I'm Not Sorry [Feminism]



  • sarukunsarukun RIESLING OCEANRegistered User regular
    sarukun wrote: »
    Centuries from now archaeologists will struggle to determine how popped corn went from staple of cultures thatfirst

    I want to know where this draft was going

    it was something about how it has become the sole sustenance for snarky douchebags, but I didn't want Fourty Two to get the impression that I was calling him a snarky douchebag (because he is not one), so I thought better of it.

  • AnzekayAnzekay Registered User regular
    Sheri wrote: »
    For ladies of sci fi, I read my first Ursula K Le Guin a while ago and it was awesome

    I will be singing the praises of Ursula K Le Guin's work til my deathbed, especially Earthsea and The Left Hand of Darkness.

  • GoatmonGoatmon Companion of Kess Registered User regular
    Goatmon wrote: »

    I've been wanting to bring up Steven Universe again for a while.

    First episode this week revealed a same-sex love involving one of the main characters, and it was handled really well.

    And that article doesn't even cover what happened on Thursday, during the two-parter.

    tagging this because it has big late-season spoilers, be warned
    Garnet was revealed (more like confirmed) to be a fusion between two gems, Ruby and Sapphire, both of whom are roughly Steven sized, and both are madly in love with each other.

    They demonstrate this, and the power of that relationship, in the most amazing way possible.

    I'm just gonna drop this here because nothing I say can possible do this clip justice.

    If you are still on the fence about this show, WATCH THIS RIGHT NOW

    I'm making it a text link because recent youtube videos don't embed properly right now.

    I have been in awe of how beautiful and well-made this show is, and it just keeps getting better and better, and I can't even

    Ah Steven Universe
    Where the climax of the season finale is a social darwinist receiving and epic beatdown from a same sex marriage of color

    I love this show,


    I really really hope this show gets more and more popular.

    The cast and crew really should be getting hailed for what they've done here.

    Switch Friend Code: SW-6680-6709-4204

  • StiltsStilts Registered User regular
    Butler wrote: »
    FortyTwo wrote: »
    Sheri wrote: »
    Can we talk about how people are flipping shit because a writer suggested that people take a year off of reading books by straight, cisgendered white men?

    Can we talk about how baller Neil Gaiman is??


    At the end of the school year i put on my board a list of books that I think would be awesome for my students to read. Granted I teach freshmen, so i have to keep that in mind. But I try to be diverse in topics and protagonists and authors. I try to keep it light, no real stories about heavy depressing subjects: in 9th grade alone my kids read "The Bluest Eye," "To Kill a Mockingbird," and "The Kite Runner." Basically they get a lot of death, racism, and rape in their lit.

    I still find myself with a bit of a dearth of African-american and female voices on this list.

    Suggestions to counter this?

    the list in the past:

    Good Omens
    Anasi Boys
    Hitchhiker's (that will ALWAYS be on my list)
    Oscar Wao
    A Confederacy of Dunces

    Assassination Vacation

    Ms. Marvel
    Bravest Warriors
    Captain Marvel
    The Watchmen

    Octavia E. Butler is both black AND a lady. Samuel R. Delany is also black and the few of his books I've read were really feminist with strongly written female characters, also very dense with fantastic ideas. Kind of like a readable acid trip (I imagine).

    If you're into poetry and literary fiction, I'd highly recommend Sherman Alexie, who grew up on the Spokane Indian Reservation. He's one of the most skilled writers I've seen, and the thing I remember most about his works is how a passage can first make you laugh and then make you depressed as you think on it more. "War Dances" is a short story collection and probably the best way to get a good grasp of his style.

  • nukanuka What are circles? Registered User regular
    edited March 2015
    Psykoma wrote: »
    I really liked the Agent of Hel series by Jacqueline Carey.

    As well as the Raine Benares series by Lisa Shearin

    I first read Jacqueline Carey's stuff when I read her Kushiel's Dart trilogy. (She wrote a trilogy, and then another, and then another). I would not recommend those books for teenagers.

    They're all fantasy books, and the first two are delicious BDSM Smut but the 3rd book in her first trilogy is a difficult book to read for it's subject matter. It's basically "Horrible Awful Rape: The Book".
    I'll read the first two books forever, but I don't think I can read that final trilogy book ever again. The plot is that bad.

    nuka on
    DS: 2667 5365 3193 | 2DS: 2852-8590-3716
  • nukanuka What are circles? Registered User regular
    So Saint Andrew W.K. of Parties posted this in response to a man worried and stressed out about his girlfriend making more money than him.


    DS: 2667 5365 3193 | 2DS: 2852-8590-3716
  • SheriSheri Resident Fluffer My Living RoomRegistered User regular
    Opinion: Media, particularly books in my case, should come with trigger warnings.

    Or at least there should be such a feature on review sites (like Goodreads for example)

  • nukanuka What are circles? Registered User regular
    I feel as though that book's plot was entirely unnecessary and only pissed me off. I had to take breaks between reading it.

