The Omegathon, as most of us already know, is the PAX-long gaming tournament that spans time and genre to culminate in a secret final round between the final two of twenty combatants (18 randomly selected this summer, 1 picked by drawing during PAX07 and the runner up from last year's Omegathon) who will battle for the biggest prize at PAX, which has been revealed for this year as a trip for two to the Tokyo Game Show, along with $5,000 in spending cash and "an incredible, almost supernatural home theater system".
With PAX a mere summer away, and the Omegathon selections most likely going to be made in a month or so, I figure it's time we start talking about it. I know we all want to be in it. The only logical progression is to speculate on the games for this year and talk about how awesome it will be (because it totally will). Also, I guess, talk about epic rounds of the past (like these below).
PAX 2007 Omegathon SlideshowOmegathon 2004 Final Round (Pong, Atari 2600)Omegathon 2006 Final Round (Tengen Tetris, NES)Omegathon 2007 Final Round (Halo 3, XBOX 360)Omegathon 2007 Round 2 (Calling All Cars, PS3)
My roommate wants to get us Media passes...I'm subtly leaning on him not to
NEW ALBUM OUT, NOW WITH 100% MORE SHEEP!, have a listen will ya
(cue lordthanda with the picture)
I'm kind of disappointed that TGS + $5k is part of the prize again. I'm sure TGS is great, but I miss the variety of every NES game ever made or a car or whatever.
NEW ALBUM OUT, NOW WITH 100% MORE SHEEP!, have a listen will ya
Then god help whomever Dover's up against.
There must be a physical challenge round (Diceland - 04, 05, 06 & Jenga - 07) and I think I remember hearing that they are going to do Jenga again.
There has to be a music round (DDR 04, Karaoke Revolution 05, Guitar Hero 06 & Rock Band 07) and I've got even money that it's going to be Rock Band again, after last year's success.
There's the "Ladykiller FPS round" (I'm sorry, but the name has held true year after year - Doom 04 & Halo 04, Quake - 05, Quake II - 06 & Quake III 07) What FPS it's going to be is anybody's guess. Maybe Halo 3? Crysis? TF2? What I would venture to guess is Quake IV this year
After 2006, it seems that always one of the rounds is going to be some sort of handheld game. ( Mario Kart 06, Puzzle Quest 07) Most likely it's going to be on the DS (since the PA family has a 1,000,000 : 1 ratio of DS to PSP it seems) Since I don't own a handheld, I have no clue on this round.
There also needs to be a downloadable arcade game (Geo Wars - 2006, Calling All Cars - 2007) if we go by the past two years. No clue on this one either.
And then there is the final round. This one always used to be a classic console game (Pong - 04, Combat - 05 & Tetris - 06) But last year threw a monkey wrench into that with Halo 3. I still think that they are going to go back to the old school game for this year.
So after all that, this is what I think it's going to be:
Round 1: Jenga (Physical)
Round 2: Wits & Wagers (Arcade game)
Round 3: TF2 (Ladykiller FPS Round)
Round 4: Rock Band (Music Round)
Round 5: Mario Kart DS (Handheld game)
Round 6: Street Fighter II (Final Round)
Feel free to discuss.
If that's the case, I hope it'll be a "highest points" challenge in Berzerk. I can whup some robot tail, and dodge bouncing smiley faces like it's my job.
Theres a post by khoo a while ago where he says it was not a sponosor deal. It was PAs idea to do it.
Just for specificity sake
NEW ALBUM OUT, NOW WITH 100% MORE SHEEP!, have a listen will ya
Yeah, that actually occurred to a friend of mine last night, and once he mentioned it I thought it was odd that no one had seemed to think of that. Thanks for clarifying.
Ahh, I assumed that it was, my bad. I wouldn't blame them if it was though... I mean, you got to pay the bills somehow.
Murphy's Paradox: The more you plan, the more that can go wrong. The less you plan, the less likely your plan will succeed.
I hope they do Rock Band again, cause I want this years Omeganauts to be able to experience the epicness of playing in a band on stage in front of thousands of people... smoke machines and all.
*Proud member of the Photoshop Heroes*
I'd put money on Rock Band making an appearance again just due to the ease of making an Omegathon event into a show. People are likely to stand around and watch the Omeganauts rock out - especially when participants kick up the entertainment value.
