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Ok i lied this is where it goes.

Robert KhooRobert Khoo Registered User, ClubPA staff
edited April 2009 in H.Q. Reception Desk
And the results are in:

Sample Size: 38,350

Average Age:

Boy/Girl Split: 94% Boys, 6% Girls

Internet Usage:

- Cable/DSL: 84.7%
- LAN: 8.0%
- Fios: 3.0%
- WiMax: 0.7%
- 56k Modem: 0.5%
- Other: 3.1%

Where do you read PA from?

- Home: 93.8%
- Work: 49.2%
- School: 19.8%

Average Number of Hours of TV Per Week: 6.1 Hours

Console Ownership:
- PC: 86.3%
- Xbox 360: 54.1%
- Wii: 53.5%
- PS2: 52.7%
- Nintendo DS: 51.5%
- iPhone/iPod: 29.9%
- XBOX: 26.2%
- PS3: 24.5%
- Sony PSP: 20.5%

Average Game Library Collection: 73

Average Gaming Hours/Week:

Average Household Income: $66,000

Average Games Purchased/Month: 2

Game Genres Played:

- RPGs: 89.7%
- FPS': 79.0%
- Platformers: 63.3%
- RTS': 59.9%
- Turn Based Strat: 56.0%
- Tabletop/CCG: 40.0%
- Simulations: 37.7%
- Web Based: 37.5%
- Driving/Racing: 31.4%
- 2D Fighters: 29.9%
- Shooters: 29.0%
- 3D Fighters: 28.0%
- Sports Games: 14.7%
- Flight Sims: 10.5%

Phone Usage:
- Non-Smartphone: 65%
- iPhones: 15.7%
- Blackberries: 7.9%
- Windows Mobile Device: 6.9%
- gPhone: 2.9%
- Treo: 1.5%

Sites that get visited over twice a week:
- Penny Arcade: 96.1%
- Kotaku: 22.5%
- Joystiq: 12.1%
- Wired Blog: 10.3%
- IGN: 9.5%
- Gamespot: 7.1%
- 1up: 5.2%
- Destructoid: 2.6%
- Gamespy: 2.6%
- Gamepolitics: 2.2%
- GamesRadar: 1.3%

Some guy.
Robert Khoo on


  • ArgusArgus Registered User regular
    edited January 2009
    Sample size 38,000? Were all of those people from PA? I never knew there were that many lurkers.

    Argus on
  • MKRMKR Registered User regular
    edited January 2009
    Whooo, data.

    MKR on
  • Garlic BreadGarlic Bread i'm a bitch i'm a bitch i'm a bitch i'm a Registered User, Disagreeable regular
    edited January 2009
    Average Game Library Collection: 73
    Average Gaming Hours/Week: 18


    Garlic Bread on
  • TopiaTopia Registered User regular
    edited January 2009
    Argus wrote: »
    Sample size 38,000? Were all of those people from PA? I never knew there were that many lurkers.

    It was also posted on the frontpage by Tycho.

    Topia on
  • ArgusArgus Registered User regular
    edited January 2009
    Topia wrote: »
    Argus wrote: »
    Sample size 38,000? Were all of those people from PA? I never knew there were that many lurkers.

    It was also posted on the frontpage by Tycho.

    Oh, I had no idea, @_@.

    Argus on
  • FramlingFramling FaceHead Geebs has bad ideas.Registered User regular
    edited January 2009
    What percent had Motorola StarTACs, Khoo?

    Framling on
    you're = you are
    your = belonging to you

    their = belonging to them
    there = not here
    they're = they are
  • UncleSporkyUncleSporky Registered User regular
    edited January 2009
    Ok good, now list all of the comments.

    UncleSporky on
    Switch Friend Code: SW - 5443 - 2358 - 9118 || 3DS Friend Code: 0989 - 1731 - 9504 || NNID: unclesporky
  • CampionCampion Registered User regular
    edited January 2009
    Oh, was PS2 in the survey? Looks like I missed out on a few games to add then.

