UncleSporky wrote:Tweets have revealed that the game will be 50-100 hours, perhaps Nintendo's biggest project ever, and (not really spoilers but just in case...)there will be a second playthrough of some sort and also boss rush.
Peewi wrote:
UncleSporky wrote:New Skyward Sword videos from Comic Con. Spoilers, obviously...but not extremely major ones, I think.
Gametrailers offscreen 1 - boss intro, fight and outro
Gametrailers offscreen 2 - bird riding contest
Direct feed 1 - boss battle from above (longer, shows the whole fight)
Direct feed 2 - spiders and Stalfos (if you want to avoid spoilers, this is the best to watch...amazing music)
Direct feed 3 - puzzle gameplay, continuing from direct feed 2What did I say when we found out about the sky school. What did I say! Harry Potter Zelda. And here we have Link chasing after a golden snitch.
Ghirahim is incredibly freaky. Seems...I don't know, bold of Nintendo to go that direction with a character.
Seriously the orchestrated music in the Youtube videos is AMAZING. So atmospheric.
wiinintendo.net wrote:The February 2010 issue of the Japanese gaming magazine Nintendo Dream came packaged with a 100-page Zelda art book, featuring artwork from the original Legend of Zelda all the way through Spirit Tracks. I’m happy to announce that we at ZeldaPower have the full book scanned and uploaded for your viewing pleasure!
Courtesy of Foefaller and Jave
Adventure of Link
A Link to the Past
Link's Awakening
Ocarina of Time
Majora's Mask
Wind Waker
Twilight Princess
Main Theme Remix
A Link to the Past - Hyrule Castle
A Link to the Past - Dark Overworld
Majora's Mask - Final Hour Orchestrated
Wind Waker Ending Theme Orchestrated
Twilight Princess Hyrule Field Main Theme - Electone
Zelda TP- Serenade of water (Queen Rutela)
Wind Waker Unplugged
Spirit Tracks Music - Realm Overworld
Shooting Galary - Located in the swamp in Majora's Mask
Bombachu Bowling - Located in Hyrule Castle in Ocarina of Time
STARS - Located in Hyrule Town in Twilight Princess
And of course everyone loves . . . fishing!
Jam Warrior has an absurdly large and awesome collection of Zelda merchandise
Tasteticle has a heart warming story about why Ocarina of Time is his favorite game of all time
RockinX has a rockin' and most impressive collection of all the Zelda games, including some obsure ones
1UP is now competing with IGN for coverage of the The Legend of Zelda 25th Anniversary so I thought I would post the various articles and links to videos and podcasts from their extravaganza here. Clicking on the above image leads to the main page and each of the following images leads to their respective pages.
Discuss! Oh, and lets try to keep the futile arguments of the Zelda timeline to a minimum just for the sake of the threads collective sanity. What are you going to do to celebrate 25 years of Zelda? I think I'm going to play through Twilight Princess again (third time, whoo!) as I actually just played through A Link to the Past again recently. Those two games, incidentally, are also my two favorite games in the series as it stands thus far. We need not argue over which game is the best here though. Share your own opinions and rejoice that the Zelda series will be with us for many many years to come.
And the game I'm looking to forward to the most this year: The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. Easily. Also really really looking forward to playing through The Ocaina of Time again though, in 3D!
Also: HySpace is awesome
(Also I'd have to move stuff around on the Wii to make room)
That is all.
PSN/Steam/NNID: SyphonBlue | BNet: SyphonBlue#1126
3DS: 1521-4165-5907
PS3: KayleSolo
Live: Kayle Solo
WiiU: KayleSolo
Then of course there is the infamous moment of leaving the forest in OoT and seeing Hyrule Field stretch out into the distance.
I love Zelda and thanks to this thread I think I need to pick one to play through again.
I hate to say it, I guess, but I just don't like the Wii, and it ruins the experience for me. I've tried to sit down and play Twilight Princess twice, but I hate the controls. The new Skyward Sword title looks pretty terri-bad to me, as well: I'm simply not interested in holding the wii-mote over my head and swinging it just to throw a bomb; I don't want to use it like a bow and arrow; I don't want to swing and jab it like a sword.
What's wrong with just pushing a button? Was the controller really such a barrier that people couldn't enjoy their games? I didn't think so.
Anyway, I'm really excited about Zelda's 25th Anniversary; I just wish the series still did anything for me.
Majora's Mask may actually be my favorite Zelda game. It's basically Ocarina of Time, but set in an alternate universe; what's not to like? It's a whole lot of fun, anyway.
because goddamn do I love both of those. they are closely followed by the n64 games though either way
Buy the Gamecube version of twilight princess.
The biggest problem is that Majora's Mask enjoys tearing your heart out over and over again.
