You could maybe work with other organizers to distribute them at those events? Like maybe the girl's meetup could pass out the wristbands for the people there who are attending, or the MMT if you're in town that early, etc? Or just ask people to show up early to pick up their wrist bands?
It might also make sense to mail them out en masse to organizers for the various trips to distribute when people join up. Or possibly set a meet-up time at the Sheraton to hand them out near registration.
As far as food goes the option of having vegetarian options is nice, but let's not also forget about the possible need for vegan and lactose intolerant options. It might just be San Francisco, but with my group of friend's it's rapidly become a problem to work out food choices: at least two vegan friends, two veggie who eat fish, one carnivore who's lactose-intolerant, a veggie-leaning omnivore, and myself, a dyed-in-the-wool carnivore who finds vegetables to generally be icky and hates mushrooms. Trying to simply order a pizza is a special kind of nightmare.
Oh, and if the crab-stuffed mushrooms get chosen over the crab cakes I will stab someone.
It's Seattle, for chrissakes; how good do you think the seafood is here?
While Seattle seems to have it together a lot more on the seafood front I'm still amazed at how bad seafood often is in San Francisco. We've polluted the ocean and the bay so much that crab is about the only thing that's ever really notable. Otherwise I often find that prices, selection, and quality at the grocery store aren't that much different than when I lived in Kansas. Who cares about the planet, damage to the oceans and overfishing is affecting my choice of dinner!
I draw the line at vegetarianism. Drawing it there instead of veganism, or lactose intolerance, or whatever is entirely subjective and illogical; but then again, so are most everyone's dietary choices, meat eaters or no.
I'll only go so far to accommodate dietary needs, especially when planning for 130 people. There's going to be several animals, some bread, probably some dairy, and some vegetables. It will all taste delicious. If you can't find something to eat in that mix, feel free to grab a menu.
As far as the bracelets/packets go, I basically just made myself available all during PAX last year to meet up with people and give them their packets. While it was fun meeting people, it was a little hectic with my phone blowing up all the time (not to mention the $80 in text overages [I have unlimited now, precisely because of that weekend]), and having to run around meeting people. I'm enforcing this year, so I won't really be as available as I was previously.
I do need to figure out a better system, but I'm not sure one exists. I'm looking for less cost, less effort, and better results, and those things very rarely converge into the same option.
Arco on
Like this, not like the gas station.
Organizer of the Post-PAX Party. You should come!
Satellite Theater for life!
Vegetarians are probably a good line to draw at since they're usually the only group who even get any option in most places. If lucky, the vegetarian option might also be vegan, which will also account for lactose intolerance. But if we had to account for every food preference and dietary problem out there (on top of the previously mentioned, let's add gluten, nuts, shrimp, alcohol allergies, and then religious ones like kosher food, and that's without adding people on specific diets like low carb, or general "I won't eat X because I don't like it"), there'd be no food available. :P
Well, we definitely have one person with a gluten allergy attending. If I understand correctly, the sushi is supposed to be OK, but we should probably try to not kill them.
jonxp on
Every time you write parallel fifths, Bach kills a kitten.
3DS Friend Code: 2707-1614-5576 PAX Prime 2014 Buttoneering!
Well, we definitely have one person with a gluten allergy attending. If I understand correctly, the sushi is supposed to be OK, but we should probably try to not kill them.
Update on EventBrite: their site is mega broken. They've "escalated it to their engineering department with "high" priority," and I'm told that they're going to give me a discount or waive part of my fees for ticket sales being unavailable for so long.
In the event that I do get some fees waived, that amount will go into the raffle fund.
For the time being, anyone who wants to buy tickets needs to PayPal me using the directions in the OP.
25 tickets left!
Arco on
Like this, not like the gas station.
Organizer of the Post-PAX Party. You should come!
Satellite Theater for life!
The problem with the ticket sales is fixed. I think. Still waiting to hear back on refunding some of my fees.
