

MNC DoverMNC Dover Full-time Voice ActorKirkland, WARegistered User regular
edited April 2020 in Games and Technology

THIS IS FOR: PC, Mac, iPad, Android and iPhone!

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Hearthstone New Player Guide:
1. Install Game
2. Play through intro stuff (Mage training)
3. Unlock every class by defeating them
4. Choose a class and level it up to 10 in any mode (You earn less XP against the AI, but will almost always win)
5. Do this with all the other classes (100 free gold!)
6. Go back and defeat all 9 Expert AI classes (100 free gold!)
7. Choose a class and level it up to 20 in any mode
8. Play an Arena run (it's free so don't worry about going 0-3)
9. Disenchant a card (typically a common 5 dust card) (95 free dust!)
10. Add some PA folks to your friends list and observe them winning a game (free pack!)
11. Find friends or relatives and play one game on an iPhone/iPad and Samsung phone/Tablet (1 free pack per system!)
12. **OPTIONAL: Spend $5 for the Welcome Pack (10 packs + 1 Legendary)
13. Complete daily quests, and win any 3 games, to earn gold (in Casual or Constructed)
14. Try and reach as high a rank as possible each season, but at least aim for ranks 20, 15, 10, or 5. (Free cards/dust - see below)
15. Enter and win one Tavern Brawl each week (Free pack, but Wed-Sun only!)
16. Either spend Gold on packs of cards (100/pack - Classic for a long time) or Arena (150/run)
17. Repeat steps 13-16

Arena can earn more cards and Gold once you get good at playing it. You always get a pack of cards in Arena regardless of your record. Rewards increase as you get more wins. Therefore, earning 50 Gold will have you break even since you get a 100 Gold pack of cards automatically. 50 Gold is about 3-4 wins depending on your rewards luck. Anything more than that is pure profit. Remember, Arena rewards the newest expansion packs.

A special word from MncDover:
Hearthstone is a fantastic and addicting game to play. The learning curve isn't overly steep, but remembering all the cards is tough to do. BE PREPARED TO LOSE A LOT AT FIRST! If you're new to the game, there are people that have been playing for over a year and have most, if not every, card in the game. It sucks getting smashed by what seems like a legion of Legendary minions, but keep going. Eventually you'll have your own Epic and Legendary cards and can hang with anyone. Besides, Legendary cards don't always mean instant wins. In many cases, you can sub out other common/basic cards in their place.

One last note, never EVER feel bad about asking for help or netdecking popular decks. Everyone does it (I know I certainly do!) and there's no shame in it. Creating decks by yourself can be fun and inventive, but there are people out there that play professionally and spend months creating optimal decks. Not only will netdecking help you create optimal decks, but you'll start to understand why certain cards are good and find interactions you may not have previously thought of. Finally, netdecking will help you know what your opponent is playing too. When everyone is netdecking, you can much more easily predict what they have have left in their deck/hand. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER!

So yeah, ask for help here often and netdeck popular decks. :)

Daily Quests and Gold earning:
You can earn gold by completing a daily quest or by winning 3 games against a human opponent in either Casual or Ranked modes. Ironically, Casual mode is more difficult than Ranked because you aren't as readily matched up to someone of your rank. Other notes about earning gold:

1. When you win 3 games, you earn 10 gold. You can earn up to 100 gold/day this way.
2. If you get a quest you don't like, you can "reroll" it by hitting the blue arrow button in the upper right corner of the quest.
3. You can only reroll one quest per day.
4. You can reroll a previously rerolled quest.
5. Try to not have more than 3 active quests or you'll lose out on a new daily quest.
6. The "Win 7 games in any mode" quest is worth 100 gold. In addition, wins against the AI count.
7. The "Spectate" quest allows you to earn a free pack of Classic cards just by watching another person win. FREE CARDS WOOO!
8. You can complete multiple quests at the same time (ie. Win 2 games with Paladin/Rogue and Win 2 games with Paladin/Warrior both get credit if you win with Paladin)

Card rarity, identification, and dust values:
1. Look at the center of the card for a gem.
2. If the card has no gem, it is a "soulbound" card and cannot be crafted or dusted. Basically, it's a starting card.
3. If the gem is white, the card is common. These cards can be crafted for 40 dust or dusted for 5.
4. If the gem is blue, the card is rare. These cards can be crafted for 100 dust or dusted for 20.
5. If the gem is purple, the card is epic. These cards can be crafted for 400 dust or dusted for 100.
6. If the gem is orange, the card is legendary. These cards can be crafted for 1600 dust or dusted for 400.
7. Dusting a golden version of a card earns you the creation value. Example: A golden rare dusts for 100 instead of 20.
8. It's highly recommended you dust golden cards unless you don't have two copies of it already.

