[Heroes of the Storm] 100% XP Boost active through June 24



  • shrykeshryke Member of the Beast Registered User regular
    forty wrote: »
    So Stitches is free again this week. I think this might be the first time I've played him since his big nerf. Holy shit he feels like crap now. It seems like the only thing he has going for him at all is hook, and it's got a long cooldown so if you whiff it or if your team can't capitalize, you're basically just a shitty meat shield during the downtime.

    I noticed his auto-attack damage felt anemic, so I went and checked out all the hero basic attack stats at heroesfire.com. Sure enough, his basic attack is a total joke. He has worse damage scaling than every hero except Abathur and Murky. Besides them, the only hero he does more auto attack damage than at level 20 is Tassadar, and just barely (Tassadar actually catches up a few levels later). Hell, Baelog and Erik alone each do more than he does at that point. I know a hero is more than their auto attack damage, but he is just such a ridiculous non-threat when it comes to damage output overall. Back when Diablo was considered shitty, they buffed his attack damage scaling quite a bit to help him out. Now that Stitches' abilities and talents have been crippled and he's pretty low on the Warrior totem pole, I think he needs the same treatment. Having the slowest attack in the game (.91) already sucks, but hitting like a Nerf bat is just insulting.

    I noticed that even pre-nerf. It's why I focused on buffing the shit out of slam. It's his only real source of damage.

    Pre-nerf Stiches was all about picking and disruption and they took most of that away from him and so it's like "Yeah, he sucks".

  • Knight_Knight_ Dead Dead Dead Registered User regular
    Kael is really silly. Losing a game for most of 30 minutes, get an insta quad kill from a screen away and we win. He's even more devastating than I thought from playing against him.

  • StericaSterica Yes Registered User, Moderator mod
    Stitches was strong as hell, and then they nerfed him a little. Then they nerfed him quite a bit and kept on going.

    They seem to be stuck between "Tiny baby nerfs" and "Cut their legs off." The Lost Vikings are the next to get this treatment, as they keep doing small, ineffectual nerfs that do little but promote The One True Build even harder. So they're going to make Longraid Boat do next to no damage, remove Impatience, nerf Spin to Win, and not remove the nerf to Jump's cooldown. And they'll also nerf their passive because we need one nonsense nerf thrown in.

    Then the Vikings can sit next to Nazeebo, Stitches, and Arthas as another casualty of the balance team.

  • DibbyDibby I'll do my best! Registered User regular
    edited May 2015
    Stitches was strong as hell, and then they nerfed him a little. Then they nerfed him quite a bit and kept on going.

    They seem to be stuck between "Tiny baby nerfs" and "Cut their legs off." The Lost Vikings are the next to get this treatment, as they keep doing small, ineffectual nerfs that do little but promote The One True Build even harder. So they're going to make Longraid Boat do next to no damage, remove Impatience, nerf Spin to Win, and not remove the nerf to Jump's cooldown. And they'll also nerf their passive because we need one nonsense nerf thrown in.

    Then the Vikings can sit next to Nazeebo, Stitches, and Arthas as another casualty of the balance team.

    To be fair, though, the 1.5 sec stun when destroying Longboat is HUGE. That's a large enough window to kill all three vikings, I did it earlier today in a Hero League game with some other PA folk.

    I still think the next thing that needs to happen is either removing Impatience (or nerfing it down I guess?) or nerfing Longboat's damage. One of those two, preferably Impatience.

    Edit: Also another big problem with TLV and "the one true build" is that there are THREE talent tiers with only three talents each, at levels 1, 13, and 16. Having more diverse (and better) talents would help... but only so much. Baelog the Fierce is actually a really good talent, for example, but is it worth giving up Jump! for? Probably not..

    Dibby on
    Battle.net Tag: Dibby#1582
  • shrykeshryke Member of the Beast Registered User regular
    edited May 2015
    Dibby wrote: »
    Stitches was strong as hell, and then they nerfed him a little. Then they nerfed him quite a bit and kept on going.

