
[US Federal Congressional Elections 2018] Tester Wins, AZ/FL Too Close



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    shrykeshryke Member of the Beast Registered User regular
    Foefaller wrote: »

    Everyone's least favorite "investigative reporter" James O'Keefe infiltrates McCaskill's campaign to show the world the dreaded truth... that she's a Democrat.

    Thing is, what they did to get these videos is fraud under Missouri law, in a way that the state attorney general has explicit jurisdiction over... You know, the same attorney general whose Senate campaign has been posting links to the videos in question.
    Brody wrote: »
    I guess I'm more concerned in that instance with the person who is supposed to be investigating it as illegal behavior instead using it as campaign ammunition.

    Yeah, the more worrying trend seems to be the brazen way Republicans are using their positions to straight up ignore the law to secure electoral victory. We are moving past the idea of democracy here.

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    CouscousCouscous Registered User regular
    Remember when assaulting a reporter was considered scandalous for a Congressman to do? Good times.

    ABC reporter:

    Kathleen Williams is expected to lose to Republican Congressman Gianforte in the 2018 Montana House election.

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    PantsBPantsB Fake Thomas Jefferson Registered User regular
    Its unclear what the exact state of MT at large is. The polls are fairly conflicted, rated as lean R

    QEDMF xbl: PantsB G+
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    AngelHedgieAngelHedgie Registered User regular
    PantsB wrote: »
    Its unclear what the exact state of MT at large is. The polls are fairly conflicted, rated as lean R

    Gianforte hasn't exactly covered himself in glory here. He's basically run an almost completely negative campaign, and Rosendale isn't going to help him either.

    XBL: Nox Aeternum / PSN: NoxAeternum / NN:NoxAeternum / Steam: noxaeternum
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    minor incidentminor incident expert in a dying field njRegistered User regular
    Heidi Cruz gives an interview to The Atlantic, in which she complains that her husband, US Senator from the state of Texas, Ted Cruz, only brings home $170,000 a year on his senate salary and bemoans the fact that "we’re not buying a second home anytime soon.” She also talks about how she's the "breadwinner" in the family (she is a managing director for Goldman Sachs) and has been tasked with supporting the family while Ted slums it in politics.

    Which, in any sane world, would be enough for the the voters in Texas, a state with among the largest number of rural and low-income residents in the nation, to say "nah, fuck these people."


    Ah, it stinks, it sucks, it's anthropologically unjust
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    FencingsaxFencingsax It is difficult to get a man to understand, when his salary depends upon his not understanding GNU Terry PratchettRegistered User regular
    We need another Linklater ad.

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    CelestialBadgerCelestialBadger Registered User regular
    Poor Teddie is a kept man.

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    BrodyBrody The Watch The First ShoreRegistered User regular
    Seriously. How is that an acceptable complaint?

    "I will write your name in the ruin of them. I will paint you across history in the color of their blood."

    The Monster Baru Cormorant - Seth Dickinson

    Steam: Korvalain
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    Phoenix-DPhoenix-D Registered User regular
    Couscous wrote: »
    Remember when assaulting a reporter was considered scandalous for a Congressman to do? Good times.

    ABC reporter:

    Kathleen Williams is expected to lose to Republican Congressman Gianforte in the 2018 Montana House election.

    Amazing how the "tough on crime" people are perfectly ok with crime when it's the right people doing it, isn't it?

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    enlightenedbumenlightenedbum Registered User regular
    Brody wrote: »
    Seriously. How is that an acceptable complaint?

    Bankers say this stuff all the time. They're terrible humans.

    Self-righteousness is incompatible with coalition building.
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    MorganVMorganV Registered User regular
    Couscous wrote: »
    Remember when assaulting a reporter was considered scandalous for a Congressman to do? Good times.

    ABC reporter:

    Kathleen Williams is expected to lose to Republican Congressman Gianforte in the 2018 Montana House election.

    And the man CONTINUES to have no fucking clue, and he and EVERYONE who supports him is a depraved asshole.

    Yeah, THIS is the fucking week to cheer on physical attacks on members of the free press? Really? THIS fucking week?

    I mean, it's never a good fucking time, and this shit should be condemned by anyone claiming we need civility. But this week? After supporting a regime that tortured and killed a member of the free press?


