Hopefully it won't be so crazy this year? It was a perfect storm last year and it sold out fast.
I can guarantee you that this year will be crazy. Expect passes to sell out just as fast, or faster this year.
Prime has just gotten more popular each year, and this will be no exception. Yes, I am sure LOL & no BlizzCon has some influence, but if you look at the history of sellout dates, it was only a matter of time before we get to the instant sell out like Comicon due to Prime not being able to grow with the interest anymore.
I for one am camping Twitter, as well as these forums (The registration link was posted here an hour before it was tweeted last year if I remember correctly). I am fully aware that I may not be fast enough to get tickets this year, I just hope I am lucky.
Agreed. I have it set so all their tweets are texted to me and I check the forums every 30 minutes. It was a mad rush last year.
Hopefully it won't be so crazy this year? It was a perfect storm last year and it sold out fast.
I can guarantee you that this year will be crazy. Expect passes to sell out just as fast, or faster this year.
Prime has just gotten more popular each year, and this will be no exception. Yes, I am sure LOL & no BlizzCon has some influence, but if you look at the history of sellout dates, it was only a matter of time before we get to the instant sell out like Comicon due to Prime not being able to grow with the interest anymore.
I for one am camping Twitter, as well as these forums (The registration link was posted here an hour before it was tweeted last year if I remember correctly). I am fully aware that I may not be fast enough to get tickets this year, I just hope I am lucky.
Agreed. I have it set so all their tweets are texted to me and I check the forums every 30 minutes. It was a mad rush last year.
There is a huge leap between badges selling out in a day to badges selling out in minutes.
The biggest key last year: most people also knew exactly when they would go on sale, due to a computer glitch in initial sales.
And comic-con has many less tickets on day of sale than PAX, because they sell next years tickets at that years con.
I fully expect 4 day passes to sell out within the day, but within minutes? With a surprise launch and a blizzcon competitor? That's hard to believe.
Hopefully it won't be so crazy this year? It was a perfect storm last year and it sold out fast.
I can guarantee you that this year will be crazy. Expect passes to sell out just as fast, or faster this year.
Prime has just gotten more popular each year, and this will be no exception. Yes, I am sure LOL & no BlizzCon has some influence, but if you look at the history of sellout dates, it was only a matter of time before we get to the instant sell out like Comicon due to Prime not being able to grow with the interest anymore.
I for one am camping Twitter, as well as these forums (The registration link was posted here an hour before it was tweeted last year if I remember correctly). I am fully aware that I may not be fast enough to get tickets this year, I just hope I am lucky.
Agreed. I have it set so all their tweets are texted to me and I check the forums every 30 minutes. It was a mad rush last year.
There is a huge leap between badges selling out in a day to badges selling out in minutes.
The biggest key last year: most people also knew exactly when they would go on sale, due to a computer glitch in initial sales.
And comic-con has many less tickets on day of sale than PAX, because they sell next years tickets at that years con.
I fully expect 4 day passes to sell out within the day, but within minutes? With a surprise launch and a blizzcon competitor? That's hard to believe.
While I don't expect it to be immediate, I still consider it prudent (if maybe bordering on crazy obsessed?) to be prepared. I have my phone set to almost literally blow up if/when @Official_PAX tweets. That most recent "registration is open for golf" nearly sent me into a panic. I'm also going to be stowing away my credit card info JUST IN CASE I'm not in front of my computer when it hits (I do not carry my wallet with me everywhere).
Crazy? Crazy like a fox!
PAX East 2015 3 Day Badge [✓]
sanovahNerd of the WestSan Diego, CaliforniaRegistered Userregular
Gotta disagree with you Skele. While the convention has obviously gotten bigger, if you looked at the 6th floor and talked to people it was pretty obvious that A LOT of people were there solely because of LoL and lack of Blizzcon.
While it probably will get to a comiccon level one day I'd say it's awhile off especially if cons like Dragon con, Blizzcon, and the other summer/fall ones stick around.
I'd personally go with their estimate last year of a week for 4days and a month for the rest.
Thanks, anyone able to give a cost of badges as I am buying ~20 badges for my group coming up from Nebraska so I have quite a bit on hold right now?
There is no cost information available at this time. Also I do not believe you will be able to purchase that many badges. You should email registration@paxsite.com and/or pax_questions@paxsite.com for group registration info (if there is any).
