*Note: and yes, we mean any sort of question, especially if it's not covered by the FAQ. Please do NOT make a new thread to ask your question, just post it here. I promise it will be answered promptly.
This thread is a place for people to ask questions, and for the PAX experienced to provide answers (and some general PAX wisdom). Please keep focused on the Q&A nature of this thread.
When: August 29th-September 1st, 2014
Where: Washington State Convention Centre
PAX Community Wiki & FAQWhat:
The Penny Arcade Expo (PAX) is an annual gamer festival held in Washington. PAX was created by Jerry Holkins and Mike Krahulik, the authors of the Penny Arcade webcomic, because they wanted to attend a show that gave equal attention to video gamers, computer gamers, and tabletop gamers. No such show existed, so PAX was born.
Created in 2004, PAX has doubled in size each successive year until it started taking over the City of Seattle. Last year, PAX Prime had venue space not only in the WSCC, but in the Paramount Theatre and in most of the ballrooms in the Sheraton Hotel across the street. Who know’s what part of Seattle PAX will take over next!!
All of the information found in this FAQ plus many more interesting tidbits and guides can be found on our PAX Community wiki
http://wiki.paxcommunity.net/paxwiki/Main_PageLinks: Penny Arcade,PAX Website
What this forum is: This forum is for the discussion of PAX, finding people to carpool or caravan with, finding people to split the cost of a hotel room, and general questions and information about PAX as well as community events and gatherings.
Click here for the Official PAX Page FAQ
(Please note: Soon this website will be updated to match PAX East’s)
Here's a community-based FAQ for those of you who don't want to comb through this thread to see if your question has been answered already.
General StuffHOW DO I FIND ANYTHING IN THIS FAQ?!? give me the tl;dr!
Well... that's kinda hard. But you can search for the topic you are looking for using ctrl
When will x be announced?
Soon. Don't expect any definite announcements any sooner than 3-4 weeks before PAX. Don't expect a final schedule and show map until about two weeks before PAX. If you're curious if your favourite game developer, journalist, internet personality is going to be there, shoot them an e-mail and ask, because if it hasn't been announced, we don't know either.
How do I register for PAX?
Soon. Registration will be open
on the PAX Prime website.
What types of passes will be available?
According to Robert last year:
There will be 4 day passes and 1 day passes.
Do the PAX passes have my name on them?
It's after August 1st, if I order my ticket online, where do I pick it up?
Will call will be located at the Ticket Booth windows outside of the WSCC. (Based on PAX Prime 2011)
I’m from outside of the US and I did not choose the FedEx shipping option, where do I pick up my pass?
TBA, however, will call was located at the Ticket Booth windows outside of the WSCC last PAX Prime.
Can I apply to be an Enforcer and help out at PAX?
If more enforcers are needed, an announcement will be made with a link to the application on the main PA site.
What are the hours of PAX?
Friday, Aug 29th - 10am - 12am
Saturday, Aug 30th - 10am - 12am
Sunday, Aug 31st - 10am - 12am
Monday, Sep 1st - 10am - 6pm
Friday, Aug 29th - 10am - 6pm
Saturday, Aug 30th - 10am - 6pm
Sunday, Aug 31st - 10am - 6pm
Monday, Sep 1st -10am - 6pm
What does BYOC stand for?
Bring Your Own Computer. This is a large LAN party within PAX! So bring your gaming computer and get playing!
Hint! Follow
@Official_Pax for updates on the BYOC room AND for updates when passes go on sale! These sell out quick!
I bought a BYOC pass but now I don't want it! Where can I sell it??
You have two choices. BYOC passes are being mailed out along with regular passes. You can either give it to a friend or you can ask for a refund, email pax_questions@paxsite.com
What is the EXPO floor like?
The exhibition hall is full of awesome. There are upcoming games, and hardware showcased as well as things for sale from games, to guides, to t-shirts, to dice. Prices are comparable with standard retail pricing, or a little cheaper, even. Also, there are tons of free shirts and other swag being handed out by various companies.
