If you bought more than one ticket (a ticket and a raffle donation for example), you'd need to go in and edit your info for both. It took me a while to figure that out.
Arco on
Like this, not like the gas station.
Organizer of the Post-PAX Party. You should come!
Satellite Theater for life!
A tad pricey, but I'm in as well. Especially since the train makes it in too late to make it to the Pre-PAX Dinner. I need to get my parties in somehow!
As for the poll I have to say I'm actually in the creamy middle: maybe one big prize and a number of smaller mid-range prizes. Not everyone will necessarily get something, but the people who do will get something good and there's something totally lust-worthy. It also makes it hard to determine when we don't have any frame of reference. What does "little" mean? $5? $20?
Perhaps a plan to order things out more numerically. Pick a rough percentage of the budget for the big prize. Then divide the rest out so that, say 25% of the attendees get something. Use that to construct some rough prize budgets allowing for overage and it's worked out.
If the poll indicates that people are split, then some sort of compromise will be reached. This is honestly what I expected all along. Putting a compromise option in the poll, however, ruins the whole point of the poll. I want to see what people think if forced to choose between two ends of a spectrum. If I had put a compromise option, almost everyone would've picked it.
Arco on
Like this, not like the gas station.
Organizer of the Post-PAX Party. You should come!
Satellite Theater for life!
chaosisorderCupcake Princess and Pinny WhoreOregonRegistered Userregular
edited July 2010
What will you be using to verify entry- a real name list, handle list, do we need to print something?
What will you be using to verify entry- a real name list, handle list, do we need to print something?
Printing your tickets and having them with you, like folded up in a pocket or purse, is recommended. Last year I distributed envelopes to each attendee with party bracelets inside, and I might be doing a similar thing this year. Mailing them is sort of out due to the cost of postage ($50+ for the stamps), so last year I distributed them during PAX and right before the party. Might do that again this year, but it was a little problematic, so I'm open to suggestions.
Arco on
Like this, not like the gas station.
Organizer of the Post-PAX Party. You should come!
Satellite Theater for life!
You could maybe work with other organizers to distribute them at those events? Like maybe the girl's meetup could pass out the wristbands for the people there who are attending, or the MMT if you're in town that early, etc? Or just ask people to show up early to pick up their wrist bands?
You could maybe work with other organizers to distribute them at those events? Like maybe the girl's meetup could pass out the wristbands for the people there who are attending, or the MMT if you're in town that early, etc? Or just ask people to show up early to pick up their wrist bands?
That's not a bad idea. I'd hate to encroach on the other events (for fear of giving an impression like, "hey, I know your Pre-Pax Dinner is awesome and blah blah blah, but pass these out for MY thing"), but I think everyone's cool enough around here for that to work out.
I'm going to the Pre-PAX Dinner and the Triwizard Drinking Tournament, so perhaps I don't even need to work with the organizers. Hmm.
Arco on
Like this, not like the gas station.
Organizer of the Post-PAX Party. You should come!
Satellite Theater for life!
You could maybe work with other organizers to distribute them at those events? Like maybe the girl's meetup could pass out the wristbands for the people there who are attending, or the MMT if you're in town that early, etc? Or just ask people to show up early to pick up their wrist bands?
That's not a bad idea. I'd hate to encroach on the other events (for fear of giving an impression like, "hey, I know your Pre-Pax Dinner is awesome and blah blah blah, but pass these out for MY thing"), but I think everyone's cool enough around here for that to work out.
I'm going to the Pre-PAX Dinner and the Triwizard Drinking Tournament, so perhaps I don't even need to work with the organizers. Hmm.
The only reason I didn't suggest the pubcrawl is because people lose things when they're drunk, and I think it would be a bigger pain in the ass to have to deal with people going "so I know you gave me a band already, but then I did the patronus challenge and now I have no idea where it went".
So we get stiff once in a while. So we have a little fun. What’s wrong with that? This is a free country, isn’t it? I can take my panda any place I want to. And if I wanna buy it a drink, that’s my business.
Arco, I noticed that the eventbrite page links to ppp2010.wordpress.com, but earlier in this thread, you linked to the poll at http://postpaxparty.wordpress.com/. perhaps the eventbrite page needs updated?
Arco, I noticed that the eventbrite page links to ppp2010.wordpress.com, but earlier in this thread, you linked to the poll at http://postpaxparty.wordpress.com/. perhaps the eventbrite page needs updated?
Nice. Updating in progress. Thanks!
Arco on
Like this, not like the gas station.
Organizer of the Post-PAX Party. You should come!
Satellite Theater for life!
Peremptory request; that everyone not go apeshit over how delicious "Carribean Jerk Chicken Tenders" sound and instead remember/take it from me that they were more like "Boring Underflavored Chicken Tenders".
I don't remember the Hummus all that much, either. The Sushi went fast but I think they'll be more on top of that this year.
I need you to get with me on this, people. How delicious does this shit sound?
1) Seared Spiced Ahi Tuna
It's Seattle, for chrissakes; how good do you think the seafood is here?
