
[WOW] [CHAT] Thread. Female Panderen Revealed. Yiffing already?



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    GrobianGrobian What's on sale? Pliers!Registered User regular
    On the topic of leveling alts on other servers: I hate that I can't transfer heirlooms between servers and that stupid character limit. When I recently leveled a Rogue, PvP was fine, because Rogues are just overpowered like that. At some point good hunters can hold a candle against you and then of course DKs slaughter everything for that one level bracket.

    But then my wife started a hunter to PvP with, so I dusted of an old Shaman at level 11 on that server. And it is so stupid to fight against people that have 5 times more health than I have. I get oneshotted by anyone in Heirloom gear. I don't even get to the stage where I complain that my Enhancement Shaman can easily be kited, because I never even reach the enemy, I'm dead before I can use any melee ability. My only chance is hiding in the zerg and hoping someone slows them. This of course makes the utter stupidity of low level PvPers even worse, because I can't go off alone and just win that damn thing.

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    DibbyDibby I'll do my best! Registered User regular
    The only class I would really ever make twice is Druid, cause they have 4 specs. I actually plan on making another in MoP. My Druid right now is Bear mainspec, Resto offspec. But I'd probably change his offspec to Balance, and then Druid #2 would be Cat/Resto. I could do Bear/Cat or Balance/Resto, but that seems a bit silly collecting the same set of gear twice. I mean, yeah, I'd have to collect a second set of gear regardless, but I like having that second set be for another role/itemization. So that, for example, I can gear up my Bear set and if Resto pieces drop, I can pick those up too (if there isn't someone that needs it, of course). That's what I'm doing currently, and I have a pretty good offset from that.

    But other than that, I've never really gotten the idea of having multiple of the same class (and same faction) on one server.

    Battle.net Tag: Dibby#1582
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    DibbyDibby I'll do my best! Registered User regular
    Also there's this interview with Dave Kosak about patch 4.3 and plans for 2012. Doesn't really tell us anything we didn't already know. Touches very briefly on the pre-MoP patch and that they're going to focus on the Alliance; but again, old news.

    The tl;dr version is "we're happy with 4.3, raidfinder's cool, alliance needs some love"

    Actually, the last question is kind of interesting:
    Q: Many users sadly unsubscribed to Cataclysm quite quickly. Do you think users will be more satisfied with Pandaria than they were with Cataclysm?

    DK: For me Cataclysm, when we talk about the expansion, for me a lot of Cataclysm was the 1-60 re-design which was an epic amount of work. And I think we managed to pull that off in a time frame and we managed to do it and refresh the old world – that was a big part of Cataclysm. We're really happy with how that turned out!

    He's right, but at the same time completely sidesteps the actual question. Yeah, the redone 1-60 stuff is extremely massive, and it's actually really well done... but what about the rest of the game?

    Battle.net Tag: Dibby#1582
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    GrobianGrobian What's on sale? Pliers!Registered User regular
    Dibby wrote:
    But other than that, I've never really gotten the idea of having multiple of the same class (and same faction) on one server.

    I like leveling. If I had room on my main server, I'd probably have started a third priest already. I leveled the first in BC and the second during LK, so things have changed a lot since then.

    It's also nice to get a feel for abandoned classes again. I had shelved my rogue and hunter long before Cata, so it just makes sense to me to start a fresh one to see how the classes have changed without being overwhelmed by 50 abilities. I played the second hunter to 30 or something, and now I would feel comfortable to go back to my level 80 hunter. (but I won't because Cata zones are boring and I'm not too keen on Hunters either).

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    SabreMauSabreMau ネトゲしよう 판다리아Registered User regular
    edited January 2012
    Grobian wrote:
    Ledneh wrote:
    Anyone ever leveled/played more than one character of the same class? My main all the way from start of TBC to end of WotLK was a Druid, who has long since been given away, but as an unending symptom of my altitis I kind of want another one.

    I think my brain's broken :<

    (that, and troll druid hell yes.)

    I have two 85 priests (on the same server/faction). I have also started lot's of alts in classes that I already have, but since my main server is full, most of those alts don't go anywhere. I think my highest are a ~40 mage and druid, where I also have 85s and I have two rogues at 6X and 7X.

    The leveling process of all classes changed dramatically with Cataclysm, so it definitely feels fresh and new if you last leveled the class before that.

    Also I think @SabreMau has 4 Paladins or something like that.

