I saw earlier in the thread that someone was considering rolling as Bane, but couldn't get a mask to work. I'm new to the cosplay thing and I'm not sure what constitutes as a faux pas (is buying a mask from Amazon okay, or is it frowned upon to not have it custom?)
Anyway, here's a couple pics:
Can't wait for this year! Missed out on the 3-days, so I only got Fri and Sat tix.
That was me. It's not that I'm against buying it online, but I just wanted to make my own/make it look real good. The only ones I've seen online were either the all rubber ones that were cheap or the $200 ones. I didn't (and can't afford) want to go with the expensive option and I like my cosplays to be somewhat authentic. I tried making the mask but it wasn't turning out well, so I'm resorting to my Max Payne one (not doing Barry Burton either )
Excited to see everyones cosplays for pax east this year!
This is my lineup for this years, quite excited for it hopefully I get everything done on time!
I'll be doing a mini PS All Stars group with a couple of my friends. I'm bringing back my good Cole MacGrath cosplay from last year, one of my buds is going as Nathan Drake and the other as new Dante.
Another friend of mine will be joining our group as Parappa the Rapper. If anyone wants in just let me know.
This PS All Stars group is growing by the minute. Got a guy who says he may do Emmett Graves from Starhawk.
Still undecided if I'm going to do Cole all 3 days or if I'm going to do Jake Muller (Resident Evil 6) on Saturday like originally planned.
"I don't know if you've ever let someone down, got your ass kicked or straight up failed. But those are the moments that define us. They push you further than you've ever thought possible, and force you to make choices. No matter what the cost."
— Cole MacGrath, as he and his allies made their way to New Marais.
I am. My Enforcer handle is EvilGenius. I have been a member of the Enforcer Security team for the past two PAX East's and will be heading up the security team this year. I will attempt to help in answering any questions people may have. Thank you!
Do I have to be present before the event opens to have my weapons inspected? Or can I show up at anytime?
I am. My Enforcer handle is EvilGenius. I have been a member of the Enforcer Security team for the past two PAX East's and will be heading up the security team this year. I will attempt to help in answering any questions people may have. Thank you!
Do I have to be present before the event opens to have my weapons inspected? Or can I show up at anytime?
You can show up anytime. Last year I had my foam mace inspected right after I walked in the main doors. There are enforcers there who will ask to see your weapon and will pass it (if it does).
I am. My Enforcer handle is EvilGenius. I have been a member of the Enforcer Security team for the past two PAX East's and will be heading up the security team this year. I will attempt to help in answering any questions people may have. Thank you!
Do I have to be present before the event opens to have my weapons inspected? Or can I show up at anytime?
You can show up anytime. Last year I had my foam mace inspected right after I walked in the main doors. There are enforcers there who will ask to see your weapon and will pass it (if it does).
maybe should just post some pics of what I plan on bringing to get a general idea if it's allowed or not
Looking for people to join the league of evil steampunk cosplay. Feel free to dress as a villain in any of the subgenra's of steampunk. Can even be villains of cartoons, comics, and games but must be steampunk. If you want more info message me.
Hi all, just wanted to throw a 'thank you' out there for everyone who's posted thus far. The thread has been really helpful to a cosplay newbie, and a newbie to Pax, too. I'm trying my hand at First Mate Hawk from Warmachine... if all goes well, she should be wandering around the convention in some form of piratical glory, maybe on Saturday. Looking forward to seeing everyone's work!
I'm a little late to the party, but I've got a few bits of cosplay news.
I will be attending all three days as both of these two excessively attractive gentlemen:
"Garen: The Might of Demacia" from League of Legends
"Master Assassin Ezio Auditore" from Assassin's Creed II
I will also be accompanied by a lovely young lady who has these two strikingly beautiful ensembles:
"Ahri: The Nine-Tailed Fox" from League of Legends
"Marian Hawke" from Dragon Age II
We hope to see you all there, especially League, Bioware, and Ubisoft cosplayers.
Geno Garon on
AyumiNiniHello, I'm addicted to LoL and Wow....New YorkRegistered Usernew member
Cosplay List...
