Twilight Imperium Game 11 - Round 7: Game Over!

MrBlarneyMrBlarney Registered User regular
edited November 2016 in Critical Failures
Twilight Imperium

Over three thousand years ago, the Lazax ruled the galaxy. But after many millennia of control, the Lazax grew complacent with their position over the other races. The six great races of Sol, Hylar, N'orr, Hacan, Letnev, and Xxcha began to chafe under the rule of the Lazax Empire. And so when a trade dispute over the Quann wormhole resulted in the Sol armada acting against the Letnev, a flame spread like wildfire throughout the galaxy, igniting a civil war between races that had only tenuously been held back by the Lazax rule. In the centuries that followed, the Twilight War eradicated the Lazax race and turned back thousands of years of progress. The great races retreated to their home planets to rebuild, and once the Galactic Council was once again able to meet, it was a shadow of its former strength. And now, thousands of years later, after the long era of the Dark Years, the time is right for a new race to step up and become the rulers of the galaxy, and the guiding hand for all races within its domain.

Twilight Imperium is a boardgame of galactic empire-building on a large scale, often described as a 4X game given physical form. Players build ships, conquer planets, research technology, and engage in trade and diplomacy, all in the pursuit of earning victory points toward claiming the Imperial Throne of Mecatol Rex and rule over the entire galaxy. For this forum game, I am planning on including the following options from the game's two expansions and a number of house rules:
  • Wormhole Nexus; modified preset galaxy creation
  • Modified starting location and race selection
  • Strategy card set from Shattered Empire with modification to Warfare II
  • Modified starting Secret Objective selection and completion
  • Mixed Public Objective deck from base set and Shattered Empire with modifications
  • Action Card deck cut from combined 170-card deck to 101 or 120 cards
  • Political Card deck cut from combined 110-card deck to 50 or 60 cards; Political cards cannot be spent as Trade Goods
  • Racial Technologies, Flagships, Mechanized Units with modification
  • Tactical Retreats
  • Custodians of Mecatol Rex

Rules and Utilities

Base Set Rules
Shattered Empire Rules
Shards of the Throne Rules
Official FAQ
Tech Tree

Previous Games on PA: Game I, Game II, Game III (setup), Game IV, Game V, Game VI, Game VII, Game VIII, Game IX, Game X

There are a lot of rules to read through, and the summary I am putting into these opening posts will not be entirely comprehensive. I recommend reading through the Walkthrough/Tutorial linked above for starters and as a good review of the base game for veterans. You might also want to look at previous games played on the forum for an idea of the flow of the game. Keep an eye out for text in darkorange to note house rule modifications.

In general, actions will be noted in bold dodgerblue, bold limegreen, and bold red: see the sections below for specific formatting. Alternatively, players may post actions in bold using their race's color. Except for conversations between teammates and those initiated by the host, all inter-player conversation must be done in-thread. If you have need for clarifications, feel free to ask in bold darkorange.

Game Objectives
In order to claim the Imperial Throne of Mecatol Rex, players must accumulate 9 victory points (VP). VPs are earned by fulfilling Objective cards, including both Public Objectives and Secret Objectives. As soon as any player has completed 9 VP worth of Objectives, the game ends immediately, even if another player could have gained more VP later in the round.

The Public Objective deck is comprised of 6 Stage I cards and 5 Stage II cards. Among the Stage II cards is "Imperium Rex", which acts as a bit of a game clock: if it is revealed, the game ends immediately and the player with the most VPs wins. In case of a tie, ties are broken in order by number of Objective Cards fulfilled, number of planets controlled, number of reserve Command Counters, and number of allocated Command Counters. If none of these measures break the tie, then the game ends in a draw.

At the start of the game, each player starts with two Secret Objective cards in hand. When a player completes a Secret Objective, all remaining Secret Objectives in their hand (even if they have drawn additional objectives) are returned to the Secret Objective deck and the deck shuffled.

Races and Special Abilities
The Clan of Saar
  • Starting Units: 4 Ground Forces, 2 Carriers, 2 Fighters, 1 Cruiser, 1 Space Dock
  • Starting Technologies: Antimass Deflectors, XRD Transporter
  • Trade Contracts: 1, 2
  • Gain 1 Trade Good every time you acquire a new planet.
  • Your Space Docks have a movement of 1, but may not build during the same activation in which they move. Your Space Docks are never placed on planets and have a production capacity of 4. Your Space Docks are destroyed if ever present with an opponent’s ship without any of your ships present.
  • You may fulfill Objectives even if you don’t control your Home System.
  • Racial Technology: Floating Factory (Cost: +3) - Your Space Docks have a production capacity of 5, a fighter capacity of 5, and receive +1 movement.
  • Racial Technology: Chaos-Mapping (Cost: +2) - You may activate Asteroid Field systems. Your Fleet Supply limit in Asteroid Field systems is 3 (which cannot be modified).
  • Flagship: Son of Ragh (Cost: 10) - Battle 6 (x3), Movement 1, Capacity 4, Sustain Damage - This ship rolls 4 dice for your anti-Fighter barrage.

The L1z1x Mindnet
  • Starting Units: 1 Space Dock, 1 Carrier, 5 Ground Forces, 1 Dreadnought, 3 Fighters, 1 PDS.
  • Starting Technologies: Enviro Compensator, Stasis Capsules, Cybernetics, Hylar V Assault Laser
  • Trade Contracts: 1, 1
  • The base cost of your Dreadnought units starts at 4.
  • Your Dreadnought units receive +1 during Space Battles, and your ground Force units receive +1 when attacking during Invasion Combat.
  • You start with one extra Command Counter in your Strategic Allocation area.
  • Racial Technology: Dreadnought Invasion Pod (Cost: +2) - Your Dreadnoughts may now carry 1 additional ground Force unit.
  • Racial Technology: Inheritance Systems (Cost: +5) - When researching Technology using the Technology Strategy Card, you may spend 2 additional resources to ignore the Technology’s prerequisites.
  • Flagship: 0.0.1 (Cost: 11) - Battle 5 (x3), Movement 1, Capacity 2, Sustain Damage - When this ship is present, all hits from your Flagship and Dreadnoughts must be taken by opposing non-Fighter ships (if able).

The Emirates of Hacan
  • Starting Units: 4 Ground Units, 2 Carriers, 1 Cruiser, 2 Fighters, 1 Space Dock
  • Starting Technologies: Enviro Compensator, Sarween Tools
  • Trade Contracts: 3, 3
  • Your trades do not require approval during Trade Negotiations.
  • You do not need to spend a Command Counter to execute the Secondary Ability of the Trade Strategy. When you receive Trade Goods from one of your Trade Agreements, you receive one additional Trade Good.
  • No player may ever, except for war, break a Trade Contract with you.
  • During the Status Phase, you may trade Action Cards with other players.
  • Racial Technology: Production Centers (Cost: +3) - As an Action, you may spend one command Counter from your Strategy Allocation area to gain 6 Trade Goods. You must then give 2 of your Trade Goods to one other player. You may only do this once per turn, and only if you have fewer than 6 Trade Goods.
  • Racial Technology: Quantum Datahub Node (Cost: +5) - At the end of the Strategy Phase, you may trade one of your Strategy Cards with a Strategy Card belonging to one of your trade partners. The other player does not need to agree to this trade.
  • Flagship: Wrath of Kenara (Cost: 10) - Battle 7 (x3), Movement 2, Capacity 4, Sustain Damage - When this ship is present, up to two times each combat round, you may spend 1 Trade Good to reroll one of your dice.

Sardakk N’orr
  • Starting Units: 5 Ground Forces, 1 Carrier, 1 Cruiser, 1 PDS, 1 Space Dock
  • Starting Technologies: Hylar V Assault Laser, Deep Space Cannon
  • Trade Contracts: 1, 2
  • You receive +1 on your Combat Rolls.
  • Racial Technology: Valkyrie Armor (Cost: +3) - At the end of a round of Invasion Combat, roll one die for each casualty you take. For each 10 you roll, your opponent must immediately take 1 additional casualty.
  • Racial Technology: Exotrireme (Cost: +4) - At the end of a round of Space Battle, you may destroy 1 of your Dreadnoughts present to destroy 2 present enemy ships of your choice.
  • Flagship: C’morran Norr (Cost: 10) - Battle 5 (x3), Movement 1, Capacity 2, Sustain Damage - You receive +1 to your space combat rolls in this system.

