Depressions: Can we learn from past [chat]?



  • MortiousMortious The Nightmare Begins Move to New ZealandRegistered User regular
    Organichu wrote: »
    Neco wrote: »
    Sooo last night sucked and I had to lock myself in my friend's bathroom because she got way too drunk and tried to stab me.

    Should I be worried about this?

    Didn't this happen with a cat

    I thought the cat was the one locked in the bathroom?

    Move to New Zealand
    It’s not a very important country most of the time
  • emnmnmeemnmnme Registered User regular
    Thomamelas wrote: »
    This whole Greece thing.

    Their creditors are going to get their money eventually. Eventually.

    But even if they don't, hey, guess what? Lending isn't a no-risk business.

    Well we know that if American creditors attempt to seize Greece's navy for non-payment that it won't stand.

    No one is seizing shit from Greece, Greece is a country not a business or person. They have an army.

    Are the banks going to re-headquarters to Venice and start hiring mercenaries? I don't think so. :-p

    Now I've got the mental image of repo men hauling away the Acropolis in the back of a giant flatbed truck.

  • Regina FongRegina Fong Allons-y, Alonso Registered User regular
    Irond Will wrote: »
    This whole Greece thing.

    Their creditors are going to get their money eventually. Eventually.

    But even if they don't, hey, guess what? Lending isn't a no-risk business.

    i don't think that the big concern is for the welfare of the bondholders. as you said, they got a better interest rate on their greek bonds because they had to accept risk.

    the big concern is that after a default, greece will have no way of raising money because no one will buy their bonds

    Very true, which is why its in Greece's interests to reach a workable arrangement.

  • DelmainDelmain Registered User regular
    U S A
    U S A
    U S A

  • Apothe0sisApothe0sis Have you ever questioned the nature of your reality? Registered User regular
    Melbourne, Australia has the largest population of Greek people outside of Greece.

  • WashWash Sweet Christmas Registered User regular
    Jacobkosh wrote: »
    Wash wrote: »
    Oh, @Jacobkosh and @DasUberEdward I watched After Hours for the first time the other day, had been wanting to for a while after DUE posted the trailer

    and now I really want to write a modern version of what that movie is essentially: a dude in his twenties out late at night and the kind of weird shit that happens when you venture out into the city in search of sex or just something to do.

    That movie reminded me of my college years and the strange shit that would happen whenever we went downtown drinking, and I loved how contained and oddly relatable the movie felt.

    @Wash it's terrific. It's an archetypal Night Journey, at once enlightening and terrifying. As a comedy I find it kind of cold and alienating sometimes? It's got long stretches that are just chilly and ha-ha weird instead of ha-ha funny. But I think that's the point; it disorients you, it removes all the usual bumpers from the edge of the narrative ride and you legitimately have no idea how anything is going to turn out by "morning."

    It gets very uncomfortable and unsettling at points, and it kind of veers from feeling like a story a friend might tell you the morning after and being a nightmare.

    There's a short doc about the movie on the DVD, and apparently before Scorsese agreed to it, the producers had been talking to Tim Burton. When Scorsese finally told them he wanted to do the movie, Griffin Dunne mentioned it to Burton during a meeting and supposedly the director gracefully bowed out, not wanting to get in the way of Scorsese.

  • ThomamelasThomamelas Only one man can kill this many Russians. Bring his guitar to me! Registered User regular
    Thomamelas wrote: »
    This whole Greece thing.

    Their creditors are going to get their money eventually. Eventually.

    But even if they don't, hey, guess what? Lending isn't a no-risk business.

    Well we know that if American creditors attempt to seize Greece's navy for non-payment that it won't stand.

    No one is seizing shit from Greece, Greece is a country not a business or person. They have an army.

    Are the banks going to re-headquarters to Venice and start hiring mercenaries? I don't think so. :-p

    It kinda happened to Argentina. There was a dispute over some bonds they defaulted over and one of the creditors had the harbormaster impound the A.R.A. Libertad when it docked Ghana. It was disputed for a little while till the Supreme Court said he had to give it back.

  • HakkekageHakkekage Space Whore Academy summa cum laudeRegistered User regular

    3DS: 2165 - 6538 - 3417
    NNID: Hakkekage
  • thatassemblyguythatassemblyguy Janitor of Technical Debt .Registered User regular
    Hakkekage wrote: »

    So stronk, are their own analogy.

