A little late notice since this has been the case for a week or so now, but we are
SOLD OUT. Please
DO NOT SHOW UP between 8-11 unless you have a ticket. I don't like turning anyone away, but unfortunately this has to be the case. If you show up without a ticket you will not be able to buy one, no one will be available to take your money, and we really don't want to run into any overcrowding or party crashing scenarios. Neither Jillian's nor the party (read: me) will have any time or energy to deal with this kind of thing, and I don't want to do anything that would damage the relationship I'm trying to build with Jillian's and force us to look elsewhere for a venue next year. Part of the reason this party has gone off so well in years past is that we're an awesome group of people to deal with, down to every last individual. I fully trust the PAX community to be responsible and continue that trend, and part of doing that is not showing up if there's no room for you.
Please accept my sincerest apologies for having to turn you away. It brings me no joy. I wish I could accommodate anyone and everyone who wanted to come, drop the ticket price, buy twice as many raffle prizes, order everyone a drink, and cure cancer during this party. Alas, I am a simple man with worldly limitations and limited powers. Please, please, please check the forums early next year and get your ticket before they're sold out: I want you to come!
Thanks to everyone who bought their ticket, donated money to the raffle or the band funds, contributed a console, or plans on volunteering for the party. You have my utmost gratitude and appreciation. I plan this party because PAX people are awesome and I love spending time with them, and every year my faith and interest in the community is renewed through this party.
In closing, I must repeat: if you don't have a ticket,
do not show up between 8-11.
If you've already got your ticket and you want to vote in the menu poll,
Welcome to the official thread for the 3rd Annual Post-PAX Party! Details and important links for the event can be found in the post below, which will be edited with information periodically. The pages after this are discussion.
The Post-PAX Party is a last-ditch, hail-mary, all-for-one effort to have the most fun possible after the doors close on PAX Prime. Now in its third year, we've grown by leaps and bounds from a single room, 100-person experiment into a whole floor, 250-person event. We're going to hook up consoles to TVs, play pool, darts, and ping pong, eat, drink, and party our asses off all night long before we all go back to our regular lives. It's an afterparty, a farewell, and a celebration, all rolled into one. If you don't have anywhere to be Sunday night, you should join us. Ask around: it's really fun.
I'm pleased to announce that due to our ever-growing numbers, we're rolling out to Jillian's Billiards Club this year!
Sunday, August 28
8:00pm - 11:00pm+
Highlights of the evening include:
Jonny Nero, Action Hero!
Jonny Nero is an old-school member of the PAX community, Enforcer, and chiptunes musician who is opening for The Protomen on Friday. He's going to play our party, too! He currently has an EP, Experimutations, which is totally rad.
The Protomen have played the PAX main stage 3 times, and brought the house down each time. They're currently in the middle of a US tour. They've released 2 albums (3 if you count the Makeup and Vanity set), and they're fucking awesome. Ask anyone who's seen a Protomen show.
The entire first floor all to ourselves.
Pool, darts, and ping pong, included in the ticket price, in their own room separate from the eating area.
A fucking arcade.
Private bartender and a full bar.
Full stage, for Rock Band or whatever.
11 HDTVs and a huge projector, all of which we can hook consoles up to. That's 12 screens.
Appetizer buffet.
Cheaper ticket than last year!
Alcohol is... wait for it...
wait for it...
wait for it...
included in the ticket this year! (one drink/ticket)
We're also doing a raffle, just like last year. This year I have some prizes that are so cool I'm not allowed to talk about them, and with almost double the attendance of last year, I'm hoping to really go nuts and get some amazing stuff. One raffle ticket is included in the price of admission.
Tickets are $40 and they're
ON SALE NOW. We're renting out the entire first floor of this place, so this year ticket sales are being pushed up to 250 people! I'm counting on you guys to spread the word and sell this thing out, because as always, no one fronts the bill for this thing. Everyone pays an equal share and we have to sell all the tickets to pay for the event.
What's that? You still aren't convinced and you want pictures? Okay!