Lilith- Darkstalkers (95%)
Syndra- League of Legends (15%)
Elise- League of Legends (0%)
Zyra- League of Legends (10%)
I'm going to be there as Zyra from League of Legends, accompanied by my Fiance who will be going as Taric. Message me if any other LoL cosplayers wanted to meet up for pictures!
I saw earlier in the thread that someone was considering rolling as Bane, but couldn't get a mask to work. I'm new to the cosplay thing and I'm not sure what constitutes as a faux pas (is buying a mask from Amazon okay, or is it frowned upon to not have it custom?)
Anyway, here's a couple pics:
Can't wait for this year! Missed out on the 3-days, so I only got Fri and Sat tix.
My 2 cents as the brother of a heavy cosplayer is that buying certain pieces is more than ok. Not every cosplayer is a jack of all trades that can make every aspect of every costume from scratch after all.
Plus doing commissions for people who want to buy something made by someone else when she's not working helps keep her able to afford food/rent/her own costume materials :P
Working on my Arcade Sona ... hair complete ... everything else still up in the air. Looking forward to some nice times. Working on a Graves as well ... if I have time for his second costume for the weekend
I'll be wearing my Half-Life 2 Civil Protection costume (probably only Saturday 'cause it's as hot as the inferno in that thing), and my girlfriend will be a resistance member. Any other Valve cosplayers interested in doing a meetup?
Working on my Arcade Sona ... hair complete ... everything else still up in the air. Looking forward to some nice times. Working on a Graves as well ... if I have time for his second costume for the weekend
A friend and I are going as Guqin Sona and Silent Night Sona.
I hope we see each other at some point!
Also, in general, we would love to meet up with other League cosplayers and do pictures and some point.
Working on my Arcade Sona ... hair complete ... everything else still up in the air. Looking forward to some nice times. Working on a Graves as well ... if I have time for his second costume for the weekend
A friend and I are going as Guqin Sona and Silent Night Sona.
I hope we see each other at some point!
Also, in general, we would love to meet up with other League cosplayers and do pictures and some point.
Hey everyone! I'll be dressed as Mad Moxxi from Borderlands on Saturday! Looking forward to meeting other BLands cosplayers and seeing awesome costumes in general
I saw earlier in the thread that someone was considering rolling as Bane, but couldn't get a mask to work. I'm new to the cosplay thing and I'm not sure what constitutes as a faux pas (is buying a mask from Amazon okay, or is it frowned upon to not have it custom?)
I like it dude!
Anyway, here's a couple pics:
Can't wait for this year! Missed out on the 3-days, so I only got Fri and Sat tix.
My 2 cents as the brother of a heavy cosplayer is that buying certain pieces is more than ok. Not every cosplayer is a jack of all trades that can make every aspect of every costume from scratch after all.
Plus doing commissions for people who want to buy something made by someone else when she's not working helps keep her able to afford food/rent/her own costume materials :P
Even though its not technically cosplay I will be wearing a red sports jacket and balck pants. Everything including my bag will be red and black I will have a virtual boy strapped to my head
Not sure what the policies are, but last year my group met up with a shirtless guy painted in blue and in shorts as Machoke. Saw him a few times at the convention and seemed he had no troubles.
Some of you might know me from last year. I went as Aela the Huntress from Skyrim on Friday, Female Cog from Gears of War on Saturday, and Lara Croft on Sunday.
I'll be simplifying my cosplay schedule this year and just cosplaying the entire weekend as Maya from Borderlands 2. I'll put up some progress shots on here, but if you want to track my progress more check out my (link removed) . Really excited for this costume as I've been putting in tons of hours into the game already.
I'll also be accompanied by a Handsome Jack, Mordecai (B2), and Gaige (Possibly more characters too!) - If anyone else is dressing up from Borderlands 2, we should all meet up
Im attempting to cosplay as a Midget Psycho because im young and short but i cant paper mache. Hopefully i'll have my mom do it or i just wont be able to do it.
