Not Safe For [Job] thread



  • DarkPrimusDarkPrimus Registered User regular
    DarkPrimus wrote: »
    It's Friday, baybee!

    [Presses the button labeled "SHOTS" five times in quick succession.]

    A lot of people have awesomed this and I want to clarify that I was making a joke about one of the button labels on the pokey. It was not me describing my actual Friday afternoon. I do have to work tomorrow.

  • GizzyGizzy i am a cat PhoenixRegistered User regular
    Stressed and sad at work today after a meeting that felt like everything was falling back on me. After messaging my manager to the side, she at least said "Please know that even though it feels like it, no one is blaming you."

    Rolling out a whole new ERP system without training resources to actually roll it out, it's not fun times.

    Switch Animal Crossing Friend Code: SW-5107-9276-1030
    Island Name: Felinefine
  • Commander ZoomCommander Zoom Registered User regular
    Gizzy wrote: »
    Stressed and sad at work today after a meeting that felt like everything was falling back on me. After messaging my manager to the side, she at least said "Please know that even though it feels like it, no one is blaming you."

    Rolling out a whole new ERP system without training resources to actually roll it out, it's not fun times.


  • GnizmoGnizmo Registered User regular
    webguy20 wrote: »
    Docshifty wrote: »
    Dude who bypassed the pokey with the click wrench is still doing it. Watched him click one shot twice, and another three times.

    What are we even doing here, then

    All the processes in the world don't work if the culture doesn't support them! I know I'm preaching to the choir here though.

    Poke yoke is mistake proofing. The idea is to make it impossible to inadvertently make a mistake and not notice. It does nothing against active non-compliance.

    Well... it does offer an iron clad way to say the mistake is the fault of lackey whom you want to remove for fault. Bonus round: Encourage an environment where folks routinely do it and it is never commented on so you get to fire anybody at any time for cause! Either their documented numbers suck compared to everybody else, because they don't circumvent procedures, or they are shown to be actively bypassing procedures so you can document that for cause.

    I do wonder if that is a result of the combination of American workplace attitudes and the Japanese production methods or if it was Always The Point. Really varies with how cynical I'm feeling at the moment.

    Given my understanding of Japanese work culture I would think it wasn't the initial intention. I would suspect it had more to do with making sure someone who was working 12+ hour days for weeks on end could catch the mistake they made. Everything I have ever learned about Japan has always pointed towards being fired being a Huge Thing that companies are slow to do even with good cause.

  • korodullinkorodullin What. SCRegistered User regular
    webguy20 wrote: »
    I used to work on a commercial printing press similar to this one, and you had the set the color manually for each color, across 38 inches of web (Paper roll). It was a giant pain in the ass. Newer presses had sensors that could dial it in pretty damn close, but ours was all manual baby!



    The printing press I work on is a pretty new modern German press, but the company skimped out on some of the extra features of it, like having sensor eyes that actually move along a motorized track when you fiddle with the registration. So the start of every job on this $2 million press involves one of us moving down 9 printing units sliding fiddly eye mounts and trying not to tear anything out.

    - The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (2017, colorized)
  • AthenorAthenor Battle Hardened Optimist The Skies of HiigaraRegistered User regular
    Gizzy wrote: »
    Stressed and sad at work today after a meeting that felt like everything was falling back on me. After messaging my manager to the side, she at least said "Please know that even though it feels like it, no one is blaming you."

    Rolling out a whole new ERP system without training resources to actually roll it out, it's not fun times.

    Rolling out ERPs are evil. Our previous management once quipped that "hey, at least no one died" as part of our major ERP rollout. (There was a suicide at another university implementing a similar thing).

    Your manager is right. The blame 100% falls on management and poor resource allocation. It's tough not to take it personally and feel like you could've done more to keep things on track. Ideally your manager would protect you from the fallout.

    Stick to what you can, be honest and upfront about what you are getting done, and try to keep in mind lessons for the future. At least, that's what I did when I pushed myself for a few months straight on one.

    You got your part.

    He/Him | "We who believe in freedom cannot rest." - Dr. Johnetta Cole, 7/22/2024
  • MuzzmuzzMuzzmuzz Registered User regular
    Guy taps on drive thru window after we close up the front of the store for the night, demands to be served.

    I politely tell him that for customer safety, we can only serve people in vehicals.


    First of all sir, gas at this moment is only five cents more expensive before the big spike in February. Second of all: you come through on your motorbike several times a day… if you can afford to order so many times… you can afford some goddamn gas.

