Time for a progress report. I found this ugly fool walking around my basement today. Forgive the shoddy quality, I had my phone on a timer and I couldn't sit still. Also, ohmygodthatkayleswordisamazing.
What are the regulations for outside liquids coming into PAX. I plan to have a bottle of Sunny D clipped to my belt when I go as Solaire. Never brought in drinks from the past events so I'm unaware.
Are wooden swords a go ahead as well? It's not sharp and won't penetrate or cut with moderate pressure (as the guide states). Should I go with plastic or maybe a buffed out nerf sword?
What are the regulations for outside liquids coming into PAX. I plan to have a bottle of Sunny D clipped to my belt when I go as Solaire. Never brought in drinks from the past events so I'm unaware.
Are wooden swords a go ahead as well? It's not sharp and won't penetrate or cut with moderate pressure (as the guide states). Should I go with plastic or maybe a buffed out nerf sword?
As far as I know there are no restrictions on bringing in your own food and drink, as long as it is not alcoholic and you're not selling it to anyone.
What are the regulations for outside liquids coming into PAX. I plan to have a bottle of Sunny D clipped to my belt when I go as Solaire. Never brought in drinks from the past events so I'm unaware.
Are wooden swords a go ahead as well? It's not sharp and won't penetrate or cut with moderate pressure (as the guide states). Should I go with plastic or maybe a buffed out nerf sword?
Here is the rule, word for word. "It cannot be sharp or pointy enough to cut or pierce someone with moderate pressure. This includes all real swords, daggers and knives. It also includes ceramic blades, needles, syringes and anything that can pierce."
You say your wooden sword is not pointy, will not cut or pierce, and is not a real sword.
And the ruling is! *grabs an envelope* Yes you can bring your wooden sword!
Also, liquids are allowed. Otherwise no one would be able to carry anything to drink with them all day. Just be responsible with it.
I definitely agree with arwen, but she is not an official arbiter of the rule (neither am I for that matter). It's extremely likely you will be able to bring a wooden sword that is not sharp or pointy in any way.
I really want to do an Octodad cosplay this year. I haven't cosplayed before and I feel like that would be a relatively simple thing to start with. Just need to buy a cheap suit from Good Will a couple sizes up and sew up some tentacles to put in the arm and leg holes
I've also thought about being a squirtle or wartortle since I could make a shell covering for my backpack, which would be quite practical.
I've been wanting to do Kaylee's layer cake dress for about six years and I'm finally taking the plunge! Just started working on it this weekend. So far I have three ruffles done. Five to go!
WolfieeWeb/Graphic Designer and IllustratorMARegistered Userregular
edited October 2013
Oh man, my boyfriend is going to be scowering PAX to find you now that I told him. He is obsessed with Firefly and Kaylee. We're going to have to meet up so he can get pictures hahaha.
I'm working on making a Clicker costume from the Last of Us. So far the only reason issue I'm trying to figure out is how to build the mask so I can see while still making sure it has an organic look. So far my plan is to use a plain mask with expandable foam so it only covers half my face and I have an eye that's not covered, but I'm worried it will make the mask look less natural. Any other ideas?
The participants so far are Jennifer Hale (FemShep), Kimberly Brooks (Ashley Williams - I'd love to see her in Ashley's ME1/2 Phoenix armour), Raphael Sbarge (Kaidan Alenko), Mark Meer (MShep), Steve Blum (Grunt), D.C. Douglas (Legion), Keythe Farley (Thane Krios), Rana McAnear (face model of Samara) and Luciano Costa (face model of Kaidan)
Oh man, my boyfriend is going to be scowering PAX to find you now that I told him. He is obsessed with Firefly and Kaylee. We're going to have to meet up so he can get pictures hahaha.
Hehe I'll be the one in the big pink dress next to a guy reluctantly sporting a Jayne hat.
