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2nd Annual Post-PAX Party at The Taphouse! WE'RE SOLD OUT!



  • ImperfectImperfect Toronto, Ontario, CanadaRegistered User regular
    edited September 2010
    Bahahah, I remember playing... bass I think on that? With Chris (I forget your forum name), Rius, and... fuck my memories of that evening are weaksauce. Who was our fourth?

    Meh meh meh meh!

    Imperfect on
  • TeletheusTeletheus Registered User regular
    edited September 2010
    The Cartman version or the Gaga version? We heard both over the course of the night. :) I think I played bass on the Cartman version? The night's a bit of a blur.

    Teletheus on
    PSN/XBL/Steam/Twitter: Teletheus
  • ImperfectImperfect Toronto, Ontario, CanadaRegistered User regular
    edited September 2010
    The cartman version. I was up there on SOME guitar for that, is all I remember.

    Imperfect on
  • TeletheusTeletheus Registered User regular
    edited September 2010
    I'm pretty sure I was playing bass for that, because I seem to remember missing a few notes here and there because I was too busy growling the mehs. :)

    Teletheus on
    PSN/XBL/Steam/Twitter: Teletheus
  • ArcoArco Registered User regular
    edited September 2010
    I'll post a proper update soon. Passing out now. Thanks for everyone who came, and sorry I cut out early. I was thrashed. Taphouse did great. You all rule.

    Arco on
    Like this, not like the gas station.
    Organizer of the Post-PAX Party. You should come!
    Satellite Theater for life!
  • BelgandBelgand Registered User regular
    edited September 2010
    Definitely coming back to PAX next year, definitely doing this again next year. I, however, did make the mistake of getting people's real names at this thing, so I have no idea who people are on these forums. *facepalm*

    Yeah, I got there and realized that even after putting my forum badge on my sweet Sonic lanyard I completely forgot and left it in my room. It seems like I wasn't alone though and almost nobody else had a forum badge either. If anything we should try to bring a supply of name tags for next year so people who forget their badges can still have a way to be known.

    I was the guy with long hair and glasses wearing a green shirt with a pin-up girl riding a giant robot on it.

    As well, many thanks to Arco. Not only was the party great, but you ran everything wonderfully. From getting tickets to handling the raffle the only complaint I had was that I had to go home eventually.

    Belgand on
  • EmodEmod Registered User regular
    edited September 2010
    Arco, thanks again to you and everyone else that helped put this together. Great food, fun, and raffle prizes. I'm finally back home and installing SC2 right now and can't wait to play it. It was amazingly gracious of Mentok(?) to pass on such and awesome prize. I think this will be the first non-Steam game I've gotten since moving to Asia so it's definitely quite a treat.

    Emod on
  • ninjownedninjowned Registered User regular
    edited September 2010
    testtest ca[s

    ninjowned on
  • asleepypandaasleepypanda Registered User regular
    edited September 2010
    A piece of video from the party. :)

    asleepypanda on
  • Raiden333Raiden333 Registered User regular
    edited September 2010
    Awesome! I was on drums there.

    I remember the four of us deciding on a song going

    "Is it time for Don't Stop Believin' yet?"

    "...It's always time for Don't Stop Believin'."

    Raiden333 on
  • RiusRius Globex CEO Nobody ever says ItalyRegistered User regular
    edited September 2010
    Anyone got video of Still Alive? From either year?

    Rius on
  • basicallygeekbasicallygeek Registered User regular
    edited September 2010
    Ah, Don't Stop Believin', good times:) Thanks for that video, asleepypanda!

    basicallygeek on
  • afeil117afeil117 Registered User regular
    edited September 2010
    So glad you can hear the "giggity giggity giggity goo!" in the background.

    afeil117 on
    Rocko Is NOT Amused!
  • ArcoArco Registered User regular
    edited September 2010
    HUGE thanks to everyone who came out, partied, and made this year even better than last year. It was awesome! We had some hiccups, like the other projector in the big room being out for the night and me forgetting my Rock Band 2 disc, but overall it was a huge success and a marked improvement over last year's festivities. I can't wait to organize it again for Prime 2011.

    Some things:

    1) It's possible that we won't be at the Taphouse next year. As demonstrated by this year, I have absolutely no problem selling a hundred plus tickets at $40 per, with raffle money, and you guys are perfectly willing to buy them. But that doesn't mean that I'm happy about the ticket price. $40 is high, especially with no alcohol, and I think it excludes people. Now that we have the "vibe" of the party pretty much sorted out, and the party itself is established, I want to shop it around. There are other venues in the area that may be able to accommodate us for cheaper, and I want to see if it's possible. $40 is steep. I want to try and bring that down, if you guys are willing to go someplace other than the Taphouse (their prices are firm). Thoughts?