Maybe you're like, "Who's this Arco guy? What makes him so special?" I hear you. I'm just some dude, after all. Thus, I present my references:
2nd Annual Post-PAX Party, 20101st Annual Post-PAX Party Dinner, 2009
Not good enough? Still have questions? Perhaps I can assist you in the form of a spoilerized F.A.Q.
Q: When is this event taking place?
A: Sunday, August 28th, from 8:00-11:00+.
Q: Where is this event taking place?
A: Jillian's Billiards of Seattle. 731 Westlake Ave North, Seattle WA. It's about a mile straight north. You can either walk, take a taxi, or hop on a variety of public transit options (73 bus, 28 bus, or 98 street car). Walking will take you about 20-30 minutes.
Q: How long will this event last?
A: Officially, the party lasts three hours. During that time we have the entire first floor to ourselves, plus 6 dedicated pool tables, darts, and ping pong. During this time food and drinks are served for party guests and we can also hook video games up to the various TVs and projectors in the venue (12 screens total!).
After the three hour mark, we lose that stuff. We have to share the darts, ping pong, and pool, we lose the exclusivity, the paid food goes away, and we probably have to unhook most, if not all of the video games. But they aren't going to kick us out, and in years past the party has gone on until the venue closes, which is far into the wee hours of the morning.
Q: Is this event 21+?
A: Nope. All ages, but if you're under 21 please don't drink or try to drink.
Q: How much will this event cost?
A: I'm very pleased to announce that the ticket price is only $40, lower than last year's ticket.
Q: Do I need to buy a ticket, or can I just show up?
A: You do need to buy a ticket in advance, and space is limited. The EventBrite registration page is located
Q: What kind of food is served?
A: Appetizer-type stuff. Last year it was steak sandwiches, chicken fingers, potstickers, sushi and nigiri, hummus, pita, fruit, vegetables, cheese and crackers. Soda, tea, and coffee are also included in the ticket price, and the food is served for the duration of the party. We'll be choosing individual menu options over again this year.
Q: Is alcohol served?
A: Yup. Jillian's has a full bar and we have full run of the entire first floor.
Q: Is alcohol included in the ticket price?
A: YES! Unlike years past, each ticket includes one drink ticket of a $6 value.
Q: I heard you have video games. What kind?
A: Last year we had two 360s with Rock Band, plus a PS3 with a variety of games. Rock Band has become a tradition at the party and I have no doubt we'll be playing that all night long. In addition there are always party standards: SFIV, MvC3, Castle Crashers, etc. We have a full stage, so maybe Dance Central? Who knows. This year we have a staggering 12 screens at our disposal, including a giant projector. I fully plan on hooking up as many consoles as I can get my hands on to provide you guys with a wide variety of games to play and short lines to wait in. If you're willing to offer up a console and some games for the evening, please get in touch with me via PM.
Q: What's with this raffle thing?
A: All attendees are encouraged to throw down some money for our raffle. Each ticket also comes with one raffle ticket, which will be thrown into a hat along with everyone else's. Before the party I will collect all the raffle donations and go on a crazy spending spree for FABULOUS PRIZES, which will be raffled off at some point during the party. Last year's prizes included a StarCraft 2 Collector's Edition, a light-up BioShock EVE hypo, Bacon Soap, and lots of other cool stuff. I try not to disappoint. With almost twice the number of attendees as last year I'm hoping to get some really good stuff, and I might even have some prizes up my sleeve that I can't talk about yet. You'll just have to attend to find out.
So subscribe to the thread for updates, tell your friends, buy your tickets, donate to the raffle, and I'll see you all at the Post-PAX Party!
Original post below for posterity:
It's definitely happening and it's never too early to start planning, so now that I've decompressed from PAX East, I'm starting to send out e-mails.
Question: How would you guys feel about moving from The Taphouse to The Garage? It's been on the TWDT in years past, it's got bowling, billiards, food, drinks, and it may end up being cheaper than The Taphouse, but it's farther away. Nothing's guaranteed, but it caught my eye and I sent an e-mail to their event coordinator. I want your thoughts, too.
