I have seen a few people mention that they are larger side and PAX would have been a more enjoyable experience for them had they shed a few pounds, myself included. So that is where this little motivation competition comes in.
The Rules
1) Official Start date: 04/09/2010. AKA Friday, April 9th 2010.
2) Official End date: TBA but the day PAX East Tickets go on sale. (Approximately 6-7 months)
3) To be eligible to win must be registered on or prior to start date.
4) To be eligible to win must have final weight in no longer than one week after PAX East tickets go on sale.
5) The winner will be determined by the highest percentage of weight lost.
How to Register
1)To register you must submit as picture with yourself on a scale displaying your current weight.
2) Please wear undergarments just so nothing peaks in.
3) Submit as a spoiler to keep thread size down.
4) Include some information about yourself if you wish, Name, Local, Age, Weight Loss goal etc.
Final Weight
1) A picture of yourself on a scale displaying your current weight
The Prize
1) The grand prize will be a ticket to PAX East 2011 in Boston, MA
2) If others wish to offer up other prizes as well please contact me since.
If you have any comments/concerns please get in contact with me.
Also if you have any tips to share regarding the losing of weight don't hesitate to share that advice.
This is meant for fun and to hopefully make people healthier, no internet fights allowed. Silly Geese and others like them will be disqualified to win.
None of us are medical professionals, contact your doctor before trying any new diets, or exercises.
One clip, one kill.
I am a monster truck that walks like a man.
My goal for PAX East is to be down at LEAST a shirt size (from 3x to 2x), and my current food goals are to stay within my points and to not eat ANYTHING fried before dinner. I'm also trying to get back into the gym rythm and will be going at least 3 days a week for the first few weeks or so, and then up to four and so on.
3DS Friend Code: 3823 8527 9997
Wii U NNID Chorazin
I'm currently 245 looking to get down to 195-185 in 6-8 months.
WoW - US Quel'Dorie - Daxius DwPr(Disc/Shadow) 80
Give Back to those who serve us Become a Black Pie Day Pieoneer!
And there's usually one in D&D but I can't find it right now. The SE one is more about bulking up than thinning down but the H&A one is pretty decent for losing weight.
"Yeah, I wanna go Matrix." - Scott Kurtz
(Scott Kurtz panel - PAX East 2010)
WoW - US Quel'Dorie - Daxius DwPr(Disc/Shadow) 80
Give Back to those who serve us Become a Black Pie Day Pieoneer!
WoW - US Quel'Dorie - Daxius DwPr(Disc/Shadow) 80
Give Back to those who serve us Become a Black Pie Day Pieoneer!
Of course! Just like PAX accepts everyone so should this thread.
Besides, having ladies around always makes men work harder.
3DS Friend Code: 3823 8527 9997
Wii U NNID Chorazin
I am a monster truck that walks like a man.
A: "What do you want from me?!?!?"
WoW - US Quel'Dorie - Daxius DwPr(Disc/Shadow) 80
Give Back to those who serve us Become a Black Pie Day Pieoneer!
What about Pokemonz????
Show us them.
A: "What do you want from me?!?!?"
WoW - US Quel'Dorie - Daxius DwPr(Disc/Shadow) 80
Give Back to those who serve us Become a Black Pie Day Pieoneer!
Seeing myself in a HD video from one of the panels was more then cringe worthy and I've been putting this off way to long. I did actually recently drop meat in favor of a pescetarian diet. But I'd love to try this, especially if I could find some exercise buddies (always helps motivate me).
Do Weight Watchers with her! I haven't hardcore done it for a while but the eaitng habits I learned have kept me from getting too massive.
Counting Points is super easy, especially if you have an iPhone or iPod touch and get one of the many Apps to calculate and track them.
3DS Friend Code: 3823 8527 9997
Wii U NNID Chorazin
Yeah, the thought has crossed my mind...still not totally out of the realm of possibility.
I'm 6'7" and I weigh about 195 lbs (I actually need to gain some muscle weight at this point.) I've been playing Volleyball 2-4 times a week for the past 4 years, competitively. I completed a single round of P90 to prepare for P90X, and I will be starting my second round of P90X on Monday (I completed my first round just in time for PAX East.) What I'm trying to say is that I'm in pretty good shape. Not for bragging purposes. I'm just trying to give you you guys some base information about myself, so you know where I'm coming from.
P90X is hard. Really hard. That's why it works. You get in shape because you eat right and you kick your own ass 6 days a week for 3 months. I say this because if you're not someone who is accustomed to working out, P90X may not be a great starting point. You could get burned out easily and stop altogether. You don't want that. You want to get into the groove and stick to it and get into shape. I would HIGHLY recommend doing a round of P90 to prepare for it. It isn't easy, but it isn't going to make you puke on your second day of it, either.
