1) Participate in this thread
2) Take part in a Pre-PAX East unofficial social event
3) Be a forum admin
4) Be Robert Khoo
5) Make the badge in the first place
I'm assuming this is a list of "OR"s, because I'm not certain I can complete all of those tasks.
Steps to becoming Khoo:
1. Try harder
2. Become Khoo
3. If you are not yet Robert Khoo, you are not trying hard enough! Repeat step 1!
4. ???
I finished off that list for you. Step four can only be read and understood by Robert Khoo.
They say that only Khoo can understand the true heart of "The Khoo". It's a very deep, Zen, thing. Also, it requires you to sacrifice your soul upon an altar to Penny Arcade, and undergo radical bionic reconstruction on your legs to allow you to move impossibly fast at PAX via nuclear-powered gyro-stabilized mega-thrusters. This isn't in step 4 though, this is just to be generally understood. Also BAM, participated.
I've heard that Khoo is part human, part shark, and part the bus from Speed . If he slows down during con season, he can't breathe. Or maybe he explodes.
I've had a thought! Rather than having people ask a question to get a badge from the BYOC desk, how about you simply have to respond to the code? i.e. The enforcer handing out the badge says 'D' and the attendee asking for the badge says 'Twenty'. What do you think?
I also approve of this challenge-response protocol, but it needs to be something more than "D?". I will inevitably say "D? DEEEZ NUTS" at some point, which will be bad for all involved (especially sleep-deprived me). It should be the type of absurd phrase that you would expect to find in the script of Doctor Strangelove.
"How is the weather in Buffalo?" or something oddball, with a completely irrelevant response.
East 2014 Status: Badge [ Friend got it ] Hotel [Crappy] BYOC [YES] Transport [ ] Name on Forum Badge [ ] Challenge Coin [ ]
a little late but I really want to take part in this, this year... I was a late arival for last year and wasn't able to get a badge, this year I have no excuse!!!!
as far as the question, I like the idea of the oddball one the most, maybe even incorporate something to do with gaming into it? like how many coins are in your pocket, or what can I buy for 10 rupees.... even flip flopping them so the questions are 57 answer how many coins are in my pocket, or question health potion, and the answer is what I can buy for 10 rupees... ?
I've had a thought! Rather than having people ask a question to get a badge from the BYOC desk, how about you simply have to respond to the code? i.e. The enforcer handing out the badge says 'D' and the attendee asking for the badge says 'Twenty'. What do you think?
I also approve of this challenge-response protocol, but it needs to be something more than "D?". I will inevitably say "D? DEEEZ NUTS" at some point, which will be bad for all involved (especially sleep-deprived me). It should be the type of absurd phrase that you would expect to find in the script of Doctor Strangelove.
"How is the weather in Buffalo?" or something oddball, with a completely irrelevant response.
i like the idea of this, or sticking with the original questions, only because the connection between "D" and "20" is far too easy for any pax-goer to make, and is not so much a secret you have to be in on.
I've had a thought! Rather than having people ask a question to get a badge from the BYOC desk, how about you simply have to respond to the code? i.e. The enforcer handing out the badge says 'D' and the attendee asking for the badge says 'Twenty'. What do you think?
I also approve of this challenge-response protocol, but it needs to be something more than "D?". I will inevitably say "D? DEEEZ NUTS" at some point, which will be bad for all involved (especially sleep-deprived me). It should be the type of absurd phrase that you would expect to find in the script of Doctor Strangelove.
"How is the weather in Buffalo?" or something oddball, with a completely irrelevant response.
i like the idea of this, or sticking with the original questions, only because the connection between "D" and "20" is far too easy for any pax-goer to make, and is not so much a secret you have to be in on.
I think Korvas is over thinking things and flatline hasn't understood the code reference. The D Twenty code is in reference to the 'Flash-Thunder' code used by soldiers during the D-Day landings. With the back of the card being WWII inspired, we should stick with that motif. As for the questions, I agree with tvethiopia, in that we combine the code greeting with the right to get to answer a question correctly before they are given a badge. The only modification to being that if they fail to respond to the code, they have to answer 2 questions, instead of one. So we'll go with that.
Sounds very fun. And it sounds entertaining for those observing who aren't in the know (aka not on the forums) which is always a plus. (Everybody wins \o/)
East 2012 checklist: Hotel [X] Travel [X] Pass [X] Make All The Friends [ ]
2009 Omeganaut
I've had a thought! Rather than having people ask a question to get a badge from the BYOC desk, how about you simply have to respond to the code? i.e. The enforcer handing out the badge says 'D' and the attendee asking for the badge says 'Twenty'. What do you think?
I also approve of this challenge-response protocol, but it needs to be something more than "D?". I will inevitably say "D? DEEEZ NUTS" at some point, which will be bad for all involved (especially sleep-deprived me). It should be the type of absurd phrase that you would expect to find in the script of Doctor Strangelove.