Hey all! For once, I have a selection of costumes for this upcoming PAX East. Tell me which ones I should try out:
1. BLU Spy from TF2. I did this last year, and much to my amusement, a lot of people liked it. This was my second time doing a cosplay ever and I have to say, I was thrilled at the picture taking. So I may bring this one back.
2. Naked Snake from Metal Gear Solid 3. All I need now is the headband and the belts with pouches. I have an eyepatch and some BDUs and combat boots. Maybe get better gloves. And a beard that actually grows in...:P
3. Ezio from Assassin's Creed 2. This is only happening if I can fix the hood AT THE VERY LEAST. The rest of it looks kind of bad quality but I really want to try it out.
4. Bane from The Dark Knight Rises. Just need to get the mask. Would people care if I didn't shave my head bald or would that ruin the whole thing?
5. Slenderman. This is probably my personal favorite and my newest complete costume. Sort of a video game character now, right?
6. Leon Kennedy. I could either do his new look in RE6 (Leather Jacket and red shirt is all I have basically...), OR I can try and do what I did my first PAX and do a RPD uniform.
7. Mario. BUT...a hipster version of him. Red plaid, overalls, red plaid fedora, lensless glasses, etc.
Thoughts? Suggestions?
I'd say either Leon or Naked Snake! I saw Slenderman this halloween. My friends hugged him :P
Hey all! For once, I have a selection of costumes for this upcoming PAX East. Tell me which ones I should try out:
1. BLU Spy from TF2. I did this last year, and much to my amusement, a lot of people liked it. This was my second time doing a cosplay ever and I have to say, I was thrilled at the picture taking. So I may bring this one back.
2. Naked Snake from Metal Gear Solid 3. All I need now is the headband and the belts with pouches. I have an eyepatch and some BDUs and combat boots. Maybe get better gloves. And a beard that actually grows in...:P
3. Ezio from Assassin's Creed 2. This is only happening if I can fix the hood AT THE VERY LEAST. The rest of it looks kind of bad quality but I really want to try it out.
4. Bane from The Dark Knight Rises. Just need to get the mask. Would people care if I didn't shave my head bald or would that ruin the whole thing?
5. Slenderman. This is probably my personal favorite and my newest complete costume. Sort of a video game character now, right?
6. Leon Kennedy. I could either do his new look in RE6 (Leather Jacket and red shirt is all I have basically...), OR I can try and do what I did my first PAX and do a RPD uniform.
7. Mario. BUT...a hipster version of him. Red plaid, overalls, red plaid fedora, lensless glasses, etc.
Thoughts? Suggestions?
I'd say either Leon or Naked Snake! I saw Slenderman this halloween. My friends hugged him :P
Hi All, I have a humble request. Is there anyone here who can help me style my wig in an updo? I am doing a steampunk X-Men Jean Grey costume and I have a long red wig for it, but I have no idea how to style it. Would be happy to trade in food or pay you for your time. Thanks!
I'd say either Leon or Naked Snake! I saw Slenderman this halloween. My friends hugged him :P
Hmm...so I think my three costumes may have to be Simon Petrikov, Leon, and either Naked Snake or my version of a modern Assassin. Decisions...
I'll help you get the remainder of the Naked Snake outfit/let you use some of my stuff that I used for my Naked Snake outfit a few years back. I can get the stuff from my store for super cheap.
Also, when you get back home we can sketch out the modern assassin outfit.
@shiloh: remember your gears piece at otakon a few years back. your armors are always awe inspiring, and this one is just as good if not better.
Bad maw is finished, I ran a test run at a local con and it looks okay. I'll see all of you borderlands people around, and if I find that psycho midget I will chase him around. I Hate Midgets!
Long time lurker, first time poster. I went last year in my twilight princess Zelda costume. This year, I will be going as my own version of Dovakiin from Skyrim. My boyfriend will be going in his Vault 101 jumpsuit (yay Bethesda!). We're only going on Friday. I'm making the costume out of faux fur, wonderflex, and papermache. Updating will be done on my blog if anyone is interested. CC welcome!
