
[D&D 4E IC/OOC]: The Mirrors Of Tizun Thane



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    tastydonutstastydonuts Registered User regular
    edited June 2010
    Since there's only 3 rounds of this, and it's in initiative order to boot, I see no point in delaying and effectively losing a turn so I rolled. (I go after the enemy turn in initiative)

    I got a 17. I edited my earlier post to reflect this!

    tastydonuts on
    “I used to draw, hard to admit that I used to draw...”
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    BogartBogart Streetwise Hercules Registered User, Moderator Mod Emeritus
    edited June 2010
    OK, you can keep that roll for your turn, but when I said this was in initiative order I meant from the top of initiative order. Hence my 'Makar next' comment. Sorry if that wasn't clear.

    So, Makar next.

    Bogart on
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    streeverstreever Registered User regular
    edited June 2010
    This is a cool way to finish our fight: I almost blew my daily because it was guaranteed to hit. Now we just have Duragon to save, and I think we'll manage in 3 rounds.

    streever on
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    BogartBogart Streetwise Hercules Registered User, Moderator Mod Emeritus
    edited June 2010
    Wait, you think this is the end of the fight?


    Bogart on
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    streeverstreever Registered User regular
    edited June 2010
    Oh no, I meant, a cool ending to the first fight :) That's why I held back on the daily. I almost blew it, and I then said, "Wait, this is the transition to the boss fight" It reminded me of how you handled the Thane fight after the Night Dancers.

    streever on
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    Jam WarriorJam Warrior Registered User regular
    edited June 2010
    Makar moved to swipe at the tentacle grasping Duragon. He raised his hammer high behind his head and just as he was about to bring it back down, a small winding black tentacle whipped it backwards out of his hands.

    "Damn you slithering abominations!" shouted Makar as he jumped up and down on the wriggling appendage and recovered his weapon as it went skittering across the floor.

    Jam Warrior on
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    AnarchyAnarchy Registered User regular
    edited June 2010
    “Yuk”, the wizard exclaimed as he broke free of the tentacle, albeit covered in goo or ectoplasm or whatever remains the being left behind. He looks towards the ranger with an appreciative expression.

    Staggering over to Duragon, Lucan began to tug at the tentacle, trying to pull the dragonborn away. A surge of strength rushes through the wizard and he heaves with all his might. Luckily, due the combination of Lucan’s sudden rush of energy and the goo acting as lubrication, the cleric slips out with ease. Lucan kept a hold of Duragon until they were a substantial way out of the pit.

    Anarchy on
    "Oh, well, this would be one of those circumstances that people unfamiliar with the law of large numbers would call a coincidence."
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    streeverstreever Registered User regular
    edited June 2010
    that just gives duragon a +2 to his check! he's not out of the woods yet, cowboy

    streever on
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    AnarchyAnarchy Registered User regular
    edited June 2010
    Bogart wrote: »
    A critical success will mean that that person (or the person you're trying to free) has completely broken free.

    Anarchy on
    "Oh, well, this would be one of those circumstances that people unfamiliar with the law of large numbers would call a coincidence."
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    Jam WarriorJam Warrior Registered User regular
    edited June 2010
    Makar stood with mouth agape, watching the feeble looking human carry the hulking great dragonborn to safety.

    "I never knew you had it in you little mage! Kord works in mysterious ways."

    Jam Warrior on
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    streeverstreever Registered User regular
    edited June 2010
    "And to think I was most worried of him..." Dain says, in awe.
    oops :D

    streever on
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    BogartBogart Streetwise Hercules Registered User, Moderator Mod Emeritus
    edited June 2010
    Beaten off in short order by the desperate party, the scabrous tentacles withdraw back into the pit. A note of frustrated pain replaces the booming laughter, and is then itself replaced by towering rage. The caves shake, the ground lurches beneath your feet and the roof begins to crack.

    Shards of flinty rock descend from above, causing you to roll and scatter amidst the debris.

    More skills checks! To avoid the falling debris pass a DC 16 Athletics or Acrobatics check.

    Failing the athletics or acrobatics check gets you hit with 6 damage.

    Once you've done this you'll have a brief moment to gather yourself, use healing surges and get ready. You'll also have your action points back.