People have been buying tickets via PayPal from me all day, and we're down to 20 tickets left! 20 tickets!
Once the tickets are sold out (most likely before the weekend is over) I'm going shopping for the raffle prizes. Raffle fund is over $400, so it should be a fun day for me. Or maybe I'll wait until I'm in Seattle, that way I don't have to pack them. That might be smart.
Arco on
Like this, not like the gas station.
Organizer of the Post-PAX Party. You should come!
Satellite Theater for life!
The problem with the ticket sales is fixed. I think. Still waiting to hear back on refunding some of my fees.
People have been buying tickets via PayPal from me all day, and we're down to 20 tickets left! 20 tickets!
Once the tickets are sold out (most likely before the weekend is over) I'm going shopping for the raffle prizes. Raffle fund is over $400, so it should be a fun day for me. Or maybe I'll wait until I'm in Seattle, that way I don't have to pack them. That might be smart.
The ticket sales page is definitely fixed! One more ticket down, and may I just say how EXCITED I am?
I do need to figure out a better system, but I'm not sure one exists. I'm looking for less cost, less effort, and better results, and those things very rarely converge into the same option.
Would the hotels be willing to hold letters for people? If people are willing to tell you which hotel they're at you could drop those envelopes off to the hotels and people could ask for them when they check in? (Within a certain small downtown radius)
Vegetarians are probably a good line to draw at since they're usually the only group who even get any option in most places. If lucky, the vegetarian option might also be vegan, which will also account for lactose intolerance.
This was actually more my point. If we're picking out vegetarian options it might be best if we went that extra step and tried to pick out vegan options so both bases are covered. It's not really a big deal to me personally, but I considering how trained I've become I couldn't help but notice how very few of the vegetarian options would generally be vegan.
The real question, of course, is does it even matter?
Belgand on
chaosisorderCupcake Princess and Pinny WhoreOregonRegistered Userregular
edited July 2010
Arco, you could probably announce a few choice places to hang for a bit and let people converge on you then: for instance, maybe an hour by the badge pick up on Thurs, an event you might be on, some time by the BYOC table.
If we know where you'll be a few times, we'd probably be less likely to crazy fan girl stalk you and GPS tracker you.
Arco, you could probably announce a few choice places to hang for a bit and let people converge on you then: for instance, maybe an hour by the badge pick up on Thurs, an event you might be on, some time by the BYOC table.
If we know where you'll be a few times, we'd probably be less likely to crazy fan girl stalk you and GPS tracker you.
10 tickets left as of this post, and the raffle is at $437. So awesome.
I'm still figuring out what I plan to do for people picking up their badges. Your suggestions are helpful, as I am dumb.
Make sure you vote in the food poll! About 100/120 have voted, so that's almost everybody.
Uhh, yeah. This rules. I had no idea we'd sell out this fast; we're probably going to sell all 130 tickets before July is over, and ticket sales started on the sixth. So that's 130 tickets in about 3 weeks. Wow.
Arco on
Like this, not like the gas station.
Organizer of the Post-PAX Party. You should come!
Satellite Theater for life!
So we get stiff once in a while. So we have a little fun. What’s wrong with that? This is a free country, isn’t it? I can take my panda any place I want to. And if I wanna buy it a drink, that’s my business.
I just bought two tickets for me and my best friend - this is our first PAX and we're super excited (me more than him, I think, because he's not as much of a gamer), but there are only four left now if Eventbrite's count is right. So if anyone is considering attending, get your tickets now!
A quick question, though, and sorry if this is mentioned elsewhere in the thread as I haven't read through it, but what do we present when entering the Taphouse? Just IDs since we had to enter our names, or do we also need the e-mail confirmation? Apologies for the nub question, I'm a still sort of trying to figure out how all the events work.
Edit: Gah, ninja'd!
Edit edit: Nevermind, saw the e-mail. Print out the tickets, gotcha! Thanks for putting the event together and see you all there!
