If I'm reading this right, he revealed that she was running a scam to pay for surgery, and the revealing of the scam necessitated revealing that she was transgender? I mean, you're not supposed to out people but you're also super not supposed to scam them. I feel bad for her because she's clearly in a really bad mental state, but it sounds like this is a horrible, messy situation rather than one guy fucking something up. And I fucking hate destructoid so.
He could have revealed that she was actually raising money for medical issues that weren't immediately life-threatening without outing her as trans or even specifying what those medical issues were. He clearly doesn't give a fuck about what the social consequences of publicly outing someone as trans as a response to their suicide attempt might be. One could argue that he wanted to punish her for lying and defrauding people, but even that's not it; given the timing of the piece, it's apparent that he really just wanted to punish her for getting him involved by threatening to commit suicide if they exposed her. He's not on any moral fucking high ground here.
If I'm reading this right, he revealed that she was running a scam to pay for surgery, and the revealing of the scam necessitated revealing that she was transgender? I mean, you're not supposed to out people but you're also super not supposed to scam them. I feel bad for her because she's clearly in a really bad mental state, but it sounds like this is a horrible, messy situation rather than one guy fucking something up. And I fucking hate destructoid so.
He could have revealed that she was actually raising money for medical issues that weren't immediately life-threatening without outing her as trans or even specifying what those medical issues were. He clearly doesn't give a fuck about what the social consequences of publicly outing someone as trans as a response to their suicide attempt might be. One could argue that he wanted to punish her for lying and defrauding people, but even that's not it; given the timing of the piece, it's apparent that he really just wanted to punish her for getting him involved by threatening to commit suicide if they exposed her. He's not on any moral fucking high ground here.
Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity. I believe that that guy, and the other reporter over on reddit, honestly thought they were making the right call.
If I'm reading this right, he revealed that she was running a scam to pay for surgery, and the revealing of the scam necessitated revealing that she was transgender? I mean, you're not supposed to out people but you're also super not supposed to scam them. I feel bad for her because she's clearly in a really bad mental state, but it sounds like this is a horrible, messy situation rather than one guy fucking something up. And I fucking hate destructoid so.
He could have revealed that she was actually raising money for medical issues that weren't immediately life-threatening without outing her as trans or even specifying what those medical issues were. He clearly doesn't give a fuck about what the social consequences of publicly outing someone as trans as a response to their suicide attempt might be. One could argue that he wanted to punish her for lying and defrauding people, but even that's not it; given the timing of the piece, it's apparent that he really just wanted to punish her for getting him involved by threatening to commit suicide if they exposed her. He's not on any moral fucking high ground here.
Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity. I believe that that guy, and the other reporter over on reddit, honestly thought they were making the right call.
If I'm reading this right, he revealed that she was running a scam to pay for surgery, and the revealing of the scam necessitated revealing that she was transgender? I mean, you're not supposed to out people but you're also super not supposed to scam them. I feel bad for her because she's clearly in a really bad mental state, but it sounds like this is a horrible, messy situation rather than one guy fucking something up. And I fucking hate destructoid so.
He could have revealed that she was actually raising money for medical issues that weren't immediately life-threatening without outing her as trans or even specifying what those medical issues were. He clearly doesn't give a fuck about what the social consequences of publicly outing someone as trans as a response to their suicide attempt might be. One could argue that he wanted to punish her for lying and defrauding people, but even that's not it; given the timing of the piece, it's apparent that he really just wanted to punish her for getting him involved by threatening to commit suicide if they exposed her. He's not on any moral fucking high ground here.
Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity. I believe that that guy, and the other reporter over on reddit, honestly thought they were making the right call.
that doesn't mean they get a pass
ok? It means that he didn't talk her out of suicide and then later "wanted to punish her" because she tried again, like was being asserted.
If I'm reading this right, he revealed that she was running a scam to pay for surgery, and the revealing of the scam necessitated revealing that she was transgender? I mean, you're not supposed to out people but you're also super not supposed to scam them. I feel bad for her because she's clearly in a really bad mental state, but it sounds like this is a horrible, messy situation rather than one guy fucking something up. And I fucking hate destructoid so.
