
The Wolf Among Us: Episode 5 out now!

CelloCello Registered User regular
edited July 2014 in Social Entropy++

1. What is The Wolf Among Us?

The Wolf Among Us is Telltale's first game in the post-Walking Dead world, based off of the Fables series by Bill Willingham - WAIT NO COME BACK I SWEAR IT'S GOOD. The heroes and villains of every fairy tale you can imagine, due to a series of unfortunate events, are stuck living right under the noses of humans (called "mundies") in New York City. You play as Bigby Wolf, sheriff of Fabletown and dreamy detective out to solve a mystery.

2. Okay, that's cool. But what's the game part of this game like?

The Wolf Among Us features an updated control scheme from The Walking Dead. It is very heavily conversation based, with up to four options to choose from when in dialogue with another character and a limited amount of time to choose what to say or do. It still has your typical adventure game investigation portions, and moments of action are still quick-time related. Action events have a wider variety of keys to press and a more visceral reaction when you're hitting them. It's hard to say if your conversation choices will have a bigger impact on the plot than TWD, but I guess we'll know that for sure once the second episode releases. Supposedly, choosing when to do something will also have a big impact on the story, not just choosing what to do this time around. You'll also be able to decide whether to let Bigby give in to his Big Bad Wolf side and terrify the Fables around him into submission, or to play him as someone who is actively trying to fit in and live a less lonely existence by being a decent person.

3. What platforms can I play it on, and when?

You can get the full season of episodes on Steam, XBox Live or the Playstation Network.This will include:

Episode 1: Faith
Episode 2: Smoke and Mirrors
Episode 3: A Crooked Mile
Episode 4: In Sheep's Clothing
Episode 5: Cry Wolf

4. How dreamy is Bigby Wolf?

So dreamy.

3DS Friend Code: 0216-0898-6512
Switch Friend Code: SW-7437-1538-7786
Cello on


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    Grey GhostGrey Ghost Registered User regular
    Do I need to know anything about Fables before I play this?

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    CelloCello Registered User regular
    Grey Ghost wrote: »
    Do I need to know anything about Fables before I play this?

    Nope! There's a codex in the game that tells you the background about all the characters as you go on. I don't think it hurts, but my friends who've played it without reading any of the comics before didn't get lost or anything.

    3DS Friend Code: 0216-0898-6512
    Switch Friend Code: SW-7437-1538-7786
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    UrielUriel Registered User regular
    I bought this just now.

    Mostly cause I like what telltale does WRT traditional adventure games and also liked the first two parts of walking dead...

    I never finished walking dead though because it was so goddamn depressing.
    Also I think if they were going to do fantasy creatures in a modern world they should have done Dresden Files but eh! This should still be cool

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    UrielUriel Registered User regular
    OH GOD.

    Hopefully the mouse smoothing in the menus isn't so bad in the game!

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    CelloCello Registered User regular
    Uriel wrote: »
    I bought this just now.

    Mostly cause I like what telltale does WRT traditional adventure games and also liked the first two parts of walking dead...

    I never finished walking dead though because it was so goddamn depressing.
    Also I think if they were going to do fantasy creatures in a modern world they should have done Dresden Files but eh! This should still be cool

    Did you try to play it all at once, or as they came out? I think this is the one time where I didn't mind episodic content. Playing all of the episodes at once would have been incredibly exhausting!

    3DS Friend Code: 0216-0898-6512
    Switch Friend Code: SW-7437-1538-7786
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    WybornWyborn GET EQUIPPED Registered User regular
    Grey Ghost wrote: »
    Do I need to know anything about Fables before I play this?

    Honestly in some ways it might be better if you don't

    It offers different perspectives based on your Fables knowledge, which is interesting

    Also it plays with perspective based on what you do in the game, which is very interesting

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    MereHappenstanceMereHappenstance Registered User regular
    I've been watching some let's play videos about this game. It looks really interesting, but I feel like the story is the only thing I'd be into. which means watching videos of other people playing it suits me just fine.

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    UrielUriel Registered User regular
    Actually yeah I didn't play any walking dead until at least most of it was out.

    This is pretty awesome. Finished Ep1 earlier.

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    WeedLordVegetaWeedLordVegeta Registered User regular
    i'm glad you made this thread because mine was gonna be titled Baby I'm Howling For You

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    MaximumMaximum Registered User regular
    I'm interested in seeing how much of a difference your choices make throughout this one as opposed to "not at all" in TWD.

    I lined up with the community across the board at the end, even chose...
    Bluebeard as the prime suspect.

    Even though I have no idea who that is, but they mentioned him several times through dialogue as being some big bad in their universe, so it must be him.