The Yin Brotherhood
  • Starting Units: 4 Ground Forces, 2 Carriers, 1 Destroyer, 4 Fighters, 1 Space Dock
  • Starting Technologies: Hylar V Assault Laser, Automated Defense Turrets
  • Trade Contracts: 1, 1
  • Before an Invasion Combat in which you are the attacker begins, you may roll 1 die. On a 5+ your opponent loses 1 Ground Force and you gain 1 Ground Force.
  • Immediately before the second round of a Space Battle, you may discard one of your participating Destroyers or Cruisers to choose one opposing ship present and immediately inflict one hit on it.
  • Once per turn, as an Action, you may place your control marker on an unexhausted Planet Card you control. Until the end of the round, its Influence and Resource values are reversed.
  • Racial Technology: Fanaticism (Cost: +4) - You may use your race’s special ability twice at the start of each Invasion Combat.
  • Racial Technology: Yin Spinner (Cost: +2) - Build 1 free Ground Force each time you build units at a Space Dock. This free Ground Force does not count towards any build limits.
  • Flagship: Van Hauge (Cost: 10) - Battle 5 (x2), Movement 1, Capacity 4, Sustain Damage - Your Ground Force units in this system may participate in Space Battle as if they were Fighters.

The Mentak Coalition
  • Starting Units: 1 Carrier, 3 Cruisers, 1 Space Dock, 1 PDS, 4 Ground Forces
  • Starting Technologies: Hylar V Assault Laser, Enviro Compensator
  • Trade Contracts: 1, 1
  • You start the game with one additional Command Counter in your Fleet Supply area.
  • Before a Space Battle begins (in which you are participating), you may fire with up to two Cruisers or Destroyers (or a mix thereof). Enemy casualties are taken immediately, with no return fire allowed.
  • During the Strategy Phase, you may take one Trade Good token from up to two different players. Each such target player must have at least 3 Trade Goods on his Race Sheet.
  • Racial Technology: Salvage Operations (Cost: +4) - Gain 2 Trade Goods at the end of each Space Battle in which you participate. If you won the battle, you may build one ship in the system of a unit type that you destroyed during combat. You must pay the ship’s resource cost.
  • Racial Technology: Mirror Computing (Cost: +4) - When you spend Trade Goods, each Trade Good counts as 2 resources or 2 influence (instead of 1).
  • Flagship: Fourth Moon (Cost: 8) - Battle 5 (x2), Movement 2, Capacity 2, Sustain Damage - Opposing ships may not use the sustain damage ability in this system.

Game Setup
The game map will follow a preset arrangement according to the template found here. In the preset map, most systems will be filled with randomly selected systems of the indicated type.

Once the game map has been created, players each draw two Secret Objective cards, and the Public Objective deck is created with the top card immediately revealed. Six races are randomly dealt out for selection. Players will conduct a snake draft for starting location, race, and speaker token. Each player will, on their turn, select a race, starting location, or claim the speaker token. Only one person may claim the speaker token: if taken, that player automatically takes the final choice of race or starting location. If no players claim the speaker token, it is given to the first player in the order.

After race and start location selection, Custodians of Mecatol Rex tokens are placed on Mecatol Rex (see Odds and Ends). Simultaneously, players place their starting units and receive starting technologies. Players then receive 2 Political Cards and allocate 2 Command Counters to Strategy Allocation, 3 counters to Fleet Supply, and 3 counters to Command Pool. The game begins with the first Strategy Phase.

General Game Flow
The game is played over a number of rounds, typically 5-10 in total. Each round is divided into three parts: the Strategy Phase, the Action Phase, and the Status Phase. In the Strategy Phase, players select Strategy Cards: this determines the special action that player may take during the round as well as play order. The bulk of activity takes place in the Action Phase: here players may deploy abilities specified by their choice of Strategy Card, activate systems for unit movement, space combat, invasion of planets, and building of new units, or to play certain action cards. Once everybody has passed their turns in the Action Phase, the Status Phase allows for players to score victory points by claiming objectives and refreshes the board setup for the next round of play.

Strategy Phase
In the Strategy Phase, players select Strategy Cards for the round. Each Strategy Card has a special ability and determines play order in the Action Phase. Starting from the player with the Speaker token and moving clockwise, each player will choose a card; each card may be selected by at most one player. To select a Strategy Card, note your selection in bold dodgerblue. Example:

I select the (1) Leadership Strategy Card.

At the end of the Strategy Phase, there will be two unselected Strategy Cards. A Bonus counter will be added to each card as incentive for selection in future rounds. When a player selects a Strategy Card with a Bonus counter, they immediately exchange each counter for either a Trade Good or Command Counter.

Action Phase
Starting with the player with the lowest-numbered Strategy Card and moving up in number, players take actions sequentially until all players have passed. There are four different types of actions that players can perform: the Strategic Action, Tactical Action, Transfer Action, and using Action Cards that are played as actions. Details about the first three actions are contained in the following sections. The fourth is straightforward: the acting player declares the card they wish to play in bold dodgerblue, noting its effects. For expediency in the forum game environment, players do not need to declare use of the Action Card, wait for others to declare, and then actually play the card. (Please note that the two-step declare-then-play protocol still applies for other phases of the game, including the Strategy Phase, Status Phase, and battles.) Example:

I play an Action Card: Alien Technology.
I exhaust Arnor (2R) and Saudor (2R) to gain the technology Sarween Tools.

If a player does not wish to make any more actions during the round, they may pass their turn. Players must use the Strategic Action specified on their Strategy Card before ending their turn for the round. Players who have passed their turn will still be able to participate in secondary abilities from other players’ Strategic Actions, but take no further actions in the Action Phase. Players may pass their turn in bold red. Example:

I PASS my turn.

MrBlarney on


  • MrBlarneyMrBlarney Registered User regular
    Strategic Action and Strategy Cards
    With a Strategic Action, players activate the ability specified on their chosen Strategy Card. After executing the primary ability, all other players, including players who have already passed their turn, will have a chance to make use of the secondary ability listed on the card by spending a Command Counter from their Strategy Allocation. Normally, players make their choices clockwise from the primary player, but for the purposes of the forum game environment, players may choose to pass or play on a secondary ability out of order if they wish. Text of each card and a short explanation and example for each follow below. Generally, use of a Strategy Card ability is noted in bold dodgerblue. Usage example:

    I activate the primary ability...
    I PLAY the secondary ability...
    I PASS on the secondary ability.

    (1) Leadership
    Primary Ability: Take Charge Receive 3 Command Counters from your reinforcements. You may then immediately use this card's secondary ability.
    Secondary Ability: Masterful Tactician You may spend influence to purchase up to 3 Command Counters from your reinforcements. You receive 1 Command Counter for every 2 influence you spend.

    Notes: Unlike other Strategy Cards, there is no need to spend a Strategy Allocation counter to use this card’s secondary ability. Usage examples:

    I activate the primary ability of the (1) Leadership Strategy Card and exhaust Mellon (2I), placing 1 counter into Strategy Allocation, 1 into Fleet Supply, and 2 into Command Pool.

    I PLAY the secondary ability, exhausting Dal Bootha (2I) to place 1 Command Counter into my Command Pool.
    (2) Diplomacy II
    Primary Ability: Demilitarized Zone Choose either a) or b):
    a) Choose one system containing a planet you control. Each opponent must place one of his Command Counters into the system from his reinforcements.
    b) Execute the secondary ability of this card without paying a Command Counter or any influence.
    Secondary Ability: Peaceful Annexation Spend 1 Command Counter from your Strategy Allocation area and 3 Influence to claim an empty planet adjacent to a system you control. Place your Command Marker on the planet.

    Notes: The a) side of the primary ability protects a system from interference by other players; if they have no counters in their reserves they must take one from their race sheet if possible. Players may not use the secondary ability to take control of Mecatol Rex or a planet that was just annexed by another player using this ability during the same activation. Players may annex planets under the control of other players if the opponent has no ground units based at that planet. Usage examples:

    I activate the primary ability of the (2) Diplomacy II Strategy Card, choosing option a) and targeting the Abyz-Fria system.

    I PLAY the secondary ability, spending a Strategy Allocation Counter and exhausting Torkan (3I) to annex Vefut II.
    (3) Assembly
    Primary Ability: Senate Draw 1 Political Card and 2 Action Cards. Then choose either a) or b):
    a) Claim the Speaker token and choose one other player to play a Political Card and resolve its agenda. You may not choose this option if you are already the Speaker.
    b) Choose one other player to claim the Speaker token. Play a Political Card from your hand and resolve its agenda. You must select a player that is not currently Speaker.
    Secondary Ability: Morale Boost Spend 1 Command Counter from your Strategy Allocation area to refresh any number of your Planet Cards with total combined resource and influence of 6 or less.

    Notes: If a player selected to play a Political Card has none to play, the top card of the Political Card deck is drawn and resolved instead. After negotiation, players vote on the agenda, starting to the left of the Speaker, with the option to also abstain from a vote. Each player's vote is worth the amount of influence on their unexhausted planets (minimum 1); Trade Goods may not be spent here to increase the power of the vote. The option with the most votes wins, with the Speaker breaking any ties. Usage examples:

    I activate the primary ability of the (3) Assembly Strategy Card, choosing option a) to claim the Speaker token and choosing The Universities of Jol-Nar to play a card. (The activating player may wait to receive cards before making a choice)
    Selected player under option a): I choose to bring "Ancient Artifact" to a vote., and posting the Political Card text.
    Voting: I vote FOR the agenda, I vote AGAINST the agenda., I ELECT <item> for the agenda., I ABSTAIN from the agenda.

