
[WandaVision] Yakety Yak! Open Spoilers!



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    Local H JayLocal H Jay Registered User regular
    edited March 2021
    I don't want to be labeled as angry. I think Pietro was bad storytelling and bad marketing. Angry is a step beyond, I'd describe myself as annoyed and less inclined to engage with further mysteries.

    If the only satisfactory answer to mysteries is the ones you liked or predetermined, you might just not like mysteries

    Local H Jay on
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    Atlas in ChainsAtlas in Chains Registered User regular
    I don't want to be labeled as angry. I think Pietro was bad storytelling and bad marketing. Angry is a step beyond, I'd describe myself as annoyed and less inclined to engage with further mysteries.

    If the only satisfactory answer...

    Stop right there, this is wrong and not what I said.

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    Endless_SerpentsEndless_Serpents Registered User regular
    I still say a good answer is not who Quicksilver is, but who Ralph is. Nobodies should get to be heroes too!

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    Local H JayLocal H Jay Registered User regular
    I don't want to be labeled as angry. I think Pietro was bad storytelling and bad marketing. Angry is a step beyond, I'd describe myself as annoyed and less inclined to engage with further mysteries.

    If the only satisfactory answer...

    Stop right there, this is wrong and not what I said.

    Aight let's check out what you said
    I will say, the finale really put to bed the argument over the release schedule. This had to be a weekly release, otherwise the audience wouldn't have had time to add everything interesting that the show didn't do.

    Frankly takes like this scream to me that you are salty that whatever theory you had or enjoyed was wrong, something you had deemed more interesting than what you were presented with. You're basically saying screw Marvel for having fun with the TV format, and screw anyone who enjoyed it. There's tons of really good stuff in this show, and getting hung up on the mutant stuff that was always a pipe dream and never confirmed says more about what you wanted than about what the show did or didn't want to do.

    The show does a whole lot and to me this hyper fixation on Pietro being a takeout (for now mind you) proves why they probably didn't go whole hog and merge universes. It completely would trample over the flow of the series and Wanda's story. It would overshadow everything. Nobody hyped the show up as bad as the fans, and then simply acknowledging Fox Pietro in closed captions of all things (fucking lol) apparently is a warcrime
    Gnizmo wrote: »
    I will say, the finale really put to bed the argument over the release schedule. This had to be a weekly release, otherwise the audience wouldn't have had time to add everything interesting that the show didn't do.

    I would argue it would ultimately work better as one big release. There was no grand mystery to speculate about, and giving fans the space to has clearly bitten them in the ass. Especially stuff like Quicksilver where there was a lot of build up to literally nothing.

    I was being facetious, but yes, I would have enjoyed this much more if I could have watched it over a day or two. Everything about it that sparked my curiosity didn't go anywhere and the story itself didn't get enhanced by discussion, it was mostly ignored in favor of theories and guesses. It turned out to not be that kind of show at all.

    Again, basically this sounds like you expected more than was ever promised, then got annoyed when you had grander ideas than they did. The shows were always meant to lead up to tentpole releases, not be tentpole releases. More than just one thing sparked my curiosity, not just the X factor. I think the show turned out great for what it was, not for what I wanted it to be. I think that's the difference in approach. You've basically said there was no mystery from the start, and yet there was plenty to speculate on the whole way through. Up to the last episode, people had convinced themselves of things that were never once promised.

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    GnizmoGnizmo Registered User regular
    Gnizmo wrote: »
    Having a Monica subplot that mirrors Wanda's own survivors guilt is hardly the same as dumping mutants into the MCU

    I think the Monica stuff added to, not distracted from Wanda's arc

    I would have absolutely loved that as a Monica plot. If it is there then I completely missed it. I honestly didn't get much at all from Monica in terms of character progression. Whenever I get around to rewatching this I will pay more attention to her.

    I will say I don't think it distracted from Wanda's stuff. I think it was largely just not there running alongside it.

