Most Frequently Asked Questions
1. Can I register this __Insert Game Here__ on Steam?Here's a list of games you can register on Steam. You can always add a non-Steam game to your Steam games list, so that people can see you playing it.
2. If I buy a game pack that already includes a game I own, can I gift that game?
No, this was a one-time thing for people who already owned Half-Life 2 and bought the Orange Box. Additional copies you own are lost forever to the ether.
3. Why isn't __Insert Game Here__ available in my region?
Many Steam games might be unavailable in your country if you have the temerity to live outside of the United States.
This is not Steam's fault. Regional game availability is determined solely by the publisher, who should be the source of your ire. Gifting works regardless of region so you might find some helpful person in North America who can gift you the game.
Helpful StuffSteam Price Guide
Do you have the misfortune to live somewhere other than America? Steam hates you! Luckily,
this cool website with prices for Steam games all around the world is here to help, so you can know if you want to ask an American friend to buy the game for you or not.
You need this program.
It reconfigures your Windows IPSEC settings (run it as an admin) to block out all but the servers which don't count towards your download quota on Steam. Now supports a bunch of ISPs through a graphical interface.
Basically guarantees you won't add to your download quota with Steam.
Download TCPview:
Then, use TCPview (run as admin if you're on Vista) to close all Steam TCP servers (this is important, NOT the UDP ones, just the TCP ones). Steam will then reconnect to a different server, which will hopefully get you a better speed. If you don't go faster in a couple of seconds, retry until you get a speed you like.
This shit totally needs to go into the OP, I've tipped this to so many people already.
Cool Community Add-Ons
The Mis-Adventures of LewieP
As funny as the following comic is, LewieP does spend a lot of time
looking for bargains, for us.
The Steam Circle of Life
This image is from the SomethingAwful forums Steam thread. Hilariously enough it basically describes our Steam thread too:
Steam iPhone App
You have an iPhone? That money could easily have been spent on Steam games. If you want to make the best of your shiny gadget, however, check out this
Steam iPhone app. For less than the price of a grande mocha frappacino or whatever, you can buy an unofficial program (which appears to have been created by a PA guy who has not stepped forward if the Armadeaddon screengrab means anything) which does all sorts of Steam shit.
To top it all off, a comic by our own Iolo. It's fun-tastic!
I am a freaking nerd.
Edit: Logo is pretty swell, though.
you can get the sims 3 for the low low price of $truck
Anyway, so far it doesn't seem like that bad of a game. They definitely took all the squad mechanics from Freedom Fighters, which I like.
My Backloggery
Beat you to it.
If steam didnt exist, I wouldnt have this problem. Damn you steam!
If you enjoy [strike]torturing[/strike]caring for virtual people and making them [strike]die[/strike]smile, then yes.
My wife enjoys all of the above. Sometimes it's creepy listening to her giggle about how she tortured some family to death.
She also likes to put the two of us into the game and mess around, then she gets mad at me when my Sim character does something like sleep with the maid or whatever. O_o
Why the fuck would you buy her the game
Because she enjoys it?
edit: I'm sorry Centipeed, I won't buy anything else until I get your approval first.
Guys, if Darmak seems a little peevish right now, cut him some slack because he obviously has a lot on his mind what with the imminent disintegration of his marriage to a crazy woman. ;-)
Hence my question as to why he bought it for her. Sure, she likes it but if it freaks you out...
I was just kidding about that. She doesn't actually get mad and I think it's cute.
I'm just flabbergasted because it's an $80 ($90?) pack and people are umming and arring as if it were a $7.50 daily deal.
I just can't understand spending that much on a game unless you're either guaranteed to spend a long time with it and enjoy yourself, or you've been looking forward to it for months/years.
I know I was kidding also. It's cool you found someone with a similar interest. Didn't she tell you off for spending so much during the christmas sale? Our am I thinking of another paer?
It's the sims! Hell yeah it'll give that long to play with it xD
It even has me going ummm and I really can not afford that xD
You must be thinking of someone else. I didn't spend hardly anything during the Christmas sale. :P
My wife will spend countless hours playing it, over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over. Then she'll remember that people make mods for the game and go on a spree of downloading tons of new furniture, clothes, etc., and spend countless more hours playing it. $80 is cheap for me if it can bring her that many hours of entertainment.
Last time I played I was an aspiring novelist who worked part-time at the grocery store to make ends meet 'till my book sale income started going up. From there I built up the house and sold it for a nice sum. Had to stop there since my PC broke but it was nice all the same. And this was before the expansions, now there seems much more to do.
Although I will say; the whole '9-5, work your Sim to death to climb the ladder' is one sure-fire way to bore yourself off it for life. Play it to lead a life you'd never have, good or bad.
Well, it's for his wife. I imagine she is a special person in his life and worth the odd gift... I know I would be very happy if my wife enjoyed gaming even a fraction as much as I do.
In case $10 was too much, it's now available for both Steam and D2D for $8!
Although I fully expect/hope a 4-pack to be offered soon on Steam....
Origin: Viycktor
Pfft, I want to play The Sims. It's genuinely fun, although I already own TS3 and a couple of the expansions so I won't be buying the Steam pack.
Is this the sort of thing that could be symptomatic of just about any problem, or might it be easier to nail? I'm used to crashes giving me some kind of clue about what might be the cause, but this is a total mystery.
Pass on all the STAR WARS.
This would make me so very happy
If you're saying that regardless of what game you play you often get crashes to the desktop, and you haven't changed drivers, it could be these things:
Failing RAM, Overheating, Graphics Card failure, Failing PSU.
I'm facing the same problem (With liberal BSODs thrown in) - only when playing games, and after having replaced my PSU and tried all sorts of graphics drivers, I believe it's the RAM.