    I PLAY the secondary ability, spending a Strategy Allocation Counter to refresh Lodor and Xxehan.
    (4) Production
    Primary Ability: Tight Deadlines Immediately build units in one of your systems containing one or more friendly Space Docks, receiving 2 additional resources with which to build, even if you have activated this system already. Building units here does not activate the system.
    Secondary Ability: Double Efforts Spend 1 Command Counter from your Strategy Allocation area to immediately build up to 3 units in one of your systems containing one or more friendly Space Docks, even if you have activated this system already. Building units here does not activate the system.

    Notes: Players are still limited by the normal production capacity of Space Docks during activation of this card. Usage examples:

    I activate the primary ability of the (4) Production Strategy Card, exhausting Fria (2R) to build a Cruiser (2R) and 2 Destroyers (2R) at the Space Dock on Abyz.

    I PLAY the secondary ability, spending a Strategy Allocation Counter and exhausting Lodor (3R) to build a Cruiser (2R) and 2 Fighters (1R) at the Space Dock on Lodor.
    (5) Trade II
    Primary Ability: Free Trade Receive 3 Trade Goods or cancel up to 2 trade agreements. Then all players receive Trade Goods from their active trade agreements. Players who are not the active player receive 1 fewer total Trade Goods. Finally, open trade negotiations among all players. You must approve all new trade agreements.

    Notes: Each race has two Trade Contracts that they may exchange with others to earn Trade Goods in the Trade Strategy Card, and trade agreements must be made between different races (i.e. you can’t exchange both Contracts with the same race). Negotiation is encouraged when making and approving agreements. There is no secondary ability associated with this Strategy card. Players do not need to declare the Trade Goods they gain, but may do so optionally. Usage examples:

    I activate the primary ability of the (5) Trade II Strategy Card, receiving 6 Trade Goods (3 free + 3 from agreements). or
    I activate the primary ability of the (5) Trade II Strategy Card, breaking the Trade agreement between The Universities of Jol-Nar and The Barony of Letnev. I collect 3 Trade Goods (all from agreements).

    When trying to create an agreement: I request the creation of a Trade Agreement between myself [2] and The Xxcha Kingdom [2].
    When approving a trade: I approve of the creation of a Trade Agreement between The Xxcha Kingdom [2] and The Federation of Sol [2].
    (6) Warfare II*
    Primary Ability: High Alert Place the High Alert token in a system. Your ships in the system with the token gain +1 movement and +1 on all rolls during Space Combat. If you move any ships from this system, you may move the token with them. Remove the token from the board at the start of the next Status Phase.
    Secondary Ability: Reinforce Spend 1 Command Counter from your Strategy Allocation area to move up to two of your ships from unactivated systems into any adjacent systems that do not contain enemy units. Then place one of your Command Counters from your reinforcements in each destination system that you did not control before the movement.

    Notes: The High Alert token does not affect the performance of ground units, nor does it affect pre-combat abilities. Moving ships using the secondary ability does not trigger PDS Fire. Control of a system is defined by control of all planets in the system (if any) and the presence of at least one non-Fighter friendly ship. Usage examples:

    I activate the primary ability of the (6) Warfare II Strategy Card, placing the High Alert token in the Abyz-Fria system.

    I PLAY the secondary ability, spending a Strategy Allocation Counter to move a Destroyer from Quann to Qucen'n-Rarron and a Cruiser from Dal Bootha-Xxehan to Qucen'n-Rarron.
    (7) Technology II
    Primary Ability: Technological Focus Receive one Technology advance. You may then buy a second Technology advance at the cost of 8 resources. You must have the necessary prerequisites for each Technology.
    Secondary Ability: Advanced Development Spend 1 Command Counter from your Strategy Allocation area and 6 resources to receive one Technology advance (for which you have the necessary prerequisites.

    Notes: Common technologies are divided into four categories and organized into a tech tree. (Tech Tree) If purchasing technology, the cost may be reduced by one for each technology specialty icon matching the type of technology you wish to buy on your unexhausted planets. You do not have to exhaust such planets during technology purchasing to gain their bonus. Each race also has two Race-Specific Technologies only they may purchase. These technologies have no prerequisites, are colorless, and incur an additional resource cost to purchase; this includes if the technology is selected for the 'free' technology in the primary ability. Usage examples:

    I activate the primary ability of the (7) Technology II Strategy Card and exhaust Abyz (3R) to gain racial technology "Production Centers". (Hacan racial technology costing +3 resources)

    I PLAY the secondary ability, spending a Strategy Allocation Counter, exhausting Abyz (3R), Fria (2R), and using the Fria Technology specialty to gain "XRD Transporters".
    (8) Bureaucracy
    SPECIAL After selecting this Strategy Card, reveal cards from the Objective deck equal to the number of Bonus Counters on this card.
    Primary Ability: Senatorial Control Receive 1 Command Counter from your reinforcements. Then draw the top two cards from the Objective deck. Place one faceup in the common play area and the other on the top of the deck. You may then immediately claim one public objective that you qualify for.
    Secondary Ability: New Agendas Spend 1 Command Counter from your Strategy Allocation area to draw one Political Card and one Action Card.

    Notes: If "Imperium Rex" is revealed, whether by the special action or primary ability, the game ends immediately without any further player actions (including qualification for further objectives). A player must control all planets in their home system in order to claim an objective. Usage examples:

    I activate the primary ability of the (8) Bureaucracy Strategy Card, placing a Command Counter into Command Pool.
    After receiving Objective Cards: I reveal the following Objective Card:, and posting the Objective Card text.[/color][/b]

    I PLAY the secondary ability, spending a Strategy Allocation Counter to draw one Political Card and one Action Card.

    Tactical Action
    With a Tactical Action, players may activate a system for movement, invasion, or production. The following steps are taken in a Tactical Action:
    1. Activate a System One counter will be spent from the Command Pool to activate the chosen system.
    2. Movement into the System Ships cannot be moved out of activated systems and cannot pass through systems with non-Fighter enemy ships. Units with carry ability can pick up units at any time during their movement as long as the systems do not contain enemy ships and are not previously activated.
    3. PDS Fire If there are any enemy PDS units in range, play will be paused to allow their owning players the opportunity to decide whether or not to react. The active player may then choose to activate their own PDS units, if any. Hits are scored as in Space Battles (see below) by each player.
    4. Space Battles A Space Battle occurs when ships of different players are in the same system. See section below.
    5. Planetary Landings Units being carried may be landed at this time; they may be split between multiple planets.
    6. Invasion Combat Invasion Combat occurs when units of different players are in the same planet. See section below.
    7. Produce Units Players may exhaust planets and spend trade goods to build units at a previously established Space Dock, or to build a Space Dock if the planet it is being built on has been controlled the entire round. The maximum number of units that may be produced is equal to 2 plus the resource value of the planet housing the Space Dock.
    If a planet is taken, either by landing a Ground Force or Mechanized Unit on an empty planet or winning Invasion Combat, the planet card is received in exhausted state. Example:

    I spend a Command Pool Counter to activate the Tar'mann system and perform a Tactical Action.
    A Carrier with two Fighters and two Ground Forces from Tequ'ran-Torkan and a Cruiser from the Xxcha Home System will be moved in.
    (If there were PDS in the area, the action would pause for PDS fire. Assuming the system is empty,)
    I land two Ground Forces onto Tar'mann, taking control of the planet.

    Building units: I exhaust Bereg (3R) to build a Cruiser (2R) and two Fighters (1R).

    Space Battles and Invasion Combat
    Before a Space Battle, pre-combat Actions and anti-Fighter barrage occur. In Anti-Fighter Barrage, each player rolls two dice for each Destroyer they have in the system. Each hit (roll on d10+modifiers at or above the ship’s combat value) destroys a Fighter in the opponent’s fleet. Once complete, Space Battles are resolved in rounds:
    1. Announce Withdrawals/Retreats Attacker has first option to declare a retreat, followed by the Defender. Players may retreat into an adjacent activated system without enemy ships. Alternatively, the defender may spend a counter from Strategy Allocation to activate an adjacent empty or friendly system for the purposes of retreat.
    2. Roll Combat Dice Both players simultaneously roll outcomes for all their ships.
    3. Remove Casualties Both players decide what ships to remove from their own fleets; attacker removes first.
    4. Execute Withdrawals/Retreats If there are still ships of both players in the system and a retreat was declared, it is executed now.
    Battle rounds continue until a player retreats or only ships of one kind (or fewer) remain in the system. Generally, battles will be conducted via private message, and it is encouraged to have conditional orders in place with me in order to expedite the process. Results will be announced in thread at battle’s completion.

