
[Horizon Zero Dawn] Out now on PC and PS4!



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    vegeta_666vegeta_666 CanadaRegistered User regular
    Hunter's Lodge Stealth Challenges
    The one to loot all of the containers in a certain time limit, I did not use stealth at all. Much easier to just run in and try not to get hit.

    Steam: abunchofdaftpunk | PSN: noautomobilesgo | Lastfm: sjchszeppelin | Backloggery: colincummings | 3DS FC: 1392-6019-0219 |
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    OrcaOrca Also known as Espressosaurus WrexRegistered User regular
    edited March 2017
    Maker's End: holy SHIT that is a lot of guns on that thing. :bigfrown:

    Orca on
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    DragkoniasDragkonias That Guy Who Does Stuff You Know, There. Registered User regular
    Man...so many high level combat skills I want...

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    ShadowhopeShadowhope Baa. Registered User regular
    Dragkonias wrote: »
    Man...so many high level combat skills I want...

    I felt that the most critical were almost all one or two points.

    Civics is not a consumer product that you can ignore because you don’t like the options presented.
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    ZundeZunde Registered User regular
    edited March 2017
    You and me Aloy we've been through a lot together but now it's time to move on.

    Zunde on
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    OrcaOrca Also known as Espressosaurus WrexRegistered User regular
    edited March 2017
    After getting side-tracked picking metal flowers and saving convoys for the last 40+ hours, I'm back on the main questline. My god, they manage to evoke an amazing sense of wonder and urgency just through the writing and acting. This is phenomenal.

    And Aloy's gestures really sell it. They animated the headshaking amazement, bent over panting while catching your breath, all of it. This is some next generation storytelling-in-gaming, folks.

    Orca on
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    RavelleRavelle Registered User regular
    I accepted that Stonebreaker side quest from Maridian.

    I regretted it a moment later.

    He's only three levels higher than me but he wrecks me with two hits, I can't get a bearing where he's coming from, when I try to distance myself to get a view he jumps from across the map in to my back bone and his hit boxes are twice the size of him because he manages to hit me no matter how I dodge and roll.

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    DragkoniasDragkonias That Guy Who Does Stuff You Know, There. Registered User regular
    Shadowhope wrote: »
    Dragkonias wrote: »
    Man...so many high level combat skills I want...

    I felt that the most critical were almost all one or two points.

    For the most part but some of the 3 point ones are some big QoL upgrades.

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    HonkHonk Honk is this poster. Registered User, __BANNED USERS regular
    King's Peak / Severe blue balls
    I haven't gotten to Meridian story-wise. I went exploring north to the vantage point... lots of really tough battles, cutscenes, then the vantage point. Nice music starts and I go over there to whatever it is, what a vista. See ruin icon pop onto map, literally shaking with excitement.

    And then I can't get in and I used google to verify it's a story mission. Wild guess; a late one.

    Fuck, man.

    PSN: Honkalot
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    JavenJaven Registered User regular
    Ravelle wrote: »
    I accepted that Stonebreaker side quest from Maridian.

    I regretted it a moment later.

    He's only three levels higher than me but he wrecks me with two hits, I can't get a bearing where he's coming from, when I try to distance myself to get a view he jumps from across the map in to my back bone and his hit boxes are twice the size of him because he manages to hit me no matter how I dodge and roll.

    When it dives, it has a dust cloud that indicates where it is. Also it can't go into rock, so if there any ledges, you can retreat there until it resurfaces. Still have to be aware of its ranged attack though.

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    QanamilQanamil x Registered User regular
    Also, another trick for vantage points is they often have brave trails associated with them. If so, look for big ol' paintings for where to start.