    They seem to be stuck between "Tiny baby nerfs" and "Cut their legs off." The Lost Vikings are the next to get this treatment, as they keep doing small, ineffectual nerfs that do little but promote The One True Build even harder. So they're going to make Longraid Boat do next to no damage, remove Impatience, nerf Spin to Win, and not remove the nerf to Jump's cooldown. And they'll also nerf their passive because we need one nonsense nerf thrown in.

    Then the Vikings can sit next to Nazeebo, Stitches, and Arthas as another casualty of the balance team.

    To be fair, though, the 1.5 sec stun when destroying Longboat is HUGE. That's a large enough window to kill all three vikings, I did it earlier today in a Hero League game with some other PA folk.

    I still think the next thing that needs to happen is either removing Impatience (or nerfing it down I guess?) or nerfing Longboat's damage. One of those two, preferably Impatience.

    Edit: Also another big problem with TLV and "the one true build" is that there are THREE talent tiers with only three talents each, at levels 1, 13, and 16. Having more diverse (and better) talents would help... but only so much. Baelog the Fierce is actually a really good talent, for example, but is it worth giving up Jump! for? Probably not..

    The problem is no talent is good enough to give up Spin to Win or Jump for. And also, thus, Impatience.

    I honestly predict them completely changing their philosophy on active abilities for TLV. It has failed.

    shryke on
  • ZekZek Registered User regular
    edited May 2015
    The active abilities are just way overbudgeted for the amount of power you're supposed to get from a single talent. If they're committed to this idea of the default kit being easy mode for low-micro players, they should really have at least two choices of active ability for each of those levels. Really though I think they should just give the vikings their abilities from the start like everybody else.

    Zek on
  • autono-wally, erotibot300autono-wally, erotibot300 love machine Registered User regular
    Finally bought Nova in preparation for the skin sale.
    Enjoy playing her so much. Every character has a BP level where you can safely delete them. Knowing that level seems so important.

    Valla's is somewhere around 80%
    Lili you can't nuke unless she's already almost dead.
    Playing safely and stacking gathering power is so amazing though

  • shrykeshryke Member of the Beast Registered User regular
    Zek wrote: »
    The active abilities are just way overbudgeted for the amount of power you're supposed to get from a single talent. If they're committed to this idea of the default kit being easy mode for low-micro players, they should really have at least two choices of active ability for each of those levels. Really though I think they should just give the vikings their abilities from the start like everybody else.

    I feel like they should get one offensive and one defensive ability by default and then the last slot can be a talent choice if you want.

  • fortyforty Registered User regular
    edited May 2015
    I don't know if I have anything against their TLV talent philosophy fundamentally. I like the idea that you could build them without as many/any active abilities and play a different sort of micro game (or maybe just a straight up more newbie friendly style), but the alternatives to QWE have to be made stronger (edit: than they are now, I mean; the alternatives for the most part are pretty weak compared to how much potential QWE give you) so you aren't playing such a crippled version of TLV by not doing so. Impatience does seem troublesome just because it gets better and better with the more active abilities you pick up (or, conversely, much weaker if you don't pick up any).

    forty on
  • shrykeshryke Member of the Beast Registered User regular
    forty wrote: »
    I don't know if I have anything against their TLV talent philosophy fundamentally. I like the idea that you could build them without as many/any active abilities and play a different sort of micro game (or maybe just a straight up more newbie friendly style), but the alternatives to QWE have to be made stronger (edit: than they are now, I mean; the alternatives for the most part are pretty weak compared to how much potential QWE give you) so you aren't playing such a crippled version of TLV by not doing so. Impatience does seem troublesome just because it gets better and better with the more active abilities you pick up (or, conversely, much weaker if you don't pick up any).

    The problem is making an ability face off against a talent means that the talent has to be REALLY REALLY good or the ability has to be really really bad to work. Cause otherwise it's trading on-demand utility for some sort of passive benefit and that's generally a bad trade. Especially when you have no on-demand abilities to begin with.