    Campion on
  • LewiePLewieP Registered User regular
    edited January 2009

    LewieP on
  • DogDog Registered User, Administrator, Vanilla Staff admin
    edited January 2009
    i watch more tv than i play video games

    Unknown User on
  • ArgusArgus Registered User regular
    edited January 2009
    robothero wrote: »
    i watch more tv than i play video games

    but whY?

    It's like this:

    Why watch someone else suck a cock when you can be the one sucking a cock!

    Argus on
  • WidepathWidepath Registered User regular
    edited January 2009
    Wow. I'm in the fiscal minority around here. Anybody need a servant?

    Widepath on
  • parabolaparabola Registered User regular
    edited January 2009
    Average gaming hours/week seems really low to me.

    That means on average people play about 2.5 hours per day. I thought it would be at least 3, closer to 4-5.

    parabola on
  • TychoCelchuuuTychoCelchuuu PIGEON Registered User regular
    edited January 2009
    I like how only 86% of people own a computer. The rest must be posting from the library.

    TychoCelchuuu on
  • Folken FanelFolken Fanel anime af When's KoFRegistered User regular
    edited January 2009
    I like how only 86% of people own a computer. The rest must be posting from the library.

    Pretty sure that just means a gaming capable PC.

    Folken Fanel on
    Twitter: Folken_fgc Steam: folken_ XBL: flashg03 PSN: folken_PA SFV: folken_
    Dyvim Tvar wrote: »
    Characters I hate:

    Everybody @Folken Fanel plays as.
  • CampionCampion Registered User regular
    edited January 2009
    14% have a Mac

    Campion on
  • Munkus BeaverMunkus Beaver You don't have to attend every argument you are invited to. Philosophy: Stoicism. Politics: Democratic SocialistRegistered User, ClubPA regular
    edited January 2009
    I would like to know how the data changed when the front page was linked.

    Munkus Beaver on
    Humor can be dissected as a frog can, but dies in the process.
  • MKRMKR Registered User regular
    edited January 2009
    How pekhoolar

    MKR on
  • SeptusSeptus Registered User regular
    edited January 2009
    6% women? Really?

    I didn't expect it to match the overall divide between gameplayers in general, but that's quite the imbalance.

    Septus on
    PSN: Kurahoshi1
  • ZackSchillingZackSchilling Registered User regular
    edited January 2009
    Campion wrote: »
    14% have a Mac

    Based on the server logs for my signature and avatar, I'd put it closer to 10% of the users here surf the forums from a Mac. And I use a Mac and visit threads I've posted in a disproportionate amount.

    ZackSchilling on
  • CampionCampion Registered User regular
    edited January 2009
    Sure, but your sig and av aren't featured on the main page.

    Campion on
  • Cold Salmon and HatredCold Salmon and Hatred __BANNED USERS regular
    edited January 2009
    I have a hard time believing the average household income

    Cold Salmon and Hatred on
  • L|amaL|ama Registered User regular
    edited January 2009
    If the average age were lower I would blame it on people living with their parents and counting it from that, but as it is I dunno. I suppose druhim's age probably puts the average by about 10 years though.

    L|ama on
  • HenroidHenroid Mexican kicked from Immigration Thread Centrism is Racism :3Registered User regular
    edited January 2009
    I have a hard time believing the average household income

    Man, it kinda depresses me.

    Henroid on
  • Bionic MonkeyBionic Monkey Registered User, ClubPA regular
    edited January 2009
    parabola wrote: »
    Average gaming hours/week seems really low to me.

    That means on average people play about 2.5 hours per day. I thought it would be at least 3, closer to 4-5.

    Some of us have lives. After a full day at work, plus commute, I get about four hours of free time in the evening for myself. I'm married, so at least half that has to go towards the wife.

    Bionic Monkey on
  • Bionic MonkeyBionic Monkey Registered User, ClubPA regular
    edited January 2009
    I have a hard time believing the average household income

    It just takes one obscenely rich guy to fuck it up for the rest of us.

    Bionic Monkey on
  • trentsteeltrentsteel Registered User regular
    edited January 2009
    Wow, a good chunk of you make more than 66,000 a year?

