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[EAST] PAX East 2013 Cosplay Thread



  • ishtraishtra Long IslandRegistered User regular
    Hmmm. that might be doable, yeah. I'd probably have to make it all myself to get the ribbons right...
    yeaah the laces to the sides only are a little tricky. Good Luck :P

    Attendee: PAX East 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2018, Unplugged 2017
  • InitialdorInitialdor Seattle's Carl Registered User regular
    edited September 2012
    Seattle's Carl might make it out there.

    Initialdor on
    2018 West: Badges [x] TWDT [Rclaw TT] Cosplay: Still bald. Still single. Still lovin' it!
    "Fantasy football still counts as fantasy." -DnD Greg
  • cocowoushicocowoushi Registered User regular
    Might also make a Protomen!Roll outfit just for kicks, too.

    I'm very interested in hearing more about this.

  • PayneTraynePayneTrayne Canuck Registered User regular
    Also, I'm tempted to buy a cheap suit and a pair of blue gloves. Easy and recognizable.

    PAX East 2015:Get on Pokecrawl Team Yellow Silver [ ] Pass [X] Vacation Time [X] Hotel [X] Flights [ ] PAX East 2015 Complete [ X ] Sell Extra Set of Badges because Friend Bailed [ ]
  • WolfieeWolfiee Web/Graphic Designer and Illustrator MARegistered User regular
    Making my own Skyrim costume this year. So far its looking awesome, so excited!

    Badges [ ] Hotel [ ] Complete [x] Excitement [x]
  • Ana NgAna Ng Registered User regular
    I've wanted to cosplay just about every year I've gone to PAX but never done it.

    I am thinking about really trying to do it this year... I've got an idea for a Wartortle costume of all things, LOL. The idea would be to get a simple headband to put the ears on, do a dress/tights or shirt/pants combo in the right colors, and then sew together a cover for my backpack to make it look like a shell with a tail coming out.

    I would love to do a Princess Zelda or Princess Peach because I like sewing, but trying to be realistic with time, money and my sewing skills I don't think I could pull off something that complicated and have it look good.

  • ishtraishtra Long IslandRegistered User regular
    Ana Ng wrote: »
    The idea would be to get a simple headband to put the ears on, do a dress/tights or shirt/pants combo in the right colors, and then sew together a cover for my backpack to make it look like a shell with a tail coming out.
    Sometimes those are the best too - the comfortable casual kind :P

    Attendee: PAX East 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2018, Unplugged 2017
  • Ana NgAna Ng Registered User regular
    ishtra wrote: »
    Ana Ng wrote: »
    The idea would be to get a simple headband to put the ears on, do a dress/tights or shirt/pants combo in the right colors, and then sew together a cover for my backpack to make it look like a shell with a tail coming out.
    Sometimes those are the best too - the comfortable casual kind :P

    That is EXACTLY my thought process. I want to be super comfy making my way around the show floor and sitting in lines for panels. I love the idea of an elaborate cosplay but they must be really uncomfortable for a long period of time.

  • ishtraishtra Long IslandRegistered User regular
    haha yeah - I am a fan of sitting without bumping people ... and being able to stop and eat a burger without dismantling a bunch of stuff

    Attendee: PAX East 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2018, Unplugged 2017
  • griff6659griff6659 Syracuse , NYRegistered User regular
    I'm thinking about going as a Khador Winter Guard Infantryman. Just have to figure out the coat I think.

    Well, that is a thing!

    PAX East 2014:
    Hotel [x] Transportaion [Driving] Passes [x] Challenge Coin [Soon]

  • ArcadiaExeterArcadiaExeter Boston MARegistered User regular
    ok so eye patch, cloak, and hair are looking good for Samson. im still working on finding the shirt and pants. boots and gloves on order. my wife says it's coming together nicely. i still need to find somewhere to get the sword belt too.