He could have revealed that she was actually raising money for medical issues that weren't immediately life-threatening without outing her as trans or even specifying what those medical issues were. He clearly doesn't give a fuck about what the social consequences of publicly outing someone as trans as a response to their suicide attempt might be. One could argue that he wanted to punish her for lying and defrauding people, but even that's not it; given the timing of the piece, it's apparent that he really just wanted to punish her for getting him involved by threatening to commit suicide if they exposed her. He's not on any moral fucking high ground here.
Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity. I believe that that guy, and the other reporter over on reddit, honestly thought they were making the right call.
I contacts her school, helped her find temporary help, but she (I should say he) is a lost cause. Wouldn't believe people would accept her.
If you are seriously angry at me for calling her a "HE" you can screw off. He is a he in real life. I supported her. Telling the truth now.
I wanted Chloe to have the community and courage to step out, sans operation. It didn't happen. Online, yes, she is a her. I wish her well.
Yes, I told the truth. I'm not the guy that flushes down the Boston bombers laptop because we are friends.
However, when a NeoGAF member said she is alive, I felt an obligation to tell the truth. With IndieGoGo and Twitch TV community harmed by her actions, colleagues suggesting I tell the truth, and seeing NeoGAF's outpouring of grief over her false story, I decided it was time I told the truth. She was hurting everyone around her, virtually and physically, and I didn't want to be a part of that. She turned her back on me and others that were offering her a way out and covering up her scam (is there anything more unethical as a journalist?), only to attempt suicide.
As I suspected, I couldn't save her as she doesn't want anyone's help beyond surgery -- and if you know transgender persons, as I have through friends and family, you'll know that surgery isn't everything, there is a psychological transformation that needs to occur before that. But Chloe only wanted the surgery. Not the support or advice. I hope this has changed.
I hate that I had to out her nature and troubles, but I hope you can see now that I couldn't not mention these things if I were to tell the truth. I didn't want to make up lies to protect her lies. That's not who I am as a professional or person. If she had listened to her teacher and not put herself in the public eye, this never would have happened. I hope someone somewhere learns something from this.
Now, Chloe is in some hospital. She will eventually know that we know she is a liar, a scammer, and transgender. I hate that the truth came out, and I hate even more that she would risk all of this after her friends, myself and her teacher told her not to. She just didn't trust that people would support her for who she is. I told her I do and I still do. Even after the awful things she has done -- scamming good people and broadcasting her suicide -- I have a place in my heart to help her.
This goes beyond stupidity. This attitude is incredibly self-centered and punitive.
PharezonStruggle is an illusion.Victory is in the Qun.Registered Userregular
It claims to be able to discern both the gender of the person who wrote the text you input and also the general reliability of the text (i.e. if the text was designed to mislead or deceive). Science in Action!
I chose to analyze this text;
Indiegogo deemed my page too high risk to resume funding, so they're refunding everything.
I was in a dark place, I was so close, I had a knife pushed to my stomach, but a very good person managed to talk me down. The feeling was intense. I can't even describe it, it was like I was drunk, like chemicals where whirring around in my head, it was surreal.
Things are not going to be the same. I need to do some serious thinking and think of what to do next. Everything will be alright.
I'm sorry.
The result? Male with 58.87% certainty.
I then chose to test the same text for reliablity.
The result? Deceptive. Although it did not give a particular deceptive cue or deception level.
A little skeptical that a silly little piece of code could correctly identify the intentions and gender of a person simply by analyzing wording, syntax etc... I then thought to do a control test.
This text is from Mash;
I'm not a fan of any diet that eliminates healthy things like (most) fruit Your body needs carbs to function properly and for long-term health, it's just that all sources of carbs are not created equal. If you want a healthy diet that is realistic to keep to and will have long-lasting effects, take a look at the GI Diet http://gidiet.com/canada/about.html. The website is rather lame-looking, but the diet was developed by a cardiologist and the head of the Heart and Stroke foundation of Ontario, and was recommended to me by my endocrinologist.
A few years back I had to lose weight due to some health problems, and I lost and have kept off 30 pounds, with some minor fluctuations. I've found that the main things that helped me are to reduce portion sizes (after a while your body will adjust and you'll feel full on less), listen to your body (stop eating when you're satisfied, not when you're stuffed) and eat frequent, but smaller, meals.