    Oh wait, that's household income isn't it? So that could be two people's income put together.

    trentsteel on
    I made a TD for iphone and windows phone!

  • trentsteeltrentsteel Registered User regular
    edited January 2009
    Henroid wrote: »
    I have a hard time believing the average household income

    Man, it kinda depresses me.

    Well, that could be like, three or four people put together.

    trentsteel on
    I made a TD for iphone and windows phone!

  • Lucky CynicLucky Cynic Registered User regular
    edited January 2009
    trentsteel wrote: »
    Wow, a good chunk of you make more than 66,000 a year?

    Oh wait, that's household income isn't it? So that could be two people's income put together.

    Yeah I was "wait what?" about that too.

    It's kinda sad that we are 94% male. I mean, damn... >_>;

    Lucky Cynic on
  • MorkathMorkath Registered User, __BANNED USERS regular
    edited January 2009
    Console Ownership:
    - PC: 86.3%

    Wait, what?

    Morkath on
  • DJ EebsDJ Eebs Moderator, Administrator admin
    edited January 2009
    I want to know who the 4% are who bothered to take this survey without visiting this site more than twice a week!

    DJ Eebs on
  • HenroidHenroid Mexican kicked from Immigration Thread Centrism is Racism :3Registered User regular
    edited January 2009
    Morkath wrote: »
    Console Ownership:
    - PC: 86.3%

    Wait, what?

    It could mean in the gaming sense. Lots of people don't use their PCs to play games.

    I mean, I get what you're getting at. But that isn't it. Even though it'd be kinda funny.

    Henroid on
  • QuantaCatQuantaCat Registered User regular
    edited January 2009
    Am I evil because I counted my mac as a PC?

    QuantaCat on

    avatar courtesy of James Grimlee.
  • commacomma Registered User regular
    edited January 2009
    No, you are evil because you have a Mac.
    Nah, just kidding. You're evil because you joined the forums before I did.

    Most of you guys are evil, by the way.

    comma on
  • japanjapan Registered User regular
    edited January 2009
    I didn't tick "PC" under consoles because all my computers run Linux. I do game on them, but I suspect that the point of the survey was demographic info for advertisers, so it wouldn't really be appropriate to count me as a "PC gamer"given that the games I can actually run tend to either be the very limited selection of games with Linux native versions, or the selection of older games that run acceptably under WINE.

    EDIT: Also depending on how the survey software interprets answers it may have counted the figure I entered in Pounds as US Dollars for household income.

    japan on
  • ASimPersonASimPerson Cold... ... and hard.Registered User regular
    edited January 2009
    trentsteel wrote: »
    Wow, a good chunk of you make more than 66,000 a year?

    Oh wait, that's household income isn't it? So that could be two people's income put together.

    Yeah I was "wait what?" about that too.

    It's kinda sad that we are 94% male. I mean, damn... >_>;

    I wasn't surprised at the male:female ratio, per se, but it was still a little sad, yeah.

    ASimPerson on
  • SzechuanosaurusSzechuanosaurus Registered User, ClubPA regular
    edited January 2009
    parabola wrote: »
    Average gaming hours/week seems really low to me.

    That means on average people play about 2.5 hours per day. I thought it would be at least 3, closer to 4-5.

    Average age is 26 and average income is over $60,000. Ergo, most people are too busy working to play yer damn vidya games.

    Szechuanosaurus on
  • PikaPuffPikaPuff Registered User regular
    edited January 2009
    L|ama wrote: »
    If the average age were lower I would blame it on people living with their parents and counting it from that, but as it is I dunno. I suppose druhim's age probably puts the average by about 10 years though.
    Oh no, with an average age like that, as well as this being a gaming comic, you're perfectly fine with blaming it on people living with their parents.

    PikaPuff on
  • SzechuanosaurusSzechuanosaurus Registered User, ClubPA regular
    edited January 2009
    I think you guys are projecting.

    A large number of the people on these boards have their own families, homes and careers.

    Szechuanosaurus on
  • DarkPrimusDarkPrimus Registered User regular
    edited January 2009
    Aye, not all of us losers are complete losers.

    DarkPrimus on
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