  • cocowoushicocowoushi Registered User regular
    ishtra wrote: »
    Hmmm. that might be doable, yeah. I'd probably have to make it all myself to get the ribbons right...
    yeaah the laces to the sides only are a little tricky. Good Luck :P

    A craft store should have hole punch pliers for Leather. Just be sure to measure everything so they line up!

    Given that I've been in a huge Protomen mood, I'm going to go as a Protoverse Roll Friday, and the other 2 days I'll probably be in my PAX Pokemon League outfit, if I get picked as a leader.

  • Lucid_SeraphLucid_Seraph TealDeer MarylandRegistered User regular
    cocowoushi wrote: »
    ishtra wrote: »
    Hmmm. that might be doable, yeah. I'd probably have to make it all myself to get the ribbons right...
    yeaah the laces to the sides only are a little tricky. Good Luck :P

    A craft store should have hole punch pliers for Leather. Just be sure to measure everything so they line up!

    Given that I've been in a huge Protomen mood, I'm going to go as a Protoverse Roll Friday, and the other 2 days I'll probably be in my PAX Pokemon League outfit, if I get picked as a leader.

    What are your thoughts on Proto!Roll? I might just revive my Proto!Mega costume, we'll see...

    Personally, I think going for the Old West look the rest of the band has would be pretty neat. YubiShines has also done some nice designs on Tumblr... <= bam <= and bam

  • cocowoushicocowoushi Registered User regular
    What are your thoughts on Proto!Roll?

    I'm still rather new to the cosplay scene, so right now I'm still in the "closet cosplay" stage. My take is sort of a mix of western and punk. I really do like those designs and I'm trying to decide if later on I'll add a more "dress" take on her outfit, but right now I'm going:
    Black skinny jeans, a black pearl-snap (tee?)shirt with white piping, red cowboy boots, red leather jacket, black and red fingerless bike gloves, and a black leg drop pouch. Looking to get some red pouches to add to the belt to look like first aid kits. Green strip of cloth for pony tail tie.

    And of course, a beaten red broom.

    Overall, it's not unique, but I'm still treading the waters of cosplay. Plus I figure I could reuse some elements when I finally decide to make a ProtoMan outfit one day.

    What were you ideas of a Proto!Roll?

  • Lady AmaltheaLady Amalthea Registered User regular
    I can't wait! I have a group that is going as Legend of Korra folks (sans Korra). So far we have a Amon, the Lieutenant, Lin, Asami, and Adult!Aang. It's going to be fun! I'm also contemplating a really crazy steampunk Jean Grey Phoenix costume inspired by this: ... but it might get sidelined due to cost...

    Who is going to PAX South?
  • JarretttheguyJarretttheguy Registered User regular
    I'm thinking about bringing Commander Keen back, I did that in 2011 and was enthusiastically received. Well, enthusiastically received by people around my age.

    I've been wanting to put together a Valkyria Chronciles Gallian Army Uniform, so I may do that. Replaying Force Unleashed, and luckily dating a lovely blond nerd, I was contemplating a Starkiller & Juno, but that's a lot of work. . .

    "In the Emperor's name, forsake this game, and begone!"
  • ArcadiaExeterArcadiaExeter Boston MARegistered User regular
    hells yes commander keen!

    i got the boots and gloves for my samson costume today. now all i need it shirt, pants, and swords. i'll post a picture of what i have so far soonish.

  • Thin Red PasteThin Red Paste Way out in the sticks.Registered User regular
    If I can make it this time, I want to try and bring two costumes. An Imperial Commissar which I wore last time, and a semi-protomen Protoman.


    The guy who took that picture also took a full body one but didn't post it. So here's me in my kitchen: protoq.jpg

    However, due to loss of job, the trip is in serious jeopardy.

  • GhostDanGhostDan Registered User regular
    I'm thinking about bringing Commander Keen back, I did that in 2011 and was enthusiastically received. Well, enthusiastically received by people around my age.

    Would love to see Command Keen. I spent so many hours playing the games (and built in pong)

  • tvethiopiatvethiopia Salem MARegistered User regular
    so i just discovered that the art & design book that comes with the special edition of borderlands 2 has a picture of the claptrap cosplayers (aka my bf and crew) from pax east! so awesome!