I live outside the United States. How do I fill in my phone number on the registration form?
You just have to split it up the way US numbers are split (###-###-####). It's a 10 digit number if I'm not mistaken. If you've got more than 10 digits, I don't know.
The ticket says the Exhibit Hall closes at 6pm but the Event stays open until 12AM. Does this mean there will be actual things happening and things to look at until 12AM or does it just mean people are allowed to co-mingle in the building until they close the doors at 12AM?
Once you hit the later hours, the Expo Hall will be shut down. However, you'll still have the Concerts, Panels, Console/PC Freeplay, Handheld Lounge, Tabletop Lounge, etc. In previous years, there have also been movie/webisode screenings fairly late as well. Basically, it's "Make your own fun with people" time!
How do we transfer tickets? I bought a registration and BYOC pass, but recently found out I won't be going, and have a friend who wants to buy my tickets from me, but neither of us have any idea how to get the ticket to be transferred.
BYOC ticket registration is done differently than the 4-day pass, look to the BYOC thread for your answer. For the 4-day pass you just have to mail it to the guy when they are shipped out. If you would like to transfer the ticket it's a little more involved. If you have or are buying tickets that must be picked up at will call, email
pax_questions@paxsite.comI have moved since buying my PAX passes. How do I change my address information to ensure that my passes get mailed to my current address and not my previous address?
First, you should submit a change of address through the USPS. This will ensure all mail sent to your previous address is sent to your current address. As far as changing your registration you can log back into your registration page using your confirmation number. Once you've logged in you will be able to edit your address.
I didn’t receive my PAX Badges in the Mail!! What do I do?
If you live outside of the US, or you purchased your pass after the cut off date for badges to be mailed, you will need to pick up your badge at Will Call using your paper ticket with the Bar Code on it AND a valid piece of photo ID. If your badge really is lost in the mail, email
pax_questions@paxsite.comI have my badge; do I need the paper ticket with the bar-code on it?
Nope! You’re good to go.
Will there be WiFi accessible at PAX?
Maybe? WSCC may have free wifi available; however it’s been spotty at best in years past. We don’t recommended relying on WSCC wifi being available.
Are there iphone/android apps for pax?
Yes! There will be an official app announced a week or two before PAX. There are also many unofficial ones that pop up as well. Keep an eye on the forums for an App discussion thread.
Are there going to be a ton of people this year?
There's going to be a ton of people.
Will just one day will be enough PAX?
No matter who you ask on this forum, we're all going to say no. If you don't want to believe us, that's fine, but when you get to PAX for that one day and realize you could have had four days of that, you're going to regret not buying a 4 day pass.
I'm disabled/ have a mobility impairment/ use a wheelchair, how easy will it be to get around PAX?
No problem, apply for a medical pass, and you get special accommodation getting into panels and the like. You can apply for a pass for yourself and a +1 so you can have someone help you. To register, email
pax_questions@paxsite.comI'm lost, alone and terribly scared! What Do?
Help is never far! Cast your gaze upon the crowd and look for awesome people wearing these sweet blue shirts (They say ENFORCER on the back). They can direct you to where to go and provide any help you need.
I have an amazing idea for a panel!! Who should I contact?!?
if you just have an idea email
pax_panels@paxsite.com with your pitch! If you actually want to run your own panel head over to
panels.paxsite.com with your proposal. If accepted you and your participants will receive a complimentary Speaker Pass for PAX Prime 2014. Good luck!
Just how BIG is PAX?
Excellent question!
this may be of interest to you. (Credit goes to
@”dyaballikl”)I was expecting to get my badge in the mail and all I received is this bobcat? Wut??
Bobcat is working as intended.
How early should I get in line each day?
Getting in line is something that should be decided by YOU, so many of us can't tell you exactly when you should show up.
However, I would recommend getting in line fairly shortly after the doors open. If not, then feel free to show up whenever you wake up.
If you are the more social geek, I would highly recommend getting in line as soon as you can.