    Tresjin - 85 human, Kil'Jaeden (my first character from 2004, raided MC through two bosses of Naxx, brought back from retirement when I heard of transmogrification, current active LFR character)

    Charvanek - 80 blood elf, Jubei'Thos (my fourth paladin, raided as Ret through parts of Karazhan-to-Gruul, and then mained through WotLK Naxx up to Yogg-Saron)

    Tresjynn - 70 blood elf, Gundrak (my third paladin, created to be a vanguard of the tankadin movement when my Alliance guild didn't want to bring me to Kara. Maintanked the entirety of progression Karazhan, took advantage of a free server transfer from Jubei'Thos to Gundrak so I could make a DK on Jubei'Thos of the same name, race, and appearance)

    Tresjin - 70 human, Jubei'Thos (my second paladin, created when my Kil'Jaeden guild decided to transfer servers. Instead of transferring, I just rerolled and releveled 1-60 on the new server, then 60-70 when TBC launched. Didn't get to raid with it because healer spots were filled and the first month or so still had people claiming tanks were warriors only.)

    And the non-raid alts:
    Glycine - 56 dwarf, Draenor
    Katryn - 52 draenei, Jubei'Thos
    Charvanek - 40 blood elf, Cho'gall
    Charvanek - 11 blood elf, Frostmane
    Shonara - 8 tauren, Cho'gall
    Tresjynn - 5 blood elf, Kil'Jaeden
    Tresjin - 6 human, Caelestrasz
    Tresjynn - 6 blood elf, Caelestrasz
    Tresjunior - 2 human, Kil'Jaeden
    Tresjynn - 1 blood elf, Barthilas

    SabreMau on
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    Eat it You Nasty Pig.Eat it You Nasty Pig. tell homeland security 'we are the bomb'Registered User regular
    I have leveled two shamans, but only because I didn't wanna pay for a server transfer

    If I were ever to transfer one of my shaman/druid somewhere else, I might level another warlock just to have an alt, but I doubt it

    hold your head high soldier, it ain't over yet
    that's why we call it the struggle, you're supposed to sweat
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    -SPI--SPI- Osaka, JapanRegistered User regular
    If they had added more character slots with Cata I probably would have made a second hunter. Undead with all the zombie skin pets.

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    PriscaPrisca Registered User regular
    edited January 2012
    I need some ideas for transmog for my rogue. Do you guys have any idea what armour/weapons this Gnome rogue is equipped with in this illustration? Or is it just a custom set the artist designed for her:


    Prisca on
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    SentretSentret Registered User regular
    The daggers exist, wowhead is down at the moment so I can't link you to a page, but one dagger with that appearance is 'Lockbreaker Shank'.

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    HalfmexHalfmex I mock your value system You also appear foolish in the eyes of othersRegistered User regular
    And the armor is the rogue t11 set (helm and shoulders sold separately)*.

    *via raiding

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    PriscaPrisca Registered User regular
    Thanks for the information, Sentret and Halfmex :)

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    ToddJewellToddJewell Registered User regular
    four pieces of LFR in the first week I sent my hunter through: tier gloves, tier helm, 2h from madness, and boots.

    if it wasn't for my 359 tier chest/legs I would be raidable =)

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    NobodyNobody Registered User regular
    So we're losing BOTH of our staves (both military related).

    Now we're having to go back and finish off some of the other staves that were in processing when DS came out. Relearning hardmodes is fun :P

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    PoketpixiePoketpixie Siege Registered User regular
    Ledneh wrote:
    Anyone ever leveled/played more than one character of the same class?

    I've leveled multiples of just about each class to the 70+ range(and god knows how many hunters). That's not even getting into the alts I've deleted over the years. I used to play a lot more plus I refuse to pay for server transfers until they drop the price or add a bundle package so when my friends invariably started up on a new server I'd end up making all new characters there.

    Nowadays I tend to stick to a select few characters. I'd rather not gear up a particular class more than once or spread the achievements out more than I already do.

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    BrainleechBrainleech 機知に富んだコメントはここにあります Registered User regular
    I have played 3 rogues to 60 and onto 70 but two of them linger in the 79 range because well it's much fun to pvp with them and kill people with Gaydar.
    I have two warlocks. two warriors, two priests, 3 paladins. that are of a level. One of my paladins is a abannoned human. My priests got benched after of the horror of trying to heal death knights in wrath.

    I created a draenei shaman back in TBC but did not play him because I have no idea what I was doing so they just would do holidays and rot way in Azure Watch. Until my brother forced me to buy some herilooms and showed me how to play enchansment sadly I created a orc and play her far more.

    I made a blood elf mage because I had no idea what happened to my mage and to clean out the guild bank of all the enchanting mats.

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    fortyforty Registered User regular
    edited January 2012
    Time for part 2 of this week's RF bitching (part 1 was the 10k DPS rogue winning everything he could roll on).

