Who is the Winter Soldier?
Marvel's next film in the ongoing Marvel Cinematic Universe, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, begins the biggest mystery event the film series has seen yet. The identity of the primary antagonist, the Winter Soldier, has been a source of rampant speculation, but it has so far been a tightly kept secret within Marvel. Casting, interviews, concept art, promotional materials, released footage and even the comics themselves have all turned up no conclusive leads. One piece of recent information that we now know is that, despite the movie's title, the Winter Soldier is in fact
not Captain America. But with our best lead now revealed to be false, many of us are left speculating. I guess we'll have to wait until the movie is released on April 4th, 2013 before we'll find out the truth.
Other Films
Amazing Spider-Man 2 - May 2nd, 2014
X-Men: Days of Future Past - May 23rd, 2014
Guardians of the Galaxy - August 1st, 2014
Avengers: Age of Ultron - May 1st, 2015
Fantastic Four Reboot - June 19th 2015
Ant-Man - July 17th, 2015
Superman/Batman - May 6th, 2016
Another MCU Movie - May 6th, 2016
X-Men: Apocalypse - May 27th, 2016
Amazing Spider-Man 3 - June 10th, 2016
Yet Another MCU Movie - July 8th, 2016
Yet ANOTHER MCU Movie - May 5th, 2017
Amazing Spider-Man 4 - May 4th, 2018
Venom and Sinister Six movies are planned by Sony
An X-Force movie is planned by Fox
DC is.... standing back at the moment. They had Flash and Justice League movies planned for 2016 and 2017 respectively, but Superman/Batman being pushed back has put those plans into question.
Then I realized they're probably already filming? I mean, it comes out in just a little over a year.
That's crazy! Like, didn't we just have the first one not....and then I realize that it's been that long since the first one came out.
I wish I could have been in the audience, given that it was the first time we heard it was about Ultron.
But yeah, I think Avengers 2 is filming now. There was some phone cam videos of some stuff from South Africa.
Plus Scarlett Johansson is pregnant, so they need to bang out her scenes right away.
I think that there is some stiff competition for most impractical Batmobile.
I like the Tumbler more than the average fan I think, but my favorite has always been the first DCAU one.
edit: I may have binged on Archer seasons 1-4
a little
Also I'm gonna watch thor 2 today, I've managed to avoid every trailer after the first one and pretty much all major spoilers (I can't recall any off the top of my head) so I'm looking forward to it a lot
There was a large chunk of Thor I didn't like upon re-watching.
I'm the Winter Soldier.
It is incredible
Like, it's kinda late in the game to question why superheroes are always depicted as the peak of physicality
Not really
We are questioning why lady superheroes have to have huge boobs and show off skin
Lets do it for both
The thing that looks dumb is when like Magneto is shown all buff. Those sorts of people are drawn hilariously muscled.
Runners are lean and muscled
They don't have pecs bigger than their heads
maybe they don't have to be vein popping ripped (which that quicksilver isn't really, though he is pretty bulky for a runner) but I think it is reasonable to expect a hero to be in top form given the necessity of their incredibly active lifestyle
edit obviously there are people for whom being overly muscled doesn't make sense on analysis, since their powers or whatever might be pretty hands off, but that isn't really comparable to the whole male gaze exposed skin huge boobs thing
Also just visually speaking, it looks better to draw super in-shape people than to have heroes who are just kinda okay, maybe they could run a little more often but they're not spending all day on the couch at least
doesn't the suit do all the heavy lifting?
Or is it just the stealth suit making him look that buff?
Someone post that old iron man cartoon intro.
female heroes are large breasted and scantily clad because they started out as male sexual fantasies, and for the most part still are
the answer is patriarchy.
Really though, it's mostly tradition, and the progress away from that is slow
also it's easier to draw a skin-tight costume than to draw real clothes, and a hero in spandex looks better if they're physically fit
Magneto definitely shouldn't be, though
Tony Stark absolutely does train out of the suit to be able to fight. Heck, in the first arc of Gillen's current run with him he demands trial by combat, finds out afterwards that the alien law he was quoting specified that it was unarmed trial by combat, and then proceeded to defeat a string of opponents anyway. He spars with people like Captain America and Black Widow, after all.
Which is why ian mckellen is my favorite version of Magneto
He is a big late middle aged looking dude who is decidedly intimidating but he isn't all swole and shit. He's got that old man strength.
A good Magneto
Just like how Cap will always be from WWII.
I'm not so sure. Cap's story actually works better the more time passes, because the world changes even further so that when he's thawed out his alienation is more poignant. Magneto, on the other had, could theoretically have his origin in any period of horrendous ethnic-cleansing, but being tied specifically to WWII requires an ever-increasing number of hoops to jump through in terms of justifying how he's still alive after all these years.
Black Widow is, like, 90 years old, so is Namor. Age is a non-issue in comics.