The people are what make PAX, and there is no better way to meet/converse/trade pokemans with these people than being in line. Remember, you are all there showing your love for games in some way, shape or form, so feel free to strike up a conversation with the person next to you!
However, if you end up befriending these people, I would highly suggest getting their contact info, as I have lost many potential friends this way, watching the people I just spent 3 hours with in line fade off into the crowd of gamers.
NOTE: doors to the building don't open until 8am!
My Gods! The Lines! The Crowded Crowded Lines! What do I do about the Lines?
Whichever venue PAX is in, on whatever coast in whosoever dimension, Crowding is almost omnipresent. Recent PAXes have sold out weeks in advance, and the various convention centers have been unable to contain their awesomeness in a roomy manner. There are lines for almost everything, including lines in order to get into lines (I'm talking to you, Merch line PAX East). There is little you can do to avoid them.
Neither is there a hard and fast rule for when you need to get in line for a panel or event, as it depends on demand for the individual panel, as well as what day of the Con it's on, what's going on at the same time, and whether Wil Wheaton is involved in any way. For most Panels an hour beforehand is quite sufficient, and you might be able to get away with 30 minutes, if you're lucky. The Make A Strip Panel, any Wil Wheaton Panel, and Scott Kurtz are likely to require a little more time. If you want to get into the keynote on Friday, you'll need to arrive at the convention center when it opens at 8:00am, and go straight to the Main Theatre line up.
Advice for surviving the lines
There are of course some people who find it impossible to wait in line for any reason. If you have a medical condition which precludes lines, talk to the enforcers, who may well be able to accommodate you. If you are simply temperamentally unsuited to waiting, or don't want to take the time to do so, there are ways to enjoy yourself at PAX without waiting around. Many freeplay areas, especially Tabletop, can easily be navigated without having to wait at all, or with a simple sign-up sheet. Large portions of the expo halls also, and the Concerts have generally been accessible 20 minutes or so after the line has gone in. Play tests for the major developers are essentially impossible to get into You may need to sit or stand nearer to the back of the hall, but if you hate lines you probably aren't all that fond of mosh pits either. Not all the sessions fill up to capacity, especially later in the con. As long as you avoid the big ticket sessions, and are prepared for disappointment, you may simply be able to ask the enforcers on the door if there is any space inside.
Are the theatres cleared in-between panels / concerts?
YES! Except for a few back to back panels in the main theatre (ie, the Keynotes goes right into the first PA Q&A) all theatres are cleared out between panels.
Is it true that PAX Prime is SO BIG now that some lines are OUTSIDE??!?
Yes. Last Prime had the Paramount theatre as its main theatre and had to use the road beside the theatres as it’s queue “room.” This means there is the potential for waiting outside for a couple hours to see anything in the Main Theatre.
Please PLAN ACCORDINGLY. Bring sun protection and rain protection. It may be summer, but this is Seattle. You never know what you're going to get.
I’m a nerd!! I don’t want to wait outside in the elements to see awesome things!! How can I see these things without going outside?
Sometimes there are theatres dedicated to streaming the things in the PAX Main Theatre. There might be another one this year!
I heard the concerts were loud. Is this true?
Yes, and maybe. It's all relative, but the concerts can get pretty loud. It's a big space, with a lot of people, and everyone wants to be able to hear, right?
Can you turn the volume down? It's hurting my ears!
No, unfortunately, the volume cannot be turned down; the knobs on all the amps were taken off by sneaky Rock Gremlins. If you think that volume might be an issue, we suggest this time-tested concert junkie trick: bring a set of earplugs to help muffle the sound. Convenient personal sound dampening, available in several fun colors! Make sure you get "musician's earplugs" or "high-fidelity earplugs". These are earplugs with channels in them that attenuate all frequencies equally. Basically, they just make everything you hear quieter, without changing how it sounds. These can be found on Amazon for about $10.
How do the concerts work?
Much like everything else at PAX, concerts are first come, first served. However, please don't attempt to line up for them more than a reasonable time prior to the start of the concerts. Ask an enforcer in the area where the concerts will be taking place and they can tell you when you will be allowed to start lining up.