    Bogart on
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    streeverstreever Registered User regular
    edited June 2010
    His balance off from his desperate attack, Dain is unprepared for the rocks and is grazed by one as it falls down. "Is it too late to run?" he asks, in no mood to fight whatever is in the pit.
    r: 1d20+9 11

    streever on
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    Jam WarriorJam Warrior Registered User regular
    edited June 2010
    Makar confidently holds his shield above his head to deflect the falling debris.

    "SQUISH!" goes the giant boulder.

    "Did... anyone get the number... of that donkeycart?"

    Jam Warrior on
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    BogartBogart Streetwise Hercules Registered User, Moderator Mod Emeritus
    edited June 2010
    Guys, put in any healing surges you want to use as well after your roll to avoid the debris.

    Bogart on
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    streeverstreever Registered User regular
    edited June 2010
    0--dain is only missing 6 hp. Also, you said we gain back an AP, is this a milestone? Do we regain a daily item power?

    streever on
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    Jam WarriorJam Warrior Registered User regular
    edited June 2010
    6 Damage takes me to 16/39.

    Use two surges to take me to 36/39

    8 surges remain for the day.

    Jam Warrior on
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    tastydonutstastydonuts Registered User regular
    edited June 2010
    Anwar doesn't move fast enough to dodge the boulders, still too concerned about the dirt on his duds.
    Would I still have the 8 temp HP since there wasn't a rest or anything between the end of the fight and the tentacle us?

    if not, I'd spend a surge.

    Acrobatics [Evade Boulder]: 6

    tastydonuts on
    “I used to draw, hard to admit that I used to draw...”
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    AnarchyAnarchy Registered User regular
    edited June 2010
    The adrenaline of pulling the cleric to safety still pumped through Lucan's veins as he effortlessly dodged the falling rocks.

    He leans against a nearby wall, as his exertions finally catch up with him.
    Acrobatics (1d20+3=21)

    I already have my action points and there wasn't an extended rest in between so that makes it 2, right?

    I'll use one surge for now (resulting in 28/32), although I'm not sure how many I'm on.

    Anarchy on
    "Oh, well, this would be one of those circumstances that people unfamiliar with the law of large numbers would call a coincidence."
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    DacDac Registered User regular
    edited June 2010
    Duragon struggled to get up after being freed from the tentacle. "Slimy thing," he muttered, just before being smacked aside the cranium by a falling rock. The sound was dull, like two heavy wooden posts clapping against one another.

    Athletics (1d20+3=9)

    -6 Hp takes Duragon to 18/35. Spending two surges to take him to 35/35.

    Dac on
    Steam: catseye543
    PSN: ShogunGunshow
    Origin: ShogunGunshow
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    BogartBogart Streetwise Hercules Registered User, Moderator Mod Emeritus
    edited June 2010
    The ground stops shaking, rocks stop falling, and the entire cavern is suddenly silent save for the groans of your injured comrades. The smoke issuing from the pit grows thinner and more insubstantial. Is that it, you wonder?

    A loud cracking noise suddenly reverberates throughout the mines, as if an enormous axe were being driven into the rockface. Several enormous axes. And then another crack. And another. The noise is most definitely coming from the pit.

    And then, over the lip of the pit appears an immense hand, topped by crooked and yellowing nails, and covered by greenish-black scales. It drives those nails into the floor of the cavern with the cracking sound that so terrorised you a moment before. By the gods; that hand must be a meter across. Another hand appears from the pit, and something else rises from the hole behind it. A face.

    A blackened visage of horror, pustules of green form and burst in almost ceaseless motion on the mask of horror that confronts you. A gaping mouth opens widely beneath two ragged holes that might be nostrils. sharp and yellow teeth a foot long decorate the mouth, and a black, saliva-dripping tongue lolls from it. Eyes of red and green gaze pure hate and spite at you. The body must be twenty metres tall at least, though so far only the hands and the face are above the lip of the pit. Surely this thing cannot be withstood? And yet, something about the monster seems indistinct, as if you can see through it.

    A voice that seems to crawl up from the deepest pit of slime the world has to offer accompanies this hellish vision.

    "For millenia have I been held captive here. I convinced that fool Thane power lay in my prison and dragged him here from his time to unearth me. And now you think you may stop my return to this world? I will devour you all."

