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[EAST] PAX East 2013 Cosplay Thread

StealthyPirateStealthyPirate Registered User regular
edited September 2012 in PAX East
I am already planning costumes for next year and I have decided on going as Ninjas from Mortal Kombat. Throwing it out there to see how many ninjas we can get for some seriously fun cosplay and of course photo ops.

zerzhul on


  • OhyOhy Registered User regular
    I have not dressed up in both times I've gone. Planning on making a costume with a friend from the help of another friend :p Saw you walking around too, cool helmet! Ninja seems like a fairly easy thing so it shouldn't be hard to find people

  • JOEPROJOEPRO Grandmaster of the Lin Kuei Wilmington, DelawareRegistered User regular
    Sweet, yeah I cosplayed as my own portrayal of Sub-Zero this year and plan to do it again next year! Didn't get a chance to battle another MK cosplayer but I got pics with Noob Saibot, Scorpion, Kitana, also Jax, Johnny Cage, and I met another dude (out of costume) who cosplayed Sub-Zero as well. Also, got pics with the Sub-Zero, Ermac, and Goro cutouts. I'm down for any and all photo ops and battles.

    The ex-hosts of X-Play & Attack of the Show should be the floor hosts of the streams at PAX East!
  • OhyOhy Registered User regular
    edited April 2012
    JOEPRO wrote: »
    Sweet, yeah I cosplayed as my own portrayal of Sub-Zero this year and plan to do it again next year! Didn't get a chance to battle another MK cosplayer but I got pics with Noob Saibot, Scorpion, Kitana, also Jax, Johnny Cage, and I met another dude (out of costume) who cosplayed Sub-Zero as well. Also, got pics with the Sub-Zero, Ermac, and Goro cutouts. I'm down for any and all photo ops and battles.

    Hey dude, it's me, the guy that was your team mate in halo tournament! I was the one in the black shirt with the puma logo. The guy who only played reach once ha

    Ohy on
  • StealthyPirateStealthyPirate Registered User regular
    I am going to be pepping out masks for all the ninjas so I can lend some if need be but I am at a loss as far as fabric construction goes.....I can do armor, fiberglass, and metal work but I need to be good friends with needle and thread. I will be battling and posing with as many as I can In my suit.

  • AthenaRoseAthenaRose Registered User regular
    I think that next year my husband and I may go as either Sailor Moon or Harry Potter characters =).

  • vttymvttym Ardent Gamer Northern NJRegistered User regular
    I've told myself both years I've been to PAX East that I wanted to go as Agent Francis York Morgan (Call me York, everyone does).

    I will make sure I do so next year. It's not exactly a difficult thing to do, just need to spend time playing the game again, get a few props and be done with it!

  • Lucid_SeraphLucid_Seraph TealDeer MarylandRegistered User regular
    Probably reviving my Protomen Megaman cosplay, but this time with a gun and some other fun things I just didn't have time to put together this go 'round (like armor). Might also make a Protomen!Roll outfit just for kicks, too.

  • Thin Red PasteThin Red Paste Way out in the sticks.Registered User regular
    if I can pack it, I'll take my protomen protoman, but most likely I'll be commissarring again. Got some improvements planned for that one.

  • XX55XXXX55XX Registered User regular
    This year, I did Cole Phelps, but no one seemed to really notice... I just looked like I was wearing regular clothing.

    Not sure what I want to do next year...

  • PorkchopPorkchop Registered User regular
    XX55XX wrote: »
    This year, I did Cole Phelps, but no one seemed to really notice... I just looked like I was wearing regular clothing.

    Not sure what I want to do next year...

    Not sure if this was you, but there was a guy with the "Truth, Doubt, Lie" UI on a sign above his head. Without that sign I wouldn't have had a clue who he was--PAX people dress in all sorts of crazy ways even when they're not in costume.

    I'd say with something "generic" like Cole, you'd need a prop like that in order to get attention. While, say, Professor Layton has his signature hat, so he's recognizable without any other help.

