
Startling Stories on the Silver Screen [Movies]



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    chiasaur11chiasaur11 Never doubt a raccoon. Do you think it's trademarked?Registered User regular
    DarkPrimus wrote: »
    Blankzilla wrote: »
    Rob Lowe will be starring in StarshipTroopers 2, as a former hockey player turned Mayor of a French Canadian border town.

    I need to read better.

    There's already been a Starship Trooper 2. And 3. And 4.

    Yes, as well as a reboot teased.

    Hence my confusion concerning this post.

    I'm just excited that Starship Troopers is going in a whole new direction.

    Will Rob Lowe's hockey skills be the key to driving off the bugs for good? Or will it be Canadian politeness combined with French rudeness that wins the day?

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    StraightziStraightzi Here we may reign secure, and in my choice, To reign is worth ambition though in HellRegistered User regular
    I feel like Sherlock Holmes has some pretty distinct scoring, if only for the nonstandard instrumentation

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    RoyceSraphimRoyceSraphim Registered User regular
    edited September 2016
    Armageddon and transformers underline the whole audio baygasm for me.

    RoyceSraphim on
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    Rorshach KringleRorshach Kringle that crustache life Registered User regular
    Lasbrook wrote: »
    I've never seen Flash Gordon or done a Master Pancake thing, probably not a good idea to have your first viewing of a thing be one people are talking over.

    On the subject of things Austin people should go to, RZA is live scoring The 36th Chamber of Shaolin.



    coolcoolcool i'm glad i'm missing this

    you chose this


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    Blake TBlake T Do you have enemies then? Good. That means you’ve stood up for something, sometime in your life.Registered User regular
    Gvzbgul wrote: »
    Blake T wrote: »
    Jimothy wrote: »
    I would say Married Life is one of the most memorable film themes of the past decade or so, for me at least

    As far as themes that are just immediately in my head as soon as I think of them, it's basically that and Can You Dig It and then Harry Potter would be the next most recent

    You know, this is a really interesting point. I mean we all what Every Frame and Painting and went, YEAH, THAT.

    But say, just as a cut-off, after the turn of the century. What memorable movie music has there been?
    There was a bunch of them mentioned. PotC and Harry Potter would be two of the biggest. (I suppose PotC could be discounted as it uses the 2000 Gladiator's music, but it has other themes as well that are fairly well known)
    Whoops, forgot LotR.

    PotC rips off HUGELY from the rock. (they are both Jerry Bruckheimer productions)

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    AistanAistan Tiny Bat Registered User regular
    I'm on team Cap, but Tony is fine in the movie. He's gone through some rough shit and is overcompensating in an attempt to make up for his mistakes. It's understandable.

    The real villain is Vision, that hypocritical asshole.

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    DarkPrimusDarkPrimus Registered User regular
    Blake T wrote: »
    Gvzbgul wrote: »
    Blake T wrote: »
    Jimothy wrote: »
    I would say Married Life is one of the most memorable film themes of the past decade or so, for me at least

    As far as themes that are just immediately in my head as soon as I think of them, it's basically that and Can You Dig It and then Harry Potter would be the next most recent

    You know, this is a really interesting point. I mean we all what Every Frame and Painting and went, YEAH, THAT.

    But say, just as a cut-off, after the turn of the century. What memorable movie music has there been?
    There was a bunch of them mentioned. PotC and Harry Potter would be two of the biggest. (I suppose PotC could be discounted as it uses the 2000 Gladiator's music, but it has other themes as well that are fairly well known)
    Whoops, forgot LotR.

    PotC rips off HUGELY from the rock. (they are both Jerry Bruckheimer productions)

    I have the soundtrack to some Wesley Snipes film that Zimmer scored I picked up for a dollar from a used bookstore a million years ago.

    One of the tracks on there is pretty much just a synth demo of one of the PotC songs. Whatever the song is called, where the Kraken sinks the ship.

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    DJ EebsDJ Eebs Moderator, Administrator admin
    Zonugal wrote: »
    That's a shame you feel that way, Shorty.

    Because I love Michael Giacchino.