    Invasion Combat flows similarly to Space Battles, but without a retreat option. Pre-combat, the attacker has the option of using Planetary Bombardment with his Dreadnoughts and War Suns and the defender may use PDS fire. For Bombardment, ships must be split between planets if there are multiple invasions, and Dreadnoughts may not bombard planets that contain enemy PDS units. PDS units must be on the planet being invaded to be used in PDS fire. For each hit by each player, one Ground Force is removed or one Mechanized Unit is damaged (but not destroyed). Remaining Ground Forces and Mechanized Units fight it out in rounds of rolling combat dice, then removing casualties. If the attacker wins with at least one Ground Force or Mechanized Unit remaining, then he gains control of the planet. All enemy Space Dock and PDS units are destroyed.

    The number of each type of unit a player may have on the board is limited, with the exception of Ground Forces and Fighters. Even then, there is a maximum number of 'divisions' of each type. Certain units have a Sustain Damage ability that allows them to take one hit without being destroyed. Damaged units are not hampered combat-wise, though a second hit will destroy them. Damaged ships are repaired in the Status Phase.
    • Space Dock Cost: 4, Max Available: 3. Ground unit, cannot be carried. No combat capabilities, but can support three Fighter units. Builds units; cannot produce units the same turn it is built. If blockaded (in a system with enemy ships), only ground units can be built. Maximum of one can be present on each planet.
    • Ground Force Cost: 1 (for 2), Max Available: unlimited in 12 divisions, Combat Value: 8. Ground unit. Can establish control of planets.
    • Mechanized Unit Cost: 2, Max Available: 4, Combat Value: 6 (x2). Ground unit, can sustain damage. Can establish control of planets. Can be damaged (but not destroyed) by bombardment and PDS fire.
    • PDS (Planetary Defense System) Cost: 2, Max Available: 6, Combat Value: 6. Ground unit, Planetary Shield (defend against bombardment), PDS Fire abilities. Maximum of two can be present on each planet.
    • Fighter Cost: 1 (for 2), Max Available: unlimited in 10 divisions, Combat Value: 9. Space unit, must be supported by a Space Dock or unit with carry capacity.
    • Carrier Cost: 3, Max Available: 4, Combat Value: 9, Movement: 1. Space unit. Carry capacity of 6 units. If destroyed, any carried Ground units are immediately lost.
    • Destroyer Cost: 1, Max Available: 8, Combat Value: 9, Movement: 2. Space unit, can use Anti-fighter barrage.
    • Cruiser Cost: 2, Max Available: 8, Combat Value: 7, Movement: 2. Space unit.
    • Dreadnought Cost: 5, Max Available: 5, Combat Value: 5, Movement: 1. Space unit, can bombard, can sustain damage.
    • War Sun Cost: 12, Max Available: 2, Combat Value: 3 (x3), Movement: 2. Space unit, can bombard through Planetary Shield, can sustain damage. Carry capacity of 6 units. If destroyed, any carried Ground units are immediately lost. Requires tech advance to build.
    • Flagship Cost: Varies, Max Available: 1, Combat Value: Varies, Movement: Varies. Space unit, unique stats dependent on race. May only be built at player’s home system.

    Transfer Action
    The Transfer Action bears similarities to the Tactical Action, but can only be used in friendly systems and used only for reorganization of units and production. The following steps are taken in a Transfer Action, with exceptions listed where they differ from the Tactical Action:
    1. Activate Two Systems One counter will come from the Command Pool like in a Tactical Action, the other will come from the reserve tokens. Both systems must be “friendly”, containing at least one friendly unit and no enemy units, and must be adjacent to each other.
    2. Movement Between Systems
    3. PDS Fire
    4. Planetary Landings Units may not be landed on neutral or enemy-controlled planets in the Transfer Action.
    5. Produce Units Units may be produced or a Space Dock may be built at only one of the activated systems.

    I spend a Command Pool Counter to activate the Saudor and Arinam-Meer systems and perform a Transfer Action.
    A Carrier with two Fighters and two Ground Forces will move from Saudor to Arinam-Meer; a Cruiser will move from Arinam-Meer to Saudor.
    I will land one Ground Force from the Carrier to each of Arinam and Meer.
    I will exhaust Saudor (2R) and spend 2 Trade Goods to build a Space Dock on Arinam.

  • MrBlarneyMrBlarney Registered User regular
    edited November 2016
    Status Phase
    Once all players have passed their turns, the Action Phase ends and the Status Phase begins. In the Status Phase, the following steps are taken in order:
    1. Qualify for Public/Preliminary/Secret Objective Cards Players may qualify for at most one Public Objective Card and one Secret Objective Card per round. A player must control all planets in their home system in order to claim an objective. All players may claim each Public Objective once; players may not claim other players' Secret Objectives.
    2. Repair Damaged Ships
    3. Remove Command Counters Counters are removed from the board and returned to players' reserves.
    4. Refresh Planet Cards Trade stations and certain worlds have Refresh abilities that can be used immediately after refreshing, causing them to become exhausted.
    5. Receive 1 Action Card and 2 Command Counters
    6. Redistribute Command Areas If a player reduces their Fleet Supply, they must make sure their fleet numbers are in compliance with the new number.
    7. Return Strategy Cards Strategy Cards return to the common area for selection in the next Strategy Phase.
    Players may also scuttle units during the Status Phase, returning the unit to the reserves. Most steps are automatic; outside of potential Action Card plays and scuttling units, players need only declare how they are redistributing their Command Counters in the Status Phase. Example:

    I gain 2 Command Counters, placing one in Strategy Allocation and one in Command Pool., or I gain 2 Command Counters, rearranging my Command Areas to include 2 in Strategy Allocation, 4 in Fleet Supply, and 2 in Command Pool.

    Odds and Ends
    • At the start of the game, Mecatol Rex is assigned two Custodians of Mecatol Rex tokens. Before any player may establish control over the planet, they must defeat a standing force of 3 Fighters and 2 Ground Forces. The Fighters are immune to Anti-Fighter Barrage, the Ground Forces immune to Bombardment. Each token returns to full strength if not defeated, but when beaten they are permanently removed from the game, even if control over Mecatol Rex is later lost.
    • As described above, Command Counters in the Strategy Allocation area are (generally) used to play the secondary abilities of Strategy Cards, and counters in the Command Pool area are used to activate systems in Tactical and Transfer actions. Command Counters in the Fleet Supply area are not spent, but instead indicate the maximum number of friendly non-Fighter ships that can be supported in a single system at any time. Each player has a maximum of 16 Command Counters available in the game. If a game effect requires the placement of a Counter from the reserves and none is available, the counter must be taken from one of the allocated areas.
    • Keep in mind that removing all Ground units from a world after establishing control does not relinquish it. Only when an enemy takes over control does ownership transfer.
    • Certain map hexes have special features. Hexes with matching-lettered wormholes are considered adjacent by movement. Asteroid Field systems are impassable unless a player has the Antimass Deflectors technology; even then, movement may not end in this system. Supernova systems are completely impassable to movement. Nebula systems can be activated, but units may not move through them in a single activation. Ships defend with a +1 bonus to combat rolls while inside a Nebula, but their movement is reduced to 1 when moving out of a Nebula system. Ion Storms, much like Nebulas, can be activated, but cannot be passed through without stopping. While inside an Ion Storm, ships may not be fired upon by PDS Units, and Fighters do not fire in combat (though they still may be taken as casualties). Gravity Rifts have a chance of destroying any ship that leaves or moves through the system: for each ship a die is rolled and on a 1-5, the ship and any carried units are destroyed.
    • With the additional components from the expansions, the Trade Good pool is effectively unlimited (88 in total). Trade Goods may be spent at any time as 1 resource or 1 influence, except in voting. Trade Goods are also notable for normally being the only component that may be freely traded between players. Transfers may be performed at any time by noting the action in bold dodgerblue; these are good bargaining chips when making negotiations.
    • Trade Contracts may be broken unilaterally by a player in the Status Phase if they desire. Contracts are also automatically broken if trade partners engage in a Space Battle or Invasion Combat.
    • When playing an Action Card outside of simply as an action, a player must first declare that they are making an Action Card play, after which all other players may also declare a play, or pass. If multiple players wish to play cards at the same time, resolution is in play order (which differs in the Strategy Phase, Action Phase, and Status Phase). The exception to Action Card declaration is the play of "Sabotage" cards: these do not need to be declared until they are played reactively to another Action Card being played. To declare the play of a card, note it in bold dodgerblue at the appropriate period in which it will be played.
    • The maximum hand size for Action Cards is seven. If a player exceeds this number at any time, they must immediately discard down to seven, even if they have more Action Cards to draw. In the latter case, the player may continue drawing cards after discarding down to seven.
    • A similar maximum hand size also exists for Political Cards at five. Unlike the rules as written, Political cards cannot be spent as Trade Goods.
    • To aid in recordkeeping, and as a common courtesy, it is recommended that you list the number of Trade Goods, Action Cards, Political Cards, and Command Counter Allocation in bold limegreen after each of your actions. For example, at the start of the game, your status might look like this:

