Virginia: North enough to be hated by the South and South enough to be hated by the North



  • monikermoniker Registered User regular
    Biden can unilaterally Reschedule cannabis so that it gets legally treated as something less dangerous, like cocaine or meth. Which is probably going to happen at some point before 2022.

  • ChanusChanus Harbinger of the Spicy Rooster Apocalypse The Flames of a Thousand Collapsed StarsRegistered User regular

    The VA Supreme Court has ruled in favor of the city of Charlottesville today in the fight over Confederate monuments. Justices disagreed with the lower court's decision that kept the Lee and Jackson monuments standing.

    Whitney Evans is a legal reporter for Virginia Public Media

    Allegedly a voice of reason.
  • MazzyxMazzyx Comedy Gold Registered User regular
    Elvenshae wrote: »

    Fairfax hasn't moved to 1C but did open up the rest of 1B. But this is good as if I can't get an appointment for the GF in Fairfax I can get it in a near by area.

  • PantsBPantsB Fake Thomas Jefferson Registered User regular
    edited April 2021
    From Facebook: Voicemail reportedly left by Amanda Chase urges recipient to be a sister in Christ before calling her a bitch (listen to the end). #VApolitics #VAGov

    Weak ass little "....bitch" at the end LOL

    edit Just to be clear this is a Jan 6 involved MAGAt Republican candidate for Governor.

    PantsB on
    QEDMF xbl: PantsB G+
  • XaquinXaquin Right behind you!Registered User regular
    yep that message tracks alright

  • ChanusChanus Harbinger of the Spicy Rooster Apocalypse The Flames of a Thousand Collapsed StarsRegistered User regular
    i dunno what it is about people who constantly tell you they are conservative christians that they also are in every single way the exact kinds of people their Bible tells you not to be

    Allegedly a voice of reason.
  • XaquinXaquin Right behind you!Registered User regular
    they say words on sunday, duh

    that means they can do whatever like the bible says

  • spool32spool32 Contrary Library Registered User regular
    Chanus wrote: »
    ChaosHat wrote: »
    Chanus wrote: »
    ChaosHat wrote: »
    It is decriminalized already isn't it?

    my fault for using a protected term

    decriminalization happened last summer but there's still a small civil penalty for being caught with it

    i want to see no legal ramifications at all

    I wasn't aware that was the case, so this was still helpful. I thought it was no penalties for possession under a certain amount.

    it's a $25 fine if you have up to an ounce

    above that i don't see where the legal penalty has changed

    $25 civil penalty is basically nothing but it also is not nothing, and i don't think that's good enough

    It probably comes with a $400 fine for late payment and a bench warrant, then a failure to appear charge, and you end up in jail for a week and out $1000.

  • ChanusChanus Harbinger of the Spicy Rooster Apocalypse The Flames of a Thousand Collapsed StarsRegistered User regular
    edited April 2021
    spool32 wrote: »
    Chanus wrote: »
    ChaosHat wrote: »
    Chanus wrote: »
    ChaosHat wrote: »
    It is decriminalized already isn't it?

    my fault for using a protected term

    decriminalization happened last summer but there's still a small civil penalty for being caught with it

    i want to see no legal ramifications at all

    I wasn't aware that was the case, so this was still helpful. I thought it was no penalties for possession under a certain amount.

    it's a $25 fine if you have up to an ounce

    above that i don't see where the legal penalty has changed

    $25 civil penalty is basically nothing but it also is not nothing, and i don't think that's good enough

    It probably comes with a $400 fine for late payment and a bench warrant, then a failure to appear charge, and you end up in jail for a week and out $1000.

    well it's sounding like all that is ending July 1 now

    legislature votes on the Governor's amendment on Tuesday to make anything under an ounce legal

    Chanus on
    Allegedly a voice of reason.
  • ChanusChanus Harbinger of the Spicy Rooster Apocalypse The Flames of a Thousand Collapsed StarsRegistered User regular
    tuesday? thursday

    next week anyhow

    Allegedly a voice of reason.
  • ChanusChanus Harbinger of the Spicy Rooster Apocalypse The Flames of a Thousand Collapsed StarsRegistered User regular

    July 1 my droogs
    Virginia’s Democrat-controlled General Assembly passed a bill legalizing the possession of small amounts of marijuana on Wednesday.