  • BrainleechBrainleech 機知に富んだコメントはここにあります Registered User regular
    I know I try to not post in this thread but alas
    In the pep rally I was told I was doing frozen alone not shocking. I got done at lunch so after lunch they made me organized the halloween freight. After that they made me make a display and then chips. I had to dump the carboard baler and then I was told to help dairy
    I know they cannot ask the same of anyone else still this is annoying and sad

  • CambiataCambiata Commander Shepard The likes of which even GAWD has never seenRegistered User regular
    Brainleech wrote: »
    I know I try to not post in this thread but alas
    In the pep rally I was told I was doing frozen alone not shocking. I got done at lunch so after lunch they made me organized the halloween freight. After that they made me make a display and then chips. I had to dump the carboard baler and then I was told to help dairy
    I know they cannot ask the same of anyone else still this is annoying and sad

    You're allowed to rant bro. Don't feel that you can't post in this thread.

    Peace to fashion police, I wear my heart
    On my sleeve, let the runway start
  • Just_Bri_ThanksJust_Bri_Thanks Seething with rage from a handbasket.Registered User, ClubPA regular
    Cambiata wrote: »
    Brainleech wrote: »
    I know I try to not post in this thread but alas
    In the pep rally I was told I was doing frozen alone not shocking. I got done at lunch so after lunch they made me organized the halloween freight. After that they made me make a display and then chips. I had to dump the carboard baler and then I was told to help dairy
    I know they cannot ask the same of anyone else still this is annoying and sad

    You're allowed to rant bro. Don't feel that you can't post in this thread.

    Yes, everyone is outside looking in and seeing the amount of pain you subject yourself to and begging you to move to something better for both your mental and physical health. We poke and prod you because we care.

    ...and when you are done with that; take a folding
    chair to Creation and then suplex the Void.
  • ShadowfireShadowfire Vermont, in the middle of nowhereRegistered User regular
    Cambiata wrote: »
    Brainleech wrote: »
    I know I try to not post in this thread but alas
    In the pep rally I was told I was doing frozen alone not shocking. I got done at lunch so after lunch they made me organized the halloween freight. After that they made me make a display and then chips. I had to dump the carboard baler and then I was told to help dairy
    I know they cannot ask the same of anyone else still this is annoying and sad

    You're allowed to rant bro. Don't feel that you can't post in this thread.

    Yes, everyone is outside looking in and seeing the amount of pain you subject yourself to and begging you to move to something better for both your mental and physical health. We poke and prod you because we care.

    Yes, either to move somewhere else, or to give the exact amount of effort you need to make sure that you don't get fired and not a drop more. Like all your coworkers.

  • TofystedethTofystedeth Registered User regular
    Docshifty wrote: »
    Also, for nomanufacturing peeps.

    OK is a big thing in Quality. Like, an actual saying.

    So you get to see corporate posters and shit that just say


    Which looks like the most low effort, aggressively mid, advertising campaign and it makes me laugh, everytime.

    On a recent NPR thing they were doing the corporate underwriter message, and one of them was like an investment company or something. And they always do a disclaimer on those where it's like "investing in securities carries the risk of loss."

    Except for this one for whatever reason with the timing and intonation it sounded like it was just the worst company slogan.

  • PinfeldorfPinfeldorf Yeah ZestRegistered User regular
    I'm seeing posts about ERP in this thread and now I have to know what ERP stands for if not Erotic Role Play.

  • tynictynic PICNIC BADASS Registered User, ClubPA regular
    Pretty sure it's a village in southern France.

  • AthenorAthenor Battle Hardened Optimist The Skies of HiigaraRegistered User regular
    Trust me, the above throws the hell out of you when you grew up as a degenerate on the internet.

    Real answer:
    Enterprise Resource Planning.

    It's basically a giant suite of tools that encompasses your core business processes. HR, Payroll, finance, etc.

    At the university, our ERPs also include student tracking and resources, including registration, tuition, graduation, and so on.

    They come about when a business needs something new they need their software to do, so they develop more functionality. And then sell it to others - or are acquired by Oracle.

    They are very big, very monolithic, and very specialized. And no one likes them. But they can be better than buying individual software suites and getting them to talk to each other.

    He/Him | "We who believe in freedom cannot rest." - Dr. Johnetta Cole, 7/22/2024
  • DocshiftyDocshifty Registered User regular
    edited September 2022
    My poor wife.