    Monica comes back from the snap and, like Wanda, one of the most important people in her life is now dead. Someone that when she last saw them, seemed like they were getting better not worse.

    Monica, like Wanda throughout the series, is told who she is by the director. She's not head of Sword, which is pretty much her rightful place as acknowledged by Hayward when she arrives. So she's being ordered around by someone she shouldn't be, and then when she gets to the town she's once again forced to be something she isn't. In the beginning Wanda and her are played against each other when in reality they're going through similar situations of dealing with grief.

    When Monica decides to enter the town again, she does so with resolve, of her own free will. Each step she hears people from her past, everyone expecting and wanting different things from her. At first her steps are uneasy as she struggles against the Hex, her many selves seemingly ready to swap spots with her. She realizes who she is in this moment, and suddenly it all comes together for her- literally. Unlike Wanda who had to be awoken to her true self, by the stone and then again by Agatha, Monica finds herself. She literally takes the first steps towards finding herself, literally pulls herself together, and comes out the otherside not only super powered but also knowing exactly who she is, despite the world placing so many expectations and labels on her, she chooses her place.

    I mean that was just my take.

    Huh. Now I wish they had done more with this. I can definitely see this as a take on it. Especially since they are subtly leaning into the mind stone awakening your true power. It definitely would have made for a much stronger back half to lean more into it.

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    Local H JayLocal H Jay Registered User regular
    Now how's this for a game theory

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    ElderlycrawfishElderlycrawfish Registered User regular
    Part of me wants a recurring gag where they hire both Aaron Taylor-Johnson and Evan Peters to play Quicksilver in alternating movies/series. No explanation ever given!

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    tzeentchlingtzeentchling Doctor of Rocks OaklandRegistered User regular
    TBH I can't see Marvel being in any way excited to actually bring in Mephisto as an actual character. Even here, where he could have easily shown up. Mephisto's character is literally based on the Christian devil, from his horns and tail to his all-red outfit to his habit of making deals where he takes more than he gives. Why would you let that character into your universe and risk alienating people who are turned off by the idea of the character? Especially when there are so many non-directly-Christian evil baddies of equivalent power already present to draw from. No one but the most devout of Marvel comics fans are going to care if Wanda's kids are parts of Cthon's soul rather than Mephisto's, for instance.

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    Inquisitor77Inquisitor77 2 x Penny Arcade Fight Club Champion A fixed point in space and timeRegistered User regular
    So should we make a new thread for open spoilers with Falcon and the Winter Soldier or should we just repurpose this one?

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    Local H JayLocal H Jay Registered User regular
    edited March 2021
    Since the thread has 3 more pages, I assume you could just make a general Marvel show thread that's open spoilers next

    Local H Jay on
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    Atlas in ChainsAtlas in Chains Registered User regular
    I don't want to be labeled as angry. I think Pietro was bad storytelling and bad marketing. Angry is a step beyond, I'd describe myself as annoyed and less inclined to engage with further mysteries.

    If the only satisfactory answer...

    Stop right there, this is wrong and not what I said.

    Aight let's check out what you said
    I will say, the finale really put to bed the argument over the release schedule. This had to be a weekly release, otherwise the audience wouldn't have had time to add everything interesting that the show didn't do.

    Frankly takes like this scream to me that you are salty that whatever theory you had or enjoyed was wrong, something you had deemed more interesting than what you were presented with. You're basically saying screw Marvel for having fun with the TV format, and screw anyone who enjoyed it. There's tons of really good stuff in this show, and getting hung up on the mutant stuff that was always a pipe dream and never confirmed says more about what you wanted than about what the show did or didn't want to do.

    The show does a whole lot and to me this hyper fixation on Pietro being a takeout (for now mind you) proves why they probably didn't go whole hog and merge universes. It completely would trample over the flow of the series and Wanda's story. It would overshadow everything. Nobody hyped the show up as bad as the fans, and then simply acknowledging Fox Pietro in closed captions of all things (fucking lol) apparently is a warcrime
    Gnizmo wrote: »
    I will say, the finale really put to bed the argument over the release schedule. This had to be a weekly release, otherwise the audience wouldn't have had time to add everything interesting that the show didn't do.