    Under Virginia’s new law, people aged 21 and over can possess an ounce or less of marijuana beginning on July 1, 2021. Gov. Ralph Northam’s original timeline called for a Jan. 1, 2024 start to legalization. He later amended the date under pressure from criminal justice advocates.

    VPM is Virginia PBS

    Allegedly a voice of reason.
  • MazzyxMazzyx Comedy Gold Registered User regular
    Chanus wrote: »

    July 1 my droogs
    Virginia’s Democrat-controlled General Assembly passed a bill legalizing the possession of small amounts of marijuana on Wednesday.

    Under Virginia’s new law, people aged 21 and over can possess an ounce or less of marijuana beginning on July 1, 2021. Gov. Ralph Northam’s original timeline called for a Jan. 1, 2024 start to legalization. He later amended the date under pressure from criminal justice advocates.

    VPM is Virginia PBS

    So 18-24 months for licensing to be set up but someone actually tried to fix one of the issues of legalization traditionally where those most hurt by the war on drugs are least likely to profit from legal selling.
    The bill specifies a category of “social equity” applicants, such as people who’ve been charged with marijauana-related offenses or who graduated from historically black colleges and universities. Those entrepreneurs will be given preference when the state grants licensing.

    Mike Thomas, a 36 year-old Black hemp cultivator who served jail time for marijuana possession, said those entrepreneurs deserved special attention. Thomas said he looked forward to offering his own line of organic, craft cannabis.

    “It's a happy feeling that I don't have to see my children or any young kids or anyone else grow up and have to be punished and penalized for something that's not a drug,” Thomas said.

  • ChanusChanus Harbinger of the Spicy Rooster Apocalypse The Flames of a Thousand Collapsed StarsRegistered User regular
    also of note Joe "It's Complicated" Morrissey strongarmed a pledge to work toward ending mandatory minimum sentencing in order to get his vote for this

    Allegedly a voice of reason.
  • CoinageCoinage Heaviside LayerRegistered User regular
    Argh Northam endorsed Terry. Imagine finally abolishing the death penalty in your term and then endorsing the guy who executed William Charles Morva

    Happiness is within reach!
  • ChanusChanus Harbinger of the Spicy Rooster Apocalypse The Flames of a Thousand Collapsed StarsRegistered User regular
    i am preparing to be supremely disappointed at having to vote for McAuliffe in November

    Allegedly a voice of reason.
  • CoinageCoinage Heaviside LayerRegistered User regular
    During the debate Fairfax said he was treated like George Floyd and Emmett Till so it could be worse, I guess

    Happiness is within reach!
  • MillMill Registered User regular
    Yeah, I think too many people on the left jumped into the primary, while McAuliffe doesn't seem to have much, if any, competition for votes from the center and center-left. This was a big fear I had, at the end of last year when I started seeing people put their name into the ring for the democratic governor's primary. Really, wish ranked voting was a thing because it's a bit frustrating that we get plenty of candidates that win because soo many people run. Like I'd have less of an issue, in most cases (not cases where shitheads like Trump win), if ranked voting was a thing because at least even if someone wasn't the fist choice of the majority, they weren't going to be the last choice of a the majority of voters either. I'd also argue it really discourages the shit practices the GOP does, where they start to not care about voters that will never vote for them because when you need to eventually gat 50%+1 vote, you can ill afford to be an outright asshole. Otherwise, you risk creating a scenario where someone else gets that 50%+1 vote setup.

    Fairfax is pretty much done at this point. If he had any sense of shame, he would have just quietly opted not to run this year or any year after.

