3rd Annual Post-PAX Party @Jillian's: Featuring Jonny Nero and The Protomen!



  • XRXR [E] LULK ILRegistered User regular
    Liger wrote:
    That was an amazing party. I'm at work now and my voice is still shot. Can't wait to do it again next year!
    QFT. I sound like a horse have singing/yelling "totally eclipse of the heart"

  • MJPMMJPM Registered User regular
    We of the DVD crew totally had a blast attending the party and filming the performances. Also, belated apologies for any elbows thrown, feet stepped on, and that one spilled drink. My bad.

  • Weenog42Weenog42 Registered User regular
    Seriously, Arco, you outdid yourself yet again. Jillian's was much better able to accommodate a party of our size than the Taphouse, had more table games, more screens, faster bar service, drink ticket included, more and better swag (one number away from XBox! Hax!) and if you include concert donation was the same price. The distance was pretty much the only negative, but it's manageable.

    Super huge thank you to Johnny Nero, the Megas, and the Protomen for rocking our f-'ing socks off once again.

  • RicinRicin Registered User regular
    Weenog42 wrote:
    Seriously, Arco, you outdid yourself yet again. Jillian's was much better able to accommodate a party of our size than the Taphouse, had more table games, more screens, faster bar service, drink ticket included, more and better swag (one number away from XBox! Hax!) and if you include concert donation was the same price. The distance was pretty much the only negative, but it's manageable.

    Super huge thank you to Johnny Nero, the Megas, and the Protomen for rocking our f-'ing socks off once again.

    Arco, you are the man! Great party! Can't wait to come back to Seattle for PAX Prime and P4. Cab rides were a bit pricey because cabbies are jerks (10 bucks for a 12 block ride!) And as the guy who won the Xbox I did not use hax ... show up on time and you could have had my ticket :)

    I admit I was not much of a fan of the Protomen before tonight but the solidly rock and can't wait for them to play East!

    Other than that you have a little over 360+ days to top yourself Arco ... Good Luck!


  • tr0tskytr0tsky Registered User regular
    * tr0tsky has Liked the Post-PAX Party.
    * tr0tsky has Disliked Snickers.

    The stamps I won got a lot of use that night, and will see a lot more in the future, I imagine. Thanks again, Arco.

  • LigerLiger Registered User regular
    Damnit tr0tsky, thanks to those stamps I accidentally Liked Catboy's ass.

    5932306549_6b4d957b56.jpg CUSTOM LANYARDS FOR PAX
  • tr0tskytr0tsky Registered User regular
    Liger wrote:
    Damnit tr0tsky, thanks to those stamps I accidentally Liked Catboy's ass.

    I think a lot of people Liked Catboy's ass :P

  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    tr0tsky wrote:
    Liger wrote:
    Damnit tr0tsky, thanks to those stamps I accidentally Liked Catboy's ass.

    I think a lot of people Liked Catboy's ass :P

    and Disliked arsonbro's

  • ArcoArco Registered User regular
    My voice is shot and I can't hear anything at all today, still. I think my shoes are still sticky. That pair of shorts is never going to smell the same.

    Wouldn't have it any other way.

    I wrote Jillian's a nice letter Monday morning, expressing my heartfelt thanks for the wonderful service and accommodations. I was actually there later that night, too, and the GM said it was the best letter he'd ever received. He was passing it up to corporate, etc. He loved our group. Then John, the manager that was in charge of our event and was helping us out during, bought me a drink.

    Expect a more thoughtful wrap-up post after I've had time to decompress a little - I just got home and I've been sitting at my computer for only a few minutes.

    However, know this. YOU ALL RULE.

    If anyone has pictures/videos, please share them with everyone.

    tl;dr: Party broke me, Jillian's is amazing, share pictures/videos, <3.

    Like this, not like the gas station.
    Organizer of the Post-PAX Party. You should come!
    Satellite Theater for life!
  • LosarLosar Thane Vector, Rock Star Tucson, AZRegistered User regular
    I'm sad I was only able to hang out for a few minutes, but it was excellent for the short time I was there.

    We've got to start clearing out Sunday evenings for parties instead of tearing down our booth. =P

    Isn't that informative!? Hooray!!
  • BlackDragon480BlackDragon480 Bluster Kerfuffle Master of Windy ImportRegistered User regular
    This was easily the best out of the P3's so far. All the thanks in the world to Arco for coordinating this little shinding, and scoring an awesome trifecta of musical guests, to go along with an awesome venue.

    Like most my ears were ringing all of Monday, and I can only just now start speaking in a somewhat normal tone, but it was worth it. Having never seen The Protomen live, I must now endevour to do so whenever there is an opportunity, Light Up the Night and Total Eclipse of the Heart were fucking awesome. Johnny Nero also kicked mucho-asso, I must sadly admit I spent the majority of the Megas set playing Rock Band, but what I heard I liked.