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    ChincymcchillaChincymcchilla Registered User regular
    Hullis wrote: »
    i'm glad you made this thread because mine was gonna be titled Baby I'm Howling For You

    Hello hi this is now a Black Keys thread

    I have a podcast about Power Rangers:Teenagers With Attitude | TWA Facebook Group
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    I needed anime to post.I needed anime to post. boom Registered User regular
    played this
    re: bluebeard, bluebeard is almost certainly a red herring due to the fact that he is literally a fable who decapitates women

    wondering how to save lawrence because the separation of "you went to toad's first" and "you didn't save lawrence" implies the two aren't linked

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    CelloCello Registered User regular
    Hullis wrote: »
    i'm glad you made this thread because mine was gonna be titled Baby I'm Howling For You

    I now have

    so much regret

    3DS Friend Code: 0216-0898-6512
    Switch Friend Code: SW-7437-1538-7786
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    FishmanFishman Put your goddamned hand in the goddamned Box of Pain. Registered User regular
    Yeah, this looks like it'll be right up my alley.

    Only thing is I've never been fond of long waits, so I usually won't get in on episodic stuff until there's two or three available.

    X-Com LP Thread I, II, III, IV, V
    That's unbelievably cool. Your new name is cool guy. Let's have sex.
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    CelloCello Registered User regular
    Hullis wrote: »
    i'm glad you made this thread because mine was gonna be titled Baby I'm Howling For You

    Hello hi this is now a Black Keys thread

    I went to their concert at Osheaga last year and it was probably the best show I've ever seen live. I was like 15 feet away from the stage when they did this:



    3DS Friend Code: 0216-0898-6512
    Switch Friend Code: SW-7437-1538-7786
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    TefTef Registered User regular
    Oh man

    Oh man!

    Gonna play dis game.

    I've heard the name thrown about a few times but didn't realise telltale we're making it.

    Is it like a police procedural set in a fantasy land a la Grimm? I uhhh have to admit that one of my guilty pleasures was watching that show

    help a fellow forumer meet their mental health care needs because USA healthcare sucks!

    Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better

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    CelloCello Registered User regular
    Tef wrote: »
    Oh man

    Oh man!

    Gonna play dis game.

    I've heard the name thrown about a few times but didn't realise telltale we're making it.

    Is it like a police procedural set in a fantasy land a la Grimm? I uhhh have to admit that one of my guilty pleasures was watching that show

    Yep! The comic series is a little different; it mostly follows Bigby around while he does Sheriff things, but has to do more with Fabletown in general. This is more like a wonderful combination of The Walking Dead, urban fantasy and Tex Murphy.

    3DS Friend Code: 0216-0898-6512
    Switch Friend Code: SW-7437-1538-7786
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    MaximumMaximum Registered User regular
    I'm considering picking up the first trade to kill some time until the next chapter is released.

    I'm not a fan of the writer's work at all, but I'm digging some of the characters in the game so far.

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    WybornWyborn GET EQUIPPED Registered User regular
    played this
    re: bluebeard, bluebeard is almost certainly a red herring due to the fact that he is literally a fable who decapitates women

    wondering how to save lawrence because the separation of "you went to toad's first" and "you didn't save lawrence" implies the two aren't linked

    They're definitely linked

    Just that going the other route doesn't make it a sure thing

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    GundiGundi Serious Bismuth Registered User regular
    So I finished playing through the first episode, and I'm curious about the potential significance of a number of things:
    1. I've heard mutterings that depending on who you apprehend the ending changes? I went after Tweedle and Snow White ended up decapitated; If I had went after the Woodsman would she be alive? Would someone else be dead?
    2. What the heck is the significance of the tarot card you can (optionally) pick up in the mayor's office? You keep it, which seems odd; and unlike the other two tarot cards you can look at, neither Bigby nor Snow White have any idea what it means.

    Also I felt pretty bad when the player choice thing came up at the end and realized you could actually save Prince Lawrence. (I went to Toad's cause I thought someone was trying to kill him!) Having a living witness to give some info about what exactly happened to Faith and who she was involved with would have been... helpful.

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    Grey GhostGrey Ghost Registered User regular
    I finished Episode 1 of this today and holy hell
    I bought the season pass right away because they have hooked me hard

    Answers for @Gundi

    spoilers obviously
    I decided to chase after the Woodsman and Snow White still wound up dead
    I asked the mirror about the tarot card and even he didn't know, so, I guess we'll have to wait and see
    I too let Lawrence die; I may have to replay that bit to see how it goes otherwise

    Seriously guys this game is so cool

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    Mr. GMr. G Registered User regular
    I'm curious about one of the outcomes
    I went after Lawrence first and when I was hiding in the closet from Tweedle it clearly looked like he was putting the gun to his head so I jumped out

    I'm guessing if I didn't leap out at that time he would've killed himself successfully this time

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    WybornWyborn GET EQUIPPED Registered User regular
    Do we have word on when Episode 2 is out?