  • XX55XXXX55XX Registered User regular
    Porkchop wrote: »
    XX55XX wrote: »
    This year, I did Cole Phelps, but no one seemed to really notice... I just looked like I was wearing regular clothing.

    Not sure what I want to do next year...

    Not sure if this was you, but there was a guy with the "Truth, Doubt, Lie" UI on a sign above his head. Without that sign I wouldn't have had a clue who he was--PAX people dress in all sorts of crazy ways even when they're not in costume.

    I'd say with something "generic" like Cole, you'd need a prop like that in order to get attention. While, say, Professor Layton has his signature hat, so he's recognizable without any other help.

    Nope, wasn't me. Heard about this guy though when I told people about my "costume".

    Unfortunately, to most people, I was just dressed a little more formally than usual.

  • Ghostbusters of NHGhostbusters of NH Registered User regular
    I feel like I just about tapped myself out on Ghostbusters costumes. I've triad the last 3 years to doing something new or all something big to my costumes.

    2010: Ghostbuster
    2011: added PKE Meter, Goggles, and Trap
    2012: Friday: Slime Blower Saturday: Hello Kitty Proton Pack

    Unless I do another cross over Proton Pack I think I may be screwed. :(

  • LexiconGrrlLexiconGrrl Registered User regular
    I feel like I just about tapped myself out on Ghostbusters costumes. I've triad the last 3 years to doing something new or all something big to my costumes.

    2010: Ghostbuster
    2011: added PKE Meter, Goggles, and Trap
    2012: Friday: Slime Blower Saturday: Hello Kitty Proton Pack

    Unless I do another cross over Proton Pack I think I may be screwed. :(

    You could always add a friend dressed as Zuul to hang out with you.

    Happily on Sabbatical. Don't bug me.
  • robjames112robjames112 Registered User regular
    I feel like I just about tapped myself out on Ghostbusters costumes. I've triad the last 3 years to doing something new or all something big to my costumes.

    2010: Ghostbuster
    2011: added PKE Meter, Goggles, and Trap
    2012: Friday: Slime Blower Saturday: Hello Kitty Proton Pack

    Unless I do another cross over Proton Pack I think I may be screwed. :(


  • MissMoogleMissMoogle Registered User regular
    Hey Everyone!

    So I am currently in the midst of putting together a Gerudo Guard cosplay (from Zelda Ocarina of Time) for next years PAX East. I already have one person who is interested in doing this cosplay as a pair, but I was wondering if anyone else would be interested in doing this group cosplay with us? :D

    Here are two very basic reference pics I am using:



    This cosplay will be relatively cheap! (estimating right now to about 50-70 dollars for the entire costume) My roommate is a professional cosplay designer, and she will be making my gauntlets, belt, and accessories. she is willing to work on anyone else's costume who is interested in doing this cosplay with us.

    The other major parts of the costume will be the wig, pants/top, and the double swords (probably the funnest part of the cosplay :D) I have already purchased the pants/top and it only cost me $20.

    Feel free to reply to this comment or PM me if you are interested! Just think about how awesome it would be to get a group of Gerudo Guards running around PAX, perhaps chasing Links around lol!

    Xbox: totobomb
    PSN: totobomb

    Add me! :)
  • thedandmomthedandmom Registered User regular
    I'm planning as going as my webcomic character one day, not sure about the others though. Might make some armor out of all these free magic cards we got over the last two years.

  • KellyShepard087KellyShepard087 Myrtle Beach SCRegistered User regular
    That is totally wicked. I might just take you up on that offer.

    I will be doing my Spartan suit because it was such a big hit. But it could be really fun to be part of a group cosplay one of the days.

    - Biting's excellent! It's like kissing. Only there's a winner.

    Pax Attendee/Enforcer:
    Prime - '11 Attendee, '12 Enforcer, '13 Enforcer
    East - '12 Attendee, '15 Enforcer
  • NullzoneNullzone Registered User regular
    thedandmom wrote: »
    I'm planning as going as my webcomic character one day, not sure about the others though. Might make some armor out of all these free magic cards we got over the last two years.

