A few questions regarding the Metroid games, some minor spoilers regarding a boss in Prime, something to do with the SA X in Fusion and Ridley in Zero mission but nothing worth tagging.
Is there a very quick way I can reach the Omega Pirate in Prime? I don't mind using eplotive bugs, but I got up to the Omega/Super invisible holyshit kill it now creature before lending my GC out and getting my save wiped. I'd just like to carry on from there or as close as possible without replaying mass sections of the game. Since I heard there were a lot of sequence breaking glicthes I suppose I could try them. I have the players choice PAL version if that effects anything.
2. I love Metroid Fusion, enjoyed Zero, enjoyed Prime, but not as much as the 2d ones.
What game would be a better choice for me? Prime 2 or Hunters, just know that I am not interested in the multiplayer. I love the gameplay of the 2d ones much more than the (albeit, very fun but much different) puzzler style gameplay/combat of Prime.
How hard is it to get ahold of the earlier Metroid games? I don't have a SNES or a Wii, is there any other (legit of course) verions of them? If so, which are the better ones? Like I said I already have the remake/Zero mission
4. Aside from the Castlevanias on the GBA and DS,
are there any other good games that closley follow the Metroid game mecnahics, eg, run around cool looking places, shoot bad guys, collect item to defeat badass looking boss while exploring a 2d world? I have Castlevania Dawn of Sorrow, POR is not out over here and I'v got Aria of Sorrow and .... something of ... dessodance? It's just I was wandering around Gamestation today in a 'Metroid' mood but could not find a decent game like the afformentioned game. It can be on the DS/GBA, Gamecube, PS2 or PC.
In Metroid Fusion, when fighting the SA X, am I right to assume it mutates into a combination of creatures what Samus got her abilities from in an eralier game? It does this inbetween the times where you damage it enough to mutate, but before it turns into the floating X version. Plus, you are told that there are no less than 10 SA X running around the ship. Did anyone actually see any others aside from the one you fight near the end of the game
How many times has Ridley been exploded now? I mean god-damn! I shot 6 super missiles into the thing's heart in Zero and it set of a self-destruct sequence that blew itself and the friggin space station to atoms, IT SHOULDN'T BE IN THE NEXT GAME
. After beating Zero mission and fighting 'The Six-Million dollar Ridley' this comic made a lot more sense. And FYI, I only just realised this second after pasting the URL that they refer to him as the 'Six Million dollar Bird'
Also, Prime 2. Hunters is shitty.
Steam Profile | Signature art by Alexandra 'Lexxy' Douglass
For the earlier games, you'll need to get whichever system they're on. Except the first Metroid, that's on Zero Mission and the GameBoy Advance version.
I think SA X just mutates into a horrible monster for no other reason than it wants to mutate. I don't think it looks like anything else.
Ridley clones and Ridley machanimatons get pooped out of the Ridley&Ridley factory daily. For every one Samus kills, 10 more are produced for the next Metroid adventure.
"To the Met-mobile!!!"
Yeah, same with me. I don't even know which planets I need to beat anymore and I can't remember how to find that out.
There's really not many other nonlinear Metroidy games outside of Castlevania, but I've seen people comparing the new Wario DS game to Castlevania/Metroid. Also, if you can find it, get Castlevania Circle of the Moon for GBA. I just picked it up used yesterday and it's pretty good.
Otherwise, I have no idea how they manage to keep bringing him back and have it make sense.
He was in Metroid 1. Killed and then revived and cyber-ized in MP. Absent in MP2 and seemingly in MP3, this time seemingly back to his organic self.
Not seen in M2, though it makes sense that he wouldn't be on the Metroid home planet. Seen again in SM, once again seemingly fully organic. Blown to bits and yet somehow appears full (if frozen) in MF. I guess you could argue they strung him back together then.. froze him.. for study.. or something, I dunno. His reviving makes sense with the X Virus and all that.
Convoluted, yeah?
Steam Profile | Signature art by Alexandra 'Lexxy' Douglass
I hated that one though. Could never find my way through it.
2. Hunters is even more FPSy than the Primes, with no items besides weapons to be picked up and a combat emphasis. Prime 2 is a more refined sequel of Prime. You make the call.
3. Pretty damn. Super and II are rare, and expensive. Super has never been rereleased in any way, so with neither a Wii (for the upcoming [but undated] VC release) nor SNES, you're looking towards the "e" word. Expect to pay quite a bit for II, if you can find it. I, of course, is emulated on both Prime and Zero.
4. I hear Scurge: Hive (GBA and DS) is similar, though it's isometric 2D. The Megaman games are also somewhat similar, especially the somewhat nonlinear ZX.
5. Some people speculate the mutated SA-X is a fusion of Samus and the Hornoad it was inhabiting in the intro. Your idea is as good as any, though. And yes, you see one fall away and get exploded in the research section.
6. 3 or 4, depending on how you see the X Ridley in Fusion. I, Prime, Super and perhaps Fusion. And dude, you might as well ask why Bowser keeps coming back.
edit: boost goes into the "if not crazy" list too.
When I first confronted it, I honestly thought Metal Ridley was a totally different structure due to its size.
I figured the frozen one in Fusion was a clone and not the real deal. They don't specify how long Samus was out of action during the surgical procedures. It leaves plenty of time open for an SA-X to take the form of Ridley and God knows what else.
This fits to me because Super Metroid is the one where you literally see Ridley's body break up into multiple pieces and collapse into the lava. It's very final compared to the typical repeated explosions and disappearing of all the other bosses in that game (though nothing is as cool as Crocomire).