    The massive hands dig into the ground and heave the monster further out of the pit, slime oozing from every pore and dribbling from its immense maw. The head is entirely above the lip of the pit, and the arms roam to find more purchase. If you're going to attack, it will have to be now, before it gets free.

    Lucan shouts the knowledge his arcane senses have imparted moments before, that this thing is only half-formed in the world and can be stopped. But time is short. Every second it claws its way further into the world, until eventually it will be too powerful to be stopped.


    Bogart on
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    streeverstreever Registered User regular
    edited June 2010
    "By the Maker..." Dain mutters, and is for once caught completely by surprise.
    r: 1d20+8 9

    streever on
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    tastydonutstastydonuts Registered User regular
    edited June 2010
    "Stop you?" Anwar asks.
    Initiative (7/url])

    tastydonuts on
    “I used to draw, hard to admit that I used to draw...”
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    Jam WarriorJam Warrior Registered User regular
    edited June 2010
    Jam Warrior on
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    AnarchyAnarchy Registered User regular
    edited June 2010
    Anarchy on
    "Oh, well, this would be one of those circumstances that people unfamiliar with the law of large numbers would call a coincidence."
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    DacDac Registered User regular
    edited June 2010
    "And to think I once wondered whether accepting that human's offer would be worth it," Duragon chuffed.
    Init (1d20+1=9)

    I will not be able to post for a few days, as I will be heading to Reno to visit my grandfather (he's in the hospital.)

    Dac on
    Steam: catseye543
    PSN: ShogunGunshow
    Origin: ShogunGunshow
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    BogartBogart Streetwise Hercules Registered User, Moderator Mod Emeritus
    edited June 2010
    The terrifying monstrosity before you drips slime and putresence on the floor of the cave as it tries to clamber out of the pit. Its arms flail wildly and you feel its putrid breath on your faces. Its reach appears long.

    Its head and its arms are all that are visible so far, but the rest will reveal itself in time if you allow it.

    State of play:
    All IC rolls should have The Mirrors Of Tizun Thane as the campaign name. Please capitalise the 'Of' bit to ensure all rolls can be seen at a glance on Invisible Castle.

    Initiative order:
    20 - Lucan (Anarchy)
    18 - Monster
    13 - Makar (Jam Warrior) Once per level re-roll used
    9 - Dain (Streever) Once per level re-roll used
    9 - Duragon (Dac)
    7 - Anwar (tastydonuts) Once per level re-roll used

    HP Stats
    Enemy HP
    Slime Monster: 254/254

    Party HP
    Makar 36/39 (Jam Warrior)
    Dain 35/41 (Streever)
    Duragon 35/35 (Dac)
    Lucan 28/32 (Anarchy)
    Anwar 34/34 (tastydonuts)

    Enemy Actions
    None yet

    SM - Slime Monster
    Enemy stats
    Slime Monster
    AC 20 Fort 18 Ref 17 Will 18
    Status List
    The Slime Monster oozes poison gas in an aura of 1. Anyone within this aura at the start of their turn takes 1d6 damage.
    First up: Lucan

    Bogart on
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    AnarchyAnarchy Registered User regular
    edited June 2010
    Lucan scrunches up his noise as a wave of nausea washes over him, the smell from the creature almost overpowering.

    He raises his staff and fires a white beam at an arm, stretching out of the pit. Hitting the tendril solidly, ice crystals begin to form and soon, the arm becomes so rigid that whatever beast was trying to pull itself out of the pit is stopped in his tracks.

    “That ought to slow him down,” he says hopefully to his comrades, “...I think”.

    After a moment’s thought, the wizard takes a step back away from the pit.
    A new initiative order, therefore I assume a new encounter, with all my powers returned?
    Standard Action:Icy Rays vs SM (Ref 17) (1d20+6=19, 1d10+5=6)
    SM @ : Hit! 6 Damage! Creature is immobilized.
    Move Action: Move to L13

    Anarchy on
    "Oh, well, this would be one of those circumstances that people unfamiliar with the law of large numbers would call a coincidence."
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    BogartBogart Streetwise Hercules Registered User, Moderator Mod Emeritus
    edited June 2010
    How long is the creature immobilised for? Save ends or your next turn?

    The creatue screams in rage as Lucan's icy spell momentarily halts its climb from the pit. It's arms flail about just shy of you, attempting to grab you and drag you closer to its gaping maw.