    2) The raffle was a HUGE success this year, and I'm looking forward to doing it again next year. I'm really glad we were able to give so many awesome prizes away. Thanks to everyone who donated, either prizes or money. It was definitely a lot to ask, for people to give money on TOP of the steep $40 ticket price. But you guys did it and made the raffle awesome.

    3) Thanks to anyone who bought or offered to buy me a drink.

    4) I already forget his name, but special thanks to the PAXer who brought his PS3 and huge stack of 360 games. That was his Rock Band 2 disc you guys were playing on all night long, as well as his PS3 in the smaller room.

    5) Even more special thanks to Mentok, who was the awesome dude up front taking your names and handing out bracelets and raffle tickets. He volunteered for that because he's awesome, and even though he missed out on a chunk of the party because he was stuck upstairs, he never complained. Huge thanks.

    There were a few things I was disappointed in. Obviously the projector being out was lame. They turned it on earlier that day and the bulb went out. I guess that's the kind of thing you can't really anticipate, but still. I think a place that makes a decent chunk of its business from doing special events like that should be prepared with spare bulbs.

    I was also disappointed in the fact that we only had one food station set up, although I will admit that having it on that pool table, which allowed people to gather AROUND it instead of lining up in FRONT of it, made things move a lot faster. Still. I was told there would be two food stations, and that never materialized.

    The biggest disappointment was that we had to disconnect the 360 in the big room at the three hour mark. The manager last year, Aaron, let us continue to play until the place closed, and it was awesome. We were able to keep the Wii and PS3 going in the other room, but it was still a bummer to lose the biggest screen. I think for the amount of money they're making off of us, they should let us keep all of them going.

    Overall, though, it was a great night. The Taphouse is a good venue, and despite my minor complaints they take very good care of us.

    If any of you have input for next year, I'll definitely read it and incorporate it into whatever I plan. Most if not all of the improvements that occurred this year were a direct result of the feedback I gathered from you guys. Please let me know how to make your party better for next year, and I'll do my best.

    Thanks again for coming out. I hope to see ALL of you at PAX East 2011!

    Arco on
    Like this, not like the gas station.
    Organizer of the Post-PAX Party. You should come!
    Satellite Theater for life!
  • VisionOfClarityVisionOfClarity Registered User regular
    edited September 2010
    That was my only question, what do you have planned for East this year...

    VisionOfClarity on
  • basicallygeekbasicallygeek Registered User regular
    edited September 2010
    Arco wrote: »
    HUGE thanks to everyone who came out, partied, and made this year even better than last year. It was awesome! We had some hiccups, like the other projector in the big room being out for the night and me forgetting my Rock Band 2 disc, but overall it was a huge success and a marked improvement over last year's festivities. I can't wait to organize it again for Prime 2011.

    Some things:

    1) It's possible that we won't be at the Taphouse next year. As demonstrated by this year, I have absolutely no problem selling a hundred plus tickets at $40 per, with raffle money, and you guys are perfectly willing to buy them. But that doesn't mean that I'm happy about the ticket price. $40 is high, especially with no alcohol, and I think it excludes people. Now that we have the "vibe" of the party pretty much sorted out, and the party itself is established, I want to shop it around. There are other venues in the area that may be able to accommodate us for cheaper, and I want to see if it's possible. $40 is steep. I want to try and bring that down, if you guys are willing to go someplace other than the Taphouse (their prices are firm). Thoughts?

    It is a little steep (and I didn't even eat much, I was on the Rock Band line so much!) That said, it was a great time. Even one free drink ticket with the price of admission takes the sting out of the price tag imo.

    basicallygeek on
  • ArcoArco Registered User regular
    edited September 2010
    That was my only question, what do you have planned for East this year...

    I didn't do anything for East this previous year. I'm not entirely sure I want to do something for East. But I'm open to suggestions. PM me.

    Arco on
    Like this, not like the gas station.
    Organizer of the Post-PAX Party. You should come!
    Satellite Theater for life!
  • TeletheusTeletheus Registered User regular
    edited September 2010
    Arco wrote: »
    That was my only question, what do you have planned for East this year...

    I didn't do anything for East this previous year. I'm not entirely sure I want to do something for East. But I'm open to suggestions. PM me.

    All I know is that if it's anything close to the post-PAX Prime party, it'll be awesome. :) Don't know anything about Boston, though, so I wouldn't be able to come up with venues or anything.

    Regarding next year: If the Taphouse would actually let us keep the rooms all night, I'd be perfectly happy with keeping it there at that cost (or even a little more). I really liked the food, the bartender was great, and it had a great atmosphere. That said... now that you've proven you can bring a big crowd, we ought to be able to keep the place longer. If we need to go elsewhere to do that, I'd support that.

    Teletheus on
    PSN/XBL/Steam/Twitter: Teletheus
This discussion has been closed.