    I've loved him since Lost and he's continued to entertain me.

    his work on lost blows pretty much every other show's scores out of the water, it's a huge part of what makes that show as great as it is

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    honoverehonovere Registered User regular
    Straightzi wrote: »
    I feel like Sherlock Holmes has some pretty distinct scoring, if only for the nonstandard instrumentation

    That's one of Zimmer's strenghts I would say. He’s no stranger to cribbing from himself and others (Interstellar could’ve been scored by Philipp Glass) but he’s really good at still making scores sound very distinct.

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    FishmanFishman Put your goddamned hand in the goddamned Box of Pain. Registered User regular
    Even though I think Michael Giacchino is going to do a perfectly good job and make a great score, I think the same was true of Desplat, and of the two it was Desplat who I was more excited by.

    Partly because I think he's excellent and also because he's shown a degree of being able to work in the train of John Williams before (in the Harry Potter franchise) and I was very curious to see what he'd do this time with the iconic Star Wars themes.

    X-Com LP Thread I, II, III, IV, V
    That's unbelievably cool. Your new name is cool guy. Let's have sex.
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    Diablo FettDiablo Fett Registered User regular
    Fishman wrote: »
    Even though I think Michael Giacchino is going to do a perfectly good job and make a great score, I think the same was true of Desplat, and of the two it was Desplat who I was more excited by.

    Partly because I think he's excellent and also because he's shown a degree of being able to work in the train of John Williams before (in the Harry Potter franchise) and I was very curious to see what he'd do this time with the iconic Star Wars themes.

    his Harry Potter work was pretty weak, i felt, especially considering a lot of the bigger moments in the movies he did ended up using music from previous movies

    a better showcase of his style reflecting Williams' would be his Godzilla score, which, while not perfect, had some solid work, like this one


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    FishmanFishman Put your goddamned hand in the goddamned Box of Pain. Registered User regular
    edited September 2016
    I can't really disagree, as I never bothered watching Deathly Hallows. Or Jurassic World, for that matter, so I can't really say who I thought imitated John Williams better. I just know that Deathly hallows picked up a few award nominations and kinda figured it can't have been all bad.

    My love of Alexandre Desplat mostly stems from his work with Wes Anderson, which has been consistently great, but I've enjoyed several of his other scores.

    For Giacchino, I never watched Lost either, so I'm missing a great body of his work. But his work with Pixar and JJ has been blockbusterific.

    Between the two, considering what I've seen, my impression of the difference between them is that Desplat is less in-your-face than Giacchino; he generally uses more subtlety and evokes more grounded emotions. Giacchino makes more obvious music, and carries a bright and exciting feel.

    As I was hoping that Rogue One would be the grittier serious heist/spy thriller Star Wars story, I was excited for Desplat because I thought he might be able to enhance that angle, to evoke the greater tonal difference between this movie and the core Star Wars episodes. I think for the way they've pushed the movie back toward a Sci-fi action adventure, maybe Giacchino will be able bring that out more. But part of me is still really hoping for a Rogue One movie that is more like the teasers than the trailer.

    But either way, I don't think either of them is a bad choice. They're both top shelf; I found the idea of what Desplat could bring more exciting, but that's purely personal subjective opinion.

    Fishman on
    X-Com LP Thread I, II, III, IV, V
    That's unbelievably cool. Your new name is cool guy. Let's have sex.
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    Brovid HasselsmofBrovid Hasselsmof [Growling historic on the fury road] Registered User regular
    I can't recall any of the themes you guys are talking about. Movie themes clearly don't stick in my head very well.

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    Munkus BeaverMunkus Beaver You don't have to attend every argument you are invited to. Philosophy: Stoicism. Politics: Democratic SocialistRegistered User, ClubPA regular
    Being as tonedeaf as a fish pretty much means that I only notice things when they are exceptional or terrible

    Humor can be dissected as a frog can, but dies in the process.
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    Brovid HasselsmofBrovid Hasselsmof [Growling historic on the fury road] Registered User regular
    Movie themes I can think of right now without looking them up:

    Jurassic Park
    Terminator 2
    Indiana Jones
    The Lion King

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    WeedLordVegetaWeedLordVegeta Registered User regular
    Grey Ghost wrote: »
    I'm not going to hang around and listen to this crap

    It's okay GG.