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    JaredK91JaredK91 Registered User regular
    So I decided that I was gonna do everything I could before going to big town
    because I have an old fear that's stuck in me that I'm going to lock myself out of stuff by advancing the main quest, so before I even got there I was level 48 with the entire map filled in and all the collections finished. You can definitely sequence break some stuff (mild mid game spoilers)
    I had Sylens call me when I got to Sunfall before i'd ever even spoken to him before, also Aloy started referring to the Eclipse even though I had no idea who they were.
    . Would recommend not waiting that long to go there though lol would have been nice having more epic weapons earlier but it was fun. Was also nice that once I did move the main quest along it was just straight through I didn't have to stop plowing through to do tons of side quests and I could just fast travel everywhere. Also if you hit max level you will have more then enough talents to get every skill. I had extra I couldn't spend.

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    JavenJaven Registered User regular
    JaredK91 wrote: »
    So I decided that I was gonna do everything I could before going to big town
    because I have an old fear that's stuck in me that I'm going to lock myself out of stuff by advancing the main quest, so before I even got there I was level 48 with the entire map filled in and all the collections finished. You can definitely sequence break some stuff (mild mid game spoilers)
    I had Sylens call me when I got to Sunfall before i'd ever even spoken to him before, also Aloy started referring to the Eclipse even though I had no idea who they were.
    . Would recommend not waiting that long to go there though lol would have been nice having more epic weapons earlier but it was fun. Was also nice that once I did move the main quest along it was just straight through I didn't have to stop plowing through to do tons of side quests and I could just fast travel everywhere. Also if you hit max level you will have more then enough talents to get every skill. I had extra I couldn't spend.
    you do indeed get locked out of most old world ruins if there's a mission that involves them, so make sure you comb through those thoroughly before finishing, but everything else can be done in any order.

    There's also an achievement for doing all side quests before finishing the game, but after beating the game it just sends you back to before the point of no return so that's not a bit deal either.

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    OrcaOrca Also known as Espressosaurus WrexRegistered User regular
    Maker's End feels like a multi-hour-long version of this, and it is haunting:

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    GMaster7GMaster7 Goggles Paesano Registered User regular
    Played about 9 more hours of this today and beat it. What a game. What a game! Time to comb through the thread's spoiler tags...

    Rushing through main story missions - one after another - definitely isn't ideal; it's a much better experience to mix side quests and errands with main story missions as you go, to preserve the sense of constant discovery. But I wanted to see the end, and I had a lot of time today, so I just went for it. I'll have the Plat in a couple of hours.

    PSN: SKI2000G | Steam: GMaster7 | Battle.net: GMaster7#1842
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    DragkoniasDragkonias That Guy Who Does Stuff You Know, There. Registered User regular
    You know the "old ones" or the mysterious ancient civilization isn't new to video games.

    But modern society being that ancient group really does something for me.

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    KrieghundKrieghund Registered User regular
    Ok, level 15 and the Nora are avenged.
    After I blew up the blaze, I just tapped the Bellowback a few times and ran around the stadium with it chasing me. By the time I got back to the hole to get in, all the braves were on the wall killing it, lol. Just sad I couldn't get to where they were to put down some damage. But glad that the NPC guys weren't totally useless.

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    YerMumYerMum Registered User regular
    Ravelle wrote: »
    I accepted that Stonebreaker side quest from Maridian.

    I regretted it a moment later.

    He's only three levels higher than me but he wrecks me with two hits, I can't get a bearing where he's coming from, when I try to distance myself to get a view he jumps from across the map in to my back bone and his hit boxes are twice the size of him because he manages to hit me no matter how I dodge and roll.

    Get high, aim for the feet

    Rugged individualist
    Destiny Profile : http://www.bungie.net/en/Profile/254/7028016
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    CenoCeno pizza time Registered User regular
    Level 42

    I've been tasked to head to
    , but I've spent most of the day mopping up collectibles, doing hunter's lodge stuff, and side questing like crazy. Only have one cauldron left.

    This game is really really good. The storytelling is exceptionally well-done and the side quests don't make me feel like I'm wasting time. My only complaint is that there a few too many "track following" activities.