    I would argue it would ultimately work better as one big release. There was no grand mystery to speculate about, and giving fans the space to has clearly bitten them in the ass. Especially stuff like Quicksilver where there was a lot of build up to literally nothing.

    I was being facetious, but yes, I would have enjoyed this much more if I could have watched it over a day or two. Everything about it that sparked my curiosity didn't go anywhere and the story itself didn't get enhanced by discussion, it was mostly ignored in favor of theories and guesses. It turned out to not be that kind of show at all.

    Again, basically this sounds like you expected more than was ever promised, then got annoyed when you had grander ideas than they did. The shows were always meant to lead up to tentpole releases, not be tentpole releases. More than just one thing sparked my curiosity, not just the X factor. I think the show turned out great for what it was, not for what I wanted it to be. I think that's the difference in approach. You've basically said there was no mystery from the start, and yet there was plenty to speculate on the whole way through. Up to the last episode, people had convinced themselves of things that were never once promised.

    Screw anyone who enjoyed it? I think you might have your identity a little bit enmeshed with the media you enjoy if that's your takeaway from my posts. I like mysteries, I don't need them to resolve how I predict, they just need to resolve. I don't think casting Evan Peters was fun. You are free to disagree without that being an attack on your person.

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    Local H JayLocal H Jay Registered User regular
    Idk it's the way I read your posts, they didn't do X which leads to Y being bad writing, therefore everyone who liked it enjoys bad writing. Maybe just gotta rephrase it.

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    Undead ScottsmanUndead Scottsman Registered User regular
    Have they spoken about how Fietro came to pass? Because I could see it being (speculation abounds)

    -Aaron Taylor Thomas was unavailable.
    Either a scheduling conflict or maybe he just declined to come back (contracts are not indentured servitudes) so no NecroPietro as hinted by Agatha.
    -Given the premise of the show, "recasting" Pietro can work on a meta level, but casting some random person just leaves the viewer waiting for them to be called out as fake.
    -Casting Peter Evans hits the sweet spot, as while he's definitely not real Pietro, he's also not just an immediately dismissable fake due to his relationship with the Fox X-men franchise.

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    Local H JayLocal H Jay Registered User regular
    I'm assuming they talk about it on that Matt Shakman - Kevin Smith podcast

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    AtomikaAtomika Live fast and get fucked or whatever Registered User regular
    edited March 2021
    If everything Wanda created was just simulacra and in the end given up by her (see: Vision, Billy, Tommy, the house), wouldn’t any version of Pietro—regardless of casting—also be subject to that end?

    Agatha “recasting” the role is the only way there was even a real person playing the part. Otherwise it would have been another construct from Wanda that would have disappeared at the end.

    Ergo, complaining about Pietro being a fakeout or letdown or whatever seems not only like grumpy folks unhappy their fan theories or wishlists weren’t listened to, but also hard against the established canon of the show.

    Evan Peters in the role was a nice bit of levity. Don’t be the reason we can’t have nice things. We have so many other stories to tell in the currently-established MCU, let’s not get upset about how we can’t take a crowbar and shoehorn the goddamn X-Men into all of this. There’s already like 15 X-Men movies, including several with Quicksilver. Marvel has proven time and time again they know exactly what they’re doing with their properties, so let them keep doing that. They’re plenty busy trying get Fantastic Four up and running and trying to get their cosmic and magic teams lined up for whatever Avengers 5 is going to bring. Is it going to be Galactus? Nihilus? Secret Wars? Who knows! But it’s probably not going to be anything going on with mutants, and it’s definitely going to be something going on with the plotlines and conflicts already known to us.