If you really just want to jump into P90X, at the very least, take the P90X fitness test. It a basic assessment of what you're currently capable of, to see if you're able to get through P90X. This is a direct link to the test:
It's pretty basic and the minimum requirements aren't crazy, but if you don't meet them, don't hurt yourself by jumping directly into P90X. For example, men should be able to do 3 pull-ups and 15 push-ups.
Everyone's body and mentality is different, so you could be the guy or girl that hasn't worked out in 6 years that jumps right into P90X and is super successful with it. I just wanted to make some recommendations and point you all in the right direction. Good luck with your goals, and if anyone has any questions about the program, feel free to PM me.
WoW - US Quel'Dorie - Daxius DwPr(Disc/Shadow) 80
Give Back to those who serve us Become a Black Pie Day Pieoneer!
You actually want to rethink that; the dinner meal is usually taken before you get sedentary for the evening. I found that even just shifting so that my fattier, more fried meals went to mid-day before I was active a few more hours added 3lbs weight loss in a month. So if you're having fried foods (as they are tasty), shift them to lunch meals, and even doing nothing else, that adds a bit.
Look up Pavel Tsatsouline's book if you're interested in a starting out plan, he's written a book on the topic and it's a great read.
To really rethink it, don't eat anything fried, period. They might taste good but it's not worth it and most of what you eat fried can be eaten baked or in another much healthier way.
Some tips from when I was losing weight before I lost all motivation in life:
-eat 3 meals, snack healthily in between. All in all, eat about 6-8 times a day. Eat smart of course but this will help speed up your metabolism and your body will digest food rather than store it
-take a multi vitamin. You don't need any other supplements but it will help your body recover from workouts.
-cut sugars as much as possible
other than that, eat smart, and get good exorcise in. I found for me 2-3 days with an hour of cardio and some misc weight lifting helped immensely.
When I use the app, I at least start thinking about what I'm eating before I stick food in my pie hole.
The first time I did it, I dropped 25lbs. I'm trying to get back there.
I did manage to drop 4lbs on the week of PAX...probably from all the extra walking and less soda.
Well....my GF isn't as in touch with weight loss as I am, so unless we're making entirely separate meals, it's not going to work. And I'm making realistic goals, and cutting out all fatty foods just isn't realistic right now. I'd rather do it gradually.
3DS Friend Code: 3823 8527 9997
Wii U NNID Chorazin
But dying of a heart attack could interfere with my plans for 2011. I should probably join in on this.
I tried weight watchers last year, but didn't have much luck. I've been getting really really good results from low-carbing it and working down this list here. I'm never hungry like I was on weight watchers, and I eat all of my favorite foods all the time (but I've always been more of a carnivore).
A contest sounds like fun, as well as a good motivator! Plus it'll be interesting to see other people's results and the methods that they used -- maybe pick up some tips and tricks along the way!
The Best in Terms of Pants on JCCC3
PM me if you have any other suggestions, or complaints this isn't the main thing just a few ideas. First time doing anything like this so all comments/help is appreciated.
I am a monster truck that walks like a man.
I'll weigh in again every Friday, so I guess we'll see how it goes.
3DS Friend Code: 3823 8527 9997
Wii U NNID Chorazin
WoW - US Quel'Dorie - Daxius DwPr(Disc/Shadow) 80
Give Back to those who serve us Become a Black Pie Day Pieoneer!
There is no reason to eat fried food and if you're really serious about losing the weight you need to recognize that shit like fried chicken, french fries and soda have to go, stat. It's completely realistic to stop eating that crap and starting eating right. Is it hard? Hell yea but it's worth it when you realize that replacing fries with steamed veggies and fried chicken with baked chicken (and a proper portion of it) has led you to see some real results. Planning and executing healthier meals is something you can literally do over night.
If you can trust yourself to have one night a week where you have a bad meal without slipping back into eating like crap all the time, then go for it, but otherwise you're just making excuses for eating poorly. My boyfriend isn't trying to lose weight like I am but he's eating better now because he knows I need to and he wants me to reach my goals more than he wants a cheeseburger.
Jeeze....a little agressive, but I get ya. I AM making smarter choices for EVERY meal, so it's not like I get home and eat a bucket of extra crispy KFC or anything and say OMG I'M DIETING. I'm just saying that IF I'm going to eat something fried it's going to only be once and at dinner, and needs to be within my WW Point range, which certainly isn't going to be a huge portion if I do it.
3DS Friend Code: 3823 8527 9997
Wii U NNID Chorazin
You don't want fried foods at dinner because as Thes said, dinner should be the smallest meal of your day. You're not doing much after except sleeping and that's no good. Breakfast should be the biggest then lunch then dinner and none should be huge because you're better off with smaller meals with snacks in between to keep your metabolism going all day. And I stick with if you love fried chicken, try breading it and baking it instead. You like fries? Buy whole potatoes and slice them and bake them with a little olive oil and some seasoning.