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[Hiberno-Britannic Politics] Thanks For The Deal, I Hate It

BogartBogart Streetwise HerculesRegistered User, Moderator Mod Emeritus
edited November 2018 in Debate and/or Discourse
Credit for OP goes to RMS, I think. I dunno, it's been the same one for a while. So this archipelago


Has these nations.


These nations are almost completely (not) unique in that they're run by a system known as Politics!

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Run by these folk.


These folk would rather they didn't.


The Issue

A spiffing place to keep up to date with the latest developments.

An Poblacht na hÉireann

I really need to start paying attention to the political situation down south, especially with that threatened and justified EU veto. It looked like there might be an election but now there isn't?


A shockin' good place to see what the feck the craic is.

Blah blah blah Brexit Brexit Brexit.

Bogart on


  • HenroidHenroid Mexican kicked from Immigration Thread Centrism is Racism :3Registered User regular
    Oh boy there's a countdown now. Kinda adds to the pressure on the government doesn't it?

  • ElldrenElldren Is a woman dammit ceterum censeoRegistered User regular
    Henroid wrote: »
    Oh boy there's a countdown now. Kinda adds to the pressure on the government doesn't it?

    There’s been a countdown since article 50 was activated over a year ago

    fuck gendered marketing
  • daveNYCdaveNYC Why universe hate Waspinator? Registered User regular
    On the subject of zucchinis, courgettes, and marrows; I was doing some light Googling on the latter two terms and found a recipe for Marrow and Ginger jam. So I guess they do have an important role to play in post-Brexit Britain.

    And the LSE is pulling the trigger on its no-deal Brexit contingency plans, so that's nice.

    Shut up, Mr. Burton! You were not brought upon this world to get it!
  • Bad-BeatBad-Beat Registered User regular
    It shall be a tradition on Referendum Day, to congregate in the recreation quarter of your designated housing sector and savour the Referendum Day Marrow as it slowly roasts over the fire pit.

    All the inhabitants will crane their necks over the heaving crowd to try and catch a glimpse of the Brexit marrow, cooking slowly, hoping this year is the year they are chosen as a recipient of a segment.

    The elders will tell tales of a time when no-one cared for marrow and that marrow is actually quite shit. But the younglings will look at them with disgust. Appalled that anyone would dare question the majesty of the marrow.

  • BogartBogart Streetwise Hercules Registered User, Moderator Mod Emeritus
    Boris now leading Tory membership polls when they're asked who their choice for a new leader should be, just in case you were wondering how things could get worse.

  • Bad-BeatBad-Beat Registered User regular
    Bogart wrote: »
    Boris now leading Tory membership polls when they're asked who their choice for a new leader should be, just in case you were wondering how things could get worse.

    Speaking of Brexit Marrows...

  • WotanAnubisWotanAnubis Registered User regular
    The way this summer's been going, I wonder if the UK actually still looks as lovely and green as the image in the OP.

  • BogartBogart Streetwise Hercules Registered User, Moderator Mod Emeritus
    No, it's visibly light brown in satellite photos.

  • KarlKarl Registered User regular
    All the gardens around me are dead.

    A few small public parks seem to be doing ok but I assume that's because I live in Wimbledon and the Council has a public image to maintain.

  • CasualCasual Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Flap Flap Flap Registered User regular
    edited August 2018
    Bogart wrote: »
    Boris now leading Tory membership polls when they're asked who their choice for a new leader should be, just in case you were wondering how things could get worse.

    Whenever I think if I would rather have Boris or Rees-Mogg as PM my brain throws up a BSOD.

    Boris is short sighted, incompetent, utterly self serving and stupid. But he has a vague idea of what reality is even if he ignores or distorts it for his own ends.

    Rees-Mogg is a paint huffing, swivel-eyed, true believing, tophat and tails wearing, weird nanny/matron fetishising throwback to 1921.

    Casual on
  • CasualCasual Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Flap Flap Flap Registered User regular
    The really sad state of affairs is I would only narrowly prefer Corbyn over either of them.

  • autono-wally, erotibot300autono-wally, erotibot300 love machine Registered User regular
    What about inanimate carbon rod?

  • AlphaRomeroAlphaRomero Registered User regular
    In rod we trust.

  • BogartBogart Streetwise Hercules Registered User, Moderator Mod Emeritus
    Johnson would be a terrible PM but probably quite popular with Tory voters. Rees-Mogg is probably a bit too weird to ever really win the hearts of anyone who isn't either terminally thick or desperate for the class system to reassert itself.

  • autono-wally, erotibot300autono-wally, erotibot300 love machine Registered User regular
    Apocalyptically, BoJo would probably work better with Trump, since Donny would maybe accept him as one of 'his'

  • PLAPLA The process.Registered User regular
    If Donald can pass a mirror-recognition, maybe he'll believe that Boris is a mirror.