  • ChanusChanus Harbinger of the Spicy Rooster Apocalypse The Flames of a Thousand Collapsed StarsRegistered User regular
    yeah Fairfax is a piece of shit

    Allegedly a voice of reason.
  • CoinageCoinage Heaviside LayerRegistered User regular
    I don't know if it would matter if McClennan or Foy dropped out, Terry has so much star power it's nearly insurmountable regardless, especially since money is even more powerful in a low turnout primary. And I'm an annoying person so I like Lee Carter but he's not getting any votes lol

    Happiness is within reach!
  • Captain InertiaCaptain Inertia Central OhioRegistered User regular
    edited April 2021
    Wait McAuliffe can be governor again?

    Edit. Ok

    Captain Inertia on
  • ChanusChanus Harbinger of the Spicy Rooster Apocalypse The Flames of a Thousand Collapsed StarsRegistered User regular
    Wait McAuliffe can be governor again?

    in VA you just can't serve consecutive terms

    Allegedly a voice of reason.
  • MillMill Registered User regular
    It's a really stupid setup and there have been attempts to do away with it. I just hope that when they do get rid of it, they make sure to keep it at no more than two terms. I'd prefer to avoid the "dear leader" problem at the state level. Legislative stuff, it isn't an issue because it's a body of multiple individuals. It's also a body where you don't want institutional knowledge to be the sole domain of interests that will lobby the government. Also most people in the legislature don't stick around forever, you get a few and everyone acts like it's the norm when it isn't.

    Granted before that dumb mess, I really want them to move us onto even year elections.

  • ChanusChanus Harbinger of the Spicy Rooster Apocalypse The Flames of a Thousand Collapsed StarsRegistered User regular
    this census thing would give the perfect opportunity to move to even year elections but i'm pretty sure the will to do it doesn't exist

    Allegedly a voice of reason.
  • MillMill Registered User regular
    So the GOP is holding their shit show of a convention today, which just ended over 90 minutes ago.

    They are selecting candidates for all three statewide offices: Governor, Lt Governor and AG. They'll announce AG candidate tomorrow, Lt Governor on Monday and depending on how fast things go Governor candidate will be announce either Monday or Tuesday, Tuesday being the planned date.

    Why this is taking them so long. One, there setup is utterly half-assed. I explained it earlier in thread but here is the recap.

    -Not all votes are equal and votes are weighted.

    -Areas that republicans did well in last year and 2017 will have their votes counted for ore than areas where they did less well.

    -Also the state has been broken down into units with set votes.

    -They are doing ranked voting, which is the only no half-assed part of this process.

    In short, not all votes equal one vote. it is going to be some amount of the votes a unit has based on how many people turn out and how much weight that unit gets towards pick the winners. It's completely half-assed and rigged to ensure that the most rural bug fuck areas have the loudest voice on who wins. This round of bullshit will actually make the ranked voting aspect take longer and I wouldn't be surprised if part of the design here is to try and discredit the idea of rank voting when people get whiny about the process taking to long, when rank voting will have almost fuck all to do with that.

    The entire field has run on Trump's big lie bullshit and well since this is skewed to only really care about the most rural bug fuck areas because the whole setup is designed to ensure that "moderate" republicans have very little say in the process. Yes, I know someone will be like but VA has open primaries and most democrats live in the more population dense areas, so the GOP needed to prevent them from sabotaging their system. I'll point out that data indicates that few partisans bother to vote in the other party's primaries and even fewer make it a point to pick the worst candidate. As said, it's designed to ensure that what passes for moderate republican these days has less say in the process. Also I do believe that is only for primaries, I think for conventions like this they can exclude non-registered republicans.

    I'd have to look at the data but I want to say at least half of the state's registered republicans live in more population dense areas that their process is shutting out. So even before we get into how ludicrous this is because it's likely to pick a candidate that alienates most independent candidates. It's already a system doing it's best to alienate a good chunk of their own base as well.

