I know a lot of folks will prefer Mario Kart 7, but I'm seriously considering getting Sonic & All-Stars Racing instead. It looks a bit more like Diddy Kong Racing if the console variants are to be believed, which also means it'll be different enough. Plus, no blue shells.
I'm curious if Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, just releasing before PAX East, has any street pass functionality. From what I hear the 3DS version of the game won't have any multiplayer, which is a bit of a shame as a co-op game for 3DS might have been nice.
Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon gets released the last day of the convention. Anyone know of any local shops that might have it? It would be great having that for the train ride home.
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Does anyone know if Dragon Quest IX is still active at PAX? I'd love to get some tags in, or even play some straight-up co-op. The copy I have now would need to have some time put into it before it would be useful for such things (curse my fickleness in selling games then re-buying), so I'm wondering if it would be worth it.
I still play from time to time and I'll definitely be carrying my copy around with me. I've still got room at my inn!
randy_wrecked on
Video Game Hangover is a podcast for gamers who overindulge.
Put it in your ear holes.
I'm curious if Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, just releasing before PAX East, has any street pass functionality. From what I hear the 3DS version of the game won't have any multiplayer, which is a bit of a shame as a co-op game for 3DS might have been nice.
There is no online multiplayer, but there IS local 4-player multiplayer. Good for those long lines!
I'm curious if Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, just releasing before PAX East, has any street pass functionality. From what I hear the 3DS version of the game won't have any multiplayer, which is a bit of a shame as a co-op game for 3DS might have been nice.
There is no online multiplayer, but there IS local 4-player multiplayer. Good for those long lines!
Oh excellent. That will work out REALLY well then.
@randy_wrecked, @mikh1313, @Korvas, @Trion: Cool beans, I'm seeing enough support that I will definitely try to have my DQIX up to speed by then. Here's hoping we tag.
I'm curious if Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, just releasing before PAX East, has any street pass functionality. From what I hear the 3DS version of the game won't have any multiplayer, which is a bit of a shame as a co-op game for 3DS might have been nice.
There is no online multiplayer, but there IS local 4-player multiplayer. Good for those long lines!
If this comes out before Pax East ill be buying it for the bus ride.
Looks like Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon, which releases the Sunday of PAX East, is going to have a multiplayer mode that is semi-cooperative, semi-competitive.
So umm...yeah, anyone from Boston know of a good nearby GameStop or similar shop?
I'm a website!
PAX East 2014 Checklist:
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Looks like Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon, which releases the Sunday of PAX East, is going to have a multiplayer mode that is semi-cooperative, semi-competitive.
So umm...yeah, anyone from Boston know of a good nearby GameStop or similar shop?
the closest one is at 40 Winter which is right next to the Downtown Crossing MBTA Station.. and next to Boston Common... it's pretty close to where alot of the Hotels are and alot of the clubs are..
Looks like Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon, which releases the Sunday of PAX East, is going to have a multiplayer mode that is semi-cooperative, semi-competitive.
So umm...yeah, anyone from Boston know of a good nearby GameStop or similar shop?
the closest one is at 40 Winter which is right next to the Downtown Crossing MBTA Station.. and next to Boston Common... it's pretty close to where alot of the Hotels are and alot of the clubs are..
Thanks! Care to drop a Google maps link?
I'm a website!
PAX East 2014 Checklist:
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Regarding DQ9: It takes about an hour from beginning the game to get to where you can tag. Maybe an hour fifteen if you're thorough.
If "thorough" includes talking to everyone each time the text changes, I'm afraid it's much longer than that. Of course, that's wholly optional and there's no important reason to do it, I just really like the localization in this game. I can't resist.
Having tried and enjoyed the Fire Emblem demo, I can say for certain that I'll be tagging with that and DQ IX (and whatever randomness the two Mario games share). I assume the 3DS won't Streetpass for 3DS game saves if I have DQ IX in standby? It won't be a problem to take my DS Lite as well, that thing is still holding a charge much better than I expected.
So, you setting up another meet up this year Trion? I'm looking forward to it!