    <3 Daintier. Smarter. Better dressed. <3
  • riathewolfriathewolf Registered User regular
    Alright so it looks like I actually have two things pretty set in stone now. I will be bringing Talia Al Ghul and Terra Branford of Final Fantasy VI. to get sewing and working out lol.

  • KrisstaKrissta New HampshireRegistered User regular
    I'll be going as Alice again. :) It's just fun, and I love the excuse to wear my big ol' Doc Martens! Entertaining the idea of going as a female splicer from BioShock, or even as Elizabeth from BioShock: Infinite... We shall see. I am not a sewer. :(

  • gsuter11gsuter11 Registered User regular
    I had fun as Sly last year, I think I might be revamping the entire costume if I can't think of a different character to go as :p

  • gigabraingigabrain Some guy...yknow New HampshireRegistered User regular
    edited October 2012
    If I can get them finished/approved in time, I'll have my costumes from the 501st and Rebel Legions to maybe wear. An Imperial Crewman/Reserve Pilot and an X-Wing Pilot.

    gigabrain on

    3DS Friend Code: 3926-5491-9247
  • aikoeaikoe Registered User regular
    Given that I only wore Sheik for about two hours last year, I might fix the incredibly painful part of it and bring it along this year. I'm not making anything new, though. PAX was honestly way too big and way too busy for me to comfortably be in a costume, so I don't want to spend a lot of money making new costumes only to leave them in the hotel.

    PAX East 2014: 3-Day Pass [X] | Hotel Room [X] | Transportation [X] | Time Off [X] | Costume [ ]
  • thorshaukthorshauk Registered User regular
    I'm planning on going as Jade Curtiss from Tales of the Abyss. My friend is doing Guy. I haven't found anyone else to join us.

  • AnjiAnji Registered User new member
    I'm looking at doing fatigues or casual fem!Shep - got a lot of working out to do and not a lot of money.

  • AaronCAaronC Enforcer - Lieutenant Portland OregonRegistered User regular
    I stole this from the Prime threads, it is important information for East. If the OP would copy this to his first post that would be great.

    Are there really that many people that cosplay for PAX?
    There are enough of us that you are reading this thread!

    I'm not sure if I want to dress up, what do you think?

    Dressing up is a personal choice. No one will yell at your choice either way.

    Does my costume have to be video game related?
    No not at all! There are a wide variety of costumes from all themes in geek culture from Doctor Who to Power Rangers, anime to video games! If you want to wear a costume then do it!

    I am a beginer at costume making, any advice?
    Many people will have many different things to say about this. At the heart of it all is to stick to your comfort zone. Never sewn a thing in your life? Don't make a full Princess Peach gown complete with plush Toad. Start out with something simple enough that you can make it and make it well enough for YOU to be proud of. Don't get daunted by others, many people who do the large scale things have been at this a while. Also, nothing wrong with taking some pieces from your own wardrobe or the store and using them.

    I have a cool prop weapon, can I bring it!? (this is the biggest one of all so please read on carefully!)

    Please refer to these rules first and use common sense. If you ABSOLUTELY cannot find the answer to your question then please direct questions in a message to AaronC who is the security manager of PAX
    Do not flood him with questions if your answer can be found here!!!

    The official policy is as follows:


    - It fires or can fire any sort of projectile. {Nerf guns are only allowed if they have been deactivated and can not fire)

    - It is airsoft, even if deactivated

    - It looks like a real firearm at "second glance." (Yes, even if it's a kid's toy.)

    - It's sharp or pointy enough to cut or pierce someone with moderate pressure. This includes all real swords, daggers and knives. It also includes ceramic blades, needles, syringes and anything that can pierce such as a Little Sister syringe made of wood.

    - Bats are allowed as long as you don't go around hitting people with em. "Bats are ok. Don't be a dick with them."