    Queued as tank for Fall of Deathwing last night. When it finally pops (2/8), I get in the raid but don't zone in. After a few seconds I click the "teleport to dungeon" thing, and get an "Unable to zone in while encounter is in progress." Apparently one of the dummies started Spine of Deathwing before the raid got its second tank. All I can do is watching people yell at each other in raid chat and watch health bars move up and down. After they wipe, I get in and we do fine. One wipe to Madness due to there only being 5 people healing and half of them healing for shit (a well geared holy paladin doing 10k on Madness? pathetic). Get him the second time and of course nothing I can roll on drops (11th Madness kill across two characters and still haven't touched a weapo from it).

    I requeue as tank so that I can get the first two bosses in Fall of Deathwing. Queue finally pops, do awful, tedious, and overlong Ultraxion trash. We wipe to Ultraxion because it turns out the other tank is shitty and clueless. He leaves and we get a slightly better tank (who still dies to his first Fading Light), but we get it down anyway. Then when we're over on the airship, the raid is down to 19 or 20. I guess a bunch of people must have already gotten into a 1/8 Fall and only needed Ultraxion. OK, we'll just wait for those slots to fill. Wait, wait, wait. 10 minutes or so pass, and almost no one has been put in. The raid is full tank, full DPS, and like 2/6 healers. WTF?

    I was raid leader, and a couple people kept screaming to "queue" (I'm pretty sure you're always automatically in the queue when people leave), so after a few minutes of no healers popping in, I left queue and requeued. Still nothing happened, though. Some idito is like "this is a joke, let's just go." Yes, RF is such a joke that you can do it with two healers, right? And then a few seconds later (as always happens in RF when people are waiting "too long" for the raid to fill), someone starts the encounter. Obviously that ends up as a quick and pointless wipe. People run back, some people leave, but still no more healers seem to come into the raid. I wait a few more minutes, and finally when the raid is down to about 10 people, I give up and leave because I need to go to bed.

    So now I'm saved to Ultraxion, Spine, and Madness, and if I want a shot at gunship loot for the week, I'll have to queue for a third time, wait 20+ minutes, go through the way too long and way too awful Ultraxion trash again, kill a boss that gives me nothing but potential durability loss, and then hope gunship goes fine.

    TLDR: An RF raid literally got stuck at 1/4 and couldn't move on since the system couldn't/didn't give us any/enough replacement healers, so the raid fell apart. It's getting annoying having to sit through 3-4 lengthy tank queues a week (5 this week, probably) just to kill 8 bosses and get nothing but VP. 204 RF drops, 3 won and equipped.

    I'm thinking one loot roll per boss per week was not the way to go with this thing. People have absolutely no incentive to stick around for bosses they've already killed.

    forty on
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    ToddJewellToddJewell Registered User regular
    healers are the big delay now since it requires 6 of them -- I was queued as dps and hovering over the LFR and it was constantly at 2/2, 17/17, 0/6

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    fortyforty Registered User regular
    Apparently they're an infinite delay in the case of a 1/4 raid. I'm going to assume they keep turning down partial clears since they have instant queues, but why would the system not just keep offering them the same 1/4 raid over and over until they accept?

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    Eat it You Nasty Pig.Eat it You Nasty Pig. tell homeland security 'we are the bomb'Registered User regular
    Possibly because the queue has "matched" others with your raid and sent them invites, but they haven't accepted yet.

    I don't know that this is how the queue works precisely, but it seems to make sense

    hold your head high soldier, it ain't over yet
    that's why we call it the struggle, you're supposed to sweat
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    fortyforty Registered User regular
    Hmm, I guess that could be. I'd really like to see these issues addressed in Mists, but I worry they'll be too focused on the spec based looting and ignore all the other problems.

    Basically there should be more incentive to join a raid in progress, and, perhaps more importantly, more (/any) incentive to kill bosses you've already killed.

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    Dronus86Dronus86 Now with cheese!Registered User regular
    forty wrote:
    Hmm, I guess that could be. I'd really like to see these issues addressed in Mists, but I worry they'll be too focused on the spec based looting and ignore all the other problems.

    Basically there should be more incentive to join a raid in progress, and, perhaps more importantly, more (/any) incentive to kill bosses you've already killed.

    Mists should give every raid boss a chance to drop a pet in LFR, and you can roll on it if you've already done LFR.


    Look at me. Look at me. Look at how large the monster inside me has become.
    Crunch Crunch! Munch Munch! Chomp Chomp! Gulp!
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    ToddJewellToddJewell Registered User regular
    or getting JP / VP from each boss instead of just on finishing raid?

    250 / 4 bosses = 65 a boss after rounding to benefit us? I would have stuck around for madness had I gotten VP from it, but since you only get VP from LFR the first time you finish a half, I had no need to stay on longer.

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    fortyforty Registered User regular
    That seems reasonable. If you're able to cap VPs just from heroics, I don't see why there is a cap on what you can get from RF.

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    Magus`Magus` The fun has been DOUBLED! Registered User regular
    So my 25 man exploded and I am, once again, raidless. I can't catch a break, I swear to fucking god.