Yeah, the limit was 5, but I think they count "sets of 1 days" as 1. I could be wrong. I feel like I remember a guy being able to buy 3 full sets of 1-day passes for East (which would be 9 total passes), but def only 5 multi-day passes was that limit.
zerzhul on
whypick1PAX [E] Info Booth Manager~2' from an LCDRegistered Userregular
That makes sense, would it work if I did 4 separate orders?
That is how scalpers are trying to circumvent the system so no, you would not be able to do that.
If they see the same E-mail address, Credit card, or address is used for multiple orders they will cancel all of them and you will have no badges.
You need to have multiple people ready to pounce once the tickets go up.
That makes sense, would it work if I did 4 separate orders?
That is how scalpers are trying to circumvent the system so no, you would not be able to do that.
If they see the same E-mail address, Credit card, or address is used for multiple orders they will cancel all of them and you will have no badges.
You need to have multiple people ready to pounce once the tickets go up.
Citation? Last year I know of folks who were able to process separate orders.
They are all looked at by the registration staff. There are certainly cases where multiple orders are not fraudulent, but they look for people doing fraudulent things.
If you are legit, don't worry about it too much, but I would definitely email registration@paxsite.com ahead of passes going live to talk it out first.
Yeah i made two separate orders for East this year. One 3day for me then found out my buddy wasn't at a computer when they came out. So i put in a second 3day order with all my same info within a few minutes of the first order. I didn't get cancelled. So i'm sure there is some 'smarts' built into the multiple order fraud protection stuff. But like Zerzhul said, email them to be safe.
That makes sense, would it work if I did 4 separate orders?
That is how scalpers are trying to circumvent the system so no, you would not be able to do that.
If they see the same E-mail address, Credit card, or address is used for multiple orders they will cancel all of them and you will have no badges.
You need to have multiple people ready to pounce once the tickets go up.
You can never get rid of scalpers completely but I think last years measures helped considerably. I hope they got the swag bag situation sorted out. Was East done differently? I suggest putting a spot on the badge to hole punch once you get a bag to stop people from getting more than one. I don't think I've ever seen a full bag 'o' swag by the last day if they still have them at all.
That makes sense, would it work if I did 4 separate orders?
That is how scalpers are trying to circumvent the system so no, you would not be able to do that.
If they see the same E-mail address, Credit card, or address is used for multiple orders they will cancel all of them and you will have no badges.
You need to have multiple people ready to pounce once the tickets go up.
You can never get rid of scalpers completely but I think last years measures helped considerably. I hope they got the swag bag situation sorted out. Was East done differently? I suggest putting a spot on the badge to hole punch once you get a bag to stop people from getting more than one. I don't think I've ever seen a full bag 'o' swag by the last day if they still have them at all.
East just did pre-made bags IIRC. The line didn't get held up like it did at Prime.
That makes sense, would it work if I did 4 separate orders?
That is how scalpers are trying to circumvent the system so no, you would not be able to do that.
If they see the same E-mail address, Credit card, or address is used for multiple orders they will cancel all of them and you will have no badges.
You need to have multiple people ready to pounce once the tickets go up.
You can never get rid of scalpers completely but I think last years measures helped considerably. I hope they got the swag bag situation sorted out. Was East done differently? I suggest putting a spot on the badge to hole punch once you get a bag to stop people from getting more than one. I don't think I've ever seen a full bag 'o' swag by the last day if they still have them at all.
Bags at East were done the same way as normal, so some of the special variety items were swiped from multiple bags by people. Not sure if there's an efficient way of doing the one bag per person per 4-day/set of individual day passes without some massive boost to manpower and tech manning the swag bag area each day.
That makes sense, would it work if I did 4 separate orders?
That is how scalpers are trying to circumvent the system so no, you would not be able to do that.
If they see the same E-mail address, Credit card, or address is used for multiple orders they will cancel all of them and you will have no badges.
You need to have multiple people ready to pounce once the tickets go up.
You can never get rid of scalpers completely but I think last years measures helped considerably. I hope they got the swag bag situation sorted out. Was East done differently? I suggest putting a spot on the badge to hole punch once you get a bag to stop people from getting more than one. I don't think I've ever seen a full bag 'o' swag by the last day if they still have them at all.
Bags at East were done the same way as normal, so some of the special variety items were swiped from multiple bags by people. Not sure if there's an efficient way of doing the one person per bag without some massive boost to manpower and tech manning the swag bag area each day.