  • StericaSterica Yes Registered User, Moderator mod
    It's also because the talent affect ONE Viking more often than not, whereas the skills give each Viking a tool. It takes two talents for Erik and Baleog to be able to regen HP...and then there's Viking Hoard which gives all three regen. or Norse Force which gives all three a shield.

    There is like...one alternate build for Vikings, but I'd say it's inferior to the main build, and the lackluster alternative talents are the reason.

  • MMMigMMMig Registered User regular
    edited May 2015
    Stolen from the HS thread, but it would be AWESOME to have this in Heroes as they do in SC2 (for maps):
    I wish there was a screen like this for HS, but classes instead of maps:


    MMMig on
    Witty signature comment goes here...

  • LucascraftLucascraft Registered User regular
    The difference is - SC2 has like 30 maps or something in the game. I think 16 of those are rotated for each competitive season. Heroes only has 7 maps total. And everyone hates Haunted Mines, so if they added a map preference selection, everyone would remove Haunted Mines.

  • LucascraftLucascraft Registered User regular
    I played a solo QM game last night that went so badly for my team that I did not get level 2 on Kael'thas. That includes the bonus XP from my Stimpack.

  • Warlock82Warlock82 Never pet a burning dog Registered User regular
    Lucascraft wrote: »
    I played a solo QM game last night that went so badly for my team that I did not get level 2 on Kael'thas. That includes the bonus XP from my Stimpack.

    Ouch. I have been noticing QM has been super rough lately, even on characters I am usually good on like Jaina (I guess it's hard to be good at Jaina without at least *some* backup from your team)

    Switch: 2143-7130-1359 | 3DS: 4983-4927-6699 | Steam: warlock82 | PSN: Warlock2282
  • LucascraftLucascraft Registered User regular
    Warlock82 wrote: »
    Lucascraft wrote: »
    I played a solo QM game last night that went so badly for my team that I did not get level 2 on Kael'thas. That includes the bonus XP from my Stimpack.

    Ouch. I have been noticing QM has been super rough lately, even on characters I am usually good on like Jaina (I guess it's hard to be good at Jaina without at least *some* backup from your team)

    Yeah, our team had no tank. It was a rough game. The other team had a very well balanced team and it was very one-sided in their favor. I was just shocked that the game was so very bad that I did not even get the 100K to level when you factor in the bonus XP from my stimpack.

  • MMMigMMMig Registered User regular
    edited May 2015
    Lucascraft wrote: »
    The difference is - SC2 has like 30 maps or something in the game. I think 16 of those are rotated for each competitive season. Heroes only has 7 maps total. And everyone hates Haunted Mines, so if they added a map preference selection, everyone would remove Haunted Mines.

    SC2 has 30 maps is because they've been releasing a ton since launch. They started just like Heroes, with a small pool. Some maps were just terrible (oh god the horrors of steppes of war), outright unbalanced (oh god, no, god please not close positions shattered temple, PLEASE NO), or just not fun at all (orbital station?... that was just dumb), and they were rotated out.

    Maps are not always rotated out though (I can't recall of that one that was around for like a year). There are some maps that stay in the rotation for months (years?) depending on popularity and meta. Blizz rotates out a map that they feel it stagnates the meta, becomes unbalanced once new mechanics are identified, or they notice many people veto out. Rarely (if ever?) are maps that have been rotated out brought back in into the ladder pool.

    In your case, vetoing out Haunted Mines is a way to show them that "hey, this sucks, give us something new!" which they've been doing with SC2 for ages.

    I don't THINK SC2 started with the veto option(?), but it was definitely introduced very early on with a small map pool.

    I personally like Haunted mines.

    ed: Note I realize that making a map in SC2 is considerably easier than in Heroes because of the fact that only terrain and possibly a mix of existing assets are needed whereas Heroes requires a new theme, new mechanic and balancing, and very new assets. I just want to be able to choose at least 1 map I really dislike and play it a lot less if possible.

    MMMig on
    Witty signature comment goes here...