    Oh, and thanks to TOGSolid for bringing the PS3 and fighting games, there is no bad time for some semi-drunken MvC3 action.

    My brain is still processing all the awesome from the weekend, so I may extrapolate at a later date, but for now, all I can say is may next year's be just as amazing as this year's was.

    No matter where you go...there you are.
    ~ Buckaroo Banzai
  • blAAAm!!!blAAAm!!! Cleveland, OhioRegistered User regular
    this was an awesome party. First time seeing Protomen and they were great.

  • TeletheusTeletheus Registered User regular
    Swae wrote:
    First off, what a GREAT way to end PAX. Big thanks to you guys for putting this together. The venue was perfect and our group had a blast.

    Also, my SINCERE apologies for subjecting y'all to my drunk ass playing Rock Band. I've never played, and I am tone deaf, but the wine told me to do it. :)

    I think I speak for (just about) everyone when I say that someone's tone-deaf drunk ass playing Rock Band for the first time is WAY more fun than someone who's an experienced veteran. ;)
    Arco wrote:
    I wrote Jillian's a nice letter Monday morning, expressing my heartfelt thanks for the wonderful service and accommodations. I was actually there later that night, too, and the GM said it was the best letter he'd ever received. He was passing it up to corporate, etc. He loved our group. Then John, the manager that was in charge of our event and was helping us out during, bought me a drink.

    Expect a more thoughtful wrap-up post after I've had time to decompress a little - I just got home and I've been sitting at my computer for only a few minutes.

    However, know this. YOU ALL RULE.

    Yeah, as has already been said, Jillian's was pretty much perfect except for the distance, and that was definitely manageable. I was hoping they'd have a good reaction to our group, so they'd want us to come back next year; glad to hear they did. I'm glad the Rock Band thing worked out, too, because that was the thing I was going to miss most... but then I only played a couple of times because I spent way more time listening to the actual rock bands in attendance. Johnny Nero and the Megas were both great, but the Protomen... What can I say? I've only recently become a Protomen fan, and that was the first time I've ever seen them live. SO AWESOME. I know it might be tough, but I hope that can become a regular thing too, because they're incredible live.

    And, Arco? Know this: YOU RULE ALL.

    PSN/XBL/Steam/Twitter: Teletheus
  • NickTheNewbieNickTheNewbie Registered User regular
    What a great party! Apologies to the guy I tried to turn around during total eclipse of the heart. Didn't mean to mess with your space :(

  • TOGSolidTOGSolid Drunk sailor Seattle, WashingtonRegistered User regular
    Yea, the manager that was there that night was an absolute super bro. I've got nothing but praise for that guy from the dealings I had with him for getting console land running.

    Here's hoping we can take over Jillian's again next year. I'll be a little bit better prepped for console land now that I know what we have to work with and will make 100% sure we've got a for sure Rock Band setup going in case it's looking iffy. Huge thanks to Arco for getting this all going again this year. I had a blast and I'm glad people were digging things over in console land!

  • chaosisorderchaosisorder Cupcake Princess and Pinny Whore OregonRegistered User regular
    tr0tsky wrote:
    * tr0tsky has Liked the Post-PAX Party.
    * tr0tsky has Disliked Snickers.

    The stamps I won got a lot of use that night, and will see a lot more in the future, I imagine. Thanks again, Arco.

    I legit thought that Arson had a tramp stamp dislike button.

    Thanks for another awesome time, Arco.

  • TraitoriousTraitorious Registered User regular
    PPP was mad awesome. Props Arco for facilitating and everyone else that helped run it!

  • ChichenChichen Registered User regular
    Loved the post pax party. My group of 5 won 3 things from the raffle (A note book thing, a penny arcade poster, and one of the minecraft shirts (My friend who doesn't even like minecraft won it.))

    Had a great time. Loved all the bands (especially the protomen.)

  • ArcoArco Registered User regular
    Holy shit, it's the whole goddamn Protomen show! Thanks, MJPM!

    Like this, not like the gas station.
    Organizer of the Post-PAX Party. You should come!
    Satellite Theater for life!
  • ArdentbiscuitArdentbiscuit Registered User regular
    Great party! I can't express in words how much I enjoyed it!!!

  • Game Show ManGame Show Man Registered User regular
    I just finally got home from Seattle, and I wanted to take a minute to thank Arco for putting this together. This was my first time in Seattle, and my first time at PAX, and it was an absolute blast. I had heard the Megas already at Jamspace the night before, so it was nice to see them again; the Protomen I had never heard before, but they absolutely rocked my socks off, and I've been blasting Act II - Father of Death all the way home. If I can get the days off next, you can bet that you'll see the ol' Game Show Man again.

    "Game Show Man" Joe Van Ginkel

    "Go get my space-battlecruiser. I wanna go blow some shizznit up."
  • TOGSolidTOGSolid Drunk sailor Seattle, WashingtonRegistered User regular
    edited September 2011
    A few pictures!

    TOGSolid on
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