
The Wolf Among Us: Episode 5 out now!



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    KanaKana Registered User regular

    A trap is for fish: when you've got the fish, you can forget the trap. A snare is for rabbits: when you've got the rabbit, you can forget the snare. Words are for meaning: when you've got the meaning, you can forget the words.
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    VeldrinVeldrin Sham bam bamina Registered User regular
    Oh dang I am so pumped for this episode but I'm stuck at woooork.

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    CelloCello Registered User regular
    edited May 2014
    End of Episode 4 spoilers:

    Cello on
    3DS Friend Code: 0216-0898-6512
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    DaebunzDaebunz Registered User regular
    that was so damn good

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    Mx. QuillMx. Quill I now prefer "Myr. Quill", actually... {They/Them}Registered User regular
    edited May 2014
    So I'm guessing that if you
    went to the butcher shop first, you could give Toad the money at the pawn shop so he could pay for his glamour? I went to the pawn shop first and tried to give him money, only to not have any, just like how I didn't take Dee's cash in Episode 2 to give to Nerissa.

    Also I was in the minority for a lot of choices:
    I let Colin stay but told Toad tough shit, and decided to talk to the Crooked Man rather than try and take him in or *smoke*

    Mx. Quill on
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    DaebunzDaebunz Registered User regular
    I actually did all those options as well

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    GundiGundi Serious Bismuth Registered User regular
    I think this might have been my favorite episode so far.
    In this episode my Bigby finally cut loose and when push came to shove he pushed back. Basically, my mentality this episode was that deep down, Bigby was spooked. He's suddenly realized the problem is way bigger than he or even Snow can handle, and that the stakes were even higher than he expected. No more nice wolf, no more dancing around issues, no more following the bureaucracy; the situation is too dire. He's scared that he's not up to the task, and he knows that if he messes up it'll be more than just him who'll end up at the bottom of a river. And Bigby doesn't like his and Snow's odds.

    -Didn't send Colin or Toad to the Farm. Like seriously there needs to be a talk about that place because at this point it just seems to be plain and simple discrimination against the nonhuman and the impoverished. If Snow wants to do better than part of 'Doing better' means figuring out a better solution than forced confinement And besides, bigger things to deal with at the moment.
    -Didn't try to take off the ribbon cause I'm not dumb.
    -Didn't care about B and B's problems, their particular reason for getting into debt was really dumb.
    -Went to the Pawn shop first, didn't rough up Jack since I knew he was just doing a job; punched Jersey (Loved both of his designs.) first chance I got and as a consequence me and Woody patched things up.
    -Roughed up the Butcher cause I though he knew more than he did, but I eventually apologized to him.
    -Promised to bring the Crooked Man back in alive cause I figure either way he'll get what's coming to him, assuming I can actually bring him in.
    -Was nice to Tim cause I'm not a monster.
    -Told the Crooked Man he was coming with me, one way or another.

    Overall in the official decisions I was in the minority for everything except maybe the ribbon thing.

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    KanaKana Registered User regular
    aaagh got a big speech for class I've gotta practice tonight

    can't play vidya games

    so want to play vidya games

    A trap is for fish: when you've got the fish, you can forget the trap. A snare is for rabbits: when you've got the rabbit, you can forget the snare. Words are for meaning: when you've got the meaning, you can forget the words.
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    wirehead26wirehead26 Registered User regular
    Has Frau Totenkinder showed up yet? She was one of my favorite Fables characters.

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    BarcardiBarcardi All the Wizards Under A Rock: AfganistanRegistered User regular
    This, this is a really good game to drink whiskey to.

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    Grey GhostGrey Ghost Registered User regular
    I'm trying to download this on Xbox but I guess they run on west coast time
    I'm even drinking whiskey already too!
    this is bullshit

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    BarcardiBarcardi All the Wizards Under A Rock: AfganistanRegistered User regular
    edited May 2014
    dang that sucks

    hey random thing, anyone else notice that the Trip Trap
    is right below the pawn shop... i went to the pawn shop first and hollllllllyyyyy shit that was an intense fight

    and i shoved his face in the needles, so great... but im really wondering what would have happened if i shoved his face in the crystal ball

    Barcardi on
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    BarcardiBarcardi All the Wizards Under A Rock: AfganistanRegistered User regular
    edited May 2014
    just finished it, at this point im pissed, im a cop, or as much like one.
    of course im going to smoke first.
    no speech will save the the crooked man or mary. If they come at me next episode they are dead, if they try to put me in some stupid contract or blackmail they are dead. Im sick of this shit, they nearly kill me and attack me about 3 times now, and im supposed to play nice at this point? I played nice all previous 3 episodes so far.