FYI, the EventBrite count is correct. 126 tickets/130 tickets sold. 4 left. My life is about camping my EventBrite coordinators panel and playing StarCraft 2 for the forseeable future.
Arco on
Like this, not like the gas station.
Organizer of the Post-PAX Party. You should come!
Satellite Theater for life!
I'm still figuring out what I plan to do for people picking up their badges. Your suggestions are helpful, as I am dumb.
If you are not busy Thursday afternoon, I'd say just to cop a squat next to the Will Call at the Sheraton for a little bit and hand them out. Also, when the schedule comes out, you can comb it to find any lulls (not lulz) in your timeframe and set some preordained meeting times/places.
I'm still figuring out what I plan to do for people picking up their badges. Your suggestions are helpful, as I am dumb.
If you are not busy Thursday afternoon, I'd say just to cop a squat next to the Will Call at the Sheraton for a little bit and hand them out. Also, when the schedule comes out, you can comb it to find any lulls (not lulz) in your timeframe and set some preordained meeting times/places.
Acro, are you enforcing on Thursday? If you could get scheduled to do will call, you could double duty it up. Or would that be frowned upon?
FYI, the EventBrite count is correct. 126 tickets/130 tickets sold. 4 left. My life is about camping my EventBrite coordinators panel and playing StarCraft 2 for the forseeable future.
Woah, I'm glad I didn't wait any longer to sign up, the count says I got the third-last ticket.
I had a blast last year, looking forward to going again.
As a congratulations and thank you to everyone who bought tickets, and especially to those who donated to the raffle fund, I have a picture of something I bought for the raffle today...
Arco on
Like this, not like the gas station.
Organizer of the Post-PAX Party. You should come!
Satellite Theater for life!
So we get stiff once in a while. So we have a little fun. What’s wrong with that? This is a free country, isn’t it? I can take my panda any place I want to. And if I wanna buy it a drink, that’s my business.
This party is an awesome idea; I can't believe that I didn't check out the forums to see that stuff like this was going on around PAX last year. Definitely looking forward to it.
We're getting bigger and better every year. We might not even fit in the Taphouse next year. We've got both of their private party/banquet rooms at this point, so the next option would be the whole restaurant. I'm not sure they have an option for groups that are too big for the banquet rooms but too small for the whole place, and that's kind of where we fit.
Arco on
Like this, not like the gas station.
Organizer of the Post-PAX Party. You should come!
Satellite Theater for life!
OK, I bought a ticket, and I've scanned the thread, and I didn't find the answer, so if this has been answered already, I apologize but...
How do we enter the raffle?
You get a raffle ticket as part of your admission price. It's not the kind of raffle where you buy tickets, and the more tickets you buy the more chance you have of winning. Everyone who paid to get in has one ticket, and everyone has the same odds of winning (1/130).
Arco on
Like this, not like the gas station.
Organizer of the Post-PAX Party. You should come!
Satellite Theater for life!
OK, I bought a ticket, and I've scanned the thread, and I didn't find the answer, so if this has been answered already, I apologize but...
How do we enter the raffle?
You get a raffle ticket as part of your admission price. It's not the kind of raffle where you buy tickets, and the more tickets you buy the more chance you have of winning. Everyone who paid to get in has one ticket, and everyone has the same odds of winning (1/130).
Actually, this raises another question... I'm assuming there will be quite a few prizes at the raffle, ranging from expensive cool stuff (like the SC2 collector's edition) to random donated DS games and stuff.
Are you going to raffle off the stuff in order from biggest-prizes to smallest-prizes? I mean, there doesn't have to be a set order or anything, just a general grouping.
It'd suck if someone won a drawing for something small and had to choose between turning down the item to get their ticket back in or passing up the chance at something big.
Yeah I figured as such. I have no qualms with paying for being a picky eater. I can't imagine who in their right mind would actually o_O.
