
[Star Wars] Open TROS Spoilers! Beware!



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    shrykeshryke Member of the Beast Registered User regular
    edited February 2020
    daveNYC wrote: »
    RoS is such a weird film. That scene is utterly unlike every other scene in the movie. The movie slows down, it breathes, it's just two people talking outdoors and having an emotional connection. It also, somehow, manages to provide a not bad redemption of Ben Solo, a character that up until then was very much secondary to what was going on because we were spending 90% of our time following Rey and the gang as the flew, shot, and chased their way on the MacGuffin hunt. Who actually wrote this? Because other than the characters it seems to come out of a completely different Star Wars movie.

    Fisher's death really hits that bit harder then anything else in the movie and it hits the rest of the movie pretty hard imo.

    That said I don't like the entire Kylo Ren redemption thing. I enjoyed the way TLJ played that out and then shut the door on it. I think it would have been more interesting to set up Kylo Ren vs Rey as the final confrontation.

    But if they had to do it because ROTJ did it, that scene was at least pretty well done given the circumstances. Ford even looked like he gave a shit, which is impressive.

    shryke on
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    SteelhawkSteelhawk Registered User regular
    I'm still not convinced that just wasn't an unused take from TFA that they put in ROS with some computer trickery.

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    HandkorHandkor Registered User regular
    That fight between Kylo and Rey when Leia passes and they pause made me expect then to say "Martha", it had the same feel and energy. Only later I found out that the guy from BvS was involed in this movie and it all made sense. Also WHY hire that guy for a Star wars movie.

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    daveNYCdaveNYC Why universe hate Waspinator? Registered User regular
    Handkor wrote: »
    That fight between Kylo and Rey when Leia passes and they pause made me expect then to say "Martha", it had the same feel and energy. Only later I found out that the guy from BvS was involed in this movie and it all made sense. Also WHY hire that guy for a Star wars movie.

    They also hired him to make Justice League and Justice League 2. The Aristocrats!

    Shut up, Mr. Burton! You were not brought upon this world to get it!
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    CristovalCristoval Registered User regular
    I hope someone shouted "UNLIIIIMITED POOOOOWER!!!" during that.

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    GoumindongGoumindong Registered User regular
    navgoose wrote: »
    daveNYC wrote: »
    RoS is such a weird film. That scene is utterly unlike every other scene in the movie. The movie slows down, it breathes, it's just two people talking outdoors and having an emotional connection. It also, somehow, manages to provide a not bad redemption of Ben Solo, a character that up until then was very much secondary to what was going on because we were spending 90% of our time following Rey and the gang as the flew, shot, and chased their way on the MacGuffin hunt. Who actually wrote this? Because other than the characters it seems to come out of a completely different Star Wars movie.

    I liked that scene, too. Leia literally sacrificed herself to plead at what good was left in Ben.

    Nah, that part was dumb

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    DarkPrimusDarkPrimus Registered User regular
    The part with Leia was badly done. I don't know what she did or why she had to die to do it.

    If Leia had shown up and talked to him instead of Han then it'd all make sense. Her doing a Force projection to council him even though it'll kill her because she still loves him that much.

    Now, I know that they have the Han Solo scene because Carrie Fisher passed away so they couldn't shoot that sort of a scene. But that was the best they could come up with for her?

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    AbsoluteZeroAbsoluteZero The new film by Quentin Koopantino Registered User regular
    I figured that Rey stabbing him in the gut killed Kylo Ren, and all that was left was a scared, confused boy.

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    GoumindongGoumindong Registered User regular
    edited February 2020
    It being han and a memory works better than leia in every sense.
    I figured that Rey stabbing him in the gut killed Kylo Ren, and all that was left was a scared, confused boy.

    That is how it played but its also dumb. Rey stabs Kylo in exactly the same place that Kylo stabbed Han. But then she heals him. The implication being that his path was not locked. That he could have gone back, that he can still go back. Saying that Kylo was killed and Ben was healed removes any agency he has in choosing the right path.

    Him throwing away his lightsaber is a rejection his prior path. It makes his choice explicit.