    Finally, we might get an idea of how much Trump's big lie could hurt the GOP going forward. Chase, yes that psychopath, is already running with Trump's play book. She is pointing out that she should win because she is polling ahead of everyone else and there has been polling that indicates her own voters believe the system is rigged against her. So if she flops badly on the first round, it might have less to with polling be wrong about her popularity and more that her supporters didn't turn out because they felt she never had a chance. I don't think anyone has really done proper polling for accounting how ranked choice voting will work, seems like most polling is the traditional FPTP approach. So it's hard to say who wins because none o the candidates are even close to pulling 30% of the vote in the first round.

    Then again, there is the whole issue of this being so half-assed because of the weighting setup and that state being split into units that have a set number of votes. So quite possible that the person in first place does clear whatever the fuck qualifies as 50% + 1.

    Yeah, this is a shit show and it's probably going to get worse as we keep going. Maybe the VA GOP will wrest the title of most incompetent state political party in the US from the Florida Democratic party this year.

  • LanzLanz ...Za?Registered User regular
    Chase is, also, apparently telling her supporters to write her name in Every choice on the ranked ballot.

    Which just... how is that not going to end up spoiling them and backfiring hard?

  • CoinageCoinage Heaviside LayerRegistered User regular
    The best way to start a grifting career based on accusations of fraud is to do the fraud yourself

    Happiness is within reach!
  • FryFry Registered User regular
    Lanz wrote: »
    Chase is, also, apparently telling her supporters to write her name in Every choice on the ranked ballot.

    Which just... how is that not going to end up spoiling them and backfiring hard?

    I don't know the exact mechanics of how ranked choice works, but I would assume that that behavior isn't even a problem?

    1. Who has the fewest votes?
    2. Oh, it's Chase.
    3. Everyone who had Chase as their number one pick gets changed to their number two pick.
    4. Who has the fewest votes?
    5. Still Chase? Ok, change those voters to their number three pick.
    6. Keep going until nobody is still voting for Chase, them resume resolving the vote with the voters who aren't idiots

  • chrisnlchrisnl Registered User regular
    How different is the delegate allocation process for these Republican candidates when compared to something like a Presidential primary? I'm pretty sure the Democratic party doesn't assign delegates on a per capita basis, but rather uses some weird formula involving historical results and timing of the election in question.

    That's not to say that the Republican process isn't going to end up with some extreme candidates, because it probably will, but it's not terribly unusual for things like this to have allocation procedures that are not solely tied to population.

    That's also not to say that processes like that are in any way preferred, just that they aren't all that unusual. I personally think straight popular vote is the way to go.

  • FencingsaxFencingsax It is difficult to get a man to understand, when his salary depends upon his not understanding GNU Terry PratchettRegistered User regular
    edited May 2021
    chrisnl wrote: »
    How different is the delegate allocation process for these Republican candidates when compared to something like a Presidential primary? I'm pretty sure the Democratic party doesn't assign delegates on a per capita basis, but rather uses some weird formula involving historical results and timing of the election in question.

    That's not to say that the Republican process isn't going to end up with some extreme candidates, because it probably will, but it's not terribly unusual for things like this to have allocation procedures that are not solely tied to population.

    That's also not to say that processes like that are in any way preferred, just that they aren't all that unusual. I personally think straight popular vote is the way to go.

    The democrats just use delegate vote totals. All Virginia votes are worth the same.

    What the Republicans are doing is ludicrous.

    But for delegate counts, I believe it is based on population/electoral count.

    Fencingsax on
  • zepherinzepherin Russian warship, go fuck yourself Registered User regular
    edited May 2021
    I crossed the streams and a post ended in the wrong thread. Total protonic reversal.

    zepherin on
  • chrisnlchrisnl Registered User regular
    Fencingsax wrote: »
    chrisnl wrote: »
    How different is the delegate allocation process for these Republican candidates when compared to something like a Presidential primary? I'm pretty sure the Democratic party doesn't assign delegates on a per capita basis, but rather uses some weird formula involving historical results and timing of the election in question.

    That's not to say that the Republican process isn't going to end up with some extreme candidates, because it probably will, but it's not terribly unusual for things like this to have allocation procedures that are not solely tied to population.

    That's also not to say that processes like that are in any way preferred, just that they aren't all that unusual. I personally think straight popular vote is the way to go.