  • WingedWeaselWingedWeasel Registered User regular
    While there are a lot of details that go into a map for hots, I dont know if they really need to create something brand new each time. I kinda want to see say the spider mechanic on dragon shire or raven curse somewhere else. As in the same exact map layout just change the objective. Or make tweaks to the maps and keep the same exact objectives.

  • MazzyxMazzyx Comedy Gold Registered User regular
    The basic objectives of the maps already kind of repeat.

    Area Control: Dragonshire/Cursed/Temple
    Pick up and win: Mines/Garden/Spider/Pirate

    I mean there is some overlap. The pirate and the spider map require area control for the turn in. Curses are random and not a set point.

    I feel one thing they are missing is like a capture the flag mechanic. Something big in the middle that spawns. And then you have to run it back to your base to set off something.

    You drop it when dead. Deactivates the mount and stealth. That combines area control (spawn area) and the pick up and win mechanic.

    The other thing I would like to see is area control that leads to stronger minions like mini forts. Take fort X, while you have it spawn minion y. Get x number of forts get minion z. Be hard to balance though. Might be more snowbally than the mines.

  • MMMigMMMig Registered User regular
    edited May 2015
    Capture the flag?
    Obviously it'd need some tweaking for super fast heroes (can't mount or fly, no stealth, etc.) when they're carrying said flag.

    ed: Damn it Mazzyx, stop stealing my ideas before I even think of them.
    But one flag per team side might still work.

    MMMig on
    Witty signature comment goes here...

  • LucascraftLucascraft Registered User regular
    Sky Temple is territory control, but the points are semi-randomized. I'd like to see an Arathi Basin style map with 3 distinct areas (Mines, Smith, Lumbermill) that are fixed locations and never change.

  • nexuscrawlernexuscrawler Registered User regular
    Realistically all the maps are area control

    the turn in maps it ends up never being about who collects more but who area controls the turn in points better

  • azith28azith28 Registered User regular
    So, I've been playing some more, and for the moment, I think im going to focus on sylvanas. I'm kinda new to the whole lol/dota so i have some questions and could use some advice.

    Is my main purpose mostly to stay in the back to mid area, killing minions to feed the xp meter, assisting only if i have a lot of support? Shes so fragile i find it hard to justify moving forward, even if she can do amazing seige damage even by herself.

    (Here is what my thought process is for tiers, please let me know if im way off)

    level 1) I ask because I have been picking the 200% damage to minions/mercs skill instead of the increased range one at level 1 since this lets me quickly solo bruiser camps, and take down large groups of minions very quickly. I try to play keepaway but if i get caught by a stunner its hard to escape unless i can teleport out of the hold...even then, its hard to stay out of range, and even running away, because i dont have the range talent, i cant peg them as i run.

    level 4 talents: Paralysis seems to be the best one. Quiver and ambush might be better but dont seem to be so i havent tried them.

    7 : Life drain seems so important but shade form seems like a possible better choice.

    10: Possession seems so weak that ive never really bothered with it. I'm not that impressed with the arrow, but it seems the obvious choice because of the silence, even if its cooldown is kinda insane.

    13: Affecting heroes with my slow seems mighty important, but this tier is a rather hard choice for me. the second withering makes clearing groups insanely good, and the other two options are more survival oriented

    16: cold embrace seems too important not to take.

    20: deafing blast vs fury of the storm.

    Stercus, Stercus, Stercus, Morituri Sum
  • LucascraftLucascraft Registered User regular
    Sylvanas has a couple really good builds, depending on your focus. If you want to primarily siege, she's got a solid build for that. If you want to PVP and murder people, there's a build for that.

    My personal opinion is that PVP is always better than siege. That's my thinking for literally every character in the game. If you can wipe the enemy team and win teamfights, the siege will happen anyway. My personal opinion is that building for siege only handicaps you because you'll be weaker when it really matters. There are plenty of people who disagree with my opinion, but that's how I play the game. Even if I play a character with amazing siege potential, such as Zagara, Azmo, or Sylvanas, I always build for PVP, because the enemy can't defend siege if they're dead.