"How is the weather in Buffalo?" or something oddball, with a completely irrelevant response.
i like the idea of this, or sticking with the original questions, only because the connection between "D" and "20" is far too easy for any pax-goer to make, and is not so much a secret you have to be in on.
I think Korvas is over thinking things and flatline hasn't understood the code reference. The D Twenty code is in reference to the 'Flash-Thunder' code used by soldiers during the D-Day landings. With the back of the card being WWII inspired, we should stick with that motif. As for the questions, I agree with tvethiopia, in that we combine the code greeting with the right to get to answer a question correctly before they are given a badge. The only modification to being that if they fail to respond to the code, they have to answer 2 questions, instead of one. So we'll go with that.
Extra awesome points if said person brings one of those clickers they used too?
How early would one need to arrive to participate in "pre-pax" activities.
Depends on the activity. Stay tuned to the forums as we get closer to PAX to find out.
MMT (magical mystery tour) is usually wednesday and thursday
Pre PAX Dinner is thursday evening after the MMT
Pokecrawl is thursday night after the dinner
there are some boardgaming nights usually wednesday and thursday
the trains may or may not constitute a pre-pax activity depending on how many sign up for each train
Consider this participation. I don't post a lot, but am a cumpolsive reader.
This will be my second PAX and my goal is to meet new people this time. We will also be getting there early this year, so bring on the Pre-Pax events!
The only reason that the Trains may not count, as far as I see it, is because you would need to send a bunch of them to people on the three main lines that run into Boston (Sonic, Portal, and Metal Gear), which can be a hassle. Otherwise, I know from last year that we had PLENTY of people on the ETA, enough to at least fill one whole car.
Another great design! Very nice look sticking with the crest.
The crest on the front will never go away. It's only the back that is unique every PAX. I already have an idea for Prime 2012, but it will wait.
So wait, does that mean the forums kinda sorta have an official logo now?
The crest was a community effort before East 2011 to have a unified community logo. It's been a major success! It was used at East 2011 and Prime 2011 and is very well liked.
The crest was a community effort before East 2011 to have a unified community logo. It's been a major success! It was used at East 2011 and Prime 2011 and is very well liked.
I know, because I was the person to start the thread for designing it. I'm so happy, because now I can say that I was part of making a huge impact on PAX and the PAX Forums.
Makes me feel like Rainbow Dash meeting the Wonderbolts.
The crest was a community effort before East 2011 to have a unified community logo. It's been a major success! It was used at East 2011 and Prime 2011 and is very well liked.
I know, because I was the person to start the thread for designing it. I'm so happy, because now I can say that I was part of making a huge impact on PAX and the PAX Forums.
Makes me feel like Rainbow Dash meeting the Wonderbolts.
Right, I thought that was you... which was confusing me as I was typing my response...
The crest was a community effort before East 2011 to have a unified community logo. It's been a major success! It was used at East 2011 and Prime 2011 and is very well liked.
I know, because I was the person to start the thread for designing it. I'm so happy, because now I can say that I was part of making a huge impact on PAX and the PAX Forums.
Makes me feel like Rainbow Dash meeting the Wonderbolts.
Right, I thought that was you... which was confusing me as I was typing my response...
I was asking because I thought there was uncertainty as to if it would stick around and become the "official" logo.
Wow! I didn't realize we were close enough for forum badge time. Looks freaking awesome! ^_^
I haven't gotten a forum badge yet-- my first PAX, I was young and unprepared and walked through the convention in a stupor of bright-eyed awe. And at my second PAX, I heard about the badges too late and instead consoled myself with covetous staring. But year-three may just be my year! ^_~
I'm going to try and hit up the MMT or the Pre PAX Dinner, but that depends on the arrival of my flight. Suppose I should start working on that.
The crest was a community effort before East 2011 to have a unified community logo. It's been a major success! It was used at East 2011 and Prime 2011 and is very well liked.
I know, because I was the person to start the thread for designing it. I'm so happy, because now I can say that I was part of making a huge impact on PAX and the PAX Forums.
Makes me feel like Rainbow Dash meeting the Wonderbolts.
Right, I thought that was you... which was confusing me as I was typing my response...
I was asking because I thought there was uncertainty as to if it would stick around and become the "official" logo.
juju[E] Line Entertainment!Brookline, MARegistered Userregular
I loves it so much!
PAX East '10-16 Pokecrawl || Team Green's Awesome PokeProf! PAX Prime '10-'13 Triwizard Drinking Tournament || Hufflepuff Head of House! Twitter: @jujukoo
great work kropotkin. I like the challenge question idea. I kinda think of a speakeasy during Prohibition. A question/phrase that could be anwsered with a non-logical answer could be the key.
An example convo like this:
Enforcer: They said it would rain tomorrow.