    DS: 2667 5365 3193 | 2DS: 2852-8590-3716
  • tynictynic PICNIC BADASS Registered User, ClubPA regular
    nuka wrote: »
    So Saint Andrew W.K. of Parties posted this in response to a man worried and stressed out about his girlfriend making more money than him.


    That's a really solid, lovely answer, but somehow I still wish he'd used the word 'dipshit' at least once.

  • sarukunsarukun RIESLING OCEANRegistered User regular
    nuka wrote: »
    So Saint Andrew W.K. of Parties posted this in response to a man worried and stressed out about his girlfriend making more money than him.


    This is underwear-on-head crazy.

  • Speed RacerSpeed Racer Scritch scratch scritch scratch scritch scratch scritch scratch scritch scratch scritch scratch scritch scratch scritch scratch scritch scratch scritch scratch scritch scratch scritch scratchRegistered User regular
    nuka wrote: »
    So Saint Andrew W.K. of Parties posted this in response to a man worried and stressed out about his girlfriend making more money than him.


    congrats andrew wk you are my favorite person for the day

  • CaedwyrCaedwyr Registered User regular
    Anzekay wrote: »
    Sheri wrote: »
    For ladies of sci fi, I read my first Ursula K Le Guin a while ago and it was awesome

    I will be singing the praises of Ursula K Le Guin's work til my deathbed, especially Earthsea and The Left Hand of Darkness.

    My favourite amongst her books are

    The Left Hand of Darkness (Focuses on gender as a social construct and it's impact on society)
    The Dispossessed (Anarchy vs. Capitalism)
    The Word for World is Forest (Hyper masculinity and colonialism)
    The Earthsea Trilogy (Later books are of varying quality and I enjoyed some of them, but the originals are still great).

  • So It GoesSo It Goes We keep moving...Registered User regular
    FortyTwo wrote: »
    So It Goes wrote: »
    Quoth wrote: »
    Authors who are awesome and teens might enjoy instead of white dudes:
    Patricia McKillip
    Patricia Wrede
    Robin McKinley
    Pat Cadigan
    Diana Wynne Jones
    Nicola Griffith
    Alice Sheldon, aka James Tiptree Jr.
    Margaret Atwood
    Anne McCaffrey

    Authors who are slightly more trashy/serious/naughty but still fun:
    Mur Lafferty
    Lauren Beukes
    Jaye Wells

    Authors I have heard are good/fun but haven't read myself yet or only read short fiction:
    Kameron Hurley
    Mary Robinette Kowal
    Amber Benson
    Beth Cato
    Cassandra Clarke
    Nnedi Okorafor
    Tananarive Due
    Catherynne Valente
    Seanan McGuire
    Silvia Moreno-Garcia

    I would recommend seanen maguire for teens (her urban fantasy series with female protagonist is fun) and gail carriger has some neat fantasy/steampunk stuff that they might like as well!

    The balance I am also trying to strike is getting not just stuff considered for YA audiences. Like I have put up Marquez and considered ZPadie Smith - but that might be a little beyond them.

    I have also tried to find things that are lighter, because GOD DAMN their reading list in high school is just the saddest darkest stuff.

    Carriger's Soullless series is not YA, really

    It's good! And romancy! Teens would probably like it heh

  • DJ EebsDJ Eebs Moderator, Administrator admin
    tynic wrote: »
    nuka wrote: »
    So Saint Andrew W.K. of Parties posted this in response to a man worried and stressed out about his girlfriend making more money than him.


    That's a really solid, lovely answer, but somehow I still wish he'd used the word 'dipshit' at least once.

    pretty sure that would violate the very core of andrew wk's being

  • SheriSheri Resident Fluffer My Living RoomRegistered User regular

  • JoeUserJoeUser Forum Santa Registered User regular
    Sheri wrote: »



  • SheriSheri Resident Fluffer My Living RoomRegistered User regular
    I found it!

    I hope that image works for other peeps otherwise Imma feel VERY silly

  • StericaSterica Yes Registered User, Moderator mod
    I have a hard time imainging that Andrew WK is actually a real person.

  • CambiataCambiata Commander Shepard The likes of which even GAWD has never seenRegistered User regular
    Oh my God that Estelle clip. Is there some way for me to watch Steven Universe online?

    Peace to fashion police, I wear my heart
    On my sleeve, let the runway start
  • StericaSterica Yes Registered User, Moderator mod
    iTunes, Amazon, and YouTube all have the latest eps.

    They cause dollar monies though.

    (Worth it)

  • BertezBertezBertezBertez Registered User regular
    There are some grey online sites that stream it and you can buy it on itunes

    ...but I would say that

  • MKRMKR Registered User regular
    Those "grey" sites aren't grey at all. They aren't licensed, and the creators don't get any money for it.

  • CambiataCambiata Commander Shepard The likes of which even GAWD has never seenRegistered User regular
    Yeah I recognize illegal sites when I see them. Fuck iTunes, but I might buy it on Amazon.