      TG/AC/PC: 2/0/2
      SA/FS/CC: 2/3/3

    Game State Links
    Game Signups
    Round 0: Galaxy Creation
    Round 1: Start of Strategy Phase, Start of Action Phase, Update 1, Update 2, Update 3, Update 4, Update 5, Start of Status Phase
    Round 2: Start of Strategy Phase, Start of Action Phase, Update 1, Update 2, Update 3, Update 4, Update 5, Start of Status Phase
    Round 3: Start of Strategy Phase, Start of Action Phase, Update 1, Update 2, Update 3, Update 4, Start of Status Phase
    Round 4: Start of Strategy Phase, Start of Action Phase, Update 1, Update 2, Update 3, Update 4, Update 5, Start of Status Phase
    Round 5: Start of Strategy Phase, Start of Action Phase, Update 1, Update 2, Update 3, Update 4, Start of Status Phase
    Round 6: Start of Strategy Phase, Start of Action Phase, Update 1, Update 2, Update 3, Start of Status Phase
    Round 7: Start of Strategy Phase, Start of Action Phase, Update 1, Update 2, Update 3, Update 4, Status Phase

    Sardakk N'orr have reached 9 VP and are the winners of the game!

    MrBlarney on
  • MrBlarneyMrBlarney Registered User regular
    Signup Period

    People interested in playing should indicate their interest by posting a message indicating such in bold limegreen. Please also indicate whether you prefer the previously-trimmed deck count or the more-trimmed decks. I'll close signups Thursday 2016 January 7, 9pm PST, conditional on there being at least six interested players. Six players will be selected randomly for game participation; remaining players will act as reserves in case someone drops from the game or is no longer interested in playing.

    Please take note of the optional modules and numerous house rules that will be employed in this game, as listed at the top of the opening post:
    • Wormhole Nexus; modified preset galaxy creation
    • Modified starting location and race selection
    • Strategy card set from Shattered Empire with modification to Warfare II
    • Modified starting Secret Objective selection and completion
    • Mixed Public Objective deck from base set and Shattered Empire with modifications
    • Action Card deck cut from combined 170-card deck to 101 or 120 cards
    • Political Card deck cut from combined 110-card deck to 50 or 60 cards; Political cards cannot be spent as Trade Goods
    • Racial Technologies, Flagships, Mechanized Units with modification
    • Tactical Retreats
    • Custodians of Mecatol Rex

    I am quite open to suggestions for other changes. In particular, please note that Political Cards may not be spent as Trade Goods and do not come with Trade Goods and Shock Troops will not be used in this game. To aid in your discussion, elaboration on a few of the points above follows:

    Start Location, Race, and Starting Player Selection:
    Unlike previous games, galaxy creation will follow a pre-set formula, using this template. There is still some randomness in which worlds are selected for each position. After galaxy creation, there will be a snake draft for race, starting position, and speaker token.

    Mixed Public Objective Deck:
    For fairness, here is the list of Public Objectives that will be employed:

    Stage I
    [1 VP] I have at least 5 Technology Advances.
    [1 VP] I have Technology Advances in all 4 colors.
    [1 VP] I now spend 8 resources or 8 influence.
    [1 VP] I now spend 3 Command Counters from my Command and/or Strategy Allocation areas.
    [1 VP] I am blockading an opponent’s Space Dock or have destroyed an opponent’s Space Dock this turn.
    [1 VP] I won a Space Battle against at least 3 opposing ships in one system this turn.
    [1 VP] I successfully invaded one planet containing at least 1 opposing Ground Force or Mechanized Unit this turn.
    [1 VP] I took control of 3 planets this turn.
    [1 VP] I control 5 planets outside my Home System.
    [1 VP] I control Mecatol Rex.

    Stage II
    [2 VP] I have at least 5 Technology Advances of the same color.
    [2 VP] I have at least 9 Technology Advances.
    [2 VP] I now spend 16 resources or 16 influence.
    [2 VP] I now spend 6 Command Counters from my Command and/or Strategy Allocation areas.
    [2 VP] I won two Space Battles this turn, each in different systems and against at least 3 opposing ships.
    [2 VP] I successfully invaded two planets, each containing at least 1 opposing Ground Force or Mechanized Unit, this turn.
    [2 VP] I control 10 planets outside my Home System.
    [2 VP] I control the Mecatol Rex system and at least 3 systems adjacent to it. I "control" a system if I have at least one (non-Fighter) ship there, and I control every planet in the system.
    [WIN] Domination!: I control all the planets in the Home Systems of two other players and have at least 4 (non-Fighter) ships in each.
    [GAME OVER] Imperium Rex: As soon as this card is revealed, the game ends immediately. The player with the most victory points wins the game.

    Trimmed Action and Political Card Decks:
    The trimming employed in previous games has been further modified from its previous trim of 120 Action Cards and 60 Political Cards to 101 Action Cards and 50 Political Cards. This trimming is built to try and reduce bookkeeping and was tailored in part to the preset map type being used in this game. When signing up, please voice your interest regarding which trim count you would prefer to try: {120,60} or {101,50}.

    If you would like to help voice your opinion in further trim attempts, rudimentary surveys are available at the following links: Action Cards, Political Cards. Feel free to send me a PM if you have any questions regarding these surveys.

  • SkiddlesSkiddles The frozen white northRegistered User regular
    You are insane sir, for running yet another of these with so little break.

    I will however salute you for continuing to be awesome and giving of your time.

    Reserve up in case you are wanting for new players

  • MrBlarneyMrBlarney Registered User regular
    It's actually not been that short of a break. I've had three weeks to develop the new setup for this game, that seems like a long enough grace period to me. And you should remember, I actually ran two games of TI3e at the same time two years ago. That is more of an ordeal, really. I just hope that others still have interest in playing, and that I haven't put this game up too soon after the start of the new year.

  • KaneskiKaneski Registered User regular
    !Sign Up

    Blarney the Champ.

  • AuralynxAuralynx Darkness is a perspective Watching the ego workRegistered User regular
    Let's see if I have a better time this go-around. Bump me first if you clear 6 people; I've done a lot more gaming generally since my last run at TI3 with MrBody, and wouldn't mind another crack at it, but the last one of these was not great for me.

  • PredaPreda Registered User regular
    Immediate sign up. Now I'll go read the new setup...

  • PhyphorPhyphor Building Planet Busters Tasting FruitRegistered User regular
    All hail Blarney!

    I will sign up!

  • Void SlayerVoid Slayer Very Suspicious Registered User regular
    Sign up or reserve

    The tech tree still gives me a headache on what is really worth it.

    He's a shy overambitious dog-catcher on the wrong side of the law. She's an orphaned psychic mercenary with the power to bend men's minds. They fight crime!
  • LykouraghLykouragh Registered User regular
    MrBlarney, I love you.

    Sign Up (but please let people who didn't get to play last time take my spot if there are too many signups).

  • PhyphorPhyphor Building Planet Busters Tasting FruitRegistered User regular
    edited January 2016
    Sign up or reserve

    The tech tree still gives me a headache on what is really worth it.

    I think tech is mostly A Trap, aside from movement enhancers and a few select buffs (cybernetics for fighter spam, duranium armor for letnev, etc)

    Advanced fighters, fleet logistics, nanotech, hypermetabolism, light/wave are quite good but very deep in the tree

    Phyphor on
  • KaneskiKaneski Registered User regular
    Phyphor wrote: »
    Sign up or reserve

    The tech tree still gives me a headache on what is really worth it.

    I think tech is mostly A Trap, aside from movement enhancers and a few select buffs (cybernetics for fighter spam, duranium armor for letnev, etc)

    Advanced fighters, fleet logistics, nanotech, hypermetabolism, light/wave are quite good but very deep in the tree

    The rest is too time-sensitive to be worth it even in mid-game. Things like Environmental Compensators and Sarween Tools are good times if you get them on turn 1 or 2. After that - not worth the investment, which almost certainly means any dependents are also not worth it. This factor alone made me like the way tech works in the Civ boardgame.

  • MrBlarneyMrBlarney Registered User regular
    We've got seven people signed up or on reserves, so we should be able to start the game tomorrow as planned. As a final reminder, if there are any opinions on the options being planned for the game, please be sure to voice them. Of special note, if there are no major objections, I will be planning on using the highly-trimmed decks of 101 and 50 cards rather than the 120 and 60 card decks from previous forum games.

  • KaneskiKaneski Registered User regular
    No issues with any of the rules, Chief.