I finally decided that I will feel like an idiot if I don't wear last year's OOT Sheik costume. I spent a year working on it (off and on), then barely wore it at all because I sized the turban wrong and it gave me a wicked headache. I think I had it on all of two hours on Friday and was in a panel for most of that. I found all the pieces lying around, so I guess it's a sign. I'll be wearing it on Saturday, so feel free to stop me and say hi! I'd love to take pictures with other LOZ cosplayers.
I would wear Lucca again, but the helmet had a slight accident on the way home and, uh, is in pieces.
PAX East 2014: 3-Day Pass [X] | Hotel Room [X] | Transportation [X] | Time Off [X] | Costume [ ]
JonnyRuckusBest in the World/GhostbusterNew HampshireRegistered Userregular
I think I'm going to go as a female version of Marty McFly for one of the days, then a pokeball for the other day. I'm not sure if the pokeball would be a lame idea though. Thoughts?
That was me. It's not that I'm against buying it online, but I just wanted to make my own/make it look real good. The only ones I've seen online were either the all rubber ones that were cheap or the $200 ones. I didn't (and can't afford) want to go with the expensive option and I like my cosplays to be somewhat authentic. I tried making the mask but it wasn't turning out well, so I'm resorting to my Max Payne one (not doing Barry Burton either
This is my lineup for this years, quite excited for it hopefully I get everything done on time!
This PS All Stars group is growing by the minute. Got a guy who says he may do Emmett Graves from Starhawk.
Still undecided if I'm going to do Cole all 3 days or if I'm going to do Jake Muller (Resident Evil 6) on Saturday like originally planned.
— Cole MacGrath, as he and his allies made their way to New Marais.
Do I have to be present before the event opens to have my weapons inspected? Or can I show up at anytime?
You can show up anytime. Last year I had my foam mace inspected right after I walked in the main doors. There are enforcers there who will ask to see your weapon and will pass it (if it does).
maybe should just post some pics of what I plan on bringing to get a general idea if it's allowed or not
It would present no issue at all.
I will be attending all three days as both of these two excessively attractive gentlemen:
"Garen: The Might of Demacia" from League of Legends
"Master Assassin Ezio Auditore" from Assassin's Creed II
I will also be accompanied by a lovely young lady who has these two strikingly beautiful ensembles:
"Ahri: The Nine-Tailed Fox" from League of Legends
"Marian Hawke" from Dragon Age II
We hope to see you all there, especially League, Bioware, and Ubisoft cosplayers.
Lilith- Darkstalkers (95%)
Syndra- League of Legends (15%)
Elise- League of Legends (0%)
Zyra- League of Legends (10%)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Daniellecosplay
Twitter page: http://www.twitter.com/designbybonnie
My 2 cents as the brother of a heavy cosplayer is that buying certain pieces is more than ok. Not every cosplayer is a jack of all trades that can make every aspect of every costume from scratch after all.
Plus doing commissions for people who want to buy something made by someone else when she's not working helps keep her able to afford food/rent/her own costume materials :P
mod: edited out bad link
A friend and I are going as Guqin Sona and Silent Night Sona.
I hope we see each other at some point!
Also, in general, we would love to meet up with other League cosplayers and do pictures and some point.
That's a lot of Sona action!
Love it
@AaronC - what's the rules regarding shirtless men? A buddy of mine wants to do a costume but asked me to check on this before he started it.
I'd say either Leon or Naked Snake! I saw Slenderman this halloween. My friends hugged him :P
I'd say either Leon or Naked Snake! I saw Slenderman this halloween. My friends hugged him :P
Hmm...so I think my three costumes may have to be Simon Petrikov, Leon, and either Naked Snake or my version of a modern Assassin. Decisions...
I'll help you get the remainder of the Naked Snake outfit/let you use some of my stuff that I used for my Naked Snake outfit a few years back. I can get the stuff from my store for super cheap.
Also, when you get back home we can sketch out the modern assassin outfit.
Bad maw is finished, I ran a test run at a local con and it looks okay. I'll see all of you borderlands people around, and if I find that psycho midget I will chase him around. I Hate Midgets!
mod edit: removed blog link, removed embedded image.
I would wear Lucca again, but the helmet had a slight accident on the way home and, uh, is in pieces.