Well, I wasn't planning to as my time this year is somewhat limited. I wont be there on Friday and I'll have my family joining me on Sunday. But I suppose if people wanted to gather on Saturday afternoon, I could arrange a time with the Handheld lounge guys.
So, you setting up another meet up this year Trion? I'm looking forward to it!
Well, I wasn't planning to as my time this year is somewhat limited. I wont be there on Friday and I'll have my family joining me on Sunday. But I suppose if people wanted to gather on Saturday afternoon, I could arrange a time with the Handheld lounge guys.
I'm down for a saturday meet up, or whenever any one else wants to... just started playing it today and got to the first inn where I can connect with ppl so I should be up to speed by then
I would make every effort to be there if a DQ IX meetup happens, probably the only thing that would stop me is if it overlaps with one of the few panels I'm interested in.
Regarding DQ9: It takes about an hour from beginning the game to get to where you can tag. Maybe an hour fifteen if you're thorough.
If "thorough" includes talking to everyone each time the text changes, I'm afraid it's much longer than that. Of course, that's wholly optional and there's no important reason to do it, I just really like the localization in this game. I can't resist.
Ah, heh. In that case, maybe double that to 2 and a half hours should be enough.
And Trion, it's up to you man. If you're busy, I'm not going to push it. But if you do wrangle something Saturday, I'll do everything I can to show up there.
I think this is the first actual use of StreetPass that amazes me, and I cannot wait to hopefully walk by some people with it @ PAX
Cool. Hopefully there is a deal on it before Pax
And the inn was in the second town, wasn't it? I guess it wasn't really that far, maybe I will get around to having it ready.
About Fire Emblem, that StreetPass functionality is very tempting...
Yup. And as I mentioned above, Fire Emblem is another game I'll be walking around looking for tags with.
Last year I kept running into people who where playing either Mariokart 7 or Pokémon Black/White. Pokémon has always been a big thing at PAX East (I would assume it's the same for PAX Prime), so it's a safe bet to say that people will have upgraded to Version 2. Third runner up IMO had to be Street Fighter.
This year I am bringing all three, and frankly I doubt I would need anything else.
Also, I concur that filling up your DS with 100+ can be done ridiculously quickly. Usually, whenever I cleared out my street pass notifications (including using said Mii in quick games) I would already have another 10 line up waiting to be cleared. I went over the 300 mark myself, which covered many different states and provinces from all over the world, and I stopped checking after a while because frankly, you could spend your entire weekend just clearing out your notifications and never really go to PAX itself.
Unexpected side effects of having a 3DS. It's such a standard issue item at PAX that I "virtually" bumped into people I often tweet or chat with on the forums (including Chorazin) without ever seeing them. I could also tell who my hotel room neighbors where since we kept swaping StreetPass notifications over and over again.
I'd love if we got a list together of what games utilize street pass in some way and explain it for people. Would maybe make it nice for people jumping in this thread. Just something quick to throw in the OP or something.
I just don't know what games actually utilize the SP function in a way that.....entertains you(?).....you can interact with(?)...you know what I mean. What games use SP in an interesting way that makes it worth someone bringing it to PAX? Do ones that have SP functionality require the cartridge to be in the slot to get said SP or as long as you have game data on the DS/3DS it picks it up for you to use later?
Tumblr | Twitter | Twitch | Pinny Arcade Lanyard
[3DS] 3394-3901-4002 | [Xbox/Steam] Redfield85
So this year I'll have Kid Icarus, Dead or Alive and Resident Evil.
PAX East 2014 Checklist:
[X] - Pre-registered | [ ] - Train tickets | [ ] - Time Off
Wise words. Please have a free internet.
3DS Friend Code: 3823 8527 9997
Wii U NNID Chorazin
Maybe I should just download SwapNote? Hrm...
PAX East 2014 Checklist:
[X] - Pre-registered | [ ] - Train tickets | [ ] - Time Off
I wouldn't mind staring up a game of dq IX for the sake of pax east... I missed the first 2 years it was out so...
I highly recommend Kid Icarus Uprising for multiplayer. I didn't even know about multiplayer on it until I went to NYCC and ended up placing in the top 10 for the tournament. It's pretty easy to get the hang of, but you've gotta have a good weapon beforehand or else you've got no chance.