    The fifth estate need to fucking stop treating this asshole with kid gloves. They need to realize that after the Muslims, after the Latino, they're next on the Niemöller list. His abject hatred of them is not going to soften. They need to stop normalizing him, and make it clear he's a fucking clear and present danger to the country.

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    schussschuss Registered User regular
    Brody wrote: »
    Seriously. How is that an acceptable complaint?

    This is fantastic, she's trying to tank his campaign to get out of chores. By all means, she can complain all she wants.

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    enlightenedbumenlightenedbum Registered User regular
    Sounds like Hawley (R) was on the back foot on a lot of questions in the Missouri Senate debate. Especially on health care, since he's leading the lawsuit to kill ACA and has no backup plan for pre-existing conditions.

    Self-righteousness is incompatible with coalition building.
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    shrykeshryke Member of the Beast Registered User regular
    Phoenix-D wrote: »
    Couscous wrote: »
    Remember when assaulting a reporter was considered scandalous for a Congressman to do? Good times.

    ABC reporter:

    Kathleen Williams is expected to lose to Republican Congressman Gianforte in the 2018 Montana House election.

    Amazing how the "tough on crime" people are perfectly ok with crime when it's the right people doing it, isn't it?

    I mean, I guess? It's always been this way though so I'm just whatever about it. Sunrise, sunset. "Tough on crime" people are terrible and hypocritical.

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    Santa ClaustrophobiaSanta Claustrophobia Ho Ho Ho Disconnecting from Xbox LIVERegistered User regular
    Sounds like Hawley (R) was on the back foot on a lot of questions in the Missouri Senate debate. Especially on health care, since he's leading the lawsuit to kill ACA and has no backup plan for pre-existing conditions.

    Do any of them?

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    enlightenedbumenlightenedbum Registered User regular
    Tough on crime never meant tough on crime. It always meant I will throw black people in jail.

    Self-righteousness is incompatible with coalition building.
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    minor incidentminor incident expert in a dying field njRegistered User regular
    For reference, I think if you totaled up every remaining member of my family still living in Texas, the 10 or so of them combined probably would not be earning $170,000 a year all told. This is just such a baffling and gross disparity in terms of reflecting the demographics and needs of your constituents and the fact that Beto is still down so much compared to Cruz is infuriating. I just honestly hope that more of these people finally see the sort of opportunistic assholes they keep choosing to represent them and decide to do something about it.

    Ah, it stinks, it sucks, it's anthropologically unjust
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    CelestialBadgerCelestialBadger Registered User regular
    MorganV wrote: »
    Couscous wrote: »
    Remember when assaulting a reporter was considered scandalous for a Congressman to do? Good times.

    ABC reporter:

    Kathleen Williams is expected to lose to Republican Congressman Gianforte in the 2018 Montana House election.

    The fifth estate need to fucking stop treating this asshole with kid gloves. They need to realize that after the Muslims, after the Latino, they're next on the Niemöller list. His abject hatred of them is not going to soften. They need to stop normalizing him, and make it clear he's a fucking clear and present danger to the country.

    I’ve read literally hundreds of articles on that theme. The press is saying it. Americans aren’t listening.

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    MorganVMorganV Registered User regular
    MorganV wrote: »
    Couscous wrote: »
    Remember when assaulting a reporter was considered scandalous for a Congressman to do? Good times.

    ABC reporter:

    Kathleen Williams is expected to lose to Republican Congressman Gianforte in the 2018 Montana House election.

    The fifth estate need to fucking stop treating this asshole with kid gloves. They need to realize that after the Muslims, after the Latino, they're next on the Niemöller list. His abject hatred of them is not going to soften. They need to stop normalizing him, and make it clear he's a fucking clear and present danger to the country.

    I’ve read literally hundreds of articles on that theme. The press is saying it. Americans aren’t listening.

    Sometimes they do. And some people are fairly consistent on doing so. But the majority of news outlets, especially the national ones, waffle between being outraged, and then being soft, or allowing themselves to be distracted by the latest scandal. It seems like it's every day that they'll report the President's words verbatim without context, even when he's clearly and provably lying. No. If he's lying, you make that clear BEFORE you show the clip. Then after the clip, you show how you know he's lying.

    Also, call it fucking lying. None of this "the President may have been mistaken/not spoken the truth/been inaccurate" bullshit.

    That's what I mean by normalization. They report what the President says, but rarely provide the context (most of the time) to show that it's utter bullshit.