    We can hang out and rest well knowing that we aren't on Team Unbearable Asshole.

    You can just shorten it to AJ

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    GvzbgulGvzbgul Registered User regular
    edited September 2016
    I just saw The War Room. Which is one of those Christian films. It's got some good bits*, some bad-bad bits and some good-bad bits**. And despite its faults, I can't hate a film with the line "I might be a paramedic, but I'm also a Christian." Whenever there was a boring or bad moment (which was fairly often) I'd just recall that line and be grinning from ear to ear. And it ends*** with a double dutch skipping competition, which is just ridiculous in the best way. There's also a Mark Trail-esque moment where the bad Morgan Freeman impersonator lady says something like "you have such a lovely daughter" while the camera pans from the mum to a squirrel, which to me implied that her daughter was the squirrel so I got a laugh out of that too.

    *well, probably almost good bits in reality. I'm a very forgiving movie watcher and I'm always looking for the good in films which is why I'm careful with what I watch.
    **I don't believe in "good-bad", it's just good, but it is a different kind of good which is why I still use the term.
    *** this film has more endings than The Return of the King. Some of them twice.

    It's far from the worst Christian film. Still far from a good one, but it's at least somewhere in sight of the uncrossed finish line.

    Gvzbgul on
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    GvzbgulGvzbgul Registered User regular
    Rewatching the Marvel Symphonic Universe thing, and I just want to say, I am so glad Danny Elfman has gone out of fashion. He really left a mark on early 2000s superhero films (and others). They all had ooohs and aaaaahs from the choirs and it sounded generic as fuck. Fantastic Four, X-Men, Spider-Man, etc.

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    SorceSorce Not ThereRegistered User regular
    I googled "The War Room", and got a documentary about Bill Clinton as the first result. I'm guessing there's no Christian Paramedics in this one, and no adopted squirrels.

    I can believe the double-dutch though.

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    FencingsaxFencingsax It is difficult to get a man to understand, when his salary depends upon his not understanding GNU Terry PratchettRegistered User regular
    Gvzbgul wrote: »
    Rewatching the Marvel Symphonic Universe thing, and I just want to say, I am so glad Danny Elfman has gone out of fashion. He really left a mark on early 2000s superhero films (and others). They all had ooohs and aaaaahs from the choirs and it sounded generic as fuck. Fantastic Four, X-Men, Spider-Man, etc.

    It's not his fault people just wanted the Batman theme over and over.

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    GvzbgulGvzbgul Registered User regular
    Oh, my mistake, the movie is called "War Room". No 'the'. I don't know why I'm trying to help you find it.

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    SorceSorce Not ThereRegistered User regular
    Gvzbgul wrote: »
    Oh, my mistake, the movie is called "War Room". No 'the'. I don't know why I'm trying to help you find it.
    It was the second result, so I watched the trailer.

    Which, after having watched it, is about all of that movie I'm going to see.

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    ChincymcchillaChincymcchilla Registered User regular
    The pirates theme is really, really fun

    Yes it takes elements from other things but it's endlessly Hummable and fits that movie just exceptionally well

    I love that soundtrack

    I have a podcast about Power Rangers:Teenagers With Attitude | TWA Facebook Group
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    honoverehonovere Registered User regular
    The pirates theme is really, really fun

    Yes it takes elements from other things but it's endlessly Hummable and fits that movie just exceptionally well

    I love that soundtrack

    It's interesting when listening to the scores of the first three PotCs that you can hear how the first movie has comparatively simple arangements and over the nex two movies at least part of the pieces get ever more elaborate and pile on ever more themes on top of each other.

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    DarkPrimusDarkPrimus Registered User regular
    honovere wrote: »
    The pirates theme is really, really fun

    Yes it takes elements from other things but it's endlessly Hummable and fits that movie just exceptionally well

    I love that soundtrack

    It's interesting when listening to the scores of the first three PotCs that you can hear how the first movie has comparatively simple arangements and over the nex two movies at least part of the pieces get ever more elaborate and pile on ever more themes on top of each other.

