PAX East 2014 Cosplay



  • TifaIATifaIA Pimp Hat +1 Vana'dielRegistered User new member
    Wartooth91 wrote: »
    I'll be attending as Abel from Street Fighter IV, any other Street fighter cosplayers?

    If my Borderlands 2 costume falls through (given the short time frame, I wouldn't be surprised), then I'll be bringing Rose, SF4, to the con.

    I attended last year and had a blast! I can't wait to come back again. I'll be bringing Matriarch Benezia (Mass Effect) with me. The rest of the days? Hell if I know...I keep waffling between my other gaming costumes, and wanting to make new ones.

  • PandaStripePandaStripe Registered User new member
    edited December 2013
    I'm planning on doing a Vanellope von Schweetz cosplay for PAX. I have other cosplays from Hetalia, Doctor Who, and Attack on Titan, but I figured none of those are really apart of gaming, which leads me to my Vanellope cosplay!

    I'm planning on creating the twizzler ribbon in her hair out of that bake shop oven bake clay that you can get at Joannes ((from what I've heard)) and gloss coat. I'm also planning on creating the "you're my hero" cookie thingy out of the type of "cookie" you make for Christmas tree ornaments. I'm also planning on making the cute little candy clips out of stale candy ((I'll make it happen)) Model Magic, and more Gloss coat.

    I'm curious as to how I will make the sweatshirt, at first I was thinking of actually making the sweatshirt from scratch, but that seems a bit difficult. I'm not sure if I should just get a mint green sweatshirt and sew on the ribbon/fabric needed to create the sewed on look for the pocket? Or if I just make it from scratch. It is a mystery! The skirt should be easy enough, I just have to REALLY pleat it. I also need to find the *perfect* fabric for it- which may be just a tad bit difficult. For the striped tights I think I'll just spray paint some white tights accordingly.

    Regardless, I reallyreally hope it turns out well!!

    PandaStripe on
  • apocalypticashapocalypticash Seattle-ishRegistered User regular
    I have a couple different options from costumes I've worn in the past (FemShep, Gaige, Kasumi Goto) but I'm working on my Cherno Alpha pilot suit right now for another local(ish) convention and am planning on a Diablo 3 Wizard for ECCC. I'm not sure which costume I'll bring, since I'm flying cross-country, and will likely only have room for one thing. So who knows...

  • AnarCHrisAnarCHris Trash Lord New York CityRegistered User regular
    Gave Booker a test run this past weekend at MAGfest, and it's looking pretty good. I just need to order a proper, far more expensive shirt, and paint the shotgun. So he's good for PAX, as well as Leon.

    Axeton....well I have to survive the next 2 months first.

  • PeachikeenPeachikeen Registered User new member
    Peachikeen wrote: »
    raistliin wrote: »
    Rollin' in this year as Riven and the Mechromancer! I'd like to do Riven for two days and Mechro for one but aah I dunno.
    Anyone else going to be cosplaying League and/or Borderlands 2?

    My Group is doing Mario one day and League the next. We are going as Mario, Peach, Luigi, Daisy, Bowser, and Yoshi. Then at least ashe, Nidalee, and Fiddlestics, im not sure about the other guys yet. Should be FUN :)

    Yeah my group decided it was too difficult to do both costumes so we are going just as league Ashe, Bunny Teemo, Udyr, Nocturne, another is doing duke nukem

  • a fraking toastera fraking toaster W1TRK Registered User regular
    i plan on going as a vault dweller from fallout 3.any other fallout cosplayers?

  • technomagetechnomage Registered User new member
    Hi folks - this'll be my first PAX, and I'm planning on costuming... I've been around anime and sf and gaming long enough to be comfortable with cosplay, but not specifically been to a heavy community based event like PAX or comic-con.

    My costume is not a specific character from a game or a movie, but definitely has a personality and a theme, and a background and history.

    I'm wondering if that would be welcome at PAX, or is cosplay as a genre fairly limited to "recreating characters / images from a game or show or movie"?


  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    Cosplay at pax is not limited in any such way. Just be prepared to answer questions if it's not something people might recognize :) Something like "hey that costume is awesome, what is it?"