    Barcardi on
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    KanaKana Registered User regular
    crap, hit some sort of bug right after the pawn shop

    just got to a dialogue selection of 3 [this choice is blank!]'s, and then dialogue screw up, goes out of order a couple times, and then freezes up altogether


    A trap is for fish: when you've got the fish, you can forget the trap. A snare is for rabbits: when you've got the rabbit, you can forget the snare. Words are for meaning: when you've got the meaning, you can forget the words.
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    BarcardiBarcardi All the Wizards Under A Rock: AfganistanRegistered User regular
    did anyone actually manage to get narissa to tell you anything directly?

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    PeccaviPeccavi Registered User regular
    Episode 4
    Was there an option to actually try to rip off the ribbon? Because my summary said I didn't try to take it off, but I definitely asked, "Can't we just remove it?" And Nerissa freaked out at me. And to make it clear, I'm not a moron, but considering how long it took Bigby to figure this out he kinda is, and so I just wanted to make it as clear as possible that "Hey! This is why the girls are dying! This right here!"

    Didn't send Colin or Toad back to the farm, gave Toad the money from Crane's jacket when Snow ordered me to send him off. Wasn't going to send away Colin during the middle of this crisis. Went to the pawn shop first, didn't rough anybody up until I was already punched. Died once :(, so I threw the anvil at Jersey's head. Maybe was a little rude to Tim, but he's working for some real scum (I might have been slightly worried that Tim was actually the Crooked Man, especially when I barged in the room and didn't see anyone I didn't recognise at first. During the walk down the hallway, the camera focused on Tim's legs, and I thought they might do a Keyser Soze).

    Obviously, at the end I Huff n Puff'd.

    Ending thoughts
    I'm not sure the Crooked Man was responsible for the deaths. He's rotten scum that's involved with terrible things, sex slavery at the top of the list, but he's also all about control, and these deaths have turned the spotlight onto his business well beyond what he's comfortable with. It's certainly possible he expected the deaths to be quieter (especially with the theory I've had since act one that it was one of the other strippers dropping the heads off, trying to get attention for their plight) but I feel like he would have other ways of applying pressure. Maybe Mary went a bit psycho, pretty sure it was her that Jeremy heard talking to herself (actually talking to the girls laughing about her at one of their sleepovers).

    Or maybe the twist will be that none of them had to do with the deaths, and it was all the cab driver that's been in every act.

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    -Tal-Tal Registered User regular
    Peccavi wrote: »
    Episode 4
    Was there an option to actually try to rip off the ribbon? Because my summary said I didn't try to take it off, but I definitely asked, "Can't we just remove it?" And Nerissa freaked out at me. And to make it clear, I'm not a moron, but considering how long it took Bigby to figure this out he kinda is, and so I just wanted to make it as clear as possible that "Hey! This is why the girls are dying! This right here!"

    Didn't send Colin or Toad back to the farm, gave Toad the money from Crane's jacket when Snow ordered me to send him off. Wasn't going to send away Colin during the middle of this crisis. Went to the pawn shop first, didn't rough anybody up until I was already punched. Died once :(, so I threw the anvil at Jersey's head. Maybe was a little rude to Tim, but he's working for some real scum (I might have been slightly worried that Tim was actually the Crooked Man, especially when I barged in the room and didn't see anyone I didn't recognise at first. During the walk down the hallway, the camera focused on Tim's legs, and I thought they might do a Keyser Soze).

    Obviously, at the end I Huff n Puff'd.

    Ending thoughts
    I'm not sure the Crooked Man was responsible for the deaths. He's rotten scum that's involved with terrible things, sex slavery at the top of the list, but he's also all about control, and these deaths have turned the spotlight onto his business well beyond what he's comfortable with. It's certainly possible he expected the deaths to be quieter (especially with the theory I've had since act one that it was one of the other strippers dropping the heads off, trying to get attention for their plight) but I feel like he would have other ways of applying pressure. Maybe Mary went a bit psycho, pretty sure it was her that Jeremy heard talking to herself (actually talking to the girls laughing about her at one of their sleepovers).