    We’ve got so many rich characters yet to be fully explored or even introduced. Please don’t start asking for more Wolverine or Dark Phoenix already. We have mutants at home.

    Atomika on
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    GnizmoGnizmo Registered User regular
    Have they spoken about how Fietro came to pass? Because I could see it being (speculation abounds)

    -Aaron Taylor Thomas was unavailable.
    Either a scheduling conflict or maybe he just declined to come back (contracts are not indentured servitudes) so no NecroPietro as hinted by Agatha.
    -Given the premise of the show, "recasting" Pietro can work on a meta level, but casting some random person just leaves the viewer waiting for them to be called out as fake.
    -Casting Peter Evans hits the sweet spot, as while he's definitely not real Pietro, he's also not just an immediately dismissable fake due to his relationship with the Fox X-men franchise.

    I get that was their aim, but man was it never likely to work. At best they could have thrown in some lines about her needing to reach into another universe because he needed super speed* to really sell it to Wanda. This does more or less commit to eventually merging universes though which is maybe not what they want to do at this point.

    I am also looking forward to having time to listen to the Fatman interview. I know the pandemic threw a lot of their plans off from skimming the internet (including short changing Monica's ending). Could be that a lot of the problems were just the result of a chaotic production for reasons beyond their control.

    *Side note: This does set up a potentially huge problem for them in the future. Apparently Wanda can just give people super speed? Or well Agatha could, but she isn't as powerful as Wanda so naturally we can assume Wanda could do it with training. A bit of an odd pandora's box to open.

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    Undead ScottsmanUndead Scottsman Registered User regular
    Gnizmo wrote: »
    Have they spoken about how Fietro came to pass? Because I could see it being (speculation abounds)

    -Aaron Taylor Thomas was unavailable.
    Either a scheduling conflict or maybe he just declined to come back (contracts are not indentured servitudes) so no NecroPietro as hinted by Agatha.
    -Given the premise of the show, "recasting" Pietro can work on a meta level, but casting some random person just leaves the viewer waiting for them to be called out as fake.
    -Casting Peter Evans hits the sweet spot, as while he's definitely not real Pietro, he's also not just an immediately dismissable fake due to his relationship with the Fox X-men franchise.

    I get that was their aim, but man was it never likely to work. At best they could have thrown in some lines about her needing to reach into another universe because he needed super speed* to really sell it to Wanda. This does more or less commit to eventually merging universes though which is maybe not what they want to do at this point.

    I am also looking forward to having time to listen to the Fatman interview. I know the pandemic threw a lot of their plans off from skimming the internet (including short changing Monica's ending). Could be that a lot of the problems were just the result of a chaotic production for reasons beyond their control.

    *Side note: This does set up a potentially huge problem for them in the future. Apparently Wanda can just give people super speed? Or well Agatha could, but she isn't as powerful as Wanda so naturally we can assume Wanda could do it with training. A bit of an odd pandora's box to open.

    My current theory is Wanda unconsciously gave Pietro superspeed back in the day to prevent him from getting killed by the stone. Given it's a power her son picked up.

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    schussschuss Registered User regular
    I'm assuming they talk about it on that Matt Shakman - Kevin Smith podcast

    They do a little. It was partially intentional, also they really like the actor, so why not? His point was also: "If it's Quiksilver, then people would be chasing who Ralph was." He was also a fan of the Iron Man 3 stuff, so there you go. They also point out: Hey, it's all coming in the next year or two, so just be patient.

    I found it more fascinating that most of the decisions on Wanda, Monica etc. for tone/styling were almost entirely up to the director, and basically everyone just needs to embrace it moving forward versus an iron fist of centralized decision making.

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    Brainiac 8Brainiac 8 Don't call me Shirley... Registered User regular
    Basically Marvel is really REALLY good at casting their characters. Evan Peters was one of the few areas where Fox totally had the better casting. Why not play with that a little bit while at the same time getting all the internet reactions that "Is this Fox Pietro!?!?!"