    The democrats just use delegate vote totals. All Virginia votes are worth the same.

    What the Republicans are doing is ludicrous.

    But for delegate counts, I believe it is based on population/electoral count.

    I agree that what the Republicans are doing here is ridiculous, because the statewide elections are pure popular vote. The DNC has an interesting formula that relies on both the share of the electoral votes a state has, and the share of the nationwide democratic popular vote the state averaged over the past three Presidential elections. The EV section gives increased influence to small states, while the PV section gives increased influence to states that have a history of supporting Democratic candidates for President. For the DNC this is a pretty rational allocation, since each state is its own election and if you don't win the popular vote in the state you don't win any EVs (except for Nebraska and Maine of course). I'm curious if the Virginia Republicans adopted something similar, despite it not making sense for a single election as opposed to the multitude of elections that the Presidential election is composed of. It sounds like they are giving extra influence to areas that have a history of going Republican, which has a good chance of resulting in candidates further to the right than a straight popular vote might give. I'm definitely not a fan of the way they are proceeding, since it is still possible that a Republican could win a statewide race and I would prefer candidates that are as close to my preferred positions as possible.

  • MillMill Registered User regular
    Lanz wrote: »
    Chase is, also, apparently telling her supporters to write her name in Every choice on the ranked ballot.

    Which just... how is that not going to end up spoiling them and backfiring hard?

    Chase is probably safe from her followers spoiling their ballots in this case. Three of the candidates insisted that things get hand counted because they by into the nonsense that the voting software will somehow be tampered to somehow disadvantage them. So unless he followers really fuck up their ballots, those ballots will only be counted for chase and if she gets knocked out round one, they cease to matter.

    Now this does beg the question that if round two has less votes, do they recalculate what all the votes are worth or will the do the sane thing, that will also help with time management, of assigning a value to each ballot in round one. That way the counting can be quicker.

    I hadn't realized that they were hand counting, so this is probably going to take longer than expected. :rotate:

    Also fun fact the total estimate of ballots for AG, which has been called yet, is 30,563 votes. I suppose there might be more for the more visible races, but I would be surprised if Governor had that much more if that does end up being the case. They expected around 54K. I don't know, neither number sounds great when we consider how many people voted for the republican in 2017.

    Also looks like the most far right candidate that ran for AG, Smith, will manage to squeak across the finish line. Though even if he doesn't, this appears close enough, that he could probably generate a massive shit storm over it and likely will.

  • ChanusChanus Harbinger of the Spicy Rooster Apocalypse The Flames of a Thousand Collapsed StarsRegistered User regular

    found this in my yard today. guess they missed the mailbox

    ngl pretty bold for the guy from four years ago running against two extremely qualified progressive black women

    Allegedly a voice of reason.
  • Captain CarrotCaptain Carrot Alexandria, VARegistered User regular
    I would not call Foy's handful of years practicing law and three years in the state House extremely qualified.

  • MillMill Registered User regular
    So the republican ticket is:

    -Jason Miyares for AG. They narrowly avoided the super obvious Trumper, but honestly this was the one state wide seat that I was most concerned about. AG is always the least visible seat of the three statewide races, thus it gets less votes than the other two. It's also likely the most susceptible to the dumbassery of "I'm afraid the government might do something, so let me put the other party in a spot where they might prevent it from actually getting shit done."

    -Winsome Sears for Lt Gov. She was Amanda Chase's pick for this spot and is fucking insane from what I've seen. She might actually bring the GOP down this fall depending on how unhinged she gets and how much attention she gets during those points. Also continued proof that the right hasn't learned a fucking thing about race relations. As in no hateful and racist fucks, it's not your skin color that keeps you from getting certain demographics to vote for you. It's your policies and throwing up a minority as the candidate backing those sit policies, will in fact not get you those minority votes.

    -Glenn Youngkin for Gov. Not Amanda Chase, but still really fucking vile. He doesn't openly show it, but there is concerned that since he isn't as open about his fuck awfulness people might peg him as reasonable.