Supplemental Card Creation Guide:
1. Do not dust cards until you have more than 2 copies of a card
2. Unless you're committed to a class, it's better to craft neutral minions first (Ysera, Bloodmage Thalnos, etc)
3. Dusting Gold cards earn lots more dust (unless you care about that bling look)
4. Try to only create Epic or Legendary (commons and rares will come via packs)
5. Ask us here before dusting something like a Legendary (see Legendary crafting link below)

Ranked Rewards
Each season lasts one month. At the end of the season, you'll earn a reward based on your highest rank you earned during the season. The rewards come in the form of golden cards and extra dust. For newer players, the golden cards can be dusted for a lot of dust (see dust list above) allowing you to create better cards. For pros, it's an opportunity to bling out the cards they want or stockpile dust for the next expansion. Because of this reward system, you should always try and get as high as possible each season. And don't worry about losing ranks, you still get the reward based on your best result and not your ending rank. The rewards by rank are:

Rank 20 - 1 golden common card, 5 dust
Rank 19 - 1 golden common card, 10 dust
Rank 18 - 1 golden common card, 15 dust
Rank 17 - 1 golden common card, 20 dust
Rank 16 - 1 golden common card, 25 dust
Rank 15 - 1 golden common card, 1 golden rare card, 5 dust
Rank 14 - 1 golden common card, 1 golden rare card, 10 dust
Rank 13 - 1 golden common card, 1 golden rare card, 15 dust
Rank 12 - 1 golden common card, 1 golden rare card, 20 dust
Rank 11 - 1 golden common card, 1 golden rare card, 25 dust
Rank 10 - 2 golden common cards, 1 golden rare card, 5 dust
Rank 9 - 2 golden common cards, 1 golden rare card, 10 dust
Rank 8 - 2 golden common cards, 1 golden rare card, 15 dust
Rank 7 - 2 golden common cards, 1 golden rare card, 20 dust
Rank 6 - 2 golden common cards, 1 golden rare card, 25 dust
Rank 5 - 2 golden common cards, 1 golden epic card, 5 dust
Rank 4 - 2 golden common cards, 1 golden epic card, 10 dust
Rank 3 - 2 golden common cards, 1 golden epic card, 15 dust
Rank 2 - 2 golden common cards, 1 golden epic card, 20 dust
Rank 1 - 2 golden common cards, 1 golden epic card, 25 dust
Legendary - 3 golden common cards, 1 golden epic card

Useful links:
Most agreed upon order for crafting Legendary cards.

Here's a good list for some Classic set legendary cards:

Leeroy Jenkins
Edwin VanCleef
Bloodmage Thalnos

Cool options to help search through your card collection.

Email stats:
You can get monthly recaps of your last ranked season directly from Blizzard. Follow these steps:

BNet Account Management... Settings > Communications Preferences > Check off News and Special Offers from Blizzard

To get something like this:


Adventure Modes and New Cards:
Hearthstone has been out for over a two years now and has seen a lot of new content. These come in the form of Adventure Modes (single player stuff) and Expansion packs (new cards!). All of this new content can be found below. PLEASE NOTE! There is no reason to bang your head against the wall to complete Heroic boss fights. Completing them is very hard and the only reward is a special card back. Come back to them later after getting more cards in your inventory.

The Witchwood


The Boomsday Project


Rastakhan's Rumble


Rise of Shadows


Saviors of Uldum


General Game Information:
The game has FOUR play modes:
  • Play - Build a 30-card deck and fight people in ranked or unranked matches in Standard or Wild formats.
  • Solo Adventures - Practice against the AI or enter the Single Player themed adventures like The Curse of Naxxramas and Blackrock Mountain.
  • Arena - Pay 150g, then pick a hero from a random selection of 3 heroes and draft a deck from a random pool of cards presented to you three at a time. Then battle other people who went through the same process to receive treasures!
  • Tavern Brawl - Free to enter after level 20. Rules change each week. Rewards a free Classic pack after first victory.