  • ThemiscyraThemiscyra Registered User regular
    @technomage, two of the costumes I'm currently planning to wear to PAX are the same way. My steampunk airship captain and dark faerie queen costumes aren't drawn from existing media, they're just ensembles I've been piecing together (and only the airship captain costume really has anything like a coherent backstory). People are just as happy to see fun, original costumes as they are to see loving homages to favorite characters.

    PAX EAST 2011 Omegathon Finalist - PAX East 2012 Omeganaut
    After time adrift among open stars
    Among tides of light and to shoals of dust
    I will return to where I began
  • miker525miker525 New YorkRegistered User regular
    So far my costume plans are coming together well. Assuming things don't go haywire I should have my mask fully printed and wearable within a few days. Then after that it'll just come down to actually painting it and padding the inside to make it comfy.

    Assuming all this goes well I've still possibly encountered a problem that I figure someone here can help me with. I'm planning to be Dallas from Payday The Heist/Payday 2. Assuming everything costume wise gets done I'd still need a weapon to make the costume feel legitimate. This is were the issue falls into play. I want something that looks somewhat realistic but has no possible chance to fire anything. Just a solid gun looking object. One that is preferably cheap. Does anyone have any suggestions or recommendations on this? If the mask build ends up getting screwed up I won't even need this information but I figure better to ask early and prepare.

    Steam - Miker525 | Xbox Live - Miker525| PSN - MikeRosenberg
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  • kelseycadaverkelseycadaver Registered User regular
    So this is my first pax, I'm planning as going as Police Officer VI from LoL. It's going to be the largest cosplay I've ever done, I plan on trying to get the gloves and the back thing to have working LEDs in them. (insert extreme excitement here)

  • AnarCHrisAnarCHris Trash Lord New York CityRegistered User regular
    technomage wrote: »
    Hi folks - this'll be my first PAX, and I'm planning on costuming... I've been around anime and sf and gaming long enough to be comfortable with cosplay, but not specifically been to a heavy community based event like PAX or comic-con.

    My costume is not a specific character from a game or a movie, but definitely has a personality and a theme, and a background and history.

    I'm wondering if that would be welcome at PAX, or is cosplay as a genre fairly limited to "recreating characters / images from a game or show or movie"?

    zerzhul wrote: »
    Cosplay at pax is not limited in any such way. Just be prepared to answer questions if it's not something people might recognize :) Something like "hey that costume is awesome, what is it?"
    Themiscyra wrote: »
    @technomage, two of the costumes I'm currently planning to wear to PAX are the same way. My steampunk airship captain and dark faerie queen costumes aren't drawn from existing media, they're just ensembles I've been piecing together (and only the airship captain costume really has anything like a coherent backstory). People are just as happy to see fun, original costumes as they are to see loving homages to favorite characters.

    It's a double edge sword, to sound a tad over dramatic. No one will give you guff for not cosplaying something from a specific character, BUT there's also a chance that they may also not give a toss about what your dressed up as if they can't recognize you*. But as long as you're having fun, that's all that matters.

    * Not even being from a popular game doesn't guarantee recognization, as someone referred to my wife and I's BS Infinite cosplay as "Steampunk people" over the weekend.

  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    When giving advice, I try to assume that people are doing a thing for themselves as the primary motive. It's hard to give reasonable advice otherwise.

  • technomagetechnomage Registered User new member
    AnarCHris wrote: »
    It's a double edge sword, to sound a tad over dramatic. No one will give you guff for not cosplaying something from a specific character, BUT there's also a chance that they may also not give a toss about what your dressed up as if they can't recognize you*. But as long as you're having fun, that's all that matters.

    * Not even being from a popular game doesn't guarantee recognization, as someone referred to my wife and I's BS Infinite cosplay as "Steampunk people" over the weekend.

    This is great to hear, thanks. I'm doing this primarily for myself, and because my costume looks mighty cool :) (My icon is from it, you'll see! I'll also be at Arisia next weekend if anyone wants a preview!)

