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PAX East 2012



  • PoeticMadnesssPoeticMadnesss Registered User regular
    edited July 2011
    There should be a speed chess tournament. Chess is a game, RIGHT???


    =\ It really isn't.

    ...It's a way of life.

    PoeticMadnesss on
    Black: 0647 5155 3272
    Pkmn Breeder
    Certified Gold Card Carrier - (E4, Entralink, Musical, Pokedex Complete)
  • RainbowTunnelRainbowTunnel Registered User regular
    edited July 2011
    Rdr wrote: »
    Rdr wrote: »
    I haven't played Monopoly in about 15 years.

    I won't play it again unless its with you Rainbow.

    POP! POP!

    OHMAN, I will totally take you up on that offer, sir! This is going to be one fine game.

    We'll have to make time for this at PAX. Me, zerzhul, you, Dan, gameshark and maybe one more so the game doesn't last forevers. :)

    Then I could actually have a conversation with you or something!

    Oh. Oh yes. This is happening. The best part is we don't have to cut into official PAX time! Just gather on Thursday for some pre-PAX board games and the Westin like last year. And we're definitely capping it at 5 players, or we'd have to bring sleeping bags, flashlights and rations. Actually, that doesn't sound too bad.

    Conversations? Who does that? As far as I'm concerned, I've greeted you enough times without following up with a 'conversation' to call you friend <3

    RainbowTunnel on
  • RdrRdr Rider Registered User regular
    Well, you're definitely a friend to me too. However, Thursday night is not good for me. :(

    I do the PrePAX Dinner and am a professor for the Pokecrawl.

  • RainbowTunnelRainbowTunnel Registered User regular
    Rdr wrote:
    Well, you're definitely a friend to me too. However, Thursday night is not good for me. :(

    I do the PrePAX Dinner and am a professor for the Pokecrawl.
    Rdr wrote:
    Well, you're definitely a friend to me too. However, Thursday night is not good for me. :(

    I do the PrePAX Dinner and am a professor for the Pokecrawl.

    WELL then.

    How 'bout these new forums, eh? Eh?

  • RdrRdr Rider Registered User regular
    Rdr wrote:
    Well, you're definitely a friend to me too. However, Thursday night is not good for me. :(

    I do the PrePAX Dinner and am a professor for the Pokecrawl.
    Rdr wrote:
    Well, you're definitely a friend to me too. However, Thursday night is not good for me. :(

    I do the PrePAX Dinner and am a professor for the Pokecrawl.

    WELL then.

    How 'bout these new forums, eh? Eh?

    We'll find time to play for the forums...hmm..idk :/

  • RainbowTunnelRainbowTunnel Registered User regular
    Rdr wrote:
    Rdr wrote:
    Well, you're definitely a friend to me too. However, Thursday night is not good for me. :(

    I do the PrePAX Dinner and am a professor for the Pokecrawl.
    Rdr wrote:
    Well, you're definitely a friend to me too. However, Thursday night is not good for me. :(

    I do the PrePAX Dinner and am a professor for the Pokecrawl.

    WELL then.

    How 'bout these new forums, eh? Eh?

    We'll find time to play for the forums...hmm..idk :/

    I think I completely agree - on both points.

    I got an extreme case of PAX-withdrawal today. It was brutal.

  • BeerNgamingBeerNgaming Registered User regular
    There should be a speed chess tournament. Chess is a game, RIGHT???

    I'd play a game or two. My ego can take the hit of losing utterly.
    And the games would take a fraction of the time it takes to play Monopoly.

    I can't make plans yet - we're still nine months away here - but I'll probably try to hit the board game night hard. I'll try to make time for whatever's going on that isn't Monopoly.

    But, RainbowTunnel, I will bring We Didn't Playtest This At All if you;re up for a few rounds of that. And that's an open offer to all.

  • TrionTrion Registered User regular
    I'd play a game or two. My ego can take the hit of losing utterly.
    And the games would take a fraction of the time it takes to play Monopoly.

    I can't make plans yet - we're still nine months away here - but I'll probably try to hit the board game night hard. I'll try to make time for whatever's going on that isn't Monopoly.

