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Pinstorming [Pin Design Ideas]

JuicesirJuicesir The Boy with the D&D TattooRegistered User regular
edited November 2013 in Pinny Arcade
Inspired by Ayefkay's post in the community thread, I thought we could have a place where we exclusively discuss what sort of pins we'd be excited to see in the future. You know, since we have a fancy new part of the forum to play in now. ^_^

I've said I would really love an On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness set. Another good idea I had was maybe a set of the Armaggedon storyline, maybe for next Halloween. I could also see the CTS take off if Mike decides to write more.

With so many possibilities, what pins would you like to see designed?

As a fun little thing, I'll post the most well liked and most quoted ideas for Pin designs. You know. Just in case Mike looks in here it'll make it easier for him. ^_^

Juicesir on


  • EvilBadmanEvilBadman DO NOT TRUST THIS MAN Registered User regular
    Agree with Rain Slick Voxel/Pixel styled pins.

    FyreWulff wrote: »
    I should note that Badman is fucking awesome
    XBL- Evil Badman; Steam- EvilBadman; Twitter - EvilBadman
  • Drayven_DarkoDrayven_Darko Canberra, AustraliaRegistered User regular
    From the community thread:
    Manic2k wrote: »
    Community question round up (OP: PedroAsani):

    These are the submitted Pin Design Suggestions. If you want to make a suggestion please check the list first.

    "Sometimes I doubt your commitment to 'Sparkle Motion'."
  • pobblebonkpobblebonk Registered User regular
    For the Australians, it would be great to see a Drop Bear pin.

    Also, a staff pin for YUG, who pretty much spends most of the year organising the thing and has crazy hair.

  • VaanroseVaanrose Pin Cushion SeattleRegistered User regular
    I think Swagged-out Annarchy would make a fantastic Merch booth exclusive, possibly as a replacement for The Merch pin, should they decide to phase it out.

    Twitter: @vaanrose

    My PINS

    Verbosity is my charm point.
  • El_FunkoEl_Funko Perth, AustraliaRegistered User regular
    edited November 2013
    pobblebonk wrote: »
    Also, a staff pin for YUG, who pretty much spends most of the year organising the thing and has crazy hair.

    I picture cartoon Yug looking scandalously close to Krusty the Klown, but with slightly less make up.

    El_Funko on
  • FitzchivalryFitzchivalry PAXAUS Cookie Brigade Coordinator Orrstrahleeeeah mate!Registered User regular
    I think Assassin's Steed would be pure win :D


  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    Yug could go well with a Reed Expo pin set, but he's not exactly a PA employee in the way that the rest of the staff are.

    Although having a small pax pin set for Yug, Heels, and Ryan (the main Reed folks I know of who work primarily on PAX) might be cool.

  • AyefkayAyefkay Queensland, AustraliaRegistered User regular
    omgz, a YAHTZEE pin!

    On that topic....What about game journalists and opinionists like Adam Sessler, Jim Sterling? To me, they are as much a part of the gaming community as anything else. Or maybe popular Youtube gaming channels, lets plays, walkthrough etc, Pewdiepie (like him or not (i personally do) you cant deny those viewer numbers, the dude is popular) Boogie2988 / Francis. just to name a few

    My PinnyPals Digital Lanyard: Now Up to date!

  • PedroAsaniPedroAsani Brotherhood of the Squirrel [Prime]Registered User regular
    Well Mike keeps saying how many staff they have, and we don't have Pins for all of them yet. I quite want a Beep Boop Robot-with-a-hat. Rewatching PATV there are brief shots of people that I have never heard mentioned, so a complete set of permanent staffers would be good.

    Drayven posted The List already, I'll do a repost in here of the complete thing after the next FAQ.

  • El_FunkoEl_Funko Perth, AustraliaRegistered User regular
    Ayefkay wrote: »
    omgz, a YAHTZEE pin!