    Then he goes and picks up his Jedi Weapon again in the finale.... woooo way to erase everything good you do in a film 5 minutes after you do it!

    Goumindong on
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    SiliconStewSiliconStew Registered User regular
    I figured that Rey stabbing him in the gut killed Kylo Ren, and all that was left was a scared, confused boy.

    It turns out that all of Kylo's evil was concentrated in his gallbladdder. Who knew!?

    Just remember that half the people you meet are below average intelligence.
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    Jebus314Jebus314 Registered User regular
    edited February 2020
    I genuinely liked TRoS as a campy action film with a bunch of call backs. The character beats were mostly good. That is within a scene they were good, because a lot of them felt unorganized and unearned. I like most of the characters. They had cool moments and fun action. But I agree with the general consensus I see, which is that the movie kind of falls apart in the details (classic Abrams).

    My biggest nit pick is that the force projection is such a lame ultimate power. I mean faster than light travel exists. Faster than light communication exists (and seems to be instantaneous no matter the distance). What's so useful about the force projection? I mean Luke's was ok I guess, because it allowed him to be good distraction, while making the ultimate sacrifice, but still win the fight. But it still kind of fell flat for me. And Leia's was down right pitiful.

    It would have been 1000x more impactful for her to have physically showed up to have some kind of heart to heart redemption talk with Ben (risking capture/torture/death). Which seems like it would have been trivially easy in universe (obviously not possible because of fischer's death).

    Actually, I've just decided how I would have made this way better. Leia goes to Ben at like half way in the movie, but can't quite break his resolve and is thrown in prison. This is step one of Ben's redemption because you could make the scene very similar to Han approaching Ben, but this time Ben is even more uncertain and can't kill Leia, even if he still captures her. Also it ramps up the arc of the rebellion falling apart.

    Then you get to the water fight scene. Now, instead of some weak ass voice in the background you get a full on force projection of Leia that halt's Ben from killing Rey. First scene is just Leia appearing behind Ben and yelling at him to stop. Cut to a view from behind Rey, who is behind Ben, who is behind projected Leia, and up pops a second force projection of Leia who is secretly talking only to Rey. Leia gives Rey the news about whatever mcguffin can actually destroy the "final order" massive fleet, with some sarcastic quip about rebel leaders being spies at heart. Then back to the emotional Leia/Ben talk where Ben realizes his mother will be dead when this conversation ends. Conversation ends, Leia is dead, Ben looks at Rey very uncertain now and shuts off his lightsaber, but in a last gasp, still destroys the homing beacon or whatever and pleads for Rey to join him and start a new "family"/cult/whatever. Rey flies off the handle and stabs (a defenseless) Ben. Then heals Ben. Then Han talk.

    So many things I like better about this way. Leia is even more of a badass cause she can double her force projection. Going to ben in person is a way, WAY more logical first step for her. The use of force projection makes way more sense because as a prisoner it was the only way for her to get information to rey/the rebels. It ups the emotional impact for Ben's redemption, because you get a longer scene of Ben knowing what his mother is sacrificing to get him to listen. The mcguffin of how to blow up the magically created "final order" fleet feels way more earned, because the rebel leader had to die to get that information. Ben's redemption feels more complete because he has a fair amount of screen time with both dead parents back to back.

    I could go on, but tldr is I did not like the way Leia went out.

    Jebus314 on
    "The world is a mess, and I just need to rule it" - Dr Horrible
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    DiannaoChongDiannaoChong Registered User regular
    I figured that Rey stabbing him in the gut killed Kylo Ren, and all that was left was a scared, confused boy.

    It turns out that all of Kylo's evil was concentrated in his gallbladdder. Who knew!?

    It turns out all along the spleen isn't useless, it used to store the midichlorians.

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    FencingsaxFencingsax It is difficult to get a man to understand, when his salary depends upon his not understanding GNU Terry PratchettRegistered User regular
    You are thinking of the appendix.

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    DiannaoChongDiannaoChong Registered User regular
    Fencingsax wrote: »
    You are thinking of the appendix.

    My mistake! You're right, the spleen is where the appendix is stored.