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    HenroidHenroid Mexican kicked from Immigration Thread Centrism is Racism :3Registered User regular
    edited October 2018
    Jesus jumped up Christ. French Hill, Republican candidate in Arkansas for Congress, has an add in support of him on the radio. And it is mind-blowingly awful. Apologies for the anonymous Twitter account in question but the video in the tweet contains the full length ad.

    Bonus points: The biggest donor for "Black Americans for the President's Agenda" is a wealthy white woman named Trish Duggan. Because of-fucking-course it is.

    Edit - Ah I'm late on this in general I see, but I'm happy to provide the bonus info for y'all to see how these goddamn groups operate.

    Henroid on
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    enlightenedbumenlightenedbum Registered User regular
    An ad so bad a Republican candidate in 2018 disavowed it.

    Self-righteousness is incompatible with coalition building.
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    SpoitSpoit *twitch twitch* Registered User regular
    Reporter from an Atlanta Local paper:

    Not sure if that's a good sign about high levels engagement, or an enraging one about how successful the voter suppression has been (and will continue to be with our current SCOTUS)

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    JragghenJragghen Registered User regular
    I think the answer is yes, it is.

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    daveNYCdaveNYC Why universe hate Waspinator? Registered User regular
    This is a Republican ad targeted at black communities in Arkansas in 2018:

    Stephen Wolf is a writer for Daily Kos.

    What. The. Fuck.

    #MeToo will lead to the next Emmet Till? That's high-quality evil right there. It goes for the 'lets you and him fight', and given the *cough* historical issues *cough* the black community has had concerning law enforcement in America it might even get some traction. Or at least it might if the Republicans weren't so ludicrously racist on every other front.

    Shut up, Mr. Burton! You were not brought upon this world to get it!
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    CelestialBadgerCelestialBadger Registered User regular
    Spoit wrote: »
    Reporter from an Atlanta Local paper:

    Not sure if that's a good sign about high levels engagement, or an enraging one about how successful the voter suppression has been (and will continue to be with our current SCOTUS)

    Mostly the latter, I think. In my Blue State, I’ve never had to wait more than 5 minutes to vote, and for minor elections (eg primaries) I’ve never waited at all.

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    DevoutlyApatheticDevoutlyApathetic Registered User regular
    Spoit wrote: »
    Reporter from an Atlanta Local paper:

    Not sure if that's a good sign about high levels engagement, or an enraging one about how successful the voter suppression has been (and will continue to be with our current SCOTUS)

    Mostly the latter, I think. In my Blue State, I’ve never had to wait more than 5 minutes to vote, and for minor elections (eg primaries) I’ve never waited at all.

    I'm real curious how long the wait is going to be on election day at this new polling station. So far for the primary votes the longest wait has been to do pleasant small talk with the election workers.

    Nod. Get treat. PSN: Quippish
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    FoefallerFoefaller Registered User regular
    edited October 2018
    Sounds like Hawley (R) was on the back foot on a lot of questions in the Missouri Senate debate. Especially on health care, since he's leading the lawsuit to kill ACA and has no backup plan for pre-existing conditions.

    You can listen to it here if you're interested

    Another highlight was Hawley getting called out for a wishy-washy answer to Right-to-Work, not saying he'd vote against a federal version despite Missouri voting overwhelming to repeal the state one earlier this year.

    I think the best part of the article though was getting opinions from the audience. I'm pretty sure that an affirmed Hawley volunteer saying "both sides did equally well" is not a good sign for Hawley.

    Foefaller on
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    CouscousCouscous Registered User regular
    edited October 2018
    GOP Rep. Jason Lewis once mocked women who felt traumatized by unwanted touching
    Cain had been accused of sexually harassing employees and having a 13-year affair. Two women who were at the National Restaurant Association while Cain was president received settlements after accusing him of sexual harassment. He denied the allegations at the time and was never criminally charged.

    "I don't want to be callous here, but how traumatizing was it?" Lewis said. "How many women at some point in their life have a man come on to them, place their hand on their shoulder or maybe even their thigh, kiss them, and they would rather not have it happen, but is that really something that's going to be seared in your memory that you'll need therapy for?"