    Or maybe the twist will be that none of them had to do with the deaths, and it was all the cab driver that's been in every act.
    there may be something to the cab driver, as his model name is "cryer" as in the boy who cried wolf and act 5 is named "cry wolf". and yeah I don't see why the crooked man would attract attention to himself by leaving these heads out, there's some other player here. headless horseman?

    this series really continues to illustrate how... crooked fabletown's government is. the people who really need help keep being ignored by the rich and powerful until it's convenient for them.

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    QuirkyLittleTyrantQuirkyLittleTyrant A Mug Featuring Pichu On A Cloud Registered User regular
    Episode 4
    Apparently there's an option to give Toad the money for his glamours right then and there at the business office? How much is it? I took the money from the Tweedle's office last episode, regained my funds at the Puddin and Pie in episode 2, and took the money from Crane's jacket this time and never got the option to give the money to him.

    Because if what I had wasn't enough, well, damn those things really are expensive.

    Personally hoping for a hired Auntie Greenleaf to provide a freebie otherwise and Snow can deal with it.

    PSN ID: Khrysocome
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    PeccaviPeccavi Registered User regular
    Episode 4
    Apparently there's an option to give Toad the money for his glamours right then and there at the business office? How much is it? I took the money from the Tweedle's office last episode, regained my funds at the Puddin and Pie in episode 2, and took the money from Crane's jacket this time and never got the option to give the money to him.

    Because if what I had wasn't enough, well, damn those things really are expensive.

    Personally hoping for a hired Auntie Greenleaf to provide a freebie otherwise and Snow can deal with it.
    Yeah, I'm not sure how I got that option, but I had been regretting going to the pawn shop first and so was pretty happy when the option came up again. I have grabbed pretty much all the money I've seen, I think, but I also have a tendency to give it to strippers so I'm not sure how much I had

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    KanaKana Registered User regular

    I ship snow and Bigby so hard. They're adorable. Well, except for when Snow is letting out her dictatorial impulses.


    A trap is for fish: when you've got the fish, you can forget the trap. A snare is for rabbits: when you've got the rabbit, you can forget the snare. Words are for meaning: when you've got the meaning, you can forget the words.
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    WybornWyborn GET EQUIPPED Registered User regular
    I find it so hard to play Bigby the way he is in the comics

    I think part of it is that the game barely allows for it, or doesn't allow for it at all

    This is basically an alternate reality take on the characters at this point

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    OmnipotentBagelOmnipotentBagel floof Registered User regular
    Kana wrote: »

    I ship snow and Bigby so hard. They're adorable. Well, except for when Snow is letting out her dictatorial impulses.


    Have you read the comics?


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    OmnipotentBagelOmnipotentBagel floof Registered User regular
    Peccavi wrote: »
    Ending thoughts
    I'm not sure the Crooked Man was responsible for the deaths. He's rotten scum that's involved with terrible things, sex slavery at the top of the list, but he's also all about control, and these deaths have turned the spotlight onto his business well beyond what he's comfortable with. It's certainly possible he expected the deaths to be quieter (especially with the theory I've had since act one that it was one of the other strippers dropping the heads off, trying to get attention for their plight) but I feel like he would have other ways of applying pressure. Maybe Mary went a bit psycho, pretty sure it was her that Jeremy heard talking to herself (actually talking to the girls laughing about her at one of their sleepovers).

    Or maybe the twist will be that none of them had to do with the deaths, and it was all the cab driver that's been in every act.

    At the risk of getting a bit meta with fiction,
    the fact that we're meeting the "bad guy" at the end of the penultimate chapter almost guarantees he's not behind everything. Detective stories like this tend to go one of two routes--either you meet the bad guy right away and spend the rest of your time finding a way to "get" him or at least catch up with his plan, or you find out the guy you've been after isn't really the ultimate bad guy at all and there's an eleventh hour revelation (usually a betrayal, but that might be hard to do here unless it really is an alternate reality from the comics--all the people close to Bigby are known quantities).