I never finish anyth
It might also make sense to mail them out en masse to organizers for the various trips to distribute when people join up. Or possibly set a meet-up time at the Sheraton to hand them out near registration.
As far as food goes the option of having vegetarian options is nice, but let's not also forget about the possible need for vegan and lactose intolerant options. It might just be San Francisco, but with my group of friend's it's rapidly become a problem to work out food choices: at least two vegan friends, two veggie who eat fish, one carnivore who's lactose-intolerant, a veggie-leaning omnivore, and myself, a dyed-in-the-wool carnivore who finds vegetables to generally be icky and hates mushrooms. Trying to simply order a pizza is a special kind of nightmare.
Oh, and if the crab-stuffed mushrooms get chosen over the crab cakes I will stab someone.
While Seattle seems to have it together a lot more on the seafood front I'm still amazed at how bad seafood often is in San Francisco. We've polluted the ocean and the bay so much that crab is about the only thing that's ever really notable. Otherwise I often find that prices, selection, and quality at the grocery store aren't that much different than when I lived in Kansas. Who cares about the planet, damage to the oceans and overfishing is affecting my choice of dinner!
I'll only go so far to accommodate dietary needs, especially when planning for 130 people. There's going to be several animals, some bread, probably some dairy, and some vegetables. It will all taste delicious. If you can't find something to eat in that mix, feel free to grab a menu.
As far as the bracelets/packets go, I basically just made myself available all during PAX last year to meet up with people and give them their packets. While it was fun meeting people, it was a little hectic with my phone blowing up all the time (not to mention the $80 in text overages [I have unlimited now, precisely because of that weekend]), and having to run around meeting people. I'm enforcing this year, so I won't really be as available as I was previously.
I do need to figure out a better system, but I'm not sure one exists. I'm looking for less cost, less effort, and better results, and those things very rarely converge into the same option.
Organizer of the Post-PAX Party. You should come!
Satellite Theater for life!
Switch: US 1651-2551-4335 JP 6310-4664-2624
MH3U Monster Cheat Sheet / MH3U Veggie Elder Ticket Guide
3DS Friend Code: 2707-1614-5576
PAX Prime 2014 Buttoneering!
Update on EventBrite: their site is mega broken. They've "escalated it to their engineering department with "high" priority," and I'm told that they're going to give me a discount or waive part of my fees for ticket sales being unavailable for so long.
In the event that I do get some fees waived, that amount will go into the raffle fund.
For the time being, anyone who wants to buy tickets needs to PayPal me using the directions in the OP.
25 tickets left!
Organizer of the Post-PAX Party. You should come!
Satellite Theater for life!
People have been buying tickets via PayPal from me all day, and we're down to 20 tickets left! 20 tickets!
Once the tickets are sold out (most likely before the weekend is over) I'm going shopping for the raffle prizes. Raffle fund is over $400, so it should be a fun day for me. Or maybe I'll wait until I'm in Seattle, that way I don't have to pack them. That might be smart.
Organizer of the Post-PAX Party. You should come!
Satellite Theater for life!
The ticket sales page is definitely fixed! One more ticket down, and may I just say how EXCITED I am?
Would the hotels be willing to hold letters for people? If people are willing to tell you which hotel they're at you could drop those envelopes off to the hotels and people could ask for them when they check in? (Within a certain small downtown radius)
I know this is two posts in a row, but I couldn't resist saying that this was AWESOME last year, absolutely delicious, vote for it!
Irresponsible Random Chatter - The IRC Webcast | Toasty Corp. Productions presents Video Games of 2010
This was actually more my point. If we're picking out vegetarian options it might be best if we went that extra step and tried to pick out vegan options so both bases are covered. It's not really a big deal to me personally, but I considering how trained I've become I couldn't help but notice how very few of the vegetarian options would generally be vegan.
The real question, of course, is does it even matter?
If we know where you'll be a few times, we'd probably be less likely to crazy fan girl stalk you and GPS tracker you.
+1, this would be very helpful.