    So "+1 Magic Armor"? :D

  • thedandmomthedandmom Registered User regular
    edited April 2012
    Nullzone wrote: »
    So "+1 Magic Armor"? :D
    Lol yeah. I found a neat way to make scales quickly and easily that I think might work.

    thedandmom on
  • Go! Shawn!Go! Shawn! New EnglandRegistered User regular
    I just wanted to drop a link to pictures i took at PAX East 2012. There are a lot of pictures of cosplayers. I also wanted to thank everyone that stopped and let me take their pictures.

    At PAX East 2014: Cosplay Noire Project:

    Dark, gritty, character centric portraits.
  • Seanyd781Seanyd781 Registered User regular
    Go! Shawn! wrote: »
    I just wanted to drop a link to pictures i took at PAX East 2012. There are a lot of pictures of cosplayers. I also wanted to thank everyone that stopped and let me take their pictures.

    Thanks for posting the pictures! My best friend was the "sexy" Ghost from MW2, im gonna send her those photos!

    - As for next year's cosplay, I REALLY wanna cosplay next year. Was planning on being Ghost from MW2 but I let my friend take the role as a female version of him, so at the moment I may just make a serious upgrade to the Ghost outfit I already have for next year.

  • XX55XXXX55XX Registered User regular
    I just discovered what I want to do next year:

    I'm going as Agent Smith from the Matrix, as irrelevant as that costume might be.

  • thedandmomthedandmom Registered User regular
    i got my pick punch in the mail today. I will be starting with gauntlets to see how well it works for armor

  • XX55XXXX55XX Registered User regular
    I know that is still more than 10 months away, but I got some new ideas for costumes, some of which are Half-Life related:

    1. Resistance fighter from Half-Life 2
    2. Gordon Freeman (I'll go with a white lab coat instead of an HEV suit)
    3. Paratrooper of the 82nd Airborne
    4. Agent Smith from the Matrix

    I'm leaning towards Gordon Freeman at the moment.

  • Thin Red PasteThin Red Paste Way out in the sticks.Registered User regular
    edited May 2012
    In light of recent improvements to my protomen insprired Protoman outfit, I guess I'm going to have to make room in my luggage for an arm cannon and a motorcycle helmet next year. I'll see about pictures once I do some more on the helmet. I had been going to buy a new helmet to protomanify since the one i've been wearing is the main helmet i wear riding, but now that I think about it I can't see a valid reason NOT to wear a protoman helmet on the bike all the time. So I'ma do a little work on that. It'll stand out a bit from the rest of the costume though, since i'm not going to intentionally beat it up like I've done with the rest.

    Commissar is also still a go.

    Also considering throwing together a S.T.A.L.K.E.R. but I dunno about that one.

    Thin Red Paste on
  • RevPicky86RevPicky86 Gloucester, MA.Registered User regular
    I've gone as Batman on saturday the past 2 years. I made minor improvements for my second attempt. I also had a Robin and Nightwing with me during the second year. For 2013 I want to make a whole new suit based on the New 52 suits. with a Batman, Robin, Red Robin and Nightwing. It's gunna be fun on a bun.

  • riathewolfriathewolf Registered User regular
    Hey there! I was Daenerys last year and had a ball. Everyone was so sweet :). I'm hoping to bring back a Season 2 version of her and possibly a Talia Al Ghul cosplay as well this year. Can't wait!

  • kemikalkemikal Registered User regular
    MissMoogle wrote: »
    Hey Everyone!

    So I am currently in the midst of putting together a Gerudo Guard cosplay (from Zelda Ocarina of Time) for next years PAX East. I already have one person who is interested in doing this cosplay as a pair, but I was wondering if anyone else would be interested in doing this group cosplay with us? :D

    Here are two very basic reference pics I am using:


    This cosplay will be relatively cheap! (estimating right now to about 50-70 dollars for the entire costume) My roommate is a professional cosplay designer, and she will be making my gauntlets, belt, and accessories. she is willing to work on anyone else's costume who is interested in doing this cosplay with us.