What happened to concert wristbands?
Wristbands have been done away with in favour of the new first come first serve system.
How Late do the concerts go?
Concerts are scheduled to end around 2330-midnight though sometimes they can run a tad late.
Where will the concerts be?!?
At PAX Prime 2013 the Main Theatre was located in the Paramount Theatre, and likely will be located there again this year.
Paramount Theatre Website
What is the schedule for bands performing?
To be determined. This will be updated as soon as this information becomes available.
When should I show up to see performance X?
The Main Theatre has a very high capacity during concerts, as well as a higher turnover than during panels. More often than not, you can simply walk right in. However, to be safer, for any given band, you should attempt to show up around a half an hour to an hour before they are scheduled to start (earlier if you want to be toward the front).
What happens if the theatre fills up?
We do take count of attendance, and new admission will be temporarily denied if the theatre is full. However, concerts tend to have high turnover, and new people will be allowed in on a roughly 25-out, 25-in schedule.
Are there medical badge accommodations for concerts?
Absolutely! Just like with any other panel, if you show up before the line is capped, anyone with a medical badge will be allowed in early to find a seat.
What is the policy on moshing?
Please don’t do it. PAX concerts are intended to be a fun, enjoyable experience for everyone. Moshing is not fun for everyone, and puts people at risk. If any violent or aggressive behavior is witnessed in the crowd, you will be asked to stop by an Enforcer. Repeated action will result in a minimum of removal from the concerts. We simply ask that you control yourself and allow EVERYONE around you to have a good time!
Is food allowed in the concerts?
While food is not expressly prohibited, we ask that you use good sense and do not bring it into the crowded parts of the concert. Drinks (soda, water, etc.) are allowed, and are ok in the crowd, but please, if you bring food or drinks, do not leave them on the ground, especially in crowded areas. This often results in people tripping or slipping on them and potentially getting injured. As with anywhere else in PAX, alcohol is not permitted.
What if I see something potentially hazardous or have other questions/concerns?
This is the same at concerts as with anywhere else in PAX: talk to an Enforcer! Enforcers are friendly, and they are there to help and to do their best to make sure you have a great PAX experience.
The PA merch booth has ITEM X that I really really really want. When should I get it?
As soon as you can. Typically this means Friday morning on your way to the queue line. If what you want is guaranteed to be in limited supply (like the PAX East scarves, merch hats, or uncommonly sized tee shirts) get it first.
What will be for sale at the official merch booth?
The PA booth generally stocks a healthy supply of the books , the most popular tee shirts from the website in sizes S-4XL for men and S-2XL for babydoll, some other items limited items such as merch hats and select hoodies (hats are one size, hoodies are unisex sizes S-3XL), and of course the coveted, limited PAX-specific goodies such as tee shirts and/or scarves.
Will there be a PAX exclusive item?
Maybe. Follow @Official_PAX twitter and they may give sneak peeks!
The merch line is longer than longcat! When will it die down?
There may be a lull on Sunday afternoon, when much of the stock is depleted. Don't worry! The line moves quick and it's a good way to meet other people with pokewalkers/magic cards/beach balls/THAT THING YOU LIKE.
Why is ITEM X sold out?! I really wanted it!
A lot of other people wanted it too. Brian the Awesome Merch Master Guy does his best to estimate demand, but he is a genuine meat human. If you really want ITEM X, buy it early and don't wait until the end of the show. If it is not PAX-specific, you can probably find it on the PA Merch website. Last PAX East, when the merch booth ran out of scarves, they implemented an online order system on site. The same MIGHT happen again, but no guarantees.
I waited in line for a half hour and NOW you're telling me you don't have ITEM X? Sad Boosh.
This happens sometimes. It could be it sold out while you were waiting in line. It might have been the guy in front of you. It might have been 10 minutes after opening on Friday (in which case there will hopefully be a sign posted). Don't fret. There is plenty of other stuff for you to get. Think ahead and have a Plan B of How To Spend Your Money.