  • FryFry Registered User regular
    shryke wrote: »
    forty wrote: »
    So Stitches is free again this week. I think this might be the first time I've played him since his big nerf. Holy shit he feels like crap now. It seems like the only thing he has going for him at all is hook, and it's got a long cooldown so if you whiff it or if your team can't capitalize, you're basically just a shitty meat shield during the downtime.

    I noticed his auto-attack damage felt anemic, so I went and checked out all the hero basic attack stats at heroesfire.com. Sure enough, his basic attack is a total joke. He has worse damage scaling than every hero except Abathur and Murky. Besides them, the only hero he does more auto attack damage than at level 20 is Tassadar, and just barely (Tassadar actually catches up a few levels later). Hell, Baelog and Erik alone each do more than he does at that point. I know a hero is more than their auto attack damage, but he is just such a ridiculous non-threat when it comes to damage output overall. Back when Diablo was considered shitty, they buffed his attack damage scaling quite a bit to help him out. Now that Stitches' abilities and talents have been crippled and he's pretty low on the Warrior totem pole, I think he needs the same treatment. Having the slowest attack in the game (.91) already sucks, but hitting like a Nerf bat is just insulting.

    I noticed that even pre-nerf. It's why I focused on buffing the shit out of slam. It's his only real source of damage.

    Pre-nerf Stiches was all about picking and disruption and they took most of that away from him and so it's like "Yeah, he sucks".

    One thing I did notice about Stitches this week is that he can really push my ETC around in lane 1v1. Yes, the AA doesn't do much damage, but his innate does a shit ton of damage to people at melee range.

  • UrQuanLord88UrQuanLord88 Registered User regular
    This is what I take for Sylvanas
    1: With the Wind - The range increase is really really good especially at the start because you can poke your lane opponent so easily. Later on, it helps you do damage while keeping a distance from enemies.
    4: Envenom - This talent gives you the burst you need to kill heroes. The other talents do not compare
    7: Remorseless - If you weave auto attacks between your Q shots, this just translates to a 25% damage increase to auto attacks which is good on Sylvanas because her auto attacks are really weak. Alternatively, you can go for Unstable Poison if you plan to push the lane quick on certain maps.
    10: Wailing Arrow - Possession sucksssssss. Ranged AoE silence is pretty gamebreaking and can decide teamfights.
    13: Evasive Fire - Positioning is really important in this genre. Sylvanas also needs to be in a good position so that the majority of her Q shots do not hit the tank during team fights.
    16: Cold Embrace - This talent is probably the most useful talent at this tier.
    20: Bolt of the Storm - Survivability rules.

    Streaming 8PST on weeknights
  • MazzyxMazzyx Comedy Gold Registered User regular
    azith28 wrote: »
    So, I've been playing some more, and for the moment, I think im going to focus on sylvanas. I'm kinda new to the whole lol/dota so i have some questions and could use some advice.

    Is my main purpose mostly to stay in the back to mid area, killing minions to feed the xp meter, assisting only if i have a lot of support? Shes so fragile i find it hard to justify moving forward, even if she can do amazing seige damage even by herself.

    (Here is what my thought process is for tiers, please let me know if im way off)

    level 1) I ask because I have been picking the 200% damage to minions/mercs skill instead of the increased range one at level 1 since this lets me quickly solo bruiser camps, and take down large groups of minions very quickly. I try to play keepaway but if i get caught by a stunner its hard to escape unless i can teleport out of the hold...even then, its hard to stay out of range, and even running away, because i dont have the range talent, i cant peg them as i run.

    level 4 talents: Paralysis seems to be the best one. Quiver and ambush might be better but dont seem to be so i havent tried them.

    7 : Life drain seems so important but shade form seems like a possible better choice.

    10: Possession seems so weak that ive never really bothered with it. I'm not that impressed with the arrow, but it seems the obvious choice because of the silence, even if its cooldown is kinda insane.