The only one that stretches credibility IMO is Meta Ridley. Having both that iteration AND Metal Ridley exist is kind of reaching.
Maybe he was retreived and they decided to just try it again as organic Ridley.
We'll have to wait until MP3 to see, though.
Steam Profile | Signature art by Alexandra 'Lexxy' Douglass
If you find a cart for it (good luck with that), you will purchase an SNES to play it. When it comes out on the VC, you will purchase a Wii (and a Classic Controller) to play it. Everybody has to play Super Metroid at least once before they die.
If you have Dawn of Sorrow and Harmony of Dissonance, there are two more GBA Castlevania games (Aria of Sorrow and Circle of the Moon), as well as Portrait of Ruin whenever it's released over there. Also, if you haven't played Symphony of the Night yet, you really should.
On the PC side, the freeware Cave Story is a great Metroid-esque game you could try.
I really liked the Space Pirate logs in the first Prime, the uniformity of their behavior was awesome. I liked how they kind of sort of almost write about Ridley as the leader but once genetic/cybernetic modification begins he's referred to as "it" and "project # whatever desginate: Meta Ridley" and so on.
Like, don't get me wrong.. I like the design. But I want something new.
Phazon Corrupted Ridley? That'd be kind of cool.
Though I get the idea that Dark Samus will be the main foe in MP3.
Also, I was thinking how cool it would be if DS was absorbing all that Phazon to create a new Samus (in the suit). Like, the suit is kind of an egg and once she/it has found enough Phazon, it will create a new life form.
Well, I think it'd be cool.
Steam Profile | Signature art by Alexandra 'Lexxy' Douglass
I know I've only seen it for sale once (which I bought).
I see it regularly and in high quantity at any location selling used Gameboy games in this area.
Getting it with the box and manual though is of course a totally different story.
I was able to find 2 people selling Metroid 2 for $11-$12 on eBay in under a minute so I wouldn't say it's particularly rare.
Steam ID : rwb36, Twitter : Werezompire,
I haven't picked up since I graduated (which was a year ago.) and you know why I haven't picked it up?
The only time he doesn't clearly blow up is in Prime, so it could technically be Meta-Ridley you see in Super. And I'm pretty sure it's Prime that established, through a Space Pirate log, that he was cloned from template cells they keep of, presumably, Space Pirate VIPs (see also: Kraid's revival, Mother Brain).
The one thing that's always bothered me in all these retcons is Super Metroid's intro. Back then it was fine, the last Metroid is in captivity, no reason to believe there were any more. But then Fusion comes along, and oops, the Federation had kept cell specimens and were actively cloning them. Well, so much for that. Still, it could be argued that Samus didn't know that and therefore, as far as she was concerned, it was the last Metroid. Then Prime shows there were also Metroids, as well as big-ass Metroid Prime, on Tallon IV. Once again, that's a relatively minor issue considering it can be guessed that all Metroids on Tallon IV were wiped out by Samus.
But then Echoes happened. It turns out that there are also Metroids on Aether, being actively bred by the Space Pirates, and they're definitely not indigenous to that planet. Which certainly means that the Pirates have a stockpile of Metroid DNA somewhere to clone up their little armies. There's no way Samus wouldn't figure this out. She'd know the Hatchling isn't "The last Metroid". Moreover, Ridley goes through the trouble of going to the Space Colony to swipe the Hatchling, which is kinda dumb if they just have their own Metroid breed they can use at any time.
Unless at some point between Echoes and Metroid 2, Samus actually goes and kills all Metroids that aren't on SR-388 and eliminates the Space Pirate Metroid DNA samples. That's pretty much the only way this whole thing still makes sense.
I'm thinking about this too much.
Then they have to go find more and clone them.
Steam Profile | Signature art by Alexandra 'Lexxy' Douglass
Yes, you are.
Also, fuck Nightmare.
Metroid Prime 3 would have been a good game to cover all of this in since it supposedly involves some use of her gunship also. It would be cool to have a game where there's a few different worlds you travel to and explore (besides Hunters).
It is a bit coincidental that the specific Space Pirate strongholds she goes to in the Prime games are the only ones that actually have Metroids.
Can they even clone Metroids successfully? I thought they needed at least a hatchling to work with or something. Interestingly in Super Metroid there's a normal enemy called a Matchroid. Basically a weak defective Metroid clone. Just described as the Pirates' failed cloning attempts.
That's not very smart Space Pirating. I know if I was a Space Pirate, I'd keep all my Metroid DNA in a safe spot, in the last place Samus would think to look (like INSIDE HER SUIT OMFG SAMUS WE'VE TRACED THE CALLS).
Then again, if I was a Space Pirate, I'd have my own theme song, which would be enough to distract me from any smart thinking. I guess that's why they don't call themselves the Space Rocket Scientists.
Wee-oo wee-oo wee-oo wee-oo! Wee-oo wee-oo wee-oo wee-oo!
Yes but I think they're going to be dealing with the Phazon more instead.
It's supposedly the game that will sell anybody a Wii.
...right, because in case my grandma doesn't like WiiSports Golf, I'm sure she'll love the whole first-person blasting-aliens exploring-planets thing!
She's been waiting a long time for it.
Duh, everything explodes after it falls off a cliff. Simple rule of physics.
edit: Oh wait you said in Zero, not Fusion. Never mind. I never played Zero.
God I love the Ridley fight in Fusion. No subtly involved whatsoever, I spammed 150 missles at him whilst shouting 'Die vile space pterodactyl die!'