I'm still figuring out what I plan to do for people picking up their badges. Your suggestions are helpful, as I am dumb.
Make sure you vote in the food poll! About 100/120 have voted, so that's almost everybody.
Uhh, yeah. This rules. I had no idea we'd sell out this fast; we're probably going to sell all 130 tickets before July is over, and ticket sales started on the sixth. So that's 130 tickets in about 3 weeks. Wow.
Organizer of the Post-PAX Party. You should come!
Satellite Theater for life!
Organizer of the Post-PAX Party. You should come!
Satellite Theater for life!
Yes, yes I do.
A quick question, though, and sorry if this is mentioned elsewhere in the thread as I haven't read through it, but what do we present when entering the Taphouse? Just IDs since we had to enter our names, or do we also need the e-mail confirmation? Apologies for the nub question, I'm a still sort of trying to figure out how all the events work.
Edit: Gah, ninja'd!
Edit edit: Nevermind, saw the e-mail. Print out the tickets, gotcha! Thanks for putting the event together and see you all there!
Organizer of the Post-PAX Party. You should come!
Satellite Theater for life!
If you are not busy Thursday afternoon, I'd say just to cop a squat next to the Will Call at the Sheraton for a little bit and hand them out. Also, when the schedule comes out, you can comb it to find any lulls (not lulz) in your timeframe and set some preordained meeting times/places.
Acro, are you enforcing on Thursday? If you could get scheduled to do will call, you could double duty it up. Or would that be frowned upon?
I'll definitely figure it out. Last year worked, it was just time consuming. Worst case scenario I do that again.
Organizer of the Post-PAX Party. You should come!
Satellite Theater for life!
Woah, I'm glad I didn't wait any longer to sign up, the count says I got the third-last ticket.
I had a blast last year, looking forward to going again.
As a congratulations and thank you to everyone who bought tickets, and especially to those who donated to the raffle fund, I have a picture of something I bought for the raffle today...
Organizer of the Post-PAX Party. You should come!
Satellite Theater for life!
3DS Friend Code: 2707-1614-5576
PAX Prime 2014 Buttoneering!
Inquisitor77: Rius, you are Sisyphus and melee Wizard is your boulder
Tube: This must be what it felt like to be an Iraqi when Saddam was killed
Bookish Stickers - Mrs. Rius' Etsy shop with bumper stickers and vinyl decals.
Organizer of the Post-PAX Party. You should come!
Satellite Theater for life!
Inquisitor77: Rius, you are Sisyphus and melee Wizard is your boulder
Tube: This must be what it felt like to be an Iraqi when Saddam was killed
Bookish Stickers - Mrs. Rius' Etsy shop with bumper stickers and vinyl decals.
Organizer of the Post-PAX Party. You should come!
Satellite Theater for life!
Haha, damn. Well, we're raising $5200 this year with 130 people so... Can they fit 875 people?
Maybe we should start looking at corporate sponsorship.
Inquisitor77: Rius, you are Sisyphus and melee Wizard is your boulder
Tube: This must be what it felt like to be an Iraqi when Saddam was killed
Bookish Stickers - Mrs. Rius' Etsy shop with bumper stickers and vinyl decals.
How do we enter the raffle?
You get a raffle ticket as part of your admission price. It's not the kind of raffle where you buy tickets, and the more tickets you buy the more chance you have of winning. Everyone who paid to get in has one ticket, and everyone has the same odds of winning (1/130).
Organizer of the Post-PAX Party. You should come!
Satellite Theater for life!
Actually, this raises another question... I'm assuming there will be quite a few prizes at the raffle, ranging from expensive cool stuff (like the SC2 collector's edition) to random donated DS games and stuff.
Are you going to raffle off the stuff in order from biggest-prizes to smallest-prizes? I mean, there doesn't have to be a set order or anything, just a general grouping.
It'd suck if someone won a drawing for something small and had to choose between turning down the item to get their ticket back in or passing up the chance at something big.