Call to Arms! - During the corruption phase, reduce the total number of corruption tokens that each player places in each region by one. High Elf Protection - Each Event token increases a region's Resistance value by two.
- Upgrade Effects
Bloodsworn - Each Bloodworn counts as two figures toward your domination value of any region that it occupies. Lepers - When your Lepers place at least one corruption token in a region during the corruption phase, you may place one additional corruption token in that region. Horrors - When you play a Chaos card with a magic symbol, you may immediately summon a Horror to that region for 0 power. Daemonettes - When you summon a Daemonette into a region, you may take control of an opponent's Cultist in that region until the end of the turn. (Place the Cultist next to the Daemonette as a reminder.) Vermin Lord - You may summon a Vermin Lord from the board (rather than from your stockpile) for 1 power.
- Chaos Card Effects
Norsca : Havoc (Instead of rolling battle dice in this region, all Warriors and Greater Daemons each place one corruption token during the battle phase.) and Glean (This region is considered adjacent to all other regions.)
Troll Country : Bloodbath (Place one corruption token for each enemy figure you kill in this region.)
The Empire : Verminous Horde (If you have more figures than a single other player, the cost for your opponents to summon figures to this region, and play Chaos cards in this region, is increased by one.)
Bretonnia : Daemonic Subtlety (Your Warriors and Greater Daemons in this region each place one corruption during the corruption phase.) and Bloodbath (Place one corruption token for each enemy figure you kill in this region.)
Tilea : Doomwheel (If you dominate this region, score three victory points.) and Doomwheel (If you dominate this region, score three victory points.)
The Border Princes : Creeping Death (If you dominate this region, place one corruption token in each adjacent region.)
The Badlands : Quicken Decay (When an opponent summons a figure to or from this region, score one victory point.) and Creeping Death (If you dominate this region, place one corruption token in each adjacent region.)
Tzeetnch stands to gain 4+7+1 from Norsca and 5+4 from Badlands (if he drops a corruption and wins second place). That will take him to 50. Just pointing out some interesting facts. :P
My standard edit when I post something dumb and edit erase it.
I said that Tzeentch could only get 7 points from the Badlands before I realized that the point values would go up right after Norsca ruined, so yes indeed Tzeentch wins if he takes 2nd place there.
Call to Arms! - During the corruption phase, reduce the total number of corruption tokens that each player places in each region by one. High Elf Protection - Each Event token increases a region's Resistance value by two.
- Upgrade Effects
Bloodsworn - Each Bloodworn counts as two figures toward your domination value of any region that it occupies. Lepers - When your Lepers place at least one corruption token in a region during the corruption phase, you may place one additional corruption token in that region. Horrors - When you play a Chaos card with a magic symbol, you may immediately summon a Horror to that region for 0 power. Daemonettes - When you summon a Daemonette into a region, you may take control of an opponent's Cultist in that region until the end of the turn. (Place the Cultist next to the Daemonette as a reminder.) Vermin Lord - You may summon a Vermin Lord from the board (rather than from your stockpile) for 1 power.
- Chaos Card Effects
Norsca : Havoc (Instead of rolling battle dice in this region, all Warriors and Greater Daemons each place one corruption token during the battle phase.) and Glean (This region is considered adjacent to all other regions.)
Troll Country : Bloodbath (Place one corruption token for each enemy figure you kill in this region.)
The Empire : Verminous Horde (If you have more figures than a single other player, the cost for your opponents to summon figures to this region, and play Chaos cards in this region, is increased by one.)
Bretonnia : Daemonic Subtlety (Your Warriors and Greater Daemons in this region each place one corruption during the corruption phase.) and Bloodbath (Place one corruption token for each enemy figure you kill in this region.)
Tilea : Doomwheel (If you dominate this region, score three victory points.) and Doomwheel (If you dominate this region, score three victory points.)
The Border Princes : Creeping Death (If you dominate this region, place one corruption token in each adjacent region.)
The Badlands : Quicken Decay (When an opponent summons a figure to or from this region, score one victory point.) and Creeping Death (If you dominate this region, place one corruption token in each adjacent region.)
Daemonette from Estalia to The Badlands.
One Leper is mine.
0/6 PP
Edit: +1VP
GG you just gave the game to Tzeentch. Taking my leper doesn't make a difference for you because you are confirmed at the number one spot and if either my leper or your seductress dies, you still don't drop any corruption.
Wait, if you spotted it, Pesky, why the plaguebearer to Border Princes rather than the Badlands?
Was hinting it to slaan. Cause I knew taking my leper would be tempting due to the double corruption. But slaan still did it anyway. Which I still dont understand as it completely destroys my chance at second place to prevent tz. And tz needs it to win while I am trailing 11 points behind. Also a single leper drops no corruption.
As I'm doubting Slaanesh's fight against the Bloodthirster and Nurgle's fight against the Peasant will have terribly huge game impacts, I shall roll for the Badlands.
