Hey jonxp, I brought the bulletin board over and I'll be back in BYOC around 11pm or so to put buttons on it and hang out for the airplane contest. I've got BigRed's button in my bag, it's obviously not in the collection bucket.
Everyone else - remember to come put your button in the bucket NOW before you leave for the day! You can still get to the BYOC desk to drop if off by going in the Annex door.
thanks everyone for a great 3 days of buttoneering , final total of buttons collected will be posted in the next couple of days ( once we fly home and I have a chance to count - more then once to get a correct # )
I ran out of my wood buttons pretty quickly, and they were really popular. Let me know at barry@lyrisstudios.com if you wanted a set, or only got half of a set. I'll see if I can do anything for people.
Thanks for making our first buttoneering adventure so amazing! Looking forward to next year - we're already brainstorming ideas =D
Panda PartyI got jimmies.Olympia, WARegistered Userregular
edited September 2012
I'm sad that I couldn't make it to the meetup yesterday, but the group that I was with decided to leave early. Hopefully next year I can make it, though. I definitely enjoyed trading on Saturday morning before the picture! I ended up with a total of 63 buttons, which I think is pretty good for my first year of buttoneering, on top of being shy, hahaha. Looking forward to next year! I also got my friend interested, so she will be doing it too!
I definitely enjoyed trading on Saturday morning before the picture!
I thought the Saturday morning trading and photo op was fantastic!
@jonxp - @CaptainTapole, another buttoneer (sorry, I forget your name! ), and I would like to continue the Sat AM trade and are happy to coordinate.
You forgot me, Covet? Enigmas has a sad.
Buttoneering is my favorite thing at PAX. I love the Cookie Brigade and Classic Console a whole lot, but trading Buttons gets me way more excited than it probably should.
As I clicked on this thread I realized we forgot to take a group shot at the final meet-up. Maybe the fact that so many of us ran out so quickly was a factor. Conclusion-150 is the minimum order going forward.
I'm with you, @Enigmas... Buttoneering is my favourite thing at PAX as well and gets me excited for reasons I can't entirely pinpoint. I think part of it is I get to meet a lot of fantastic people (and normally I'm a little shy) and I love to see what people have done for their buttons.
I was a little sad we didn't get a group shot at the final meet up, but the crowd did seem to disperse a little quicker than last year.
I had a great time this year!
Thanks to @jonxp for coordinating (and for helping me find the button drop-off + forum badge pickup)!
Is there a picture of the board before/during/after presentation?
Another fun year. I really wish we had gotten a group shot at the meetup like previous years. The Saturday time was unfornately not possible for me to make. Luckily it seemed like everyone made it Sunday evening. It was another successful PAX.
"Read twice, post once. It's almost like 'measure twice, cut once' only with reading." - MetaverseNomad
I ended up with 222 buttons, of which at least 210 are Buttoneer buttons - however, I can only mark off 154 of them on the Buttoneer site, so there are a LOT of y'all who didn't upload your design! Hop to it, people!
I did not get a Captain America shield button. I haz a sad.
And as a side note - if you are making your own buttons, or choose a non-standard button, PLEASE consider how it will poke into the bulletin board for presentation. Someone dropped off a keychain button, but since I don't carry around pushpins that meant the only way it got to go on the board was slipped through another pin, meaning it's hardly visible. Additionally, some of the handmade buttons (which were all totally awesome, please don't take this the wrong way) used the type of pin-back that can rotate 180 degrees, meaning that (a) it was difficult to pin them into the board and (b) they had a tendency to flop around once pinned, limiting their security. Those I managed to "pin in" with additional pins on their perimeter, but it was worrisome as I really didn't want to hide or lose such awesome handmade items. So for next year, perhaps make one up special for the board, or include a pushpin taped to your keychain, so that it's easier to ensure your button is safely included!
Buttoneering this year was the best year yet! I haven't counted my buttons yet, but the count FAR surpassed any of the other three years I've been to PAX, and 95% of those buttons were from you guys.
I have to say, the quality this year was amazing from all of you! It's always been awesome, but this year was ramped up, and I thank each and every one of you for your buttons, and the laughs they gave me (especially the QR one I got, due to how inventive that was). I hope you like the ones I gave you! I ordered 300 (three designs), and walked away with like 30 left, so I'd say I have at least around 200 I got from all you fine buttoneers. I only missed a couple I was searching for, but I got most of the ones posted on the forums so I am more than happy. All the ponies, TARDIS's, and inventive buttons made my top hat colorful, and gave me a big smile all through the con. It was very fun with non buttoneers coming up to me saying "Nice collection there!".
I agree that Buttoneering is my favorite thing at PAX along side the concerts, and you guys make it happen.
Thank you again, and I look forward to the next time I trade with you!
I definitely enjoyed trading on Saturday morning before the picture!
