What is Mechwarrior Online?
Mechwarrior Online is a free to play, PC based, online shooter produced by Piranha Games Interactive. MWO places you in the command seat of a heavily armed and armored walking battle machine that you pilot in team based matches against other Mechwarriors. At the end of each match you earn C-Bills, the in game currency that is used to buy more items and mechs, and experience that is used to enhance your piloting abilities of your mech. Between matches, you can customize your mech with a variety of engines, weapons, subsystem modules, and chassis enancements until you have your chosen mech tailored to your liking.
There are two game modes currently; Assault and Conquest. In Assault, you and your team attempt to either capture the enemy team's base without losing your own base, or eliminate the enemy team. Conquest is a traditional domination mode where you and your team are attempting to reach the point total first or eliminate the enemy team. Later in the year, Community Warfare will be introduced that will pit player based Merc Corps and PGI operated houses against each other for control of entire planets. We don't have much information about the Warfare mode yet, but the op will be updated with it as we find out more.
What about that old Mechwarrior Reboot trailer?http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wzge4Wc3zfw
Basically this:
The initial incarnation of Piranha Games' MechWarrior reboot, which was revealed yesterday to have become the free-to-play PC exclusive MechWarrior Online, was stymied by "a Microsoft restriction" blocking a PlayStation 3 edition. This, according to Piranha, played a big part in publishers not wanting to pick the game up.
If you'd like to know more, Shacknews has the whole story:
http://www.shacknews.com/article/70879/mechwarrior-reboot-was-derailed-by-microsoft-blocking-ps3I played MechAssault for the Xbox and it was boring. Why should I care about this?
fuck MechAssault. No, really. That game was a bastardization of Mechwarrior that turned a quality series into a trashy arcade experience that changed a lot about the setting's mechanics for the worse. MechWarrior is a venerable PC franchise that dates back to 1989's Mechwarrior 1 which was based on the even older pen and paper wargame Battletech. Each game in the series was at the cutting edge of technology when it was released and each game has received massive amounts of praise for having fantastic gameplay and surprisingly quality plots. If you'd like to try out one of the older games Mechwarrior 4: Mercenaries is
FREE TO DOWNLOAD FOR EVERYONE! It's not a bad idea to play it at least a little bit before jumping into MWO so that you can get the hang of things against an AI before throwing down against real people.
The New Player's Guide to Getting Started in MWO
1.) Download the client at
http://www.mwomercs.com and install it.
2.) Before launching the game, click the "Visit Training Grounds" butting in the top right corner of the launcher. Watch those videos to get at least an initial grasp of what to expect. This game has a bit of a learning curve to it and while it's not super steep, it's definitely not just a jump in and click things until you win sort game. Be sure to watch the Weapon Grouping video as it'll do the most to help keep you alive. Chain fire is god.
http://mwomercs.com/pennyarcade Penny Arcade also did some Pilot Safety Posters and while they're humorous, they do have some good information in them.
3.) When you start the game you will have access to four trial mechs that rotate out for new mechs every couple of weeks or so. These are non-customizable mechs with set loadouts based on their canon setups. After twentyfive matches you will have earned an extra 8 million C-Bills on top of your winnings and will easily be able to afford a proper mech of your own. When choosing a trial mech to start with, you will want to avoid the assault mechs at first because of the four, they're the hardest to drive. Their slow speed and tendency to get primaried instantly by the enemy team means tactics are paramount and for a rookie player they're kind of a death trap despite being the most heavily armed and armored.
4.) After each match you will earn some C-Bills, pilot xp, and general xp. C-Bills are the in game currency used to buy everything except cosmetic items. Pilot XP is specific to the mech you earned it on and is used to by piloting enhancements like faster torso rotation or faster turning. To unlock elite skills you will need to get all of the basic skills for at least three variants of a specific chassis. General XP can be used on any mech and is also used to unlock modules. Pilot XP can be converted into General XP by spending Mech Credits.
5.) Mech Credits (MC) are the in game currency that you purchase with real money in order to shortcut your way to a new mech. MC is also used to purchase premium account status and cosmetic items for your mech like new paint jobs and items to put in your cockpit like bobblehead dolls. MC CANNOT be converted into C-Bills or XP meaning everyone has to earn their arms and armor equally the same.
How much is Premium time and what do you get for it?
Premium accounts get an additional 50% of earned XP and 50% of earned C-Bills. In the future, Premium accounts may get bonuses and features in Community Warfare that free accounts don't but nothing firm has been actually said.
Premium time costs are as follows:
1 Day - 250 MC
3 Days - 650 MC
7 Days - 1,250 MC
30 Days - 2,500 MC
180 Days - 13,500 MC
360 - 24,000 MC
The MWO PA Community
Join the PA vent to play with fine people of discerning taste!
host: vent20.gameservers.com
port: 4384
password: you should probably know already
We have two community websites! The first one is the main merc corp website:
theoosiks.com/. When community warfare comes out it will be our primary recruiting and organizing location for all of you interested in community warfare. Our other website is
Outreach Broadcast News. It is our primary news posting website you can follow to stay up to date with all breaking MWO news. It also features a mechlab and the only mech build database online.