    On that topic....What about game journalists and opinionists like Adam Sessler, Jim Sterling? To me, they are as much a part of the gaming community as anything else. Or maybe popular Youtube gaming channels, lets plays, walkthrough etc, Pewdiepie (like him or not (i personally do) you cant deny those viewer numbers, the dude is popular) Boogie2988 / Francis. just to name a few

    I doubt they'll do pins for people who have nothing to do with PA or PAX :)

    Gabe already said the interest from game companies/developers asking for pins has been more than they can accommodate, so I think they'll stick to the current model - a small selection of third party pins at each PAX, combined with the semi-regular release of PA brand pins.

  • JuicesirJuicesir The Boy with the D&D Tattoo Registered User regular
    I dunno, they might branch out maybe one day and look at other sites and communities at some point. I also think the Assassin's Steed would be perfect. I'm hoping they make holidays an at least yearly thing, maybe pick one each year to focus on. This year it was Halloween, next year maybe Christmas? Or maybe this year. I don't know.

  • AyefkayAyefkay Queensland, AustraliaRegistered User regular
    Yeah probably right, unless they attended pax at some point..

    just had a thought, what would a 4chan /v/ pin look we even want to know...?

    My PinnyPals Digital Lanyard: Now Up to date!

  • KamelonKamelon Canberra, AustraliaRegistered User regular
    edited November 2013
    pobblebonk wrote: »
    For the Australians, it would be great to see a Drop Bear pin.

    Also, a staff pin for YUG, who pretty much spends most of the year organising the thing and has crazy hair.

    Agreed! It was suggested at the PAX Aus Q&A. It went something like this: "Why isn't there a dropbear pin?" and Jerry's answer was "Ohhhhh! We are idiots! Because we are IDIOTS!!"

    Since then, Mike's confirmed it again:
    FAQ wrote:
    Can we have a Dropbear Pin for Aus?

    Mike: Yes for sure!

    Now they have a design/inspiration for it and everything, from the PAX Aus Make-A-Strip. Looking forward to it, hopefully next year :)

    Kamelon on
    Pinny Arcade Collection & Trades
    Heroic Coaching & Consulting - Personal Development & Coaching For Nerds

    3DS Friend Code: 2165-6423-4833

    "Every suggestion from the FAQ with a link? Kamelon. A truly Organised Pinthusiast." - PedroAsani
  • JuicesirJuicesir The Boy with the D&D Tattoo Registered User regular
    I was reading Mike's introductory news post on the new site, and the cozy up comment made me think about all the times during fall that Tycho and Gabe have looked cozy, and how cool those would look. I was also dreaming (yeah... it's that bad) about what a Bioshock Infinite pin series would look like. I could actually see what the Elizabeth and Booker ones would look like.

    Maybe at some point they can do games that have been released, like Classic games. Stuff like Mario and Luigi, Sonic. Maybe even in the vein of the Rayman release.

  • PedroAsaniPedroAsani Brotherhood of the Squirrel [Prime]Registered User regular
    edited December 2013
    Mike has displayed reticence towards Childs Play Pins, which is a shame because there is a great depth there. I think that Pins with all proceeds/profits to Childs Play would be awesome.

    The Childs Play Logo, obviously
    Hector, for promoting the Golf Tournament
    Cookie Brigade Gaming Cookie (Instead of Chocolate Chips, it has various Power-Ups)
    Desert Bus Pin

    Basically use the Pins to point people towards the various efforts made by Childs Play affiliated people. Have you ever taken a look at the Events Calendar? Something happening almost every week of the year. Giving a few of them each year the spotlight via Pins would be a great way to highlight some that people might not know about.

    2015 marks ten years of the Auction, and the traditional Appearance in a Strip. But something honouring those people for all they gave would be sweet. Think a Childs Play Justice League

    2005 Christian Boggs
    2006 Wil Shipley (NSFW alternate)
    2007 Wil Shipley
    2008 Wil Shipley
    2009 John Veshey
    2010 Aaron Freed
    2011 Jonty Barnes
    2012 Matt Wilson
    2012 Steve Dengler
    2013 Wil Shipley

    Jonty and Steve haven't had their comics made yet according to Jamie. Steve has just been busy and Jonty is "waiting for the right moment".

    A Pin might not be enough. Someone floated the idea of Lanyard Medals, and if anything warranted one of them, it would be this. The first strip netted $20,000 alone. These people will have donated a combined six figures by 2015. Does that deserve a medal? I reckon so.