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    Grey GhostGrey Ghost Registered User regular
    Wiki still says TBD

    As a side note, I had never heard of the story that Faith comes from
    Kind of a weird feeling when you've just sorta assumed you've heard all these tales before

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    Grey GhostGrey Ghost Registered User regular
    edited November 2013
    Wyborn wrote: »
    Also it plays with perspective based on what you do in the game, which is very interesting

    @Wyborn now that I've played episode 1, what exactly did you mean by this?

    Grey Ghost on
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    WybornWyborn GET EQUIPPED Registered User regular
    Grey Ghost wrote: »
    Wyborn wrote: »
    Also it plays with perspective based on what you do in the game, which is very interesting

    Wyborn now that I've played episode 1, what exactly did you mean by this?

    Simply put, the investigative paths that you take as Bigby will give you different indicators about who you should be more suspicious of

    Initially I went to Mr. Toad's house first, which means that your first encounter with one of the Tweedles is a lot more... sketchy than if you go to the other apartment first. The second apartment is covered with false positives, where if you're not careful you might think that this whole "suicide" thing was a setup, and the Tweedle you find in the closet


    Let's just say he was my number one suspect on that playthrough, whereas when I went to that apartment first I was given a very different impression

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    Grey GhostGrey Ghost Registered User regular
    edited November 2013
    I'm actually about to do a partial replay right now

    In no small part because near the end one of my conversation options read [Glass him] and I didn't take it

    Grey Ghost on
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    Grey GhostGrey Ghost Registered User regular
    Oh man it is so convenient that it just splits off a new save file if you want to rewind

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    Grey GhostGrey Ghost Registered User regular
    Ugh Jesus and I still fucked it up

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    WybornWyborn GET EQUIPPED Registered User regular
    I can tell you how it goes, if you want

    About that whole larger scene
    I don't think, after seeing it once, I'll ever be able to do an actual playthrough where I rip off Grendel's arm

    Like, yeah, dude's a dick, but something about him lying in the corner, cradling his bloody stump, sobbing, just makes me feel like a monster

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    Grey GhostGrey Ghost Registered User regular
    I went back again again
    About to throw down

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    Grey GhostGrey Ghost Registered User regular
    Oh goddamn

    Spoilers for the bar fight
    Yeah, having seen the "tear off arm" option I don't think I can make that my main playthrough going forward (as funny as it was glassing the Woodsman)

    Guess my main run will just have to leave Prince Lawrence to die because that's how it happened and I don't want to re-replay it

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    StiltsStilts Registered User regular
    Oh, hey, I streamed this game the day it came out.


    Spoilers for all of episode 1, obviously.

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    Grey GhostGrey Ghost Registered User regular
    Oh, something else I noticed (background character stuff)
    The red-haired guy you see in the hall outside Bigby's place, who Snow gets all nervous about, is the guy driving the cab she rides off in the last time you see her alive
    He might also be the guy you run past when you have to lift up the couch as you're chasing Tweedle Dee, but I can't be %100 on that

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    BYToadyBYToady Registered User regular
    I liked how one line made everything into a super conspiracy for me.
    Both the Princess and the Mirror use the phrase "My lips are sealed" and then stress that fact when asked questions they can't answer.

    Battletag BYToady#1454
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    miscellaneousinsanitymiscellaneousinsanity grass grows, birds fly, sun shines, and brother, i hurt peopleRegistered User regular
    Hullis wrote: »
    i'm glad you made this thread because mine was gonna be titled Baby I'm Howling For You

    I woulda gone with TV on the Radio, personally

    Anyways i'm excited about actually playing this, because TWD is wayyy too sad for me

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    BelruelBelruel NARUTO FUCKS Registered User regular
    I haven't played this game, but werewolves rule.

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    BelruelBelruel NARUTO FUCKS Registered User regular
    Also I need to read more Fables.

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    Grey GhostGrey Ghost Registered User regular
    Oh wait would we... Call him a werewolf? I was wondering about that

    Because he can transform, but the Big Bad Wolf of the stories is not generally considered to have been a werewolf or have shape changing powers

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    Mr FuzzbuttMr Fuzzbutt Registered User regular
    werewolf is as werewolf does

    broken image link
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