    So you make some nerds mad for a while...and some Youtuber on Geekology makes a video about Feige tricked us all! Ultimately it was a fun addition to the show and Peters looked like he had a blast playing in the MCU for a bit. I'm of the mind that it was a fun gag that still ultimately played into the larger story of breaking Wanda and wasn't for nothing.

    3DS Friend Code - 1032-1293-2997
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    HeraldSHeraldS Registered User regular
    Gnizmo wrote: »
    Have they spoken about how Fietro came to pass? Because I could see it being (speculation abounds)

    -Aaron Taylor Thomas was unavailable.
    Either a scheduling conflict or maybe he just declined to come back (contracts are not indentured servitudes) so no NecroPietro as hinted by Agatha.
    -Given the premise of the show, "recasting" Pietro can work on a meta level, but casting some random person just leaves the viewer waiting for them to be called out as fake.
    -Casting Peter Evans hits the sweet spot, as while he's definitely not real Pietro, he's also not just an immediately dismissable fake due to his relationship with the Fox X-men franchise.

    I get that was their aim, but man was it never likely to work. At best they could have thrown in some lines about her needing to reach into another universe because he needed super speed* to really sell it to Wanda. This does more or less commit to eventually merging universes though which is maybe not what they want to do at this point.

    I am also looking forward to having time to listen to the Fatman interview. I know the pandemic threw a lot of their plans off from skimming the internet (including short changing Monica's ending). Could be that a lot of the problems were just the result of a chaotic production for reasons beyond their control.

    *Side note: This does set up a potentially huge problem for them in the future. Apparently Wanda can just give people super speed? Or well Agatha could, but she isn't as powerful as Wanda so naturally we can assume Wanda could do it with training. A bit of an odd pandora's box to open.

    My current theory is Wanda unconsciously gave Pietro superspeed back in the day to prevent him from getting killed by the stone. Given it's a power her son picked up.

    I think it's more likely Wanda gave her fake kids powers because she assumed they'd have some cause both their parents did. Since it was all a PTSD projection it doesn't seem reasonable to expect it to follow any rules or logic that had previously been laid out in the MCU, or to invalidate anything we'd already seen.

    It was a bummer to see Feige or whoever pull their punches at the end and try to make Wanda not a villain. She was a villain when she sent Hulk rampaging through South Africa. Same thing here but we're meant to root for her instead.

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    GrisloGrislo Registered User regular
    I'm seeing a lot of negativity in this thread.

    Like, let those who are without sin, etc.

    I'm currently enslaving a mid sized Scandinavian town, and subjecting its inhabitants to mental torture that has made them, and I quote, "want to die if they can't be set free".

    It's fine though, since I lost my spouse recently, under pretty tragic circumstances. It was quite rough, so we can hopefully rationalize my evil actions - I am, after all, a beautiful protagonist.

    This post was sponsored by Tom Cruise.
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    Local H JayLocal H Jay Registered User regular
    When Wanda shows up to the town everyone already looks like they wanna die. Wanda may have legitimately thought she was helping them

    You just can't handle Wanda's girlboss energy

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    Atlas in ChainsAtlas in Chains Registered User regular
    Smile...or else!

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    Brainiac 8Brainiac 8 Don't call me Shirley... Registered User regular
    I never once said that Wanda was a hero. She is sympathetic, as she has known nothing but loss for everyone she loved through her life. She is a tragic figure and we are meant to feel sorry for her. But what Agatha said was true, Wanda is cruel. It might have started off as an accident of Wanda's grief. Eventually though, she realized what she had done, and KEPT IT GOING all so she didn't lose her family. The town was suffering, and Wanda convinced herself that they were better off with the life she chose for them.