In the end it's just not worth it, they have thousands upon thousands of them, so if someone wants that extra magic deck, then they can break Wheaton's law and get it.
Otherwise it would be a many hours long line to get a swag bag, which would suck a lot.
SkeleVaderYour Friendly Dark Lord of DestructionRegistered Userregular
Otherwise it would be a many hours long line to get a swag bag, which would suck a lot.
Which did suck a lot (Prime 2012, never forget).
It did indeed suck. And while you can always come up with a reason not to do something, I was only offering up a suggestion to make things better for the ones that'll just go Sunday or Monday. If they do it this year like years past, the vast majority of people get their bags when they get in the que room. Most of the 4 day holders will get their bag day one. The stragglers could easily be handled by a couple or few people several hours after opening. I'm stickin' to my idea I also seem to remember a lot of people saying Prime could and would never be 4 days because of needing more of this or that....
Bladed Cicada on
sanovahNerd of the WestSan Diego, CaliforniaRegistered Userregular
Has PA ever said why they don't just move the convention to a city that has a bigger center? I thought I heard last year the 4th day is to try and get more people in because it's outgrown the Seattle convention center.
Has PA ever said why they don't just move the convention to a city that has a bigger center? I thought I heard last year the 4th day is to try and get more people in because it's outgrown the Seattle convention center.
PA is based in Seattle and I'm sure that has a lot to do with it. And tradition? Testing seattle's critcal mass point? Oh and there's a thousand game studios here, big and small.
I think that they like Seattle. Seattle has a good atmosphere, an amazing game development community, and the PA office
bacon_avengerDefender of Pork ProductsPacific NW, USARegistered Userregular
It would be a heck of a lot harder for me to get to Prime if it was anywhere else but Seattle (or my own state).
And yes, it was asked at East if they would be extending East to four days like Prime (no plans at this time). Mike and Jerry specifically stated that they extended it because it's outgrown the Seattle convention centre and they wanted to enable more people to be able to enjoy the event, unlike the one for East which is a very large building.
Spud387Man of InactionVancouver, BC, CanadaRegistered Userregular
Honestly? I've only ever gone to East, and the location of the con center (Downtown Seattle, by Pike Place Market) is about 65% of the reason why I'm flying across country this year.
But it's weird, they have never ever had swag bag problems at East.
I'm fully expecting badges to get destroyed again this year. I've got primary plan, secondary, and a worst case plan..All includes friends stalking Twitter, but I'd rather pay for an extra ticket and coax a friend to join, than be short a ticket for myself..haha I'm still in Japan, so unless I get it perfectly like last year..(was insanely lucky!) I'll likely miss it if they sell within a 1-3 hour span..lol
Honestly? I've only ever gone to East, and the location of the con center (Downtown Seattle, by Pike Place Market) is about 65% of the reason why I'm flying across country this year.
Seattle is amazing and the reason we went to Prime this year instead of Boston. Cause of the time difference we would get up with the sunrise and go down to pikes market just as everything was starting to open. You will love it.
Yea, I can't see Prime anywhere other than Seattle. I do expect if they open another PAX though it would be Austin TX. I love Seattle and the city is the reason I make PAX a yearly trip.
Yea, I can't see Prime anywhere other than Seattle. I do expect if they open another PAX though it would be Austin TX. I love Seattle and the city is the reason I make PAX a yearly trip.
There is already another gaming/Internet convention in Austin: RTX run by Rooster Teeth, not to mention SXSW for media.
Besides, with PAX Austrailia I doubt there is time in the calendar year for another.
@Imsorad, this is speculation but I doubt there will be two day passes. We'll probably see 4-day and 1-day.
Three day passes are almost automatically out just because there's a weird overlap of the middle days that makes for a situation with empty Friday and Monday and instant sold out Saturday and Sunday.
Now that I've speculated I have a question for people who know how to use twitter better than I do. Several people have set up alerts on their phones for tweets from OfficialPAX. (I have an android phone) How do I do that?
Agreed. I have it set so all their tweets are texted to me and I check the forums every 30 minutes. It was a mad rush last year.
There is a huge leap between badges selling out in a day to badges selling out in minutes.
The biggest key last year: most people also knew exactly when they would go on sale, due to a computer glitch in initial sales.
And comic-con has many less tickets on day of sale than PAX, because they sell next years tickets at that years con.