  • Lucid_SeraphLucid_Seraph TealDeer MarylandRegistered User regular
    edited January 2014
    Rule 63 Eddie Riggs progress! I FOUND A JACKET that is now a vest whee


    and the rest under a spoiler because LAREG IMAEGZ

    ophelia wry


    TO DO:

    > Enforcer patch on the back
    > Enforcer... shirt... which I'll get at PAX
    > dig up the old Virginfest backstage passes to add to the pass pile
    > Shoes that LOOK like chucks, but probably aren't chucks because working PAX while wearing chucks seems like a recipe for not having chucks anymore and also having horribly blistered feet.
    > spikey bracelets
    > chains

    I feel like the cuffs are going to be super difficult, as you can see in the photos how weedy thin my wrists are...

    Lucid_Seraph on
  • KaladinKaladin Western NYRegistered User regular
    TO DO:

    > Enforcer patch on the back
    > Enforcer... shirt... which I'll get at PAX
    > dig up the old Virginfest backstage passes to add to the pass pile
    > Shoes that LOOK like chucks, but probably aren't chucks because working PAX while wearing chucks seems like a recipe for not having chucks anymore and also having horribly blistered feet.
    > spikey bracelets
    > chains

    I feel like the cuffs are going to be super difficult, as you can see in the photos how weedy thin my wrists are...

    Amazon seems to have an assortment of skeleton related belt buckles in the ten to twenty dollar range.

    I would bet they would have the buttons you want for the lapels, too.

    As for the thin wrists, what about gluing some foam or sponge along the inside of the wrist cuff, then painting it to match?

  • Lucid_SeraphLucid_Seraph TealDeer MarylandRegistered User regular
    Kaladin wrote: »
    As for the thin wrists, what about gluing some foam or sponge along the inside of the wrist cuff, then painting it to match?

    That's a great idea! If I can't find spikey gauntlets in my size, that's what I'll go ahead and do. Craft store sponge in black!

  • HazelHalfBloodHazelHalfBlood Unapologetic Dungeons and Dragons Enthusiast New HampshireRegistered User regular
    Hello ^_^ I'm having trouble finding a cosplay wig with a ponytail/ponytail extenstion. Any recommendations on where to shop? ^_^

    PAX Unplugged 2018 .... We Have Our...Passes [X] Hotel [X] Bus [..] Packed [..]


    Proud Cookie Brigade Supporter
  • Mistress_IshboMistress_Ishbo Leominster, MARegistered User regular

    I got my earrings in today. I got my boots, tights, and my leotard a few days ago. I am waiting for my wig which I have to make wefts our ot and jack the wig up as well so I can get that 90's volume! I never had a wig head before so I bought one for that purpose. I also got 2 'X' Patches to put on the costume as well. Next week I will be getting fabric for the yellow and cape parts of the cosplay. I gotta get my hand on some Eva Foam so I can construct the shoulder pads as well. So much fun! I have a friend going as Dead Pool so look for us! I myself lost about 88 pounds but I hope to lose a few more by Pax time. It won't be the end of the world if I don't. I have been looking forward to make this cosplay!

  • MissMoogleMissMoogle Registered User regular
    MissMoogle wrote: »
    Well my plans have been changing rapidly fast lol!

    Excited to hear that so many are thinking about doing Pokemon cosplays, because I've officially started on my nurse joy costume! Hooray!

    I had awesome plans for myself and a good friend to go as nurse joy and officer jenny, but she actually just found out she's having a baby! I am very excited for her and her husband, but now I am on the look out for someone interested in being my officer jenny! Any takers? If so PM me, and I'll send you the details on what we were planning for her costume. :)

    your friend should go as chancey

    thedandmom wrote: »
    MissMoogle wrote: »
    Well my plans have been changing rapidly fast lol!

    Excited to hear that so many are thinking about doing Pokemon cosplays, because I've officially started on my nurse joy costume! Hooray!

    I had awesome plans for myself and a good friend to go as nurse joy and officer jenny, but she actually just found out she's having a baby! I am very excited for her and her husband, but now I am on the look out for someone interested in being my officer jenny! Any takers? If so PM me, and I'll send you the details on what we were planning for her costume. :)

    I actually went as Chansey a couple years back for PAXEaster because I was pregnant. People thought it was very cute.