Brain Age: Concentration Training – February 10th
Pro Evolution Soccer 2013 3D – February 12th
Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed – February 12th
Monster High Skultimate Roller Maze – March 13th
Etrian Odyssey IV: Legends of the Titan – February 26th
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow – Mirror of Fate – March 5th
Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate – March 19th
The Croods: Prehistoric Party! – March 19
Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon – March 24th
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity – March 24th
There's a few games there that may interest others. I know a lot of folks will prefer Mario Kart 7, but I'm seriously considering getting Sonic & All-Stars Racing instead. It looks a bit more like Diddy Kong Racing if the console variants are to be believed, which also means it'll be different enough. Plus, no blue shells.
I'm curious if Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, just releasing before PAX East, has any street pass functionality. From what I hear the 3DS version of the game won't have any multiplayer, which is a bit of a shame as a co-op game for 3DS might have been nice.
Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon gets released the last day of the convention. Anyone know of any local shops that might have it? It would be great having that for the train ride home.
PAX East 2014 Checklist:
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Ditto this. Missing the opportunity to connect with fellow AC fans at PAX this year is heartbreaking.
I still play from time to time and I'll definitely be carrying my copy around with me. I've still got room at my inn!
Put it in your ear holes.
There is no online multiplayer, but there IS local 4-player multiplayer. Good for those long lines!
Ah, forgot about that one. Lots of fun solo but I never took it online. Good call!
Put it in your ear holes.
I'm right there with you guys. Really disappointed about how much the new AC has been pushed back. Next year!
I could have sworn I had Bubble Bubble around, but I forget if it was for the DS or GBA. I would love to get some games of that in!
Oh excellent. That will work out REALLY well then.
I didn't even think of Theatrhythm as a multiplayer game. Well, PAX East would be the place to find out.
PAX East 2014 Checklist:
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If this comes out before Pax East ill be buying it for the bus ride.
I usually bring Pokemon Black and have a grand time but MK7 and a 3Ds are looking pretty good right now.
So umm...yeah, anyone from Boston know of a good nearby GameStop or similar shop?
PAX East 2014 Checklist:
[X] - Pre-registered | [ ] - Train tickets | [ ] - Time Off
Tumblr | Twitter | Twitch | Pinny Arcade Lanyard
[3DS] 3394-3901-4002 | [Xbox/Steam] Redfield85
I have not played it either, and was hoping to give it a try. Just need to remember to bring headphones..
So, you setting up another meet up this year Trion? I'm looking forward to it!
the closest one is at 40 Winter which is right next to the Downtown Crossing MBTA Station.. and next to Boston Common... it's pretty close to where alot of the Hotels are and alot of the clubs are..
Thanks! Care to drop a Google maps link?
PAX East 2014 Checklist:
[X] - Pre-registered | [ ] - Train tickets | [ ] - Time Off
If "thorough" includes talking to everyone each time the text changes, I'm afraid it's much longer than that. Of course, that's wholly optional and there's no important reason to do it, I just really like the localization in this game. I can't resist.
Having tried and enjoyed the Fire Emblem demo, I can say for certain that I'll be tagging with that and DQ IX (and whatever randomness the two Mario games share). I assume the 3DS won't Streetpass for 3DS game saves if I have DQ IX in standby? It won't be a problem to take my DS Lite as well, that thing is still holding a charge much better than I expected.
Well, I wasn't planning to as my time this year is somewhat limited. I wont be there on Friday and I'll have my family joining me on Sunday. But I suppose if people wanted to gather on Saturday afternoon, I could arrange a time with the Handheld lounge guys.
I'm down for a saturday meet up, or whenever any one else wants to... just started playing it today and got to the first inn where I can connect with ppl so I should be up to speed by then
here ya go!!
Ah, heh. In that case, maybe double that to 2 and a half hours should be enough.
And Trion, it's up to you man. If you're busy, I'm not going to push it. But if you do wrangle something Saturday, I'll do everything I can to show up there.