    I can't find the others (due to their "tradition" of doing the appearance whenever they remember it needs doing) but I'm sure you guys can dig them up. I'm trawling the archive but have gone comic blind.

    PedroAsani on
  • PedroAsaniPedroAsani Brotherhood of the Squirrel [Prime]Registered User regular
    Juicesir wrote: »
    I was reading Mike's introductory news post on the new site, and the cozy up comment made me think about all the times during fall that Tycho and Gabe have looked cozy, and how cool those would look. I was also dreaming (yeah... it's that bad) about what a Bioshock Infinite pin series would look like. I could actually see what the Elizabeth and Booker ones would look like.

    Maybe at some point they can do games that have been released, like Classic games. Stuff like Mario and Luigi, Sonic. Maybe even in the vein of the Rayman release.

    I think that you are going to see some of those G&T eventually, particularly if you do a Kamelon and link the comics you like the most. (Every suggestion from the FAQ with a link? Kamelon. A truly Organised Pinthusiast.)

    Mario is most likely going to be a new game tie-in if it happens. Super Mario 3D World is just full of Prime Choice Cuts (Mario Kitty Suit, do I need a second citation?). Sonic, I don't see happening given the last "box quote" from PA comics is "might not be shit gravy".

  • JuicesirJuicesir The Boy with the D&D Tattoo Registered User regular
    PedroAsani wrote: »
    I think that you are going to see some of those G&T eventually, particularly if you do a Kamelon and link the comics you like the most. (Every suggestion from the FAQ with a link? Kamelon. A truly Organised Pinthusiast.)


    And that's got me thinking about meme related pins... Probably not going to ever happen, but hey, shoot for the stars end up on moon, or however that goes.

  • JuicesirJuicesir The Boy with the D&D Tattoo Registered User regular
  • KamelonKamelon Canberra, AustraliaRegistered User regular
    PedroAsani wrote: »
    Juicesir wrote: »
    I was reading Mike's introductory news post on the new site, and the cozy up comment made me think about all the times during fall that Tycho and Gabe have looked cozy, and how cool those would look. I was also dreaming (yeah... it's that bad) about what a Bioshock Infinite pin series would look like. I could actually see what the Elizabeth and Booker ones would look like.

    Maybe at some point they can do games that have been released, like Classic games. Stuff like Mario and Luigi, Sonic. Maybe even in the vein of the Rayman release.

    I think that you are going to see some of those G&T eventually, particularly if you do a Kamelon and link the comics you like the most. (Every suggestion from the FAQ with a link? Kamelon. A truly Organised Pinthusiast.)

    Mario is most likely going to be a new game tie-in if it happens. Super Mario 3D World is just full of Prime Choice Cuts (Mario Kitty Suit, do I need a second citation?). Sonic, I don't see happening given the last "box quote" from PA comics is "might not be shit gravy".

    Haha, nice. Quotation added to my sig, Pedro.

    But it's true! The easier you make it for someone to do what you want, the more likely the are to do it, in my opinion. Particularly with pins, I think actually seeing the potential pin graphic helps cement it in the mind. Mike's mind, in this case. And I know he sees a lot of tweets, and links and emails and all sorts of things, so the more you can do to stand out, make it easier for him, the better, I think.

    Also, seconding the Bioshock and Super Mario 3D World pins, of course. I'd love to see Booker, Elizabeth and Kitty Suit Mario!
    And how about the Murder of Crows too? Songbird? Liz & Songbird? Perhaps that's a little too complex? But it's certainly cool. Definitely need the Luteces.

    For general pin ideas, I also just love logos. Stripsearch is one of my favourite pins. Perhaps because I work with trademarks all day, but there's just something I love about them. It's also like, if I have one pin that is the logo, I don't necessarily need the other pins (like, I'm not interested in KI, but if I was to get a single pin, I'd like the KI logo as it represents the entire game/franchise).

    So, that's not a specific pin suggestion, but just a thought. There are some cool logos out there, that already almost look like badges or pins. Bioshock Inifinite and Monaco come immediately to mind, seeing as I've been thinking about them.