I thought the Saturday morning trading and photo op was fantastic!
@jonxp - @CaptainTapole, another buttoneer (sorry, I forget your name! ), and I would like to continue the Sat AM trade and are happy to coordinate.
You forgot me, Covet? Enigmas has a sad.
No, I know you! I meant the guy we fist bumped. I saw him several times throughout PAX, too, which makes me even more awful of a person than not listing you. I'm just... bad, ok. I accept it.
AtomicGaryBuseyI put on my robe and wizard hat.Beautiful Lynnhood, Wash.Registered Userregular
I just wanted to say I had a fantastic time Buttoneering!! It was my first year doing it and I think I'm addicted now. It was totally awesome getting to meet the people behind the buttons.
A few memorable encounters I thought it'd be cool to jot down:
-Everyone at PAX about BigRed's button. I couldn't go anywhere without the enormity of it being discussed.
-Komi was cool to meet. We discussed Buttoneering for a while and I believe this was his first time. I was relived to meet another first timer. Hope you got to trade a lot more after we met, Komi!
-Cronus, I wore your button upside-down all 3 days of PAX. It wasn't until I looked at it closely tonight that I realized, haha!
I think the two buttons that made me laugh the hardest are JobiwanKenobi's Dovah-Kleen "Shout it out!", and B:L's Kirbo Gooding Jr. buttons. Syrae's Batman button is another favorite.
Thanks to all the Buttoneers I met that made this such a great experience at PAX Prime 2012!
Now I only have a few hundred days to plan my next buttons. Yes, plural. I need to get a bonus button going in 2013. :D:D
Well I didn't get around to ordering buttons, so I made 50 creeper pins and some triforce ones out of beadsprites. Hopefully you guys out there will be willing to trade although they aren't the usual round buttons like everyone else's.
I'm also bringing a bunch of other beadsprite magnets I'm gonna leave around at random places for people to find.
RichSoCash, if you'll save one Creeper and Triforce for me and my wife, I'll save our two pins for you, too. Like yours, they're hand-made in limited quantities (I think I made 40 of each), two-inch square wood. I'll be at the buttoneering meetup Sunday.
Ah, I wish I saw this when I was at PAX, but I didn't check the forums at all, with everything else I had going on. I think I have like 6 pins left, and that was with me only giving them to people who saw them on my backpack. Some were buttoneers, others were people that just liked them, so I gave anyone who asked. All the buttoneers I met were super nice, too!
@adias.angel Do you have any more of your Captain America shields left? I had a set of Tony Stark + Shawarma buttons saved for you all weekend but I didn't see you. I'm willing to mail them to you if I can get my hands on the shiny shield!!
I'm so glad everyone enjoyed buttoneering this year! This was my first time heading it up and it was a blast. Although without you guys it wouldn't exist, and I'm thrilled (as always) to be a part of it. I got some amazing buttons and truly enjoyed meeting each and every one of you. I apologize if I was busy when you wanted to trade with me and I had to be short, but my Enforcer duties were far increased from previous years.
I also apologize for the Saturday meet up. I thought the expo hall opened at nine, not ten. 7:30 felt unreasonable to ask people to show up. I'm glad that plenty of folks did enjoy it.
I'll see you guys next year, with hopefully even more buttons and fun.
Every time you write parallel fifths, Bach kills a kitten.
3DS Friend Code: 2707-1614-5576 PAX Prime 2014 Buttoneering!
draklanChocobo in timethe Frosty North... mmm FrostingRegistered Userregular
Saturday meet up was a great idea and less chaotic than the Sunday Free for all in front of the convention centre. It was great seeing you all again can't wait to see what you guys bring next year.
CaptainTapoleAwesome in the Possum - Yee-Haw!Northern CaliforniaRegistered Userregular
7:30 felt unreasonable to ask people to show up. I'm glad that plenty of folks did enjoy it.
It was 8:30ish when we showed up. And I personally thought it was a relatively good time. Plus, Juicy Cafe was RIGHT there, so you were able to get breakfast and stuff too.
CaptainTapole on
The Girl Who Gave Everyone the Shortest Jenga Game Ever.
@adias.angel Do you have any more of your Captain America shields left? I had a set of Tony Stark + Shawarma buttons saved for you all weekend but I didn't see you. I'm willing to mail them to you if I can get my hands on the shiny shield!!
This, so much. I will send you my buttons and a SASE to send back one of yours at no cost to you if you're willing!
Also, I ended up with a few doubles, sorry about that people!
This was my first time at PAX, and thus my first time buttoneering. I kinda wish I went to the buttoneering meetup on Sunday because nearly everyone I asked about buttons was not a buttoneer. But the boyfriend and I had not had a chance to eat all day and were starving.
Ordered 100 buttons, came home with 62 of them left. Maybe I just really suck at this haha. Nevertheless, it was fun giving them out to random people. Everybody likes cute chocobos!