    But, RainbowTunnel, I will bring We Didn't Playtest This At All if you;re up for a few rounds of that. And that's an open offer to all.

    If anyone is looking for a chess match with a near certainty that they'll win, I can make myself available.

    I've also resolved to learn at least one game in the tabletop area this year. For the last two years I've gotten so busy with other stuff that it's just never happened.

  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    I play Monopoly like a brutal tyrant. Prepare to give me all your monies.

  • FrugusFrugus Photographer MontrealRegistered User regular
    edited July 2011
    I want in on this.

    I call the car.

    That is all.

    Frugus on
    Frugus Eggbeater
  • DanUNGDanUNG Registered User regular
    edited July 2011
    Pokemon Monopoly or bust. Wait...

    Oh my god. PAX-themed Monopoly board.

  • RdrRdr Rider Registered User regular
    DanUNG wrote:
    Pokemon Monopoly or bust. Wait...

    Oh my god. PAX-themed Monopoly board.

    I thought of this too! Would be rad.

  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    edited July 2011
    In reply to:
    "avsfan590 wrote:
    I am trying to book as early as i can for Pax East 2012 but not sure about the date. Does anybody know when it usually happens is it on the first weekend of march? As well any suggestions for hotels and this will be my first PAX anything i need to know about booking or PAX in general?

    zerzhul on
  • avsfan590avsfan590 Registered User regular
    I heard that its Easter weekend for PAX East, so thats Official ? As well when will the tickets be up for sale? Sorry For the Q's.

  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    yes, it's official, it's the Friday-Sunday of Easter weekend. Tickets usually go on sale around late Sept, early Oct.

  • RdrRdr Rider Registered User regular
    edited July 2011
    avsfan590 wrote:
    I heard that its Easter weekend for PAX East, so thats Official ? As well when will the tickets be up for sale? Sorry For the Q's.

    Ya its official. Tickets will be on sale shortly after PAX Prime ends.

    Rdr on
  • RdrRdr Rider Registered User regular
    Some info off I thought was interesting:

    Next event after 2012 is Apr 2013. So, at least we know it will be in April again.

    Average attendee age is 27
    Mix of 78% male / 22% female

  • TrionTrion Registered User regular
    Rdr wrote:
    Average attendee age is 27

    I have D & D sourcebooks older than that.

  • RdrRdr Rider Registered User regular
    Trion wrote:
    Rdr wrote:
    Average attendee age is 27

    I have D & D sourcebooks older than that.

    How old are you, sir? I think we've met. But, this is like the 2nd or 3rd time you'd made comment to you being old as dirt in this thread. ;)

  • TrionTrion Registered User regular
    Rdr wrote:
    Trion wrote:
    Rdr wrote:
    Average attendee age is 27

    I have D & D sourcebooks older than that.

    How old are you, sir? I think we've met. But, this is like the 2nd or 3rd time you'd made comment to you being old as dirt in this thread. ;)


    Honestly, I'm not as concerned as my joking about it makes it look.

  • WarabitWarabit Registered User regular
    Hey everyone. My wife, Daughter(soon to be born), and I will be attending Pax east this time! I have been wanting to go for a couple of years now but haven't been able to due to deployment/training. But I'll be out of the Army in February and we are pretty pumped about being able to make it this year. Count us in on some board gaming and table top gaming!

  • aikoeaikoe Registered User regular
    Hello, folks. I'll be attending my first PAX (but not remotely first con) next year, as a representative of the 22% female population. I'm also cosplaying Sheik. I've heard cosplay isn't big, but how "not big" are we talking? Are there roughly as many cosplayers as, say, GenCon?

    PAX East 2014: 3-Day Pass [X] | Hotel Room [X] | Transportation [X] | Time Off [X] | Costume [ ]
  • RainbowTunnelRainbowTunnel Registered User regular
    So much to reply to adoihdagfdaoi!!

    Frugus wrote:
    I want in on this.

    I call the car.

    That is all.

    Fuck if we're calling now, I'm laying heavy dibs on the dog!

    Rdr wrote:
    DanUNG wrote:
    Pokemon Monopoly or bust. Wait...

    Oh my god. PAX-themed Monopoly board.