  • MrBlarneyMrBlarney Registered User regular
    Round 0: Galaxy Creation

    The game map will follow a preset arrangement according to the template found here. Systems have been divided into piles as follows:

    Single-world systems are generally less-valuable than multi-world systems, but some (especially those from the expansions) have unique effects.
    1. Capha
    2. El'Nath
    3. Faunus
    4. Garbozia
    5. Hope's End
    6. Industrex
    7. Lesab
    8. Mehar Xull
    9. Mirage
    10. Perimiter
    11. Primor
    12. Saudor
    13. Sem-Lore
    14. Tar'mann
    15. Tempesta
    16. Thibah
    17. Vefut II
    18. Wellon

    Most Multi-world systems have two worlds, but two systems each contain three worlds.
    1. Abyz-Fria
    2. Arinam-Meer
    3. Arnor-Lor
    4. Ashtroth-Abaddon-Loki
    5. Bereg-Lirta IV
    6. Centauri-Gral
    7. Coorneeq-Resculon
    8. Dal Bootha-Xxehan
    9. Hercalor-Tiamat
    10. Lazar-Sakulag
    11. Lisis-Velnor
    12. Mellon-Zohbat
    13. New Albion-Starpoint
    14. Qucen'n-Rarron
    15. Rigel I-Rigel II-Rigel III
    16. Tequ'ran-Torkan
    17. Vega Minor-Vega Major

    Trade systems each contain one world and one Trade Station. Trade Stations are valuable for their flexibility in use for resources, influence, or trade goods.
    1. Arcurus-Sumerian
    2. Bellatrix-Tsion

    Red-bordered systems tend to impede movement in some way. Two of these systems house worlds that can provide valuable resources to their holders.
    1. Asteroid Field
    2. Asteroid Field
    3. Asteroid Field
    4. Asteroid Field
    5. Cormund-Gravity Rift
    6. Everra-Nebula
    7. Gravity Rift
    8. Ion Storm
    9. Ion Storm
    10. Nebula
    11. Nebula
    12. Supernova
    13. Supernova

    Permutations are being generated for system selection. Please wait patiently for galaxy construction...

    Geth roll 18p6 for Single-World Systems
    Geth roll 17p10 for Multi-World Systems
    Geth roll 2p2 for Trade Systems
    Geth roll 13p6 for Red-Bordered Systems

    Single-World Systems:
    18p6 13366080 [18p6=5, 4, 6, 3, 9, 15]
    Multi-World Systems:
    17p10 70572902400 [17p10=6, 5, 16, 3, 10, 15, 2, 12, 1, 11]
    Trade Systems:
    2p2 2 [2p2=2, 1]
    Red-Bordered Systems:
    13p6 1235520 [13p6=4, 5, 10, 7, 11, 13]

  • MrBlarneyMrBlarney Registered User regular
    Player and Race Selection

    Current Map: Start of Round 0, Galaxy Creation

    The following forum members have signed up to participate in this game:
    1. El Skid
    2. Kaneski
    3. Auralynx
    4. Preda
    5. Phyphor
    6. Void Slayer

    Lykouragh will serve as first reserve player. A permutation will be taken to determine the initial player order. A permutation will also be used to select player races, from the following list:
    1. The Emirates of Hacan
    2. Universities of Jol-Nar
    3. The L1z1x Mindnet
    4. The Barony of Letnev
    5. The Mentak Coalition
    6. The Naalu Collective
    7. Sardakk N'orr
    8. Federation of Sol
    9. The Xxcha Kingdom
    10. The Yssaril Tribes
    11. The Embers of Muaat
    12. The Clan of Saar
    13. The Winnu
    14. The Yin Brotherhood
    15. The Arborec
    16. The Ghosts of Creuss
    17. The Nekro Virus

    Geth roll 7p7 for Player Order
    Geth roll 17p6 for Races

    Player Order:
    7p7 5040 [7p7=3, 4, 6, 7, 2, 1, 5]
    17p6 8910720 [17p6=12, 3, 1, 7, 14, 5]

  • MrBlarneyMrBlarney Registered User regular
    edited January 2016
    (Ignoring the accidental 7 from the roll) the initial player order is as follows:
    1. Auralynx
    2. Preda
    3. Void Slayer
    4. Kaneski
    5. El Skid
    6. Phyphor

    The following races will be vying for the rule of the galaxy:

    The Clan of Saar
    • Home Worlds: Lisis II (1R, 0I), Ragh (2R, 1I)
    • Starting Units: 4 Ground Forces, 2 Carriers, 2 Fighters, 1 Cruiser, 1 Space Dock
    • Starting Technologies: Antimass Deflectors, XRD Transporter
    • Trade Contracts: 1, 2
    • Gain 1 Trade Good every time you acquire a new planet.
    • Your Space Docks have a movement of 1, but may not build during the same activation in which they move. Your Space Docks are never placed on planets and have a production capacity of 4. Your Space Docks are destroyed if ever present with an opponent’s ship without any of your ships present.
    • You may fulfill Objectives even if you don’t control your Home System.
    • Racial Technology: Floating Factory (Cost: +3) - Your Space Docks have a production capacity of 5, a fighter capacity of 5, and receive +1 movement.
    • Racial Technology: Chaos-Mapping (Cost: +2) - You may activate Asteroid Field systems. Your Fleet Supply limit in Asteroid Field systems is 3 (which cannot be modified).
    • Flagship: Son of Ragh (Cost: 10) - Battle 6 (x3), Movement 1, Capacity 4, Sustain Damage - This ship rolls 4 dice for your anti-Fighter barrage.

    The L1z1x Mindnet
    • Home World: [0.0.0] (5R, 0I)
    • Starting Units: 1 Space Dock, 1 Carrier, 5 Ground Forces, 1 Dreadnought, 3 Fighters, 1 PDS.
    • Starting Technologies: Enviro Compensator, Stasis Capsules, Cybernetics, Hylar V Assault Laser
    • Trade Contracts: 1, 1
    • The base cost of your Dreadnought units starts at 4.
    • Your Dreadnought units receive +1 during Space Battles, and your ground Force units receive +1 when attacking during Invasion Combat.
    • You start with one extra Command Counter in your Strategic Allocation area.
    • Racial Technology: Dreadnought Invasion Pod (Cost: +2) - Your Dreadnoughts may now carry 1 additional ground Force unit.
    • Racial Technology: Inheritance Systems (Cost: +5) - When researching Technology using the Technology Strategy Card, you may spend 2 additional resources to ignore the Technology’s prerequisites.
    • Flagship: 0.0.1 (Cost: 11) - Battle 5 (x3), Movement 1, Capacity 2, Sustain Damage - When this ship is present, all hits from your Flagship and Dreadnoughts must be taken by opposing non-Fighter ships (if able).

    The Emirates of Hacan
    • Home Worlds: Arretze (2R, 0I), Hercant (1R, 1I), Kamdorn (0R, 1I)
    • Starting Units: 4 Ground Units, 2 Carriers, 1 Cruiser, 2 Fighters, 1 Space Dock
    • Starting Technologies: Enviro Compensator, Sarween Tools
    • Trade Contracts: 3, 3
    • Your trades do not require approval during Trade Negotiations.
    • You do not need to spend a Command Counter to execute the Secondary Ability of the Trade Strategy. When you receive Trade Goods from one of your Trade Agreements, you receive one additional Trade Good.
    • No player may ever, except for war, break a Trade Contract with you.
    • During the Status Phase, you may trade Action Cards with other players.
    • Racial Technology: Production Centers (Cost: +3) - As an Action, you may spend one command Counter from your Strategy Allocation area to gain 6 Trade Goods. You must then give 2 of your Trade Goods to one other player. You may only do this once per turn, and only if you have fewer than 6 Trade Goods.
    • Racial Technology: Quantum Datahub Node (Cost: +5) - At the end of the Strategy Phase, you may trade one of your Strategy Cards with a Strategy Card belonging to one of your trade partners. The other player does not need to agree to this trade.
    • Flagship: Wrath of Kenara (Cost: 10) - Battle 7 (x3), Movement 2, Capacity 4, Sustain Damage - When this ship is present, up to two times each combat round, you may spend 1 Trade Good to reroll one of your dice.

    Sardakk N’orr
    • Home Worlds: Tren'lak (1R, 0I), Quinarra (3R, 1I)
    • Starting Units: 5 Ground Forces, 1 Carrier, 1 Cruiser, 1 PDS, 1 Space Dock
    • Starting Technologies: Hylar V Assault Laser, Deep Space Cannon
    • Trade Contracts: 1, 2
    • You receive +1 on your Combat Rolls.
    • Racial Technology: Valkyrie Armor (Cost: +3) - At the end of a round of Invasion Combat, roll one die for each casualty you take. For each 10 you roll, your opponent must immediately take 1 additional casualty.
    • Racial Technology: Exotrireme (Cost: +4) - At the end of a round of Space Battle, you may destroy 1 of your Dreadnoughts present to destroy 2 present enemy ships of your choice.
    • Flagship: C’morran Norr (Cost: 10) - Battle 5 (x3), Movement 1, Capacity 2, Sustain Damage - You receive +1 to your space combat rolls in this system.

