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  • SabreMauSabreMau ネトゲしよう 판다리아Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    Yeah, I wouldn't play it now, at least not before giving RO2 a chance once it's out. If the sequel can have itself polished up between now and release to learn some lessons from WoW's success, I might check it out.

    But for the time? First MMO. "Whoa, persistant world. Whoa, BIG world. And the character design looks nice. Music's comfortable too." I actually bought the RO2 soundtrack here a few months ago; nice music in there.

    SabreMau on
  • GlalGlal AiredaleRegistered User regular
    edited December 2007
    Give Perfect World a spin if you want to see an Asian MMO/WoW hybrid. Frankly, RO's mechanics as a whole annoy me these days, they'd need to give them a considerable revamp to make it interesting again for me... and they won't. You know they won't. It's gonna be RO with better graphics, renamed classes and the same shitty skill trees without the ability to respec. :|

    Glal on
  • SabreMauSabreMau ネトゲしよう 판다리아Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    Glal wrote: »
    Give Perfect World a spin if you want to see an Asian MMO/WoW hybrid. Frankly, RO's mechanics as a whole annoy me these days, they'd need to give them a considerable revamp to make it interesting again for me... and they won't. You know they won't. It's gonna be RO with better graphics, renamed classes and the same shitty skill trees without the ability to respec. :|
    Is that thing out? I checked the Wikipedia page on it, but the link to the official international English version is a 404 link.

    SabreMau on
  • GlalGlal AiredaleRegistered User regular
    edited December 2007
    It's in open English beta. This doesn't work for you? Here for the PA thread about it.

    Glal on
  • SabreMauSabreMau ネトゲしよう 판다리아Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    Ah, I didn't think of trying the "Malaysia-English" site, just the international one. Usually country-specific sites have some country-specific restrictions. For instance, to create a Korean RO account, you need to enter in a valid Korean citizenship ID number. And apparently, they check to see if you entered yours or someone else's.

    SabreMau on
  • MKRMKR Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    Let me just say from experience: Do not bother with private servers.

    Even the best ones will see one or more of the following:
    1: A big scandal that causes a ripple effect and ruins the game
    2: The revelation that the owner was siphoning off "donations" to feed his drug habit and/or pay rent (distinct from #1)
    3: The owner getting pissed off about something and dropping 20 Baphomets in a town with 300 people, crashing the server
    4: The slow degradation of the "community" as the original players get bored and leave, while botters, general assholes, and bug abusers flood in

    MKR on
  • KainyKainy Pimpin' and righteous Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    Ragnarok's PvP (War of Emperium) is actually really fun and cool. However, the hours of preparation for it (farming to buy whites, leveling a character in the first place, etc.) were, to me, simply not worth it. I have a level 95 sacrifice crusader, and some 70-ish alts.

    While the grind is a lot harder than WoW's, the ability of high levels to help low levels is roughly a trillion times greater. With a high level friend or access to two accounts, you can get a character up to level 50 in a day. Also, it's interesting to try and put a character together, for those who are stat do-it-yourselfers. There is a lot of math you should do before ever starting your character, given how long it will take for your character to even begin to come together. However, this is not a game I'd at all recommend for people to try playing. The breadth of taste it targets is very small.

    Which is not to say there aren't things that WoW et al. could learn from RO. There are many, hidden deep away in a game that few people will ever bother to play.

    Kainy on
    IcyLiquid wrote: »
    There's anti-fuckery code in there now :) Sorry :)
  • khainkhain Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    Zeromus wrote: »
    (=3 wrote: »
    pvp in RO involves two people spamming a button and see who dies first.

    There is really no movement or reactional skill involve.

    Like, say, WoW pvp, you generally use certain skills depending on the situation. You can kite your opponent or use terrain to your advantage. It just has more flavor to pvp.

    PvP in RO was basically a checklist.
    Is your opponent a Hunter? If Yes, you lose.
    Is your opponent a Priest? If yes, you never win.
    Did your opponent see you enter the arena? If yes, you lose.
    Is your opponent alone? If yes, there's an Assassin right next to them waiting for you to get low in health and then die.

    And so on.
    There was no "fair" PvP. It was retarded.

    That's just...

    None of that is true.

    Hunters could double strafe faster than you could get past the minor stun of attacks. Knights had Endure, but Gravity nerfed it down to 7 hits. I'm not sure if each hit of Double Strafe was 1(wouldn't shock me...), but 7 hits either way is quick as hell.