    Gah! Such a great idea!!!! I'll have to throw that her way :)

    So everything is all coming together for my nurse joy dress etc., but man oh man this wig seems challenging. I'm looking for some advice on how to style it! Here is the version I am doing:


    I've found a few longer dark pink wigs with similar bangs, but I'm not sure how I'm going to get those perfect ring pigtails! Any advice is appreciated! :)

    Xbox: totobomb
    PSN: totobomb

    Add me! :)
  • HazelHalfBloodHazelHalfBlood Unapologetic Dungeons and Dragons Enthusiast New HampshireRegistered User regular


    PAX Unplugged 2018 .... We Have Our...Passes [X] Hotel [X] Bus [..] Packed [..]


    Proud Cookie Brigade Supporter
  • sharkssharks Registered User new member
    I'll most likely be going the Saturday as Tiny Tina! It's my first PAX eue

  • Streetlight345Streetlight345 Seekonk, MARegistered User regular
    I think this year I'll finally cosplay for a day. I'm going to start working out and go as Pool Party Lee Sin from League of Legends. Now I need to find a orange Hawaiian shirt and blue shorts.

    PAX East 2019!
    Badges [X] Hotel [X] Time off request [X]
  • phillerphiller Registered User regular
    Had some old photos of my Hotline Miami costume over Halloween (spoiler tag so I don't clutter space):
    I'm debating reapplying the blood on the bat - travelling through the border and I really don't want to have to explain why I've got a bloody tiger mask and bat.

    All Kinds of Philler: A pop culture podcast remarkably free of filler!
    Twitter: @phillerworks || @AKOPpodcast || Steam: mr_philler
    PAX East '14 Locations: || Classic Console Freeplay || Tabletop Area || Long Wharf Pre-PAX Game Night (Come say hi or trade buttons!)
  • MordegaldMordegald Registered User regular
    I'm gonna try to finish my Iron Kingdoms Gun Mage costume in time for the show. Pic related:


    I've already got a suitable blue-grey trench coat (old Swiss Army issue; great condition, and all kinds of warm and cozy) and a toy flintlock, the latter of which will need some modifying. The shoulder guards and cuff decorations still need to be done, but they shouldn't be difficult. The tricky part is going to be finding a suitable tricorn hat (I most certainly do not have the chops to make one). I may just cop out and go for goggles.

  • WulfWulf Disciple of Tzeentch The Void... (New Jersey)Registered User regular
    So, last year I went as McFly. This year?
    Captain Hammer!

    Got the belt, gloves, shirt, and boots. Buying the pants soon, and going to get the haircut so I can get used to setting it that way :P
    My friend is going as Doctor Horrible, red lab coat version. We're building the StunDEATH Ray, and if everything works out, it should light up and make the Death Ray noise from the series.
    When it gets done, I'll make him let me put some pictures up here :D

    Everyone needs a little Chaos!
  • BwentaliBwentali Registered User regular
    kinda worried on how I am gonna pull it off but hawkeye gough from dark souls. progress is minimal but I got ideas.

  • LoonyEclipseLoonyEclipse WWHRD? Montreal, QCRegistered User regular
    philler wrote: »
    Had some old photos of my Hotline Miami costume over Halloween (spoiler tag so I don't clutter space):
    I'm debating reapplying the blood on the bat - travelling through the border and I really don't want to have to explain why I've got a bloody tiger mask and bat.

    Yeah, I'll be bringing a shoulder holster across the border. Hopefully explanations will not be necessary.

    My pin lanyard
    PSN: L00nyEclip
    Steam: Loony Eclipse
    Twitter: @Loonyeclipse

  • AmandaGCGAmandaGCG Registered User regular
    Gonna be doing a Nurse Joy Cosplay and my partner in crime Whitney who always goes with me is gonna be Officer Jenny on Sunday.

    Also gonna be Lady Comstock and she will be the ghost of Lady Comstock from Bioshock infinite for Saturday !

    And Friday will be Nariko from Heavenly Sword. Started my blades tonight!

    PS - will be on the prowl for my future husband in the form of Dante from DMC or a Nathan Drake B)

  • GMNChampionGMNChampion Math Instructor Great Falls, VARegistered User regular
    This will be my 5th PAX East (didn't know I was going until my friend surprised me with a weekend pass). This will be my first time cosplaying at PAX East and I plan on going as Shadow Prince Malzahar. A friend of mine is helping me with the basics but I plan to get the dagger that goes along with it. I may be accompanied by a Teemo, depends on if he can make enough origami mushrooms or not.