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    KalTorakKalTorak One way or another, they all end up in the Undercity.Registered User regular
    edited March 2017
    my only complaint is that all this bow-firing is screwing with my Hanzo game.

    (well, also the fact that Overwatch has been almost entirely on the shelf since I started playing Horizon)

    KalTorak on
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    ZundeZunde Registered User regular
    This is the first game in a long while that has left me after 100%ing it wanting more in a good way.

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    KelorKelor Registered User regular
    This game sure is purty.


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    DisrupterDisrupter Registered User regular
    Oh man shadow bow bought about the same time I unlocked both double and triple notch

    It becomes a whole new game where I just eat robots for lunch.

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    DragkoniasDragkonias That Guy Who Does Stuff You Know, There. Registered User regular
    Hmm...yeah...I went to Meridian like someone suggested and now have 5 purple weapons and a bunch of sidequests.

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    KrieghundKrieghund Registered User regular
    Question, after you complete the main story quest, can go still play and do all the side quests and find all the things?

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    metaghostmetaghost An intriguing odor A delicate touchRegistered User regular
    Krieghund wrote: »
    Question, after you complete the main story quest, can go still play and do all the side quests and find all the things?

    Yes; the game sends you back to right before "the point of no return".

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    KrieghundKrieghund Registered User regular
    Ok, good. Now I don't feel like I have to scour the countryside before I move on. Not that I think I'm anywhere near the end, mind you, I just didn't want to feel compelled to hold off until I'd found all the neat little story touches they put in.

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    SiskaSiska Shorty Registered User regular
    I'm having problems with climbing. As in I can't see where. Is there some way to highlight the grips?

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    KalTorakKalTorak One way or another, they all end up in the Undercity.Registered User regular

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    ShadowhopeShadowhope Baa. Registered User regular
    KalTorak wrote: »

    They have those all over the UK and Ireland I gather, showing local landmarks. They're pretty cool.

    Civics is not a consumer product that you can ignore because you don’t like the options presented.
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    DragkoniasDragkonias That Guy Who Does Stuff You Know, There. Registered User regular
    edited March 2017
    So this is probably the best new IP I've played all this gen.

    Though given all the sequels...that list isn't really long.

    But still.

    Dragkonias on
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    Grunt's GhostsGrunt's Ghosts Registered User regular
    So... Best weapon against Stalkers...

    The spear... Just let my brother play around with it and he took two down with heavy hits and critical strikes.

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    Unco-ordinatedUnco-ordinated NZRegistered User regular
    Zunde wrote: »
    Just starting to scratch the story surface now that i have collected almost every random collectible.
    Holy hell Ted Faro is stupid. Like really stupid

    Yep. The worst part is (end-game spoiler)
    even after being the direct cause of the apocalypse, he somehow managed to fuck everyone over AGAIN. Like, getting billions of people killed wasn't enough for him, he had to kill some of the very few who were left AND fuck over the future generations to come. Fuck that guy so hard.

    I got my Horizon plat a couple days ago and would've posted earlier if my router hadn't died a death but I looooved it. A lot of people have been comparing it to Far Cry and I get that, it's an open world game with good combat, towers, equipment crafting, collectables and bases to capture, but where that comparison fails, I think, is that all those open world Ubisoft features are so minimal that you never get the same repetitiveness from it that you do form a typical open world Ubisoft game. What I'm reminded far more of though, is Witcher 3, both in how fantastic the writing is and side content is. Instead of having your typical "vidyagames" filler that most open world games are filled with, almost everything in Horizon, the main quest, side quests, collectables, random conversations you hear and optional datapoints, helps build what is a fascinating world. And while I don't think it quite hits the same highs as Witcher 3, I do think they could get there if they build off this base. I'm really excited to see where they go with any DLC and/or sequels.

    Steam ID - LiquidSolid170 | PSN ID - LiquidSolid
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    Hahnsoo1Hahnsoo1 Make Ready. We Hunt.Registered User, Moderator mod
    So... Best weapon against Stalkers...