    Okay, it's Australian bedtime. Good thread guys, keep it up :)

    Pinny Arcade Collection & Trades
    Heroic Coaching & Consulting - Personal Development & Coaching For Nerds

    3DS Friend Code: 2165-6423-4833

    "Every suggestion from the FAQ with a link? Kamelon. A truly Organised Pinthusiast." - PedroAsani
  • KeroanKeroan Chicago, IllinoisRegistered User regular
    Strangely, I would love pins of those... caricatures... of Mike and Jerry from the retina display comic. The voxel Gabe and Tycho are super sweet too if you can get permission for those!

    I would love a Child's Play pin as well, if that would be possible. It would be a great way to raise money for it and show my support!

    If you want to tie in with PAX, it would be cool to have a "quest" set up to receive a pin for the mega indie booth. Like getting a card from somewhere and getting it stamped at various indie games as you see them and receiving a pin after seeing so many indies. It would be a great way to get people to engage with the indie games (hopefully in more depth than usual) and to get a sweet pin to show to others later. In fact, I really loved the quest that I had to do for the Chandra goggles at PAX East 2013; it was simple but engaging. Having a quest for a pin would be super awesome.

    I think I just like working for my pins.

    Having a pin instead of a keychain for PAX XP would be a fun surprise too :)

  • RiokennRiokenn Registered User regular
  • ArinochArinoch Registered User regular
    Most of the things that leap to mind have been said already. Automata? Yes please. I also agree very much with the Child's Play pin, since it's something I'd wear even at work to show support publically (wearing Professor Pigglesworth to work is less of an option). You could also take portions of those sales, if not all of them, and put them towards Child's Play itself.

    Let me preface by saying I never wanted to get into the Pinny Arcade thing, since I won't be able to get to many PAXes (this coming PAX East will be my first, finally, and I've been reading PA since 2002). When they showed off the design for the PA DLC pin, I jumped in immediately because they designed such a perfect representation of something that has provided me joy for years: The collaborative process that's been represented by their podcasts and their 4th panel episodes (plus it's a design that shows cartoon Gabe and Tycho not trying to kill or harm each other ^^).

    So in that vein, what about similarly key moments from the PA series? Hardly simple designs, but it's something different.

  • Arithon32Arithon32 Member of the Pinquisition Registered User regular
    I would love a Child's Play pin, especially if the proceeds were going to Child's Play, but I can understand their hesitation on it.

    If the Deep Crow isn't part of the OTRPD set, I'd like to see her and Carl

    A Tonkatsu pin to go with CTS

    Wombat pin and/or Dire Bear pin


  • VaanroseVaanrose Pin Cushion SeattleRegistered User regular
    Keroan wrote: »
    Strangely, I would love pins of those... caricatures... of Mike and Jerry from the retina display comic.

    I would buy these.

    Twitter: @vaanrose

    My PINS

    Verbosity is my charm point.
  • timebeingtimebeing Registered User regular
    edited November 2013
    Would love to see a "On the Rain Slick Precipice of Darkness" pins.

    timebeing on
  • KamelonKamelon Canberra, AustraliaRegistered User regular
    Vaanrose wrote: »
    Keroan wrote: »
    Strangely, I would love pins of those... caricatures... of Mike and Jerry from the retina display comic.

    I would buy these.

    Oh god, I had forgotten about these! Good suggestion :)

    Link for others who wish to remind / scar themselves:

    Pinny Arcade Collection & Trades
    Heroic Coaching & Consulting - Personal Development & Coaching For Nerds

    3DS Friend Code: 2165-6423-4833

    "Every suggestion from the FAQ with a link? Kamelon. A truly Organised Pinthusiast." - PedroAsani
  • TheAggroCraigTheAggroCraig Ultimate Lucky Douchebag MassachusettsRegistered User regular
    Vaanrose wrote: »
    Keroan wrote: »
    Strangely, I would love pins of those... caricatures... of Mike and Jerry from the retina display comic.

    I would buy these.

    I tossed this out a while ago that they should use these for their next staff pins.

  • ArinochArinoch Registered User regular
    I was going to comment on the retina pins being a cool idea as well, but pins can't have gradients, so it might be very hard to do. Also terrifying to behold.