2) Mini Dungeness crab cakes
See #1
3) Sausage and cheese stuffed mushrooms
I love mushrooms, so I may be a bit biased here.
4) Dungeness Crab stuffed Mushrooms
Mushrooms and fresh crab? Are you fucking kidding me? If this doesn't make it on the poll I'll order my own damn tray of it.
5) Grilled beef tenderloin with blue cheese and horseradish on baguette**
These were great last year, nothing else to be said.
6) Carved honey-ginger glazed ham on soft mini rolls with Dijon mustard and citrus aioli
Lots of words and they all sound delicious. I don't even like mustard and I'd eat a tray of these.
Not everyone likes seafood and/or mushrooms so I can understand if most of my list doesn't appeal to you. But seriously, if we end up with chicken tenders again I'm going to get Pookie and we're going to burn this motherfucker down.
Thank you for your time.
P.S. for a vegetarian-friendly appetizer, I'd recommend the Vegetable Kabobs. Gyoza are fried potstickers and while delicious, they're not terribly healthy. Cheese tarts sound kind of boring. Vegetable Kabobs should be delicious and will go well with the other food on your plate because healthy tasty vegetables yes.
Yeah, I'm not saying that everyone should vote for the six things I listed, just that they sounded awesome. The voting for the platters is much less contentious.
So we get stiff once in a while. So we have a little fun. What’s wrong with that? This is a free country, isn’t it? I can take my panda any place I want to. And if I wanna buy it a drink, that’s my business.
Please don't make it fish, fish, fish, even if the voting ends up that way. I am sure I won't be the only person there that can not eat fish.
I second this, just for variety.
I third this, but not so uch because I can't eat fish and more that I'd rather not eat only fish.
But still with that said, almost everything on the menu looks pretty good, and with a bajillion types of beer on tap, there's always the option for a liquid dinner.
A few people have PMd me about not being able to buy tickets. We sold exactly 100, and now it won't let me (or anyone else) move the quantity from "0" to anything higher.
I'm trying to figure this out on my own, but it's looking like it might be a bug or something with EventBrite. I can't see anything obvious that's breaking it. So more than likely I'm going to have to put in a trouble ticket with EventBrite.
If you're worried about the event selling out and you want to make sure you get your ticket, please do the following until I get this straightened out:
1) Send $40 (US) to my PayPal, postpaxdinner@gmail.com.
2) E-mail that same address with the following information, putting something appropriately obvious (like, "Post Pax Party Info" or something) into the subject line.
Please make sure this info is the same or very similar to your PayPal info, so I know who's who.
Hopefully I won't have to do this for very many of you, but who knows how on-the-ball EventBrite's support staff is.
And... thanks for buying 100 tickets! We reached our total ticket sales from last year in like 2 weeks. That's pretty impressive.
Arco on
Like this, not like the gas station.
Organizer of the Post-PAX Party. You should come!
Satellite Theater for life!
As long as it's not all one type of animal, I won't make any executive decisions. It was a good mix last year.
Currently the votes are favoring the sushi, cheese and crackers, and antipasto platters, and the tequila chicken tenders, beef tenderloin sandwiches, and crab stuffed mushrooms. Again, a good mix.
Arco on
Like this, not like the gas station.
Organizer of the Post-PAX Party. You should come!
Satellite Theater for life!
Organizer of the Post-PAX Party. You should come!
Satellite Theater for life!
If the poll indicates that people are split, then some sort of compromise will be reached. This is honestly what I expected all along. Putting a compromise option in the poll, however, ruins the whole point of the poll. I want to see what people think if forced to choose between two ends of a spectrum. If I had put a compromise option, almost everyone would've picked it.
Organizer of the Post-PAX Party. You should come!
Satellite Theater for life!
What will you be using to verify entry- a real name list, handle list, do we need to print something?
Printing your tickets and having them with you, like folded up in a pocket or purse, is recommended. Last year I distributed envelopes to each attendee with party bracelets inside, and I might be doing a similar thing this year. Mailing them is sort of out due to the cost of postage ($50+ for the stamps), so last year I distributed them during PAX and right before the party. Might do that again this year, but it was a little problematic, so I'm open to suggestions.
Organizer of the Post-PAX Party. You should come!
Satellite Theater for life!
That's not a bad idea. I'd hate to encroach on the other events (for fear of giving an impression like, "hey, I know your Pre-Pax Dinner is awesome and blah blah blah, but pass these out for MY thing"), but I think everyone's cool enough around here for that to work out.
I'm going to the Pre-PAX Dinner and the Triwizard Drinking Tournament, so perhaps I don't even need to work with the organizers. Hmm.
Organizer of the Post-PAX Party. You should come!
Satellite Theater for life!
The only reason I didn't suggest the pubcrawl is because people lose things when they're drunk, and I think it would be a bigger pain in the ass to have to deal with people going "so I know you gave me a band already, but then I did the patronus challenge and now I have no idea where it went".
Holy Cow....
It's gonna be Arco Overload for me!
43 tickets left, dudes. They're going at a rate of 5+ a day, so I expect these to sell out within the next week.