The results? Female 57.62% certainty & normal (i.e. not deceptive)...
This is good old Cap'n Binky;
It's almost certainly because the mods (and the rest of the closed testers) are the people most familiar with what parts of the map are unfinished - and so therefore, the least likely to wander into "dodgily mapped out unfinished" areas and also most likely to have explored every nook and cranny of what *is* finished (well, finished in the alpha sense that is).
Male 60.30% & normal
Here is Lemmy;
Plunkies - there's a very broad and obvious line between making constructive criticism or airing disappointments, and making unreasonably and intentionally hateful remarks about stuff people have put months of work into.
I read this immediately after seeing your reply in another thread that danced this line only slightly better, but I still found a little unwarranted.
I gave you a warning. If you're not happy with the build, either tone down on the trolly comments and deliver your grievances in a more constructive and less insulting manner, or kindly leave until the game is more complete.
Male 64.06% & normal
Now - this, at least on the surface, indicates a modicum or reliability, no? Well...
Here is Chloe again;
I need to nip this in the bud before this gets out of hand, again.
1 there are reasons why private medical records are considered private. Id really not want my personal information floating all over the internet, as I'm very reclusive. The people that need to know have all the information.
2 yes, indiegogo does take a percentage (9% for not meeting the goal, 4% if I do) but regardless, you also need to remember that they are a business in a sue happy country, there is no reason why they would risk harboring and promoting a fraudulent campaign for a few thousand dollars. Once I was flagged, the page u was frozen until I gave them the evidence required.
3 that's a terrible idea for a scam, almost a caricature. Tbh if I wanted to scam someone, id keep the amount negligibly small, use a fairly common problem (like cancer), and not throw out my 12 year career as an indie developer that was just starting to take off.
4 please don't lead with your conclusion. If you're going to attempt to pick on me for not giving out personal info, then at least be consistant and start asking everyone else asking for donations for medical issues on indiegogo, you might find some people more than willing to share, but I'm sure many people will be taken back.
This wasn't directed at you necessarily, but more for anyone else that would like to jump to conclusions. Absence of information is not evidence of abscence, and if you don't know something, you're statement has to end there. To suggest anything further is making an argument from ignorance, all skeptics need to know this.
Thank you for your kind words and support everyone else.
Results? Neutral Gender, 96.64% certainty and deceptive.
AHA! I thought... So I tested again, from a completely unrelated thread;
Actually the first comment was supposed to be sarcastic, my bad XD.
And forgive me if I sounded negative towards 3D, but yes, 2D would be my comfort zone. I on occasion use a image distortion technique (kind of like the simple rotation/translate papercut out style on steroids) that takes it's information from a template. It takes a bit of time to set up, but once it's set up I can swap out the templates at anytime, making it super easy to edit. But again, that's where I'm comfortable, you could probably whip up new character models just as quickly. I wasn't trying to make it sound like my way is better, I've always been an advocate of "there's more than one way to skin a cat".
As for the rest of you claiming that girls don't play video games... where are you getting your statistics? The 1980's? (Warning, I only took the time to do statistics on America) The current statistics do state around 40-42%. If you don't believe that, you should probably try meeting more girls. Plus, about 72% of Americans play video games, assuming that every single male plays video games, only 49.2% of the American population is male. Granted, I haven't been able to find any site I consider to be completely trustworthy, no one seems to say anything other, so the only real conclusion you can draw from any of this is "Who gives a fuck?"
Female, 58.00% & deceptive.
My conclusions?
1) Although the test is by no means infallible & I probably didn't do enough control experiments to check the accuracy of the results, I conclude that Chloe is more than likely a girl. A girl with butch writing tendencies. Oh, and I would most definitely not lend her money.
If she had listened to her teacher and not put herself in the public eye, this never would have happened. I hope someone somewhere learns something from this.