    Please note that, Little Sister syringes that are made of wood are not allowed because you can accidentally poke someone, especially in the Expo hall. If the syringe part is made of rubber instead it would be totally acceptable.

    Foam props are perfectly acceptable and are very popular. These are a good choice since they can't hurt, can be made to look very good, and are totally accepted by the convention center and TSA.

    The method of checking will be a booth located in a TBD place. It will be staffed by enforcers from 1 hour prior to the show to the close of Expo Hall. All attendees who have costume weapons will be directed there. The Security Management Team will also be checking the exterior line and the expo line before the doors open to alleviate any delay for people who show up before the show opens.

    Anyone who has a costume weapon needs to be verified. NO EXCEPTIONS!

    Attendees whose weapons are allowed will have to show that they have been checked and Ok'd. If an attendee's weapon is approved they will receive BOTH a zip tie (color TBA) placed on the weapon and a sticker on the back of their badge with a short description of the item and the name of the Enforcer who checked it. Any Enforcer can verify to if the weapon has been checked and that you have a sticker and zip tie on it. Please note that zip ties will be placed on the prop in an area of your choice. It must remain secure but it can be in an area that can be covered for photos.

    If you bring something in that's not allowed or not approved you will be politely required to leave, stow the offending item in your vehicle/hotel room/etc, and then return. If you have any doubt as to whether your prop weapon falls under these restrictions - it probably does. Err on the side of caution!

  • CARTER-A259CARTER-A259 Registered User regular
    PAX does tend to have one of the strictest props policies among conventions. Its unfortunate, considering the general older general age and higher maturity level of attendees.

    My group will be trying to figure out how to do a Resident Evil group without any prop firearms.

  • ArcanicEightArcanicEight Registered User regular
    Hey all! For once, I have a selection of costumes for this upcoming PAX East. Tell me which ones I should try out:

    1. BLU Spy from TF2. I did this last year, and much to my amusement, a lot of people liked it. This was my second time doing a cosplay ever and I have to say, I was thrilled at the picture taking. So I may bring this one back.

    2. Naked Snake from Metal Gear Solid 3. All I need now is the headband and the belts with pouches. I have an eyepatch and some BDUs and combat boots. Maybe get better gloves. And a beard that actually grows in...:P

    3. Ezio from Assassin's Creed 2. This is only happening if I can fix the hood AT THE VERY LEAST. The rest of it looks kind of bad quality but I really want to try it out.

    4. Bane from The Dark Knight Rises. Just need to get the mask. Would people care if I didn't shave my head bald or would that ruin the whole thing?

    5. Slenderman. This is probably my personal favorite and my newest complete costume. Sort of a video game character now, right?

    6. Leon Kennedy. I could either do his new look in RE6 (Leather Jacket and red shirt is all I have basically...), OR I can try and do what I did my first PAX and do a RPD uniform.

    7. Mario. BUT...a hipster version of him. Red plaid, overalls, red plaid fedora, lensless glasses, etc.

    Thoughts? Suggestions?

  • tvethiopiatvethiopia Salem MARegistered User regular
    so i'm definitely going to be doing a femme 11th doctor, since i'm putting that costume together now for a sci-fi halloween party.

    additionally, @ArcanicEight 's hipster mario is so brilliant it's making me consider a hipster daisy. i ALWAYS want to do a daisy variant but have never actually made it happen. we should assemble a whole gang of hipster mario characters!

    <3 Daintier. Smarter. Better dressed. <3
  • ArcanicEightArcanicEight Registered User regular
    tvethiopia wrote: »
    so i'm definitely going to be doing a femme 11th doctor, since i'm putting that costume together now for a sci-fi halloween party.

    additionally, @ArcanicEight 's hipster mario is so brilliant it's making me consider a hipster daisy. i ALWAYS want to do a daisy variant but have never actually made it happen. we should assemble a whole gang of hipster mario characters!

    Looks like I have one out of three confirmed costumes then! (Assuming I do one costume each day, haha) I'd be delighted to see more people join in.