I fully expect 4 day passes to sell out within the day, but within minutes? With a surprise launch and a blizzcon competitor? That's hard to believe.
While I don't expect it to be immediate, I still consider it prudent (if maybe bordering on crazy obsessed?) to be prepared. I have my phone set to almost literally blow up if/when @Official_PAX tweets. That most recent "registration is open for golf" nearly sent me into a panic. I'm also going to be stowing away my credit card info JUST IN CASE I'm not in front of my computer when it hits (I do not carry my wallet with me everywhere).
Crazy? Crazy like a fox!
While it probably will get to a comiccon level one day I'd say it's awhile off especially if cons like Dragon con, Blizzcon, and the other summer/fall ones stick around.
I'd personally go with their estimate last year of a week for 4days and a month for the rest.
There is no cost information available at this time. Also I do not believe you will be able to purchase that many badges. You should email registration@paxsite.com and/or pax_questions@paxsite.com for group registration info (if there is any).
And as far as I know, there is a limit on how many badges each person can buy. Is it 5? I think it's 5.
I believe it is five per type of badge, so you could buy 25 (5 four days & 5 each of the single days).
Haha! Give him a break, it is Monday.
If previous years were an indicator, that would be a no.
That is how scalpers are trying to circumvent the system so no, you would not be able to do that.
If they see the same E-mail address, Credit card, or address is used for multiple orders they will cancel all of them and you will have no badges.
You need to have multiple people ready to pounce once the tickets go up.
Citation? Last year I know of folks who were able to process separate orders.
If you are legit, don't worry about it too much, but I would definitely email registration@paxsite.com ahead of passes going live to talk it out first.
You can never get rid of scalpers completely but I think last years measures helped considerably. I hope they got the swag bag situation sorted out. Was East done differently? I suggest putting a spot on the badge to hole punch once you get a bag to stop people from getting more than one. I don't think I've ever seen a full bag 'o' swag by the last day if they still have them at all.
East just did pre-made bags IIRC. The line didn't get held up like it did at Prime.
Bags at East were done the same way as normal, so some of the special variety items were swiped from multiple bags by people. Not sure if there's an efficient way of doing the one bag per person per 4-day/set of individual day passes without some massive boost to manpower and tech manning the swag bag area each day.
In the end it's just not worth it, they have thousands upon thousands of them, so if someone wants that extra magic deck, then they can break Wheaton's law and get it.
Otherwise it would be a many hours long line to get a swag bag, which would suck a lot.
Which did suck a lot (Prime 2012, never forget).
It did indeed suck. And while you can always come up with a reason not to do something, I was only offering up a suggestion to make things better for the ones that'll just go Sunday or Monday. If they do it this year like years past, the vast majority of people get their bags when they get in the que room. Most of the 4 day holders will get their bag day one. The stragglers could easily be handled by a couple or few people several hours after opening. I'm stickin' to my idea
PA is based in Seattle and I'm sure that has a lot to do with it. And tradition? Testing seattle's critcal mass point? Oh and there's a thousand game studios here, big and small.
And yes, it was asked at East if they would be extending East to four days like Prime (no plans at this time). Mike and Jerry specifically stated that they extended it because it's outgrown the Seattle convention centre and they wanted to enable more people to be able to enjoy the event, unlike the one for East which is a very large building.
Same. I drive down from Vancouver (2.5hr car trip) and if it was any farther away the convention would become too expensive for me to attend.
Attended: PAX Prime 2010/'11/'12/'13/'14
But it's weird, they have never ever had swag bag problems at East.
Seattle's also one of the most pedestrian-friendly cities I've ever seen. Navigating the streets feels so beautifully natural.
Trade me pins, yo: https://www.pinnypals.com/pals/Lazorz
Seattle is amazing and the reason we went to Prime this year instead of Boston. Cause of the time difference we would get up with the sunrise and go down to pikes market just as everything was starting to open. You will love it.
There is already another gaming/Internet convention in Austin: RTX run by Rooster Teeth, not to mention SXSW for media.
Besides, with PAX Austrailia I doubt there is time in the calendar year for another.
Three day passes are almost automatically out just because there's a weird overlap of the middle days that makes for a situation with empty Friday and Monday and instant sold out Saturday and Sunday.
Now that I've speculated I have a question for people who know how to use twitter better than I do. Several people have set up alerts on their phones for tweets from OfficialPAX. (I have an android phone) How do I do that?