Assassin's Ball, Prime '13: @CowboyVerse
TWDT '13: HufflepuffOotP
Thanks to everyone for making buttoneering such a highlight for me and the fiance at our first PAX! Still going through my collected buttons and updating my collection on the site, but definitely missed quite a few. @Uriain I was unable to find your Spartan Trooper button, so hopefully you have some left for next year!
So sad I couldn't participate this year. I make my own buttons and got very sick the week before PAX and figured no one wanted to take something from the coughing girl. At least I'll have my design ready for next year though!
The only buttons I was tracking down that I missed were the Batman one, The Captain America Shield and the pair of Ponies in front of the TARDIS, oh and the young airbender button. I discovered some spares of mine and wouldn't mind sending those who made those mine in trade for theirs!
I did not know there were that many designs out there this year until I looked it up in buttoneering.org. I got a TON and still missed a bunch. Glad to know there are a bunch of us now!
Ah, I wish I saw this when I was at PAX, but I didn't check the forums at all, with everything else I had going on. I think I have like 6 pins left, and that was with me only giving them to people who saw them on my backpack. Some were buttoneers, others were people that just liked them, so I gave anyone who asked. All the buttoneers I met were super nice, too!
I had given up hope I was going to get one of yours because it was only like 2 hours til closing on Sunday when I ran into you, and I remembered you said you made such a small batch. I was sooo happy to run into you and so stoked you had some left! Can't wait to see what you make next year.
Great buttons, awesome people! I'm looking forward to next year!
And extra kudos to everyone who did the cabbage bonus. Especially Little Miss Rachel. That fists-to-the-heavens, "Khaaaaaaaan!-like" roar was nothing short of epic!
Panda PartyI got jimmies.Olympia, WARegistered Userregular
This was my first time at PAX, and thus my first time buttoneering. I kinda wish I went to the buttoneering meetup on Sunday because nearly everyone I asked about buttons was not a buttoneer. But the boyfriend and I had not had a chance to eat all day and were starving.
Ordered 100 buttons, came home with 62 of them left. Maybe I just really suck at this haha. Nevertheless, it was fun giving them out to random people. Everybody likes cute chocobos!
150 is my magic number. I usually trade 30 during pax, and 120 in the sunday meetup after pax
I had a stupid number left over. I'm pretty sure purebuttons sent me more than I ordered. Let me know if anyone wants to trade via mail. Was fun though.
I had a stupid number left over. I'm pretty sure purebuttons sent me more than I ordered. Let me know if anyone wants to trade via mail. Was fun though.
I never even saw you, despite you having a BYOC spot. I had to trade with your mousepad.
Every time you write parallel fifths, Bach kills a kitten.
3DS Friend Code: 2707-1614-5576 PAX Prime 2014 Buttoneering!
Everyone else - remember to come put your button in the bucket NOW before you leave for the day! You can still get to the BYOC desk to drop if off by going in the Annex door.
PAX Prime Attendee since 2006, BYOC Attendee 2008-2012, Buttoneer 2010-2014
PAX Prime Buttoneer!
Pinny Pals Profile & Pins for Trade
I ran out of my buttons pretty fast and may do a small reprint (~50 ea) next year if there's interest.
PAX Prime Buttoneer!
Pinny Pals Profile & Pins for Trade
Big plans for next PAX
I thought the Saturday morning trading and photo op was fantastic!
@jonxp - @CaptainTapole, another buttoneer (sorry, I forget your name!
PAX Prime Buttoneer!
Pinny Pals Profile & Pins for Trade
You forgot me, Covet? Enigmas has a sad.
Buttoneering is my favorite thing at PAX. I love the Cookie Brigade and Classic Console a whole lot, but trading Buttons gets me way more excited than it probably should.
As I clicked on this thread I realized we forgot to take a group shot at the final meet-up. Maybe the fact that so many of us ran out so quickly was a factor. Conclusion-150 is the minimum order going forward.
Hungry? The Cookie Brigade!
PAX Prime 2013 Buttoneer! Main Design! And the Creeper is still waiting for you...
Slytherin House Elf for the Order of the Phoenix!
Just because we're arrogant, doesn't mean we're (completely) evil.
I was a little sad we didn't get a group shot at the final meet up, but the crowd did seem to disperse a little quicker than last year.
I had a great time this year!
Thanks to @jonxp for coordinating (and for helping me find the button drop-off + forum badge pickup)!
Is there a picture of the board before/during/after presentation?
"Read twice, post once. It's almost like 'measure twice, cut once' only with reading." - MetaverseNomad
I did not get a Captain America shield button. I haz a sad.
And as a side note - if you are making your own buttons, or choose a non-standard button, PLEASE consider how it will poke into the bulletin board for presentation. Someone dropped off a keychain button, but since I don't carry around pushpins that meant the only way it got to go on the board was slipped through another pin, meaning it's hardly visible.