    The other major parts of the costume will be the wig, pants/top, and the double swords (probably the funnest part of the cosplay :D) I have already purchased the pants/top and it only cost me $20.

    Feel free to reply to this comment or PM me if you are interested! Just think about how awesome it would be to get a group of Gerudo Guards running around PAX, perhaps chasing Links around lol!

    I would so do this with you! Would I be able to commission your roommate to make me matching gauntlets, belt, and accessories? Also, where did you buy the pants and top from?

    I was planning on doing a cosplay of a female berserker from Torchlight 2. But it would only be my third cosplay, and I'm not sure how big a task it would be to create the majority of the costume from scratch and hand sew it. I don't have a sewing machine, don't really know how to use one, and am actually a lot more comfortable with hand sewing, but it just takes forever!

    Assassin's Ball, Prime '13: @CowboyVerse
    TWDT '13: Hufflepuff OotP
  • Oogre335Oogre335 Registered User new member
    Last year the gf and I were doctor who related. She did a tardis dress and the 11th doctor and Ijust liked wearing a fez. This time we got a few friends coming so the current plan is:
    1.) Steampunk mafia
    2.) Orc boys/imperial guard
    3.) Weaping angels and follow random people all day.
    So if anyone wants to join ill post more when Igot more info

  • PayneTraynePayneTrayne Canuck Registered User regular
    Gonna be dawning the crimson cape once more and become Canadaman. Other than that I'm not quite sure just yet.

    PAX East 2015:Get on Pokecrawl Team Yellow Silver [ ] Pass [X] Vacation Time [X] Hotel [X] Flights [ ] PAX East 2015 Complete [ X ] Sell Extra Set of Badges because Friend Bailed [ ]
  • OnmitsuOnmitsu I'm just a birdie Ca-caw, ca-caw!Registered User regular
    We've got a few things in the works, including a big FF tactics group, once again upgraded Protomen cosplay, and Starcraft.

    Man, even Dora the Explorer thinks you're slow.
  • GeekyPanda404GeekyPanda404 The Geeky Panda ConnecticutRegistered User regular
    Next year this is what I am planning,

    - Gurlukovich Mercenaries (Metal Gear Solid 2)
    - Battlefield 3 Assault or Support (Battlefield 3)
    - ODST (Halo ODST or Halo 4)
    - Nikolai (Nazi Zombies)

    Due to weapon's policy most likely going to use a Blue Gun for the Gurlukovich Merc and BF3 Persona to make things easier for me.

  • ArcadiaExeterArcadiaExeter Boston MARegistered User regular
    I am already buying/making items for my costume. i'm going as Master from Lookouts (mostly because i already have the hair) and i'm having trouble finding a shirt like his. i can find some but not in that reddish-brown color. only dark brown. does anyone know where i can find one like that in that color?

  • tvethiopiatvethiopia Salem MARegistered User regular
    potential cosplay ideas for pax include:

    -femme 11th doctor (doctor who)
    -femHawke mage in champion armor (dragon age 2)
    -member of the white glove society (fallout new vegas)
    -some variant of daisy (various mario stuff)

    femHawke would be the most dramatic, but also would involve a lot of work and i don't know if i'll actually be able to complete it. also, if anyone knows of any female characters with glasses who DON'T wear skintight bodysuits, i'm open to ideas.

    yay pax east planning!!!

    <3 Daintier. Smarter. Better dressed. <3
  • MissMoogleMissMoogle Registered User regular
    kemikal wrote: »
    MissMoogle wrote: »
    Hey Everyone!