Yes, what they'll all learn is that if they just hadn't been so (gay/flamboyant/gender deviant/trans/willing to act like who they are) this wouldn't have happened! What do you mean, victim blaming? Just don't act so deviant jeez
SCIENCE FACT from Anjin's post says that my posts are "The Gender Of The Author Who Wrote This File is: male 59.10%" "File Status: deceptive Deceptive Cue: pronoun"
its not like she encountered gatekeeping and people knowing "what was best for her" before and after suicide attempts
its not like material conditions keep her down
its not like a bunch of people wait in the wings to leap down and dig into her personal dealings like goddamn vultures
its not as though there's inherent mistrust of transgendered as decievers
i'd do what she did in a heartbeat. i did a few crowdfunding things in my time, and yeah i choose to be upfront about things given how this sorta shit goes and the capacity to be thrown to the wolves
there's nothing decent or honorable in reveling in this person's pain or punishing them for wanting a better life
the truth is she wouldn't have gotten a goddamn dime near what she did given how goddamn hostile people are to trans women
i mean, this kinda codifies that
good job, detective dipshits of reddit. good job destructoid nerd, you backed a mentally unstable person with nothing to lose into a goddamn corner. you should call the cops too, just to take this to its bleak conclusion
i need a letter from a therapist proving i've been living as a woman well enough to get HRT
this is why i want to fucking break the neck of anybody not going what i'm going through, telling me they best know how to go through what i'm going through properly
Blake TDo you have enemies then?Good. That means you’ve stood up for something, sometime in your life.Registered Userregular
I am not saying you need to live as your identified sex before hormones is the right way to go about it, but how many people try it and don't go through with it?
Also Anjin I saw your story about how you chose your name and its incredibly sweet.
AntimatterDevo Was RightGates of SteelRegistered Userregular
edited May 2013
I went to a therapist for a few months a couple years ago
she basically refused to talk about my trans issues, focusing entirely on my anxiety and depression
i went through five different meds after being referred to a psychiatrist who prescribed them based on her advice, and they either didnt help or made me feel worse
and then i find out after the fact, a year later, when i asked for a letter from the therapist to help me with school stuff at college because of my grades sinking because i couldnt leave my dorm because of anxiety and depression, in the letter it said that the therapist thought i was autistic
she never once brought this up in any of my sessions and i have no idea if she made that up to help my case or thought that and didnt tell me
i need a letter from a therapist proving i've been living as a woman well enough to get HRT
"Doc, I've tried my best to live as a woman but I just can't hack it. I seem to succeed six days out of seven but every weekend I have this inexplicable urge to wear a polo shirt and go down to the bar for poker night"
in the same breath as saying "a big part of severe depression some trans people have is due to not having the means to live as the preferred gender" my doctor also literally said "there are a lot of hoops you're going to have to jump through"
I dunno. I think the RLE thing is total bullshit. All I had to do was see a therapist for six months. I didn't even need a damn letter. I wonder why there's so much disparity in treatment from one doctor to another. Isn't that kind of shit the reason why the standards of care exist in the first place?
My doctor, for example, all but refuses to test my blood testosterone levels to make sure my antiandrogen dosage is adequate, and I have never had my estrogen levels tested ever. They've all just been like "Here, that oughtta do ya. Call me if you have a stroke."
followed on the next appointment by "Oh it's not working? Okay we'll double the dosage."
MetalbourneInside a cluster b personalityRegistered Userregular
Yeah, that's why it's important for trans people to stick together. Use sites like Susans.org to let each other know about resources and doctors who'll actually give a shit about you as a patient.
Speaking of which, I walked in to the planned parenthood in Fresno, ca and walked out with prescriptions.
Shit in the way of any other kind of care, though.
i need a letter from a therapist proving i've been living as a woman well enough to get HRT
I'm a cis-woman and this makes me angry. What does "living as a woman" supposed to mean, anyway? Quite often, they demand that transfolk follow 1950s gender stereotypes to "prove" that they're "really" that gender. I don't wear jewelry, I don't care about fashion, I like science and video games and other male-stereotyped nerdy things, and I'm a woman. A lack of lipstick and a significant absence of a purse collection should not define mine or anyone else's gender. It's a matter of self-identity, not behavior (beyond like, going to whatever counts as the proper gendered bathroom or...that's all I've got). But then transwomen with what might be called tomboyish tendencies (like someone I know who's in graduate school for mechanical engineering) are told they're not *real* women, under criteria that would make me not a woman.