    I thought of this too! Would be rad.

    This needs to happen.

    Warabit wrote:
    Hey everyone. My wife, Daughter(soon to be born), and I will be attending Pax east this time! I have been wanting to go for a couple of years now but haven't been able to due to deployment/training. But I'll be out of the Army in February and we are pretty pumped about being able to make it this year. Count us in on some board gaming and table top gaming!

    Welcome! We're glad to have you and your wife and your soon-to-be-awesome-tastic-daughter! You'll probably see me running around the con, screaming and crying. Just ignore me. (:
    aikoe wrote:
    Hello, folks. I'll be attending my first PAX (but not remotely first con) next year, as a representative of the 22% female population. I'm also cosplaying Sheik. I've heard cosplay isn't big, but how "not big" are we talking? Are there roughly as many cosplayers as, say, GenCon?

    Females, for the win! I knew it was a tilted scale, but I didn't know it was that tilted. As for cosplaying, there was almost none in 2010 (try less than 10% of people), but this past year, 2011, I saw a fair bit more.

  • RdrRdr Rider Registered User regular
    edited July 2011
    So much to reply to adoihdagfdaoi!!
    Frugus wrote:
    I want in on this.

    I call the car.

    That is all.

    Fuck if we're calling now, I'm laying heavy dibs on the dog!

    Hm. I'll be the...Horse & Rider. :)

    Rdr on
  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    I am the IRON! IRON for the win.

  • RdrRdr Rider Registered User regular
    Looks like Gameshark is out since he didn't show public interest.

    Rdr, Rainbow, zerzhul, Frugus and Dan. Should be fun.

    We can try to work out a time during PAX to play..maybe cap it at like 2 hours or so. We'll try to plan next year sometime when we all have tentative schedules.

  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    Rdr wrote:
    Looks like Gameshark is out since he didn't show public interest.

    Rdr, Rainbow, zerzhul, Frugus and Dan. Should be fun.

    We can try to work out a time during PAX to play..maybe cap it at like 2 hours or so. We'll try to plan next year sometime when we all have tentative schedules.

    the most innuendous game of monopoly EVER

  • thedandmomthedandmom Registered User regular
    Hey. I'm going to PAX East Next year and I didn't book a room. We booked a condo for the convention. Sleeps six with full kitchen and not far from a hotel that will have a shuttle. All this for about the same price for a hotel room that sleeps four so I think we're better off.

  • RdrRdr Rider Registered User regular
    thedandmom wrote:
    Hey. I'm going to PAX East Next year and I didn't book a room. We booked a condo for the convention. Sleeps six with full kitchen and not far from a hotel that will have a shuttle. All this for about the same price for a hotel room that sleeps four so I think we're better off.

    Sounds pretty nice!

  • thedandmomthedandmom Registered User regular
    Rdr wrote:
    thedandmom wrote:
    Hey. I'm going to PAX East Next year and I didn't book a room. We booked a condo for the convention. Sleeps six with full kitchen and not far from a hotel that will have a shuttle. All this for about the same price for a hotel room that sleeps four so I think we're better off.

    Sounds pretty nice!
    It's going to be great. I'm hoping that I'll be experienced enough to run a game of my My Little Pony: Defenders of Magic campaign while we're there

  • FrugusFrugus Photographer MontrealRegistered User regular
    thedandmom wrote:
    Rdr wrote:
    thedandmom wrote:
    Hey. I'm going to PAX East Next year and I didn't book a room. We booked a condo for the convention. Sleeps six with full kitchen and not far from a hotel that will have a shuttle. All this for about the same price for a hotel room that sleeps four so I think we're better off.

    Sounds pretty nice!
    It's going to be great. I'm hoping that I'll be experienced enough to run a game of my My Little Pony: Defenders of Magic campaign while we're there

    I love hearing about deals like those :)

    I got lucky with my first PAX East. We only started making plans one month before the event and most of the hotels were either fully booked or a bit too pricey for us (again, due to last second decisions, we had a limited budget). We ended up with a nice little find; a Guest House that was right over the street from the Hynes called The Copley Inn. It was 130$ per night and had a kitchen. As a couple it was one of the nicest stays we had in memory. The place made anyone feel really mushy.