Grobian's list of less intuitive facts:
  • Max handsize is 10 cards. Any card over that is drawn then immediately destroyed.
  • You can't have more than 7 minions on the board.
  • If you draw from an empty deck, each "card" you draw instead damages you, beginning at 1 damage and increasing by 1 damage each draw.
  • If multiple things happen at the same time (e.g. trigger at the end of the turn) they happen in the order their respective cards have been played.
  • There are hidden quests/achievements that award gold, notably: 100g for beating all Expert AIs, 100g for playing every class to level 10 and 300g for 100 wins total.
  • The Shaman hero power always calls one of the 4 totems that isn't out yet. If you get a totem bounced to your hand, you can play a second one, though.
  • The hunter spell Animal Companion just calls a random of the 3 possible minions.
  • The Warlock spell Sense Demons gives you 1/1 imps for 1 mana if you don't have (any more) demons in your deck.
  • Stealth overrides Taunt, not the other way around.
  • Stealth is only for the enemy, you can buff your stealthed minions.
  • Priest: Shadowform refreshes your hero power, so you can use it twice in a turn.
  • Druid: Wild Growth at 10 mana crystals awards you a spell "Excess Mana" which draws a card for 0.
  • More comprehensive list of oddities here

Hearthstone strategy and resource links
Easy intro to Hearthstone in an image.
Full daily quest list here.
TeamLiquid's new Hearthstone siteLiquidHearth
TeamLiquid's Hearthstone Article Portal, a collection of all articles they've done. A good place to start.
HearthHead - Best Arena draft practice, decklists, deck builder, card db
Hearthpwn - Practice Arena drafts, decklists, deck builder, card db. Same stuff different layout.
Chrome Hearthstone Card mouseover extension - Easily find out what all those cards people are talking about do without leaving the thread!
Trump's Neutral Common guide for Arena
A basic/starter guide site for our newer players.

Links to competitive deckslists and analysis

Here's a visual deck sharing program made by our own Muffintron:
How to use:
[img]http://hsdecker.hp88.co.uk/decks/[DECKSTRING HERE].png[/img]

So for example, using this deckstring: AAECAf0ECnHAAcMB7gLmBJKsAumsAoK0AqO2Aum6Agq7ApUDqwSWBewFgbIC17YCh70CwcECmMQCAA==

Would be:

Resulting in:

I'd appreciate it if you guys didn't use it outside PA Forums. My hosting can't stand up to any ridiculous amount of traffic, but it's a nice little tool just for us.

Decent streamers/youtube clips to watch, to learn!

Here's a list of PA people who don't mind if you spectate while they play.
*PM me to get added to the list*
**This is not a friends list. That is located at the top of this post!**

mnc dover/mncdover#1994
Webber/Webber #1330
The Escape Goat/EscapeGoat#1913
Grunt's Ghosts/GruntsGhosts#1652
Yilias/Yilias #1224
Edgler Vess/EdglerVess#1439

Need a voice actor? Hire me at bengrayVO.com
Legends of Runeterra: MNCdover #moc
Switch ID: MNC Dover SW-1154-3107-1051
Steam ID
Twitch Page
MNC Dover on


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    MNC DoverMNC Dover Full-time Voice Actor Kirkland, WARegistered User regular
    Ah, nevermind. The thread had Reborn.

    Need a voice actor? Hire me at bengrayVO.com
    Legends of Runeterra: MNCdover #moc
    Switch ID: MNC Dover SW-1154-3107-1051
    Steam ID
    Twitch Page
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    DibbyDibby I'll do my best! Registered User regular
    edited October 2019
    MNC Dover wrote: »
    Ah, nevermind. The thread had Reborn.


    quoting my old post under spoilers since new thread:
    Dibby wrote: »
    I cooked up a new deck just as proof of concept. May I present: Mecha'thun Paladin



    The Soup Vendor is kinda w/e, I just copied a Holy Wrath list off HSReplay and that was in there.

    Basically the thought process was "I wanna play Holy Wrath Paladin but I lack Shirvallah and I'm sure as shit not crafting it."

    Then I realized, well. I can just cut Shirvallah/Holy Wrath/Bankers and slap in Mecha'thun/Skaterbot/Galvanizers instead and it'll work just the same. I guess maybe 1 time out of 20 it won't if your opponent wises up to it and is somehow able to clear their own board and not have any minions up.