    PAX East Attendance: '14*, '13, '12, '11, '10 (5 - for - 5)
    Otakon, Anime USA, NekoCon, Katsucon, Anime Mid-Atlantic
  • AnarCHrisAnarCHris Trash Lord New York CityRegistered User regular
    AmandaGCG wrote: »
    Also gonna be Lady Comstock and she will be the ghost of Lady Comstock from Bioshock infinite for Saturday !

    Oh sweet, my wife and I are wearing out Liz and Booker costumes on Saturday! We should get pictures :D

  • stardust462stardust462 Leominster, MARegistered User regular
    I found the perfect fabric for Imperial Lux, so that's definitely happening. I'd like to make one more costume, but I'm not sure what. Trying to steer away from LoL for the second one, but that's unlikely.

  • MissMoogleMissMoogle Registered User regular
    AmandaGCG wrote: »
    Gonna be doing a Nurse Joy Cosplay and my partner in crime Whitney who always goes with me is gonna be Officer Jenny on Sunday.

    Also gonna be Lady Comstock and she will be the ghost of Lady Comstock from Bioshock infinite for Saturday !

    And Friday will be Nariko from Heavenly Sword. Started my blades tonight!

    PS - will be on the prowl for my future husband in the form of Dante from DMC or a Nathan Drake B)

    Ahhh that's awesome! Idk if you saw my posts earlier in the thread but I am also bringing my nurse joy cosplay! (Mines the new x/y version of her ^_^)

    We will have to meet up for pics! I hope there are other nurse joys, that would actually fit the character all too well haha

    Xbox: totobomb
    PSN: totobomb

    Add me! :)
  • Mistress_IshboMistress_Ishbo Leominster, MARegistered User regular
    My progress thus far! PhotoGrid_1390635084832_zpsa4159f16.jpg
    I am gonna buy some wonderflex to make the shoulder/back cape parts. And a solid white suit to put underneath my leotard since it's a bit sheer. Very satisfied thus far!

  • Go! Shawn!Go! Shawn! New EnglandRegistered User regular
    edited January 2014
    Good after noon fellow PAX East attendees!

    I am not a cosplayer, but I absolutely love seeing all of the wonderful costumes while I am at PAX East. I've taken quite a few pictures on the show floor ( , ) and in 2010 I did a project where I walked from one end of Handheld Free Play to the other and asked every single person if I could make a portrait of them ( ). I've grown a lot since then and am ready to do another project at PAX East 2014.

    I'll see you on the show floor and we'll share the point, the nod, and the flash.

    Mod edit: removed promotional links

    zerzhul on
    At PAX East 2014: Cosplay Noire Project:

    Dark, gritty, character centric portraits.
  • ChoujicosplayerChoujicosplayer Cape Cod, MARegistered User regular
    Ill be going as Ken from SF and maybe a pokemon cosplay, not sure yet ^^;

    Get some cookies, so you can eat 'em and grow up big and strong and kick Piston in the butt-butt.
  • RegimentRegiment Registered User regular
    My girlfriend and I will be going as Booker and Elizabeth, and I'll be bringing the 11th Doctor outfit again too. I have all the fabric to make Elizabeth's outfit, and have absolutely nothing for mine.

    (Why do all male video game characters have to wear so many shirts? I'm gonna cook and die... again...)

    I never lose, I just win sideways.
  • ph1l0z0ph3rph1l0z0ph3r Registered User regular
    I'm thinking of going as a member of the Scout Regiment from Attack on Titan. Feel like its an easy enough costume to get into cosplaying and I enjoyed the anime.

  • AnnaRoyalAnnaRoyal North CarolinaRegistered User regular
    I wonder if I could make something before its time to fly to boston. I want to be Raven from teen titans. My daughter loves to watch teen titans go, and I like both teen titans and teen titans go. Its kind of a simple cosplay for my first, and not very revealing as I do not want to freeze my butt off or show off my boobs. Anyone else going as a dc character?

    I love Tacos.
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