Considering MC Frontalot, The Minibosses, and Optimus Rhyme have been at PAX all 4 years so far, I'd expect them back again. And they better damn well get Jonathan Coulton back again, because he kicked ass last year.
from what i hear (i have connections) basically it is like the ones last year plus 2 but not final details (yata, yata, yata......)
on a side note,
rock band battle of the bands?
i think that would be the best thing possible as a guy who has the bundle, 2 drum kits, and all the songs downloaded i think we need a battle of the bands for a tournament. anyone else?
I'm just hoping that the Oneups will show up again. Love their music but unfortunately, live in Canada. PAX will probably be my only chance to see them live.
As a heads up, we're starting to do more of a band rotation for future years. Sadly, if we had every band back every year while still giving some fresh content a chance, the concerts would be 6 hours long a night.
Robert Khoo on
Some guy.
LegacyStuck Somewhere In CyberspaceThe Grid(Seattle)Registered User, ClubPAregular
edited April 2008
Fine by me.
8pm to 2am.
Legacy on
Can we get the chemicals in. 'Cause anything's better than this.
Moe FwackyRight Here, Right NowDrives a BuickModeratorMod Emeritus
edited April 2008
I don't think anybody would have a problem with 6 hours of concert time
I don't think anybody would have a problem with 6 hours of concert time
Yeah, I don't know why Khoo started out that sentence with "sadly". Well....except, that would be a long time to stand after a day of walking around. And maybe that wouldn't be good for people's ears. And maybe the enforcers wouldn't like it. But still; epic.
QuizMaster on
Moe FwackyRight Here, Right NowDrives a BuickModeratorMod Emeritus
edited April 2008
I don't think anybody would stay for the entire 6 hours, but people would pop in and out for their favorites
I dunno... 6 hours is quite a long time for the video crews to keep tape in the cameras. We wouldn't want to have parts of the concert not recorded or anything!
I dunno... 6 hours is quite a long time for the video crews to keep tape in the cameras. We wouldn't want to have parts of the concert not recorded or anything!
That would never happen.
Legacy on
Can we get the chemicals in. 'Cause anything's better than this.
redhaloAlso a Professional AlcoholicRegistered Userregular
edited April 2008
I have tried and missed the chance to see MC Chris like four times. I'm glad to see he'll be there.
I've seen MC Chris 3 times and I'm still psyched to see him... especially with a crowd that appreciates him. As an opener hes a bit of a downer, the fans of the main act are never into it. I'm really glad to see Frontalot will be there. I've missed two chances to see him.
...okay, I'll be patient.
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on a side note,
rock band battle of the bands?
i think that would be the best thing possible as a guy who has the bundle, 2 drum kits, and all the songs downloaded i think we need a battle of the bands for a tournament. anyone else?
I wonder if Jonathan Coulton is too cool for PAX these days...
It also says the Minibosses, Jonathon Coulton, Freezepop and The 1UPs will be there. But it may just be a guess. :P
I just purchased the latest song pack for rock band and it had one of their songs in it!
I'm totally down with that lineup. I haven't seen any of them live but I've heard their work.
but i am not anyone important, just what i hear...
I mean, not to say you are wrong, but Wikipedia and their web site seem to say nothing of the sort.
Do you know something we don't?
i didnt know that.......
That's what his Myspace says. Guess he's coming back. Hmm...
So, it's Frontalot, MC Chris, Minibosses, Jonathon Coulton, Freezepop and the 1UPs? Sounds good.
Wonder if there's any more surprises though.
8pm to 2am.
Well if the music is good and you have the caffeine in your system to burn...
That would never happen.
As always, looking forward to the best music lineups ever assembled.