    "You'll never get over? It was the most traumatizing experience? Come on! She wasn't raped," Lewis added, using a voice mocking an emotionally distraught woman.
    On a November 3, 2012, show, Lewis said he believed sexual harassment law was "insane" to cover offensive comments at work. Lewis said those offended were just looking for money.
    Lewis is seeking re-election in Minnesota's second congressional district, which he narrowly won just two years ago. CNN rates his race a toss up, the most competitive designation.
    I hope so much he gets trashed in the upcoming election.

    Couscous on
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    BucketmanBucketman Call me SkraggRegistered User regular
    Tough on crime never meant tough on crime. It always meant I will throw black people in jail.

    A real tough on crime admin would go after white collar financial sector crimes hard.

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    XaquinXaquin Right behind you!Registered User regular
    Couscous wrote: »
    GOP Rep. Jason Lewis once mocked women who felt traumatized by unwanted touching
    Cain had been accused of sexually harassing employees and having a 13-year affair. Two women who were at the National Restaurant Association while Cain was president received settlements after accusing him of sexual harassment. He denied the allegations at the time and was never criminally charged.

    "I don't want to be callous here, but how traumatizing was it?" Lewis said. "How many women at some point in their life have a man come on to them, place their hand on their shoulder or maybe even their thigh, kiss them, and they would rather not have it happen, but is that really something that's going to be seared in your memory that you'll need therapy for?"

    "You'll never get over? It was the most traumatizing experience? Come on! She wasn't raped," Lewis added, using a voice mocking an emotionally distraught woman.
    On a November 3, 2012, show, Lewis said he believed sexual harassment law was "insane" to cover offensive comments at work. Lewis said those offended were just looking for money.
    Lewis is seeking re-election in Minnesota's second congressional district, which he narrowly won just two years ago. CNN rates his race a toss up, the most competitive designation.
    I hope so much he gets trashed in the upcoming election.

    yet if a gay man did that to him I feel that he would sing a completely different tune

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    Santa ClaustrophobiaSanta Claustrophobia Ho Ho Ho Disconnecting from Xbox LIVERegistered User regular
    Gay men can't control themselves *checks notes* only straight men can.

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    ButtersButters A glass of some milks Registered User regular
    Spoit wrote: »
    Reporter from an Atlanta Local paper:

    Not sure if that's a good sign about high levels engagement, or an enraging one about how successful the voter suppression has been (and will continue to be with our current SCOTUS)

    Mostly the latter, I think. In my Blue State, I’ve never had to wait more than 5 minutes to vote, and for minor elections (eg primaries) I’ve never waited at all.

    As a resident of a blue county in a red state I agree tt is likely the latter. Indiana's largest city also makes up its most populous county of Marion. Marion county has a population of just under 1 million and in 2016 had one single early voting site. Thankfully this past summer the county board of elections approved of 6 satellite locations for early voting but that's no thanks to the state Attorney General. The AG filed a motion for a federal court to block the new stations based on a spurious claim that the board did not have unanimous consent when both the records and video of the meeting the vote took place at showed that they had.

    Red state officials will stop at nothing to disenfranchise the residents of its largest cities.

    PSN: idontworkhere582 | CFN: idontworkhere | Steam: lordbutters | Amazon Wishlist
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    shrykeshryke Member of the Beast Registered User regular
    Couscous wrote: »
    GOP Rep. Jason Lewis once mocked women who felt traumatized by unwanted touching
    Cain had been accused of sexually harassing employees and having a 13-year affair. Two women who were at the National Restaurant Association while Cain was president received settlements after accusing him of sexual harassment. He denied the allegations at the time and was never criminally charged.

    "I don't want to be callous here, but how traumatizing was it?" Lewis said. "How many women at some point in their life have a man come on to them, place their hand on their shoulder or maybe even their thigh, kiss them, and they would rather not have it happen, but is that really something that's going to be seared in your memory that you'll need therapy for?"

    "You'll never get over? It was the most traumatizing experience? Come on! She wasn't raped," Lewis added, using a voice mocking an emotionally distraught woman.
    On a November 3, 2012, show, Lewis said he believed sexual harassment law was "insane" to cover offensive comments at work. Lewis said those offended were just looking for money.
    Lewis is seeking re-election in Minnesota's second congressional district, which he narrowly won just two years ago. CNN rates his race a toss up, the most competitive designation.
    I hope so much he gets trashed in the upcoming election.

    I read that as John Lewis the first time and was incredibly sad for like 5 seconds until I realised the mistake.