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    Handsome CostanzaHandsome Costanza Ask me about 8bitdo RIP Iwata-sanRegistered User regular
    edited February 2020
    Got these super rad pins in the mail, they benefit the Australian fires:

    And now I can die happy:


    Also TROS perfectly ended the saga and the ST was great don't @ me.

    Handsome Costanza on
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    SteelhawkSteelhawk Registered User regular
    In case anyone was still wondering.... The Resistance cartoon still sucks. I'm three episodes 'til the end of season 2 and I have no idea why I'm still watching. Pot committed, as they say in poker, I suppose. Ugh.

    Kaz is the worst.

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    KamarKamar Registered User regular
    Both seasons of Resistance start awful, meander up to alright at about midseason, and end pretty well, imo.

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    Handsome CostanzaHandsome Costanza Ask me about 8bitdo RIP Iwata-sanRegistered User regular
    edited February 2020
    Steelhawk wrote: »
    In case anyone was still wondering.... The Resistance cartoon still sucks. I'm three episodes 'til the end of season 2 and I have no idea why I'm still watching. Pot committed, as they say in poker, I suppose. Ugh.

    Kaz is the worst.

    And yes Resistance is so... so bad. An entire series worth of bottle episodes and the main character makes Jar Jar look like John McClain.

    Edit: they did sort of try to get it back on track like 4 or 3 eps from the end though... when it was far... far too late.

    Best thing about Resistance is it's over now. It's a shame because we really need a cartoon that fleshes out the ST the same way TCW did for the PT.

    Handsome Costanza on
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    SteelhawkSteelhawk Registered User regular
    The majority of the problem lies directly with the main character, IMO. The animation is great. And as a story concept it could have been so good. The other characters are fine too. The Captain is an interesting character. Yeager is interesting. Tam's arc is super interesting. The other Aces are varying levels of interesting. Its Kaz that sucks. Kaz, the character that the entirety of this show is built around, is just gawdawful. Nikko is enough for green palette character for comedic relief. Why does the main character also need to be a bumbling idiot who continuously falls ass-backwards into success? That's not main character quality decision making.


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    shrykeshryke Member of the Beast Registered User regular
    I get the impression it was designed for an even younger audience then the last few and when it comes to a lot of people, younger = "hilarious" Jar Jar hijinks.

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    GONG-00GONG-00 Registered User regular
    Kaz would have been fine if the show played up that he is actually the sidekick to the real protagonist, Torra.

    Black lives matter.
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    ACNH Island Isla Cero: DA-3082-2045-4142
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    SteelhawkSteelhawk Registered User regular
    shryke wrote: »
    I get the impression it was designed for an even younger audience then the last few and when it comes to a lot of people, younger = "hilarious" Jar Jar hijinks.

    Yes, as evidenced by my 8yo laughing with the show, while I laugh at it. But he does totally agree that "Kaz is dumb." Which is usually language towards others I try to discourage in my children, but this time its incredibly appropriate and I let it slide.

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    Handsome CostanzaHandsome Costanza Ask me about 8bitdo RIP Iwata-sanRegistered User regular
    edited February 2020
    shryke wrote: »
    I get the impression it was designed for an even younger audience then the last few and when it comes to a lot of people, younger = "hilarious" Jar Jar hijinks.

    I know plenty of friends with kids who watched it and their kids were like "mommy/daddy, why is Kaz so dumb?" And then they would want to watch something else.

    Kids are smart, especially ones who have already been exposed to Star Wars, but if your character is too dumb for even 5 year olds you have a problem.

    Edit: not only was he dumb and incompetent, but he was dumb and incompetent on a level that didn't even make sense for the story. There's no way a Republic Navy pilot who is good enough to be recruited as a spy by the Resistance would be that incompetent.

    Jar Jar's incompetence/clumsiness was almost a force power (perhaps it was? The "Bombad Jedi" episode of Clone Wars indicates this could actually, possibly, be the case) in that it usually caused really great things to happen. Kaz is just an idiot with few redeeming qualities though. I suppose he cares a lot about his friends, so he has that going for him at least

    Edit: what if Qui-Gon and Obi thought they were detecting an enormous amount of the force in young Anakin but really they we're sensing both Anakin and the close by Jar Jar? And their tunnel vision/the enormity of Anakins power shrouded/made them ignore Jar Jar and just think it was coming from Anakin? Just sayin.