    Peace to fashion police, I wear my heart
    On my sleeve, let the runway start
  • StericaSterica Yes Registered User, Moderator mod
    They cost the same, but YouTube is like five bucks cheaper per volume

  • Metzger MeisterMetzger Meister It Gets Worse before it gets any better.Registered User regular
    can people be arrested for street harassment? that seems like a thing that should happen.

  • StericaSterica Yes Registered User, Moderator mod
    edited March 2015
    There are laws against harrassment, but it has a set of criteria and largely comes down to he said / she said and guess who people tend to believe more?

    Also, in many cases it's not one guy catcalling you a lot but a series of dudes just saying one or two things as you go from A to B.

    Sterica on
  • Mortal SkyMortal Sky queer punk hedge witchRegistered User regular
    Iain M. Banks was a white dude but the books he wrote feature so many queer and non-white characters (pan-galactic humanity is a vast thing) that I always considered his works a shining beacon of diversity within the space opera genre

  • HacksawHacksaw J. Duggan Esq. Wrestler at LawRegistered User regular
    For lewd comments? Depends on the laws of the jurisdiction in which it happens (I don't think you can be, here in Seattle, but I could be wrong).

    For touching? You bet.

  • InquisitorInquisitor Registered User regular
    nuka wrote: »
    So Saint Andrew W.K. of Parties posted this in response to a man worried and stressed out about his girlfriend making more money than him.


    Holy shit! I am very tempted to commit large swathes, if not the entire thing, to memory to be able to recite when situations like this arise in conversation.

    What a beautiful sentiment.

  • CambiataCambiata Commander Shepard The likes of which even GAWD has never seenRegistered User regular
    Ok you dorks. Based entirely on the strength of that Estelle clip I did something I never do, I bought an entire season of a show online without first having watched even one episode. Steven Universe here I come.

    Peace to fashion police, I wear my heart
    On my sleeve, let the runway start
  • tynictynic PICNIC BADASS Registered User, ClubPA regular
    Or: "Is your self-confidence so low that you think the only reason a woman would stick around is if she was literally dependent on you for food and shelter."

  • tynictynic PICNIC BADASS Registered User, ClubPA regular
  • Albino BunnyAlbino Bunny Jackie Registered User regular
    So I think someone mentioned Bonnie from Payday 2 earlier in the thread. She's just come out and is pretty fantastic as an example of a female character that's not got male gaze going on and is jut a flat out bad ass. Spoilered for a big screen shot of her:

    Payday 2 on the whole's actually pretty good about this stuff with adding in Clover and Bonnie to the previously all male gang. Bonnie's even free too so unlike with Clover there's no 'pay to play a woman' tax involved in the game.

  • HacksawHacksaw J. Duggan Esq. Wrestler at LawRegistered User regular
    I don't get this guy's deal. So she makes a ton more money than you. So what? Cook her a nice meal and watch some movies with her on your GIANT TELEVISION together.

  • HacksawHacksaw J. Duggan Esq. Wrestler at LawRegistered User regular
    Like I just want to look this dude straight in the eye and say "Your worth as a person is not tied to your earnings, both in a hypothetical sense and a real sense, despite what decades of toxic cultural norms have conditioned you to believe. You are more than your paycheck. Your girlfriend realizes this; you must do so, as well."

  • LiiyaLiiya Registered User regular
    He should be happy she's in a good financial position where they are able save up and do what they want because she earns more, and that is no different to if a guy earns more.

    Also he should be proud of her, sounds like she's a boss. Also you never know what the future holds, jobs don't always last forever, enjoy it while you can.

  • StericaSterica Yes Registered User, Moderator mod
    edited March 2015
    Yeah, I still think "pay to unlock a woman in this game with 80% male playable characters" is bad, but credit to Overkill in that the ladies they added are pretty cool.

    Bonnie is a fairly husky woman who definitely looks like she's spent time in prison. Clover is the youngest character, but she's also not portrayed as a conventionally attractive woman.

    Sterica on
  • CambiataCambiata Commander Shepard The likes of which even GAWD has never seenRegistered User regular
    Inquisitor wrote: »
    nuka wrote: »
    So Saint Andrew W.K. of Parties posted this in response to a man worried and stressed out about his girlfriend making more money than him.


    Holy shit! I am very tempted to commit large swathes, if not the entire thing, to memory to be able to recite when situations like this arise in conversation.

    What a beautiful sentiment.

    @Strikor <3

    Peace to fashion police, I wear my heart
    On my sleeve, let the runway start
  • V1mV1m Registered User regular
    Also for female SF/Fantasy writes: Mary Gentle.

  • QuothQuoth the Raven Miami, FL FOR REALRegistered User regular
    For YA books, I always recommend Diana Wynne Jones and Patricia Wrede first. They have stuff for all ages so it's easy to scale, and they're just delightful all around. I've heard good things about Nnedi Okorafor and Daniel Older as well. But really, I feel like many of us were reading "grown up" books in middle school, so it's hard to know what's appropriate.

This discussion has been closed.