Finally, the following information is extremely confidential. This is our primary battleplan and should be considered the ultimate flowchart to victory:
Additional Links and InfoMWOOSK! The official Oosik Irregulars Online Mechlab!Submit your mech builds here and browse other people's creations!http://mwowiki.org/wiki/Main_Page - Tons of useful information about most of the game's assets.
Not happy with your framerate or graphics quality? Here are some tweaks and work-arounds you can try
List of confirmed battlemechs, with hardpoint layouts for each variant (Updated to include all playable variants)
Colonel Pada Vinson's User Cfgs: If you want to make MWO look extra shiny then apply one of these user cfgs! You will not be banned nor are you doing anything wrong by using these. They are 100% legal.
Having technical issues? Try these things out!
1. A reinstall can do wonders if you're having problems with the bootstrap launcher (the patcher thing that pops up before you get the login window). Sometimes the uninstall goes wrong (because of course), so go here if it won't reinstall.
2. Try manually deleting the shader cache (MWO should do this automatically, but sometimes fails and it gets corrupted). The post in the link also gives steps to set up a batch script to force the deletion each time MWO loads.
3. This is a weird fix, but some people found that moving the install directory to another physical drive solves crashes. Literally cut/paste the directory and update shortcuts manually. Not sure if moving to another partition on the same drive helps.
4. Force your video card to stop power-save throttling and disable ambient occlusion. If ambient occlusion is listed "unsupported" for Nvidia cards, try this sub-post to import a fixed game profile for the control panel.
5. Force multi-threading, in case the game isn't using all available cores.
Hey I want one of those swanky Oosik Irregulars sigs! How do I get one?
@TOGSolid or
I Just Can't Get Enough Mech Stuff!MechCommanderMechCommander and
MechCommander 2 are
free. They're pretty fun; you basically load out your 'mechs and command them in battle. They're pretty good recreations of the MechWarrior games, actually. Certainly worth a look if you enjoy strategy and mechs.
By popular request:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t8mOiRLQB6EMechWarrior: Living LegendsLiving Legends is a kickass Crysis Wars MechWarrior mod. It's almost professional quality. The graphics are stupendous and they've done more than just add 'mechs: you get a bunch of the air vehicles and ground vehicles, too, plus Elementals if you're silly enough NOT to want to pilot a giant walking tank. The mod is multiplayer only and it even has Solaris arena matches in there. Definitely check this out if you have Crysis Wars, because it's free (as long as you own Crysis Wars, duh).
Here is the Penny Arcade forum thread for this game.
UPDATE: This mod is no longer being developed but is still available to play.
MechWarrior 2
MechWarrior 2 is not free but if you own a copy already (like, say, MW2: Mercenaries woooo) you can get it running on Windows XP (and Vista and 7?) with
MechVM. Install MechVM, put your CD in, and tell MechVM to install from the CD. Bada-bing, it runs fine. An alternative is to use
MW2hook which works pretty well but is a bit of work to figure out.
MechWarrior 3MechWarrior3.org should have everything you need to get up and running.
Odds and Ends
Some of this OP was shamelessly copied from the old one
@TychoCelchuuu wrote.
And yet not enough mechs.
I would like to put forth a vote. More mechs, yay or nay?
And they're like, "our mechs are better than yours"
Damn right they're better than ours
You could beat us, but oops you just got cored.
PSN: Hellcore- Steam MWO: Hellcore
So host state rewind isn't working for me anymore... not even lasers...
Has anyone noticed this? it happens randomly, i thought it was only ballistics at first (ac/20s) were i'd fire directly at them, i'd see 'sparks' and get a hit indicator but they take no damage... well it just happened with lasers, *dead* centre shot on a Blackjack, his chest went 'shiny/molten' like it does when you hit with lasers, hit indicator annnnd zero damage. nada. ruckus was spectating me and said i was missing to the side...
So, fun. yeah...
I've noticed it with ballistics and maybe lasers.
Also, the OP needs more flowchart and less non-MWO things. Also, I think the PCGamer thing has long since expired.
Less copy-pasta and more dakka-dakka.
No. No, sir.
Hooray for all 'mechs.
It's much better now than it was before the Firebrand patch, but still not perfect. Quite frankly though, I think my issues are more performance related than anything else, so who knows.
I must say I have recently noticed some aiming oddness with lasers myself. I wonder what's up with that.
Unreal Engine 4 Developers Community.
I'm working on a cute little video game! Here's a link for you.
I only started noticing it after i got my firebrand (with ac/20s)... it was fine before then.