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    fortyforty Registered User regular
    WoW is like a 4th of July celebration right now with how many raid explosions there are.

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    Magus`Magus` The fun has been DOUBLED! Registered User regular
    Yeah, 3rd geared DK on the server doesn't mean anything if you can't raid, heh.

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    reVersereVerse Attack and Dethrone God Registered User regular
    All the more reason for Blizzard to either stop bothering with raids or st the very least stop bothering with 25mans.

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    Magus`Magus` The fun has been DOUBLED! Registered User regular
    I'd love to be part of a solid 10 man, but there are none to be found.

    Hilariously, one 10 man has a Frost DK (same as myself) who is apparently pulling 23K on Ultraxion. For comparison, I usually pull about 35-36K.

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    JavenJaven Registered User regular
    Oddly enough, our guild that has almost entirely migrated to TOR still raids deathwing every week, though we may stop killing Madness because it's such a dumb fucking fight.

    It's just funny to see everyone logged into TOR, then we all log off to kill Dragon Soul, then log back into TOR.

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    Magus`Magus` The fun has been DOUBLED! Registered User regular
    Yeah we lost a few to TOR, though they didn't keep playing.

    I'm sad, I have the annual pass with like 7-8 months remaining and pretty much nothing to do in game. Fun.

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    shrykeshryke Member of the Beast Registered User regular
    I think the issue is more that some servers are getting a bit barren so when your guild explodes, there's no where else to go.

    And the cost for moving your characters to another server is ridiculous.

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    The Dude With HerpesThe Dude With Herpes Lehi, UTRegistered User regular
    edited January 2012
    I solo too much to care anymore about server transfers. To the point on my horde server my "guild" is just my own personal guild I keep all my characters in. I can't be assed to join even a random social guild. I simply don't care. I am almost guild level 6 though, all by myself; I figure once I complete all the cata zone quests and such I'll be ~lvl 10 in my guild purely on my own. I have a couple friends who, if they ever decide to play on that server again are welcome and would just help out, but no biggie.

    I suspect sometime during MoP unless it is an unparalleled success, there'll be mass server merges. Before the next xpack (edit: following MoP) I don't see how blizzard can possibly maintain the number of servers they have.

    I'm sure they have fear of a lot of people on any given server resubbing for whatever reason leading to overcrowding but man...it's just not gonna happen anymore.

    Even right at Cata most servers could have probably done well with a merge. The capitols obviously seemed super busy but since Blizzard made some extremely poor decisions, what you saw in SW/Org at any given time was probably more or less the entirety of the active server.

    And that's sad.

    Anyway; yeah, I feel people with dead guilds due to Cata and now TOR hitting them. I know my alliance guild is still fairly active but raiding is pretty much shoot to hell because the core raiders are now in TOR. I don't expect many of them will maintain their activity in TOR, but we shall see.

    The Dude With Herpes on
    Steam: Galedrid - XBL: Galedrid - PSN: Galedrid
    Origin: Galedrid - Nintendo: Galedrid/3222-6858-1045
    Blizzard: Galedrid#1367 - FFXIV: Galedrid Kingshand

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    Jubal77Jubal77 Registered User regular
    We finally raided again this week. Got HMorchok down which was actually a fun fight but then just breezed through the rest on normal. The combination of LFR, normal holiday breaks and TOR has just wore people out. It was actually fun to play a game where the animations were always smooth and the fights not buggy :)

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    LednehLedneh shinesquawk Registered User regular
    Quick, male or female Orc for my next alt (a Hunter)

    make haste

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    SightTDWSightTDW Registered User regular
    I love how my female orc hunter looks.

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    PoketpixiePoketpixie Siege Registered User regular
    Do you want to always be slumped over from the weight of your gigantic shoulders or would you rather stand up straight.

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    GrobianGrobian What's on sale? Pliers!Registered User regular

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    ToddJewellToddJewell Registered User regular
    I have been having a lot of fun playing my hunter
    The buff in well of eternity is awesome... I was at 106k dps last night, haha. I need to enchant a couple of pieces still and get rid of my 2 pieces of 359. JP doesn't seem to accrue very fast in the new dungeons since there are only 3 bosses, but I need to run them for a chance at some of the 378's. Chest/Legs/Trinket are my remaining 359s -- guessing the only trinkets available since you can't equip two arrow of times are the LFR ones? It's going to suck to lose all of the hit on Fluid Death when I do replace it.

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    RiokennRiokenn Registered User regular
    Do people still buy Chaos Orbs? I have about 50 I need to get rid of.

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    Magus`Magus` The fun has been DOUBLED! Registered User regular
    They aren't used for any 4.3 content that I'm aware of.

This discussion has been closed.