Hey I tried to find a FAQ for ticket buying but I couldn't really find anything that answered my questions.
This will be mine and my friends first year trying to go down to PAX. All cons we have gone to have been on smaller scales so we have a little confusion on how to get tickets. I know they sell out really fast.
1. When do they announce tickets go on sale. I've heard that the just announce on twitter when they ARE on sale and you don't have any warning?
2. What is it done through? Is it ticketmaster?? Is it online only or can we call to buy tickets.
3. Is there a limit on how many you can buy. There are 4-6 of us going and our plan is just to get 1 person to pick up the tickets for all of us
Is there anything else I should know about buying tickets?
2. It is done through ShowClix (an account is made for you when you buy tickets), you can only buy tickets online
3. You can buy 4 full sets of passes, ie 4 4-day passes or 4-Friday, 4-Saturday, 4-Sunday, and 4-Monday passes (some people claim you can buy more by mixing 4-days and single day passes but they say 4 on the website when ordering and it's better safe than sorry since they have cancelled orders over the limit in the past)
Best way to get tickets is to follow the official PAX Twitter account and have it set up to send you a text whenever the account tweets
Tickets generally go on sale after East anytime in April - May during this time it highly recommended to have your credit card ready at all times
Prepare yourself for insanity, but it's a fun ride when you have company in the forums to go crazy with
Don't forget to book your hotel room the same time passes go on sale if you need one, this is done through OnPeak and will also be sent out through Twitter first, while all hotels are right near the convention center they do go insanely fast
Attendee: Prime 12,13,14 East 13
Is there a rough time of when they go on sale? Like generally is it at 10 am or does it vary alot?
And can you buy them online through mobile? Will it affect trying to get them vs going on a computer?
No... It comes when it comes.
You can. The only thing affecting you is your internet speed.
One last thing... The tickets last year were tweeted by one "Robert Khoo" https://twitter.com/rkhoo
It truly is the most magical time of the year.
The PAX badge waiting game is probably my favorite game to play.
Yes, generally they go on sale in the morning, Pacific time zone. Usually around 10am.
Here is my spreadsheet that keeps track of the history: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AilPyWyh2FlbdGtjaG1pYjlMWENKaEdxY2dGRU95V1E&usp=sharing
This is only a history though, and they could easily change it up this year.
Just make sure to follow twitter, that is the best way to be notified.
It seems like Wednesday's are your best bet (Because if I am not mistaken they go on sale on Wednesdays for the past few years) and shortly after PAX East they go on sale. I'd say anytime before a couple months after PAX East.
Attending: PAX Prime 2016
Twitter @Pogoplay
When does the site pop up so we can camp it? Like just shortly after east I assume?
With no LoL Regionals at PAX, will we see less demand? I don't think so, but it'll be interesting to see as so many people complained that LoL hurt the availability of tickets.
The other thing is the date tickets go on sale. They usually go on sale 1 month after PAX East, but last year they went on sale in the end of May. With PAX East being in early March this year we technically have a period of 2 months where the tickets could go on sale
Attended: PAX Prime 2010/'11/'12/'13/'14
Seriously, it's going to be a potentially trying wait this year.
There is a sheet that @SkeleVader did of all the times. I don't remember from that sheet them ever going on sale on the weekend.
Here is the spreadsheet.
No time is safe to sleep. Make sure you always have a back up plan.
No, tickets are not refundable.
mod edit: fixed by merging
Best tip: be online ALL THE TIME. Otherwise come hang out with the F5 club around here.
You already have.
The actual PAX Prime page.
I'd take that one step further and say the actual registration page :P http://prime.paxsite.com/registration
However, they are getting better at releasing tickets right when the tweet goes out so I mostly rely on the tweet for getting tickets. Everything else just helps ensure I am available to respond to that tweet.
Attended: PAX Prime 2010/'11/'12/'13/'14
I'll do you a solid.
If you don't browse with Chrome already, go ahead and get that installed.
Next, search for an extension called Refresh Monkey; go ahead and get that installed.
When you think its crunch time, set the extension to refresh the Registration page every 30 seconds. Leave that page open, and do nothing else until you procure tickets.
Again thank you. Actually I just thought of one more question. Sorry for spamming them ^ ^;
Does the PAX registration system work properly on a mobile versus a desktop? Like have issues been reported in the past? Cause due to time differences I'll most likely be in class when they open it so I'll have to use my mobile to have a chance.
This right here. I had a script running that checked the site every 15 seconds for changes.
i have been with my girlfriend for 8 years now and we are getting married this august. we have been bonding over penny arcade for years. we talked about it on our very first date and for years talked about going to pax for our honeymoon. the fact that she loved the idea is just one more way i knew she was the one. we never had money to go before but when it's your honeymoon it's a different story but when we started looking into the tickets and found out they sold out in less then an hour last year we started to panic. we really have no other back up idea for a honeymoon since this has been our dream vacation for all these years and this info makes me feel much better about our chances about getting to go.
i will be keeping an eye on everything here and maybe we will get to see some of you guys there!