    Worth noting that this entire ticket either outright buys Trump bullshit about last year's election or is quite willing to give it credence for their own ends. That right there is the most qualifying reason for why none of them have any business in government.

    One concern people have is that the republican might do better this year because people still think that a democrat in the white house means that people will feel less of a need to elect democrats elsewhere. We'll see if that proves true, I'm hoping people are still plenty energized and aware that things don't get better until the GOP isn't just kicked out of power, but kept out of power until they either fucking learn to not be fucking shit or someone else that isn't shit comes along to eat their lunch.

    Also on house of delegates news, apparently the democrats have a candidate lined up for all 100 seats. Link is worth a read because it has some relevance to races beyond the house of delegates. There is proof that there is a reverse coattail effect that happens. So even if some of the races are a guaranteed lock for the GOP, it could still boost the statewide races by giving democrats in deep red states even ore reason to turn out. Hell, I'd argue that the consultant class needs to fuck off.

    They've turned the whole campaign thing into a process where there is too much emphasis on candidates and too much emphasis on how we should only invest in seats that have really good prospects. It's the wrong mindset to take. Yes, funds are finite and you need to spend them right, but at the same time throwing a few bucks into some races, isn't about winning them. it's about setting yourself up to be in a better spot overall. It can help with higher offices by getting just a few more people out to vote because in a statewide race, it doesn't matter where the winning votes come from, what matters is that you have them. If throwing a few K into a race means you have piece in play in the even that the republican implodes, while also getting a few hundred more votes for the statewide offices. That isn't a bad deal overall. Hell, look at it as spending on the statewide race indirectly.

    Likewise as Lowell points out, it limits how the GOP can make use of their resources. If that few K dollars keeps republicans from campaigning in more competitive districts that is something. It also forces the GOP to have to play defense in many cases. With a challenger they now have to take a stance on how their going to vote and the stance they have to take might not be compatible in a competitive district. GOP candidate Racist Fuckwit might be able to get Joe Dogwhistle enough votes to win in District A if he never has to commit to a stance on "will you back a resolution telling Nazis to get fucked." Moment you get a democrat on the ticket, well Fuckwit might run into issues if his district is 55% Nazi and District A is 60% "Nazis should fuck off!". A challenger means he has to commit to a stance and he either makes his district very unhappy or he becomes toxic for Dogwhistle.

    I know it's not easy to find candidates that are going to likely sacrificial candidates but sometimes you need someone whose job isn't to win. It's to make sure that the other side has a harder time crossing the finish line for other races and also making sure that the other side has a harder time at building up strength.

    We'll see how this plays out. I'm hoping we don't see people withdraw. It would be good to have a good test run where the GOP doesn't get to have unchallenged races, since maybe that will convince more people elsewhere that they should be contesting every race they can.

  • MayabirdMayabird Pecking at the keyboardRegistered User regular
    Mill wrote: »
    Also on house of delegates news, apparently the democrats have a candidate lined up for all 100 seats. Link is worth a read because it has some relevance to races beyond the house of delegates. There is proof that there is a reverse coattail effect that happens. So even if some of the races are a guaranteed lock for the GOP, it could still boost the statewide races by giving democrats in deep red states even ore reason to turn out. Hell, I'd argue that the consultant class needs to fuck off.


    Also since the NY Times article about it is usually paywalled, here is the actual report about the 2020 reverse coattails effect. Howard Dean was right.

  • miscellaneousinsanitymiscellaneousinsanity grass grows, birds fly, sun shines, and brother, i hurt peopleRegistered User regular
    dem primary is today, get to votin

  • ElvenshaeElvenshae Registered User regular
    Yep! And some Republican ones, too, depending on your District.

    If you requested an absentee ballot and haven’t mailed it, you can drop it off at a local polling place, too!

  • ChanusChanus Harbinger of the Spicy Rooster Apocalypse The Flames of a Thousand Collapsed StarsRegistered User regular
    dem primary is today, get to votin

    imagine still voting on election day lel

    Allegedly a voice of reason.
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