    *starts writing fanfiction*

    Handsome Costanza on
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    FANTOMASFANTOMAS Flan ArgentavisRegistered User regular
    shryke wrote: »
    I get the impression it was designed for an even younger audience then the last few and when it comes to a lot of people, younger = "hilarious" Jar Jar hijinks.

    I know plenty of friends with kids who watched it and their kids were like "mommy/daddy, why is Kaz so dumb?" And then they would want to watch something else.

    Kids are smart, especially ones who have already been exposed to Star Wars, but if your character is too dumb for even 5 year olds you have a problem.

    Edit: not only was he dumb and incompetent, but he was dumb and incompetent on a level that didn't even make sense for the story. There's no way a Republic Navy pilot who is good enough to be recruited as a spy by the Resistance would be that incompetent.

    Jar Jar's incompetence was almost a force power in that it usually caused really great things to happen. Kaz is just an idiot with few redeeming qualities though. I suppose he cares a lot about his friends, so he has that going for him at least.

    And eventhough I hated Jar Jar, it seems to me that the people who watched the prequel trilogy as kids dont have a problem with Jar Jar, they liked him as a comic relief character. I havent seen that support for Kaz.

    Yes, with a quick verbal "boom." You take a man's peko, you deny him his dab, all that is left is to rise up and tear down the walls of Jericho with a ".....not!" -TexiKen
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    Handsome CostanzaHandsome Costanza Ask me about 8bitdo RIP Iwata-sanRegistered User regular
    edited February 2020
    FANTOMAS wrote: »
    shryke wrote: »
    I get the impression it was designed for an even younger audience then the last few and when it comes to a lot of people, younger = "hilarious" Jar Jar hijinks.

    I know plenty of friends with kids who watched it and their kids were like "mommy/daddy, why is Kaz so dumb?" And then they would want to watch something else.

    Kids are smart, especially ones who have already been exposed to Star Wars, but if your character is too dumb for even 5 year olds you have a problem.

    Edit: not only was he dumb and incompetent, but he was dumb and incompetent on a level that didn't even make sense for the story. There's no way a Republic Navy pilot who is good enough to be recruited as a spy by the Resistance would be that incompetent.

    Jar Jar's incompetence was almost a force power in that it usually caused really great things to happen. Kaz is just an idiot with few redeeming qualities though. I suppose he cares a lot about his friends, so he has that going for him at least.

    And eventhough I hated Jar Jar, it seems to me that the people who watched the prequel trilogy as kids dont have a problem with Jar Jar, they liked him as a comic relief character. I havent seen that support for Kaz.

    I saw it when I was.. 13 I think? In the theater? It didn't bother me. He wasn't my favorite character or anything he just didn't annoy me enough for it to be a problem.

    I have come around to appreciating the character in my semi-old age though.

    Handsome Costanza on
    Nintendo Switch friend code: 7305-5583-0420. Add me!
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    Inquisitor77Inquisitor77 2 x Penny Arcade Fight Club Champion A fixed point in space and timeRegistered User regular
    Kaz is a children's show character but it could be worse - instead of a clown he could be Caillou.

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    KamarKamar Registered User regular
    edited February 2020
    I'm not sure which Star Wars thread I recounted my rewatch of The Phantom Menace in, but when I did that I noted that Jar Jar barely bothered me--just a bit of silliness, hardly worth getting upset over--while every moment of Anakin was pure agony.

    Of the kid-appeal elements of that movie, Anakin--especially during the climactic space battle--is exponentially worse.

    Kaz is more Jar Jar than Anakin, but he's a much bigger problem than Jar Jar because he's not a wacky sidekick who gets a focus episode or two, he's our 20-year-old (??????????????????) fighter pilot Resistance spy main character.

    The weird thing is that if it's a show for the young children Kaz might appeal to, things like 'Kylo Ren uses the Force in horrific ways' or 'Orbital bombardment of allied planet on screen' feel a bit, uh, tonally off.