  • emnmnmeemnmnme Registered User regular
    Hakkekage wrote: »

  • simonwolfsimonwolf i can feel a difference today, a differenceRegistered User regular
    Everybody join hands and sing the anthem

    You're the red, white and blue
    Oh, the funny things you do
    America, America
    This is you

  • Regina FongRegina Fong Allons-y, Alonso Registered User regular
    Does the other team have to bend over and take it in the butt now or is this boring and dumb like all the other sports that aren't turkish oil wrestling?

  • JacobkoshJacobkosh Gamble a stamp. I can show you how to be a real man!Moderator mod
    Wash wrote: »
    Jacobkosh wrote: »
    Wash wrote: »
    Oh, @Jacobkosh and @DasUberEdward I watched After Hours for the first time the other day, had been wanting to for a while after DUE posted the trailer

    and now I really want to write a modern version of what that movie is essentially: a dude in his twenties out late at night and the kind of weird shit that happens when you venture out into the city in search of sex or just something to do.

    That movie reminded me of my college years and the strange shit that would happen whenever we went downtown drinking, and I loved how contained and oddly relatable the movie felt.

    @Wash it's terrific. It's an archetypal Night Journey, at once enlightening and terrifying. As a comedy I find it kind of cold and alienating sometimes? It's got long stretches that are just chilly and ha-ha weird instead of ha-ha funny. But I think that's the point; it disorients you, it removes all the usual bumpers from the edge of the narrative ride and you legitimately have no idea how anything is going to turn out by "morning."

    It gets very uncomfortable and unsettling at points, and it kind of veers from feeling like a story a friend might tell you the morning after and being a nightmare.

    There's a short doc about the movie on the DVD, and apparently before Scorsese agreed to it, the producers had been talking to Tim Burton. When Scorsese finally told them he wanted to do the movie, Griffin Dunne mentioned it to Burton during a meeting and supposedly the director gracefully bowed out, not wanting to get in the way of Scorsese.

    Well shit, now in retrospect I kind of regret that we didn't get to see Burton doing something urban and real. I mean, it's Scorsese's one comedy so is notable for that but I'd have loved to see a more gritty, naturalistic Tim Burton before he kind of disappeared into the fairy realm.

  • simonwolfsimonwolf i can feel a difference today, a differenceRegistered User regular
    Paul Rudd is an expert at sloppily making out with people, if his performance in Wet Hot American Summer is to be believed

  • simonwolfsimonwolf i can feel a difference today, a differenceRegistered User regular
    So if Hilary wins the election, does that mean Bill would have to register a new twitter account, FHOTUS

    or would he just keep FLOTUS and change the L to mean something different

  • evilbobevilbob RADELAIDERegistered User regular
    Apothe0sis wrote: »
    Melbourne, Australia has the largest population of Greek people outside of Greece.

    Outside of Athens.


  • nexuscrawlernexuscrawler Registered User regular
    Apothe0sis wrote: »
    Melbourne, Australia has the largest population of Greek people outside of Greece.

    I suspect astoria queens is on that list somewhere

  • evilbobevilbob RADELAIDERegistered User regular
    simonwolf wrote: »
    So if Hilary wins the election, does that mean Bill would have to register a new twitter account, FHOTUS

    or would he just keep FLOTUS and change the L to mean something different

    first lad


  • emnmnmeemnmnme Registered User regular
    simonwolf wrote: »
    So if Hilary wins the election, does that mean Bill would have to register a new twitter account, FHOTUS

    or would he just keep FLOTUS and change the L to mean something different

    First lad?

  • emnmnmeemnmnme Registered User regular

    First Impeached President Let Back Into The White House

  • surrealitychecksurrealitycheck lonely, but not unloved dreaming of faulty keys and latchesRegistered User regular
    first pensi

  • Apothe0sisApothe0sis Have you ever questioned the nature of your reality? Registered User regular
    First Lothario

  • WashWash Sweet Christmas Registered User regular
    Jacobkosh wrote: »
    Wash wrote: »
    Jacobkosh wrote: »
    Wash wrote: »
    Oh, @Jacobkosh and @DasUberEdward I watched After Hours for the first time the other day, had been wanting to for a while after DUE posted the trailer

    and now I really want to write a modern version of what that movie is essentially: a dude in his twenties out late at night and the kind of weird shit that happens when you venture out into the city in search of sex or just something to do.

    That movie reminded me of my college years and the strange shit that would happen whenever we went downtown drinking, and I loved how contained and oddly relatable the movie felt.

    @Wash it's terrific. It's an archetypal Night Journey, at once enlightening and terrifying. As a comedy I find it kind of cold and alienating sometimes? It's got long stretches that are just chilly and ha-ha weird instead of ha-ha funny. But I think that's the point; it disorients you, it removes all the usual bumpers from the edge of the narrative ride and you legitimately have no idea how anything is going to turn out by "morning."