  • V1mV1m Registered User regular
    Bogart wrote: »
    Boris now leading Tory membership polls when they're asked who their choice for a new leader should be, just in case you were wondering how things could get worse.

    God love us

  • NorgothNorgoth cardiffRegistered User regular
    Recently during a conversation I compared Imran Khan winning his election to Gary Lineker to becoming prime minister.

    Honestly at this point I would prefer that to any of the other options.

  • HakkekageHakkekage Space Whore Academy summa cum laudeRegistered User regular
    Dear Great Britain,

    I write to you on the inauguration of a new thread in my customary fashion to make, once again, a plea for mercy. Please do not fuck up your country. I am likely to require a second, English-speaking backup once my own country, your jackass wayward son America, finally breaks a rib trying to suck its own dick. I just can’t go to Australia. There are too many bare-chested surfer men with chiseled abs. It has to be England, for my self-esteem.

    Ok, thanks again, please import French cuisine as quick as you can before the borders close, Love,


    3DS: 2165 - 6538 - 3417
    NNID: Hakkekage
  • AntoshkaAntoshka Miauen Oil Change LazarusRegistered User regular
    Hakkekage wrote: »
    Dear Great Britain,

    I write to you on the inauguration of a new thread in my customary fashion to make, once again, a plea for mercy. Please do not fuck up your country. I am likely to require a second, English-speaking backup once my own country, your jackass wayward son America, finally breaks a rib trying to suck its own dick. I just can’t go to Australia. There are too many bare-chested surfer men with chiseled abs. It has to be England, for my self-esteem.

    Ok, thanks again, please import French cuisine as quick as you can before the borders close, Love,

    Hey, there are other former outposts of the empire available, you know!

    We have hobbits, and the worst thing we've done politically was spaghetti pizza

  • PLAPLA The process.Registered User regular
    You can move to Denmark, since nobody else understands danish any better than you do.

  • surrealitychecksurrealitycheck lonely, but not unloved dreaming of faulty keys and latchesRegistered User regular
    edited August 2018
    Bogart wrote: »
    Johnson would be a terrible PM but probably quite popular with Tory voters. Rees-Mogg is probably a bit too weird to ever really win the hearts of anyone who isn't either terminally thick or desperate for the class system to reassert itself.

    rees mogg still very popular with con membership

    remember that they are fucking mad


    they mainly ding him for being unlikely to win an election, but 70% likeable 69% competent...

    remember always:

    surrealitycheck on
  • shrykeshryke Member of the Beast Registered User regular
    edited August 2018
    Bogart wrote: »
    Johnson would be a terrible PM but probably quite popular with Tory voters. Rees-Mogg is probably a bit too weird to ever really win the hearts of anyone who isn't either terminally thick or desperate for the class system to reassert itself.

    rees mogg still very popular with con membership

    remember that they are fucking mad


    they mainly ding him for being unlikely to win an election, but 70% likeable 69% competent...

    remember always:

    Jesus that's terrifying. He's like right around the top in almost every category.

    shryke on
  • SnicketysnickSnicketysnick The Greatest Hype Man in WesterosRegistered User regular
    Share politcal outlook vs can win an GE is a fairly (or should be) eye raising disparity

  • Captain InertiaCaptain Inertia Central OhioRegistered User regular
    More people saying Boris is “up to the job” than “competent” (the only one in this list) speaks pretty well to ::waves arms around head::

  • BogartBogart Streetwise Hercules Registered User, Moderator Mod Emeritus
    Thanks for reminding me.

    Geth, kick @DeadWar from the thread.

  • GethGeth Legion Perseus VeilRegistered User, Moderator, Penny Arcade Staff, Vanilla Staff vanilla
    Affirmative Bogart. @DeadWar banned from this thread.

  • BogartBogart Streetwise Hercules Registered User, Moderator Mod Emeritus
    Also my God that guy is so dumb he can't even put on a fucking tie correctly.

  • SharpyVIISharpyVII Registered User regular
    I must admit I used to like his videos but then recently he seems to have pivoted to the right somewhat and has become a parody of himself.

  • CasualCasual Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Flap Flap Flap Registered User regular
    Who is he?

  • HerrCronHerrCron It that wickedly supports taxation Registered User regular
    Casual wrote: »
    Who is he?

    Johnathan Pie - he's angry and shouty so that's how you know he's telling the troof.

    Now Playing:
    Celeste [Switch] - She'll be wrestling with inner demons when she comes...
    Super Mario Wonder - Wowie Zowie!
  • Alistair HuttonAlistair Hutton Dr EdinburghRegistered User regular
    Casual wrote: »
    Who is he?

    A 'comic' creation of Spiked! writers.

    With all that entails.

    I have a thoughtful and infrequently updated blog about games

    I made a game, it has penguins in it. It's pay what you like on Gumroad.