    Frugus Eggbeater
  • RainbowTunnelRainbowTunnel Registered User regular
    edited July 2011
    Rdr wrote:
    Looks like Gameshark is out since he didn't show public interest.

    Rdr, Rainbow, zerzhul, Frugus and Dan. Should be fun.

    We can try to work out a time during PAX to play..maybe cap it at like 2 hours or so. We'll try to plan next year sometime when we all have tentative schedules.

    I am so confused now that you changed your avatar. I think I'm going to change mine now too, just for that.

    Also, I hate to be That Guy, but I wouldn't count gameshark out yet - he's the one who started this whole monopoly binge. He may have horrendous respond-time and an equally horrendous sense of style, but he deserves the chance. That and because behind-the-scenes, he's actually been dying to play monopoly.

    RainbowTunnel on
  • RdrRdr Rider Registered User regular
    I am so confused now that you changed your avatar. I think I'm going to change mine now too, just for that.

    Also, I hate to be That Guy, but I wouldn't count gameshark out yet - he's the one who started this whole monopoly binge. He may have horrendous respond-time and an equally horrendous sense of style, but he deserves the chance. That and because behind-the-scenes, he's actually been dying to play monopoly.

    Well, you're the one who capped it at 5 people. :) I don't care if we make it 6 and he joins.

    Nooo don't change your avatar...its so adorable!

  • thedandmomthedandmom Registered User regular
    Frugus wrote:
    thedandmom wrote:
    Rdr wrote:
    thedandmom wrote:
    Hey. I'm going to PAX East Next year and I didn't book a room. We booked a condo for the convention. Sleeps six with full kitchen and not far from a hotel that will have a shuttle. All this for about the same price for a hotel room that sleeps four so I think we're better off.

    Sounds pretty nice!
    It's going to be great. I'm hoping that I'll be experienced enough to run a game of my My Little Pony: Defenders of Magic campaign while we're there

    I love hearing about deals like those :)

    I got lucky with my first PAX East. We only started making plans one month before the event and most of the hotels were either fully booked or a bit too pricey for us (again, due to last second decisions, we had a limited budget). We ended up with a nice little find; a Guest House that was right over the street from the Hynes called The Copley Inn. It was 130$ per night and had a kitchen. As a couple it was one of the nicest stays we had in memory. The place made anyone feel really mushy.

    Yeah, after last year, we really wanted to be prepared. We also wanted a more family friendly place because we have a baby, and this year he was okay with the hotel room, but next year, he's going to be a year and a half and will want to get around more. Also we spend so much on con food, it was ridiculous. We're preparing for next year. Also since it's Easter weekend, i'll be cooking a ham in our condo

  • AnawayAnaway Registered User regular
    I'm in for monopoly! as for hotels, I am not getting one, since it only takes me a half an hour on the train to get there :V

  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    keep in mind that the T closes before the show does at night when planning your travel.

  • RdrRdr Rider Registered User regular
    edited July 2011
    Anaway wrote:
    I'm in for monopoly! as for hotels, I am not getting one, since it only takes me a half an hour on the train to get there :V

    It might not seem like all that much but as zerzhul pointed out you'll be missing some of the show...good stuff happens from 11-2am.

    You could maybe snag a room with someone where a shuttle can take you back to the hotel at 2am so you don't miss anything. The shuttle service last year was pretty fantastic from what I saw.

    Also, you wouldn't have to wake up as early if you stay closer.

    Rdr on
  • RdrRdr Rider Registered User regular
    Anaway wrote:
    Oh! Ok. Hm..Wonder what hotel I should take. I am really directionless :V...

    Well, they'll put up all the hotel info in October and it'll let you know which one does shuttle services so it'll help you out better.

  • AnawayAnaway Registered User regular
    Oh! Ok. Hm..Wonder what hotel I should take. I am really directionless :V...

  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    there will be all sorts of posts about it when we get there, but the Westin that's attached to the BCEC is certainly the *closest*. There will be a thread (similar to the prime one) for sharing hotel rooms as well, so you may or may not have to make your own reservation. It's a good way to split costs and meet new people for the show.

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