    Hunters have a ton of weaknesses including not being able to wear a shield. Also smart use of cards is required to be even decent at PvP.
    Full Support Priests could keep themselves up indefinitely, and Rez people to do their bidding.

    Most PVPers will stand around the fountain and wait for someone to enter, then all jump on him.

    You should be able to kill a FS priest in PvP, though in WoE you won't be able ot solo one usually. And the second complaint is just you playing with retarded people.
    Assassins, despite being one of the most capable classes(second highest HP in the game, ridiculous damage, good Dodge rating) were nothing but vultures until they Ascended.

    I agree with this, sins basically sucked except for emp breaking or some one who was extremely good.
    1000zenny and it's a Merchants SPAMMABLE skill?

    A 1000z is nothing, a million z is basically nothing as well and its not really a big deal.

    I'm also confused by the complaints of leveling time, especially to 99. WoW is supposedly the premier in regards to leveling, but really the difference isn't time, in fact you could most likely make it 99 in RO faster than you could to 60 in WoW (pre xp buff), the only difference is in the grind versus quest mechanic.

    khain on
  • Ethereal IllusionEthereal Illusion Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    I played on Loki for I don't know, 5+ years? I do like the game, and love the cell-based battle mechanics. I played a high wizard of course, so those actually existed for us. Leveling really wasn't too hard if you knew how and could afford the gear you needed. I guess that's why people say the game is very unfriendly to new players.

    I did have a few complaints of my own, though. I did not like the regulations the GMs imposed on the game on how you were allowed to use your skills. Mob too many enemies for your AoE skills? Ban. Although I never was banned myself, there was always the fear of it because of the others in the community getting caught. (To a more extent, I wouldn't have minded tricks like safetywalling an MVP to block competition's asura, or using pneuma. There's counters to all of these. )

    Another thing, that's more of a personal issue...I killed thousands of MVPs looking for cards. Some weekends I would be non-stop MVP hunting, rushing from one to the other. In all that time I never found one card, while other people would get 4 in a week. A friend of mine got a GTB card after only like a week of hunting it. So yah, I lost hope and that's another reason why I no longer play.

    Still, like others have said, I made many friends from the game. They were the real reason the game was fun.

    Ethereal Illusion on
  • AnialosAnialos Collies are love, Collies are life! Shadowbrook ColliesRegistered User regular
    edited December 2007
    RO...I stopped playing in the summer of '06 when I went to basic training. Great times though. My main was a level 93 High Priest, full +7 gear of all resists, and a 76 baby wizzard for fun PvPing. I still have a screenshot of my baby wizz killing a High Wizzard...lolz.

    I guess the main reason I played RO was the community. In my heyday I was in Deity of the Geffen Alliance. Each and every WoE we'd bash heads with the evil massively noobish WAVE. Ahhh...good times.

    But the reason I will always love RO...I met my wife on the game. When her level 87 assassin and my 96 priest met it was magic...hehe.

    If anyone out there is an old RO junky you might know me...Anialos Xiloscient...holla!

    Anialos on
  • leafleaf Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    I only played because a lady of mine played and wanted me to join her.

    When that ended so did my iRO days. I think my time expired, but I didn't even bother playing out the rest of my gametime I had.

    leaf on
  • teeuwenteeuwen Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    I remeber when i played RO the loot corpse mechanic was open to anyone. So if you killed something, anyone could loot it, yes! even before you looted it. I remeber following higher lvl players around, basically walking where they cleared the path and ninja'ing the drops....

    This is before i knew of that term.

    teeuwen on
  • HallowedFaithHallowedFaith Call me Cloud. Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    RO was the MMO that really took over me for many years. In fact, I started playing during "eRO" alpha, 3 towns, no Mages, etc. I just finished playing a year ago.

    The game appealed to me because of the lack of "depth" the "story" actually had. Simply put, there is none. Right? I enjoyed straight to the point grinding and constant customizations of styles you could play. Say what you will of the game, but being able to directly effect each and every point in your stats is awesome.

    That all said, I will never play that game. Ever.*

    HallowedFaith on
    I'm making video games. DesignBy.Cloud
  • GlalGlal AiredaleRegistered User regular
    edited December 2007
    Awesome only in games where you can respec down the line. For some reason all these games demand you make a character that's absolutely shit at lower levels to be good at their role higher levels.