Attendee: You can't trust the weatherman, not in the summer.
could be like this or something more creative:
Enforcer: They said they would run out of merch.
Attendee: I got my stuff early this year.
peetsnackTeam Green Poké Assist, Lord Commander of the Night's Watch, Head Girl House HufflepuffThe Cleave LandsRegistered Userregular
Not gonna lie, as an Enforcer who has handed out forum badges, the only question that actually happens is, "Where the crap did we put them?"
So the example convo would be closer to this:
Attendee: Hey, is this where I get the forum badge?
Enforcer: Uh, maybe? Hey, did someone drop off forum badges?
Enforcer: Yeah, I think. Ask Vapok.
Enforcer: Where is he?
Enforcer: Hey, do you know where the forum badges are?
Enforcer: Yeah, they're in a box under the table somewhere.
Enforcer: Yeah, I think I saw some around here somewhere.
Enforcer: I think we're out of them.
Enforcer: Already?
Enforcer: Oh, here they are.
Enforcer: Awesome, here ya go!
Attendee: ... Thanks?
Last PAX East
Le Me: "Ooooh, forum badge! Can I?
Enforcer that shall not be named: "Sure!"
Case closed.
I like to think that I was so special, pretty and a proven loyal community/forumer and did not have to go through secret hand shakes and pass codes. Which I would have failed. The irony.
not sure who I got my badge from last year, but I definitely had to answer a question. then my bf's (non-forumer) friend was all "I want one too!". he was also asked a question and failed to answer. no badge for him!
so the system definitely worked in my case, and this also demonstrates the problem with a single call-response: too easily imitated by anyone in earshot. another advantage of the original system is that, if you are really a frequent former, you can answer most of the questions without studying. it's just stuff you know.
I think they were going to ask me questions last East, but I told them my name was on the back and showed my trading card as proof and that was apparently good enough.
I was actually questioned last year at East. I had brought along a cheat sheet of the questions, just in case, but I didn't need it. (I can't remember which question I was asked.) At Prime this year, I had my name on the back and just picked up my badge at the Pre-PAX Dinner. No question/answer required, and the food was great!
a little late but I really want to take part in this, this year... I was a late arival for last year and wasn't able to get a badge, this year I have no excuse!!!!
Yo Korvas - As I recall, you didn't get a badge last year because you didn't want to ask the Enforcer at the BYOC booth for one, even thought I offered to quiz you on all the questions!
Getting my badge last year was epic. I found out about PAX late (about a month beforehand) and discovered the forums shortly thereafter. I missed out on a lot of awesome stuff. I ended up getting a 3-Day badge through the forum, and met some really cool people. I didn't get to participate in any pre-pax social events, but I ended up getting a badge on Sunday. I may have been the last to get one from the BYOC since it turned into a hilarious game of "find the badge box."
This year, I'm doing PAX to the MAX (see what I did there?)
Social events, after parties, card swap, coinage, the whole 9 yards. I even scored a room in the Westin. I would love to have the honor of my name being on the back of the badge. Love the design this year. I'll wear it whenever I play Memoir 44.
Is there a list of official pre-pax social events where badges will be given out?
KailKeeper of AwesomenessWMASSRegistered Userregular
Will be watching this thread closely for more information on getting name on back and the pre-pax events. Looking forward to my first Pax
PAXEast 2013 Status - [] 3-day badge [] Hotel [] Challenge Coin
VP of 5x5Servers.com
woot! looking forward to getting on there for a third year in a row. still have last year's hanging on the back of my door at home! thanks as always for doing this, kropotkin!
"The bass, the rock, the mic, the treble, I like my coffee black just like my metal." - MSI
They say that only Khoo can understand the true heart of "The Khoo". It's a very deep, Zen, thing. Also, it requires you to sacrifice your soul upon an altar to Penny Arcade, and undergo radical bionic reconstruction on your legs to allow you to move impossibly fast at PAX via nuclear-powered gyro-stabilized mega-thrusters. This isn't in step 4 though, this is just to be generally understood. Also BAM, participated.
3DS Friend Code: 3926-5491-9247
I also approve of this challenge-response protocol, but it needs to be something more than "D?". I will inevitably say "D? DEEEZ NUTS" at some point, which will be bad for all involved (especially sleep-deprived me). It should be the type of absurd phrase that you would expect to find in the script of Doctor Strangelove.
"How is the weather in Buffalo?" or something oddball, with a completely irrelevant response.
as far as the question, I like the idea of the oddball one the most, maybe even incorporate something to do with gaming into it? like how many coins are in your pocket, or what can I buy for 10 rupees.... even flip flopping them so the questions are 57 answer how many coins are in my pocket, or question health potion, and the answer is what I can buy for 10 rupees... ?
i like the idea of this, or sticking with the original questions, only because the connection between "D" and "20" is far too easy for any pax-goer to make, and is not so much a secret you have to be in on.