    The Yin Brotherhood
    • Home World: Darien (2R, 4I)
    • Starting Units: 4 Ground Forces, 2 Carriers, 1 Destroyer, 4 Fighters, 1 Space Dock
    • Starting Technologies: Hylar V Assault Laser, Automated Defense Turrets
    • Trade Contracts: 1, 1
    • Before an Invasion Combat in which you are the attacker begins, you may roll 1 die. On a 5+ your opponent loses 1 Ground Force and you gain 1 Ground Force.
    • Immediately before the second round of a Space Battle, you may discard one of your participating Destroyers or Cruisers to choose one opposing ship present and immediately inflict one hit on it.
    • Once per turn, as an Action, you may place your control marker on an unexhausted Planet Card you control. Until the end of the round, its Influence and Resource values are reversed.
    • Racial Technology: Fanaticism (Cost: +4) - You may use your race’s special ability twice at the start of each Invasion Combat.
    • Racial Technology: Yin Spinner (Cost: +2) - Build 1 free Ground Force each time you build units at a Space Dock. This free Ground Force does not count towards any build limits.
    • Flagship: Van Hauge (Cost: 10) - Battle 5 (x2), Movement 1, Capacity 4, Sustain Damage - Your Ground Force units in this system may participate in Space Battle as if they were Fighters.

    The Mentak Coalition
    • Home World: Moll Primus (4R, 1I)
    • Starting Units: 1 Carrier, 3 Cruisers, 1 Space Dock, 1 PDS, 4 Ground Forces
    • Starting Technologies: Hylar V Assault Laser, Enviro Compensator
    • Trade Contracts: 1, 1
    • You start the game with one additional Command Counter in your Fleet Supply area.
    • Before a Space Battle begins (in which you are participating), you may fire with up to two Cruisers or Destroyers (or a mix thereof). Enemy casualties are taken immediately, with no return fire allowed.
    • During the Strategy Phase, you may take one Trade Good token from up to two different players. Each such target player must have at least 3 Trade Goods on his Race Sheet.
    • Racial Technology: Salvage Operations (Cost: +4) - Gain 2 Trade Goods at the end of each Space Battle in which you participate. If you won the battle, you may build one ship in the system of a unit type that you destroyed during combat. You must pay the ship’s resource cost.
    • Racial Technology: Mirror Computing (Cost: +4) - When you spend Trade Goods, each Trade Good counts as 2 resources or 2 influence (instead of 1).
    • Flagship: Fourth Moon (Cost: 8) - Battle 5 (x2), Movement 2, Capacity 2, Sustain Damage - Opposing ships may not use the sustain damage ability in this system.

    The Public Objective deck is created, consisting of 6 Stage I cards and 5 Stage II cards. The top card of the Public Objective deck is drawn:
    [1 VP] I am blockading an opponent’s Space Dock or have destroyed an opponent’s Space Dock this turn.

    All players draw two Secret Objective cards. On each player's turn, they will select a race, starting position, or claim the speaker token. Each item may only be selected once, and each player may only take one race and one starting position. If someone claims the speaker token, they will have the last choice of remaining race or starting position after the end of the regular selection.

    Draft Order
    @Auralynx Current Player
    Void Slayer
    El Skid
    El Skid
    Void Slayer

    Secret Objective draws will be going out shortly. Additional note: When selecting a start position, feel free to name the red-bordered system in front of your start location and the empty system counterclockwise to that system (if applicable).

    MrBlarney on
  • KaneskiKaneski Registered User regular
    Holy crap that race mix. It's going to be a bloody game...

  • KaneskiKaneski Registered User regular
    @MrBlarney Also any chance of listing each races' homeworld stats?

  • MrBlarneyMrBlarney Registered User regular
    edited January 2016
    Kaneski wrote: »
    Also any chance of listing each races' homeworld stats?
    You caught me just as I was editing them in! For some reason, I keep forgetting to add those into my race specials when posting the draw at the start of the game...

    EDIT: I also forgot to reveal the first card in the Public Objective Deck:
    [1 VP] I am blockading an opponent’s Space Dock or have destroyed an opponent’s Space Dock this turn.

    The Winnaran Custodians begin to pray that the galaxy survives to see a new golden age...

    MrBlarney on
  • AuralynxAuralynx Darkness is a perspective Watching the ego workRegistered User regular
    I'll take Saar.


  • PredaPreda Registered User regular
    Bad Auralynx already planning on profitting from double gravity rift when no other race has even antimass!

    So, I can choose between blod, blooood, more blod, even more blood and finally money...

    So I don't choose and pick position B instead.

    @Void Slayer

  • KaneskiKaneski Registered User regular
    edited January 2016
    Anyone starting with Antimass will get a huge boost with Gravity Drive. There are literally only 5 non-HW tiles that aren't adjacent to a wormhole or a gravity rift.

    Kaneski on
  • Void SlayerVoid Slayer Very Suspicious Registered User regular
    The L1z1x Mindnet seems like a good choice, I'll take it.

    He's a shy overambitious dog-catcher on the wrong side of the law. She's an orphaned psychic mercenary with the power to bend men's minds. They fight crime!
  • Void SlayerVoid Slayer Very Suspicious Registered User regular
    He's a shy overambitious dog-catcher on the wrong side of the law. She's an orphaned psychic mercenary with the power to bend men's minds. They fight crime!
  • AuralynxAuralynx Darkness is a perspective Watching the ego workRegistered User regular
    edited January 2016
    Kaneski wrote: »
    Anyone starting with Antimass will get a huge boost with Gravity Drive. There are literally only 5 non-HW tiles that aren't adjacent to a wormhole or a gravity rift.

    Yes. That was definitely my plan. For sure.

    It should probably be pointed out that this is my second game of TI3 ever. I just figured if I was probably stuck with my choice of the 2 least-good starts by the draft I wanted the race with incentive to move out.

    Auralynx on
  • KaneskiKaneski Registered User regular
    Preda will end up choosing our races, with him getting first pick... And I'm OK with that, as long as not Hacan. Hacan are going to get sooo bullied this game.

    I claim the Speaker token

    @El Skid

  • AuralynxAuralynx Darkness is a perspective Watching the ego workRegistered User regular
    I dunno, Hacan actually seems like a pretty solid choice provided you're willing to try turtling / diplomacizing your way to the win.

  • KaneskiKaneski Registered User regular
    Auralynx wrote: »
    I dunno, Hacan actually seems like a pretty solid choice provided you're willing to try turtling / diplomacizing your way to the win.

    Yep. Forced to turtle = already bullied. And diplomacy against a neighbour like L1, Sardakk, Yin, or even Mentak is pretty expensive. I think that Hacan are one of the few races that CAN win from homeworld + 1 or 2 expansions. They are so ability/trade heavy, that it can replace almost all expansion needs. Having said that, unless Hacan end up with a Saar neighbour, they may not even hold on to their expansions for long. Definitely not against L1 or Sardakk.

  • SkiddlesSkiddles The frozen white northRegistered User regular
    edited January 2016
    I will take D please!

    @Phyphor for both his choices

    Skiddles on
  • MrBlarneyMrBlarney Registered User regular
    The Winnaran Custodians continue to sift through paperwork for those races who seek the galactic throne.

    Remaining Races: Hacan, N'orr, Yin, Mentak
    Remaining Starting Positions: A, C, E, F

  • PhyphorPhyphor Building Planet Busters Tasting FruitRegistered User regular
    edited January 2016
    Start C & yin

    @El Skid

    Phyphor on
  • SkiddlesSkiddles The frozen white northRegistered User regular


  • KaneskiKaneski Registered User regular
    edited January 2016
    Start E

    Edit for formatting.

    @Void Slayer

    Kaneski on
  • Void SlayerVoid Slayer Very Suspicious Registered User regular
    Start F

    @Preda for race selection

    He's a shy overambitious dog-catcher on the wrong side of the law. She's an orphaned psychic mercenary with the power to bend men's minds. They fight crime!
  • PredaPreda Registered User regular
    Aura will take A position and So I will be between Yin and Saar. Kanesky will be between Mentak and L1.
    So, remebering the past, it's time for the Hacan to go for the throne again.

    For who don't remember the past:
    Preda wrote: »
    First of all congratulations to robinlambert, than...