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    joshofalltradesjoshofalltrades Class Traitor Smoke-filled roomRegistered User regular
    Beto will be a special guest on this Friday's Pod Save America HBO special, so that's something to look forward to

    He seems to be at his best when preaching to the choir, although it was nice to see him take a few shots at Cruz at their last debate

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    never dienever die Registered User regular
    Butters wrote: »
    Spoit wrote: »
    Reporter from an Atlanta Local paper:

    Not sure if that's a good sign about high levels engagement, or an enraging one about how successful the voter suppression has been (and will continue to be with our current SCOTUS)

    Mostly the latter, I think. In my Blue State, I’ve never had to wait more than 5 minutes to vote, and for minor elections (eg primaries) I’ve never waited at all.

    As a resident of a blue county in a red state I agree tt is likely the latter. Indiana's largest city also makes up its most populous county of Marion. Marion county has a population of just under 1 million and in 2016 had one single early voting site. Thankfully this past summer the county board of elections approved of 6 satellite locations for early voting but that's no thanks to the state Attorney General. The AG filed a motion for a federal court to block the new stations based on a spurious claim that the board did not have unanimous consent when both the records and video of the meeting the vote took place at showed that they had.

    Red state officials will stop at nothing to disenfranchise the residents of its largest cities.

    The flip of this is I think I’ve waited at most, maybe 20 minutes, to vote on Election Day in Indianapolis. Which is weird considering how much they hate early voting.

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    iTunesIsEviliTunesIsEvil Cornfield? Cornfield.Registered User regular
    never die wrote: »
    Butters wrote: »
    Spoit wrote: »
    Reporter from an Atlanta Local paper:

    Not sure if that's a good sign about high levels engagement, or an enraging one about how successful the voter suppression has been (and will continue to be with our current SCOTUS)

    Mostly the latter, I think. In my Blue State, I’ve never had to wait more than 5 minutes to vote, and for minor elections (eg primaries) I’ve never waited at all.

    As a resident of a blue county in a red state I agree tt is likely the latter. Indiana's largest city also makes up its most populous county of Marion. Marion county has a population of just under 1 million and in 2016 had one single early voting site. Thankfully this past summer the county board of elections approved of 6 satellite locations for early voting but that's no thanks to the state Attorney General. The AG filed a motion for a federal court to block the new stations based on a spurious claim that the board did not have unanimous consent when both the records and video of the meeting the vote took place at showed that they had.

    Red state officials will stop at nothing to disenfranchise the residents of its largest cities.

    The flip of this is I think I’ve waited at most, maybe 20 minutes, to vote on Election Day in Indianapolis. Which is weird considering how much they hate early voting.

    <gets way too excited> HI FELLOW HOOSIER!

    It took me and my wife about an hour and a half in 2016, in Greenwood, to vote early, and we actually have plenty of early voting sites down here!

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    minor incidentminor incident expert in a dying field njRegistered User regular
    edited October 2018
    Totally blue in my district. Large-ish suburban area. Literally never waited behind anyone to vote in my life, in 3 different cities, 5 different polling sites. Voting for me is literally quicker than going through the Starbucks drive-thru on the way in to work.

    It should be just as quick and easy for everybody and the fact that this is a contentious opinion is horrifying.

    minor incident on
    Ah, it stinks, it sucks, it's anthropologically unjust
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    So It GoesSo It Goes We keep moving...Registered User regular
    I vote at home and my Senator has introduced a bill to make sure you can too

    /Sips coffee

    Seriously this shit is so infuriating. it doesn't have to be this way!

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    Jebus314Jebus314 Registered User regular
    edited October 2018
    I've only lived in oregon and washington. What are these lines you speak of? Surely everyone gets their prepared voter information pamphlet in the mail, spends a few days leisurely researching what to vote for, and then drops their carefully thought out voter card in the nearest mailbox.

    Jebus314 on
    "The world is a mess, and I just need to rule it" - Dr Horrible
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    MuddBuddMuddBudd Registered User regular
    So It Goes wrote: »
    I vote at home and my Senator has introduced a bill to make sure you can too

    /Sips coffee

    Seriously this shit is so infuriating. it doesn't have to be this way!

    My whole city/district is vote by mail only, and it is the BEST.

    Everywhere should do that.

    There's no plan, there's no race to be run
    The harder the rain, honey, the sweeter the sun.
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