I was really hoping for
League of Jam Totes Son
wish granted.
Oho. You sly dog you.
edit: stop with this jam nonsense
League of Legends is a DoTA (Defense of the Ancients) style game made by some of the people that worked on DoTA Allstars. It's free to play; but, includes augmentations that you can buy with real money or in-game points.
This should be in the OP
Get on the G&T vent to play with us (list at bottom), the vent info is stickied at the top of the forum.
There's a ton of info on the game, and I don't want to reinvent the wheel. So, check out:
leagueoflegends.com, the game database provided by Riot (who make the game).
leaguecraft.com, there are a lot of fan sites out there with general information and builds. This is just one; and, it's kinda slow as shit. Regardless of where you look for builds keep in mind, most of them make assumptions that are not clearly conveyed and there are a lot that are just plain bad. Tread lightly.
KillerCodeMonkey's wiki, add your brilliant shit to it.
Game mechanic shit, stuff like how attacks and magic and fuck work.
Rune break-dancing, good info about what runes you should buy.
The new code was posted about a page back. It's L R L R D D U U 3 4. It works.
Drop $20 for the Retail Box (Amazon, Best Buy, GameSpot,
Newegg, Target, and Wal-Mart typically have this) It gives you $10 in Riot Points, take those, then buy $10 in Riot Points and $5 in Riot Points. Spend all of them on the second champ pack.
That's $35 for 40 champs permanently unlocked; none of the post-40 have ever been in a bundle AFAIK.
Q: How can I get champions and save money?
A: You won't have to spend a cent if you simply play games and earn enough IP to buy them all. If, however, you wish to hasten the process you may buy champions with real money. The most cost effective way to buy champions is by purchasing the two bundles on offer.
For $45 you can buy 6380 Riot Points, which are used to buy champions and skins. 3900 of those points gets you the Digital Collector's Pack, which contains 20 champions and includes 1380 Riot Points (huh?). If you were to buy the champions individually it would cost 37800 IP or 9620 RP. The Digital Collector's pack can also be bought in stores or online as a boxed copy, which may save you a significant amount of money.
3410 Riot Points gets you the champions bundle. This contains some more expensive champions. Bought individually they would cost 60750 IP or 14350 RP (ish).
This leaves you with 450 RP, enough to buy yourself a single skin!
I've decided not to deal with updating this obnoxiously coded picture assortment of champions. So go to the LoL wiki for the updated Champion list.
Valiantine has a lovely spreadsheet that you can add your summoner name to.
HEY LISTEN!https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0Ap5qFqD3oLKndHNfOGJ1VFNZVVZ6c1NtZVktdXpsTVE&hl=en&authkey=CJPuh4wG#gid=0
I placed everyone's name in the OP to this neat and tidy spreadsheet. You should be able to edit it yourself, find your name and fill the fields. If anyone is getting problems, PM MooMan or VaLiantine, because I don't understand simple spreadsheets.
Here is a video to help improve your laning!
Kids these days, can't even get that simple thing straight
Also, heres to another year of waiting for replays
In Season One™
Streaming 8PST on weeknights
you're my boy fizban
keep up the good work, son
Now I am faced with a conundrum.
d'aww thanks buddy
how'd that galio 5 deaths 4 minutes game go
edit i left like a bitch
and now to try that snake lady
you are the best
On the the other hand, laning as LeBlanc against Veigar is the most satisfying thing. Oh, 2/3 of your health left? Watch me dash out of a bush and instantly Q/R you to death. BRILLIANT.
and saw my post about wishing it were Jam Totes Son thread.
And then I clicked the button for realsies and saw Mitchell's post linking to this new thread.
Steam: Chagrin LoL: Bonhomie
Rylai's is your bff. Also health is overrated, you have a built-in flash every 10 seconds or so at max, use it. You're support endgame, you silence/slow while you and the carry burst the enemy carry to death.
Btw, LeBlanc is going to be forever UP because she's based around 1v1, and 1v1 is what determines the community bitching and moaning. They'll never buff her to the point where she's truly balanced, because that means she'll reliably get kills and we can't have that can we?
Ahem, sorry, SoloQQ woes.
None the less, the main point of this is that I love Cass, and having her Twin Fang on as Smartcast instead of click-cast like normal is SOOO MUCH EASIER. I might see about changing a few skills to Smartcast from now on.
And I'll probably buy her after this rotation.