In the aftermath of NYCC, the bf and I are beginning the planning process for Gabriel Santiago and Reina Roja! Luckily I've got some nuts electrician friends, so hopefully they'll hook me up with all the lighting I need for Reina. I plan to have Deep Red; no plans for a console for Gabriel yet.
Time to bust out the old DayZ cosplay but this year will be the good ol' bandit skin!
Also I've been finishing up a watchdogs cosplay as well. So it's looking like
Day 1: DayZ Hero
Day 2: Aiden Pearce Cosplay
Day 3: Either Bandit or Regular Survivor Skin.
Lightning from FFXIII checking in. When I started planning cosplay for next PAX, I specifically said "no armor, no props, needs to have a bag of some type as part of the costume, preferably warm clothing." Well, one out of four isn't bad.
I haven't started my costume and should get off my butt and start working, but I did a hair and makeup test run and it turned out pretty well.
aikoe on
PAX East 2014: 3-Day Pass [X] | Hotel Room [X] | Transportation [X] | Time Off [X] | Costume [ ]
raistliinmaster nerdlordbostonRegistered Usernew member
Rollin' in this year as Riven and the Mechromancer! I'd like to do Riven for two days and Mechro for one but aah I dunno.
Anyone else going to be cosplaying League and/or Borderlands 2?
classic leblanc (fri&sat&sun)
badges [x] hotel [x] leblanc [3%] panic [100%]
Planning on going as DMC 4 Dante, which is what I also did two years ago at PAX Prime.
Still going to have Ebony and Ivory, but this time I'm also planning on either having Lucifer or Pandora. This is in addition to having my wonderfully talented girlfriend touch up the costume itself.
Don't know if I'm going to do something else or not, but I'll likely try to do a pair cosplay with my girlfriend.
I cant wait to see cosplayers out in force. I am an amateur/semi pro photog and its almost my favorite part of a convention to grab great photos to show off the hard work that goes into it. Hope to meet you on the floor!
Yay, I love your Marle! You might not remember me; I was formerly Lucca with a Marle and Crono, then Sheik.
PAX East 2014: 3-Day Pass [X] | Hotel Room [X] | Transportation [X] | Time Off [X] | Costume [ ]
Definitly starting earilier this year on the cosplay... Depending on what my daughter wants to do, currently Ariel from the Little Mermaid, I'll have something to go along with that. Then ether a Zackary Comstock or Booker with a young Elizabeth on one of the other days.
This is going to be my third PAX but first time dressing up as anything. Being that I tend to gravitate towards playing dwarves in every fantasy-oriented game I play (WoW, Neverwinter, Dragon Age, etc...), I'm thinking of assembling a general Ren Faire-ish costume but with dwarven distinctives such as a foam axe and a massive beard. Problem is, I've found an awesome beard/moustache combo but I'm having a heck of a time finding a good dwarf-appropriate wig that would match that beard (and hide the elastic bands securing it to my head). Anyone have any favorite sources of such things that might complete the look? It's entirely possible I'm just not looking in the right places... as I mentioned, I'm fairly new to the world of cosplaying/costuming and welcome any suggestions.
In all my life, I have learned three important things:
1. Don't panic.
2. Always know where your towel is.
3. On no account allow a Vogon to read poetry at you.
This will be my 4th PAX East and my 4th time cosplaying! I always have a blast!
Pro-tip for anyone cosplaying this con for the first time: make friends with people staying at the Westin! I stay there every year, and it makes life SOOO much easier to be able to go back to a hotel room to change, fix make-up, etc.!
Here are the costume ideas I've been brainstorming for '14! As always I am interested in doing cosplay groups so if anyone else is planning a group, lmk!
1.) Copperhead from Arkham Origins:
2.) Serena from Pokemon X/Y:
And I will probably bring the Fionna costume/sword I wore to NYCC this year!:
Only in planning stages but I'm thinking of doing my very first cosplay this year. Planning on being Jacket from Hotline Miami. Shouldn't be too hard for a first go.