    Glal on
  • GPIA7RGPIA7R Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    The day I quit playing was the day that I was KS'd by about 5 different bots throughout the duration of the day.

    It's frusterating because there is no instant gratification as far as getting "revenge" on them, and the support system was so ... distant.

    It happened, you got mad... and that's about it. After a while you don't want to deal with it anymore.

    GPIA7R on
  • The Muffin ManThe Muffin Man Registered User regular
    edited December 2007
    GPIA7R wrote: »
    The day I quit playing was the day that I was KS'd by about 5 different bots throughout the duration of the day.

    It's frusterating because there is no instant gratification as far as getting "revenge" on them, and the support system was so ... distant.

    It happened, you got mad... and that's about it. After a while you don't want to deal with it anymore.

    Ugh, distant?
    Barely there was more like it.

    I think I'd have preferred Square's "We will ban you and then think about maybe investigating the gil-seller" way of doing things to Gravitys "Send us an impersonal form with 300 pieces of evidence and don't get any sort of acknowledgment."

    It's like...who cares? I can report a million bots, and zenny-sellers, but what's the point if I'm not even gonna get confirmation that they GOT the damn thing?

    The Muffin Man on
  • GPIA7RGPIA7R Registered User regular
    edited January 2009
    Oddly-timed update:

    Seems iRO went the way of the... uhm... typical Korean game. This entire "Pay services" concept is a slippery slope (we're seeing it in World of Warcraft now... paying for character recustomizations). Since iRO started with their 'additional services' to buy in-game items, it was bound to happen.

    iRO is now free to play. The free game is basically the game before it was a pay-to-play. Now, in exchange for paying a monthly fee, you get increased exp % and whatnot... cheaper in-game services, etc

    In other words, paying players get to pee on all the freeplayers.

    Just throwing it out there for anyone that was interested in checking this game out again.

    I hopped in for about 30 minutes. You have to type your name in in-game... as some sort of anti-bot precaution...

    ... The newbie training area is still 99% bots. Hah!

    GPIA7R on
  • DogDog Registered User, Administrator, Vanilla Staff admin
    edited January 2009
    I had a level 86/30something Battlesmith

    it was awesome. CART REVOLUTION!

    Unknown User on
  • DigitoDigito Registered User regular
    edited January 2009
    I sorta liked screwing around on RO back in the day, but what drove me from it was the lack of respecs, and the fact that misplacing a single stat or skill point could and probably would screw you over. The sheer degree of effort it took to level, and the research needed to ensure you weren't screwing yourself over in the long run made building a character more of a chore than anything else.

    I will say this though, RO has some pretty damn awesome music. However RO is too much of a time sink with no reward/not really much fun to warrent me actually playing it. Of course, a total lack of any friends on there might have had something to do with it too.

    Digito on
  • DogDog Registered User, Administrator, Vanilla Staff admin
    edited January 2009
    RO was amazingly fun when you played with a friend.

    Unknown User on
  • TransporterTransporter Registered User regular
    edited January 2009
    Free to play?


    How much of an EXP bonus is it? Because I'm pretty sure my account dosen't exist anymore, and if it dosen't take me 3 goddamn months to get my Sin and a Rogue for farming back, I'm willing to give it a nostalgia spin.

    Because of work, I'm pretty much killing time till Aion anyways, so I'm game.

    Transporter on
  • NeurotikaNeurotika Registered User regular
    edited January 2009
    Because of work, I'm pretty much killing time till Aion anyways, so I'm game.

    That game still in development? I had almost forgotten about it...

    Neurotika on
  • TransporterTransporter Registered User regular
    edited January 2009
    It's out in Korea.

    It's jawdroppingly amazing.

    I'm actually going to make a thread for it tonight with all the info and video's I've found.

    Transporter on
  • TransporterTransporter Registered User regular
    edited January 2009
    robothero wrote: »
    RO was amazingly fun when you played with a friend.

    Robothero lets be girlz and seduce all the boyz.

    Transporter on
  • GPIA7RGPIA7R Registered User regular
    edited January 2009
    Free to play?


    How much of an EXP bonus is it? Because I'm pretty sure my account dosen't exist anymore, and if it dosen't take me 3 goddamn months to get my Sin and a Rogue for farming back, I'm willing to give it a nostalgia spin.