    Kamar on
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    AbsoluteZeroAbsoluteZero The new film by Quentin Koopantino Registered User regular
    I figured that Rey stabbing him in the gut killed Kylo Ren, and all that was left was a scared, confused boy.

    It turns out that all of Kylo's evil was concentrated in his gallbladdder. Who knew!?

    Well that's where all my evil was concentrated. Hurt like a sunovabitch! Judging by the scars my Jedi doctor had to use three lightsabers. Of course Rey gets it done with just one, she's so OP!

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    darkmayodarkmayo Registered User regular

    So looks like Disney is officially putting films on the back burner and focusing on the TV side of Star Wars. I suspect they will learn the wrong lesson from Mando.... everybody gets a spin off!!

    Switch SW-6182-1526-0041
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    AbsoluteZeroAbsoluteZero The new film by Quentin Koopantino Registered User regular
    I am OK with no Star Wars films for a while.

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    RichyRichy Registered User regular
    I am OK with no Star Wars films for a while.

    Their record in five films so far has not been good. They need to get things fixed internally before doing more films. Maybe send some people to learn at the MCU and come back.

    Could you imagine an MCU-style Star Wars universe? Movies on the missions of different people and crews, coming together every few years for a major endeavor, all done with a long-term story arc in mind. That would be amazing.

    Honestly, Disney bought Lucasfilm for $4B, and seemed to have had no plan whatsoever of what to do with it. Their decision to scrap 30+ years of expanded universe completely and start with a blank slate shows they had no understanding of what they had bought.

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    GONG-00GONG-00 Registered User regular
    darkmayo wrote: »

    So looks like Disney is officially putting films on the back burner and focusing on the TV side of Star Wars. I suspect they will learn the wrong lesson from Mando.... everybody gets a spin off!!

    So a focus on Pre-ANH or Post Endor? Arguably, that is where their recent storytelling has had had the most appeal?

    Black lives matter.
    Law and Order ≠ Justice
    ACNH Island Isla Cero: DA-3082-2045-4142
    Captain of the SES Comptroller of the State
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    HandkorHandkor Registered User regular
    edited February 2020
    But miniseries work really well for Star Wars and the fans are less acidic than with theatrical releases. Also now that they have the tech set-up for mando, it's pretty cheap to do other show with the same teams. Great return on investment.

    Handkor on
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    A duck!A duck! Moderator, ClubPA Mod Emeritus
    Richy wrote: »
    I am OK with no Star Wars films for a while.

    Their record in five films so far has not been good. They need to get things fixed internally before doing more films. Maybe send some people to learn at the MCU and come back.

    Could you imagine an MCU-style Star Wars universe? Movies on the missions of different people and crews, coming together every few years for a major endeavor, all done with a long-term story arc in mind. That would be amazing.

    Honestly, Disney bought Lucasfilm for $4B, and seemed to have had no plan whatsoever of what to do with it. Their decision to scrap 30+ years of expanded universe completely and start with a blank slate shows they had no understanding of what they had bought.

    The decision to flush the EU and selectively bring in the elements they liked is by far the best decision Disney has made. I can't even imagine trying to create content that aligns with some of the garbage in there.

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    Gnome-InterruptusGnome-Interruptus Registered User regular
    A duck! wrote: »
    Richy wrote: »
    I am OK with no Star Wars films for a while.

    Their record in five films so far has not been good. They need to get things fixed internally before doing more films. Maybe send some people to learn at the MCU and come back.

    Could you imagine an MCU-style Star Wars universe? Movies on the missions of different people and crews, coming together every few years for a major endeavor, all done with a long-term story arc in mind. That would be amazing.

    Honestly, Disney bought Lucasfilm for $4B, and seemed to have had no plan whatsoever of what to do with it. Their decision to scrap 30+ years of expanded universe completely and start with a blank slate shows they had no understanding of what they had bought.

    The decision to flush the EU and selectively bring in the elements they liked is by far the best decision Disney has made. I can't even imagine trying to create content that aligns with some of the garbage in there.

    They both flushed the garbage and created a bunch of new garbage.