    Still, it has weapons that can reach you even if its body cannot. The mouth opens even wider, and noxious fumes billow forth, targeting both Dain and Duragon. Poisonous gas writhes around the two, briefly hiding them from sight. But when the smog clears, the two warriors seem unharmed, and their quick reactions in covering their mouths before inhaling too much of the gas seems to have saved them from most of the damage.

    State of play:
    All IC rolls should have The Mirrors Of Tizun Thane as the campaign name. Please capitalise the 'Of' bit to ensure all rolls can be seen at a glance on Invisible Castle.

    Initiative order:
    20 - Lucan (Anarchy)
    18 - Monster
    13 - Makar (Jam Warrior) Once per level re-roll used
    9 - Dain (Streever) Once per level re-roll used
    9 - Duragon (Dac)
    7 - Anwar (tastydonuts) Once per level re-roll used

    HP Stats
    Enemy HP
    Slime Monster: 248/254

    Party HP
    Makar 36/39 (Jam Warrior)
    Dain 28/41 (Streever)
    Duragon 28/35 (Dac)
    Lucan 28/32 (Anarchy)
    Anwar 34/34 (tastydonuts)

    Enemy Actions
    Standard Action: Breath weapon on Duragon and Dain CB5
    Moxious Breath CB5 on Duragon REF 12 Dain REF 15 miss half damage(messed up the first roll) (1d20+7=9, 1d10+4=14, 1d20+7=12, 1d10+4=10)
    Miss! Half damage of 7 on Dain and Duragon.

    SM - Slime Monster
    Enemy stats
    Slime Monster
    AC 20 Fort 18 Ref 17 Will 18
    Status List
    The Slime Monster oozes poison gas in an aura of 1. Anyone within this aura at the start of their turn takes 1d6 damage.
    Next up: Makar

    Bogart on
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    Jam WarriorJam Warrior Registered User regular
    edited June 2010
    Giant gribbly slime monster? Makar's extensive religious training had prepared him for just this moment.

    "As the Good Lord doth teach us, CHAAAAAAAAAAAAARGE!"

    He waded into the fetid clouds surrounding the monster, landing a solid blow amongst a flurry of swings he discharged the frost magic of his hammer into the dripping bulk of the creature.
    Standard: Charge Virtuous Strike (1d20+9=29, 1d10+5=10) CRIT

    Activate frost hammer daily power and roll for critical Extra Frost Damage (2d6=6)

    Total 21 damage. Monster now on 227/254


    Standard: Righteous Smite (1d20+8=16, 2d10+5=24) MISS

    Minor: Divine Challenge. Marked and yadda yadda 7 radiant damage.

    End turn in square I8

    Jam Warrior on
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    AnarchyAnarchy Registered User regular
    edited June 2010
    End of my next turn

    Anarchy on
    "Oh, well, this would be one of those circumstances that people unfamiliar with the law of large numbers would call a coincidence."
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    Jam WarriorJam Warrior Registered User regular
    edited June 2010
    Next up, Dain

    Jam Warrior on
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    streeverstreever Registered User regular
    edited June 2010
    I'm so sorry I missed my turn! Feel free to poke me if I do it again. I got confused on ini order, and thought I was after Tasty.

    Dain steps up to his dragonborn ally, ignoring the noxious fumes from the bizarre creature, and proceeds to hack and hew his opponent with a blistering display of martial prowess.

    "I think it's safe to say we shouldn't hold back."

    Move: J8
    Minor: Quarry
    Jaws of the Wolf vs AC: 2d20+9 34 2d10+5 15
    Screwed up the way I formed the roll: it's 8+9 for 17, miss, and 17+7 for a hit
    12 damage on the miss means half, so 6
    Quarry damage was Quarry: 1d6 4
    The attack that hit: damage from daily: 2d10+3 17
    was 17
    Two-Fanged Strike vs AC: 1d20+9 21 1d10+5 12 1d20+7 13 1d10+3 8
    21 hits, 13 misses
    12 damage plus the 27 is 39 total damage!

    Dain in I8
    Slime Monster 178/254

    streever on
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    DacDac Registered User regular
    edited June 2010
    Times like these I really wish I had built a ranged cleric.