Destiny! : Warlock - Titan - Hunter
*edit* Also, what is smartcast? I've seen it mentioned but know nothing about it/have never used it, which I'm sure is a mistake at my level.
tumblr | instagram | twitter | steam
I never heard of Smartcast until the Cass Spotlight. Go into your keybindings menu in game, scroll down a little, and you'll see Smartcast Spell 1-4, and they are all [Shift]+[Q] through [R]. Basically, Smartcast casts said spell immediately where your cursor is if there's a valid target there. Like Karthus' Q, and Cass' Q. So, making Twin Fangs Smartcast on E, instead of normal cast, I can poison someone, and chase them while clicking E with my mouse hovering over them instead of freaking clicking E, and then selecting said champion. It removes a lot of mouse movement and complexity out of the equation, as well as lag time from click to click.
Destiny! : Warlock - Titan - Hunter
How do you change a single skill to smartcast? Like I know there's the default shift+e or whatever, and that you can rebind that to just e, but is there a way to change it so like only Cass's E is on smartcast by default?
edit: Nevermind, seems like you just rebound it, which would mean you would have to change it back when you play another character, or just always have E on smartcast.
Slice like a god damn hammer. LoL: Rafflesia / BNet: Talonflame#11979
So, you skillshot where your mouse is?
Holy shit
My game is forever changed.
Rylai's Scepter is a typical core Kennen item. Zhonya's can also be good. I guess something like Doran's Shield to start then Merc Treads (Sorc Shoes if they don't have much affected CC), Rylai's, Zhonya's would be good.
I like to max W first and definitely have one point in both of the others, can go either way on whether you max Q or E secondary.
In a solo lane trying to actually hit people with your E can be dangerous, depending on the situation, but it's great for getting in position to nail them with a Shuriken and/or some auto-attacks. Use W every time you can of course. Try to load up your W auto-attack passive on creeps then hit the enemy champ with it when it's up, so you can add an extra Mark.
Always try to pop your passive stuns when you two marks if you can, obviously.
He's not too terribly difficult, but the Q being a skill shot and the importance of positioning makes him moderately so.
In teamfights you pretty much just wait for your tank to init, then follow him in, turn on your ultimate, E through everyone, W, kite people around, etc. Kennen is kind of suicidal by nature so your goal is just to get off as much damage as you can in a short burst and Flash out if you can. He does wicked AoE damage though.
Start with a Dorans Sheild, rush a Rylais and pick up boots 1 along the way, then Merc Treds, then either Zhonyas or Abyssal Scepter depending on how the game is going.
For masteries I like Tracer's 9/21/0, with the AP stuff in offense.
You can start by maxing either Q or W. I haven't personally tried maxing W first but I've heard it works. Q does a ton of damage early game, and W is great for general harassment, especially if you have the pleasure of being the 1 in a 2v1 lane.
In teamfights, wait for the fight to start, run in, ult, stun everyone, win fight. Repeat until game is won.
BF Sword
Pick Axe + Tier 2 Boots
Infinity Edge
Phantom Dancer
Sword of the Divine
I can't wait to try it even if it will probably end up failing miserably
What is the point of being alive if you don't at least try to do something remarkable? ~ Mario Novak
I never fear death or dyin', I only fear never trying.
I found that out maybe a week or two ago after having played for about six months. I felt foolish
What is the point of being alive if you don't at least try to do something remarkable? ~ Mario Novak
I never fear death or dyin', I only fear never trying.
Back to back hour long rounds are misery incarnate.
also I suppose I can give into this jam debauchery
she's pretty fun, but I felt underpowered. the only reason I was successful is because my team was Cass/Twitch/Alistair/Shen/Poppy. I dunno if that's actually good, but when Alistair and Poppy weren't bashing my would-be assailants every which direction, Shen was periodically taunting and ulting to save my ass
Q > E spam melts squishies, but the range is so pitiful, I feel like DPS twisted fate
we all know Zen is just stealing things that I posted a long time ago
damn you zen
Unrelated: I need to play this game more often, but I pick the worst times to get in the mood for it. 4:30 AM? Hrm I wonder why no one is in Vent...
Mroletta == Xicotencatl
But then the fun-level of my next game made up for it.
Also that Eve on your team is called FuzzyLumpkins.
That is the greatest Eve ever.
I, too, was impressed. In fact it was missed by the SS, but I typed in chat that I was so impressed that I was screen shotting it. They were not amused :<
yeah i know, you are the best best
ownzone'd an Eve so hard that she ragequit
was definitely all me and not anyone else nope
best best