When do I sign up for tournaments?
Tournament registration is Friday or Day of. Look out for each departments Tournament thread for specific information. Get there early, most tournaments fill up within an hour or two of PAX opening.
Hint! Follow @PAX_tourney for more tournament information!
Will x tournament or event be happening at PAX?
Possibly, announcements will be made about 4 weeks prior to PAX. Keep an eye on the forums for details! each department that does tournaments will make it's own post.
What is the Omegathon?
The Omegathon is a grueling test of "skill" in which 20 randomly selected pre-registered attendees will battle for an amazing prize, in past years, this prize has been an all expenses paid trip to the Tokyo Games Show in JAPAN. They mostly make them play crazy games like Mario Kart, Bananagrams, and Operation for their amusement. If you are not selected to be an Omeganaut, it's still a lot of fun watching and enjoying their torment!
How do I become an Omeganaut?
Just check the button that says, "I want to be considered to be an Omeganaut" when you pre-register. Then you just have to hope you are one of the lucky people to get the call. Please NOTE: if you do not get a phone call from Mike or Jerry asking you to be an Omeganaut, then you are not an Omeganaut. There are only 20 for PAX Prime!
PAX is open to all ages, and many parents choose to bring their children and infants, but before you haul little Timmy and Amanda down to the showfloor, a few things to consider:
- PAX is LOUD. Little ears tend to be sensitive, so take this into consideration if your child doesn't like noisy environments.
- PAX is CROWDED. People don't tend to look down; be prepared to keep the little ones from being stepped on if they're on the shorter side. This is true of any crowd situation, not just PAX. You will need to be aware of all people at all times. Also, per the preregistration site (Interactive Ticketing), "Strollers are not permitted on the show floor at any time". Perhaps try a front pack?
- PAX breeds GERMS. Again, true of all crowded/convention situations. PAX Prime '09 saw a fairly large outbreak of H1N1 and other flu strains; keep this in mind before exposing any little ones that might be in concern categories for illness.
- PAX is full of SWEARING. The typical demographic of PAX, while fairly diverse, does contain a large number of younger people with a tendency swear. Profusely. About everything. If language is a concern for you, be aware that epithets are a time-honoured PAX tradition, and will be overheard everywhere.
- PAX is FREE for kids 6 and Under. Conversely, PAX is FULL PRICE for kids 7 and older. So, budget accordingly.
Now, taking everything into consideration, it's up to you! A little planning ahead and your kids can have just as much fun at PAX as everyone else! Just be aware what hurdles there may be, and prepare appropriately!
I'm under 18. Will I be able to get into a panel for/play the demo of <insert M-Rated game here>?
It is convention wide policy to follow the ESRB ratings, even if your parents are present. Be aware that some exhibitors may ask you for your ID.
It should also be noted that there is no way for a minor's guardian to allow the minor to play/view M-Rated content without the guardian physically present for the content; there is no "permission form" or similar thing available. Also, some exhibitors might still not allow minors to view their M-Rated content with the guardian present.
What should I bring with me to PAX?
I'm flying to PAX, how soon should I book my flight?
6-8 weeks before your date of travel seem to be the "sweet spot" of prices. However, keep an eye on prices with sites like http://www.kayak.com/ and you can figure out the best price for your flight from there.
Is it safe to put your DESKTOP PC into an airplane? Can you check it with your airline carrier and see it in once piece at it's destination? Can you ship it to your hotel safely and timely? What other alternatives are there?
The safest way is driving it and bringing it with you. The next safest is taking it and having it professionally packed, lots of Styrofoam and bubble wrap and shipping it one of the quicker (2-3 day) options as opposed to the 6 day or so ground transport. The absolute worst way is on an airplane. First, it's going to cost you since just about everyone is charging for bags now, second, chances are TSA is going to open whatever you have it carefully packaged in and third, baggage handlers hate you.
What Hotels are available for booking?
At this time, Unknown! Once hotel registration is live, this will be updated
How do I get the PAX discount on my hotel room?