    It gets very uncomfortable and unsettling at points, and it kind of veers from feeling like a story a friend might tell you the morning after and being a nightmare.

    There's a short doc about the movie on the DVD, and apparently before Scorsese agreed to it, the producers had been talking to Tim Burton. When Scorsese finally told them he wanted to do the movie, Griffin Dunne mentioned it to Burton during a meeting and supposedly the director gracefully bowed out, not wanting to get in the way of Scorsese.

    Well shit, now in retrospect I kind of regret that we didn't get to see Burton doing something urban and real. I mean, it's Scorsese's one comedy so is notable for that but I'd have loved to see a more gritty, naturalistic Tim Burton before he kind of disappeared into the fairy realm.

    I am extremely curious as to how that would look, and if he could manage to do that movie without making it seem too fantastical.

    There are some parts of it I could see him glowing over, like the sculptures, Terri's Garrs apartment, and the punk bar.

  • ElldrenElldren Is a woman dammit ceterum censeoRegistered User regular
    Thomamelas wrote: »

    I hope this was someone's idea of a joke. It's a clip from CCTV discussing Japanese military capability. About 19 seconds or so in.

    that's a statue

    Good joke tho

    fuck gendered marketing
  • jakobaggerjakobagger LO THY DREAD EMPIRE CHAOS IS RESTORED Registered User regular
    Jacobkosh wrote: »
    Wash wrote: »
    Jacobkosh wrote: »
    Wash wrote: »
    Oh, @Jacobkosh and @DasUberEdward I watched After Hours for the first time the other day, had been wanting to for a while after DUE posted the trailer

    and now I really want to write a modern version of what that movie is essentially: a dude in his twenties out late at night and the kind of weird shit that happens when you venture out into the city in search of sex or just something to do.

    That movie reminded me of my college years and the strange shit that would happen whenever we went downtown drinking, and I loved how contained and oddly relatable the movie felt.

    @Wash it's terrific. It's an archetypal Night Journey, at once enlightening and terrifying. As a comedy I find it kind of cold and alienating sometimes? It's got long stretches that are just chilly and ha-ha weird instead of ha-ha funny. But I think that's the point; it disorients you, it removes all the usual bumpers from the edge of the narrative ride and you legitimately have no idea how anything is going to turn out by "morning."

    It gets very uncomfortable and unsettling at points, and it kind of veers from feeling like a story a friend might tell you the morning after and being a nightmare.

    There's a short doc about the movie on the DVD, and apparently before Scorsese agreed to it, the producers had been talking to Tim Burton. When Scorsese finally told them he wanted to do the movie, Griffin Dunne mentioned it to Burton during a meeting and supposedly the director gracefully bowed out, not wanting to get in the way of Scorsese.

    Well shit, now in retrospect I kind of regret that we didn't get to see Burton doing something urban and real. I mean, it's Scorsese's one comedy so is notable for that but I'd have loved to see a more gritty, naturalistic Tim Burton before he kind of disappeared into the fairy realm.

    oh man what if that is literally what happened

    and the burton that's made the last many movies is actually just some hollow changeling, which would explain how weirdly formulaic and lifeless many (all?) of the latest movies are

    a changeling faerie that came to the realms of christendom with one dream: to have outrageous threesomes with depp and bonham-carter

  • jakobaggerjakobagger LO THY DREAD EMPIRE CHAOS IS RESTORED Registered User regular
    Danny Elfman

    maek u think

  • MimMim I prefer my lovers… dead.Registered User regular
    Neco wrote: »
    Sooo last night sucked and I had to lock myself in my friend's bathroom because she got way too drunk and tried to stab me.

    Should I be worried about this?

    stab her before she stabs you

    just sit her on the couch next to you and be like "We need to talk"

    then just stab her suddenly and be like

    "The Lannisters send their regards"

  • simonwolfsimonwolf i can feel a difference today, a differenceRegistered User regular
  • MimMim I prefer my lovers… dead.Registered User regular
    I typed that so fast, I was afraid Geth would lock the thread before I got to post it.

    this gave me a +1 to positivity

  • GethGeth Legion Perseus VeilRegistered User, Moderator, Penny Arcade Staff, Vanilla Staff vanilla
    This thread is no longer active, and will be recycled.
    On average, this thread was blasting along at warp 2.3

    @Elldren will create the new thread
    @ronya is backup

This discussion has been closed.