    Following on the heels of the dwarf, the dragonborn worked his blade into the slime monster's hide, stabbing in and then slashing outward. His eyes smoldered a fiery red, glowing with divine might. Tendrils of energy - pure, unbridled battle fury - wrapped around his companions, warding away danger.
    Move Action: Move to K8
    Standard Action: Sacred Shielding w/ Divine Fortune vs. AC20 (1d20+11=26) HIT!

    Damage (2d10+6=20)

    20 damage! Everyone adjacent to either Duragon or to the Slime Monster gains RESIST 3 to ALL DAMAGE until the end of my next turn.

    Next: ANWAR

    Dac on
    Steam: catseye543
    PSN: ShogunGunshow
    Origin: ShogunGunshow
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    tastydonutstastydonuts Registered User regular
    edited June 2010
    Anwar snaps his fingers again, forming a small orb that falls into his palm. This orb glows and changes colors rapidly, in a manner very similar to his vest. The sorcerer then nonchalantly tosses the orb at the pit. It bounces along the ground, before vanishing over the lip and into the void below.


    A spout of flames erupts from the pit, the heat of which would sear the eyebrows off Duragon if he had them, accompanied by a soothing menthol breeze. The force of the explosion throws the slime monster about within the confines of the hole.
    Chromatic Orb (D) [(R, R) Target Slime - *20* vs REF 17: Critical 38 Fire Damage (+6 Critical Cold Damage - 44 Total (96/254)) | Slide 1 Square (I6 -> J5) | Knocked Prone, Target Duragon - 3 Fire Damage (25/35), Target Dain - 3 Fire Damage (-3 Resist - 0 Total)]
    Chaos Power: +1 AC SNT

    Next: Lucan

    tastydonuts on
    “I used to draw, hard to admit that I used to draw...”
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    AnarchyAnarchy Registered User regular
    edited June 2010
    Lucan carefully manoeuvred himself around the pit, carefully keeping an eye on the creature that was struggling to break free.

    When he was sure that he wouldn’t hit any of his friends, he channelled his energy into his hands and unleashed hit upon the beast, wrecking it in flames.

    As the heat washed over the creature, the sound of ice chipping away could be heard far below. The protective magic that the wizard had cast only moments before was weakening and he could see the creature beginning to edge its way out of the pit once more.
    Move Action: Move to O8
    Standard Action: Burning Hands vs Slimer (1d20+6=17, 2d6+5=14)

    Slime in Pit: Hit! 14 Damage! 82/254

    Anarchy on
    "Oh, well, this would be one of those circumstances that people unfamiliar with the law of large numbers would call a coincidence."
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    BogartBogart Streetwise Hercules Registered User, Moderator Mod Emeritus
    edited June 2010
    I think I'm going to need to go back through the damage and recalculate the totals, because I think something's gone awry.

    Damage done:

    Lucan - 14 & 6
    Anwar - 44
    Duragon - 20
    Makar - 21
    Dain - 6 & 17 & 12 (you have 27 + 12 = 39 in your post - please lay out what does what, as I think your figures conflict with each other)
    Total = 140, putting the bad guy on 114 hits.

    Bogart on
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    Jam WarriorJam Warrior Registered User regular
    edited June 2010
    Correct me if I'm wrong but I make it 110/254

    Total damage per turn:
    Makar 21
    Dain 39
    Duragon 20
    Anwar 44
    Lucan 14

    Total 138

    248 - 138 = 110

    Still impressive though!

    Edit: Didn't mean to be correcting Bogart! We were clearly doing our maths and composing our posts at the same time.

    Jam Warrior on
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    Jam WarriorJam Warrior Registered User regular
    edited June 2010
    As a bonus, here's how I'm seeing the Slime Monster in my mind! Only greener and slimier.

    Jam Warrior on
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    streeverstreever Registered User regular
    edited June 2010
    My first attack is my daily, which does two 2w attacks, and each attack does half damage on a miss: first one was a miss, so only 6. I pasted in the quarry damage (4) before the second attack, which hit at 17, so that confuses it a bit. So that's 27 total.

    Then I used an AP to generate the second attack, my encounter power, and that did 12, which is 39 total.

    Sorry, I didn't realize that I got to roll 2w per attack, so my initial damage roll was only 2d20 plus one 2w attack. Then I rolled quarry, then I realized that I didn't roll my 2nd 2w attack and rolled it then. That's why it's all messed up.

    streever on
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