    Wanda is no longer a hero, and the show didn't really try to convince us she was. She eventually gave up her family and let the town go, but it wasn't until Agatha forced her to face the people of the town and face the pain she was causing them directly before she made the decision that she would let them go. Grace Randolph theorized, and I agree, that Wanda will be a villain in Dr. Strange 3. Not the main villain, but definitely an antagonist. The fact that she took the Darkhold, a book known to cause those who read it to go mad, and is studying it to find a way to get her kids back, shows that she has learned nothing from her experience in Westview. Since we know that WandaVision was the start to the multiverse saga Feige talked about pretty much guarantees that her actions are going to have really bad consequences on the multiverse.

    3DS Friend Code - 1032-1293-2997
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    QuidQuid Definitely not a banana Registered User regular
    Forar wrote: »
    Brainiac 8 wrote: »
    Starfox, the character with the power of date rape?

    Not sure he should ever be put in a movie. :?

    Also who wants to follow in David Tenant's footsteps?

    I mean Hiddleston's Loki is basically Doctor Who at this point.

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    AtomikaAtomika Live fast and get fucked or whatever Registered User regular
    Brainiac 8 wrote: »
    I never once said that Wanda was a hero. She is sympathetic, as she has known nothing but loss for everyone she loved through her life. She is a tragic figure and we are meant to feel sorry for her. But what Agatha said was true, Wanda is cruel. It might have started off as an accident of Wanda's grief. Eventually though, she realized what she had done, and KEPT IT GOING all so she didn't lose her family. The town was suffering, and Wanda convinced herself that they were better off with the life she chose for them.

    Wanda is no longer a hero, and the show didn't really try to convince us she was. She eventually gave up her family and let the town go, but it wasn't until Agatha forced her to face the people of the town and face the pain she was causing them directly before she made the decision that she would let them go. Grace Randolph theorized, and I agree, that Wanda will be a villain in Dr. Strange 3. Not the main villain, but definitely an antagonist. The fact that she took the Darkhold, a book known to cause those who read it to go mad, and is studying it to find a way to get her kids back, shows that she has learned nothing from her experience in Westview. Since we know that WandaVision was the start to the multiverse saga Feige talked about pretty much guarantees that her actions are going to have really bad consequences on the multiverse.

    Part of me wants a passing nod to the zombie universe

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    Undead ScottsmanUndead Scottsman Registered User regular
    edited March 2021
    Reminder that we're also getting this show:


    Undead Scottsman on
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    QuidQuid Definitely not a banana Registered User regular
    edited March 2021
    I'll eat my hat made out of nachos if there isn't a zombie universe What If.

    Edit: Oh hey it's a zombie in that trailer. Some day, nacho hat. Some day.

    Quid on
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    ForarForar #432 Toronto, Ontario, CanadaRegistered User regular
    Quid wrote: »
    Forar wrote: »
    Brainiac 8 wrote: »
    Starfox, the character with the power of date rape?

    Not sure he should ever be put in a movie. :?

    Also who wants to follow in David Tenant's footsteps?

    I mean Hiddleston's Loki is basically Doctor Who at this point.

    I was more referring to his role as a villain in Jessica Jones.

    Cast aside (currently) as the Netflix shows may be, "character with the power of date rape" has actually already happened.

    (not that this is an argument to do it, or that it's a good idea, or that it is at all a good idea if the character is anything but a straight up villain, just saying... that ship has already sailed, to a degree)

    First they came for the Muslims, and we said NOT TODAY, MOTHERFUCKER!
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    DracomicronDracomicron Registered User regular
    We really need Quake in Multiverse of Madness to start listing off all the nasty shit that the Darkhold did to SHIELD so Dr. Strange can stop her and let her know that none of that is canonical now.

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    Brainiac 8Brainiac 8 Don't call me Shirley... Registered User regular
    Speaking of Shield and the Darkhold:

    Oh that pesky Ghost Rider!

    3DS Friend Code - 1032-1293-2997
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    McFodderMcFodder Registered User regular
    Fake Pietro may have annoyed a lot of people


    totally worth it for the "Kick-Ass" joke.