This is not to say that if you want to be like that, you can't. You do what you want. That's the point. But many of these doctors...I don't know if they just don't realize how much their personal prejudices are getting in the way of thinking or they're trying to be dicks towards people they find icky.
Blake TDo you have enemies then?Good. That means you’ve stood up for something, sometime in your life.Registered Userregular
actually while you're in there replacing the larynx just go ahead and rip everything else out, replace it with a modular system
swap in that chest or these legs with those arms
different product lines of different shape and proportions
gender and physical identity defined by capitalism oh no I've gone somewhere terrifying help
oh man I wish! Replace my dumb digestive system with one that doesn't have (occasionally crippling) IBS and they have all my moneys. Bonus if it plays mp3s and I can charge my phone in it.
ShivahnUnaware of her barrel shifter privilegeWestern coastal temptressRegistered User, Moderatormod
Speaking of which, I walked in to the planned parenthood in Fresno, ca and walked out with prescriptions.
I did this in Santa Cruz.
Planned Parenthood really pulled through, there. The doctor is amazing and pretty much operates on a "when it comes to this, patient knows best" model.
He could have revealed that she was actually raising money for medical issues that weren't immediately life-threatening without outing her as trans or even specifying what those medical issues were. He clearly doesn't give a fuck about what the social consequences of publicly outing someone as trans as a response to their suicide attempt might be. One could argue that he wanted to punish her for lying and defrauding people, but even that's not it; given the timing of the piece, it's apparent that he really just wanted to punish her for getting him involved by threatening to commit suicide if they exposed her. He's not on any moral fucking high ground here.
Still, glad to hear you finally got in and it sounds like you've got awesome people to work with.
Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity. I believe that that guy, and the other reporter over on reddit, honestly thought they were making the right call.
that doesn't mean they get a pass
tumblr | instagram | twitter | steam
ok? It means that he didn't talk her out of suicide and then later "wanted to punish her" because she tried again, like was being asserted.
sometimes you should keep your big fucking mouth shut
Twitch (I stream most days of the week)
Twitter (mean leftist discourse)
a wounded animal may have to gnaw off its own limbs to survive
This goes beyond stupidity. This attitude is incredibly self-centered and punitive.
edit: in case the above is too PG-13 for you
Twitch (I stream most days of the week)
Twitter (mean leftist discourse)
Not that is matters, since the Indigogo thing went totally tits up, but I came across this interesting piece of software;
It claims to be able to discern both the gender of the person who wrote the text you input and also the general reliability of the text (i.e. if the text was designed to mislead or deceive). Science in Action!
I chose to analyze this text;
Indiegogo deemed my page too high risk to resume funding, so they're refunding everything.
I was in a dark place, I was so close, I had a knife pushed to my stomach, but a very good person managed to talk me down. The feeling was intense. I can't even describe it, it was like I was drunk, like chemicals where whirring around in my head, it was surreal.
Things are not going to be the same. I need to do some serious thinking and think of what to do next. Everything will be alright.
I'm sorry.
The result? Male with 58.87% certainty.
I then chose to test the same text for reliablity.
The result? Deceptive. Although it did not give a particular deceptive cue or deception level.
A little skeptical that a silly little piece of code could correctly identify the intentions and gender of a person simply by analyzing wording, syntax etc... I then thought to do a control test.
This text is from Mash;
I'm not a fan of any diet that eliminates healthy things like (most) fruit Your body needs carbs to function properly and for long-term health, it's just that all sources of carbs are not created equal. If you want a healthy diet that is realistic to keep to and will have long-lasting effects, take a look at the GI Diet http://gidiet.com/canada/about.html. The website is rather lame-looking, but the diet was developed by a cardiologist and the head of the Heart and Stroke foundation of Ontario, and was recommended to me by my endocrinologist.
A few years back I had to lose weight due to some health problems, and I lost and have kept off 30 pounds, with some minor fluctuations. I've found that the main things that helped me are to reduce portion sizes (after a while your body will adjust and you'll feel full on less), listen to your body (stop eating when you're satisfied, not when you're stuffed) and eat frequent, but smaller, meals.