    Best part is that it doesn't rely on a capped amount of damage to win so it can beat Quest Druid and Control Warrior~

    i have since cut soup vendor for another equality, seems pretty good. deck still hard :(

    Dibby on
    Battle.net Tag: Dibby#1582
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    AlphagaiaAlphagaia Registered User regular
    Alphagaia wrote: »
    like i can't stress enough, blitzchung's goals had literally nothing to do with Blizzard

    the response to Blizzard by the fanbase is dissatisfaction at how they responded to blitzchung, but blitzchung did not have the goals of like, demonstrating that blizzard had close relations to china. blizzard themselves chose to demonstrate that after the fact, and that is what elicited such a negative reaction from the people who are expressing themselves now

    I fully understand that, but my point is he could have had the same reaction as the part of the fanbase that disliked the decision, but he didn't.

    The guy who has the most beef with China, didn't connect Blizzard to China.

    Blitzchung is pissed at what China is doing to HK. The fanbase is mostly pissed at Western companies pushing Chinese censorship. There's very little knowledge or care about HK itself. The inciting event here wasn't what China was doing to protestors, its U.S. companies silencing people supporting protestors. Because the real outrage is "our" free speech going away, not "theirs".

    The free speech seems to be wanting to fill twitchstreams and various Reddits with the same political phrase and I can understand Blizzards desire to shut that down.

    If I remember right, they allowed talk about the topic at first, just not repeating the same political phrases, which started to reach spam levels.

    I know it seems contradictory, but Free Speech doesn't mean you can say anything anywhere, it means you can say a lot, but there are still rules and guidelines in place, and removing spam is one of those.

    Wanna try my Mario Maker levels?

    Shoot m to BITS (hold Y) [hard] C109-0000-014D-4E09
    P-POWER Switch Palace 3838-0000-0122-9359
    Raiding the Serpents Tomb 1A04-0000-0098-C11E
    I like to move it, move it FCE2-0000-00D7-9048

    See my profile here!
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    kimekime Queen of Blades Registered User regular
    Does Blizzard generally care about spam? No idea, I almost always have Twitch chat off, but the rare times I see it up there's always spam

    Battle.net ID: kime#1822
    3DS Friend Code: 3110-5393-4113
    Steam profile
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    DibbyDibby I'll do my best! Registered User regular


    Battle.net Tag: Dibby#1582
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    DibbyDibby I'll do my best! Registered User regular
    but yeah so having played a bit more arena i have noticed something about the current state of arena. games are either instantly determined on T4/5/6 or they get drawn out and go to T10+ someone runs out of cards and the other person who doesn't wins. the former is much more likely than the latter. the latter usually only happens when overtrading happens or, by some stroke of luck, having a control deck.

    so tempo is everything. if you miss a 2 drop, you're dead. if someone gets to T4 and they have 2 or more minions on board they win. i've been having a string of 1-3 win runs and i'm finally on a run that's been over 3 (currently 5-1) and it's ridiculous how often i've been able to just secure wins just by tempoing out and curving.

    so in other words, arena feels fucking horrible right now.

    Battle.net Tag: Dibby#1582
  • Options
    I needed anime to post.I needed anime to post. boom Registered User regular
    arena has always very obviously been not the first thought of the designers (even when they design shitty commons and rares that are clearly FOR arena) and it as such tends to suffer from Reinvent The Wheel symptoms. someone's always tinkering with it even when it's good, making adjustments that they think will shape up the experience, because the only way they know how to change the experience is to adjust algorithms rather than design a game with Arena in mind. this means that even when Arena is good, you know that it's gonna be shitty again eventually, because someone gets it in their head to shake things up

  • Options
    fortyforty Registered User regular
    edited October 2019
    Dibby wrote: »
    so in other words, arena feels fucking horrible right now.
    I'm currently locked in a game against a controlly Mage/Priest who is full roping every turn. They're playing out their mana then just sitting until the rope ends. Every turn. Good thing I'm playing on my PC so I can just alt tab and internet while they pull this shit.

    Edit: Justice! I beat the fucker.

    forty on
  • Options
    zepherinzepherin Russian warship, go fuck yourself Registered User regular
    forty wrote: »
    Dibby wrote: »
    so in other words, arena feels fucking horrible right now.
    I'm currently locked in a game against a controlly Mage/Priest who is full roping every turn. They're playing out their mana then just sitting until the rope ends. Every turn. Good thing I'm playing on my PC so I can just alt tab and internet while they pull this shit.

    Edit: Justice! I beat the fucker.
    I’ve found the best way to combat that is to also full rope them.