    Yesterday they had an 8 hour number.

    Then dropped it to 4.4

    Then raised it to 5.5 and called a 10 hour shift

    Then took 6.7 to actually hit the number

    Then made her stay after so the whole department could have a meeting about how some people weren't actually doing any cleaning when staying over for gap pay on short days.

    Just a shitty end to a shitty week.

    Docshifty on
  • OrcaOrca Also known as Espressosaurus WrexRegistered User regular
    Pinfeldorf wrote: »
    I'm seeing posts about ERP in this thread and now I have to know what ERP stands for if not Erotic Role Play.

    It obviously stands for Erotic Role Play and nothing else

    what else will you do while at the office FFS

  • ShadowfireShadowfire Vermont, in the middle of nowhereRegistered User regular
    The work van started acting all weird, knocking in the back end while I was driving. Got to a client's house and realized every time I pushed the brake there was a whoosh sound from the pedal. That's not great, but maybe just a foam insulation missing?

    Oh, no, the rear driver wheel is dripping brake fluid. Thisisfine.jpg

  • RoyceSraphimRoyceSraphim Registered User regular
    Work is chill route tonight.

    Taking a break

    Pondering a fictional radio program broadcast out of a refugee camp during an alien invasion. Thing is the camp is run by parallel universe versions of both sides in conflict

  • stimtokolosstimtokolos Registered User regular
    edited September 2022
    Docshifty wrote: »
    Someone was very sure they could best someone at arm wrestling yesterday.

    They were so sure, they put $20 on the bet and did it on the production floor, in the middle of the shift.

    They were so wrong, their arm broke.

    And so they lost their bet, their functional arm, and their job.

    Arm wrestling was explicitly banned at my first software job and this is why.
    It was after hours and I believe those involved were drunk.

    I am sure the office management and HR teams had a wonderful time.

    stimtokolos on
  • RoyceSraphimRoyceSraphim Registered User regular
    I just looked over a coworker who averaged 1 site an hour.

    Their coworker hit 16 out of 17 last night, same conditions

    After talking with them, I am certain they would be the last person you would want watching cattle in the fatherland. The lions and hyenas would actual follow them to the herds because it would mean free food.

    I'm saying their elevator doesnt go to the top floor because they think it takes too long.

    I'm saying they think if they take too long to talk I'll get bored and leave them alone.

    I'm saying the coworker that got jumped off the clock and is walking with a limp delivered quality and quantity

    I'm saying I want to trade this person for 3 kids from the fatherland, all hiding in a trenchcoat.

  • SleepSleep Registered User regular
    I just got so distracted this week by all the dumb shit you need to do to keep unemployment that I forgot to certify my weeks and now my claim is closed cause every unemployment system is a garbage system meant to keep people from getting money.

  • CelloCello Registered User regular
    Docshifty wrote: »
    Someone was very sure they could best someone at arm wrestling yesterday.

    They were so sure, they put $20 on the bet and did it on the production floor, in the middle of the shift.

    They were so wrong, their arm broke.

    And so they lost their bet, their functional arm, and their job.

    Arm wrestling was explicitly banned at my first software job and this is why.
    It was after hours and I believe those involved were drunk.

    I am sure the office management and HR teams had a wonderful time.

    I am slowly realizing people take arm wrestling significantly more seriously than I do

    3DS Friend Code: 0216-0898-6512
    Switch Friend Code: SW-7437-1538-7786
  • GizzyGizzy i am a cat PhoenixRegistered User regular
    edited September 2022
    Pinfeldorf wrote: »
    I'm seeing posts about ERP in this thread and now I have to know what ERP stands for if not Erotic Role Play.

    Enterprise Resource Planning
    So … same thing really

    ** whoops was already answered

    Adding to the nightmare though our new business ERP only encompasses purchases and sales for our specific business - and still has to talk to the system the whole remainder of the company is using for their purchases+sales+everything else.

    Gizzy on
    Switch Animal Crossing Friend Code: SW-5107-9276-1030
    Island Name: Felinefine
  • AthenorAthenor Battle Hardened Optimist The Skies of HiigaraRegistered User regular
    Royce, I have no clue what you do for a job, so your posts are always just a mix of delight and WTF to read. :grin:

    (I'm saying that as a massive compliment.)