    So I am currently in the midst of putting together a Gerudo Guard cosplay (from Zelda Ocarina of Time) for next years PAX East. I already have one person who is interested in doing this cosplay as a pair, but I was wondering if anyone else would be interested in doing this group cosplay with us? :D

    Here are two very basic reference pics I am using:


    This cosplay will be relatively cheap! (estimating right now to about 50-70 dollars for the entire costume) My roommate is a professional cosplay designer, and she will be making my gauntlets, belt, and accessories. she is willing to work on anyone else's costume who is interested in doing this cosplay with us.

    The other major parts of the costume will be the wig, pants/top, and the double swords (probably the funnest part of the cosplay :D) I have already purchased the pants/top and it only cost me $20.

    Feel free to reply to this comment or PM me if you are interested! Just think about how awesome it would be to get a group of Gerudo Guards running around PAX, perhaps chasing Links around lol!

    I would so do this with you! Would I be able to commission your roommate to make me matching gauntlets, belt, and accessories? Also, where did you buy the pants and top from?

    I was planning on doing a cosplay of a female berserker from Torchlight 2. But it would only be my third cosplay, and I'm not sure how big a task it would be to create the majority of the costume from scratch and hand sew it. I don't have a sewing machine, don't really know how to use one, and am actually a lot more comfortable with hand sewing, but it just takes forever!

    So turns out I was able to get my Gerudo Guard cosplay together in time for Otakon! Here's how it turned out:

    here's a shot of just the costume:


    And here's a shot of me with a bunch of Ganondorfs I came across haha! XD


    Sorry that they are instagram photos, it was just easier because I already had the image code for them.

    Anyways, the Gerudo Guard cosplay was wonderful! I will say though the the durability of the costume was not so good. By the third day my shoes (which were basically really thin flats) were falling apart, and the wig was having issues to. Because of this, I decided to throw on my sisters Twilight Princess cosplay for Sunday, which was really awesome too!:


    So here is how both turned out:


    So I plan on bringing both cosplays to PAX 2013, but at this point I have a TON of other projects going on right now that I'm really excited about so its going to be hard to choose. If people are interested in doing a Zelda group, I'm all down for it, but here is what I'm working on now:

    -Bioshock Little Sister
    -Ramona Flowers
    -Revamping my previous Fallout 3 cosplay
    -Lady Deadpool

    I am def going to MAGfest and doing my Ramona Flowers cosplay there since its pretty much complete. But I am already starting to get pumped/ready for PAX East 2013, this will be my third time going and I cannot wait :D

    Xbox: totobomb
    PSN: totobomb

    Add me! :)
  • ishtraishtra Long IslandRegistered User regular
    going with LoL again :D hoping to get in more of the group shots :P

    Attendee: PAX East 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2018, Unplugged 2017
  • Lucid_SeraphLucid_Seraph TealDeer MarylandRegistered User regular

    I want to make a cosplay of Aqua from Kingdom Hearts. I don't know if I have enough time. Seriously. Because...

    How the HELL do you make that top? It's like a backless tanktop corset combo... thingy? What? And in my case, because I'm flat-chested as a fourteen year old boy, I'd really need to have this thing shaped and with actual corset pieces...

    I've tried googling for help, but 99% of all Kingdom Hearts related cosplay questions boil down to "is it ok to kiss my axel in public 0u0 kya kawaii desu~" and I'm like

    god damn it kingdom hearts fans

  • ishtraishtra Long IslandRegistered User regular
    How the HELL do you make that top? It's like a backless tanktop corset combo... thingy?

    Can you get a black underbust corset and then a top with some leather or fabric panels to match the corset somehow? Backless would be a little tricky - but at least it might be close

    Attendee: PAX East 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2018, Unplugged 2017
  • Lucid_SeraphLucid_Seraph TealDeer MarylandRegistered User regular
    Hmmm. that might be doable, yeah. I'd probably have to make it all myself to get the ribbons right...

  • sanovahsanovah Nerd of the West San Diego, CaliforniaRegistered User regular
    edited September 2012
    Moved to the main one since it here more Pa attention

    sanovah on
This discussion has been closed.