  • Options
    fortyforty Registered User regular
    edited October 2019
    Anyway, I started an arena run today because I got the "3 days until the Arena event ends" notification and wanted to get my token X-2 run for free stuff.

    Whoops... I was surprised how well I did since this deck had next to no late game.

    Rest of the deck, if you're curious:


    Unfortunately the rewards were garbo:


    Imp Gang Bosses might not have done shit for Warlock in Standard, but those boys are sure nice in arena.

    Blizzard, Safeguard is OP! Please nerf.

    forty on
  • Options
    fortyforty Registered User regular
    One thing I sure don't miss from the current arena rotation is the fucking jousting mechanic.

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    rahkeesh2000rahkeesh2000 Registered User regular
    Well at no point was any expansion designed to be played without basic/classic. So that's a pretty unusual thing about the current arena, with so many classes' decent AoE cards tied up there. This halloween event is the only time I think we've seen that.

  • Options
    YiliasYilias Registered User regular
    We've got a new trailer up.


    Steam - BNet: Yilias #1224 - Riot: Yilias #moc
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    KoopahTroopahKoopahTroopah The koopas, the troopas. Philadelphia, PARegistered User regular
    Classic announcement of an announcement. Color me excited, not because of the teaser, but because I'm still curious what will happen at Blizzcon.

  • Options
    lwt1973lwt1973 King of Thieves SyndicationRegistered User regular
    I ran into two of the new Kun infinite decks with my Corrupted Blood Priest. Hard to go Infinite when you are drawing Corrupted Bloods over and over again.

    "He's sulking in his tent like Achilles! It's the Iliad?...from Homer?! READ A BOOK!!" -Handy
  • Options
    MNC DoverMNC Dover Full-time Voice Actor Kirkland, WARegistered User regular
    Classic announcement of an announcement. Color me excited, not because of the teaser, but because I'm still curious what will happen at Blizzcon.

    See thread title.

    Need a voice actor? Hire me at bengrayVO.com
    Legends of Runeterra: MNCdover #moc
    Switch ID: MNC Dover SW-1154-3107-1051
    Steam ID
    Twitch Page
  • Options
    YiliasYilias Registered User regular
    I don't think anything interesting related to the controversy will happen at Blizzcon. The most you're going to see is people wearing some FHK t-shirts and some crowd hecklers/booers.

    Steam - BNet: Yilias #1224 - Riot: Yilias #moc
  • Options
    MNC DoverMNC Dover Full-time Voice Actor Kirkland, WARegistered User regular
    Yilias wrote: »
    I don't think anything interesting related to the controversy will happen at Blizzcon. The most you're going to see is people wearing some FHK t-shirts and some crowd hecklers/booers.

    While I think you’re right, I hope you’re wrong.

    Need a voice actor? Hire me at bengrayVO.com
    Legends of Runeterra: MNCdover #moc
    Switch ID: MNC Dover SW-1154-3107-1051
    Steam ID
    Twitch Page
  • Options
    fortyforty Registered User regular
    Well, that's just straight up Dragonblight from WoW in Lazul's crystal ball. Who knows if it's relevant, though? And Dragonblight has enough disparate elements in it that it could hint at a lot of things. Could be Lich King related, could be Dragon Soul (Deathwing?) related, and Dalaran is floating in the background there, so maybe it's just the continuation of the League hijacking Dalaran. Meh.

  • Options
    rahkeesh2000rahkeesh2000 Registered User regular
    Rafam made it pretty clear he's not done. He got whatever he "needed" from uldum as announced near the end of the single player content. So yeah I could easily see this as the conclusion of a year-long arc.

  • Options
    DibbyDibby I'll do my best! Registered User regular
    edited October 2019
    There's a part of me that's thinking "what if the camera operators are told not to do any crowd shots", and maybe even "what if they prerecord audio for the opening speech so that they can play that over the actual audio in case people start chanting free hong kong and they need to mute the feed"


    Dibby on
    Battle.net Tag: Dibby#1582
  • Options
    fortyforty Registered User regular
    So yeah I could easily see this as the conclusion of a year-long arc.
    That's definitely going to be the case, "story" wise. What it means for actual expansion theming remains to be seen, though.

  • Options
    YiliasYilias Registered User regular
    My crazy theory is we get dual class cards split between a hero and a villain class with a 'choose one' mechanic that is themed for each class.