    He/Him | "We who believe in freedom cannot rest." - Dr. Johnetta Cole, 7/22/2024
  • BrainleechBrainleech 機知に富んだコメントはここにあります Registered User regular
    edited September 2022
    So what happens when there is no communication a poorly told aristocrats joke {a side to this as to entertain myself they have cocomelon branded yogurt at work with the two smaller kids cheering I was doing nihilistic jokes of life is a lie and death is the only constant but grew bored with them thinking of aristocrat jokes told by 2/3 year old children with their knowledge base}
    The start of the shift was poor because the manager called out and they press ganged the cap 2 manager who only knowns of certain people because they make fun of how bad cap 2 is to them
    The team lead would not come in till midnight
    The frozen/dairy truck came in late so after first break it arrived so being in dairy [the confusion of where people were was not solved until after we unloaded the truck} We just did the pallet that fell over before lunch
    Because of the lack of communication no one knew they were going to wax the break room floor. So I had to get a poweraid and a giant goodbar [I only ate two rows of it} for my lunch since my lunch was in the break room
    After lunch I downstacked the other two and a half pallets went and did the yogurt wall with my two pallets finished then did a pallet and a half of juice
    Again they cannot ask people to do the same of what I can do because I don't think they know how to

    Adding to I came home ate my sandwich quickly and some other things

    Brainleech on
  • ZonugalZonugal (He/Him) The Holiday Armadillo I'm Santa's representative for all the southern states. And Mexico!Registered User regular
    Hey job thread, can I be a petty little goblin?

  • JedocJedoc In the scuppers with the staggers and jagsRegistered User regular
    *whispered consultation*

    You may proceed, goblin. Make it petty, please.

  • PacificstarPacificstar Registered User regular
    Zonugal wrote: »
    Hey job thread, can I be a petty little goblin?

    I'm more concerned by the pettiness than the goblin-ness. But I say yes, as long as it's not petty about anyone here.

    As usual, I have no power to make this decision. But since no one else has, I'm making it anyway.

  • ZonugalZonugal (He/Him) The Holiday Armadillo I'm Santa's representative for all the southern states. And Mexico!Registered User regular
    edited September 2022
    So I had a phone call with a former coworker from my previous high school where we got to catch up, where she spilled the gossip on how my former high school of employ is doing at the top of this new school year?

    I was offered these petty delights:
    -- The new STEM Center on campus, which was supposed to be open by August, is now expected to be open by early November (but staff believe this to be a lie and have been telling students to expect it to happen at late January to coincide with the end of the semester). As a result teachers have been pushed into any space that can accommodate 30+ humans. The library, the building internal-hallways, the wrestling room, ect...

    -- The HVAC system broke, so some of those spaces were 80+ F degrees last week.

    -- The high school had more students than they "expected" and are having issues handling the higher number of enrollment. Why the strain? Oh, because the district office projections said the school would have less enrolled students. And even though the admin team at the high school told them their projections were wrong, the district office mandated a mild hiring freeze across the district as a result. So now the school has WAY more kids and don't have adequate staff as they weren't allowed to fill empty staff positions.

    -- The printer system across the entire district broke, so nobody could print off anything. Also, there was an issue with the school network(?), so the staff were told to not to have the students use their Chromebooks in any capacity.

    -- The teacher who sniped the job I wanted has offered no support to his former department, has spent every meeting on his phone, and had to be yelled at to share his prior lesson plan items with coworkers.

    -- A new teacher they hired is from Texas and apparently she didn't work out her teaching credentials in time, so she's technically not legally allowed to teach in WA. The way the school is handling this is by having a substitute in her room the entire day, while she teaches.

    Feeling a lot like I dodged a bullet with jumping to another school district.

    Zonugal on
  • PacificstarPacificstar Registered User regular
    Zonugal wrote: »
    So I had a phone call with a former coworker from my previous high school where we got to catch up, where she spilled the gossip on how my former high school of employ is doing at the top of this new school year?

    I was offered these petty delights:
    -- The new STEM Center on campus, which was supposed to be open by August, is now expected to be open by early November (but staff believe this to be a lie and have been telling students to expect it to happen at late January to coincide with the end of the semester). As a result teachers have been pushed into any space that can accommodate 30+ humans. The library, the building internal-hallways, the wrestling room, ect...

    -- The HVAC system broke, so some of those spaces were 80+ F degrees last week.

    -- The high school had more students than they "expected" and are having issues handling the higher number of enrollment. Why the strain? Oh, because the district office projections said the school would have less enrolled students. And even though the admin team at the high school told them their projections were wrong, the district office mandated a mild hiring freeze across the district as a result. So now the school has WAY more kids and don't have adequate staff as they weren't allowed to fill empty staff positions.