    The spear... Just let my brother play around with it and he took two down with heavy hits and critical strikes.
    I hit them with shock, then spear them to death. There typically is just enough time to kill it after shocking it with crits and heavy strikes.

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    SpaffySpaffy Fuck the Zero Registered User regular
    So, I'm nearly finished, and this game is magnificent.

    However. My only real complaint is that outside of the main gameplay loop (which is completely and utterly compelling, I might add), there's not enough to do if you don't care about collectibles. Whilst Tallnecks are fun, it was very disheartening that not a single one of them revealed anything of any use or interest to me. It was all Machine Sites and mugs. My distaste for collectibles aside, machine sites don't have much use as I never once had the need to farm a specific creature outside of a quest.

    I'd have liked more side-quests, more bandit camps, and more cauldron-esque experiences. Fortunately the emergent gameplay was fantastic so the world never felt boring or empty, but the map certainly was despite being jammed full of icons. Even if they'd just put the Power Cells for the super-armour out in the world and had the Tallnecks reveal those, that would have been better.

    Steam: adamjnet
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    Grunt's GhostsGrunt's Ghosts Registered User regular
    edited March 2017
    I just watched my brother do Zeta by smashing the Boss with a spear and dodging.

    I can't play this game anymore.

    Grunt's Ghosts on
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    ShadowhopeShadowhope Baa. Registered User regular

    I just lobbed a sticky bomb at a Sawtooth, dodged out of the way, and the sticky bomb blew up as it leapt at me. The leap took it directly next to a log-fall trap, and the bomb blast set off the trip, killing the Sawtooth.

    If that had been intentional, and not the result of a panicked shot with a weapon that I hadn't intended to use, it would have been especially cool.

    Civics is not a consumer product that you can ignore because you don’t like the options presented.
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    override367override367 ALL minions Registered User regular
    edited March 2017
    edit: doublepost

    override367 on
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    override367override367 ALL minions Registered User regular
    edited March 2017
    Zunde wrote: »
    Just starting to scratch the story surface now that i have collected almost every random collectible.
    Holy hell Ted Faro is stupid. Like really stupid

    Oh my god fuck that guy

    end story spoilers
    I kept actually hoping along the way we'd figure out why Apollo wasn't working and find a solution, I watched/read all the logs of the woman and her team putting together this living memorial to mankind's knowledge and this fuck just deleted all of it

    not enough he wiped out all life but he had to do this shit too?

    I love the one guy's response "Innocent my ass, he never saw people executed in the sun ring"

    He's probably the guy who insisted Gaia have all the high level directives preventing her from talking to the humans or even opening a door to unauthorized people too. Farro is without a doubt the worst decision maker in the history of intelligent life in this game's world

    override367 on
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    JaredK91JaredK91 Registered User regular
    Zunde wrote: »
    Just starting to scratch the story surface now that i have collected almost every random collectible.
    Holy hell Ted Faro is stupid. Like really stupid

    Oh my god fuck that guy

    end story spoilers
    I kept actually hoping along the way we'd figure out why Apollo wasn't working and find a solution, I watched/read all the logs of the woman and her team putting together this living memorial to mankind's knowledge and this fuck just deleted all of it

    not enough he wiped out all life but he had to do this shit too?

    I love the one guy's response "Innocent my ass, he never saw people executed in the sun ring"

    He's probably the guy who insisted Gaia have all the high level directives preventing her from talking to the humans or even opening a door to unauthorized people too. Farro is without a doubt the worst decision maker in the history of intelligent life in this game's world

    End Game dickhead spoilery thoughts
    So I don't remember if it was explicitly stated but from my guess how he wanted to try to fix and cover up his mistake before it got out, it seemed to me that his reason for destroying Apollo wasn't cause he didn't want humanity to make his mistake again, it was so they wouldn't learn of HIS mistake. He wanted his name left out of ending the world.

This discussion has been closed.