The results? Female 57.62% certainty & normal (i.e. not deceptive)...
This is good old Cap'n Binky;
It's almost certainly because the mods (and the rest of the closed testers) are the people most familiar with what parts of the map are unfinished - and so therefore, the least likely to wander into "dodgily mapped out unfinished" areas and also most likely to have explored every nook and cranny of what *is* finished (well, finished in the alpha sense that is).
Male 60.30% & normal
Here is Lemmy;
Plunkies - there's a very broad and obvious line between making constructive criticism or airing disappointments, and making unreasonably and intentionally hateful remarks about stuff people have put months of work into.
I read this immediately after seeing your reply in another thread that danced this line only slightly better, but I still found a little unwarranted.
I gave you a warning. If you're not happy with the build, either tone down on the trolly comments and deliver your grievances in a more constructive and less insulting manner, or kindly leave until the game is more complete.
Male 64.06% & normal
Now - this, at least on the surface, indicates a modicum or reliability, no? Well...
Here is Chloe again;
I need to nip this in the bud before this gets out of hand, again.
1 there are reasons why private medical records are considered private. Id really not want my personal information floating all over the internet, as I'm very reclusive. The people that need to know have all the information.
2 yes, indiegogo does take a percentage (9% for not meeting the goal, 4% if I do) but regardless, you also need to remember that they are a business in a sue happy country, there is no reason why they would risk harboring and promoting a fraudulent campaign for a few thousand dollars. Once I was flagged, the page u was frozen until I gave them the evidence required.
3 that's a terrible idea for a scam, almost a caricature. Tbh if I wanted to scam someone, id keep the amount negligibly small, use a fairly common problem (like cancer), and not throw out my 12 year career as an indie developer that was just starting to take off.
4 please don't lead with your conclusion. If you're going to attempt to pick on me for not giving out personal info, then at least be consistant and start asking everyone else asking for donations for medical issues on indiegogo, you might find some people more than willing to share, but I'm sure many people will be taken back.
This wasn't directed at you necessarily, but more for anyone else that would like to jump to conclusions. Absence of information is not evidence of abscence, and if you don't know something, you're statement has to end there. To suggest anything further is making an argument from ignorance, all skeptics need to know this.
Thank you for your kind words and support everyone else.
Results? Neutral Gender, 96.64% certainty and deceptive.
AHA! I thought... So I tested again, from a completely unrelated thread;
Actually the first comment was supposed to be sarcastic, my bad XD.
And forgive me if I sounded negative towards 3D, but yes, 2D would be my comfort zone. I on occasion use a image distortion technique (kind of like the simple rotation/translate papercut out style on steroids) that takes it's information from a template. It takes a bit of time to set up, but once it's set up I can swap out the templates at anytime, making it super easy to edit. But again, that's where I'm comfortable, you could probably whip up new character models just as quickly. I wasn't trying to make it sound like my way is better, I've always been an advocate of "there's more than one way to skin a cat".
As for the rest of you claiming that girls don't play video games... where are you getting your statistics? The 1980's? (Warning, I only took the time to do statistics on America) The current statistics do state around 40-42%. If you don't believe that, you should probably try meeting more girls. Plus, about 72% of Americans play video games, assuming that every single male plays video games, only 49.2% of the American population is male. Granted, I haven't been able to find any site I consider to be completely trustworthy, no one seems to say anything other, so the only real conclusion you can draw from any of this is "Who gives a fuck?"
Female, 58.00% & deceptive.
My conclusions?
1) Although the test is by no means infallible & I probably didn't do enough control experiments to check the accuracy of the results, I conclude that Chloe is more than likely a girl. A girl with butch writing tendencies. Oh, and I would most definitely not lend her money.
2) Science, like pimping, is hard. Science Fact.
Good day!