    Like say a Paladin/Warrior card with

    2 mana
    Villainous: Deal 1 damage to all minions.
    Heroic: Give all minions +1/+1.

    Steam - BNet: Yilias #1224 - Riot: Yilias #moc
  • Options
    fortyforty Registered User regular
    I think the odd number of classes makes that theory an incredible long shot.

  • Options
    YiliasYilias Registered User regular
    5 villains * 4 heroes is 20 cards.

    Steam - BNet: Yilias #1224 - Riot: Yilias #moc
  • Options
    I needed anime to post.I needed anime to post. boom Registered User regular
    i don't think we're ever getting dual class cards again and it's a big bummer, it's a great way to make the neutral pool more interesting than "every aggro/midrange deck plays fire fly"

  • Options
    DelduwathDelduwath Registered User regular
    Dibby wrote: »
    There's a part of me that's thinking "what if the camera operators are told not to do any crowd shots", and maybe even "what if they prerecord audio for the opening speech so that they can play that over the actual audio in case people start chanting free hong kong and they need to mute the feed"

    They certainly CAN do that, but the place will be packed with games journalists, streamers, bloggers, and schlubs with Twitter accounts of every stripe and color. Unless they murder and/or bribe everyone at the convention, the internet will know on a 5-second delay exactly what is going on at every panel. Trying to sanitize the stream to THAT extent will be much worse for them.

  • Options
    GlyphGlyph Registered User regular
    MNC Dover wrote: »
    Yilias wrote: »
    I don't think anything interesting related to the controversy will happen at Blizzcon. The most you're going to see is people wearing some FHK t-shirts and some crowd hecklers/booers.

    While I think you’re right, I hope you’re wrong.

    You hope people will disrupt Blizzcon and stall major announcements just to pander to a bunch of violent thugs in Hong Kong who've been attacking cops and anyone who doesn't speak English or Cantonese? Great priorities you got there. Reminder by the way that if you're willing to protest Blizzard for doing business with China but not the U.S. government for doing business with Saudi Arabia, India and - oh yeah - CHINA, then you're a hypocrite, plain and simple.

  • Options
    I needed anime to post.I needed anime to post. boom Registered User regular
    glyph is one of those posters that it's always fascinating to see what brings them around to the forums, showing up a few times a year to yell at people for various political things. this year it looks like it's Blizzard Hong Kong and Rose being in Star Wars

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    3cl1ps33cl1ps3 I will build a labyrinth to house the cheese Registered User regular
    Sure do love me some RADICAL CENTRISM.

  • Options
    I needed anime to post.I needed anime to post. boom Registered User regular
    while they're not going to come back to read anything i would like it on the record that i am also against the us government, but that's not a very edgy statement for a canadian such as myself

  • Options
    A duck!A duck! Moderator, ClubPA mod
    Geth, kick @Glyph from the thread.

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    GethGeth Legion Perseus VeilRegistered User, Moderator, Penny Arcade Staff, Vanilla Staff vanilla
    Affirmative A duck!. @Glyph banned from this thread.

  • Options
    A duck!A duck! Moderator, ClubPA mod
    Like, I see you doing your thing over in D&D and I'm just not up for it over here.

  • Options
    GethGeth Legion Perseus VeilRegistered User, Moderator, Penny Arcade Staff, Vanilla Staff vanilla
    Why an organic would choose this is puzzling.
    Warned @Glyph (0 points for 1 week) for "Kicked from thread: Not welcome"

  • Options
    A duck!A duck! Moderator, ClubPA mod
    Geth, set phasers to lethal

  • Options
    GethGeth Legion Perseus VeilRegistered User, Moderator, Penny Arcade Staff, Vanilla Staff vanilla
    Affirmative A duck!. Setting force level to 'lethal'.

  • Options
    KetBraKetBra Dressed Ridiculously Registered User regular
    And now glyph goes back into torpor, to return to yell at clouds again in however many months

  • Options
    GethGeth Legion Perseus VeilRegistered User, Moderator, Penny Arcade Staff, Vanilla Staff vanilla
    Every point of view is useful @Glyph, even those that are wrong - if we can judge why a wrong view was accepted.
    Banned @Glyph (8 points for 4 weeks) for "Kicked from thread: Not welcome"

  • Options
    3cl1ps33cl1ps3 I will build a labyrinth to house the cheese Registered User regular
    Every time Glyph comes back I have a little moment of "wow, they haven't gotten themselves banned yet."

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