    13: Affecting heroes with my slow seems mighty important, but this tier is a rather hard choice for me. the second withering makes clearing groups insanely good, and the other two options are more survival oriented

    16: cold embrace seems too important not to take.

    20: deafing blast vs fury of the storm.

    Sylvanas is one of the best pushers but she also really shines in teamfights. I tried to do pushing Sylv yesterday and regretted it.

    My normal build:


    Envenom wins 1v1s and helps a lot in team fights.

    At 7 it depends on the game. For some maps like the spider map I like unstable poison. Rarely do I get to blow up enemies with it anymore. People learned to not fight me verse minions. The stealth on the banshees will save your life.

    The arrow is one of the most powerful ults in the game. The two second silence is the key point but the damage is insane. Remember you can blow it early by pressing r again. Learning when and when to use it is important.

    13 I like movement speed. It helps escapes and it helps hunt people down. The slows sounds nice but the movement speed is better. I did both and this is just my experience

    16 is duh.

    20 I go bolt most of the time. Have another escape with a squishy is important. It allows you to dislocate a lot of abilities and will save your butt. If I am winning by a good amount I will upgrade the arrow. Hitting a perfect arrow on a squishy is game over for them. Or knocking out a healer for 5 seconds can turn a close fight to a slaughter.

    The key with her is positioning. My big post on assassins applies doubly to Sylvanas. Her range is good. Her Q's range upgraded is pretty great. The w will do a lot once you reach 10 and a crazy amount once your reach 16. Especially if you can get it off before the ult.

    I hold my banshees till I need to run. But use them just before you think you need to. If you use them when you already need to run you will have something stun or root you and cancel your escape.

  • WingedWeaselWingedWeasel Registered User regular
    I meant literally lifting say the garden terror and dropping it on blackheart's bay just for the sake of it. Not a great example, but instead of going through the iterations required to say turn the dragon knight into the garden terror just change the map layout and plop the mechanic down.

    I am not all that excited about a capture the flag, but would like to see (and it has been mentioned here by others) something that cuts off swaths of the map for a period of time. Say lava flows (the example mentioned before was char). So if you gather/arrack/whatever enough thingies you cause a volcano to erupt covering part of the map in lava and ash. Reducing visibility and physically denying lanes. It could easily get out of hand if it cuts a team off entirely from a lane yoy are pushing buy I dont see that as necessarily worse than say blackhearts where you could also have zero response. Plus it would require the activating team to also group appropriately and push.

  • autono-wally, erotibot300autono-wally, erotibot300 love machine Registered User regular
    You don't really need to skill sylvanas into pushing the same reason you don't need to skill zagara into pushing : she's good at it anyways, and you severely gimp your team fight power

  • milk ducksmilk ducks High Mucky Muck Big Tits TownRegistered User regular
    Just installed that quick hot-fix patch, now I can't log into the game; I just get stuck at authenticating. :/

  • DibbyDibby I'll do my best! Registered User regular
    edited May 2015
    This is what I take for Sylvanas
    1: With the Wind - The range increase is really really good especially at the start because you can poke your lane opponent so easily. Later on, it helps you do damage while keeping a distance from enemies.
    4: Envenom - This talent gives you the burst you need to kill heroes. The other talents do not compare
    7: Remorseless - If you weave auto attacks between your Q shots, this just translates to a 25% damage increase to auto attacks which is good on Sylvanas because her auto attacks are really weak. Alternatively, you can go for Unstable Poison if you plan to push the lane quick on certain maps.
    10: Wailing Arrow - Possession sucksssssss. Ranged AoE silence is pretty gamebreaking and can decide teamfights.
    13: Evasive Fire - Positioning is really important in this genre. Sylvanas also needs to be in a good position so that the majority of her Q shots do not hit the tank during team fights.
    16: Cold Embrace - This talent is probably the most useful talent at this tier.
    20: Bolt of the Storm - Survivability rules.

    My build is very similar to this, only a few alterations.

    Unstable Poison at 7, the wave clear is legit insane and probably the best in the game. It gives you that crazy Specialist push without really sacrificing too much otherwise. Less auto damage (Remorseless is really good still), but it's worth it.