Then again, what do I know - it could be Dance Dance Revolution!
After seeing the reaction to the Halo final round last year, I think that PA will pull something out of left field again this year. A deal with the manufacturers for a game that isn't released yet. The best part about this for the Omegathon is that both competitors are on a level pegging - neither has an advantage having played the game in the past and so the competition is more likely to go to the wire. In addition it adds the "Wow, look what I saw at PAX!" factor to the show.
I'd also predict some sort of Wii round this year, but on what i'll pass.
I like the idea someone suggested of a TF2 round, but I think the logistics might defeat it - as you would have to do it early on to get balanced teams (About 7 vs 7 minimum) and after that there is the working out who to eliminate- As points don't win prizes in TF2.
I'd like to see a "Scene It" Round. Make the whole thing into an Omeganaut Game Show, have the audience screaming out the answers and make it fun.
Even though I ended up winning in the round, I would not want to see Rock Band played again. I was by far the worst member of my team and was actually worried about eliminating them by my lame playing. Fortunately, I kept up on the drums and we did really well, but I felt that that round was a little unfair and against the feel of the Omegathon.
I always felt that the Omegathon was about proving your skills against other participants in multiplayer games. Rock Band goes against that tradition. I could be the best guitarist in the world, but if my partners had dropped the ball and we failed the song, how fair is that? For that reason alone, I wouldn't recommend Rock Band or Guitar Hero 4 for a round of the Omegathon. Although, if it does happen this year I'll be ready. I'm been playing a lot of Rock Band since it came out, so bring it on!!!
At the end of the day, it isn't up to me to decide, just get out there and win. If I do manage to get to the Sunday rounds, maybe I'll get some sleep this year. Probably not though... :P
BTW, for the upcoming Omeganaughts, make sure to get your passport THE VERY SAME WEEK that you are selected. If you wait to long you won't get it or will end up paying a lot of money extra for a rush job.
Legends of Runeterra: MNCdover #moc
Switch ID: MNC Dover SW-1154-3107-1051
Steam ID
Twitch Page
If you have trouble acquiring a passport, you can always see...The Swede.
On the subject of the passport, get it ASAP! I didn't get mine before PAX, I didn't actually expect to win... well I did and had two weeks to have it expidited. Cost me an extra $110 or so, but I got it in 6 days.
*Proud member of the Photoshop Heroes*
Round 1: Jenga
Round 2: ???
Round 3: Unreal Tournament
Round 4: Rock Band
Round 5: Mario Kart Wii
Round 6: Street Fighter II or Soul Calibur
1: Dominoes (any version)
3: Unreal Tournament (2004 or 3)
4: Mario Kart (any version; maybe even the original)
5: Guitar Hero (2 or 3)
Final: Goldeneye 64
Violets are blue
Murphy's Paradox: The more you plan, the more that can go wrong. The less you plan, the less likely your plan will succeed.
Round 1: Jenga
Round 2: Mario Kart Wii (I've got no clue on this round really)
Round 3: Team Fortress 2
Round 4: Guitar Hero World Tour (maybe with a song Tycho wrote in the song creation thing)
Round 5: Little Big Planet (not sure if this is possible, maybe a timed run through a course?)
Final: Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
Final round could be a completely bad ass light saber duel to the death.
NEW ALBUM OUT, NOW WITH 100% MORE SHEEP!, have a listen will ya
2. ??? Undecided
3. Mario kart Wii
4. Guitar hero (one of the versions)
5. ??? undecided
Final Round : Street fighter 4 or hyper fighting on the SNES.
I'm gonna take my stab at it and give that a shot. 2 and 5 was just drawing blanks for me.
Round Two: Perfect Dark (N64)
Round Three: Star Wars Episode I: Jedi Power Battles
Round Four: Rock Band/Guitar Hero: World Tour
Round Five: wii sports/wii fit
I'm just curious.
As for predictions from me...
Ummm. This post will be eventually edited to place my predictions.
Prediction Time!
Round 1: Jenga
Round 2: Guess Who. --Yeah. I said it.
Round 3: Mario Kart Wii or Beautiful Katamari
Round 4: Halo 3
Round 5: Rock Band
Round 6: Street Fighter II