    Because of work, I'm pretty much killing time till Aion anyways, so I'm game.

    125% for payers, and they don't delete accounts. Hell, my BETA account is still alive ... not active, but it's alive.

    Oh, and HAHAHAHA at the $30 per character transfer in iRO XD

    Yeah, stat respecs cost money as well, but it looks like you get a lot more character lots now.

    And yes, I always liked the music too.

    The game is just such a... grindfest.. I mean, really, there are no quests that reward exp are there? You just grind yourself to the end

    GPIA7R on
  • khainkhain Registered User regular
    edited January 2009
    They added a significant number of quests in at one point though I'm unsure how it compares to grinding.

    khain on
  • ScroffusScroffus Registered User regular
    edited January 2009
    I think this is the only game I've played where the private servers are so much better than the offical ones.

    - Ability to respec? Check.
    - Active bot removal? Check (on several that I saw there was always GMs online who you could contact. They would port bots into the fountain at that main town (Prontera?) and post weekly name and shames on the forums.
    - Suggestions having weight on what actually happens? Check.
    - Close community with good rivalrys? Check (at least the ones with 1000+ people on at a time. Made WoE really fun).
    This game was really fun with a 3-5x drop/exp rate.

    Scroffus on
  • EliminationElimination Registered User regular
    edited January 2009
    I played before all the acention stuff. My wizard pretty much killed everything in PVP with Ice wall and then ice storm. A knight? Oh i'll just put an ice wall ontop of him so he cant move, here comes the un-dodgeable ice storm that does more damage than any other skill in the entire game ! POOF dead in one shot.

    Elimination on
    PSN: PA_Elimination 3DS: 4399-2012-1711 Steam:
  • A duck!A duck! Moderator, ClubPA Mod Emeritus
    edited January 2009
    I played from the initial beta release in America on for a few years. I mostly played Acolytes (and later Priests when they were introduced), but my friends punch-hunter inspired me to make one as well. Such a perversion of the class, but it worked so well.

    Also, lets not talk about private servers, guys.

    A duck! on
  • DogDog Registered User, Administrator, Vanilla Staff admin
    edited January 2009
    robothero wrote: »
    RO was amazingly fun when you played with a friend.

    Robothero lets be girlz and seduce all the boyz.

    have you seen how sexy my blacksmith is? ill take my chances

    i also had an acolyte who just chilled in the aco party inside glast heim

    Unknown User on
  • chasehatesbearschasehatesbears Registered User regular
    edited January 2009
    RO was my first MMO, but it eally wasn't that great. As a person who doesn't care much for cutesy JRPG stuff, I really liked the graphics.

    But yeah PVP was spamming pots and one or two skills.

    chasehatesbears on
  • The Muffin ManThe Muffin Man Registered User regular
    edited January 2009
    robothero wrote: »
    RO was amazingly fun when you played with a friend.
    It was fun to take a completely ridiculous/off-kilter build and rock faces.

    Seeing an Assassin and a Priest running through Nifleheim is no problem...
    "OH GOD THERE'S TOO MANY, HELP ME MUFFINPRIEST! *Saftey walls the Assassin* *Cast*"
    Now, what could this Priest POSSIBLY be casting?
    *MAGNUS EXORCISMUS, 5 volleys of 10 high damage Holy attacks against Holy-weak mobs*

    Fuck yeah, ME Priest.

    Also, Blacksmiths were sexy.
    Not the woman. Fuck them.
    My friend and I decided that male Blacksmiths were the sexiest class because of their "open chest" as he put it.
    It became a running gag that Blacksmiths were the Sexy People of RO.

    The Muffin Man on
  • DisDis Registered User regular
    edited January 2009
    you need chest hair to be sexy.

    Dis on
  • A duck!A duck! Moderator, ClubPA Mod Emeritus
    edited January 2009
    I ran a ME Priest before I stopped playing, and as much as you were awesome in some places, you were useless in others. I mean, you still had some nice spells and skills, but man you wanted to fuck shit up with ME and too bad if you couldn't.

    Blessing was still one of the best fucking skills, though. It's a shame so few people used it when I played because of the cost. Well, until people figured out the MP regen rate broke if you went above 110 Int.