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    ChincymcchillaChincymcchilla Registered User regular
    Wyborn wrote: »
    I find it so hard to play Bigby the way he is in the comics

    I think part of it is that the game barely allows for it, or doesn't allow for it at all

    This is basically an alternate reality take on the characters at this point

    I haven't read them in a while but isn't playing bigby pretty nice guy fairly close

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    KanaKana Registered User regular
    Kana wrote: »

    I ship snow and Bigby so hard. They're adorable. Well, except for when Snow is letting out her dictatorial impulses.


    Have you read the comics?

    No, I figured I'd wait until the games are over

    A trap is for fish: when you've got the fish, you can forget the trap. A snare is for rabbits: when you've got the rabbit, you can forget the snare. Words are for meaning: when you've got the meaning, you can forget the words.
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    BarcardiBarcardi All the Wizards Under A Rock: AfganistanRegistered User regular
    Wyborn wrote: »
    I find it so hard to play Bigby the way he is in the comics

    I think part of it is that the game barely allows for it, or doesn't allow for it at all

    This is basically an alternate reality take on the characters at this point

    How does he act in the comics?

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    OmnipotentBagelOmnipotentBagel floof Registered User regular
    Kana wrote: »
    Kana wrote: »

    I ship snow and Bigby so hard. They're adorable. Well, except for when Snow is letting out her dictatorial impulses.


    Have you read the comics?

    No, I figured I'd wait until the games are over

    I highly recommend it.


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    CelloCello Registered User regular
    It's a pretty solid series, at least until the Adversary arc ends.

    The Snow and Bigby stuff gets a little.... weird though. So I'm happy if it turns out they're alternate-reality-ing their relationship here.

    3DS Friend Code: 0216-0898-6512
    Switch Friend Code: SW-7437-1538-7786
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    wirehead26wirehead26 Registered User regular
    I'm following Fables till the end. It's true everything after the Adversary arc finishes up at volume 11 isn't as good but it's far from bad, and personally I found Mr. Dark to be a pretty creepy and effective villain. But MAN does it get sad when
    some of Bigby's kids get stuck in Toyland.

    I'd also recommend all of the Fairest spinoff book.

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    wirehead26wirehead26 Registered User regular
    edited May 2014
    The entire Fables work is a serious time and money investment though. I would recommend completely skipping volume 13 which is a crossover story and really sucks. But that's still 20 trades to buy not counting the various spinoff books.

    wirehead26 on
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    WybornWyborn GET EQUIPPED Registered User regular
    edited May 2014
    Wyborn wrote: »
    I find it so hard to play Bigby the way he is in the comics

    I think part of it is that the game barely allows for it, or doesn't allow for it at all

    This is basically an alternate reality take on the characters at this point

    I haven't read them in a while but isn't playing bigby pretty nice guy fairly close
    Barcardi wrote: »
    Wyborn wrote: »
    I find it so hard to play Bigby the way he is in the comics

    I think part of it is that the game barely allows for it, or doesn't allow for it at all

    This is basically an alternate reality take on the characters at this point

    How does he act in the comics?

    At the start of the comics Bigby's kind of nice but he's also fairly feared, but that doesn't really capture it

    At the start of the comics there is no one in Fabletown who would willingly fuck with Bigby Wolf physically. Not one person, no questions asked. Not the witches, not the demons, not the decrepit gods, not anyone. And he knows it. And he doesn't let anyone forget it.
    He actually brings Bluebeard to heel hard enough to make the guy cry at one point.

    As it relates to Ep 4
    The comics actually start off with Bigby sending Colin off to the Farm again, with it implied that this is a thing that happens constantly

    "Oh Colin, you rascal," the reader might say, as Bigby literally hogties him and throws him into the back of a pickup truck taking supplies to the farm

    As to how it relates to the game in general
    It's almost impossible to get anything past Bigby, because Willingham is pretty hardline about him having the senses of the prototypical wolf. There were scenes in the game that couldn't happen in the comics because Bigby could figure out who something belongs to or who's handled something just by smelling it, like Wolverine times a thousand

    He has enough general knowledge and enough specifically attuned senses that trying to trick him about things borders on the impossible

    I recommend the comics to everyone, no questions asked. If it werent' for Saga it would still be my favorite ongoing comic.

    It's winding down, now, leading up to the end, but it's really strong the whole way through and very, very worth reading.