I think Korvas is over thinking things and flatline hasn't understood the code reference. The D Twenty code is in reference to the 'Flash-Thunder' code used by soldiers during the D-Day landings. With the back of the card being WWII inspired, we should stick with that motif. As for the questions, I agree with tvethiopia, in that we combine the code greeting with the right to get to answer a question correctly before they are given a badge. The only modification to being that if they fail to respond to the code, they have to answer 2 questions, instead of one. So we'll go with that.
2009 Omeganaut
Extra awesome points if said person brings one of those clickers they used too?
3DS Friend Code: 3926-5491-9247
Depends on the activity. Stay tuned to the forums as we get closer to PAX to find out.
MMT (magical mystery tour) is usually wednesday and thursday
Pre PAX Dinner is thursday evening after the MMT
Pokecrawl is thursday night after the dinner
there are some boardgaming nights usually wednesday and thursday
the trains may or may not constitute a pre-pax activity depending on how many sign up for each train
This will be my second PAX and my goal is to meet new people this time. We will also be getting there early this year, so bring on the Pre-Pax events!
The crest on the front will never go away. It's only the back that is unique every PAX. I already have an idea for Prime 2012, but it will wait.
So wait, does that mean the forums kinda sorta have an official logo now?
The crest was a community effort before East 2011 to have a unified community logo. It's been a major success! It was used at East 2011 and Prime 2011 and is very well liked.
I know, because I was the person to start the thread for designing it. I'm so happy, because now I can say that I was part of making a huge impact on PAX and the PAX Forums.
Makes me feel like Rainbow Dash meeting the Wonderbolts.
Right, I thought that was you... which was confusing me as I was typing my response...
I was asking because I thought there was uncertainty as to if it would stick around and become the "official" logo.
I haven't gotten a forum badge yet-- my first PAX, I was young and unprepared and walked through the convention in a stupor of bright-eyed awe. And at my second PAX, I heard about the badges too late and instead consoled myself with covetous staring. But year-three may just be my year! ^_~
I'm going to try and hit up the MMT or the Pre PAX Dinner, but that depends on the arrival of my flight. Suppose I should start working on that.
The "official" logo of an unofficial group, yup
PAX Prime '10-'13 Triwizard Drinking Tournament || Hufflepuff Head of House!
Twitter: @jujukoo
No punching! How about I kill off your character instead?
Here are some suggestions...
He didn't need suggestions. Two of the four of us died a brutal death. Dorek Sadface, the Dwarf Ranger, is now sad FOREVER. Because he's dead.
An example convo like this:
Enforcer: They said it would rain tomorrow.
Attendee: You can't trust the weatherman, not in the summer.
could be like this or something more creative:
Enforcer: They said they would run out of merch.
Attendee: I got my stuff early this year.
So the example convo would be closer to this:
Attendee: Hey, is this where I get the forum badge?
Enforcer: Uh, maybe? Hey, did someone drop off forum badges?
Enforcer: Yeah, I think. Ask Vapok.
Enforcer: Where is he?
Enforcer: Hey, do you know where the forum badges are?
Enforcer: Yeah, they're in a box under the table somewhere.
Enforcer: Yeah, I think I saw some around here somewhere.
Enforcer: I think we're out of them.
Enforcer: Already?
Enforcer: Oh, here they are.
Enforcer: Awesome, here ya go!
Attendee: ... Thanks?
Le Me: "Ooooh, forum badge! Can I?
Enforcer that shall not be named: "Sure!"
Case closed.
so the system definitely worked in my case, and this also demonstrates the problem with a single call-response: too easily imitated by anyone in earshot. another advantage of the original system is that, if you are really a frequent former, you can answer most of the questions without studying. it's just stuff you know.
in short, let's not fix what isn't broken.
Yo Korvas - As I recall, you didn't get a badge last year because you didn't want to ask the Enforcer at the BYOC booth for one, even thought I offered to quiz you on all the questions!
Getting my badge last year was epic. I found out about PAX late (about a month beforehand) and discovered the forums shortly thereafter. I missed out on a lot of awesome stuff. I ended up getting a 3-Day badge through the forum, and met some really cool people. I didn't get to participate in any pre-pax social events, but I ended up getting a badge on Sunday. I may have been the last to get one from the BYOC since it turned into a hilarious game of "find the badge box."
This year, I'm doing PAX to the MAX (see what I did there?)
Social events, after parties, card swap, coinage, the whole 9 yards. I even scored a room in the Westin. I would love to have the honor of my name being on the back of the badge. Love the design this year. I'll wear it whenever I play Memoir 44.
Is there a list of official pre-pax social events where badges will be given out?
VP of 5x5Servers.com
"The bass, the rock, the mic, the treble, I like my coffee black just like my metal." - MSI