1 Hit. Gods this is difficult... *sigh* Schwack the controlled Nurgle cultist.
2010 PAX DM Challenge Grand Champion 2011 PAX Warmachine/Hordes Champion
2/6 PP
- Old World Card Effects
High Elf Protection - Each Event token increases a region's Resistance value by two.
- Upgrade Effects
Lepers - When your Lepers place at least one corruption token in a region during the corruption phase, you may place one additional corruption token in that region.
Horrors - When you play a Chaos card with a magic symbol, you may immediately summon a Horror to that region for 0 power.
Daemonettes - When you summon a Daemonette into a region, you may take control of an opponent's Cultist in that region until the end of the turn. (Place the Cultist next to the Daemonette as a reminder.)
Vermin Lord - You may summon a Vermin Lord from the board (rather than from your stockpile) for 1 power.
- Chaos Card Effects
Troll Country : Bloodbath (Place one corruption token for each enemy figure you kill in this region.)
The Empire : Verminous Horde (If you have more figures than a single other player, the cost for your opponents to summon figures to this region, and play Chaos cards in this region, is increased by one.)
Bretonnia : Daemonic Subtlety (Your Warriors and Greater Daemons in this region each place one corruption during the corruption phase.) and Bloodbath (Place one corruption token for each enemy figure you kill in this region.)
Tilea : Doomwheel (If you dominate this region, score three victory points.) and Doomwheel (If you dominate this region, score three victory points.)
The Border Princes : Creeping Death (If you dominate this region, place one corruption token in each adjacent region.)
The Badlands : Quicken Decay (When an opponent summons a figure to or from this region, score one victory point.) and Creeping Death (If you dominate this region, place one corruption token in each adjacent region.)
@MrBody active.
2011 PAX Warmachine/Hordes Champion
2011 PAX Warmachine/Hordes Champion
I said that Tzeentch could only get 7 points from the Badlands before I realized that the point values would go up right after Norsca ruined, so yes indeed Tzeentch wins if he takes 2nd place there.
- Old World Card Effects
High Elf Protection - Each Event token increases a region's Resistance value by two.
- Upgrade Effects
Lepers - When your Lepers place at least one corruption token in a region during the corruption phase, you may place one additional corruption token in that region.
Horrors - When you play a Chaos card with a magic symbol, you may immediately summon a Horror to that region for 0 power.
Daemonettes - When you summon a Daemonette into a region, you may take control of an opponent's Cultist in that region until the end of the turn. (Place the Cultist next to the Daemonette as a reminder.)
Vermin Lord - You may summon a Vermin Lord from the board (rather than from your stockpile) for 1 power.
- Chaos Card Effects
Troll Country : Bloodbath (Place one corruption token for each enemy figure you kill in this region.)
The Empire : Verminous Horde (If you have more figures than a single other player, the cost for your opponents to summon figures to this region, and play Chaos cards in this region, is increased by one.)
Bretonnia : Daemonic Subtlety (Your Warriors and Greater Daemons in this region each place one corruption during the corruption phase.) and Bloodbath (Place one corruption token for each enemy figure you kill in this region.)
Tilea : Doomwheel (If you dominate this region, score three victory points.) and Doomwheel (If you dominate this region, score three victory points.)
The Border Princes : Creeping Death (If you dominate this region, place one corruption token in each adjacent region.)
The Badlands : Quicken Decay (When an opponent summons a figure to or from this region, score one victory point.) and Creeping Death (If you dominate this region, place one corruption token in each adjacent region.)
@BlackRaider active.
One Leper is mine.
0/6 PP
Edit: +1VP
Trusting the dice!
GG you just gave the game to Tzeentch. Taking my leper doesn't make a difference for you because you are confirmed at the number one spot and if either my leper or your seductress dies, you still don't drop any corruption.
Was hinting it to slaan. Cause I knew taking my leper would be tempting due to the double corruption. But slaan still did it anyway. Which I still dont understand as it completely destroys my chance at second place to prevent tz. And tz needs it to win while I am trailing 11 points behind. Also a single leper drops no corruption.
2011 PAX Warmachine/Hordes Champion
Cultist to Badlands
3/7 PP
+1 VP
Sorry to butt in, but how did your cultist get to the Badlands? It's not adjacent to your other figures...
Cultist to Tilea
3/7 PP
2011 PAX Warmachine/Hordes Champion
3/7 PP
2011 PAX Warmachine/Hordes Champion
Khorne's chance to come up with something unforeseen
0/7 PP rest
Bretonnia- 4 dice - 1 stinking hit, +1 corruption, +1 DAC
Estalia - 2 dice - zero hits!!!
Tliea - 2 dice - 2 hits + DAC
2011 PAX Warmachine/Hordes Champion
1 Hit. Gods this is difficult... *sigh* Schwack the controlled Nurgle cultist.
2011 PAX Warmachine/Hordes Champion