    Well the first film, Zimmer wanted to score it but was contractually obligated not to be working on other films at the time, so he churned out the leitmotifs over a weekend and handed it off to an understudy or whatever. Then he took over for the sequels.

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    OlivawOlivaw good name, isn't it? the foot of mt fujiRegistered User regular
    The Lord of the Rings soundtrack is up there with Star Wars in my mind

    I can't think of a better one since 2000

    Zimmer does great work but he's also super prolific so like six times out of ten he just churns out something mediocre, but those four times are really something

    I like Marco Beltrami, I think he does awesome stuff that occasionally gets overlooked. Michael Giacchino of course, and occasionally Alan Silvestri or Clint Mansell

    But it's rare that film music really penetrates the public consciousness, I think. Especially these days

    PSN ID : DetectiveOlivaw | TWITTER | STEAM ID | NEVER FORGET
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    Theodore FlooseveltTheodore Floosevelt proud parent of eight beautiful girls and shalmelo dorne (which is currently being ruled by a woman (awesome role model for my daughters)) #dornedadRegistered User regular
    yeah, LOTR is far and away the most memorable of recent movies for me, recent equaling... at least this millennium I guess

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    Mr. GMr. G Registered User regular
    The only standout movie scores of the last like 5 years seem to all have been electronic-based

    Drive and It Follows come to mind first

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    Theodore FlooseveltTheodore Floosevelt proud parent of eight beautiful girls and shalmelo dorne (which is currently being ruled by a woman (awesome role model for my daughters)) #dornedadRegistered User regular
    under the skin has a pretty memorable score (sparse as it is)

    it's not wholly traditional instrumentation, but it's also not riding that same electronic wave

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    SolarSolar Registered User regular
    Dredd had a genuinely excellent soundtrack

    I really much prefer electronic ones these days tbh

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    ChincymcchillaChincymcchilla Registered User regular
    The Guest for good electronica soundtracks

    I have a podcast about Power Rangers:Teenagers With Attitude | TWA Facebook Group
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    Theodore FlooseveltTheodore Floosevelt proud parent of eight beautiful girls and shalmelo dorne (which is currently being ruled by a woman (awesome role model for my daughters)) #dornedadRegistered User regular
    the guest's is good but it's just like a straight up soundtrack, yeah? was there even any original scoring done for the movie?

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    ChincymcchillaChincymcchilla Registered User regular
    the guest's is good but it's just like a straight up soundtrack, yeah? was there even any original scoring done for the movie?

    I don't know enough of the genre to know honestly

    I have a podcast about Power Rangers:Teenagers With Attitude | TWA Facebook Group
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    Johnny ChopsockyJohnny Chopsocky Scootaloo! We have to cook! Grillin' HaysenburgersRegistered User regular

    Those drums, man. Those friggin drums.

    Steam ID XBL: JohnnyChopsocky PSN:Stud_Beefpile WiiU:JohnnyChopsocky
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    Mr. GMr. G Registered User regular
    The Guest's soundtrack is entirely licensed music

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    Grey GhostGrey Ghost Registered User regular
    I think The Guest was all licensed tracks
    So well chosen though

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    EtchwartsEtchwarts Eyes Up Registered User regular
    Oh shit, I forgot about Fury Road's soundtrack

    It is very good

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    TubeTube Registered User admin
    I was super disappointed in the guest and am amazed so many people like it

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    ChincymcchillaChincymcchilla Registered User regular
    The guest is probably my favorite movie I saw last year

    I'd have to try and go through a list, but thats definitely the one that jumps out first

    I have a podcast about Power Rangers:Teenagers With Attitude | TWA Facebook Group
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    TubeTube Registered User admin
    What did you like about it? I'm genuinely curious. For me the answer was "nothing". I didn't hate it, but I saw no redeeming qualities to it either. You're Next is one of my favourite ever films, which is why I had such high hopes.

This discussion has been closed.