Steam - NotoriusBEN | Uplay - notoriusben | Xbox,Windows Live - ThatBEN
If the enemy STK is skilled enough with PPC's then he/she will win at any engagement. It is easy to Alpha a Scouts legs. It is easy to core a Med, or a Heavy that can get in that close. If you get flanked by a Assault then you are just playing your build wrong. The Assault should be dead or be to scared to get close enough for you to lose your optimal range. Even if you counter all of this, most of the time that said HexaPPC or Quad ER PPC is being protected by other lance mates. Pubs or friends included.
The only thing I see that is silly here is you defending this blatant and broken tactic.
...unless said new mechs shoot even more mechs from a mech-cannon. In which case, yay.
Fortunately, you already assured us that PPC boat Stalker pilots are all bad.
OMG WTF teamwork=broke nerf now!
Blatant and broken or not, it's not as silly as you pointlessly ranting and raging over it when it's
1) moderately popular at most...
2) not a source of major discontent or angst from most people in game (I haven't seen anyone complain about PPC-boat Stalkers in the game in weeks, and my dubious anecdotal observations are at least as valid as yours)...
3) getting nerfed anyway.
Then you need to not charge a hexaPPC Stalker blindly like an idiot. Flank, use cover, etc. I have killed many such Stalkers in my Centy by just playing smart. Shit, I don't recall ever actually getting killed by one.
This is not that big a deal. ESPECIALLY since they're getting whacked Tuesday so they'll be even hotter.
Happy birthday, fellow recently older person! May your dakka strike true and your beams glitter fabulously!
Unreal Engine 4 Developers Community.
I'm working on a cute little video game! Here's a link for you.
And so it is done!
That wasn't important. The heat was getting to me. Maybe I'd die, my brain cooked like an egg. Waiting wouldn't solve anything, his friends would finish me off soon enough. So I took the shot. Twin beams of energy pinned the Awesome's center torso. I could feel heat from that searing light through the cockpit's thick plates of armored glass. Immediately I felt the safetys engage on the reactor, eliminating every Joule of energy that threatened to cook me, and my expensive equipment. As my sensors used the last of their reserves, I watched the feedback as they probed the smoking silhouette of my opponent.
The pulsing colors matched the pain coursing through my head. Had I wasted the last moment of my life? Surely he couldn't have withstood so much energy. "The power of a star" my instructors had said. Enough to finish off an unarmored torso, already shredded to scrap with the best cbills could buy.
But no, he didn't take any damage because fuck this game.
As you request. Was beating a dead horse anyway.
3Ls barely elicit an irritated sneer from me nowadays. It's the walking PPC kill-cannons that cause me to hurl expletives at my computer screen.
If you run the hex-PPC build, I won't hold it against you. I'll probably throw some snide comments at you on Vent, though :P
Heroth and the other 3L pilots can attest to this.
Have no idea why they didn't bring that balance back when it was clear PPCs were stupidly OP.
Anyway, still had a few great moments before getting alpha'd to death for the fourth or fifth time in a row. While grinding for some moola with my Wang, I came across a pristine Jenner D with streaks capping Eps on Tourmaline; thought for sure he'd pick off my crippled leg, but nope, kicked the crap out of him thanks to HSR and a massive cannon. Second great moment was coming across a hexaStalker in the distance with the rest of his team wiped out; I immediately dove behind an allied Jagermech for cover, who was promptly cored a couple seconds later. Couldn't get to the Stalker before it cooled down, but typical of common alpha-strike players, he tried to go for the closest low-hanging fruit (me); I just kited him for a bit and kept bridge parts between us until my team came up and obliterated him.
But by far the best moment was fighting a quad-PPC Jagermech on Tourmaline. Guy saw my Wang from way out and didn't want any of that, but of course I still got to get hammered because of the shitty Tourmaline cover. Still, played it smart and kept him focused on me until a friendly Atlas could flank him, losing a paltry arm in the process. While I'm swinging around some cover, the Atlas tears the hell out of the Jager's CT; by the time I get back on target, the Jager is throwing its elbows wildly to keep that exposed CT protected.
Too bad turning away from the Atlas turned him right towards me. He faces me just long enough to remember me before the AC/20 round crushes his robot soul. OBLITERATION.
I am a 3L pilot. I regret nothing.
Oh god, it's all coming back! So much hate...
I honestly don't care how annoying they are in MWO, the Raven (and the Menshen) has always been a favorite of mine.
3DS FCode: 1993-7512-8991
I honestly don't care how annoying they are in MWO, the Raven (and the Menshen) has always been a favorite of mine.
3DS FCode: 1993-7512-8991
Another gem I found from ask the devs. Commando, Dragon and Awesome pilots around the universe celebrate.
HEY!How're things going, south of the border? Geographically, not anatomically.
What's wrong with the current one? I trim and add to it as necessary.