First of all: CONTENT WARNING for sex trafficking of minors and associated sex acts:
Earlier tonight, The Daily Beast reported that Jeffrey Epstein was arrested today on charges related to sex trafficking.NBC has since confirmed that arrest.
So who is Jeffrey Epstein and why does this particular asshole deserve a thread? I'll outsource that story to Julie K. Brown of the Miami Herald who revived interest in the story last year with
this piece.
Short version (spoilered for content):
Epstein is a hedge fund manager and was a serial pedophile who lured underage girls to his residence with "massage" jobs and then molested them. The Herald says it has identified 60 girls as victims but presumably there are many more as we've seen in cases like the Nassar case. He also allegedly farmed out some of these girls to his powerful/rich friends, that's the sex trafficking part.
He was charged with those acts in 2007, and pled down to a pair of prostitution charges. The US Attorney who handled his case was Alex Acosta, the current US Secretary of Labor. So that's way #1 this could end up being a huge story. A Cabinet Secretary's garbage plea deal allowed a serial pedophile to go free and now he's been charged with other bad acts, though my understanding thus far is that this investigation centered around the sex trafficking from 2002 to 2005. He also got a variety of other favors from the justice system that he didn't really deserve.
However, the other way this story could be an ENORMOUS story is the trafficking part and specifically who he was trafficking to. Which is his rich and powerful friends. Among those accused of having sex with one of Epstein's girls are Alan Dershowitz, Prince Andrew the Duke of York, and in a since dismissed lawsuit (around the same time Stormy Daniels was being paid off) Donald Trump. Dershowitz was part of the team that negotiated the comically favorable plea deal and fought like hell to prevent those records from becoming unsealed and campaigned heavily against the Herald's story winning a Pulitzer. He is the person I think is most likely to have been involved, personally.
AFAIK none of Epstein's victims have actually accused Bill Clinton of having sex with them, but Clinton and Epstein were friends. It wouldn't exactly be surprising. There are many, many other men who could theoretically be involved, Epstein had a lot of very powerful friends.
It is worth noting that according to NBC, this was a joint NYPD/FBI investigation, so even though it seems like SDNY is going to take the first crack at prosecution, it's possible the state could step in, if for example, he were to receive a pardon in exchange for shutting the fuck up. Allegedly, he flipped on some Bear Stearns execs last time to keep his ass basically out of jail, so him flipping on people wouldn't be unprecedented.
The idea that your vote is a moral statement about you or who you vote for is some backwards ass libertarian nonsense. Your vote is about society. Vote to protect the vulnerable.
I'm cool with just Epstein finally facing justice. Anybody else is great.
I don't think you could get that kind of deal in this environment, even if he brought down two presidents.
About that. There's really only one person he could roll on that I might be willing to see a lighter sentence happen. Otherwise, let's get ready to burn some reputations and revise our history. Men of any stature who abuse people in this manner deserve to have their legacies questioned if not outright erased from history.
His conviction in 2007 was for sex acts with minors. These are sex trafficking charges now. They all took place at the same time, they're just saying not only is he a child rapist, he pimps them out too.
So that could be fun.
It's unclear. My guess is that this is based on some of the new victims the Herald uncovered. But that is purely a guess. I think we should get charging documents Monday.
Christine Pelosi (daughter of the Speaker and DNC big wig in her own right) is expecting "some of our faves" to get caught up in this, which I take to mean Bill. And probably some Senators/Governors because the world is terrible.
It's potentially an enormous mess.
I like how one of her "don't get your hopes up" scenarios is only a cabinet secretary being indicted on public corruption charges involving sex trafficking.
That said, it means the fight for justice will be even more difficult with that on the table. The usual parties will be even more motivated to sweep this under the rug despite the optics.
Battlenet ID: MildC#11186 - If I'm in the game, send me an invite at anytime and I'll play.
It's going to come up. I've been seeing this story popping up more and more recently on the net. It will be very telling to see what Trump's reaction to this is on twitter.
On the 3rd a federal court ordered a bunch of documents from an Epstein lawsuit released, and put a cautionary note on it to the press and public to basically "be careful with this shit." It seems like there's potential for anyone who just took a ride on the dude's plane to get caught up in this mess.
The first time I actually heard of Dershowitz was at a talk by a professor after his career was essentially submarined by Dershowitz.
This situation is both disgusting and entirely predictable.
It’s not just Republicans. It’s Democrats too.
It’d be kind of funny if Republicans finally got Bill Clinton, but managed to take down Trump in the same scandal.
It won't be a trade.
It will be "See!? Aren't you glad I saved you from that woman that stayed married to this monster?"
I don't disagree. What I'm saying is Trump smelling like shit won't matter. Trump already smells like shit. Trump smells like the horror that comes out of a baby that had it's first taco. It doesn't matter to his base.
But it gives a great opportunity to revisit the 25 year campaign against the Clintons and motivate his supporters.
Not that Bill shouldn't face every consequence possible if he's substantially implicated because in that case fuck Bill Clinton.
But the idea that this will be the thing that finally turns Trump's supporters against him is insane because he was right. The asshole could shoot a random person in the street and his supporters would do whatever mental gymnastics they have to so that they can say "Yeah but he should have shot that random person in the street!"
Unless Biden is involved in this, they can't "both sides!" it away. Which is, of course, a good reason for running a clean candidate like Warren or Sanders. Pussygate would have had more effect if it hadn't been plain that Bill Clinton, the husband of Hillary, was much the same sort of toad.
And Roy Moore at least had the (immensely creepy) southern genteel "I asked her parents" garbage that worked on a subset of his base... "I am rich so I should be allowed to bang kids without consequence" is so far removed from even the Roy Moore level of awfulness that anyone who gets sucked into this vortex (where there is actual evidence of wrongdoing) should be imprisoned/exiled/impeached.
Let's play Mario Kart or something...
Just for posterity, I do like to bring up Trump's quoted opinion on Epstein whenever he comes up.
Battlenet ID: MildC#11186 - If I'm in the game, send me an invite at anytime and I'll play.
That comment is fucking gross even without this new, criminal context
Even if they didn't want to move against Epstein, the fact is that you have both sex trafficing and pedophilia going on in bulk.
And as appalling as republicans can be they still tend to come out hard against raping children.
See: Catholic church
There is nothing a member of their tribe can do that they will not condone.
It's freaking repulsive despite that, and anyone involved deserves to be... ugh, I don't even know what. It's disgusting to think about this. Let alone on this magnitude.
And as a hideous, vile bonus, I'm already seeing the dregs of the conspiracy theory circles out there saying this 'proves' Pizzagate. So get ready for that wild ride to start up again.
I do not see epstien or any of his clients getting a pass on this since new york lacks alabama's "southern sensibilities."
They don't QUITE condone it. What they'll do is say that Epstein donated money to a Democrat once, so this proves Democrats are terrible. Any Republicans who did bad things are lousy people, but what can you really PROVE, we shouldn't look too closely into this because it will ruin the poor traffickers' lives to be accused, and even if we pretty much know that some elected Republicans are child sex traffickers, that's still preferable to putting a DEMOCRAT in office, the proper thing to do is just hope the child rapists get primaried.
Yes, there is always an excuse when republicans do it.
Much like “locker room talk” that cultural pretext didn’t exist until it was needed to avoid voting for a Democrat.
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