    "We lost Fahil..." (Fahill is the joungest admiral of the Hacan space fleet, son of the Martir Idealist/Hero who died stopping the Hacan Flagship from crashlanding on the major city of Arborec Home world) insisted the Emir to the yungest admiral of the Hacan fleet. "The Humans pushed many races to call for an Immediate vote on the Winnu council before we could finish swaying the votes we needed for the throne. The Mentak still have more votes than us, they'll have the crown..." Anguish took over the Muzzle of the young admiral, who commented:" How is it possible, your excellency? I thought we get all under control! After all the sacrifice we made, I can't think we can't do anything more!"
    "We can't do anything more, unless we want to get the enmity of the whole galaxy." Insisted the sire, "We will do what we must. I know you're still grieving your father and think his sacrifice is useless, but we must see the facts: we can't win now. What we must do now is giving all our hartfelt support to our new leaders. We are their trade partners, and probably the better allies they have between the major races. They will need us, our support, our commerce, our money. And we will be there, supporting them from the side, making sure our place as their most trusted advisor is never put in doubt. We will not be the leaders of this galaxy, but I will be damned if I wan't make sure we will be the better next after them! Now I want you to go to the flagship, and prepare to coordinate with the new Galaxy command, assure them they will have our collaboration, but at the same time make sure our people is safe. I will take care of the rest."
    "I will do as you comand Sir" Responded the young admiral, "I'll do what I must". Exiting the room.
    The Emir put a reminder in his notes to have the young cub under surveillance. Unwanted reaction now must be avoided. And while the unexpected action of a greaving son could be somewhat explained in a transition time, better if thoose action were well planned from the command, and the apology to the new lords posthumous...
    So many thing to do now. Everything must be perfect in the transition. The Emirates must become the most blatant supporter of the new order. The trade needs demanded it. Everyone known that...
    He must more of all, remember the most important rule his father teach him: Keep the enemy closest. He forgot that and the Humans backstabbed him. No excuses here: He known who they were. He known what they did to the Lazax. He even known that his father was the one that convinced them to do it and financed the betrayal. But no loose ends there, whoever else known about that was already dead.
    The plan to unseat the Lazax has taken 4 generation to bear fruit. But everyone blamed someone else for the fact and the Emirates were remembered for their efforts to keep all calm. And no one blamed them for what happened after the war broke out...
    It was time for starting the plan for the unseating of the Mentak. It will take time, generations. But again the Hacan would have the chance to prove that they were at the top of the food chain. And again when the usurpers will fall, no one will know it was their fault.
    There's more of the story in the last pages of game 8...

    Auralynx has to choose position A.

    Kanaesky has to choose N'orr.

    @MrBlarney to wrap up galaxy creation

  • MrBlarneyMrBlarney Registered User regular
    I don't think I have enough time to complete all of the mapping operations to start Round 1 this morning, so I'll take care of them tonight. In the meantime, there are a few empty and red-bordered systems that need names to avoid ambiguities. Post your suggestions so I can add the labels to the map.

  • Void SlayerVoid Slayer Very Suspicious Registered User regular
    Only one supernova and no one is jumping in or through it, but call it Ruin.

    He's a shy overambitious dog-catcher on the wrong side of the law. She's an orphaned psychic mercenary with the power to bend men's minds. They fight crime!
  • MrBlarneyMrBlarney Registered User regular
    edited February 2016
    Round 1: Start of Strategy Phase

    Auralynx: Select race The Clan of Saar.
    Preda: Select start location B.
    Void Slayer: Select race The L1z1x Mindnet.
    Kaneski: Claim the Speaker Token.
    El Skid: Select start location D.
    Phyphor: Select start location C.
    Phyphor: Select race The Yin Brotherhood.
    El Skid: Select race The Mentak Coalition.
    Kaneski: Select start location E.
    Void Slayer: Select start location F.
    Preda: Select race The Emirates of Hacan.
    Auralynx: Select start location A.
    Kaneski: Select race Sardakk N'orr.

    Current Map: Start of Round 1 Strategy Phase

    Current Technologies

    Victory Points and Objectives
    The Emirates of Hacan: 0 VP
    The Clan of Saar: 0 VP
    Sardakk N'orr: 0 VP
    The Yin Brotherhood: 0 VP
    The Mentak Coalition: 0 VP
    The L1z1x Mindnet: 0 VP

    Public Objectives
    [1 VP] I am blockading an opponent's Space Dock or have destroyed an opponent's Space Dock this turn.
    5 Stage I Objectives and 5 Stage II Objectives remain in the deck.

    Secret Objectives
    The Clan of Saar: 2 Secret Objectives
    The Emirates of Hacan: 2 Secret Objectives
    The Yin Brotherhood: 2 Secret Objectives
    The Mentak Coalition: 2 Secret Objectives
    Sardakk N'orr: 2 Secret Objectives
    The L1z1x Mindnet: 2 Secret Objectives

    The Clan of Saar: Auralynx
    Trade Goods: 0
    Action Cards: 0
    Political Cards: 2

    Strategy Allocation: 2
    Fleet Supply: 3
    Command Pool: 3

    Trade Contracts: (Saar [1], Saar [2])
    Technology: Antimass Deflectors, XRD Transporter

    R - Lisis II (1R, 0I)
    R - Ragh (2R, 1I)
    The Emirates of Hacan: Preda
    Trade Goods: 0
    Action Cards: 0
    Political Cards: 2

    Strategy Allocation: 2
    Fleet Supply: 3
    Command Pool: 3

    Trade Contracts: (Hacan [3], Hacan [3])
    Technology: Enviro Compensator, Sarween Tools

    R - Arretze (2R, 0I)
    R - Hercant (1R, 1I)
    R - Kamdorn (0R, 1I)
    The Yin Brotherhood: Phyphor
    Trade Goods: 0
    Action Cards: 0
    Political Cards: 2

    Strategy Allocation: 2
    Fleet Supply: 3
    Command Pool: 3

    Trade Contracts: (Yin [1], Yin [1])
    Technology: Hylar V Assault Laser, Automated Defense Turrets

    R - Darien (2R, 4I)
    The Mentak Coalition: El Skid
    Trade Goods: 0
    Action Cards: 0
    Political Cards: 2

    Strategy Allocation: 2
    Fleet Supply: 4
    Command Pool: 3

    Trade Contracts: (Mentak [1], Mentak [1])
    Technology: Hylar V Assault Laser, Enviro Compensator

    R - Moll Primus (4R, 1I)
    Sardakk N'orr: Kaneski
    Trade Goods: 0
    Action Cards: 0
    Political Cards: 2

    Strategy Allocation: 2
    Fleet Supply: 3
    Command Pool: 3

    Trade Contracts: (N'orr [1], N'orr [2])
    Technology: Hylar V Assault Laser, Deep Space Cannon

    R - Tren'lak (1R, 0I)
    R - Quinarra (3R, 1I)
    The L1z1x Mindnet: Void Slayer
    Trade Goods: 0
    Action Cards: 0
    Political Cards: 2

    Strategy Allocation: 3
    Fleet Supply: 3
    Command Pool: 3

    Trade Contracts: (L1z1x [1], L1z1x[1])
    Technology: Enviro Compensator, Stasis Capsules, Cybernetics, Hylar V Assault Laser

    R - [0.0.0] (5R, 0I)

    Neutral Worlds
    N - Mecatol Rex (1R, 6I)
    N - Abyz (3R, 0I)
    N - Arcturus (1R, 1I)
    N - Arinam (1R, 2I, B)
    N - Arnor (2R, 1I)
    N - Bellatrix (0R, 1I, R)
    N - Bereg (3R, 1I, R)
    N - Centauri (1R, 3I)
    N - Cormund (2R, 0I)
    N - Faunus (1R, 3I, G (x2))
    N - Fria (2R, 0I, B)
    N - Garbozia (2R, 1I, G)
    N - Gral (1R, 1I, B)
    N - Hope's End (3R, 0I, GF (x2))
    N - Industrex (2R, 0I, R (x2))
    N - Lazar (1R, 0I)
    N - Lirta IV (2R, 3I, G)
    N - Lisis (2R, 2I)
    N - Lodor (3R, 1I, G)
    N - Lor (1R, 2I, R)
    N - Mallice (0R, 3I)
    N - Meer (0R, 4I)
    N - Mellon (0R, 2I)
    N - Mirage (1R, 2I, F (x2))
    N - Quann (2R, 1I, G)
    N - Rigel I (0R, 1I, G)
    N - Rigel II (1R, 2I)
    N - Rigel III (1R, 1I, B)
    N - Sakulag (2R, 1I)
    N - Sumerian (2R, 2I, TG (x2))
    N - Tempesta (1R, 1I, B (x2))
    N - Tequ'ran (2R, 0I, R)
    N - Torkan (0R, 3I, B)
    N - Tsion (2R, 2I, TG (x2))
    N - Velnor (2R, 0I, R)
    N - Zohbat (3R, 1I, B)

    Order of Play
    Sardakk N'orr: (@Kaneski)
    The L1z1x Mindnet:
    The Clan of Saar:
    The Emirates of Hacan:
    The Yin Brotherhood:
    The Mentak Coalition:

    Each player may now select a Strategy Card in turn order. As this is the first round, there are no bonus counters.

    MrBlarney on
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