Go for it man! I'm going as Jacket too - initially a Halloween costume this year, but now that I'm unexpectedly going to PAX East, I figure I'd make the most of it.
Looks awesome TacoForce, can't wait to see it up close! Hail Chaos!
Are wooden swords a go ahead as well? It's not sharp and won't penetrate or cut with moderate pressure (as the guide states). Should I go with plastic or maybe a buffed out nerf sword?
Here is the rule, word for word. "It cannot be sharp or pointy enough to cut or pierce someone with moderate pressure. This includes all real swords, daggers and knives. It also includes ceramic blades, needles, syringes and anything that can pierce."
You say your wooden sword is not pointy, will not cut or pierce, and is not a real sword.
And the ruling is! *grabs an envelope* Yes you can bring your wooden sword!
Also, liquids are allowed. Otherwise no one would be able to carry anything to drink with them all day. Just be responsible with it.
I've also thought about being a squirtle or wartortle since I could make a shell covering for my backpack, which would be quite practical.
Real metal swords are not.
So sayeth the official arbiter
Badges [ ] Hotel [ ] Complete Pixelist.net [x] Excitement [x]
Anyone else looking forward to this?
The participants so far are Jennifer Hale (FemShep), Kimberly Brooks (Ashley Williams - I'd love to see her in Ashley's ME1/2 Phoenix armour), Raphael Sbarge (Kaidan Alenko), Mark Meer (MShep), Steve Blum (Grunt), D.C. Douglas (Legion), Keythe Farley (Thane Krios), Rana McAnear (face model of Samara) and Luciano Costa (face model of Kaidan)
Hehe I'll be the one in the big pink dress next to a guy reluctantly sporting a Jayne hat.
XBL/PSN: MiFengXia Twitter: @MiFengXia 3DS: 2423-3603-7854 Steam: Kythos
My RvB Profile
Glib Shark
Russian Assault Class - Battlefield 4
Either Sheperd, Joker, or Mordin - Mass Effect Series
Yellow 13 - Ace Combat 4
Also I've been finishing up a watchdogs cosplay as well. So it's looking like
Day 1: DayZ Hero
Day 2: Aiden Pearce Cosplay
Day 3: Either Bandit or Regular Survivor Skin.
I haven't started my costume and should get off my butt and start working, but I did a hair and makeup test run and it turned out pretty well.
Anyone else going to be cosplaying League and/or Borderlands 2?
classic leblanc (fri&sat&sun)
badges [x] hotel [x] leblanc [3%]
panic [100%]
Still going to have Ebony and Ivory, but this time I'm also planning on either having Lucifer or Pandora. This is in addition to having my wonderfully talented girlfriend touch up the costume itself.
Don't know if I'm going to do something else or not, but I'll likely try to do a pair cosplay with my girlfriend.
Future game art lady!
Yay, I love your Marle! You might not remember me; I was formerly Lucca with a Marle and Crono, then Sheik.
1. Don't panic.
2. Always know where your towel is.
3. On no account allow a Vogon to read poetry at you.
Pro-tip for anyone cosplaying this con for the first time: make friends with people staying at the Westin! I stay there every year, and it makes life SOOO much easier to be able to go back to a hotel room to change, fix make-up, etc.!
Here are the costume ideas I've been brainstorming for '14! As always I am interested in doing cosplay groups so if anyone else is planning a group, lmk!
1.) Copperhead from Arkham Origins:
2.) Serena from Pokemon X/Y:
And I will probably bring the Fionna costume/sword I wore to NYCC this year!:
PSN: totobomb
Add me!
Go for it man! I'm going as Jacket too - initially a Halloween costume this year, but now that I'm unexpectedly going to PAX East, I figure I'd make the most of it.
Twitter: @phillerworks || @AKOPpodcast || Steam: mr_philler
PAX East '14 Locations: || Classic Console Freeplay || Tabletop Area || Long Wharf Pre-PAX Game Night (Come say hi or trade buttons!)