All information on hotels offering a PAX discount will be available at PAX Hotel Site
All pricing given is per night
How much do the hotels cost?
Until the hotel website goes live, we don't know. However in the past hotel prices have ranged from $180-$210 per night. If you are driving to Seattle, be aware that hotels will charge you for parking. This ranges from $30-$50 a night.
What days can you book for at the discounted rate?
Depends on the hotel! Some have from Tuesday Check-in - the following Wednesday Check-Out (note: There are more rooms available for Fri-Sun than other days)
Do they charge my credit card when I reserve my room?
It depends on the hotel; most only use your credit card to hold the room. When you check in, they put a hold on the card you present them at that time for the amount of your stay and when you check out they charge that, plus any billable charges (phone calls, pay per view, room service) to your card at that time. Some hotels have started requiring a deposit equal to one night's stay. If this is the case, it should be clearly noted on the hotel's website.
How far away are the hotels from the convention center?
*To be updated once hotel list goes live*
How many people can stay in one hotel room?
Most hotels allow four, however be aware when you reserve a room with four people per room, they tack on an additional charge. The Sheraton will charge for every key over 2 per room that you ask for.
When/where should I book my hotel
As soon as at PAX hotel site opens registration. Sooner the Better! Watch the forums & http://twitter.com/official_pax for when this happens.
X Hotel's website says the PAX rate is sold out for date x. What does this mean?
This means that the hotel will not honour the PAX rate for date x. If you're having trouble with the website, call the hotel.
What time is check in at these hotels?
Most hotels have check in at around 3pm. If you're going to be arriving in town later in the evening or at night, be sure to let the hotel know when you make your reservation. If you are arriving early, most hotels will hold your luggage if you want to see the city before check-in time
I want to find people to share my hotel room, or find people to room with! what should I do?
Once Hotel Registration goes live, a “Room Share” Thread will be posted.
Is there any way for me to confirm that the Hotel got my booking and it’s correct?
Yes! About 2 weeks before PAX, the hotel booking service On Peak will transfer its bookings to the Hotels. Once that’s done you can call the hotel directly and confirm your reservation. This is highly recommended as sometimes OnPeak makes mistakes and it’s better to correct these a couple weeks before PAX vs the day you try to check in.
Oh God, I can't leave! I might miss something important! But, what is this land you call... this land?!
Everybody coming to Seattle may not necessarily be a resident. Don't be afraid to take time away from the convention with your newfound friends, check out a restaurant or two, poke down to whatever sites of local interest there are - look into joining one of the community gatherings, it may take you into the city to find things you wouldn't know about otherwise.
What's the weather like in Seattle during PAX?
The weather's been great for every single PAX. (subject to interpretation)
In late August, expect temperatures of mid-to-high 50's (only late at night of course) to the mid 70's.
or, 10C to 28C for the rest of the world. :P
Is there any free parking downtown?
No, parking costs money downtown.
How much does it cost to park?
Parking is $25+ per day. If you're flying in, take the light rail from the airport, don't bother renting a car. You won't need it unless you want to leave downtown. If you want to avoid valet parking (and limited access to your vehicle), the WSCTC parking lot is right across the street from the Sheraton.
Where can I get something to eat in downtown Seattle?
Practically everywhere, there are two malls and Pike Place Market all within walking distance of the Convention Center and Hotels. Keep your eyes to the forum too, as there are typically a restaurant guide thread and a Seattle area info thread.
I hear there's a Gameworks near the WSCTC, what's a Gameworks?
Gameworks is a 2-story arcade with full restaurant and bar on the upper floor. Arcade games from all eras, including a section to win tickets and redeem them for cheezy prizes. The food is pretty good, but the service can suck sometimes. The bar is a bar. It has booze. It's also in a more separate section of the upper floor that's roped off for 21+, but still has a kickass view of the whole facility.
Where do the parties happen?
Hotel Rooms (and a few industry sponsored parties at local establishments)
Is there an age limit on the parties?