148 days, yo!
{Fondly remembers the PAXTrain}
Organizer of the Post-PAX Party. You should come!
Satellite Theater for life!
This is a video of a private party there:
p.s. the pike street route is less steep than the madison route.....or at least it feels that way to me.
I frequent the Garage pretty regularly.
From PAX, it's a bit of a hike because, as was mentioned it's all uphill. It's not a *horrible* walk, but it's certainly not great.
From a venue perspective, I had looked at having the Pre-PAX Dinner there last year, but it wasn't in the cards. However, the venue is awesome. The bartenders are all very cool, the games and whatnot are a lot of fun and the food is definitely a step-up from standard bar-fare. Overall, it's a great choice and Arco? I owe you for last year as I wasn't able to make it but this year, you're damn right I'm buying my ticket.
I am planning to go to one of these Pre-PAX/Post-PAX parties, How much would one of the soirees cost a person. Also how much for a cab ... I am not walking back from a bar tipsy.
I haven't begun planning for the Pre-PAX Dinner, but that's probably going to be around $30. I think last year, the Post-PAX Party was $60?
A cab from the Garage (or area around it) back down to PAX is probably $5 - 7 bucks at most, I would guess.
Garage/Taphouse, as long as there is beer + games + friends, that's all that matters.
~ Buckaroo Banzai
Organizer of the Post-PAX Party. You should come!
Satellite Theater for life!
I'm flying out of SEA at 6:00AM Monday morning after PAX, so I'd have to be at the airport at 4:30AM at the latest. I think this leaves room in my schedule to party it up!
Is this Post-Pax-Party immediately after the closing ceremonies? Would I be able to kill enough time at the party that I could go straight to the airport? (yes, I know it would still be absurdly early in the morning.)
Is there gonna be anything special about getting to the airport from any of the proposed locations for the PPP?
Last year it was an hour after, I think. I like to give people the opportunity to filter out of PAX, change, etc. before the party starts. I also use that hour to put the finishing touches on stuff.
Traditionally, the party "proper" has gone from like 8:00-11:00, or something like that. However there's plenty of partying that goes on past that. I know for the last two PPPs at The Taphouse, we've stayed there en masse until they closed at like 2:00am. If you want to stay up and have fun, there are ample opportunities on Sunday.
As far as getting to the airport, that's all you. I'd suggest cabbing it.
Organizer of the Post-PAX Party. You should come!
Satellite Theater for life!
Why not? I walked miles back to my hotel after the bar crawl (admittedly because I walked in the wrong direction first :P) and I didn't die. I actually quite enjoy walking through a city at midnight-2 am, it's not like it's dangerous.
Cause I don't want to walk around any city half-drunk. it may not be dangerous for you. I am going by myself and I do not believe in a scenario where inebriation in a foreign environment by myself is a good idea.
I did this the first year and skipped last. First year was fun but also rather crowded, I think the walk may be worth it and I'll be watching this.
definitely will have to keep an eye on things this year, looking to keep costs down this time around, but this place does sound cool so might have to work it in.
Pre-PAX Dinner | Tri-Wizard Drinking Tournament | Post-PAX Party
2012 Prime Buttoneer (Main | Bonus)
Ravenclaw Death Eaters, Head Boy - Ravenclaw DE is on Twitter and Facebook!
It's cool, just trying to save you some money.
Xbox GT: Master Vinter Steam: Vinter PSN: VinterM 3DS: 4699-5853-7381
Organizer of the Post-PAX Party. You should come!
Satellite Theater for life!
XBLA: Pythos07
I'll be keeping an eye out on any developments!
How far are people willing to travel for this? My assumption is that a few blocks from PAX is the limit, but I could be wrong. There are some interesting venues in Seattle that are catching my eye, but I'm not sure the attendance would be as high if cabs, cars, or public transit got involved.
Might be throwing a poll up.
Organizer of the Post-PAX Party. You should come!
Satellite Theater for life!