    Wyborn on
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    TayaTaya Registered User regular
    I sent both Colin and Toad to the farm, but then felt bad about it afterwards. It's not their fault that they need expensive glamours, but there's rules, dammit, and I need to enforce them.

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    KwoaruKwoaru Confident Smirk Flawless Golden PecsRegistered User regular
    just finished episode 4
    who are the cowardly turncoats who didn't tell the crooked man they were bringing him in

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    WybornWyborn GET EQUIPPED Registered User regular
    Kwoaru wrote: »
    just finished episode 4
    who are the cowardly turncoats who didn't tell the crooked man they were bringing him in
    *takes long drag on cigarette

    blows it in Kwoaru's face!!!*

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    WybornWyborn GET EQUIPPED Registered User regular
    The Wolf Among Us is brought to you by the letter V, for violence, and also by the cool, cool act of smoking shitty cigarettes

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    StiltsStilts Registered User regular
    Wyborn wrote: »
    Kwoaru wrote: »
    just finished episode 4
    who are the cowardly turncoats who didn't tell the crooked man they were bringing him in
    *takes long drag on cigarette

    blows it in Kwoaru's face!!!*
    But if you take the "I'm bringing you in" option, you get to say that line AND smoke a cig.


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    KwoaruKwoaru Confident Smirk Flawless Golden PecsRegistered User regular
    edited May 2014
    Wyborn wrote: »
    Kwoaru wrote: »
    just finished episode 4
    who are the cowardly turncoats who didn't tell the crooked man they were bringing him in
    *takes long drag on cigarette

    blows it in Kwoaru's face!!!*

    Ohhhh is that what happens
    if you pick the silent option for that moment? That's pretty good too actually

    I was focused on the "sure lets talk" vs "fuck you lets go" and I had to pick fuck you lets go

    I feel like threaten him wouldn't have worked at all, you're big and bad but you're also literally inside his magical house fortress and you have no idea where that house actually is no need to huff and puff (except on a huff 'n puff)

    Kwoaru on
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    WybornWyborn GET EQUIPPED Registered User regular
    Kwoaru wrote: »
    Wyborn wrote: »
    Kwoaru wrote: »
    just finished episode 4
    who are the cowardly turncoats who didn't tell the crooked man they were bringing him in
    *takes long drag on cigarette

    blows it in Kwoaru's face!!!*

    Ohhhh is that what happens
    if you pick the silent option for that moment? That's pretty good too actually

    I was focused on the "sure lets talk" vs "fuck you lets go" and I had to pick fuck you lets go

    Not exactly

    He just stands there, has a big grin on his face, and slooowly takes out the cigarette. The whole scene boils down to him drawing the cigarette, putting it between his teeth. The Crooked Man looks disconcerted, though perhaps not upset.

    The silence lends itself that air of menace, like you're right on the edge of Bigby going shithouse on them

    I'll have to try the other options to see how they compare, I just really like the silent version

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    KwoaruKwoaru Confident Smirk Flawless Golden PecsRegistered User regular
    Wyborn wrote: »
    Kwoaru wrote: »
    Wyborn wrote: »
    Kwoaru wrote: »
    just finished episode 4
    who are the cowardly turncoats who didn't tell the crooked man they were bringing him in
    *takes long drag on cigarette

    blows it in Kwoaru's face!!!*

    Ohhhh is that what happens
    if you pick the silent option for that moment? That's pretty good too actually

    I was focused on the "sure lets talk" vs "fuck you lets go" and I had to pick fuck you lets go

    Not exactly

    He just stands there, has a big grin on his face, and slooowly takes out the cigarette. The whole scene boils down to him drawing the cigarette, putting it between his teeth. The Crooked Man looks disconcerted, though perhaps not upset.

    The silence lends itself that air of menace, like you're right on the edge of Bigby going shithouse on them

    I'll have to try the other options to see how they compare, I just really like the silent version

    no the
    silent version as you describe it is a very solid choice

    "fuck you lets go" is bigby basically saying "No fuck that, dead or alive you're coming with me" then he draws the cigarette, pulls out the lighter, and cut to black when he strikes the lighter

    I wasn't even going to consider "yeah okay lets talk" because I know we'll end up talking anyway but I need to set the tone a little bit

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    WybornWyborn GET EQUIPPED Registered User regular
    That cut to black is the same

    It might be the most effective cut to black I've ever seen in a video game

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