21+ unless there's no alcohol involved
How hard is it to get around downtown Seattle? Will I need a car?
Most of anything you will need is located within walking distance of the PAX hotels and convention center. You will only need a car if you plan on traveling outside of downtown (so probably not at all)
If I want to leave downtown, how do I find my way around on the Transit System?
One Bus Away is a fancy multi platform tool that can help you choose the best way to get from where you are to where you want to go. Check it out!
What are some good places to drink beer with lots of people in Seattle that are near the Convention Center?
Pike Place Brewery (Great beer, lots of space, good snacks), Taphouse Grill (Huge selection, decent space, interesting snacks), Rock Bottom (decent beer, decent space, decent snacks)
I'm above the average age of 26 by a decade or more. Will I be the oldest person there?
No, plenty of the older gaming crowd come out to enjoy PAX as well. You are not alone. PAX is geeks reveling in geekery. Age isn't much of a concern.
PAX was awesome! I want to see everything next year! Should I apply to be an Enforcer?
Even if an open call for Enforcers for Prime '14 does happen, Enforcing means that you are likely to see less, not more, of PAX. When considering becoming an Enforcer it's very important to remember that you go from attending PAX for fun to attending PAX for work, and that has certain implications. Rule #2 of Enforcing is: PAX Is Not For Us - it's for Attendees. (Rule #1, of course, is 'Don't be a Dick'.) If you want to see the maximum number of things at PAX, you should consider returning as an Attendee instead of applying to be an Enforcer. That being said, the below picture is 100% true.
Should I buy a Nintendo DS/bring my DS to PAX?
Is anybody going to be doing anything before PAX opens/after PAX closes or ends?
Yes, there will be tons of stuff going on, keep an eye on threads in this forum to find awesome stuff to do with other PAX-goers.
A bunch of people are getting together at an area bar, but I'm under 21. Will I still be able to go and hang out if I'm not drinking?
No, bars in Seattle are pretty strict. If you're not 21+, it's a safe bet they won't let you in.
I just bought a pass on craigslist / ebay, how do I know if it's legit?
This really won't apply until after PAX PRIME passes sell out, but I wanted to put this out there anyways. If you purchase your pass from a second hand source, you are putting yourself at risk of purchasing a counterfeit pass. Second hand sources also include this forum, which is why there will no longer be any pass selling or buying here.
Please be aware that there may/will be repercussions for attempting to sell or buy badges on the forums.
Please remember, buying a pass from anybody except Penny-Arcade means you are potentially buying a counterfeit pass which can be confiscated and you will be asked to leave the show.
Last PAX Prime, there was a Badge Checking Station so you could check the badge before purchasing while AT PAX. However, this won't help you much if you've already paid for the badge and it is counterfeit.
I think I was so pumped up the first 3 days that I was pooped by day 4. If you want to buy anything from the booths though, I'd suggest buying it before day 4... But if you're lucky, it will still be there and it will be on sale!
PAX Prime 2014 [X]
PAX Prime 2015 [X]
But even so, I have a tiny heart attack every time I go to the main page and see the giant red "SOLD OUT" button ^^; I swear I lose a year of my life every time it catches my eye.
Completely unimportant question, but does anyone know when the countdown ticker starts/when the early-death-inducing red button goes away and is replaced with badge options and prices?
Trying to plan what small fortune to put together for this escapade in the unlikely case I can grab a badge.
(EDIT: Removed non FAQ relevant sthuff)
The FAQ says the hotels last year costed around $180-$210. Was that after the PAX discount? If so, then unfortunately hotel alone is just far too expensive for me to even consider going to this event.
That's unfortunate. I did some searching and the only affordable ones are too far away with even the transit system taking two hours between locations (which is insane).
I might have to look into that then. I'm enormously untrusting of others, but it might have to deal with it if I want to attend.
There are cheaper options, you just have to sacrifice actually being downtown and think outta the box
I don't use hotels much, so I've got the programs I'm in set to automatically transfer the points to my favorite airline. I find that one PAX trip earns more than the minimum points needed for a transfer.