    And Splinter Shot at 13, the cleave damage is really nice, especially when paired with Cold Embrace. Apply Vulnerability, unload your full Q clip, watch two targets' healthbars melt. It doesn't do anything for single target but it's crazy good in teamfights.

    That said, I'll take Evasive Fire if I need it. If there's gonna be melee dudes on my ass the whole time, Evasive Fire. Life Drain is also REALLY NICE, and I'll take that if we don't have a healer. It has saved my life on numerous occasions. Some people also prefer Blood for Blood, but honestly I think it pales in comparison to 25% extra damage on the whole team.

    Dibby on
    Battle.net Tag: Dibby#1582
  • UrQuanLord88UrQuanLord88 Registered User regular
    Kael’thas’ Chain Bomb and Ignite Talents will no longer apply Living Bomb to enemies that are already affected by another Living Bomb. The tooltip for these Talents will be clarified in a future patch.

    This is probably the cause for many KT insta-gib scenarios. KT past level 16 shouldn't be much of an instant win now

    Streaming 8PST on weeknights
  • WingedWeaselWingedWeasel Registered User regular
    Kael’thas’ Chain Bomb and Ignite Talents will no longer apply Living Bomb to enemies that are already affected by another Living Bomb. The tooltip for these Talents will be clarified in a future patch.

    This is probably the cause for many KT insta-gib scenarios. KT past level 16 shouldn't be much of an instant win now

    As you'd expect the sky is falling as a result of this change (or at least some think it is). I've certainly been on the unfortunate receiving end of this before, but having not played kael'thas is he really that crippled by the fix?

  • UrQuanLord88UrQuanLord88 Registered User regular
    edited May 2015
    No, he is still strong at level 16. You just don't completely wipe a team like this:
    (just go to youtube and search kael'thas balance)

    But who knows, maybe it is enough to dissuade people from picking him instead of other heroes

    UrQuanLord88 on
    Streaming 8PST on weeknights
  • So It GoesSo It Goes We keep moving...Registered User regular
    heck no, he's super fun

    they just need to give him sprint ><

  • Knight_Knight_ Dead Dead Dead Registered User regular
    Hah, nerf the instagib right after I bought him. It was a needed change since it was insanely toxic, but your timing could probably have been better blizzard.

    He probably loses his real reason to be played at high levels instead of Jaina, but for us normals the Flamethrower + Ignite build was probably better anyway since it's so safe and still does a lot of damage.

  • DonnictonDonnicton Registered User regular
    The bomb chaining was never about what it did to heroes, it was that he could chain waves between mercs in a camp/lane and disintegrate them all within a few seconds. Most heroes will never stay together enough for more than one jump.

  • Knight_Knight_ Dead Dead Dead Registered User regular
    Donnicton wrote: »
    The bomb chaining was never about what it did to heroes, it was that he could chain waves between mercs in a camp/lane and disintegrate them all within a few seconds. Most heroes will never stay together enough for more than one jump.

    It totally was. Casting a bomb on someone in a group and hitting the group with ignite ended up doing 10x living bomb damage or more instantly to everyone + the huge damage from flamestrike and it left them with a bomb ticking on them. It was insane and where all those instagib videos came from.

  • The Escape GoatThe Escape Goat incorrigible ruminant they/themRegistered User regular
    edited May 2015
    So what you're saying is that the scrub-tier Kaels I queue into teams with aren't going to redeem themselves by killing the entire enemy team after we already wiped anymore?

    The Escape Goat on
  • Knight_Knight_ Dead Dead Dead Registered User regular
    So what you're saying is that the scrub-tier Kaels I queue into teams with aren't going to redeem themselves by killing the entire enemy team after we already wiped anymore?

    I mean, post 16 he still gets orbital strike on a 7 second cooldown. But the 3 dudes chase down kael and he accidentally murders all 3 of them as he dies mashing buttons isn't going to be a thing as much, no.

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