    Currently Ebaying Nothing at all but I might do in the future.
  • RichyRichy Registered User regular
    Hakkekage wrote: »
    Dear Great Britain,

    I write to you on the inauguration of a new thread in my customary fashion to make, once again, a plea for mercy. Please do not fuck up your country. I am likely to require a second, English-speaking backup once my own country, your jackass wayward son America, finally breaks a rib trying to suck its own dick. I just can’t go to Australia. There are too many bare-chested surfer men with chiseled abs. It has to be England, for my self-esteem.

    Ok, thanks again, please import French cuisine as quick as you can before the borders close, Love,


    You know, Canada is right here. We've got English speakers, French cuisine, French-Canadian cuisine, and a noticeable lack of Australians.

  • SnicketysnickSnicketysnick The Greatest Hype Man in WesterosRegistered User regular
    Richy wrote: »
    Hakkekage wrote: »
    Dear Great Britain,

    I write to you on the inauguration of a new thread in my customary fashion to make, once again, a plea for mercy. Please do not fuck up your country. I am likely to require a second, English-speaking backup once my own country, your jackass wayward son America, finally breaks a rib trying to suck its own dick. I just can’t go to Australia. There are too many bare-chested surfer men with chiseled abs. It has to be England, for my self-esteem.

    Ok, thanks again, please import French cuisine as quick as you can before the borders close, Love,


    You know, Canada is right here. We've got English speakers, French cuisine, French-Canadian cuisine, and a noticeable lack of Australians.

    I'm pretty sure you're never more than 250m from an Australian in a built up area

  • RichyRichy Registered User regular
    edited August 2018
    Richy wrote: »
    Hakkekage wrote: »
    Dear Great Britain,

    I write to you on the inauguration of a new thread in my customary fashion to make, once again, a plea for mercy. Please do not fuck up your country. I am likely to require a second, English-speaking backup once my own country, your jackass wayward son America, finally breaks a rib trying to suck its own dick. I just can’t go to Australia. There are too many bare-chested surfer men with chiseled abs. It has to be England, for my self-esteem.

    Ok, thanks again, please import French cuisine as quick as you can before the borders close, Love,


    You know, Canada is right here. We've got English speakers, French cuisine, French-Canadian cuisine, and a noticeable lack of Australians.

    I'm pretty sure you're never more than 250m from an Australian in a built up area

    We're building a wall, and we're making Australia pay for it.

    Yes, I mean a wall between Canada and Australia. Fuck you, round earthers and geography majors. We're doing this!

    Richy on
  • FencingsaxFencingsax It is difficult to get a man to understand, when his salary depends upon his not understanding GNU Terry PratchettRegistered User regular
    Not all Australians are surfer dudes!

  • manjimanji Registered User regular
    edited August 2018
    Bogart wrote: »
    Thanks for reminding me.

    Geth, kick DeadWar from the thread.

    aw, he's been patiently waiting at the door for his chance to get back in while we've all been having fun without him.

    would that we could blunder back into the EU in 240 days time.

    'Geth, kick @.britain from the trade conference'

    manji on
  • HerrCronHerrCron It that wickedly supports taxation Registered User regular
    edited August 2018
    Richy wrote: »
    Hakkekage wrote: »
    Dear Great Britain,

    I write to you on the inauguration of a new thread in my customary fashion to make, once again, a plea for mercy. Please do not fuck up your country. I am likely to require a second, English-speaking backup once my own country, your jackass wayward son America, finally breaks a rib trying to suck its own dick. I just can’t go to Australia. There are too many bare-chested surfer men with chiseled abs. It has to be England, for my self-esteem.

    Ok, thanks again, please import French cuisine as quick as you can before the borders close, Love,


    You know, Canada is right here. We've got English speakers, French cuisine, French-Canadian cuisine, and a noticeable lack of Australians.


    HerrCron on
    Now Playing:
    Celeste [Switch] - She'll be wrestling with inner demons when she comes...
    Super Mario Wonder - Wowie Zowie!
  • Disco11Disco11 Registered User regular
    Richy wrote: »
    Hakkekage wrote: »
    Dear Great Britain,

    I write to you on the inauguration of a new thread in my customary fashion to make, once again, a plea for mercy. Please do not fuck up your country. I am likely to require a second, English-speaking backup once my own country, your jackass wayward son America, finally breaks a rib trying to suck its own dick. I just can’t go to Australia. There are too many bare-chested surfer men with chiseled abs. It has to be England, for my self-esteem.

    Ok, thanks again, please import French cuisine as quick as you can before the borders close, Love,


    You know, Canada is right here. We've got English speakers, French cuisine, French-Canadian cuisine, and a noticeable lack of Australians.

    You have clearly never been to little Australia : I.E Banff, Alberta

    PSN: Canadian_llama
This discussion has been closed.