  • JindraxJindrax Registered User regular
    edited October 2012
    Well, I plan on bringing the repaired zora armor to pax east. When I brought it to Prime, I found out that the glue I originally used wasn't very good at standing up to light abuse. Some of the scales fell off and the velcro on the tunic came off.

    Though, I've got some of the repairs done. I plan on rebuilding the sword and scabbard so that they aren't as thick. I'm trying to build the helm at the moment. Wonderflex and friendly plastic have been working so far. Getting the shape and scale of it has been difficult. If I have time, I think I might try to make a green tunic link costume for something that is a bit more simpler.
    Helm Progress:

    Jindrax on
  • ThemiscyraThemiscyra Registered User regular
    My Pink Mighty Morphin' Power Ranger costume should be ready well before then, so I'll probably be wearing it on Friday - and I'm stoked about that, but I'm giving serious thought to trying to hire an assistant for the day so I'll have someone to hold my stuff while I'm posing for pictures, hand out contact cards, etc. For Saturday, I'm thinking I may go with my steampunk airship captain ensemble, which I'm premiering this Halloween, though I may need to look into some different weapons, as the ones I have may not fit the criteria (the gun is cast resin and can't fire, and isn't really a realistic design, but might be conceivably be mistaken for an actual firearm on a glance or two; the dagger/short sword is hard plastic and might conceivably scrape someone, though it'd probably take some effort). And for Sunday I may do my dark faerie queen costume from last year (crown's crooked in both these pictures -- I fixed it later, but still haven't found any pictures where it's on straight):

    PAX EAST 2011 Omegathon Finalist - PAX East 2012 Omeganaut
    After time adrift among open stars
    Among tides of light and to shoals of dust
    I will return to where I began
  • MidniteBlazeMidniteBlaze Registered User new member
    I was Lotta Hart from the Ace Attorney/Phoenix Wright games this past year, and that was a lot of fun since it was my first time cosplaying! I'm going to try to be another character from the series this time, but if nothing else then I'll just wear my "OBJECTION!" t-shirt.. ;-) haha

  • MaiuMaiu Registered User regular
    First year I was a pirate from WoW, second year I was a Team Rocket grunt, third year I was the female starter from Pokemon Black and White. This year I am so lost on what I want to do. I was thinking Magda from D3, then Aela from Skyrim, and then Nightmare Moon from MLP. I think I'd like to do something that's a group cosplay, but with enough freedom that I can wander on my own two. So many and yet so few ideas... u.u

  • thorshaukthorshauk Registered User regular
    My other plan is to be the Hero from Dragon Quest VIII. I want to bring my slime plush with me.

  • LadySnip3rLadySnip3r Registered User regular
    edited December 2012
    Some of you might know me from last year. I went as Aela the Huntress from Skyrim on Friday, Female Cog from Gears of War on Saturday, and Lara Croft on Sunday.

    I'll be simplifying my cosplay schedule this year and just cosplaying the entire weekend as Maya from Borderlands 2. I'll put up some progress shots on here, but if you want to track my progress more check out my (link removed) . Really excited for this costume as I've been putting in tons of hours into the game already.

    I'll also be accompanied by a Handsome Jack, Mordecai (B2), and Gaige (Possibly more characters too!) - If anyone else is dressing up from Borderlands 2, we should all meet up :)

    zerzhul on

  • hatoshatos Registered User new member
    Hi everyone! Long time cosplayer, first time pax-goer :D
    I'm planing to cosplay from League of Legends. Trying to decide between 3 or so characters.

    Two questions though.. (and pardon me if they should be asked in the questions thread, for they seemed more cosplay specific)
    Is there a place to check bags onsite? I live close enough that buying a hotel isn't worth it, I'd like to bring everything in a suitcase and change there.
    Also, lol specific, which day is the league of legends cosplay show? In the past it's been day 3 and I don't know if that ever changes?

  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    The BCEC runs a fantastic bag check. No clue on your other question.

This discussion has been closed.