    I thought up some specific examples of what I was thinking in terms of a PATV series of pins:
    - Robert and Kiko on a couch aggressively playing a game against each other
    - Mike Fehlauer in medieval garb...maybe stabbing Jeff and Josh or something
    - Erika and Levin at computers (creating graphics, but the screens would look like Jerry's in the DLC pin)
    - Kristin and Jamie brainstorming for Child's Play on a whiteboard (this idea needs work, but something with those two...could have the child's play logo on the whiteboard or something)
    - Brian + warehouse
    - etc.

    Anyway, just wanted to expand on my idea rather than leave it _completely_ vague

  • darkinferodarkinfero BOP-IT Malden, MARegistered User regular
    They need to make a ping pong pin.

    My Pin collection
    Pinny Pal since PAX Prime 2013
  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    Not just any ping pong pins, Paint the Line pins.

  • Arithon32Arithon32 Member of the Pinquisition Registered User regular
    zerzhul wrote: »
    Not just any ping pong pins, Paint the Line pins.



  • KamelonKamelon Canberra, AustraliaRegistered User regular
    Aww, love the big-eyed cutified Merch from today's comic

    If that's not the "slightly new design" of the new Merch pin mentioned in today's FAQ, I hereby request this variant of the Merch become a pin at some point.

    Pinny Arcade Collection & Trades
    Heroic Coaching & Consulting - Personal Development & Coaching For Nerds

    3DS Friend Code: 2165-6423-4833

    "Every suggestion from the FAQ with a link? Kamelon. A truly Organised Pinthusiast." - PedroAsani
  • PedroAsaniPedroAsani Brotherhood of the Squirrel [Prime]Registered User regular
    Arinoch wrote: »
    - Kristin and Jamie brainstorming for Child's Play on a whiteboard (this idea needs work, but something with those two...could have the child's play logo on the whiteboard or something)
    - Brian + warehouse
    - etc.

    Anyway, just wanted to expand on my idea rather than leave it _completely_ vague

    Kristin and Jamie giving out toys to kids.
    Wildman Brian from the days of provisioning the Seattle warehouse.

  • PedroAsaniPedroAsani Brotherhood of the Squirrel [Prime]Registered User regular
    From the last FAQ:

    PAX Pox
    Monaco Set

  • KamelonKamelon Canberra, AustraliaRegistered User regular
    I suggested this before, but I'm not sure it made it into the FAQ.

    Lost Lands set! Including:

    Pinny Arcade Collection & Trades
    Heroic Coaching & Consulting - Personal Development & Coaching For Nerds

    3DS Friend Code: 2165-6423-4833

    "Every suggestion from the FAQ with a link? Kamelon. A truly Organised Pinthusiast." - PedroAsani
  • AxonAxon Registered User regular
    I'd love to have pins for all the Strip Search artists, similar to the PA staff pins.

  • InsaneloonInsaneloon Jefferson City, MissouriRegistered User regular
    In honor of the 15th anniversary tomorrow I went to the archives and started rereading all the old comics, and I thought I would post a few pin ideas from those older comics:

    Evil Spirit-inhabited Tycho
    Pac-Man watch
    Mr. Tails (
    Answertron 2000

  • HeadhunterHeadhunter Registered User regular
    Now that Pinny Arcade is branching into games, nothing would be more interesting for me than Nintendo pins. The thought of having Mario, Metroid, Zelda, Donkey Kong, Star Fox and other beloved Nintendo characters in pin form is almost too much (for my wallet)...
    Axon wrote: »
    I'd love to have pins for all the Strip Search artists, similar to the PA staff pins.

    Yes, I would dig this! It might be a little awkward for 1 artist to do all of the designs, but I would alternatively worry about dramatically varying styles if each artist did their own...hmm.

    As for other Penny Arcade universe related pins, I would love an Automata set.

    "Perception is reality." -unknown
  • Aussie BenAussie Ben AustraliaRegistered User regular
    I would like a dual-layered Banjo-Kazooie pin with Kazooie poking out of the backpack.

    Yours sincerely,


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