PAX Prime Attendee since 2006, BYOC Attendee 2008-2012, Buttoneer 2010-2014
I have to say, the quality this year was amazing from all of you! It's always been awesome, but this year was ramped up, and I thank each and every one of you for your buttons, and the laughs they gave me (especially the QR one I got, due to how inventive that was). I hope you like the ones I gave you! I ordered 300 (three designs), and walked away with like 30 left, so I'd say I have at least around 200 I got from all you fine buttoneers. I only missed a couple I was searching for, but I got most of the ones posted on the forums so I am more than happy. All the ponies, TARDIS's, and inventive buttons made my top hat colorful, and gave me a big smile all through the con. It was very fun with non buttoneers coming up to me saying "Nice collection there!".
I agree that Buttoneering is my favorite thing at PAX along side the concerts, and you guys make it happen.
Thank you again, and I look forward to the next time I trade with you!
No, I know you! I meant the guy we fist bumped. I saw him several times throughout PAX, too, which makes me even more awful of a person than not listing you.
PAX Prime Buttoneer!
Pinny Pals Profile & Pins for Trade
A few memorable encounters I thought it'd be cool to jot down:
-Everyone at PAX about BigRed's button. I couldn't go anywhere without the enormity of it being discussed.
-Komi was cool to meet. We discussed Buttoneering for a while and I believe this was his first time. I was relived to meet another first timer. Hope you got to trade a lot more after we met, Komi!
-Cronus, I wore your button upside-down all 3 days of PAX. It wasn't until I looked at it closely tonight that I realized, haha!
I think the two buttons that made me laugh the hardest are JobiwanKenobi's Dovah-Kleen "Shout it out!", and B:L's Kirbo Gooding Jr. buttons. Syrae's Batman button is another favorite.
Thanks to all the Buttoneers I met that made this such a great experience at PAX Prime 2012!
Now I only have a few hundred days to plan my next buttons. Yes, plural. I need to get a bonus button going in 2013.
Ah, I wish I saw this when I was at PAX, but I didn't check the forums at all, with everything else I had going on. I think I have like 6 pins left, and that was with me only giving them to people who saw them on my backpack. Some were buttoneers, others were people that just liked them, so I gave anyone who asked. All the buttoneers I met were super nice, too!
I also apologize for the Saturday meet up. I thought the expo hall opened at nine, not ten. 7:30 felt unreasonable to ask people to show up. I'm glad that plenty of folks did enjoy it.
I'll see you guys next year, with hopefully even more buttons and fun.
3DS Friend Code: 2707-1614-5576
PAX Prime 2014 Buttoneering!
This, so much. I will send you my buttons and a SASE to send back one of yours at no cost to you if you're willing!
Also, I ended up with a few doubles, sorry about that people!
PAX Prime Attendee since 2006, BYOC Attendee 2008-2012, Buttoneer 2010-2014
Ordered 100 buttons, came home with 62 of them left. Maybe I just really suck at this haha. Nevertheless, it was fun giving them out to random people. Everybody likes cute chocobos!
TWDT '13: Hufflepuff OotP
They weren't talking about his button.
I did not know there were that many designs out there this year until I looked it up in buttoneering.org. I got a TON and still missed a bunch. Glad to know there are a bunch of us now!
I had given up hope I was going to get one of yours because it was only like 2 hours til closing on Sunday when I ran into you, and I remembered you said you made such a small batch. I was sooo happy to run into you and so stoked you had some left! Can't wait to see what you make next year.
Hungry? The Cookie Brigade!
PAX Prime 2013 Buttoneer! Main Design! And the Creeper is still waiting for you...
Slytherin House Elf for the Order of the Phoenix!
Just because we're arrogant, doesn't mean we're (completely) evil.
Heyyyyyyyy-oh! *raises the roof*
because if not... I'd probably be down for organizing it. I missed some I wanted.
twitter: SwordMage86
XBL: SwordMagelet
And extra kudos to everyone who did the cabbage bonus. Especially Little Miss Rachel. That fists-to-the-heavens, "Khaaaaaaaan!-like" roar was nothing short of epic!
Hahaha, if I did that I would be doing a LOT of mailing. There are a ton that I missed that I would love to have, but idk if anyone wants mine, haha.
I never even saw you, despite you having a BYOC spot. I had to trade with your mousepad.
3DS Friend Code: 2707-1614-5576
PAX Prime 2014 Buttoneering!
I will probably bring the leftovers to East. I like the buttons thing more than the trading card thing. Easier to carry and stuff.
A list of things, should you be of the gifting persuasion
3DS Friend Code: 2707-1614-5576
PAX Prime 2014 Buttoneering!
It would be pretty awesome to just have an identical style site for the card trading