Oh, did I mention the raffle fund is up to $350?
Organizer of the Post-PAX Party. You should come!
Satellite Theater for life!
Calli has a gluten allergy, right VT? Want me to check with the Taphouse to see what her options are?
Organizer of the Post-PAX Party. You should come!
Satellite Theater for life!
A buffet that I can bury my face in!?
Warning: Incoming Alaskan sailor TAKE COVER!
Nice. Updating in progress. Thanks!
Organizer of the Post-PAX Party. You should come!
Satellite Theater for life!
34 tickets left!
Organizer of the Post-PAX Party. You should come!
Satellite Theater for life!
I don't remember the Hummus all that much, either. The Sushi went fast but I think they'll be more on top of that this year.
I need you to get with me on this, people. How delicious does this shit sound?
1) Seared Spiced Ahi Tuna
It's Seattle, for chrissakes; how good do you think the seafood is here?
2) Mini Dungeness crab cakes
See #1
3) Sausage and cheese stuffed mushrooms
I love mushrooms, so I may be a bit biased here.
4) Dungeness Crab stuffed Mushrooms
Mushrooms and fresh crab? Are you fucking kidding me? If this doesn't make it on the poll I'll order my own damn tray of it.
5) Grilled beef tenderloin with blue cheese and horseradish on baguette**
These were great last year, nothing else to be said.
6) Carved honey-ginger glazed ham on soft mini rolls with Dijon mustard and citrus aioli
Lots of words and they all sound delicious. I don't even like mustard and I'd eat a tray of these.
Not everyone likes seafood and/or mushrooms so I can understand if most of my list doesn't appeal to you. But seriously, if we end up with chicken tenders again I'm going to get Pookie and we're going to burn this motherfucker down.
Thank you for your time.
P.S. for a vegetarian-friendly appetizer, I'd recommend the Vegetable Kabobs. Gyoza are fried potstickers and while delicious, they're not terribly healthy. Cheese tarts sound kind of boring. Vegetable Kabobs should be delicious and will go well with the other food on your plate because healthy tasty vegetables yes.
Inquisitor77: Rius, you are Sisyphus and melee Wizard is your boulder
Tube: This must be what it felt like to be an Iraqi when Saddam was killed
Bookish Stickers - Mrs. Rius' Etsy shop with bumper stickers and vinyl decals.
Organizer of the Post-PAX Party. You should come!
Satellite Theater for life!
Inquisitor77: Rius, you are Sisyphus and melee Wizard is your boulder
Tube: This must be what it felt like to be an Iraqi when Saddam was killed
Bookish Stickers - Mrs. Rius' Etsy shop with bumper stickers and vinyl decals.
{Fondly remembers the PAXTrain}
Please don't make it fish, fish, fish, even if the voting ends up that way. I am sure I won't be the only person there that can not eat fish.
I second this, just for variety.
Seems like Tequila Chicken is almost guaranteed a slot, so you guys should be covered.
Personally, I voted for Tequila Chicken, Beef Sliders, and Salmon.
Arco said something about them not being prepared for us last year, but I sure as hell never went hungry.
This was GREAT last year.
3DS Friend Code: 2707-1614-5576
PAX Prime 2014 Buttoneering!
I third this, but not so uch because I can't eat fish and more that I'd rather not eat only fish.
But still with that said, almost everything on the menu looks pretty good, and with a bajillion types of beer on tap, there's always the option for a liquid dinner.
I'm trying to figure this out on my own, but it's looking like it might be a bug or something with EventBrite. I can't see anything obvious that's breaking it. So more than likely I'm going to have to put in a trouble ticket with EventBrite.
If you're worried about the event selling out and you want to make sure you get your ticket, please do the following until I get this straightened out:
1) Send $40 (US) to my PayPal, postpaxdinner@gmail.com.
2) E-mail that same address with the following information, putting something appropriately obvious (like, "Post Pax Party Info" or something) into the subject line.
Please make sure this info is the same or very similar to your PayPal info, so I know who's who.
Hopefully I won't have to do this for very many of you, but who knows how on-the-ball EventBrite's support staff is.
And... thanks for buying 100 tickets! We reached our total ticket sales from last year in like 2 weeks. That's pretty impressive.
Organizer of the Post-PAX Party. You should come!
Satellite Theater for life!
{Fondly remembers the PAXTrain}
Currently the votes are favoring the sushi, cheese and crackers, and antipasto platters, and the tequila chicken tenders, beef tenderloin sandwiches, and crab stuffed mushrooms. Again, a good mix.
Organizer of the Post-PAX Party. You should come!
Satellite Theater for life!
I never finish anyth
Oh, of course.
Organizer of the Post-PAX Party. You should come!
Satellite Theater for life!
I guess the better wording for my question is are we allowed to order off the menu, but you've answered that as well. Thanks!
I never finish anyth
Ahh, gotcha.
Keep in mind that anything you order will be on your own tab. There's no group tab for this event. I think you already knew that, though.
Organizer of the Post-PAX Party. You should come!
Satellite Theater for life!