    Ie: Hyperspace skipping / skimming

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    darkmayodarkmayo Registered User regular
    GONG-00 wrote: »
    darkmayo wrote: »

    So looks like Disney is officially putting films on the back burner and focusing on the TV side of Star Wars. I suspect they will learn the wrong lesson from Mando.... everybody gets a spin off!!

    So a focus on Pre-ANH or Post Endor? Arguably, that is where their recent storytelling has had had the most appeal?

    I think that is a given that they will keep the timeline close to the existing material, as much as I would like to see some old republic stuff. I dont think they will dip into post TROS in TV (could be wrong)

    THinking more like, the Quill show or the IG-11 show, or Star Wars Babies featuring baby Bossk, baby Ackbar, baby Kit Fisto and baby Darth Maul.

    Switch SW-6182-1526-0041
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    FencingsaxFencingsax It is difficult to get a man to understand, when his salary depends upon his not understanding GNU Terry PratchettRegistered User regular
    A duck! wrote: »
    Richy wrote: »
    I am OK with no Star Wars films for a while.

    Their record in five films so far has not been good. They need to get things fixed internally before doing more films. Maybe send some people to learn at the MCU and come back.

    Could you imagine an MCU-style Star Wars universe? Movies on the missions of different people and crews, coming together every few years for a major endeavor, all done with a long-term story arc in mind. That would be amazing.

    Honestly, Disney bought Lucasfilm for $4B, and seemed to have had no plan whatsoever of what to do with it. Their decision to scrap 30+ years of expanded universe completely and start with a blank slate shows they had no understanding of what they had bought.

    The decision to flush the EU and selectively bring in the elements they liked is by far the best decision Disney has made. I can't even imagine trying to create content that aligns with some of the garbage in there.

    The good decision is getting rid of the trash so they could write a new setting with a clean slate. The bad decision is the setting they wrote is also trash.

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    FANTOMASFANTOMAS Flan ArgentavisRegistered User regular
    Richy wrote: »
    I am OK with no Star Wars films for a while.

    Their record in five films so far has not been good. They need to get things fixed internally before doing more films. Maybe send some people to learn at the MCU and come back.

    Could you imagine an MCU-style Star Wars universe? Movies on the missions of different people and crews, coming together every few years for a major endeavor, all done with a long-term story arc in mind. That would be amazing.

    Honestly, Disney bought Lucasfilm for $4B, and seemed to have had no plan whatsoever of what to do with it. Their decision to scrap 30+ years of expanded universe completely and start with a blank slate shows they had no understanding of what they had bought.

    The McUniverse is bad, I think they should take the franchise in the exact oposite direction, self contained adventures, and directors that can bring their own type of storytelling, even if it shifts the genre a bit from film to film. The Mandalorian is a good example, if The Mandalorian had to be tied to the events of other 5 ongoing series, and it was forced to follow a comitee designed aesthetic, it would suck.

    Yes, with a quick verbal "boom." You take a man's peko, you deny him his dab, all that is left is to rise up and tear down the walls of Jericho with a ".....not!" -TexiKen
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    GONG-00GONG-00 Registered User regular
    A duck! wrote: »
    Richy wrote: »
    I am OK with no Star Wars films for a while.

    Their record in five films so far has not been good. They need to get things fixed internally before doing more films. Maybe send some people to learn at the MCU and come back.

    Could you imagine an MCU-style Star Wars universe? Movies on the missions of different people and crews, coming together every few years for a major endeavor, all done with a long-term story arc in mind. That would be amazing.

    Honestly, Disney bought Lucasfilm for $4B, and seemed to have had no plan whatsoever of what to do with it. Their decision to scrap 30+ years of expanded universe completely and start with a blank slate shows they had no understanding of what they had bought.

    The decision to flush the EU and selectively bring in the elements they liked is by far the best decision Disney has made. I can't even imagine trying to create content that aligns with some of the garbage in there.

    While I agree, I just wish they were more aggressive in their use of Zahn and KOTOR content.

    Black lives matter.
    Law and Order ≠ Justice
    ACNH Island Isla Cero: DA-3082-2045-4142
    Captain of the SES Comptroller of the State
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