This is an updated OP to show the final design of the badge and the questions you need to answer should you pick up the badge from the BYOC desk during PAX East 2012:
Below are the design I have come up with for PAX East 2012:
Front - FINAL
Back - FINAL
These images are not at full size! They will be slightly larger when they are printed!
Kropotkin [Pr: KRO-POT-KIN]
3) Do Gabe and Tycho read the PAX forums?
4) What is the Name/Handle of the PAX Forum Moderator?
Moe Fwacky
5) What is the theme for the back of the PAX East 2012 forum badge?
World War II
6) What is the name of the military operation at the back of the PAX East 2012 forum badge?
Black Lotus
7) Buttons or trading cards at PAX East?
Trading Cards
8) There is a group of PAX attendees that gives out crunchy and sweet foodstuffs and takes voluntary donations for the Childsplay charity during PAX. What is this group called?
The Cookie Brigade
9) According to the forums, it is a general rule that PAX is most definately not, under any cirumstances a BLANK service. What is the 'blank'?
10) What creature is there a picture of on the right hand side of the PAX community shield?
A fish/salmon
The badges will be available from the BYOC desk between 2pm on Friday 6th April until 4pm Sunday 8th April
I agree with Territoires. The names are a bit hard to read with that font in the first place, so separating with the interpuncts would probably help that. I love the WW2 theme though!
Thanks for the feedback all, it's much appreciated. I'll amend the name layout as best I can, although Justifying text in Photoshop is no mean feat. As for the Interpuncts, I seriously doubt I can even attempt to install those thanks to the image being edited in Photoshop and not Word.
There's a couple ways. You can either get yours at most of the community organized Pre-PAX events, or at the BYOC registration table during PAX. Just be aware...if you're picking your badge up at the BYOC table you better know the answers to the questions that will be posted here as PAX gets closer
Wait... is that one of those QR code thingies? Love the front design, but is the ink thickness on the backside a bit too, thick? I don't know, but it seems to be harder to make out the names in my opinion.
1. Any particular reason for the "Operation Sparrow" code name?
2. Isn't the end date April 8th, not the 9th?
Aside from that it looks great.
The name was entirely random. It is simply in keeping with the World War Ii theme. I will.probably come up with something more appropriate closer to the time. As for the dates, I think you are correct, so I shall amend those. Remember that this is a proof of concept, none of what I have done here is set in stone. In response to the comment about the thickness of the. Ink, this is how type writers from the 1940's wrote out text. They are supposed to look this bad, this is a time when computers were the stuff of code breakers in a giant barn, not in your bedroom!
Some people are like Slinkies. They have no practical use whatsoever,
but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs.
Very cool. Last year was my first PAX and I wasn't really involved in the forums except to sign up for the Pokemon bar crawl. This year I plan to be more involved and would love to get one of those sexy badges.
PAX South Status: [x] Room @ The Marriot - [x] 3 day pass - [x] Vacation scheduled
I've taken some of your comments on board and have made a new version of the back. The text for the names is slightly bigger and has been justified. Photoshop Elements 8 has a hidden ability to do it and I managed to get it to work quite quickly.
I've also changed the name of the operation to give it a more PAX relevant flavour, see if you can work it out! Let me know what you think:
I like it kropotkin, although I just noticed that you have it ending at 1600 on the 8th. The expo hall doesn't close until 1800 on the 8th and the omegathon final round is usually right around that time. 1800 or 1900 would likely be a better ending time.
King of MarsA freak among weirdosA city in my mindRegistered Userregular
Seconding/thirding/84th-ing or whatever that this is awesome.
Writhe your naked ass to the mindless groove. twitter //
3DS: 2492-5478-6311 // Steam & WiiU: kingofmars2099
I think the new version of the back looks awesome!! It's a lot easier to read and it seems less over-crowded. Can't wait to see the final versions and get my hands on one! Looks great so far!!!
I like the addition of a QR code on the front. It's a neat idea.
Thumbs up.
Gaming blog
PS The one I got last year is proudly displayed at my office.
Shit! Too much paprika!
3DS Friend Code: 2449-5711-0640
Love Pokemon? Going to PAX Prime/East/Aus/South? Challenge the PAX Pokemon League!!!
(I googled and apparently the option is there.)
3DS Friend Code: 3926-5491-9247
MD PAX Meet-Up - Events Calendar - G+ - @MD_PAX_Meetup - Facebook
There's a couple ways. You can either get yours at most of the community organized Pre-PAX events, or at the BYOC registration table during PAX. Just be aware...if you're picking your badge up at the BYOC table you better know the answers to the questions that will be posted here as PAX gets closer
3DS Friend Code: 3926-5491-9247
1. Any particular reason for the "Operation Sparrow" code name?
2. Isn't the end date April 8th, not the 9th?
Aside from that it looks great.
The name was entirely random. It is simply in keeping with the World War Ii theme. I will.probably come up with something more appropriate closer to the time. As for the dates, I think you are correct, so I shall amend those. Remember that this is a proof of concept, none of what I have done here is set in stone. In response to the comment about the thickness of the. Ink, this is how type writers from the 1940's wrote out text. They are supposed to look this bad, this is a time when computers were the stuff of code breakers in a giant barn, not in your bedroom!
but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs.
Twitter: sweeneyben
XBL: Disco Ball
I've also changed the name of the operation to give it a more PAX relevant flavour, see if you can work it out! Let me know what you think:
twitter //
3DS: 2492-5478-6311 // Steam & WiiU: kingofmars2099
PAX East 2018 4-Day Pass [X] BYOC Pass [X] Hotel Reservation [X]
See y'all at PAX East 2018!