    -- The printer system across the entire district broke, so nobody could print off anything. Also, there was an issue with the school network(?), so the staff were told to not to have the students use their Chromebooks in any capacity.

    -- The teacher who sniped the job I wanted has offered no support to his former department, has spent every meeting on his phone, and had to be yelled at to share his prior lesson plan items with coworkers.

    -- A new teacher they hired is from Texas and apparently she didn't work out her teaching credentials in time, so she's technically not legally allowed to teach in WA. The way the school is handling this is by having a substitute in her room the entire day, while she teaches.

    Feeling a lot like I dodged a bullet with jumping to another school district.

    Dude you're fucking NEO

  • JedocJedoc In the scuppers with the staggers and jagsRegistered User regular

  • DocshiftyDocshifty Registered User regular
    Cello wrote: »
    Docshifty wrote: »
    Someone was very sure they could best someone at arm wrestling yesterday.

    They were so sure, they put $20 on the bet and did it on the production floor, in the middle of the shift.

    They were so wrong, their arm broke.

    And so they lost their bet, their functional arm, and their job.

    Arm wrestling was explicitly banned at my first software job and this is why.
    It was after hours and I believe those involved were drunk.

    I am sure the office management and HR teams had a wonderful time.

    I am slowly realizing people take arm wrestling significantly more seriously than I do

    I'm thinking a big part of it is not appearing weak, stemming from the same brainpoison that makes people challenge others to arm wrestling constantly. That and poor form.

    If you are losing, you should tap out. But, people can't look weak! I gotta win! So they keep trying, and with your arm bent back like that, all the force is applied to like the midforearm and snap.

  • DisruptedCapitalistDisruptedCapitalist I swear! Registered User regular
    Jedoc wrote: »


    "Simple, real stupidity beats artificial intelligence every time." -Mustrum Ridcully in Terry Pratchett's Hogfather p. 142 (HarperPrism 1996)
  • HefflingHeffling No Pic EverRegistered User regular
    Pinfeldorf wrote: »
    I'm seeing posts about ERP in this thread and now I have to know what ERP stands for if not Erotic Role Play.

    Enterprise Resource Planning, basically systems like SAP or Oracle to manage inventory, sales, etc. It's the tool to turn your customer order into a shipment and billing. In a traditional manufacturing environment, this is the "Front End" or "Office" work. MRP is Manufacturing Resource Planning and tends to focus specifically on production of products. These days the two systems are often integrated.

  • RoyceSraphimRoyceSraphim Registered User regular
    Athenor wrote: »
    Royce, I have no clue what you do for a job, so your posts are always just a mix of delight and WTF to read. :grin:

    (I'm saying that as a massive compliment.)

    I am in security, but i also am part of leadership, so everyone's problems become my problems

    Also, if you are having problems showing up at work, and then have multiple life changing problems pop up, your work problems aren't going to get better.

    I like dude, i want him to stay but ours is now a poor relationship and he should have transferred to another department that paid less but kept him near home.

  • Librarian's ghostLibrarian's ghost Librarian, Ghostbuster, and TimSpork Registered User regular
    Got the new covid booster scheduled for Wednesday morning. Just going to go to the closest pharmacy from school.

    (Switch Friend Code) SW-4910-9735-6014(PSN) timspork (Steam) timspork (XBox) Timspork

  • JedocJedoc In the scuppers with the staggers and jagsRegistered User regular
    Dang, a new booster dropped? I should probably get that. Although I just got back from a funeral where I was hugged by approximately two hundred rural Republicans, so that particular ship might have very recently sailed.

  • chromdomchromdom Who? Where?Registered User regular
    I was at a doc's a few weeks ago, I'm still short of the age requirement for the second booster. Doc said getting it was more a matter of booster availability than any kind of age qualification.

  • PellaeonPellaeon Registered User regular
    chromdom wrote: »
    I was at a doc's a few weeks ago, I'm still short of the age requirement for the second booster. Doc said getting it was more a matter of booster availability than any kind of age qualification.

    The new ba.4/5 booster just got approved for everyone 18+, so if you've had your last booster more than 2 months ago you can get the new one

    And, like, JUST got approved, like Friday, so there will be some supply issues initially yeah, but the age requirement don't apply (well unless you're under 18) as of now

This discussion has been closed.