    Switch Friend Code: SW-3944-9431-0318
    PSN / Xbox / NNID: Fodder185
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    JonBobJonBob Registered User regular
    Do we know how Morgan le Fay got it from Ghost Rider? Or what happened to it after PRIDE had it? I need to watch that season again. The chain of custody is very fuzzy.

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    Brainiac 8Brainiac 8 Don't call me Shirley... Registered User regular
    In the land of magic users that can use sling portals I'm guessing it might be easy for one to snatch the darkhold from the other. Ghost Rider hides it in the astral plane or something, but Morgan le Fay senses it's power and grabs it just for Agatha to take it from her. I never watched Runaways so I'm not sure what happened with Morgan la Fay and the Darkhold in that.

    3DS Friend Code - 1032-1293-2997
    Nintendo Network ID - Brainiac_8
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    GrisloGrislo Registered User regular
    When Wanda shows up to the town everyone already looks like they wanna die. Wanda may have legitimately thought she was helping them

    You just can't handle Wanda's girlboss energy

    I would have loved a Wanda line that was basically, 'did you really have anything to live for, though?'.


    Posted two days before the final episode.

    This post was sponsored by Tom Cruise.
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    Psychotic OnePsychotic One The Lord of No Pants Parts UnknownRegistered User regular
    edited March 2021
    JonBob wrote: »
    Do we know how Morgan le Fay got it from Ghost Rider? Or what happened to it after PRIDE had it? I need to watch that season again. The chain of custody is very fuzzy.

    Morgan Le Fay has the benefit of time travel on her side. She could have gotten ahold of the book from any timeline where it was unguarded. She is careful enough though to never use Time Travel at anytime where it would endanger herself or Doom's timeline as those changes would impact her or her source (Doom) of events in the future.

    The Pride had two strong magic users who could have been lead to the Darkhold by Chthon in an effort to spread his influence.

    But then again. Maybe Robbie leaving it under his bed was a bad idea. If only a better Rider got ahold of it. Blaze would have sought to destroy it. Ketch would have either hid it in a place it couldn't be found (or used it to take over the throne of hell). That or Caretaker would have hid it in his/hers archive of Rider history making it difficult to find.

    [Based on my knowledge of Marvel Comics lore]

    In the end. Wanda having possession, and learning from, The Darkhold is a VERY bad thing. Nothing good will come from it.

    Psychotic One on
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    CanadianWolverineCanadianWolverine Registered User regular
    McFodder wrote: »
    Fake Pietro may have annoyed a lot of people


    totally worth it for the "Kick-Ass" joke.

    Which according to the Fatman podcast interview, wasn't even intentional! LOL

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    ShadowfireShadowfire Vermont, in the middle of nowhereRegistered User regular
    Part of me wants a recurring gag where they hire both Aaron Taylor-Johnson and Evan Peters to play Quicksilver in alternating movies/series. No explanation ever given!

    They cast both actors as Quicksilver, and they both show up at different times in the movie. No explanations given, and nobody notices.

    Except Deadpool.

    WiiU: Windrunner ; Guild Wars 2: Shadowfire.3940 ; PSN: Bradcopter
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    JokermanJokerman Everything EverywhereRegistered User regular
    I mean maybe the word anger is too strong here. I'm not going to put a hole in some drywall or beat the dog because THE COMIC BOOK SERIES.

    Will it be something I remember later as deflating? Yeah.

    But Disney knew what they were doing. To view People thinking this was fox-treo as speculation gone awry is very misguided, their own descriptive audio describes the scene when he appears as

    “In Westview, Wanda stares at the version of Pietro from the X-Men films.”

    It doesn't diminish some of the better moments of the show (I really enjoyed Vision vs Vision). Just because you have a critique of something doesn't mean you hate it, I don't think its some binary thing where I'm either in love with everything to come from Disney or I'm some angry vindictive nerd.

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    JokermanJokerman Everything EverywhereRegistered User regular
    Reminder that we're also getting this show:


    Also this


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