Shit! I still need to finish that. I took a long break when I reached the final dungeon (I think, but they could make another plot twist) and now I'm fucking lost. Every time I have tried to finish it I gave up, because I couldn't remember what I had done to get there, and what to do to move on.
...and that something is... the song...
Adventure of Link
A Link to the Past
Link's Awakening
Ocarina of Time
Majora's Mask
Wind Waker
Twilight Princess
That guy was dedicated
salvaged version:
(I appreciate all feedback, so take a few minutes to check it out)
Pokemon White: 5371-9705-4895
3DS Friend Code: 2105-8646-1262
Just could not enjoy those games. Probably the over-reliance on the touch screen and repeated trips to a central dungeon.
I cannot fucking wait for Skyward Sword and, to marginally lesser extent, OoT 3DS.
I'm surprised Nintendo isn't rolling out some compilation for Wii or DS or something. I guess OoT 3D and Skyward Sword are enough Zelda to be working on in one year. Oh, and not to forget Link's Awakening on the E-shop, can't wait for that.
Twitter 3DS: 0860 - 3257 - 2516
I finished both of them, but neither one was really all that great.
PSN/Steam/NNID: SyphonBlue | BNet: SyphonBlue#1126
Screenshots Sounds
Email Notification 1
Google Voice Notification
Voicemail Notification
Email Notification 2
Other Notifications
Watchdog Alert
Twitter Notification
One of many Ringtones
Hryule Morning Theme, used for Alarm
Phone Unlock
Phone Lock
Also note that the Termina clock on the main Home screen is a widget available on the Android Market, is a fully-functional clock, and may soon feature artwork by our own forum-mate mntorankusu.
Twitter 3DS: 0860 - 3257 - 2516
The Legend of Zelda is one of my definitive most-beloved franchises ever. I don't always play every iteration of the game but I do respect each version. For a while, I saw it as the franchise with the least amount of spin-offs (i.e. every game had to be a complete story and play experience) and the least potential for them to be generated. By now that's changed, but even still the newer games haven't forgotten how to be one complete adventure.
Pokemon White Friend Code: 0046-2121-0723/White 2 Friend Code: 0519-5126-2990
"Did ya hear the one about the mussel that wanted to purchase Valve? Seems like the bivalve had a juicy offer on the table but the company flat-out refused and decided to immediately clam up!"
When you hear someone who doesn't like the game talk about it, you hear that it has a constant time limit and too much of the content is sidequests, and it's fine if you don't like it for those reasons, but hearing about that is going to make you think the whole game is a constant race against the clock to help people with random crap.
The bulk of the game is still the main quest, and most of that won't involve racing against the clock-- if you learn a new song, or collect a new item, that progress is saved when you go back in time and from that point, getting back to where you were is no problem. Because of this, you'll usually be able to avoid repeating the whole of anything related to the main quest because of the time limit.
For example, if you reach the entrance of a new dungeon (by going through a long quest to learn a song that opens it up, for example), you can then immediately go back to the first day, teleport to the entrance of the dungeon, play the song, play the Inverse Song of Time (to slow time down), and you'll have plenty of time to complete the whole dungeon. If you still don't manage to complete it, but you did manage to collect the dungeon's item, you can rapidly make progress (and skip many parts) by using it from the start.
Basically-- play it, and see if you like it. If you do like it, you'll like it a lot.
Has there been any word if Ocarina of Time 3D will include Master Quest? I'm assuming it won't, but would be ecstatic if it did, as somehow my gamecube disc went missing a while back. I still have the case, but the disc is gone, and I don't know how as I always put my games back in their original cases when I switch games. So that annoyed me.
Probably still one of my favorite Penny Arcades. Such an obvious joke, but executed perfectly.
(I appreciate all feedback, so take a few minutes to check it out)
Pokemon White: 5371-9705-4895
3DS Friend Code: 2105-8646-1262
I'd hate to commit myself and say Wind Waker is my favorite LoZ, but it is really close.
I still haven't really played it, but I watched my friend play it all the way through.
It was still extremely annoying. We'd be making lots of progress, things going great, and then we have to endure 10 to 15 minutes of time management and warping around every few hours. Waste of time. Same sort of waste of time as constant uneventful sailing for 5 minutes, despite how much I like Wind Waker.
You never get a good rush out of it, like "oh my god only 10 minutes left, I sure hope I have time to beat this boss, how exciting!" It's always "dammit, now we have to warp out and go all the way back through the dungeon again, this sucks."
It really needed songs of Freeze Time and Unfreeze Time. I doubt anyone would complain.
We also used a guide to accomplish everything, and I can tell I would've been really annoyed trying to figure a lot of that out on my own. Lots of situations where it was apparent you were supposed to follow a specific person around for all three days just to see where they would be at a specific time.
I will say that I liked how alive the town felt with all the random people going about their business, but ultimately that aspect wasn't that much better than any other Zelda.