Yes, what they'll all learn is that if they just hadn't been so (gay/flamboyant/gender deviant/trans/willing to act like who they are) this wouldn't have happened! What do you mean, victim blaming? Just don't act so deviant jeez
SCIENCE FACT from Anjin's post says that my posts are "The Gender Of The Author Who Wrote This File is: male 59.10%" "File Status: deceptive Deceptive Cue: pronoun"
holy goddamn shit
am I reading that correctly
Twitch (I stream most days of the week)
Twitter (mean leftist discourse)
its not like she encountered gatekeeping and people knowing "what was best for her" before and after suicide attempts
its not like material conditions keep her down
its not like a bunch of people wait in the wings to leap down and dig into her personal dealings like goddamn vultures
its not as though there's inherent mistrust of transgendered as decievers
i'd do what she did in a heartbeat. i did a few crowdfunding things in my time, and yeah i choose to be upfront about things given how this sorta shit goes and the capacity to be thrown to the wolves
there's nothing decent or honorable in reveling in this person's pain or punishing them for wanting a better life
the truth is she wouldn't have gotten a goddamn dime near what she did given how goddamn hostile people are to trans women
i mean, this kinda codifies that
good job, detective dipshits of reddit. good job destructoid nerd, you backed a mentally unstable person with nothing to lose into a goddamn corner. you should call the cops too, just to take this to its bleak conclusion
justice is served
what the fuck is wrong with people
Dead set giveaway.
Satans..... hints.....
i need a letter from a therapist proving i've been living as a woman well enough to get HRT
this is why i want to fucking break the neck of anybody not going what i'm going through, telling me they best know how to go through what i'm going through properly
Also Anjin I saw your story about how you chose your name and its incredibly sweet.
Satans..... hints.....
she basically refused to talk about my trans issues, focusing entirely on my anxiety and depression
i went through five different meds after being referred to a psychiatrist who prescribed them based on her advice, and they either didnt help or made me feel worse
and then i find out after the fact, a year later, when i asked for a letter from the therapist to help me with school stuff at college because of my grades sinking because i couldnt leave my dorm because of anxiety and depression, in the letter it said that the therapist thought i was autistic
she never once brought this up in any of my sessions and i have no idea if she made that up to help my case or thought that and didnt tell me
"Doc, I've tried my best to live as a woman but I just can't hack it. I seem to succeed six days out of seven but every weekend I have this inexplicable urge to wear a polo shirt and go down to the bar for poker night"
in the same breath as saying "a big part of severe depression some trans people have is due to not having the means to live as the preferred gender" my doctor also literally said "there are a lot of hoops you're going to have to jump through"
gotta love the american medical system
Seems like everyone just does whatever-the-fuck.
followed on the next appointment by "Oh it's not working? Okay we'll double the dosage."
Speaking of which, I walked in to the planned parenthood in Fresno, ca and walked out with prescriptions.
Shit in the way of any other kind of care, though.
she just wanted to see my blood work, and did the "Okay, you know what this does, right?" Q&A
wish I knew that earlier, 'cause I would have been on it six months sooner
Twitch (I stream most days of the week)
Twitter (mean leftist discourse)
I'm sure the half-dozen women I played poker with during law school would say "fuck you, poker is a woman's game too"
not even implying anything sexual or whatever here
I'm a cis-woman and this makes me angry. What does "living as a woman" supposed to mean, anyway? Quite often, they demand that transfolk follow 1950s gender stereotypes to "prove" that they're "really" that gender. I don't wear jewelry, I don't care about fashion, I like science and video games and other male-stereotyped nerdy things, and I'm a woman. A lack of lipstick and a significant absence of a purse collection should not define mine or anyone else's gender. It's a matter of self-identity, not behavior (beyond like, going to whatever counts as the proper gendered bathroom or...that's all I've got). But then transwomen with what might be called tomboyish tendencies (like someone I know who's in graduate school for mechanical engineering) are told they're not *real* women, under criteria that would make me not a woman.
This is not to say that if you want to be like that, you can't. You do what you want. That's the point. But many of these doctors...I don't know if they just don't realize how much their personal prejudices are getting in the way of thinking or they're trying to be dicks towards people they find icky.
Satans..... hints.....
oh god kill me
oh man I wish! Replace my dumb digestive system with one that doesn't have (occasionally crippling) IBS and they have all my moneys. Bonus if it plays mp3s and I can charge my phone in it.
I did this in Santa Cruz.
Planned Parenthood really pulled through, there. The doctor is amazing and pretty much operates on a "when it comes to this, patient knows best" model.
well actually...