    A duck! on
  • TransporterTransporter Registered User regular
    edited January 2009
    robothero wrote: »
    RO was amazingly fun when you played with a friend.
    It was fun to take a completely ridiculous/off-kilter build and rock faces.

    Seeing an Assassin and a Priest running through Nifleheim is no problem...
    "OH GOD THERE'S TOO MANY, HELP ME MUFFINPRIEST! *Saftey walls the Assassin* *Cast*"
    Now, what could this Priest POSSIBLY be casting?
    *MAGNUS EXORCISMUS, 5 volleys of 10 high damage Holy attacks against Holy-weak mobs*

    Fuck yeah, ME Priest.

    Also, Blacksmiths were sexy.
    Not the woman. Fuck them.
    My friend and I decided that male Blacksmiths were the sexiest class because of their "open chest" as he put it.
    It became a running gag that Blacksmiths were the Sexy People of RO.

    Female Whitesmiths were the SHIT you shut your mouth.

    Transporter on
  • AdditionalPylonsAdditionalPylons Registered User regular
    edited January 2009
    Idk if someone already said this but....underrated? I've played it before,it was a grind fest. Was fun to play with friends for a while,but after sometime it just got boring

    AdditionalPylons on
  • The Muffin ManThe Muffin Man Registered User regular
    edited January 2009
    A duck! wrote: »
    I ran a ME Priest before I stopped playing, and as much as you were awesome in some places, you were useless in others. I mean, you still had some nice spells and skills, but man you wanted to fuck shit up with ME and too bad if you couldn't.

    Blessing was still one of the best fucking skills, though. It's a shame so few people used it when I played because of the cost. Well, until people figured out the MP regen rate broke if you went above 110 Int.
    ME was like a labor of love because without friends, you were basically alone.

    "Hey wanna come Heal me through Thor Volcano?"
    "Oh are you FS?"
    "Nope ME"

    And yeah, being completely unable to hurt like, most of the enemies in the game was a pain.

    The Muffin Man on
  • aunsophaunsoph Registered User regular
    edited January 2009
    I used to love this game so much, that I commissioned character sketches for free, just so I had an excuse to do fan art of it. I adored the awesome sprite animations and the upbeat soundtrack. It was the perfect drug for a long while.

    I also played a ME Priestess initially... until finally being forced to reroll a FS Priestess to join my guild's WoE team. I think I stopped leveling her at lvl 90. I stopped playing before the whole Ascension thing came into play.

    Meet Ciel; (Which I deleted ages ago... thankfully!) the character that robbed me of several hours of my life. D:


    aunsoph on
  • PikaPuffPikaPuff Registered User regular
    edited January 2009
    I wonder if Ciel is a popular name or if I knew you way back when.

    PikaPuff on
  • GPIA7RGPIA7R Registered User regular
    edited January 2009
    Idk if someone already said this but....underrated? I've played it before,it was a grind fest. Was fun to play with friends for a while,but after sometime it just got boring

    The game's biggest downfall... It's Korean.

    It shares the same flaw with FFXI in that it's hard to play your own way... and you almost must follow pre-set cookie cutter character builds in order to be accepted. All the end-game people wear the exact same stuff, because it's the best, and there is no substitute to those items. The line between casual and hard-core was extremely thin.

    Yeah I stated near the beginning how underrated this game was... the entire stat allocation, weapon upgrade, skill point system was more fun than it should have been. Interesting builds came out of the woodwork like Melee Acolytes, Perma-Novice (quite a challenge, but very interesting to see) which somewhat later became super-novice... even though perma-novice was completely classless.

    Using cards and whatnot to give yourself skills that you wouldn't normally have was also very cool. Being able to teleport as a thief, heal as a swordsman... etc. Like I said, I played back in beta, and I stopped playing when bots became too much of a hassle to play around, which was right before the 2nd transcended classes were introduced... and now they're up to the third transcendence (at least on Wikipedia they show them, must be a soon-to-be-implimented feature.)

    I have little hope for Ragnarok 2... seems too much like other cheaply made isometric MMO's... like Flyff, Gunz, etc... The appeal of iRO was the top-downish 2d sprites-living-in-a-3d-world sort of thing. There was very little customization as far as looks go, except for hats, but it was easy to make a name for yourself, hanging outside of South Prontera, using Dead Branches to summon bosses, etc.

    GPIA7R on
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